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How to calculate the Goods Receipt Valuation for Purchase Orders when doing the Invoice Verification in foreign

currency firstly? -MM

Attachments: 9 Added by Fabio Almeida, last edited by Eduardo Junior on Sep 05, 2012 ( ie! chan"e# $urpose %he purpose o& this pa"e is to clari&y the calculation o& 'oods (eceipt aluation &or $urchase )rders !hen postin" an *n oice document in &orei"n currency be&ore than '(+ ) er ie! *n the belo! section an e,ample is pro ided to sho! ho! the "oods receipt aluation is calculated in the standard system desi"n+ E,ample Goods Receipt Valuation when doing the Invoice Verification in foreign currency firstly. A) Create a Purchase Order in M !"# $%on&t fi' the e'change rate and do not set (GR)*A+ %IV& on (Invoice& ta,). M !-# . Create Purchase Order

*) Post an Invoice in the docu/ent $foreign) currency in MIRO $0field currency is grayed out). MIRO . nter Inco/ing Invoice

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C) Post a Goods Receipt for the Purchase Order in MIGO. MIGO . Goods Receipt for Purchase Order

%) Calculate the GR value $1R2)3 %ata3 '( .uantity posted so &ar ('( .uantity posted be&ore than in oice#: 0 /' '( alue posted so &ar ('( alue posted be&ore than in oice#: 0 E0( 1learin" alue posted so &ar: 2900 E0( *n oice .uantity posted so &ar: 20 /' 4or/ula3 Clearing value posted so far5 Invoice value ' 'change Rate GR value 5 GR 6ty ' 7$GR value posted so far . Clearing value posted so far) 8 $GR 6uantity posted so far . IR 6uantity posted so far)9

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Calculation3 Clearing value posted so far5 Invoice value ' 'change Rate 1learin" alue posted so &ar3 1200 0S4 , 5,50 E0(60S4 1learin" alue posted so &ar 3 2900 E0( I/portant3 '(6*( clearin" alue is al!ays considered in local currency+ GR value 5 GR 6ty ' 7$GR value posted so far . Clearing value posted so far) 8 $GR 6uantity posted so far . IR 6uantity posted so far)9 '( alue (7(8# 3 20 /' , (0 E0( 9 2900 E0(# 6 (0 /' 9 20 /'# '( alue (7(8# 3 20 /' , 2900 E0( 6 20 /' 3 '( alue (7(8# 3 2900 E0( ) Calculate the stoc: account value %ata3 Standard $rice: :0 E0( $rice unit: 1 %his data can be chec;ed in <<05 transaction+ MM;" . %ispaly Material

4or/ula3 *+2 5 GR 6ty ' $+tandard Price 8 Price <nit) - -=S8 3 20 /' , (:0 E0( 6 1 /'# =S8 3 1200 E0( 4) Calculate the price difference value $(4 3 =S8 9 7(8 $(4 3 1200 E0( 9 2900 E0( $(4 3 5>00 E0( G) Chec: 4I docu/ent via M !"# $PO history)= M*;" $via /aterial docu/ent) or in 4*;" directly. See that stoc; account !as debited on 1200 E0(, clearin" account !as credited on 2900 E0( and, as a conse.uence, price di&&erence account !as credited on 5>00 E0(+ M !"# . %isplay Purchase Order

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I/portant3 %o post an Invoice in >ocal Currency ,efore than Goods receipt , you should &irstly insert the local currency be&ore insertin" the $urchase )rder+ ?ou should insert the local currency be&ore insertin" the $) number in <*()+ ?ou should insert the local currency be&ore insertin" the $) number+ E,ample: MIRO . nter Inco/ing Invoice

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?ips3 %o calculate the clearin" alue (7(8 3 '( alue# you ha e to pay attention in !hich !ay you are postin" the in oice &irstly+ 1onsiderin" you are in ol in" 0S4 (&orei"n6document currency# and E0( (local currency#: @ *A be&ore than '( in &orei"n currency: e,chan"e rate is &rom 0S4 to E0( in transaction )=0B+ @ *A be&ore than '( in local currency: e,chan"e rate is &rom E0( to 0S4 in transaction )=0B+ It has not /andatorily the sa/e conversion and then= as conse6uence= you will have an e'change rate difference when calculating the GR valuation. O*;@ . Currency 'change Rates

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O*;@ . Currency

'change Rates

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(elated 1ontent (elated 4ocuments SA$ 7*/* E($ S1<C<< (elated Dotes SA$ Dote 2122B:: ) er ie! note: Aaluation durin" "oods mo ements SA$ Dote 51B2B5: FAE: Aaluation o& "oods mo ements SA$ Dote 51B5:B: FAE: Aaluation &or the purchase order

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