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PHAN TO'NG QUA"T PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 MO( TA) 1.1 DESCRIPTION A. Cun$ ca?p thie?t b@ chie?u saAn$ vaB A. Provide luminaires and phuC <ieDn theo hoE sF thaEu. accessories in accordance with the Contract Documents. 1.2 AN TOA#N CHAT L*+$NG A. CaAc GeBn GeEu cuBn$ moDt nhaB saHn 1.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE %ua?t. A. Lamps shall be of the B. Ballasts theo tieIu chuaJn ISO 9 ! same manufacturer. cuHa nhaB saHn %ua?t. B. Ballasts shall be ISO 9 ! C. CoA chKAn$ nhaDn boD caHm bie?n manufacturer. chu:eJn GoDn$ cho hoaCt GoDn$ coA GaLc tMnh C. "otion sensors shall be ballast tron$ heD tho?n$ GieEu <hieJn aAnh certified for operation with specific ballasts saAn$. utili#ed in controlled li$htin$ fi%tures. 1.3 TIE(U CHUA'N 1.3 STANDARDS A. Ballast &hoDp GieEu <hieJn GieDn).* A. Ballasts &'lectronic Control (ear)* !. NoD nhieOu soAn$* theo tieIu chuaJn CISP+ 1. +adio Interference Suppression* !,- '. ,, !,- /D' 01,. CISP+ !,- '. ,, !,- /D' 01,. 5. 8ie?n$ oEn* theo tieIu chuaJn I'C ! 343 2. 2armonics* I'C ! 3435- '. 6! 3 5- '. 6! 3435- /D' 1!5 Part 5475,. 435- /D' 1!5 Part 5475,. 4. 2oaCt GoDn$* theo tieIu chuaJn I'C 6 959 3. Performance* I'C 6 959 and 8IS vaB 8IS !, 635,9! !, 635,9! 9. NoD an toaBn* theo tieIu chuaJn I'C 6 950 vaB 8IS 00,35,45 4. Safet:* I'C 6 950 and 8IS 00,35,45 ,. Cha?p thuaDn 8IS.

8IS approval

B. 8Mn hieDu lo?i ra vaB thie?t b@ aAnh saAn$ <haJn* /D' ! 0- '. 6 959- '. 6 950B. '%it Si$ns and ;L 959. 'mer$enc: Luminaires* /D' ! 0- '. 6 959- '. 6 950- ;L C. So? lieDu Go aAnh saAn$* coA chKAn$ 959. nhaDn cuHa phoBn$ thM n$hieDm GoDc laDp.


TIE(U CHUA'N VIE&T NAM C. Photometric data* 1.4 Independent testin$ laborator: certified. !. Chie?u saAn$ tKC nhieIn tron$ coIn$ trPnh daIn duCn$ = 8ieIu chuaJn thie?t <e?* 8C>D VIETNAM STANDARDS 59*!99!

5. 8ieIu chuaJn chie?u saAn$ nhaIn taCo !. Da:li$htin$ &natural li$htin$) for civil tron$ vaB beIn n$oBai coIn$ trPnh %aI: dKCn$ wor<s = Construction standard* 8C>D daIn duCn$* 5 8C/. 96309 59*!99! 5. Artificial li$htin$ for indoor and outdoor of civil wor<s* 5 8C/. 96309 1.5 CO(NG VIE&C ,E& TR-NH





A. "anufacturerQs product data sheets for each luminaire indicatin$ luminaire t:pe- ballast Ruantit: and t:pe- lamp Ruantit: and t:pe- photometric datamaterials- finishes- accessories- volta$einput watts- and photo$raphic ima$e of luminaire.

A. BaHn$ so? lieDu saHn phaJm cuHa nhaB saHn %ua?t veE moOi loaCi thie?t b@ chie?u saAn$- tieIu chuaJn ballast- so? lKFCn$ GeBn vaB loaCi GeBn- so? lieDu Go aAnh saAn$- vaDt lieDu vaB thie?t b@ hoaBn thieDn- phuC <ieDnGieDn aAp- doBn$ GieDn vaBo- vaB bieJu GoE aAnh saAn$. B. BaHn$ so? lieDu cuHa nhaB saHn %ua?t cho moOi ballast $oEm loaCi ballast- heD so? coIn$ sua?t- GieDn aAp vaBo- GoD <Mn nKFAcheD so? lumen vaB $iao dieDn GieDn tKB.

B. "anufacturerQs data sheets for each ballast includin$ ballast t:pe- power factorinput volta$e- input water- ballast lumen factor- and electroma$netic interference C. Chi tie?t <Mch thKFAc vaB t:H leD vaB level. maLt chie?u cuHa aAnh saAn$ tieIu thuC vaB aAnh saAn$ haBn$ lieIn tuCc. C. Scaled and dimensioned detail plan and elevation drawin$s of custom and continuous row t:pe luminaires. D. "aOu thie?t b@ aAnh saAn$* VhoIn$ aAp duCn$ D. Samples*.7A '. "oI hPnh* VhoIn$ aAp duCn$ '. "oc<ups*.7A

PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 ACCEPTA LE MANU.ACTURERS A. Li$htin$ Luminaires* +efer to luminaire specification and details on the drawin$s. B. Ballasts* As recommended and warranted b: the Li$htin$ Si%ture "anufacturers- T;"8OB'L- 'CO.O3UA8S;LL LI(28- LI8'> A.D 82+O. OS+A". C. Lamps* (eneral Osram7S:lvania- Philips- or ':e. D. 2.2 'lectric-

PHAN 2 - SA)N PHA'M 2.1 NHA# SA)N /UAT CHAP THUA&N A. 8hie?t b@ chie?u saAn$* tham <haHo GaLc tMnh <:W thuaDt thie?t b@ chie?u saAn$ vaB chi tie?t treIn baHn veW. B. Ballasts* theo GeE n$h@ vaB baHo haBnh cuHa nhaB saHn %ua?t thie?t b@ chie?u saAn$T;"8OB'L- 'CO.O3UA8- S;LL LI(28- LI8'> A.D 82+O. OS+A".

C. NeBn* GieDn toJn$ Osram7S:lvania- Philips- or ':e.


Contractor shall submit for approval. LAMPS

D. .haB thaEu seW GeD trPnh %in pheI du:eDt 2.2 ,E#N

A. Provide a complete set of new lamps in each luminaire. B. Lamps shall be as follows unless otherwise noted on the luminaire schedule on the Drawin$s* !. Linear fluorescent* 5, mm- 04,.

A. Cun$ ca?p moDt boD GeBn hoaBn chXnh tron$ moOi thie?t b@ aAnh saAn$. B. NeBn $oEm caAc loaCi sau trKB $hi chuA <haAc $hi tron$ baHn$ thie?t b@ chie?u saAn$ treIn baHn veW.


5. 8win tube- double twin tube- or triple twin tube fluorescent* 04,. 4. Lon$ compact fluorescent &Bia%)* 04,. 9. Incandescent* 5, /- inside frosted. ,. "etal halide* "inimum 1, C+I- open fi%ture rated 4 V color temperature for up to !, U lamps. "inimum 6, C+I for lamps !1,U and hi$her. 6. 2i$h pressure sodium* Delu%e colorminimum 6, C+I. 2.3 ALLASTS A. (eneral* !. Ballasts &Control (ear) shall be suitable for the electrical characteristics of the suppl: circuits to which the: are to be connected- and which are suitable for operatin$ the specified lamps. !. Provide electronic ballasts wherever there is an electronic ballast available for an: specified lamp or combination of lamps. 4. Uhere ballasts are installed in a cold environment such as wal< in free#ers- or cold food handlin$ areas- ballasts shall be capable of lamp startin$ at ambient temperatures down to minimum 35 de$rees C. 9. Luminaires controlled b: dimmers shall be provided with dimmable electronic ballasts. B. Sluorescent* !. 2i$h SreRuenc: 'lectronic Ballasts* a. 2i$h freRuenc: electronic t:pe operatin$ lamps at a freRuenc: of 5 V2# or hi$her with no detectable lamp flic<er. b. Provide pre3heat start t:pe ballasts. c. Ballast factor shall be .9 minimum. d. Ballasts shall meet DI. /D' 01,7CISP+ !,7'. ,, !, standards re$ardin$ electroma$netic and radio freRuenc: interference and shall not interfere with operation of other electrical eRuipment. e. Ballasts shall meet I'C ! 34357'. 6! 3435 standards re$ardin$ harmonic distortion and total harmonic distortion less than ! Y. f. Ballasts shall not be affected b: lamp failure and shall :ield normal lamp life.

!. NeBn hu:Bnh Ruan$ tu:e?n tZnh* 5,mm-04,. 5. O[n$ GoIi- 5 o?n$ GoIi- 4 o?n$ GoIi GeBn hu:Bnh Ruan$. 4. NeBn hu:Bnh Ruan$ daBi* 04,. 9. 8hie?t b@ chie?u saAn$* 5, /- <Mnh mFB. ,. 2alide* .hoH nha?t 1, C+I- mFH nhieDt GoD maBu G@nh mKAc 4 / lFAn nha?t cho GeBn !, U. .hoH nha?t 6, C+I cho GeBn !1,U ha: cao hFn. 6. .atri aAp sua?t cao*maBu san$ troCn$nhoH nha?t 6, C+I 2.3 ALLASTS A. 8oJn$ RuaAt* !. Ballast &hoDp GieEu <hieJn) GKFCc la\p thMch hFCp theo GaLc tMnh GieJm cuHa maCch cun$ ca?p Ge?n caAc <e?t no?i vaB thMch hFCp vFAi hoaCt GoDn$ GeBn GKFCc chX G@nh. 5. Cun$ ca?p ballast GieDn cho ba?t <:B GeBn chX G@nh naBo.

4. Ballast GKFCc la\p vaBo v@ trM tron$ moIi trKFBn$ laCnh nhK lo?i Gi vaBo phoBn$ laCnh ha: <hu vKCc vaDn haBnh thKCc phaJm laCnh- ballast coA <haH na]n$ <hFHi GoDn$ taCi nhieDt GoD %un$ Ruanh %uo?n$ coBn 35 C.

9. 8hie?t b@ chie?u saAn$ do duCn$ cuC GieEu chXnh aAnh saAn$ GieEu <hieJn coA ballast GieDn. B. NeBn hu:Bnh Ruan$* !. Ballast GieDn taEn so? cao* a. LoaCi GeBn hoaCt GoDn$ coA taEn so? 5 <2# ha: cao hFn maB <hoIn$ coA sKC nha?p nhaA: cuHa GeBn. b. Cun$ ca?p ballast <hFHi GoDn$ nhieDt trKFAc c. 2eD so? ballast nhoH nha?t laB .9 d. Ballast GaAp KAn$ tieIu chuaJn DI. /D' 01,7CISP+ !,7'. ,, !, :eIu caEu GaHm baHo GieDn tKB vaB taEn so? $iao thoa voI tu:e?n <hoIn$ %en vaBo hoaCt GoDn$ cuHa caAc thie?t b@ GieDn <haAc.


Ballasts shall maintain li$ht output at ,Y for line volta$e fluctuations of ! Y. $. Ballasts for fluorescent lamps shall contain end of lamp life sensin$ and provide shutdown protection. h. Lamp current crest factor shall not e%ceed !.,. i. "a%imum case temperater shall not be less than 9 oC. C. 2i$h Intensit: Dischar$e* !. "a$netic 8:pe* a. Constant watta$e auto transformer t:pe or reator t:pe- re$ulated- with inte$ral thermal protection and primar: circuit fuse. b. Ballast for 2ID lamps !, U or less shall be la$ t:pe reactance- autotransformer- hi$h power factor t:pe &9 Y minimum). c. 8otal 2amonic Distortion &82D) less than 44Y. 5. 'lectronic 8:pe* a. 2i$h power factor &9 Y minimum)Class A sound rated- ;L Class P thermal protection with auto reset- SCC Part !0CClass A- '. 6! 3435- /D' 01,- and '. ,, !, compliance- certified- automatic shutdown of defective lamps- and minimum two :ear warrant:. 2.4 MATERIALS AND .A RICATION

e. Ballast GaAp KAn$ tieIu chuaJn I'C ! 34357'. 6! 3435 GaHm baHo bie?n daCn$ GieEu hoaB nhoH hFn ! Y. f. Ballast <hoIn$ aHnh hKFHn$ Ge?n sKC phaA hoHn$ cuHa GeBn vaB GeJ GeBn hoaCt GoDn$ bPnh thKFBn$. Ballast du: trP GaEu ra aAnh saAn$ ,Y cho doBn$ dao GoDn$ GieDn aAp ! Y. $. Ballast cho GeBn hu:Bnh Ruan$ coA GieJm GaEu aAnh saAn$ hoaCt GoDn$ caHm bie?n vaB cun$ ca?p an toaBn ta\t taCm thFBi. h. 2eD so? doBn$ GieDn GeBn <hoIn$ RuaA !.,. i. .hieDt <e? hoDp lFAn nha?t <hoIn$ nhoH hFn 9 GoD C

C. >aH FH cKFBn$ GoD cao* !. LoaCi tKB* a. "aA: bie?n the? tKC GoDn$ ha: reator- coA GieEu chXnh coA baHo veD nhieDt vaB caEu chP maCch chMnh. b. Ballast cho GeBn 2ID !, U ha: nhoH hFn laB loaCi GieDn trFH- maA: bie?n the? tKC GoDn$- loaCi coA heD so? coIn$ sua?t &nhoH nha?t 9 Y). c. 8oJn$ bie?n daCn$ harmonic &82D) nhoH hFn 44Y.

A. Luminaires shall be completel: factor: assembled and wired- and eRuipped 5. LoaCi GieDn* with necessar: lampholders- ballasts- a. 2eD so? GieDn cao &nhoH nha?t 9 Y) wirin$- shieldin$- reflectors- channels- loaCi A G@nh mKAc aIm thanh- ;L loaCi Plenses- and other parts necessar: to n$a]n nhieDt coA tKC laLp laCi- SCC phaEn !0Ccomplete the luminaire installation. loaCi A- '. 6! 3435- /D' 01,- vaB '. ,, !, coA chKAn$ nhaDn- taCm ta\t tKC GoDn$ B. Luminaire hardware shall be cuHa GeBn <hie?m <hu:e?t vaB baHo haBnh Mt concealed. Ueld e%posed metal at ^oints- nha?t 5 na]m. fill with weld material- $rind smooth- and ma<e free from li$ht lea<s. (as<et incandescent luminaires with overlappin$ 2.4 VA&T LIE&U VA# CO(NG VIE&C trim. Ueld ballast support studs- soc<et CHE TA$O saddle studs- and reflector support studs to luminaire bod:_ self threadin$ screws are A. 8hie?t b@ chie?u saAn$ GKFCc la\p vaB not acceptable. /entilate ballast Gi daI: taCi %KFHn$- tran$ b@ coA ta: caEm compartments and firml: secure ballast to caEn thie?t- ballast daI: GieDn- thanh cha\nconductin$ metal surface. Luminaires shall <eInh- $KFn$ phaHn chie?u- tha?u <Mnh vaB

be desi$ned for bottom relampin$- unless otherwise noted. C. Construct luminaires with a minimum number of ^oints. ;ne%posed ^oints b: shall be welded- screwed or bolted_ soldered ^oints are not acceptable. Do not use self tappin$ methods or rivets for fastenin$ removable parts used to $ain access to electrical components reRuirin$ service or replacement- or for fastenin$ electrical components or their supports. D. Cast or e%truded parts of luminaires shall be close $rained and free from imperfections or discolorations- ri$id- true to pattern- of ample wei$ht and thic<nessand properl: fitted- filed- $round- and buffed to provide finished surfaces and ^oints free of imperfections.

caAc phaEn caEn thie?t <haAc GeJ hoaBn thaBnh la\p GaLt aAnh saAn$.

B. CaAc thie?t b@ cKAn$ cho aAnh saAn$ GKFCc la\p aJn. "o?i haBn <im loaCi taCi caAc mo?i no?i- $a\n vaDt lieDu haBn- pha`n$- vaB traAnh roB rX. 8hie?t b@ chie?u saAn$ GeDm coA <hun$ choEn$. 8hanh cho?n$ GFW ballast haBn- thanh ca\m vaB thanh cho?n$ GFW $KFn$ phaHn chie?u phaEn thaIn caAc thie?t b@ chie?u saAn$_ <hoIn$ sKH duCn$ o?c coA ren. 8hoIn$ $ioA n$a]n <Mn ballasts vaB baHo veD ballast Ge?n caAc beE maLt <im loaCi daI: daOn. 8hie?t b@ aAnh saAn$ GKFCc thie?t <e? cho GaA: la\p laCi trKB caAc $hi chuA <haAc.

C. La\p dKCn$ thie?t b@ aAnh saAn$ coA Mt mo?i no?i- mo?i no?i <hoIn$ loD ra mo?i '. 2ousin$s for fluorescent and 2ID haBn- ba\t o?c ha: bu loIn$- mo?i no?i hFCp luminaires shall be desi$ned to ma<e <im haBn <hoIn$ GKFCc sKH duCn$. VhoIn$ electrical components easil: accessible and duBn$ phKFn$ phaAp tKC Go ha: taAn Ginh GeJ replaceablewithout removin$ the <hoAa caAc phaEn di chu:eJn GKFCc sKH duCn$ luminaire bod: from its mountin$. GeJ coA lo?i vaBo Ge?n caAc thaBnh phaEn GieDn ha: tha: the? ha: <hoAa caAc thaBnh 2.5 .INISHES phaEn GieDn vaB cho?n$ GFW. A. Luminaire finishes shall provide a durable- wear resistant surface. Surfaces shall be chemicall: cleaned and treated with corrosion inhibitin$ &phosphatin$) material to assure positive paint adhesion. '%posed metal surfaces &brass- bron#ealuminum- etc.) and finished castin$s &e%cept chromium plated or stainless steel parts) shall have an even coat of hi$h $rade methacr:late lacRuer or transparent epo%:. Anodi#e e%posed aluminum surfaces in a 5 minute bath for corrosion resistance. Sheet steel luminaire housin$s- and iron and steel parts which have not received phosphatin$ treatment- or which are to be utili#ed in e%terior applications- shall be #inc or cadmium plated- or hot dip #inc $alvani#ed after completion of all formin$- weldin$and drillin$ operations. B. Screws- bolts- nuts- and other fastenin$ or latchin$ hardware shall be cadmium plated.

D. CaAc phaEn GuAc saan ha: nhoI ra cuHa thie?t b@ aAnh saAn$ GKFCc sFn $iaH vaIn vaB traAnh hK hoHn$ ha: ma?t maBucKAn$- GuAn$ <ieJu maOu- cuHa troCn$ lKFCn$ vaB GoD daB: vaB laBm <hFAp- $a\n- no?i Ga?t vaB $iaHm cha\n GeJ cun$ ca?p beE maLt hoaBn thieDn vaB caAc mo?i no?i <hoIn$ hoaBn thieDn.

'. Cun$ ca?p GeBn hu:Bnh Ruan$ vaB thie?t b@ aAnh saAn$ 2ID GKFCc thie?t <e? GeJ taCo n$oW vaBo vaB tha: the? cho caAc thaBnh phaEn GieDn- <hoIn$ d@ch chu:eJn thaIn thie?t b@ aAnh saAn$ 2.5 HOA#N THIE&N

A. 2oaBn thieDn thie?t b@ aAnh saAn$ cun$ ca?p GoD beEn- beE maLt <haAn$ moBn. CaAc beE maLt GKFCc veD sinh vaB %KH l:A




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