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The Idea of Sociology of Lawand its
Relation to Law and to Sociology
John Griffiths
Inthebeginningthereshould alwaysbeaproblem.Mine concernswhat mightbe
called 'OneHundredYears ofConfusion'. Confusion aboutwhat sociology of
lawis,and in particularabour its relationship to lawand rosociology.Iam not
going to address the confusion itself and provide a SOrt ofintellectual history,
ciringallofthe chaptersand verseswhereircan beobserved. Everyonewith any
acquaintancewith sociologyoflawwillrecognizeatoncewhat Ihaveinmindand
I doubrthatspendingthe limitedspaceavailablehere belabouringthe obvious
wouldproveveryentertaining.WhatIshalladdress isnotthe confusion butits
Ishall formulate the solution at which I havearrived overthe past couple of
decadesin three related, non-obvious,and I hope in theirinter-relationshiprad-
ical,proposirions. Thefirstisthatsocialcontrol isconstitutiveofeverykindof
social group and is rherefore rhe foundational concept of sociology. The second is
rharsocialcontrol-not'law'-isrheproper subject ofsociologyoflaw. Andthe
rhird isrhar rhesociologyoflawisnot just one ofthe many sub-disciplines of
sociologyburthat partofsociologytharconcernsitselfwith theelementary'social
cement' presupposed byallsocial life.! I shall end with a short homily on the
importanceofsociologyoflawtoalegal scholarship that aspirestomorethanthe
Thereisobviouslynothingmodestabout suchanundertaking.Comingfroma
sociologistoflaw,the endeavour might beconsidered imperialist orevenmegalo-
maniac.'Sociology','socialcontrol'andtheconcept of'law'aresubjectsonwhich
manybookscouldbe,andhavebeen,written. Onewhoproposestopolishthem all
offat once in a fewpages cannot be denied a certain temerity even if he pretends to
CompareJ.Elster. Theem/nit (JfSociety. A StudyofSocial Ordn- (Cambridge, 1989). I
50 John Griffiths
What is Sociology ofLaw?
Let us begin with the seemingly simple question: 'What is sociology of law?'
Anyone who like me earns his living doing it is regularly confronted with this son
of naive curiosity. The 'sociologist of law' apparently enjoys a less well-defined
social image than the farmer or the lawyer. But however simple the question
sounds, giving a reasonably satisfactory answer is not simple at all and turns out to
have interesting ramifications,
Obviously, there is more than one possibleidea of'sociology oflaw' and therefore
more than one answer to the question what it is. None of them is the 'right' one,
though some may be more right than others. Insofar as they are mutually exclusive,
only the results of competition will ultimately permit a choice between them: the
proof of the intellectual pudding is in the eating.
I take the position that sociology
oflaw is an empirical social science about an observable socialphenomenon commonly
calkd 'law' and that the ultimate objective of the enterprise is the formulation and
testing of explanatory theory.3 I shall not address attention to other possible
approaches, which can undoubtedly be berter presented by those who hold them.
In my view, the shortest and at the same time complete and correct answer to
the question what sociology of law is, is that it is the sociological study oflaw. The
only problem with this is that whoever asked the question won't find such an
answer very enlightening. But the answer contains more than one might think,
including one proposition that is not at allself-evident at all: sociology oflaw is a
part ofsociology, not a son or a part oflega! scholarship.>We will see shortly how
important this is for the fundamental nature ofsociology oflaw.
2 As fur as I amconcerned. the 'eating' in this caseconsistsof the cumulation ofusefulknowledge:
of theoretical propositions thar are empirically resrableand have proven to be robust. I am in this
regard an unrepentant adherent of Karl Popper.
3 I havewritten elsewhereon the sociological poinr of viewin sociologyoflaw: J.Griffiths, 'Wat is
rechrssociologie?' [Whar issociologyof law?], in J.Griffiths (ed.), DeSociale Werking vanRecht (The
Social Working of Law] (Nijmegen, 1996). 1. I hope to return to that theme in the near future. In the
meantime, I shall simply take that point of viewfor granted in this chapter.
4 I should perhaps emphasize that while I take a rather relaxed. eclecticapproach to the what and
the howof observation. I do regard a socialscienceaslimired roobservablephenomena, ultimatelyto
human behaviour.To the extent the oft-heard claimthat 'becauselawis about valuesand interpreta-
tions', the sociologyoflaw musr thereforebe about such things tOO, is meant to gobeyond observable
phenomena (including posirivemorality), I reject the claim, at least in the sensethar I myselfuse the
expression'sociologyof law' in a different way. The point of the enterprise, as I see it, is not to 'grasp'
or to 'interpret' law,but to be able to explain it.
This isof course not meanr to deny the fact thar to an important extent the intellecrual roots of
the sociologyoflaw liehistorically,and still lie, in the interest that socially engagedlawyershavein the
social origins and the social effectsof law.The importance of these roots reflects itselfin the fact that
sociologists of law have generally directed their attention to the soresof questions about law that
interest such lawyers,with as a consequence that sociologyof law often in practice seems little more
than a para-legalendeavour. A. Hunt (TheSociological Movement inLaw (London, 1978 calls the
interest oflawyers in the socialeffectsoflaw the 'sociological movement in law' to distinguish it from
sociology of lawin the sense of a socialscienceof law. Compare eM. Campbell and P. Wiles ('The
Study ofLawand Society in Britain' (1976) 10 LawandSociety Rnnnu547) for a similar distinction
TheIdea ofSociology ofLawand itsRelation to LawandtoSociology 51
The expression 'sociological study of law' contains two concepts: 'sociology'
and 'law'. We will know what sociology of law is when we have examined these
two concepts and the relationship between them.s
Sociology is the scientific study of human social life. It deals with everything that
makes a human social group more than an accidental collection of individuals.
Without some sort of social order, a group simply does not exist. Its particular
social order determines the nature and composition of a group and governs its
internal and external relationships. The behaviour of human beings has a social
aspect-and is hence the subject ofsociology-insofar as it is not left up to indi-
viduals how to behave--insofar as their behaviour is the subject of what is
commonly called 'social control',"
There have been attempts to found sociology not in a group-level phenomenon
such as social control but in the individual-level choices made by so-called rational
actors'. All such attempts ultimately fail. Hobbes' effon to derive social order from
individual commitment to a social contract forced him to accept a pre-existing
'natural' obligation to keep one's promlses.s Coleman sought to show that social
norms can be derived from self-interested choices, but like Hobbes he had to
assume as pan of his analysis the very thing he sough t to explain: the existence of
social norrns.? The intellectual history ofsuch repeated failures to derive collective
goods from private choices leads me to the conclusion that the attempt to argue
one's way out ofa pre-social state ofnature and into social life is a prime example of
the Baron von Miinchhausen fallacy: trying to lift oneself out of a swamp by
pulling on one's own hair. I assume---on the contrary-that, historically speaking,
human beings have always lived in social groups. and that for sociology the
existence ofsocial order---ofsocial control-s-can be taken as given. 10
(applied to the specificsituation in Great Britain) between 'socio-legalstudies' and 'sociologyof law'.
CfR. Corterrell, Law's Community (Oxford. 1995). 74-7.
6 Afewwords abour the relationship between sociologyofIaw and some adjacent socialscientific
disciplines.Asfur asthe anthropology of lawis concerned the situation is. in principle. simple: the two
terms derivefromdifrerentintellectual historiesbut are ultimatelysimplytwo namesJUr thesamething. In
thischapterI usethe leon sociologyof lawto refer to both. To the extent that other social sciences, such as
criminology, lawand economics, legalhistory. psychology of law. and administrative sciencedeal in an
empirical waywith the legalaspectof socialbehaviour.they fall within the scope of sociology of lawas I
conceive it. Consideringthe matter purelyfromthescientificperspective. thereisbut onegeneralsocialsci-
enceof lawand thereseernsto megoodreasonto callthisthe sociology oflaw.In dailylife. of course.scien-
tificconsiderations areoftencrowdedour byahost of accidentaltraditionsand institutionalarrangements.
7 Beingsubject to socialcontrol does not imply that behaviour is thereby completelydetermined.
Likelaw,socialcontrol isofren not veryeffectiveand usuallyleavesconsiderableroomfor behavioural
choice. T. Hobbes. Leviathan (London, 1651). ch. xv.
9 SeeJ.5. Coleman, TheFoundations ofSoci4l Theory (Cambridge. MA. 1988). See also n.14 below.
10 This does nor mean that social order cannot be explained. just that it cannot be explained
within sociology. It is presumably possible to give a socio-biological account of the emergence of
social life among the evolutionary ancestors of human beings. In such an account, not 'rational
choice' but reproductive successwould play the key role.
53 52 John Griffiths
Social Control
Social control is not an 'extra' substance that, when added to a collection of
individuals, creates social order and turns them into a group. Nor does the
concept carry any top-down implication that one person or group 'controls' the
behaviour ofothers, although obviously such a state of affairs is possible, especially
in large and highly differentiated groups. The concept of social control as used
here refers to the fact that the behaviour of the members of a group in relation to
one another is regulated. The regulation resides largely and ultimately in the
mutualrelationships andinteractions ofthemembers. Behaviour that is regulated in
this way can be called social behaviour. Sociology is thus the study of the mutually
regulated behaviour of'human beings as members of groups, I I
Social control understood in this way is constitutive ofevery human group and
every social activity and therefore the foundational concept ofsociology. All other
characteristics and activities of groups and all of the consequences that groups
have for human life are structured by and dependent on social control. The vari-
ous distinguishable aspects of group life that are subject to social control are the
domains of specialties within sociology such as the sociology of medicine, of
knowledge and ofscience, ofreligion, ofsport, ofcooking, and so forth. Common
to and constitutive ofallsuch aspects ofgroup life is social control.
These considerations lead inelucrably to the conclusion that social control is the
most fundamental object ofstudy in sociology.The term 'law' should, aswe will see
shortly, be taken for sociological purposes to refer in a broad sense to social COntrol.
In short, sociology of law is not just one of the many sub-disciplines ofsociology,
addressed to social behaviour on a particular terrain of social life. Sociology of
law-the study ofsocial control-cleals with the sine quanonofallsociology. The
rest is derivative. A few of the great sociologists (in particular, Durkheim and
Homans) were more or less explicitly aware of this. But in light of the above argu-
ment it is peculiar that sociology of law is mostly institutionalized in faculties of
taw,where it isa r ~ n sub)ectwekomed., ifat all,as a source ofinformation that
can be incorporated into legal arguments. There where it belongs to the very core of
the discipline, in sociology departments, it is almost never present and there seems
generally to be very little awareness ofwhat it is abour.P
This chapter is not about social control itself, but in light of the central place
the concept occupies in my argument, I do feel obliged to address a few words to
what it is I have in mind. I begin, as sociology dassicaI1y does, with the 'problem of
11 This conception of sociology owes much to G.F. Hornans, The Human Group (New York.
1950). In the modern sociology oflaw the technical term 'semi-autonomous social field' is often used
to denote the groups within which the regulation of behaviour (social control) takes place (see
]. Griffiths. 'The Social Working of Legal Rules' (2003) 48 Journal ofLegal Pluralism I); the term
derives from S.F. Moore, 'Law and Social Change. The Semi-Autonomous Social Field as an
Appropriate Subject of Study' (1973) 7 LawandSociny &view 7 19.
12 Historically, the situation has perhaps been better among anthropologists, many of whom have
understood why social control/law is crucial to most of what they are interested in.
TheIdea ofSociology ofLaw anditsRelation toLaw andtoSociology
social order'; how is human social behaviour possible? Ifthe world were in a state of
nature and human beings were 'rational actors' each pursuing his own immediate
preferences, life would indeed be 'solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short'. 13
Individual choice must be limited if the coordinated behaviour necessary to social
life is to be possible. 14 The characteristically human way of producing order in
social behaviour is by subjecting it to rules. Social control is 'the enterprise ofsub-
jecting human behaviour to the governance of rules',ls But to avoid misunder-
standing I emphasize once again that in all but the most extreme ofsituations it is
mostly an enterprise of, by and for the members ofa group, largely undifferentiated
from their interactions with one another in the course ofthe affairs ofgroup life.
As Moore argues,16 it is social groups that are the social locus of rule-creation,
rule-learning, rule-following, and of the social disapprobation required to support
rule-following. Some of these social groups are known as 'states' and their rules as
'law', a form ofsocial control so elaborated that it consists not only ofrules, but also
of rules about rules,'? and even of rules about rules about rules (as in the case of a
constitutional rule that limits the authority ofa legislature to create or modify rules).
We have nowarrived at the second ofthe two concepts that the expression 'sociology
oflaw' conjoins, namely 'law'.
The Relationship between 'Law' and Social Control
The oflawhasno topand no bottom.
The common element in the various manifestations of law-rules, institutions,
processes, and so fonh-is that there is something 'legal' about all ofthem. From
the simplest rule to the most complex institution and the 'legal system' as a whole,
they apparently share something that distinguishes them from related but
non-'legal' forms of social conrrol, The internal perspective of the lawyer has no
problem here. With the ease of Baron von Mtinchhausen legal scholarship raises
'law' up our ofthe dismal swamp ofsocial control by pulling on its own hair: law is
13 Hobbes, n.S, above, 82.
14 The problem of social order has a long and distinguished history in social thought, from
Hobbes (ibid,87) to Homans (n.Ll, above),The impossibiliry that social goods can beaccounted for
in terms of self-interested 'rational choice' wasfamously demonstrated byG. Hardin, 'The Tragedy of
the Commons' (1968) 162 Scimce 1243. See also ]. Griffiths, 'Normative and Rational Choice
Accounts of Human Social Behavior' (1995) 2 EuropeanJournal of LawandEconomics 285 (criticism
of Coleman's idea that norms can arise out of rational choice).
15 ParaphrasingL Fuller, TheMorality ofLaw(New Haven, 1964),91 (referringspecifically to 'law').
16 Moore, n.l l , above.
17 SeeH.LA. Hart, TheConcept ofIau:(Oxford, 1961); if.P. Bohannan, 'The Differing Realms
ofthe Law' (1965) 67 American Anthropologist (No. 6, Pan 2. special publication) 33.
18 Bob Dylan, 'The lonesome death of Hattie Carroll'.
54 John Griffiths
what lawyers, and in particular the most authoritative among them, and
derivatively and to avariable degree, other membersofsociety, considerto be
Fortheinternal,normativepurposesoflawyers andotherparticipantsin
legaldiscourse,there is nothing wrongwiththis: whatlawyers considerto be 'law'
fixes-forthe timebeing-the boundariesofa categorythatis the keystoneof an
importantsocial practice. But the concept oflaw, so conceived, is not descriptive
of socialreality. Itreflects a particularpoliticalconsensus that ishighlycontingent,
a fact thatrevealsitselfanewaftereverycoupd'etatorrevolution.w
Sociologyoflawhasknownalongtraditionof attemptstodefinelawintermsthat
are not reflective of the moral andpolitical preoccupations oflawyers and that can
meetthedemandsofsociologicaltheory. IntheboxbelowIlistafew ofthebetter-
knownproductsof thistradition.s! Noneof themissatisfactory, and thewholeenter-
prisehaslongsincecometoseemlikeawild-goosechase.Aquarterof a centuryago
Richard Abel drewfrom thisconceptualhistorythepessimistic conclusion that 'for I
thetimebeing,at least,it seemsclearthat wemust displace lawfromthecentreofour
conceptual focus asweattempt to buildsocial theory',22 His despair isagoodplaceto
begin,but Iintend to cometoprecisely theoppositeconclusion.
19 CjT. Eckhoff andN. Christie,'Studieorganisasjonogsosialintegrering']ussmsVmner(1967)
No.4,89, for an accountof howme Baron von Miinchhausenoperationworks in legaleducation.
H.LAHart's'sociological'approachto me conceptoflaw(n.17,above) treats 'law' aswhatme 'rule
ofrecognition' acceptedamong legal officials identifies as law.
20 Despite allme efforts oflegal positivists in the tradition ofJohn Austin to define 'law' as
a descriptive concept, even legal practice is forced from time to time to confront me essentiallr
political/normativecharacterofme internalconceptoflaw,forexamplein me caseofme Unilateral
DeclarationofIndependencebyIanSmim's regime inSoumernRhodesia(seeReg. v.Ndhlovu, 1968
(4) SA515 (Rhodesia,AppellateDivision).Thedebateamonglegal philosopherson me question
whemerNazilawwas'really'law (seeH.L.A.Hart.'PositivismandmeSeparationofLawandMorals'
(1958)71 HarvardLaw&view593; L.Fuller, 'PositivismandFiddityto Law-AReply to Professor
Hart' (1958) 71 HarvardLawReview 630) derives its enduring attraction /Tom me failure to
distinguishme descriptiveandmeevaluativeusesof meword law.
21 Sourcesfor me examplesin me box: E. Ehrlich,FundammtaJPrinciples Sociology ofLaw
(transl. WL.Moll,Cambridge,MA, 1936),24; M.Weber.Maxweber onEconomy andSociny(transl.
E. ShilsandM. Rheinstein,NewYork,1954).5;B.Malinowski,CrimeandCustom in Society
(London,1926),55;A.R. Radcliffe-Brown,'PrimitiveLaw', inA.R. Radcliffe-Brown,Structurrand
Function in Primitive Society (New York, 1933), 212): K.N. llewellyn and E.A.Hoebc1,
ChrymMWay: ConflictandCase LawinPrimitive]urisprudmu(Norman,OK, 1940.23,283-5;
R. Pound, Social COr/frol Through Law(Camden, NJ, 1942), 25; Hoebc1, n.12, above, 28: R.
Schwam, 'Social Factors in me Devdopment ofLegal Control: a Case Srudy ofTwo Israeli
Sertlemenrs'(1954) 63 Ya1eLaw]ournal471; Hart,n.17.above, 91-2;P. BohannanTheDiffering
Realms ofme Law', in L. Nader (ed.), Ethnography ofLaw(supplement to 67 American
Anthropologist. 1965),33,36;P. Selz.nick.Law, Society andlndustriai]ustiu(NewYork. 1969),7;
Pospisil, n.12,above; D. Black. ofLaw(NewYork.1976).
Social scientificconceptionsoflawoftentrack mose oflegalphilosophers.ThusHoebc1'sdefini-
tionresembles meclassiclegalpositivistdefinitionof]ohnAustin(if. Hart,n.17,above,25): aruleof
lawisagenetalcommand,givenbyasovereign (apersonwho ishabituallyobeyedbutdoesnothabit-
ually obey anomet)andsupportedwimthreatsofsanction,Bohannan'sdefinition resembles matof
H.LA. Hart. And Pospisil's definition resembles Holmes' classic 'realist' definition ofJaw: 'The
propheciesofwhatme courtswill do in fact, and nothingmorepretentious. iswhatI mean by me
law' (ThePath of me Law' (1897)in CollmedLegalPapers (Boston, 1920). 173).
22 R. Abel, A ComparativeTheoryofDisputeInstirutionsinSociety'(1974) 8 LawandSociety
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56 JohnGriffiths
Among other things, the examples in the box show that law is generally looked
upon, for empirical purposes, as a sub-set of a more general and fundamental social
phenomenon: a species ofa more encompassinggenus.
All such conceptions oflawas
a particularspeciesof an encompassinggenuswe can call 'taxonomic' conceptions:they
mimic the way livingthings aregrouped and distinguished in taxonomic biology.
Although other genuses are conceivable, most taxonomic definitions oflaw for
empirical purposes treat it as a sub-set ofsocial control.24 Within that encompass-
ing genus, 'law' is identified by means ofone or another distinguishing character-
istic: the state, power, authority, and so forth. For Black, law is governmental
social control. For Schwartz, legal control is 'specialized' social control. For Han, a
social group has 'law' if its primary rules of social control are combined with
secondary 'rules about rules'. In what follows I shall limit the discussion of
taxonomic definitions oflaw to the social control variant. This is because, in light
of what I said earlier about the constitutive importance of social control for
sociology, social control seems to me the most promising general category within
which to try to locate law for sociological purposes. If! succeed in doing so, I will
have located the sociology oflaw in the very heartland ofsociology.
But first I have to dispose of the whole taxonomic approach. The defects of
Schwartz's concept of law are characteristic of that approach, so I will use his
deservedly famous article on social control in two Israeli agricultural settlementss>
to make my point. For Schwam, 'law' is social control delegated to specialists.
Schwartz seeks to understand why such delegated social control emerged in one of
the two settlements and not in the other. The core of his argument can be summar-
ized in terms of the idea of relational distance: delegated social control-'law'-is
associated with increasing relational distance. The fact that one settlement had
'law' can be explained as the result of the fact that its socio-economic organization
was such that the inhabitants had fewer overlapping social relationships with, and
were generally less dependent on, one another than in the settlement that did not
have 'law'. Schwartz's analysis is convincing and made especially plausible by the
fact that many other researchers, in widely varying contexts, and with regard to dif-
ferent manifestations oflaw, have come to essentially the same conclusion. For pre-
sent purposes it is enough to refer to but one example: Macaulay's equally famous
study of the extent to which business interactions are regulated by law or by infor-
mal social control.2
Here, too, relational distance seems to be the critical variable.
23 Cf Han, n.17, above.
24 Other overall categories suggested from time to time in the literature are rules, morality, and
politics. The distinguishing criteria are more or less the same as in the case of social control. Thus
someone might define law as morality enforced bythe state. Someone else might define it as political
decisions made by applying rules. Treating law as a species of social control has the advantage over
these other possibilities that all ofthe manifestations oflaw are covered.
25 Schwartz, n.21, above.
26 S. Macaulay, 'Non-contractual Relations in Business: a Preliminary Study' (1963) 28 American
SocWlogicaJ&view 55. Cfalso H. Todd, 'Litigious Marginals. Character and Disputing in a Bavarian
Village', in L. Nader and H. Todd (eds), Tbe Disputing Procas-i-Laso in Ten Societies (New York,
TheIdea ofSodology ofLawanditsRelation toLawandto Sociology 57
Nevertheless, there is a serious problem at the heart ofSchwartz's analysis and it
derives from his taxonomic conception of law. It is simply not true that what
Schwartz calls 'specialization'27 in social control only existed in the settlement he
characterizes as having 'law'. That settlement did possess the differentiated adjudi-
catory institution that had particularly attracted his attention-a Judicial
Committee charged with settling disputes--but Schwartz's own account makes
plain that the other settlement also knew considerable differentiation in social
control. It may have been less highly visible than in the first settlement, but there
was differentiation in legislation, adjudication and sanctioning. On Schwartz's
own definition there was thus 'law' in both settlements. The difference for which
he sought an explanation was, in Schwartz's conceptual terms, non-existent.
For anyone who is familiar with Schwartz's article, such a conclusion-
that the difference that he observed berween the twO settlements, and for which
he offered a plausible explanation, did not exist-will seem absurd. The problem
is that Schwartz was unwittingly imprisoned in the fundamental assumption of
the taxonomic approach, namely that the relationship between law and social
control is one ofsub-set to set and that the characteristic which defines the sub-set
has a distinct number of values, in this case rwO:
differentiated or not-differenti-
ated. In fact, however, differentiation-like most (if not all) social variables
varies continuously. It is like temperature (and not like sex): physical objects do not
fall into two categories, 'hot' or 'cold', depending on whether they possess some
characteristic that is either present or not; they can be continuously warmer or
colder. Schwartzshould have tried to explainwhy socialcontrol was more differenti-
ated in one settlement than in the other. It might seem a mere quibble, but in
fact the choice for a continuous variable to describe the relationship between law
27 'Differentiation' is a better term and I shall use it from here on. It is better because it refers to the
institutionalization ofdistinct social roles and not to the allocation ofnatural persons over those roles
(nor to the capacities required for performing them). A role, such as member of the general assembly
of one of Schwam's settlements, can be highly differentiated (as in fact it was, no one being able to
carry it out except in nanowly defined circumstances) but not specialized at all (every member ofthe
group being entitled to perform it together with all the others).
28 All taxonomic concepts oflaw ofwhich I am aware assume two. It would make lime difference
to myargument ifthere were more than two.
29 The formulation of theoretical propositions in terms of discontinuous variables (taxonom-
ically-defined concepts, typologies, Weberian 'ideal types') has a long and I believe dismal history in
the social sciences, among them sociology oflaw. It leads in general to feeble or untenable theory. (I
have long intended to write an article that in this respect it is Durkheim and not Weber who should
be taken as the patron saint of sociology oflaw.) Thus Black (n.21, above), whose independent vari-
ables (stratification, relational distance, etc) are all admirably continuous, defines his dependent vari-
able 'law' in taxonomic terms (social control by the state) and goes on to distinguish four distinct
'styles' oflaw. Macaulay (n.26, above), who makes an important contribution to empirical theory by
abandoning the taxonomic distinction between 'contractual' and 'non-contractual' obligations never-
theless falls into the taxonomic trap by distinguishing 'legal' from 'non-legal' sanctions. The social
relations that affect the mobilization oflaw were for a long time conceived taxonomically (simplex'
and 'multiplex' relarions-s-see L. Nader and H.E Todd, 'Introduction', in The Disputing Prousr---
LaU' in Ten Societies (New York, 1978) until Black introduced the continuous variable 'relational
distance'. And so forth. The problems that a taxonomic concept oflaw poses for the formulation of
good theory plague these other cases as well.
58 John Griffiths
and the rest ofsocial control has profound consequences in both theory and
The relationship between law andsocial control can be conceptualized in a
betterway. Allthedistinguishingcriteriathat the taxonomicapproachto thecon-
ofsocialcontrol butroughlyindicatevariouspointsonacontinuousdimensionof
differentiation insocialcontrol(seethefigureonthefollowingpage).Theauthors
continuumthat their conceptionoflawrequires.>' Butinsteadofasking'Whenis
thereenough differentiationtocallsocial control "legal"?' itwould bebetter to be
satisfiedwith notingthefactthat allsocial controlismore orless differentiated. On
a scale between two analytic poles--the absolute-zero pointof differentiation and
siruation.PWe will seekthen to understand, not whatitisthatproducessupposedly
theoreticallydifferentsortsofsocialcontrol, but whataccountsfor differentpositions
ona dimension ofcontinuous variation in sodaI controL 33
30 Somefunherobjectionsro'raxonomic'definitionsoflaware:
1.Aftermore thanacenturyofeffort. there isstillno sign ofanyconsensuson what the proper
taxonomiccriterion mightbe.
2.Onthe continuumofincreasingdifferentiationtherearenoinherentbreak-points(comparable
to thefreezingand boiling pointsofwater) that onecould choosetodistinguishlawfrom the restof
social control.The choice of any particular point is thus arbitrary. In practice, what isconcealed behind
an apparently arbitrary choice for a particular level of differentiation is an author's ethnocentric
preference for what is called 'law' in his own society. (Herein undoubtedly lies the keyto the question
why so many sociologists oflawseem incapableof relinquishing a taxonomic conceptoflaw, or evenof
recognizingthe problems to which it givesrise.On the ideologicallysensitive matter of 'law' they
remain unrdlecringlytrappedwithintheinternal perspectiveandirsfundamentalneedtodistinguish
thatwhichintheirculture isconsidered 'law'from'morality','politics','socialcontrol',andsofonh.)
3.Alltaxonomicconceptionsoflawareatonceover- and under-inclusive.Observations closetobut
eachother than eitherofthem haswith observationsthat lieon thesamesidebut muchfarther apart.
UsingSchwartz'sconceptionoflaw, oneofhissettlementsshared'law'with theIsraelistatewhereasthe
othershared'informalsocialcontrol' withthefamilyandallsortsoffleetingoramorphous social groups.
Buteveryonewhohas readSchwartzwillprotestthatthetwosettlementshadmuch moreincommonin
their social control than either ofthemhad with such distant rdatives thathappen tofall on the same side
of an arbitrary taxonomic dividing line. Introduction of such an arbitrarydichotomyintothe fundamental
31 Thef.u:t that weCan constructsuch ascalemeans it isin principle possible to reinterpret the
their theoriescompatibleand their findings commensurable.In thisway,the idealofcumulationof
knowledgecomeswithin reach.
32 Such acontinuousscalealso makes it easierto recognizethat not allsocialcontrol commonly
associatedwith aparticularpoint on the scale-forexample,the state-isinfactat the samelevelof
differentiation. Nor isallsocialcontrol bytheSlatemoredifferentiatedthan someforms ofnon-state
socialcontrol. Thereisofcourse no reasonat allwhyallofthe socialcontrol ofthe state should be
equallydifferentiated and occupy aunique pointon thescale,but the taxonomicapproachmakes it
difficultto acknowledgeand todealtheoreticallywithsuchanidea.See,forexample,Macaulay(n.26,
above),whodespitehis admirablynon-raxonornicapproach tothe conceptof'contract'nevertheless
seems to assume that 'legal sanctions' for breachrefersto some theoretically distinct typeofsanction.
H I first developed this idea inJ.Griffiths, 'The Division of Labor in Social Control', in D. Black
(ed.), Towarda General Theory ofSocial Vol.I{Orlando, FL, 1984),37.
TheIdea ofSociology ofLawand itsRelation toLawandto Sociology 59
'social' differentiated
enforcement institutions
0.1 !+-
Malinowski Llewellyn Bohannan Radcliffe-Brown
&Hoebel Hart Pound
Pospisil Schwartz Black
Taxonomicconceptionsoflawon ascaleofincreasingdifferentiationinsocialcontrol
The most important conclusion ofthis discussion is that for purposes ofthe
sociologyoflawwe shouldnot trytodefine'law'asadistinct typeofsocialcontrol.
'Law'SOconceivedisaconceptthatbelongsto theinternalpointofview-thepoint
ofviewoflawyerswhoto do their workmustdistinguish 'legal' fromotherconsidera-
to treat social control as the fundamental objectofstudy, with continuous variation
in theextent of differentiationtherein as a key variable. Sociologyoflawis, hence,
the study ofsocial control and of differentiation therein and in particular-if one
likes---ofthemorehighly differentiatedformsof social control.Pt
Theforegoing exerciseisnotmerely,in the pejorative senseofthe word, 'the-
oretical'. Anempirical conceptoflawthatassumes that the relationship between
lawandthe restofsocialcontrolisacontinuousone does not do theviolenceto
social reality involved, as the exampleofSchwamshows, in theuseofdiscontinu-
ous typologies.Ittherefore opens the way to the formulation ofpowerfulempir-
icaltheory that does notrequire adhoc (hencetheoreticallyarbitrary) exceptions
for allof the myriad 'special', 'exceptional' cases that clutter the literature in legal
philosophyandin sociologyand anthropologyoflaw.It permitsus toformulate
the 'relationaldistance' proposition-latent,at least,in agreatdealof thelitera-
ture insociologyoflaw-asone between twocontinuousvariables:relationaldis-
tance on the one hand,andthe degree ofdifferentiationin socialcontrolon the
34 Theemphasishere on differentiationcorrespondsto the central idea in H.LA. Hart's (n.IZ,
above) philosophical analysisofthe conceptoflaw: thatlawcan bedistinguishedfrom the restof
socialcontrolbythe factthatitconsists bothof'primaryrules'thatregualresocialbehaviour and of
'secondaryrules'thatprescribe how todo things with rules (recognition,creation and change, inter-
pretationand application).Thesecondaryrules-andin particularthe 'ruleofrecognition', which
determineswhatcountsas'law'--constituteandregulate the behaviourofsocial-controlspecialists.
Theonlychange needed in H.LA.Hart'stheoryto accommodateitto the argumenthereisthe idea
that differentiationisamatterofcontinuousvariation. In thatcase,the object ofhis theory would
havetobecalled, in non-taxonomicterms, not the 'conceptoflaw'butthe 'conceptof the (continu-
ouslyvariable)legal'.Thegreater the differentiationconstitutedbysecondaryrules,the more 'legal'
60 61 John Griffiths
other. That proposition then explains not just one supposedly fundamental
dichotomy (between 'law' and the rest ofsocial control) but a whole range ofgrad-
ual differences in the degree of differentiation in social control-<lifferences that
are equally present on both sides of the taxonomic line between 'law' and the
rest. In short, the generality, and hence the force, of the 'relational distance'
proposition isfar greater when 'law' is conceived in non-taxonomic terms.
Legal Pluralisrrr'?
The foregoing considerations permit us to consider the idea of 'legal pluralism' in
a new light. The term refers to the fact that the law of the state is only one of the
forms of binding regulation in society, that behaviour is often subject to regula-
tion by more than one source of rules. More precisely, 'legal pluralism' designates
the situation in which an actor's behaviour is subject to the social control of more
than one semi-autonomous social field. In this sense, legal pluralism is a normal
characteristic of social life, present in all but the most simple of social situations.
Since the fact of overlapping and often divergent regulation has far-reaching con-
sequences for the system ofsocial control as a whole,36legal pluralism necessarily
plays a central role in the sociology oflaw.
Nevertheless, perhaps because legal positivism remains such a powerful force in
legal theory, both lawyers and social scientists (often unwittingly under its spell)
remain reluctant to recognize as 'law' anything other than the law of the state.37
An important part of the ideological heritage of the bourgeois revolutions that
gave rise to the modern state consists ofa complex of ideas concerning the nature
of law and its place in social organization. This complex, often called 'legal cen-
tralism', includes the belief that the law of the state is exclusive of all other law.
With minor, partial exceprions-i-canon law and international law are the most
important-nothing else that can properly be described as 'law' is taken to exist.
This law-properly-so-called is supposed to be uniform for all persons and admin-
istered by a single structure of state institutions. To the extent other normative
orders--the internal rules of religious groups, voluntary associations and so
forth-are conceded to exist, this is assumed to be thanks to the approval or at
least the toleration of the state and subject to the general law.
'5 'Legal pluralism' is used here in the sociologicalsense.The term can alsobe used in a specifically
legalsenseto describe a particular state of affairsin positive law: lawis 'pluralistic' ifit providesdiffer-
ent rules for different groups in the population (based, for example, on ethnicity, religion, nationality,
trade, and so forth) (if. M.B. Hooker, ligal Pluralism. An Introduction toColonial andNeo-Colonial
Laws(Oxford, 1975. In the sociologicalsense, by COntrast, 'legal pluralism' refersto afactualsitua-
tion of multiple sources of binding rules. See generallyJ. Griffiths, 'What is legal pluralism?' (1986)
24 Journal ofligal Pluralism I, and 'Legal Pluralism', in International Encyclopedia oftheSocial and
Behavioural Sciences (Oxford, 200 I), 8650.
ss See for an extensivediscussion of these consequences, Griffiths, n.II, above.
" E.g. B. Tamanaha, 'The Folly of the Social Scientific Concept of Legal Pluralism' (1993) 20
foumal ofLawandSomty 192.
The Idea ofSociology ofLawanditsRelation toLawandtoSociology
'Legalcentralist' beliefsof this sort are not just a normative ideal. Legalcentralism
pretends to describe legal reality,and in that sense it is an illusion. Not only lawyers
but also social scientists have been influenced by this illusion and have limited
their attention to that aspect of legal reality that lawyers call 'law'. If they have
taken account at all of other sources of regulation, they have generally supposed
these to be vestigial remnants of earlier social organization, or less 'legitimate' and
therefore less powerful influences on social behaviour than 'law', and hence
marginal to the descriptive and explanatory concerns ofsociology oflaw.
A key example of the hold oflegal centralism not only on the legal, but also on
the sociological mind, will suffice to illustrate my point: The state (and hence its
law) is Widely credited with the possession of a 'monopoly of force', a peculiar
illusion that one finds uncritically repeated throughout the social scientific litera-
ture, despite its evident falsehood.e" In the anthropological literature one found in
an earlier generation the same idea expressed in terms of the 'irresistible force'
that-by contrast with the rules ofcustom, morality and so forth-is supposedly
characteristic of law' in the strict sense'.39
Weber protested against this illusion as early as 1922:
[W]e categorically deny that 'law' exists only where legal coercion is guaranteed by the
political authority ... The possession of ... an apparatus for the exercise of physical coer-
cion has not always been the monopoly of the political community ... [Clonflict between
the means of coercion of the various corporate groups is as old as the law itself In the past
it has not always ended with the triumph of the coercive means of the political body, and
even today this has not always been the outcome.
But Weber's warning has not helped very much. The formulation of theory in
sociology of law still regularly gets stuck in the mud of the unarticulared, nor-
matively based assumption about lawagainst which he protested. AsGalanter has
observed, sociologists of law seem doomed continually to have to rediscover to
their surprise 'the other side of the legalworld':
[the fact] that law in modern society is plural rather than monolithic, that it is private
as well as public in character and that the national (public, official) legal system is often a
secondary rather than a primary locus ofregulation. 41
'8 There are of course those who seek an escape from this empirical objection by moving to the
other horn of the dilemma: for them, the state has a monopoly of 'legitimate' force. Here we
encounter Baron von Miinchhausen again. Lawis what the state commands, and the state isanyone
who (for the time being) successfully proclaims that whatever he commands islaw.
'9 See M. Fortes, 'The Political System of the Tallensi of the Northern Territories of the Gold
Coast', in M. Fortes and E.E. Evans-Pritchard (eds), AfricanPolitical Systems (Oxford, 1940), 271;
E.E. Evans-Pritchard, 'The Nuer of the Southern Sudan,' in Fortes and Evans-Pritchard (eds), op cit.,
40 M. Weber, Max lVrbercn Lawin Economy andSociety (rransl, E. Shils and M. Rheinsrein) (New
York, 1954; original German edition 1922), 16, 19.
41 M. Galanter, 'Justice in Many Rooms: Courts, Private Ordering and Indigenous Law' ( 1981)
19Journal ofugal Pluralism 1. Writers like M.G. Smith (Corporations and Society (London, 1974),
114-26) and G. van den Bergh ('The concept of folk law in historical context: a brief outline', in
62 John Griffiths
The normative heterogeneity so prominently characteristic of the complex societies
of the modern world has long been apparent to anthropologists oflaw. They have
assumed that one cannot understand any of the varieties oflegal behaviour unless
one takes account of the legally pluralistic context within which it occurs. This
applies to the emergence and life histories ofdisputes, the commission and report-
ing of'crimes', the use made oflegal facilities such as those ofthe welfare state, the
social working of legislation, and so forth. This theoretical insight from legal
anthropology has in recent years gradually begun to influence sociology oflaw, for
example in connection with the study oflegal effectiveness.
, However, while appreciating the importance oflegal heterogeneity, the study of
legal pluralism remained for a long time taxonomic in its approach. 'State law' was
contrasted with 'customary' or 'tribal' or 'local' or 'traditional' or 'folk' law, and
conceived of as a different, if related, sort of thing. In recent years it has become
widely accepted that distinctions between supposedly different types oflaw can be
important for lawyers and sometimes afford a convenient descriptive vocabulary,
but that they serve no useful theoretical purpose.
What's in a Name?
Lawisonly lawifi: islabe/led law. 43
The considerations we have been exploring-the objections for sociological
purposes to a taxonomic concept oflaw, and the importance in sociology oflaw of
the related idea of legal pluralism-lead to the conclusion that the word 'law' as
commonly defined is a folk concept oflawyers, belonging to their internal point
of view, and, because of its connections to the normative preoccupations of
lawyers, unsuitable for empirical purposes.vt
In principle one could react with Humpty Dumpty to the problem of
definition: 'When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean-neither
K. von Benda-Beckmann and F. Strijbosch (eds), Anthropology ofLawin theNetherlands: &ays on
Legal Pluralism (Dordrechr, 1986), 67-89) have similarly called attention to the fact that legal cen-
tralism stands in the way ofthe development ofa sociological approach to law.
42 See Griffiths, n.II, above. See also ]. Griffiths, 'The General Theory of Litigation-A First
Step' (I 983) 5 ZeitschriftfUrRLchtssoziologie 145, on the study ofdispute processes.
H 'Recht is aileen recht als er recht op staat' (R Pieterrnan, 'Contextuele Rechtsgeschiedenis van
de Negentiende Eeuw' [Contextual Legal History of the Nineteenth Century], in C.H.]. Jansen,
E. Poortingaand T.]. Veen (eds), Twaa/fBijdragen tot de Studie van de &chtsges.:hiedenis van de
Negentiende Eeuia [Twelve Contributions to the Study of the Legal History of the Nineteenth
Century] (Amsterdam, 1993), 132)-borrowed from the advertisement for Rang (a sort of candy
sold in a roll, like life-savers): 'Rang is aileen Rang alser Rang op staat', Compare Baron von Munch-
hausens approach to the concept oflaw (see text at n.19 above).
44 Considered from Hart's 'moderate external perspective', it is an important fact of their
social control system that participants call certain forms of social control 'law' and attach special
significance to that label, This does not justil)r the conclusion--on the contrary, it excludes the
conclusion-that their internal concept 'law' is suitable for the external, empirical, and comparative
purposes ofsociology oflaw.
The Idea ofSociology ofLawand itsRelation toLawandtoSociology 63
more nor!ess.'4S If Black, for example, chooses to define 'law' as 'governmental
social control', then it is just silly to criticize his theory oflaw because it does not
apply to the things that dictionaries, lawyers, and the man in the street think of as
'law'. A fewyears ago I decided to take advantage ofthe freedom to define. In light
of the considerations discussed above, I proposed that 'law' should be considered
the name ofa dimension ofvaciation in social control: depending on the degree of
differentiation, social control would be described as more or less 'legal'.46 The
proposal required the use of ungainly expressions such as 'legalness'. But more
importantly, it encountered the withering criticism of my late colleague Govaert
van den Bergh that the words 'law' and 'legal' cannot be stipulatively purged of
their associations with normative ideas about justice and legality.47To borrow an
expression from the philosopher John Austin, 'law' is a word that comes 'trailing
clouds of etymology'. Its associative history cannot be shucked off merely by
giving the word a different formal definition.
In the intervening years, further reflection on the concept oflaw4
has ledme to
the conclusion that the word 'law' could better be abandoned altogether for pur-
poses of theory formation in sociology oflaw.49Sociology oflaw can best be sim-
ply considered the study of'social control, with differentiation a key variable.
Nevertheless, one must make concessions to practicality. A sociologist of law
who seeks to communicate with lawyers and lay people about what he is doing can-
not easily avoid using words like 'law', 'legal' and 'legal pluralism'.so Nor is there
anythingwrong with paying special attention to phenomena that are at rougWy the
same level of differentiation in social control, nor with referring to these phenom-
ena collectively as 'law' or even using the word 'law' asparsprototo for social control
at all different levels of differentiation (as in the expressions 'sociologyoflaw' and
'legal pluralism'). The argument here is not about linguistic purity. A certain
amount ofopportunistic sloppiness from time to time can be unavoidable and even
refreshing, but when one chooses for good reasons to express oneself sloppily, one
should be aware of what one is doing and of the risks involved. And misleading
terms should be resolutely banned from the professional core ofsociology oflaw:
theory formation.
Conclusion: The age-old problem of a concept of law suitable for empirical
purposes can be solved by no longer considering 'law' the theoretical object of the
45 L Carroll, Thruugh theLooking-Glass andWhatAliceFoundThere (London. 1871), ch, 6.
46 Grif:liths, n.33. above.
47 G. van den Bergh. 'Over een Theorie van Sociale Controle en het Meten van Recht' [About a
Theory ofSocial Control and the Measuring of Law]' (I986) 1986/4 &cht en Kritielt 374. See also
B. Tamanaha, J\nAnalytical Map ofSocial Scientific Approaches to the Concept ofLaw' (I995) 15
OxfordJournal of Legal Studies 50I.
48 And on the related concept of 'legal pluralism', which had attracted from Tamanaha criticism
similar to Van den Bergh's. See Tamanaha, n.37, above.
'9 Van den Bergh chose another solution: retaining the inevitably normative concept 'law' and
abandoning the ambition to study law as an empirical social phenomenon.
50 Compare Moore, n.11 , above. .
64 John Griffiths
sociology oflaw. The theoretical object ofsociology oflaw is social control. It also
follows from the above considerations that the expression 'legal pluralism' can and
should be reconceptualized as 'normative pluralism' or 'pluralism in social con-
trol'. 'Law' is not a concept in the sociology law.
The various considerations I have been exploring lead me co the conclusion that
the answer co the question with which I began this chapter-'what is sociology of
law?'-is as follows:
Sociology oflLZwistheempiricalsocialscience whose object issocial control
Such a definition determines for sociology of law the criteria applicable to the for-
mulation of research questions, the concepts deployed, the research methods used
and the relevanceand weighing ofevidence. In short, it establishesthe fundamental
nature of the discipline.
Lawas Dependent and Independent Variable in theSociology ofLaw
One can group theories in sociology oflawinto those in which social control isthe
dependent or the independent variable. In the first sort of theory the object is to
explain the differences between social control under differing social circum-
stances. If, for example, we are interested in rules of behaviour, such a theory is
one of normative change: when and how do rules come into being, change, and
pass away? Other manifestations ofsocial control---dispute processes, normative
decision-making, institutions, and so forth-have also been the dependent vari-
ables in theoretical propositions. Black's 'theory of law', for example, seeks co
explain the quantity ofsocial control in all of its manifestations.x'
In the second group oftheories social control is an independent variableand the
question is, what are the social consequences ofone or another ofits manifestations
(rules, decision-making, etc)?To what extent is social control the cause ofa given
social state of affairs, and of stability or change therein? The theory of the 'social
working of rules', for example, addresses the question when, why and how people
follow rules.
Most sociologists oflaw choose one or the other ofthe twO approaches without
articulating their reasons for the choice, or they swing back and forth between the
one and the other without giving any sign of having reflected on what they are
51 Black, n.21, above. Classic srudies in which social control/law is the dependent variable are, for
example, Macaulay, n.26, above; Schwartz, n.21, above.
52 See Griffiths, n.II, above. A classicsrudy in which social control is the independent variable is,
for example. V. Aubert, 'Some Social Functions of Legislation' (I966) 10 Acta Sociologica 99-110.
Cf also Moore, n.l I, above.
The Idea ofSociology ofLawanditsRelation toLawandto Sociology 65
doing. Some study the process of normative/legal development surrounding
euthanasia and try to explain where and when change has taken place, others
address themselves to the question whether 'legal' or other rules have an influence
on medical practice, and still others attempt both. It is rare that anyone considers
whether and how these two questions are related co each other. It is worth won-
dering whether the result ofso much indifference is that the sociology of law is a
sort ofhotchpotch of incompatible ingredients, comparable to a textbook of geol-
ogy in which theories about the origins ofcoal and oil are mixed up with theories
about the influence ofhydrocarbons on social1ife, including not only heating and
transportation but also such matters as environmental pollution, wars, and so
Black isof the opinion that sociology oflawis indeed in such a state. His view is
that every science is defined by its dependent variable: what the practitioners of
that science seek to explain. Sociology oflaw is, in his view, the science that seeks
to explain variation in law and social control. The influence that social control
may have on other things has no more place in such a science than the uses people
make of coal and oil have in
Nevertheless, despite an undeniable initial appeal, I believe Black's position is
untenable. A concept ofsocial control that takes no account ofits effects is impos-
sible. A rule of behaviour without any effects on behaviour would be nothing
more than a bit of talk, a legal rule without effects nothing more than words on
paper. The situation is even worse than that, since language itself is rule-governed
behaviour that only existsaslanguage because the rules concerned have effectsand
produce meaning. In other words, if one takes no account whatever of the effects
ofrules, then the rules themselves will be nothing more than unintelligible noise,
and social control-the subjection of behaviour to the governance of rules-will
not be an identifiable subject of study.54
53 In Black'swritings, this posirion is not always made explicit. In a letter dated 14 February 1996.
reacting to an early version of an article of mine (Griffiths, n.l l, above), he writes as follows:
I do not believe the effectSoflawfall within the jurisdiction ofthe sociology oflaw ...
I believe thar each field of sociology should be defined by the range of variation it seeks to order.
i.e. irs duster of dependent variables ...
[Y]our effort to indude the effects of law in the sociology of law (requires you] to take
responsibility for everything on which law has an effect and for everything else that might have
effects on the same elements of human behaviour [such as religion, politics, recreation. etc]. This
would quickly expand your subject in a way thar would seem to me unmanageable. It would,
among other things. rake you into the srudy of deviant behaviour and conformity. Hardly anyone
now tries to understand the sources of conformity, perhaps because they realize it would entail an
understanding ofvirtually everything people do.
For these reasons, I would not venture to comment on your paper. I would regard the likely
effecr ofanything I might say as a case ofspirting in the ocean.
54 On the other hand, rules are not reducible to their effects on behaviour, since ir is always pos-
sible to break a rule (whether it be a rule oflanguage or of other behaviour) withour thereby calling
the existence ofthe rule into question.
66 John Griffiths
In short, Black's tidy solution will not work. To understand it, social control
must be studied both as a dependent and as an independent variable. The rela-
tionship between rules and their effects is a complex and reciprocal one that
should form the heart of theory-formation in sociologyoflaw.
The Position ofSociology ofLaw in Relation to Sociology
All collective human lifeis directly or indirectly shaped by law. Law is, like knowledge, an
essential andall-pervasivefict ofthehumancondition.
Given my point of departure, that sociology is the study of human social
life-that is, of groups--and social control the constitutive element of every
group, it follows as I have argued earlier that the study of social control is the
fundament on which the whole of sociology necessarily rests. General sociology
and medical sociology, the sociology of labour, of knowledge, of religion, and
every other sort of sociology: all of them are unthinkable without the internal
social control ofhuman groups. This explains the key role ofsocial control ('law')
in the work of classical sociologists like Weber, Durkheim, Malinowski, and
It follows that the relationship of the sociology of law (conceived of as the
study of social control) to general sociology is not one of one sub-discipline
among many to its mother discipline, as is generallysupposed, but rather that of
the foundation to a building. Even that metaphor is not strong enough, since
social control is not merely the foundation on which the building of sociology
rests; it is the essential cement of every bit of the whole edifice. Human
social life-it cannot be said often enough-is constituted by social control,
which penetrates its every nook and cranny and makes possible its every
The Relation ofSociology ofLaw to Legal Scholarship
A littlesociology leads awayfromthelawbut muchsociology leads back toit. 56
Having dealt extensively with what sociology of law is and with its relation to
sociology, let me now finish off with a few words on its relationship to legal
There are a number of important differences between legal scholarship and an
empirical social science of law. Of these, most important is the fact that, as
Maitland observed, the first is driven by the 'logic of authority' and the second by
the 'logic of evidence',57 The validity ofa legal proposition is the result ofa social
55 N. Luhmann, A Sociological Theory o/Law (Boston, 1985). I.
56 M. Hauriou, cited in G. Gurvitch. Sociology ofluuo (London. 1947).2.
57 TheCollmedPapersofFmkric William Maitland(Cambridge, 1911), Past I. 491.
TheIdea ofSociology ofLawanditsRelation to LawandtoSociology 67 'legal reasoning'-in which authority, power and procedures play
key rolesand which results in nonnative agreement (or at least acceptance, acquies-
cence). The validity of a legal rule is ultimately dependent on the fact that the
members ofa legalcommunity accept it asvalid.58
Bycontrast, the truthofa scientific statement is not dependent on its acceptance
by any group ofscientists.Truth is not the outcome but the guiding criterion ofthe
social processwe callscience.59
The distinction between legal scholarship and a social science with social
control/law as its subject is not meant to imply disqualification of the work of
academic lawyers. After all, a great deal of what is done by other academic
researchers and teachers is not 'science' either. If we want to call everything that
academic researchersand teachers do and that meets minimal standards ofcoher-
ence and cumulation, 'science', then we will simply need another word to make
the distinction I am insisting upon. The discipline I am discussing in this chapter
we might then describe as an 'empirical science'.
The words are not important. What is important is that the point ofview-the
nature---ofsociologyoflaw is fundamentally different from that oflegal scholar-
ship. On the other hand, ultimately the two disciplines concern themselveswith
the same object (although they conceptualize it differently). They ought to be able
to learn from each other. I will not concern myself here with what socialscientists
can learn from lawyers--in my opinion, they have a great deal to learn, if only
they are careful not to let their point of view be corrupted by the acquaintance-
ship. But I do want just to mention what it is in my view that lawyerscan learn
from the sociologyoflaw.
It is in the lawyer's ability to adopt different points of view in thinking about law
that the continual enrichment of legal thought resides. Among other sources of
such enrichment is the rediscoveryby everygeneration of lawyers of the import-
ance of an interdisciplinary approach to law, of giving empirical substance to
normative reasoning.w Between the periods of periodic rediscovery ofsociology
oflaw lie periods in which legal scholars withdraw into dry, formalistic legalposi-
tivism-what William Twiningcalls the 'expository' style of legal scholarships!
and Ehrlich caricatured as 'a more emphatic form of publication of statutes'.62
Fortunately for legal scholarship, such periods never seem to last very long.
Thinking about lawwithout thinking about where it comes from and about all of
58 Cf Hast (n.17, above): Eckhoffand Christie (n.19. above).
5' This is why the so-called 'forum theory' ofscientific truth propagated byA.D. de Groot (for an
early formulation see his Metbodology. FQUndations ofInference andRcsearr:b in theBehavioral Sciences
(The Hague, 1969 is. as an epistemological theory, untenable, whereas as an empirical theory (what
scientists in practice take to be the truth) there is much to be said for it. Similarly, Kuhn's (TbeStructure
ofScientific Revolutions (Chicago. 1962 famous distinction between 'normal' and 'revolutionary'
science is only tenable when taken asa contribution to the sociology and not to the logic ofscience.
60 Cf the writings ofW. Twining. KarlLkwellyn andtbRealis Movement (London, 1973); Law
in Context (Oxford. 1997). 61 Twining (1997), n.60. above.
62 Ehrlich, n.21, above, 19.
68 John Griffiths
the things that make it important and interesting, isdreadfullydull. Legal reasoning
as caricatured in the old legal-realist jibe-Thinking about something that only
has meaning in relation to something else, without thinking about the something
. else'-is too sterile to keep the mind awake for long. What lawyerscan learn from
serious sociology of law-from sociology of law that does not disqualify itself for
interdisciplinary 'co-operation by snuggling up to lawyers and adopting their
internal point ofview-is how to think in a responsible and disciplined way about
the relationships between 'law' and all of the 'something else' that gives it

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