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A Quick Review Of

Clinical Anatomy Of Upper Limb (KLM)

Poland Syndrome :
Pectoralis Minor and Major are absent bilaterally

Upper Trunk Injury:

Causes Erb's Palsy and Waiter Tip Hand

Lower Trunk Injury:

Causes Klumpke Syndrome, Claw Hand

Popeye's Deformity:
Rupture of long head of Biceps Brachii

Volkmann / Ischemic Contracture

Fibosis and shortening of muscles due to occlusion of brachial artery

Winging of Scapula:
Cutting or injury to Long Thoracic Nerve causing paralysis of Serratus Anterior

Tennis Elbow / Lateral Epicondylitis :

Excessive straining of extensors of hand at lateral epicondyle and pain

Mallet / Baseball Finger:

Evulsion of extensor tendon at distal phalanx causing flexion at distal IP joint

Fractured Elbow:
Fracture of olecranon due to pull of triceps

Hand of Benediction: Pronator Syndrome:

Injury to median nerve at elbow , cannot flex 2nd and 3rd finger and thumb

Compression of median nerve at elbow b/w heads of pronator teres. Shortening , thickening of palmar aponeurosis pulling 4th and 5th finger into slight flexion

Dupuytren's Contracture:

Inflammation of tendons synovial sheath, digits swell , movements painful.

Quervain Tenovaginitis:
Tenosynovitis,stenosis of APL, EPB sheath at anatomical snuff box causing pain in thumb and proximally

Digital Tenovaginitis /Trigger /Snapping Fingers:

Thickening of flexors tendons proximal to tunnel causing flexion of fingers

Raynaud Syndrome:
Ischemia of digits due to unknown cause, cyanosis, pain , paresthesia.

Carpel Tunnel Syndrome:

Narrowing of Carpal Tunnel Due tendons inflammation or any cause.

Ulnar Canal Syndrome:

Compression of ulnar nerve in Guyon canal causing hypoesthesia in medial 1.5 fingers and their clawing, ulnar nerve palsy.

Wrist Drop:
Compression or injury of Radial nerve at elbow causing inactivity of extensors and dropping of hand

Handle Bar Neuropathy:

Prolonged pressure on hook of hamate compresses ulnar nerve.

Science of studying ridge patterns of palm.

Fixation of Pectoral joints

Calcific Supraspinatus Tendinis:

Inflammation of subacromial bursa due to calcification of supraspinatus tendon causing pain and tenderness

Arc Syndrome:
Pain in supraspinatus tendinis during 30-150 degrees of abduction

Shoulder Dislocation:
AC Joint dislocation

Adhesive Capsulitis:
Fibrosis of shoulder joint, subacromial bursa, rotator cuff, deltoid. Inability to abduct above 45 degrees.

Student's Elbow/ Dart Thrower's Elbow:

Inflammation of subcutaneous olecranon bursa.

Bicipitoradial Bursitis:
Pain in bicipitoradial bursa due to inflammation during pronation.

Tommy John's Procedure:

Reconstruction of Ulnar Collateral Ligament.

Nursemaid's Elbow/ Pulled Elbow:

Dislocation of head of radius.

Surgical fusion of carpal joints

Bull Rider's Thumb:

Sprain of Radial Collateral Ligament of hand and avulsion fracture of phalanx of thumb.

Skier's Thumb/ Game Keeper's Thumb:

Rupture of collateral ligament of 1st MP joint due to hyperabduction

Colles Fracture/Dinner Fork Deformity:

Fracture of radius 2cm distal and dorsal displacement of distal part.

Boxer's Fracture:

Fracture of 5th Metacarpal.

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