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bidX Business Plan Template 2013

Business Plan

<Name of Company>

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<Date> <Author/Entrepreneur> <Address> <Address> < it!> < ountr!> Tel" E#mail" $%!pe"

1. Table of contents
1&Table o' (ontents&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 1

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bidX Business Plan Template 2013 2&E,e(uti-e $ummar!&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 2 3&The Business&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 3 .Entrepreneur / Team&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 0 1*is% Anal!sis&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 2 3De-elopment 4mpa(t&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 10 05inan(ial Plan&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 11 2Appendi,&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 13

2. Executive Summary
'rite this section last( The e,e(uti-e summar! is the 6indo6 to !our business plan& An in-estor 6ill de(ide to read the rest o' the plan based on this se(tion& 4n(lude 6hat !ou 6ould in a brie' 7i&e& 1 minute8 pit(h o' !our business& Be (on(ise9 (lear9 enthusiasti( and pro'essional& :eep it at 1#2 pa;es ma,imum< 4n(lude the essentials o' !our business& What is the produ(t/ser-i(e !ou are sellin;= What is the 7uni+ue8 -alue proposition= Who are in !our team ) and 6h! are !ou the ri;ht people to be underta%in; this= Wh! 6ill !ou be su((ess'ul= What is !our moti-ation 'or 7startin;8 this business= What are !our sales pro>e(tions and ho6 is this relati-e to the industr!= What is !our brea%# e-en point= What are the (riti(al ris%s and ho6 6ill !ou o-er(ome these= 4' appl!in; 'or 'inan(in; ) ho6 mu(h do !ou need 7in ?$D8 and 6hat 6ill this 'inan(in; be used 'or& @o6 and 6hen 6ill the 'unds be repaid= What sour(es and t!pe o' 'undin; are bein; (onsidered= What is the AdealB !ou are o''erin;= on'idential ) *e+uest permission 'rom author to share or (op! 2

bidX Business Plan Template 2013

)tart"ps" 5o(us on the ba(%;round and e,perien(e o' the team and 6h! !ou are startin; this business& @a-e !ou done a mar%et anal!sis= Done an! pilots= What is the ;ap in the mar%et9 and ho6 6ill !ou 'ill it= Esta*lishe$ *"sinesses" When 6as !our business 'ormed= @o6 man! emplo!ees do !ou ha-e and in 6hat lo(ation7s8= 4n(lude ;ro6th hi;hli;hts9 pro'it mar;ins9 and mar%et share details& Who 'inan(ed !ou pre-iousl! and at 6hat terms=

3. The Business
3.1 General company description

This section sho"l$ intro$"ce the rea$er to !o"r *"siness& This %ill contain so+e o the in or+ation !o" %ill later p"t in the e,ec"ti-e s"++ar!& What business are !ou in= What is the ;ap in the mar%et and ho6 are !ou 'illin; it= @o6 do !ou ma%e mone!= What is !our tar;et mar%et 76ho do !ou sell to=8 Cission statement" A brie' statement about !our Areason o' bein;B ) 6h! the (ompan! e,ists& This is usuall! one or t6o senten(es& What are !our (ompan! ;oals9 ob>e(ti-es9 business philosoph!9 and milestones 7a(hie-ed and pro>e(ted8= What industr! are !ou in= 4s it ;ro6in;= What are the de-elopments and (han;es9 re(ent or in the 'uture9 and ho6 6ill !ou ta%e ad-anta;e o' them= Cention the 'orm o' o6nership9 li(enses9 patents and trademar% details& ompan! histor!D !ears in businessD pre-ious o6nersD sales and pro'it histor! et(&

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bidX Business Plan Template 2013 ore (ompeten(ies ) 6h! 6ill !ou su((eed9 6hat are !our stren;ths9 6hat stren;ths does the team brin; to the business= What are the (hallen;es !ou 'a(e and ho6 6ill !ou o-er(ome them= 4' appl!in; 'or 'inan(in; ) ho6 mu(h do !ou need 7in ?$D8 and 6hat 6ill this 'inan(in; be used 'or& @o6 and 6hen 6ill the 'unds be repaid= What sour(es and t!pe o' 'undin; are bein; (onsidered= What is the AdealB !ou are o''erin;= What is the lon; term strate;! o' !our business= @o6 and ho6 rapidl! 6ill !ou ;ro6= What strate;ies are in pla(e 'or (ontinued ;ro6th9 in(reased produ(tion9 di-ersi'i(ation9 or sale o' the business= 4n(lude time 'rames&




This section $escri*es the pro$"cts an$.or ser-ices !o"r *"siness o ers an$ %ill o er in the "t"re& Des(ribe9 in depth9 !our produ(t/ser-i(eD ho6 it 6or%sD 6h! a (onsumer 6ould bu! !our produ(t/ser-i(eD the -alue it 6ill (reate 'or the (ustomers and the mar%et& What ma%es !our produ(t/ser-i(e uni+ue= What (ompetiti-e ad-anta;e do !ou ha-e o-er !our (ompetitors= What uni+ue 'eatures does it o''er= What patents do !ou ha-e= Do !ou ha-e e,(lusi-e ri;hts 'or sellin; this produ(t or ser-i(e= @a-e !ou desi;ned the produ(t/ser-i(e !oursel'= Do !ou de-elop it !oursel'= Dra6in;s9 pi(tures9 spe(i'i(ations and bro(hures et(& (an be in(luded as appendi(es&


!ar"etin# plan

Descri*e the +arket# !o"r c"rrent position in it# the co+petiti-e en-iron+ent# an$ !o"r +arketin/ strate/! or the co+in/ !ears& 0e $ili/ent in !o"r research as this %ill *e the *ase or !o"r sales pro1ections&

3&3&1 Car%et Anal!sis

2arket research can *e $one "sin/ p"*lishe$ in or+ation 3internet# li*raries# cens"s $ata4# or *! /atherin/ !o"r o%n $ata& This $ata is cr"cial to the cre$i*ilit! an$ easi*ilit! o !o"r plan& # # # What is the total siEe o' the mar%et= 4&e& number o' (ustomers9 total industr! sales9 lo(ation spe(i'i(& 4s it ;ro6in;9 stable9 or de(reasin;= urrent le-el o' demand= What are the trends in the mar%et 7;ro6th trends9 (onsumer pre'eren(es et(&8= What is the potential= What per(enta;e o' the mar%et share do !ou ha-e= .

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bidX Business Plan Template 2013 # # # What are the di''erent tar;et audien(es or se;ments in the mar%et= What are the barriers to entr!= 4s it di''i(ult 'or another business to start= @o6 6ill !ou o-er(ome these barriers= @o6 do (han;es in the politi(al9 e(onomi(9 so(ial and te(hnolo;i(al en-ironments a''e(t !our business= @o6 about 7impendin;8 ;o-ernment re;ulations9 en-ironmental re;ulations9 and industr! (han;es=

5o" +a! %ant to s"pport this section %ith the )'OT anal!sis in the appen$i,&


ustomer Anal!sis

I$enti ! an$ $escri*e the $i erent c"sto+ers in the +arket& This is consi$ere$ +arket se/+entation& ustomers # 4denti'! !our tar;eted (ustomers9 their (hara(teristi(s9 and their ;eo;raphi( lo(ation 7%no6n as their demo;raphi(s8& # Anal!Ee both the end#users and the people/business !ou ma! be sellin; throu;h& # 4denti'! and des(ribe !our main (ustomer ;roups based on a;eD ;enderD lo(ationD in(omeD so(ial (lassD edu(ationD beha-iorD habitsD or other industr! spe(i'i( pro'ile (hara(teristi(s& # 5or business (ustomers9 des(ribe them usin; (hara(teristi(s su(h as the siEe o' the 'irmD the 7sub#8 industr!D the lo(ationD and bu!er pre'eren(es& # Wh! ha-e !ou (hosen these spe(i'i( (ustomer ;roups=


ompetitor anal!sis

Anal!sis o the co+petiti-e en-iron+ent assesses the c"rrent an$ "t"re stren/ths.%eaknesses o 3potential4 co+petitors& Who are the main pla!ers 7(ompetitors9 suppliers9 other (ompanies9 et(&8 in !our tar;et mar%et= Are there an! (ompanies in !our tar;et mar%et 6ith a similar produ(t/ser-i(e= Are there an! (ompanies in !our tar;et mar%et 6ith a (omplementar! produ(t/ser-i(e= Are these pla!ers su((ess'ul9 i' so 6h!9 and 6hat is their mar%et share= 4s the tar;et mar%et still 6ide open9 or is the entr! le-el hi;h9 and 6h!= Pro'ile !our main (ompetitors based on lo(ationD ba(%;roundD 'inan(ialsD produ(t o''erin;D mar%etin;D 'a(ilitiesD personnelD or an! (ombination o' these and other important aspe(ts& Do the! (ompete on one produ(t or lo(ation9 or more= 5o" sho"l$ ill in co+petiti-e anal!sis ta*le in the appen$ices to co+pare !o"r *"siness %ith !o"r +ain co+petitors&

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bidX Business Plan Template 2013 What is !our (ompetiti-e ad-anta;e= @o6 does !our business and its produ(ts (ompare to (ompetitors= *elate this to the (ompetiti-e anal!sis table in the appendi,& Fou should no6 be able to de'ine !our ni(he in the mar%et&

3&3&. Car%etin; $trate;!

A ter $e inin/ the e,ternal en-iron+ent 3co+petitors# in$"str!# an$ c"sto+ers4 an$ !o"r space in it# !o" can $e-elop !o"r +arketin/ strate/! e,plainin/ ho% !o" %ill achie-e sales& Promotion" @o6 6ill (ustomers learn about !our produ(t/ser-i(e= @o6 6ill !ou ad-ertise= What (hannels 6ill !ou use= What means 7media9 ad-ertisements9 other P* tools8 6ill !ou use to rea(h !our tar;et mar%et= What is the ima;e !ou 6ant to promote 7i&e& health!9 sport!9 'ast et(&8= Do !ou ha-e a lo;o= @o6 (omplete/(onsistent is !our brandin;= Produ(t" What 'eatures 6ill the produ(t ha-e= What are the bene'its 'or the (ustomer ;roup= What is spe(ial about the produ(t or ser-i(e= 4' rele-ant9 6ill !ou o''er support or a'ter#sales ser-i(es= 4s there a re'und poli(!= @o6 6ill the produ(t be pa(%a;ed= Pri(in;" @o6 mu(h 6ill !ou (har;e per produ(t= Will !ou use di''erent pri(in; strate;ies 'or di''erent (ustomer ;roups= Are there bul% dis(ounts= Are there sales= an (ustomers pa! on (redit= @o6 6ill e,tra 'eatures be pri(ed= @o6 do !ou di''erentiate !our produ(ts 'rom (ompetitors based on pri(e= an !ou >usti'! !our pri(es= Distribution" @o6 6ill !ou rea(h !our (ustomers= Will !ou sell to them dire(tl! or throu;h intermediaries9 a;ents9 or representati-es= Are !ou near to !our (ustomers9 or near to similar businesses= Do !ou ma%e use o' e,istin; distribution (hannels/net6or%s= Do !ou sell retail9 6holesale9 or both=

3.$ %perational plan

3&.&1 Produ(tion Pro(ess and De-elopment
Des(ribe the produ(tion pro(ess o' !our produ(t/ser-i(e& E,plain the da!#to#da! runnin; o' the business& 4n(lude details o' produ(tion su(h as de-elopment9 te(hni+ue9 (osts9 in-entor! et(& 4s there a need 'or 'urther resear(h and de-elopment= Who 6ill do this= Do !ou ma%e or bu! !our produ(ts= What are the business hours= Will !ou bu!9 build9 lease or rent !our lo(ation and 'a(ilities= @o6 bi; are the premises= Will !ou be able to e,pand here= Are there an! limitations in terms o' lo(ation9 po6er or a((essibilit!= 4s there in-entor!= @o6 6ill !ou (ontrol this 7i&e& +ualit!9 amounts9 (osts8= Are there seasonal buildups= 4s there a lead time a'ter or be'ore an order= What is the in-entor! turno-er= 4n(lude the le;al en-ironment 7i&e& are there re;ulations asso(iated 6ith !our produ(ts9 do !ou need permits or li(enses=8& on'idential ) *e+uest permission 'rom author to share or (op! 3

bidX Business Plan Template 2013 What are the asso(iated (osts 6ith this and the rest o' the produ(tion pro(ess= Incl"$e an! rele-ant plans in the appen$i,&

3&.&2 The suppliers and ra6 materials

Elaborate on the suppl! (hain o' !our produ(t/ser-i(e& Whi(h suppliers do !our repl! on to a(+uire !our resour(es and do !ou alread! ha-e a;reements in pla(e 6ith suppliers= Do !ou ha-e ba(%up suppliers= 4denti'! them here b! name9 address9 poli(ies9 histor! and sales/pur(hasin; 'i;ures&

3&.&3 Personnel
Gist at minimum the number o' emplo!ees9 t!pe o' labor 7i&e& s%illed9 uns%illed9 pro'essional89 @* poli(ies9 +ualit! o' sta''9 pa! stru(ture9 trainin;9 tas% di-ision9 (ontrol et(& Who does 6hat tas%s= @o6 6ill !ou ensure enou;h sta'' and ho6 6ill !ou moti-ate and re6ard them= @o6 6ill !our personnel poli(ies and pa(%a;es be (ompared to (ompetitors=



$.1 The entrepreneur

Who is the entrepreneur= 4ntrodu(e !oursel'9 !our +ualities and the reason 6h! !ou 6ant to start or e,pand this business& Des(ribe 6hat dri-es !ou as a person and ho6 others 6ould des(ribe !ou& E,plain 6hat !our ambitions are 6ith !our business bet6een no6 and 3 !ears 'rom no6= What is !our moti-ation 'or startin; or bein; in this business= Entrepreneurial e,perien(e" What is !our 7pro'essional8 ba(%;round and ho6 6ill !ou emplo! this in !our ne6 -enture= Do !ou ha-e e,perien(e in !our tar;et se(tor= Please in(lude a tra(% re(ord 6ith !our pre-ious e,perien(e indi(atin; !our (urrent %no6led;e and in 6hi(h 6a! !ou ha-e the (apabilit! to ma%e this a su((ess& What 6ill be !our personal role in e,e(ution o' the planD i&e& 6ill !ou start up/e,pand the business !oursel'9 or 6ill !ou (ooperate 6ith others= Who mana;es the business on a da!#to#da! basis= What happens 6hen this person is ill9 in(apa(itated9 or ta%en out o' the or;aniEation= Who ta%es o-er= Wh! are these people the ri;ht persons to do so= What e,perien(e/(ompeten(! do the! brin; to the business= Add !our passport number9 nationalit!9 date o' birth and pla(e o' birth

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bidX Business Plan Template 2013

$.2 The Team

Who are the %e! pla!ers in the or;aniEation= Who is part o' the mana;ement team # list namesD (onta(t details 7in(ludin; e#mail and Gin%ed4n pro'iles8D pre-ious e,perien(eD rele-ant s%illsD ba(%;roundsD and positions in the or;aniEation& A$$ a C6 or each +e+*er 7 the entreprene"r in the appen$i,& I !o" ha-e +ore than 89 e+plo!ees# create an or/ani:ational chart an$ incl"$e it in the appen$i,& Who 6ill !ou rel! on ) board o' dire(tors9 ad-isor! board9 attorne!s9 a((ountants9 insuran(e a;ents9 ban%7er8s9 (onsultants9 mentors ) list them here as 6ell& Do !ou ha-e an! te(hni(al or 'inan(ial partnerships=

$.3 %&nership
H6nership ) 6ho o6ns the business= Who has 'inan(ed it= @as the entrepreneur and mana;ement team in-ested in the business= 4n(lude a (hart or table i' the o6nership is amon; more than se-eral people&

$.$ 'eferences
Add the details o' at least t6o pro'essional re'eren(es9 i&e& their name9 address9 phone number9 email address9 et(&

( 'is" )nalysis
'hat are the +ain risks o !o"r *"siness; 0e honest an$ i$enti ! the rele-ant risks < this is a cr"cial step or plannin/&
Gist a ris% 7'or e,ample9 supplier ;oin; ban%rupt8 and ho6 li%el! this is to happen 7lo69 medium9 hi;h8& Estimate the (ost i' there is a 'inan(ial (ost asso(iated 6ith this happenin; 7i&e& in loss o' re-enue8 or 6hat the e''e(t is 7'or e,ample9 dela!ed deli-er! o' produ(ts8& Gastl! des(ribe the measures !ou are ta%in; to minimiEe the (han(e o' this ris% 'a(tor o((urrin;&


Likeliness of it happening

Cost or effect of it happening

Measures taken to counteract/minimize risk

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bidX Business Plan Template 2013

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bidX Business Plan Template 2013

* +evelopment ,mpact
Des(ribe the impa(t 76here rele-ant8 o' !our business on the 'ollo6in; points& Juanti'! as mu(h as possible and mention both short#term 71#2#3 !ears8 and lon;#term 710 !ears8 spin#o''s&

*.1 -ocal economic impact of the business

# Kumber o' dire(t emplo!ees per !ear 7note also ho6 man! o' these 6ere pre-iousl! unemplo!ed or earned and in(ome belo6 the minimum 6a;e8& # Kumber o' indire(t >obs (reated or in(ome in(reased 7e&;& emplo!ment spin o''s o' !our business 'or suppliers and bu!ers9 distributors9 sales8

*.2 -ocal social impact of the business.s products or services

# 4n(reased a((ess to edu(ation 7%no6led;e / s%ills8 # A healthier en-ironment # 4mpro-ed +ualit! o' li-in; standards 7a((ess to 'ood9 health9 and housin;8 7e,ample" mos+uito nets9 6hi(h ha-e a (lear positi-e e''e(t on the health o' the lo(al population8& H-erall" 4t should be (lear in the business plan 6here -alue is added in the de-elopin; (ountr!&

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bidX Business Plan Template 2013

/ 0inancial Plan
/.1 ,nvestment Plan
Finance needed # @o6 mu(h (apital do still !ou need to ;et this business in operation= # Hn 6hat e,a(tl! 6ill !ou spend this (apital= $pe(i'! as mu(h as possible& Please note" # 5i,ed assets are e&;&" buildin;s9 ma(hines9 land9 e+uipment9 o''i(e 'urniture / e+uipment9 -ehi(les9 et(& # Wor%in; (apital is e&;&" 'or $alaries9 *a6 materials9 Car%etin;9 *e;istration9 Produ(t De-elopment9 Tra-el/Transportation (osts9 et(&
5i,ed Assets <asset> <asset> <asset> <asset> <asset> Wor%in; apital <6or%in; (apital> <6or%in; (apital> <6or%in; (apital> <6or%in; (apital> <6or%in; (apital> Total in estment needed Amount 7?$D8

Amount 7?$D8

!o" financing "ill #e ac$uired *e'er to the L5inan(in;M tab o' the bidX 5inan(ial Plan Template& 5inan(in; t!pe is e+uit!9 debt o' ;rant& The A5romB (olumn (an be 'rom the o6ner9 'amil! and 'riends9 -enture (apital9 a Ban% et(& 6ith the AKameB 7i' %no6n8 in the ne,t (olumn& Capital already in ested in the #usiness 5inan(in; t!pe 5rom


Amount 7?$D8

Total in estment already done%

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bidX Business Plan Template 2013 Capital still needed 5inan(in; t!pe



Amount 7?$D8

Total in estment still needed% 4n ;eneral" Be (lear about the (urrent 'inan(ial situation9 be (lear on !our (urrent assets9 be (lear on 6hat !ou need and 'or 6hat purpose7s8 e,a(tl! and ho6 !ou aim to a(+uire the (apital that is needed& Write a short >usti'i(ation te,t here on 6h! the (apital is needed&


0inancial Plan Summary

)"++ari:e the +ain points o !o"r inancial plan here& There inancial plan can *e create$ "sin/ the *i$= inancial plan te+plate& The inancial plan an$ this *"siness plan sho"l$ *e s"pportin/ $oc"+ents to each other& Use this space to 1"sti ! an!thin/ !o" eel nee$s it ro+ the inancial plan& bidX is in the pro(essin; o' de-elopin; simple tools to e,tra(t 'i;ures and (harts9 su(h as sales 'i;ures or brea%#e-en point ;raphs 'rom the bidX 5inan(ial Plan Template& ?ntil then9 please use o6n dis(retion in 6hi(h 'i;ures !ou 6ould li%e to displa! here and insert !our o6n (hart or 'ill in the one belo6& FEA*" Total *e-enues Ket Pro'it Emplo!ees <!ear> <!ear> <(urrent !ear> <!ear> <!ear> <!ear>

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bidX Business Plan Template 2013

1 )ppendix
1.1 S2%T )nalysis

The )'OT anal!sis in-esti/ates the stren/ths an$ %eaknesses o !o"r *"siness# an$ the opport"nities an$ threats in the +arket& It is "se$ to s"pport the +arketin/ plan an$ can *e incl"$e$ here& 2ake s"re to re erence to the ite+s in it in the act"al *"siness plan& @elp'ul 4nternal <$tren;th> <$tren;th> <$tren;th> <$tren;th> <$tren;th> @arm'ul <Wea%ness> <Wea%ness> <Wea%ness> <Wea%ness> <Wea%ness>


<Hpportunit!> <Hpportunit!> <Hpportunit!> <Hpportunit!> <Hpportunit!>

<Threat> <Threat> <Threat> <Threat> <Threat>

Cat(h stren;ths to opportunities in order to 'ind !our (ompetiti-e ad-anta;e& onsider ho6 to (on-ert (ertain 6ea%nesses to stren;ths as a strate;! to in(rease (ompetiti-e ad-anta;e& 4denti'! and miti;ate ris% b! mat(hin; 6ea%nesses 6ith threats and de'inin; a strate;! 'or dealin; 6ith this&

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bidX Business Plan Template 2013


3ompetitive )nalysis

*ate the importan(e to (ustomer 'rom 1 to 1 71 bein; not important at all9 and 1 bein; (riti(al ) a hi;her s(ore means the 'a(tor is more important8& 5or ea(h o' the 'a(tors9 6rite a 'e6 6ords on ho6 !ou and !our (ompetitors (ompare& Be honest here& 4n the last (olumn9 simpl! put an & i' !ou o6n an ad-anta;e o-er both (ompetitors 'or this 'a(tor&
'ey Factor Pri(e Jualit! $ele(tion $er-i(e *eliabilit! E,pertise *eputation Go(ation Distributio n E(onomie s o' s(ale Ad-ertisin ; 4nno-ation <other> <other> <other> <other> My #usiness Competitor ( Competitor ) *mportanc e to customer +)est,

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