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Introduction Although human migration has existed throughout human history, immigration in the modern sense refers to movement of people from one nation-state to another, where they are not citizens. Immigration implies long-term permanent residence (and often eventual citizenship) by the immigrants tourists and short-term visitors are not considered immigrants (see expatriates). !owever, seasonal labour migration (typically for periods of less than a year) is often treated as a form of immigration. "he global volume of immigration is high in absolute terms, but low in relative terms. "he #$ estimated %&' million international migrants in (''), about *+ of global population. "he other &,+ still live in the state in which they were born, or its successor state. "he modern idea of immigration is related to the development of nation-states and nationality law. -itizenship of a nation-state confers an inalienable right of residence in that state, but residence of immigrants is sub.ect to conditions set by immigration law. "he nation-state made immigration a political issue by definition it is the homeland of a nation defined by shared ethnicity and/or culture, and in most cases immigrants have a different ethnicity and culture. "his has led to social tensions, xenophobia, and conflicts about national identity, in many developed countries. 0edit1 2lobal migration statistics According to the Report of the Secretary-General on International migration and development, most international migrants are in the high-income developed countries, &% million in (''). 0%1 3ow and lower-middle income countries, 45 percent in 6man. In 7urope, only 3uxembourg approaches this level, with 5) percent of the labor force foreign.

Rate of immigration to the United States relative to sending countries' population size, 2001-2005

"he 7uropean #nion allows free migration between member states (with some restrictions on new member states), but inter-7# migration is relatively low. 8ost is from poorer eastern bloc states to the richer western 7uropean states, especially 9pain, 2ermany and :ritain. According to 7urostat, 051;/ref< 9ome 7# member states are currently receiving large-scale immigration for instance 9pain, where the economy has created more than half of all the new .obs in the 7# over the past five years.

Illegal immigration Illegal immigration refers to immigration of illegal aliens (people who enter without a legal status) across national borders in a way that violates the immigration laws of the destination country. In politics, the term may imply a larger set of social issues and time constraints with disputed conse=uences in areas such as economy, social welfare, education, health care, slavery, prostitution, crime, legal protections, public services, and human rights. Illegal emigration would be leaving a country in a manner that violates the laws of the country being left. auses !ar and repression 6ne driver of illegal immigration is an attempt to escape civil war or repression in their native country. After * years of armed conflict, roughly one of every %' -olombians now live abroad.0(1 >igures from the #9 ?epartment of !omeland 9ecurity indicate that -olombia is the fourth-leading source country of unauthorized immigration to the #nited 9tates@ "he estimated number of unauthorized -olombian residents in the #9 has almost tripled from )%,''' in %&&' to %5%,''' in ('''.0*1 "he largest per-capita source of immigrants to the #9 comes from 7l 9alvador, for which up to a third of the population lives outside the country, mostly in the #9.051 According to the 9anta -lara -ounty 6ffice of !uman Aelations, Despite the fact that the U.S. governments role in the Salvadoran conflict was unique in sustaining the prolongation of the civil conflict the government and the U.S. Immigration and !aturali"ation Service #I!S$ e%tended little sympathy to the people affected &y the war. In the '()*s the I!S granted only +, of political asylum applications claiming that democracy e%isted in -l Salvador and that reports of U.S. and government-sponsored .death squads/ were over&lown. 0s a response to the U.S. governments failure to address the situation of Salvadoran refugees in the U.S. 0merican activists esta&lished a loose networ1 to aid refugees. 2perating in clear violation of U.S. immigration laws these activists too1 refugees into their houses aided their travel hid them and helped them find wor1. 3his &ecame 1nown as the .sanctuary movement/.0)1 "amil# reunion 9ome undocumented immigrants seeB to live with loved ones, such as a spouse or other family members.0410,10C1 "his is particularly true for the families of binational same sex couples.0&1 "he 3esbian and 2ay Immigration Aights "asB >orce (32IA">) warns binational same sex couples in the #9 that marriage may actually increase the liBelihood of becoming undocumented, rather than decreasing it.0410,1 $overt# Another reason for immigration is to escape poverty. According to -:9 4' 8inutes, #.9. 8arine 3ance -orporal Dose 2utierrez, one of the first #.9. servicemen to die in combat in Ira=, a former street child in 2uatemala having been orphaned at age C, first entered the #9 as an undocumented immigrant in %&&, to escape poverty, and dreamed of being an architect.0%'1 9ometimes the person moves over the border

because the wage-labor ratio is much higher in the neighboring country, as is the case with the #9 illegal immigration. $rostitution and Slaver# 9muggling of people may also be involuntary on the immigrantEs part. >ollowing the close of the legal international slave trade by the 7uropean nations and the #nited 9tates in the early %&th century, the illegal importation of slaves into America has continued, albeit at much reduced levels. "he so-called Fwhite slave tradeF referred to the smuggling of women, almost always under duress or fraud, for the purposes of forced prostitution. $ow more generically called Fsexual slaveryF it continues to be a problem, particularly in 7astern 7urope and the 8iddle 7ast, though there have been increasing cases in the #.9. 0C10&1 Geople may also be Bidnapped or tricBed into slavery to worB as laborers, for example in factories. "hose trafficBed in this manner often face additional barriers to escaping slavery, since their status as illegal immigrants maBes it difficult for them to gain access to help or services. >or example :urmese women trafficBed into "hailand and forced to worB in factories or as prostitutes may not speaB the language and may be vulnerable to abuse by police due to their illegal immigrant status.0%%1 Immigration conse%uences& "his study employs a new approach to examine the impact of immigration on the #.9. economy. #nliBe earlier studies, we do not treat the movement of immigrant labor into this country in isolation. 6lder studies assumed that abundant resources and demand for labor was the primary reason for immigration, assumptions more appropriate to the %&th century. He start by assuming that the technological superiority of the modern American economy and resulting high standard of living is the primary factor motivating immigration. "he study also taBes into account the new global economy, including the movement of capital as well as trade. 6ur findings show that immigration creates a net loss for natives of nearly I,' billion annually. Among the reportJs findings

In (''(, the net loss to #.9. natives from immigration was I4C billion. "his I4C billion annual loss represents a I%5 billion increase .ust since %&&C. As the size of the immigrant population has continued to increase, so has the loss. "he decline in wages is relative to the price of goods and services, so the study taBes into account any change in consumer prices brought about by immigration. "he negative effect comes from increases in the supply of labor and not the legal status of immigrants. Hhile natives lose from immigration, the findings show that immigrants themselves benefit substantially by coming to America. "hose who remain behind in their home countries also benefit from the migration of their countrymen.

"he model used in this study can be summarized as follows !igh #.9. productivity motivates the entry of foreign worBers and capital. As a conse=uence, the movement of foreign labor and capital into the #nited 9tates expands #.9. exports and reduces exports by foreign countries who now have fewer worBers and less capital. "his depresses the prices of #.9. exports while raising the price of its imports, which is bad for #.9. natives. Hhile the addition of immigrant worBers maBes the overall #.9. economy larger, natives in the #nited 9tates are worse off because immigrants taBe not .ust the increase in income, but other income as well. "his is because American worBers are now competing with foreign worBers who, because they have entered the #nited 9tates, now have access to superior American technology, which is the primary source of American worBersJ competitive advantage in the international economy. In other words, American worBers are better off competing with foreigners if the foreign worBers stay in their own countries and donJt have access to American technology. :y allowing the foreign worBers into the #nited 9tates, Americans face competition with foreigners e=uipped with American technology. 'he (conomic osts of Immigration America is often described as a nation of immigrants. And so it is. 6ne reason for immigration has been the promise of liberty. !owever, even from the start, a second very powerful reason has been the opportunity America provides for prosperity. Haves of immigrants have come, particularly from 7urope, Asia, and the Americas (especially 8exico) to en.oy the high wages available here and escape the relative penury of their native lands. "hrough the end of the %&th century and into the ('th century, a prime advantage of America that allowed it to deliver these high wages was its great abundance of land and natural resources. Increasingly, though, in the last half of the ('th century, the principal advantage of America has not been its resources, but rather its leadership of the world in technology or productivity. 7conomists have long been interested in the conse=uences of immigration. A large and highly varied theoretical literature has developed that considers potential sources of gains and losses for a country experiencing immigration. 9urprisingly, these theoretical models almost never have a word to say about the role of technological advantage as a motive for migrationKeven though this is surely the most important reason for the wage advantage in America that is the proximate reason for most migration. "he empirical literature on immigration has considered a wide variety of =uestions regarding the impact of immigration on America. In recent years, an important strand of this has considered the overall impact of this immigration on the American economy.% !ere, again, the analysis has treated immigration as if it were motivated principally by an abundance of resources, as would have been appropriate in the %,th, %Cth, %&th, or even early ('th centuries, but that is not appropriate to (%st century America. "he choice of an intellectual frameworB within which to examine the conse=uences of immigration is not a purely academic s=uabble. :y choosing the traditional frameworB, where immigration is motivated by relative labor scarcity, one has also pre-determined in =ualitative terms the outcome of any empirical

study. 9uch studies necessarily conclude that the principal national conse=uence of immigration is the redistribution of income between natives similar to the immigrants and other factors of production. 3iBewise, as a matter of theory, the traditional frameworB concludes that the economic conse=uences for the receiving country as a whole are positive, though negligible. 7mpirical worB in this conventional tradition cannot alter these conclusions, only =uantify them. In this essay, we summarize the conclusions of a paper that provides a new approach to studying the economic conse=uences of immigration.( "he starting point for the analysis is that immigration to America is ultimately motivated by American technological superiority. 6nce we accept this as a starting point, though, it is no longer appropriate to study the movement of labor in isolation. !igh American productivity does provide a motive for the immigration of labor. :ut it also provides an incentive for the inflow of productive capital. "hat is, high productivity yields high returns for all factors of production, which suggests that these inflows should be studied .ointly. "his is precisely what our study does. "he theoretical model that we worB with predicts that high productivity in America will lead to large inflows of both capital and labor. Indeed, this is exactly the pattern we have seen in recent decades. He calculate that the foreign born in (''( are %5.* percent of the #.9. labor force and that inflows of foreign capital account for (a surprisingly similar) %4.) percent of the domestic capital stocB.* "aBen together, the inflows of capital and labor have expanded the size of the #.9. economy by nearly one-sixth. !owever, theory teaches us that this may not be a good thing. As a conse=uence, the #nited 9tates needs to find foreign marBets for its expanded production and to buy scarcer foreign products at higher prices. Indeed, our study finds that these costs gave rise to a net loss of I%*4 billion for American natives in (''(, or about %.* percent of #.9. 2?G. "hese are big numbers. "hey are e=uivalent in magnitude to standard measures of the loss from all #.9. trade barriers and three to four times larger than recent calculations of the cost of the #.9. business cycle. It is important to place these numbers in context. 6ur frameworB, liBe the conventional approach, implies that such flows of productive factors increase world economic efficiency. "he divergence between the conventional results and ours is that the conventional approach, based on relative factor abundance, concludes that migration is liBe trade in the sense that there are aggregate benefits for natives of both countries (sending and receiving). In our approach, there are aggregate income gains for the world as a whole. !owever, more than all of these gains accrue to natives of the sending countries. Aeceiving country natives (here the #nited 9tates) experience losses. "here is, no doubt, more research that needs to be done in this area. Immigrants may bring #.9. natives direct and indirect economic benefits in ways not captured by our model. "he challenge for those who believe this is so is to show that one can actually identify these effects and that the magnitude of these benefits is sizable. In addition, it is important to recognize that showing that there are

economic costs of immigration for #.9. natives need not imply that immigration is bad. "he benefits to the immigrants themselves, which liBely are a multiple of the costs to #.9. natives, may be sufficient .ustification. "here may be non-economic benefits to #.9. natives. 6ur aim here is not to pronounce a .udgment on immigration per se, but to consider and =uantify a new approach to measuring the economic costs and benefits of immigration. In the remainder of this essay, we will sBetch out the main ideas underlying the conventional approach and our own approach to analyzing the impact of immigration. He will follow this by sBetching our methods for applying our approach to the data. )iffering perspectives on immigration Immigration is often highly politicized, and in some countries, a ma.or political issue. 6pposition to immigration is generally far more prominent than support for it, but that is to some extent countered by economic interests. "he main arguments cited in support of immigration are economic arguments, usually related to labour supply, and cultural arguments appealing to the value of cultural diversity. 9ome groups also support immigration as a device to boost small population numbers, liBe in $ew Lealand, or, liBe in 7urope, to reverse demographic aging trends. "he main anti-immigration themes are xenophobia, economic issues (costs of immigration, and competition in the labour marBet), environmental issues (impact of population growth), and the impact on the national identity and nature of the nation-state itself. 9upport for fully open borders is limited to a minority. 9ome free-marBet libertarians believe that a free global labour marBet with no restrictions on immigration would, in the long run, boost global prosperity. "here are also groups which oppose border controls on idealistic and humanitarian grounds - believing that people from poor countries should be allowed to enter rich countries, to benefit from their higher standards of living. 8ore limited support for increased labour migration comes from economists and some business interests in the developed world. Although multinational corporations re=uire free movement of senior staff, they are not necessarily the main users of immigrant labour. 8edium and small businesses (restaurants, farms) may be the most dependent on low-wage foreign labour. In specific sectors, there is a business lobby for immigration, usually in the form of green card systems, intended to facilitate specific and limited labour flows. "his Bind of immigration is opposed by labour-marBet protectionists, often arguing from economic nationalism. "he core of their arguments is that a nations .obs are the MpropertyJ of that nation, and that allowing foreigners to taBe them is e=uivalent to a loss of that property. "hey may also criticise immigration of this type as a form of corporate welfare, where business is indirectly subsidised by government expenditure to promote the immigration and the assimilation of the immigrants. 0)1 A more common criticism is that the immigrant employees are almost always paid less than a non-immigrant worBer in the same .ob, and that the immigration depresses wages,

especially as immigrants are usually not unionised. 6ther groups feel that the focus should be not on immigration control, but on e=ual rights for the immigrants, to avoid their exploitation. Arguments against the cost of immigration - for instance the provision of schools for the additional population - are prominent in the #nited 9tates and -anada see 7conomic impact of immigration to -anada. $on-economic opposition to immigration is closely associated with nationalism, in 7urope a Mnationalist partyJ is almost a synonym for Manti-immigration partyJ. Although traditionally, economic arguments dominated the #nited 9tates immigration debate, it has become more polarized in recent years, as evidenced by nationalist demands for the militarisation of the #9 borders. "he emergence of private border militias in the #nited 9tates has attracted much media attention. $evertheless, the southern border of the 7uropean #nion in the 9panish exclaves of -euta and 8elilla is at least as militarised as the #9-8exico border. "he primary argument of the nationalist opponents in 7urope is that immigrants simply do not belong in a nation-state which is by definition intended for another ethnic group. :ritain, in this view, is for the :ritish, 2ermany is for the 2ermans, and so on. Immigration is seen as altering the composition of the national population, and conse=uently the national identity. >rom the nationalist perspective, high-volume immigration simply Mdestroys their countryJ. 9ome of the support for this nationalist opposition comes from xenophobes who instinctively fear the presence of foreigners, but it is also consistent with the nationalist ideology. 2ermany was indeed intended as a state for 2ermans mass immigration was not foreseen by the %&th-century nationalist movements. Immigration has forced 2ermany and other western 7uropean states to re-examine their national identity part of the population is not prepared to redefine it to include immigrants. It is this type of opposition to immigration which generated support for anti-immigration parties such as Nlaams :elang in :elgium, the :ritish $ational Garty in :ritain, the 3ega $ord in Italy, the >ront $ational in >rance, and the Gim >ortuyn in the $etherlands. 6ne of the responses of nation-states to mass immigration is to promote the cultural assimilation of immigrants into the national community, and their integration into the political, social, and economic structures. In the #nited 9tates, cultural assimilation is traditionally seen as a process taBing place among minorities themselves, the Mmelting potJ. In 7urope, where nation-states have a tradition of national unification by cultural and linguistic policies, variants of these policies have been proposed to accelerate the assimilation of immigrants. "he introduction of citizenship tests for immigrants is the most visible form of state-enforced assimilation. "he test usually include some form of language exam, and some countries have reintroduced forms of language prohibition. "he $etherlands immigration minister, Aita NerdonB, suggested a nationwide ban on the speaBing of non-?utch languages in public, but withdrew the proposal after protests. 7nvironmentalist opposition to immigration is prominent in the #nited 9tates, which has the largest absolute numbers of immigrants. Aesponses to immigration are a controversial topic among environmental activists, especially within the 9ierra -lub. 9ome oppose the immigration-driven population growth in the #nited 9tates as

unsustainable, and advocate immigration reduction. 6ther environmentalists see overpopulation and environmental degradation as global problems, that should be addressed by other methods. 8ost 7uropean countries do not have the high population growth of the #nited 9tates, and some experience population decline. In such circumstances, the effect of immigration is to reduce decline, or delay its onset, rather than substantially increase the population. "he Aepublic of Ireland is one of the only 7# countries comparable to the #nited 9tates in this respect, since large-scale immigration contributed to substantial population growth.051 9pain has also witnessed a recent boost in population due to high immigration.0)1 "he political debate about immigration is now a feature of most developed countries. 9ome, such as Dapan, traditionally had very little immigration, and it was not a ma.or political issue. 9ome countries such as Italy, and especially the Aepublic of Ireland and 9pain, have shifted within a generation, from traditional labour emigration, to mass immigration, and this has become a political issue. 9ome 7uropean countries, such as the #nited Oingdom and 2ermany, have seen ma.or immigration since the %&4'Js, and immigration has already been a political issue, for decades. Golitical debates about immigration typically focus on statistics, immigration law and policy, and the implementation of existing restrictions. In some 7uropean countries the debate in the %&&'Js was focussed on asylum seeBers, but restrictive policies within the 7uropean #nion have sharply reduced asylum seeBers. In western 7urope, the debate now focuses on immigration from the new member states of the 7#, especially from Goland. "he politics of immigration have become increasingly associated with others issues, such as national security, terrorism, and in western 7urope especially, with the presence of Islam as a new ma.or religion. 9ome right-wing parties see an unassimilated, economically deprived, and generally hostile immigrant population as a threat to national stability. "hey fear new events such as the ('') civil unrest in >rance. "hey point to the Dyllands-Gosten 8uhammad cartoons controversy as an example of the value conflicts arising from immigration of 8uslims in Hestern 7urope. :ecause of all these associations, immigration has become an emotional political issue in many 7uropean countries. (thics of migration Although freedom of movement is often recognised as a civil right, the freedom only applies to movement within national borders it may be guaranteed by the constitution or by human rights legislation. Additionally, this freedom is often limited to citizens and excludes others. $o state currently allows full freedom of movement across its borders, and international human rights treaties do not confer a general right to enter another state. According to Article %* of the #niversal ?eclaration of !uman Aights, citizens may not be forbidden to leave their country. "here is no similar provision regarding entry of non-citizens. "hose who re.ect this distinction on ethical grounds, argue that the freedom of movement both within and between countries is a basic human right, and that the restrictive immigration policies, typical of nation-states, violate this human right of freedom of movement. $ote that a right to freedom of entry would not, in itself, guarantee immigrants a .ob, housing, health care, or citizenship.

Hhere immigration is permitted, it is typically selective. 7thnic selection, such as the Hhite Australia policy, has generally disappeared, but priority is usually given to the educated, sBilled, and wealthy. 3ess privileged individuals, including the mass of poor people in low-income countries, cannot avail of these immigration opportunities. "his ine=uality has also been criticised as conflicting with the principle of e=ual opportunities, which apply (at least in theory) within democratic nationstates. "he fact that the door is closed for the unsBilled, while at the same time many developed countries have a huge demand for unsBilled labour, is a ma.or factor in illegal immigration. "he contradictory nature of this policy - which specifically disadvantages the unsBilled immigrants while exploiting their labour - has also been criticised on ethical grounds. Immigration polices which selectively grant freedom of movement to targeted individuals are intended to produce a net economic gain for the host country. "hey can also mean net loss for a poor donor country through the loss of the educated minority - the brain drain. "his can exacerbate the global ine=uality in standards of living that provided the motivation for the individual to migrate in the first place. An example of the Mcompetition for sBilled labourJ is active recruitment of health worBers by >irst Horld countries, from the "hird Horld. "he Aeal Groblem with Immigration... and the Aeal 9olution AmericaJs exceptional status as a Pnation of immigrantsQ is being challenged by globalization, which is maBing both migration and terrorism much easier. "he biggest challenge for policymaBers is distinguishing illusory immigration problems from real problems. 6ne thing is =uite clear "he favored approach of recent yearsKa policy of benign neglectKis no longer tenable. 8embers of both the 9enate and the !ouse of Aepresentatives recognize this and deserve credit for striving to craft a comprehensive law during this session of -ongress. In (''), immigration policy received far more genuine attention on -apitol !ill, and 8embers of -ongress from both sides of the aisle are now considering what to do about immigration policy. "heir various efforts have focused on a wide variety of changes in current policy, including improving border security, strengthening employer verification of employment, establishing a new temporary guest worBer program, and offering some level of amnesty to illegal immigrants currently living in the #nited 9tates. At present, these proposals are worBing their way through the legislative process. !owever, to achieve results, immigration reform must be comprehensive. A lopsided, ideological approach that focuses exclusively on border security while ignoring migrant worBers (or vice versa) is bound to fail. If -ongress passes another law that glosses over the fundamental contradictions in the status =uo, then the status =uo will not change. "hinBing through the incentives is the Bey to success. Solving the Immigration $ro*lem in US+ :esides identifying the historical causes of mass immigration to the #.9., as well as the problems it has created domestically, immigration reformists say there is a number of steps -ongress -- in con.unction with state and federal authorities -- could and should do to finally address.

Solving the $ro*lem :ut what to do about the problemsR >or one, say reformers, get the locals involved. ?avid Aay, a spoBesman for the >ederation for American Immigration Aeform (>AIA), says the biggest impediment to solving the problem is Fthe indisputable absence of all interior immigration 0law1 enforcement.F :y that he means once most illegal immigrants manage to get over the border and into the #.9., theyEre home free. In order to address the many aspects the problem that is mass immigration, Aay and other experts have identified a series of steps S $arrow immigration to largely include only foreigners with marBetable sBills in the #.9., which would maBe immigrants less liBely to remain poor and dependent on public assistance@ S Implement verifiable documents that employers can use to ensure they are not hiring illegal immigrants or immigrants who donEt have the right to worB in the #.9.@ S Implement laws so that employers who hire illegals run the risB of losing their businesses because of the government-imposed sanctions@ S Glace #.9. troops on the border with 8exico, to assist :order Gatrol agents and other Immigration officials with closing off wide swaths of border@ S 7mploy the latest technology in addition to troops and border agents, including motion sensors and detectors, satellite surveillance, and infrared technology, to tracB and intercept illegal border crossers@ S -lose legal loopholes that allow illegal aliens to gain footholds in the #.9., such as access to driverEs licenses, matricular consular cards, and the establishment of banB accounts@ S 8aBe defense of the border Fin depth,F were it is nearly impossible to gain illegal access, then nearly impossible to get employment@ S 7nlist state and local police officers, during the normal course of their duties, to ascertain if persons are in the #.9. legally and, if not, detain them and call federal immigration officials to come and retrieve them@ S "he #.9. should get serious about incarcerating repeat offenders who are caught crossing into the country illegallyKto encourage compliance with American immigration laws@ S ?eport illegal immigrants currently in the country, and provide them with instructions on how to gain access to the #.9. legally@ S :egin to hold #.9. elected officials accountable for their mass immigration stances and policies by removing them from office@ S Implore 8exican officials to develop the tools and policies to bolster infrastructure, education and opportunities in 8exico, so many of its citizens donEt feel compelled to travel to the #.9. to earn a living@ S !old 8exican authorities who cross into the #.9. responsible for violating internationally recognized borders@ F"he federal government is incapable of enforcing immigration laws by itself,F said Aay. Hashington needs help from the rest of the country. F"here are only (,''' federal agents to cover the entire #.9.@ most states arenEt enlisting local police to helpF in the effort.

!e said illegals Bnow that once they get past the border, they are Fhome free,F Aay said. F"hrough our lax immigration laws, we have invited anarchy into the #nited 9tates.F 9aid Gresident Aonald AeaganKthough he also signed a landmarB illegal immigrant amnesty while in office -- F"he simple truth is that weEve lost control of our own borders, and no nation can do that and survive.F Hhether the &/%% attacBs, the cost of providing for so many immigrants, the loss of the American standard of living, or a total of these problems apply, mass immigration is a problem Hashington has not dealt affectively with for decades, most liBely because many see it as a boon to their careers, either through votes or campaign contributions from employers who hire cheaper immigrants. In the long run, analysts believe, this lacB of political resolve to protect the nationEs borders will only worsen the countryEs political, social, economic and cultural divides. onclusion :efore thinBing to immigrate, there are several problems that can appear and that you must consider before having them. "he situations that can occur can be very unpleasant and sometimes hard to solve. 9o here you have some tips and problems that can affect you. S getting permission to stay in the #O/#9A/other country longer than you originally intended S getting permission to do something which you are not at present allowed doing, for example, being allowed to worB S bringing relatives into the country, for example, a spouse, fiancT (e), children S being threatened with deportation from the #O/#9A/other country S being held by the immigration authorities in a detention centre S wanting a passport and not Bnowing whether you are entitled to a #O/#9A/other country passport or some other passport S wanting to apply to become a #O/#9A/other country -itizen S if you are already living in the #O but wanting to travel (for example, for a holiday), whether you will be allowed bacB into the #O/#9A/other country S whether you are entitled to use state services or claim benefits, for example, education, health services, council housing, social security benefits, housing benefits, council tax benefit S the right to vote S a relative or friend being refused entry to the #O/#9A/other country when arriving at an airport or port


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