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December Edition Number 36 - 2013

Dear Reader
Slavery for a Hundred Years .. and Longer In the United States the Federal Reserve turned 100 years old this December, an event which the institution itself commemorated, and which is mentioned in several articles on its own websites. While it was also celebrated to some de ree in the mass media, there was little mass media criticism of the Fed!s one"hundred"year history. In fact, outlets such as USA Today actually celebrated the out oin Fed chairman, and in an article entitled #$ thin s you didn!t %now about 100"year"old Fed&, while it 'ustly blames the institution for such events as the (reat De)ression, it )ortrays even that in the best )ossible li ht. *owever this USA Today article, in its last item in the list and the only one of the five which is relevant to current events, only celebrates the Fed!s recent introduction of di ital chec% clearin technolo y. +onservative estimates of the )otential cost to ta,)ayers of recent ban% bailouts orchestrated by the Federal Reserve run from - trillion .The New York Times/ to over 10 trillion to 11 trillion to as much as 29 trillion dollars 3ut all that USA Today has to discuss concernin the Fed in this era is the inevitable ado)tion of di ital chec% clearin 4 If most 5mericans are i norant 6 and it can be demonstrated that they certainly are 6 it is because they are too trustin of the media by which they e,)ect to be informed. Re)ortin on the Fed!s anniversary by most of the other ma'or media outlets seemed sterile, to say the least, and with a few e,ce)tions, a))arently none of them ever challen e the nonsensical idea that the Federal Reserve is a le itimate institution concerned with the national interest. 7here were some mainstream or ani8ations which )ublished articles commemoratin the Fed!s anniversary, and which could not describe the Federal Reserve as a success. In mentionin the event, Forbes 9a a8ine rather boldly derided the Fed as a #ro ue entity& which has failed the stated )ur)oses of its foundin . In a )resumably balanced academic )a)er, the +ato Institute has attem)ted to :uantify the Fed!s failures. 7he *uffin ton ;ost ran an article lamentin that it is #time to ma%e the Fed a )ublic utility& Sadly, most 5mericans have always believed that the Fed is a )ublic utility, or at least a overnment a ency. <ven one economist, a =ew named Feldstein cited in the aforementioned +ato Institute study, wron ly considers the Fed to be a #)ublic institution&. In truth, the Federal Reserve is not federal at all, and it is not a reserve. It is a :uasi")ublic institution which is owned by the ban%s. Real criticisms of the Fed from mainstream media outlets are few, and most of the articles which do critici8e it do not challen e its le itimacy, nor do they ima ine that its true alle iance is to the international ban%ers who have no care for the avera e 5merican, or for 5merica as a nation. 7he Federal Reserve 5ct em)owered a mechanism by which ban%ers may create virtually unlimited funds out of nothin , sim)ly by ettin other entities to a ree to borrowin those funds. 7he )rintin or coinin of )a)er and metal currency are a )rocess inde)endent of the creation of currency, which has other forms. While the )ur)ose of this article is not to describe the details of this wic%ed system, it must be mentioned that the United States overnment is by far the Fed!s lar est borrower. 7his arran ement has allowed the United States overnment access to unlimited fundin for all of its endeavors. With this method of fundin , the United States has become a tyrannical )olice state both within and without. *owever the )olice state does not serve the interests of the 5merican )eo)le. Rather, it only enforces the interests of those same ban%ers who control the Federal Reserve. 3efore 1-1>, 5mericans enerally %e)t 100 )ercent of their )aychec%s. 5n income ta, was nearly im)osed to )ay for the War of 1?10, and another was later im)osed under @incoln to hel) )ay for the War 3etween the States. 7hese ta,es were tem)orary, and levied for s)ecific )ur)oses. In 1?-1 another income ta, was

im)osed which the Su)reme +ourt struc% down a year later, because of the unconstitutionality of the method of ta,ation. 7he 1Ath amendment to the +onstitution, which was alle edly ratified 'ust in time for the creation of the Federal Reserve, afforded +on ress the ability to create income ta,es as it saw fit, overcomin that 1?-$ Su)reme +ourt decision. 7he timin of these actions is not a coincidence. 7he overnment could not whore itself off to the ban%ers without a method by which it could obli ate the )eo)le to )ay for the cost of such )anderin . Since 1-1>, 5mericans have been burdened not only with :uite o))ressive income ta,es, but also with a host of other ta,es, many of which are relatively new. 5mon these are ta,es for )ro)erty, schools, licenses, e,cise, consum)tion, trans)ortation, communications, )ayroll and inheritance. 7hese are the ma'or cate ories, and a never"endin host of more s)ecific ta,es such as those on alcohol, fuel, and utilities burden the )eo)le much more o))ressively, althou h many of them are barely noticed. While the various States and local overnments always sou ht ways to raise funds for their own administration, most of our modern ta,es were un%nown before 1-1>, or li%e )ro)erty ta,es, they were much lower in most States. If the avera e 5merican thin%s he is free, that a ain is only because he entrusted the media to %ee) him informed of his situation. 7he ban%s and international cor)orations which own and control the mass media have benefited handsomely from their investments. In truth, 5mericans have been enslaved for a hundred years. Reali8in that the Federal Reserve is a )rivate institution with a mono)oly on the creation of currency is only half of the awa%enin )rocess. Reali8in that the )eo)le who control the ban%s which own the Federal Reserve are all =ews, or a ents for =ews, is a necessary condition towards ainin a true understandin of the world situation both today and throu hout recent history. With the nation!s economy ultimately in =ewish hands, the nation would indeed become an a ent for the interests of =ewry. 7homas <dison invented the )hono ra)h in 1?BB, and the movie camera in 1???. 7he first si nificant movie which had a lastin effect on 5merican culture was D.W. (riffith!s Birth of a Nation, shown in the Wilson White *ouse and to the )ublic in 1-1$. From that time forward, there was not much s)ace left for truly 5merican media. Cnce the =ewish ban%ers came to control 5merica!s currency, they also :uic%ly came to be the masters of the newly develo)in film, radio and television industries, all of which re:uired lar e financial investments in order to become successful. While =ews had already been )ro)ortionately over"re)resented amon st the influential )ersonalities of the 1-th century )rint media, they would almost totally control the bur eonin 00th century electronic media. 5t the same time, a new eneration of 3ibles were bein )rinted which totally chan ed the nation!s reli ious attitudes towards =ews. *istorically, +hristians were always ambivalent towards =ews because +hristianity demands them to be ambivalent towards those who hate +hrist. (enerations of <uro)ean +hristians fully understood =ews to be the anti"+hrist. Such an attitude amon st +hristians could not be tolerated, as it made it difficult for =ews to ain acce)tance. 7he Scofield 3ible first a))eared in 1-0-, and it was financed by the =ew Samuel Untermyer. 3ullin er!s +om)anion 3ible a))eared that same year. 3ullin er was a ood friend of 7heodor *er8l, a =ew considered to be the father of =ewish 8ionism, and many of his 3ible notes were derived from 9asoretic Rabbis. ;resa in his )ublication of 7he +om)anion 3ible was the )ublication of the =ewish 7ana%h by a =ew who bore the offensive name Christian a!id "ins#$rg. 3ullin er had a substantial role in that )ublication, wor%in closely with (insbur and other =ews as the secretary of the 7rinitarian 3ible Society in 3ritain. With Scofield, 3ullin er, and the heavy infiltration of many si nificant 5merican seminaries by =ews, +hristianity would soon be safe for =ewry, and the comin =ewish Su)remacy over all +hristian nations. In the <n lish"s)ea%in nations, before the First World War there was a )ro)a anda cam)ai n which was be un on a rand scale, which was desi ned to win sym)athy in the <n lish"s)ea%in world for the alle edly )ersecuted and o))ressed =ewish )eo)le. *ere is an e,cer)t from an article which is hi hly illustrative of this )ro)a anda. It ran in 7he 9ercury, a news)a)er in *obart, 5ustralia, on December 1th 1-1$ .with a few s)ellin corrections, this is )osted with a facsimile of the ori inal at the +hristo enea

9ein Dam)f ;ro'ect/E #5ccordin to information from Russia, the condition of the =ews in ;oland is daily ettin worse. Russian ;oland contains a lar er number of =ews than all the countries of the world to ether, and those si, millions of Russian and ;olish =ews are today the most )itiable victims of that race hatred and that race fanaticism which have been the creed of (ermany and which have been too often )ro)a ated by the =ewish )ublicists themselves. 5nti"Semitism has been rife in every country, but only in (ermany has it been )reached as a systematic doctrine. 7he same national historian, 7reitsch%e, who was the cham)ion of ;russian militarism, has also been the father of (erman anti"Semitism. 5nd yet leadin =ews li%e 9i,imilan *arden, Dernber , and Wolff are still defendin the ri hteous (erman war, and are still loyal to the Su)er"race.& 9ost 5mericans would only be familiar with such )ro)a anda as a )roduct of =ewish media tales concernin 5dolf *itler!s (ermany. 7he truth is that the stories about the #9aster Race&, called the #Su)er"race& here in this article from 1-1$, are lies )er)etrated in order to facilitate =ewish slanders a ainst the (erman )eo)le, and to win the common <n lishman or 5merican over to the =ewish cause4 With the foundin of the Federal Reserve came )ersistent =ewish )ressure for 5merica to et involved in the <uro)ean war, somethin the Founders of this nation, and es)ecially its first )resident, had stron ly warned a ainst. *owever 5merican involvement in the First World War was inevitable once the =ews ained control of the 5merican economy. From that time forward, 5merican )olicy would be uided by =ews, and there would be hell to )ay for any )olitician who resisted their desires. 3y the time of Fran%lin Roosevelt, =ews were found in lar e numbers not only amon his immediate advisors, but throu hout every level of overnment. 7he =uly 10th, 1->> issue of 7he 9ilwau%ee =ournal ran an article on )a e ?, syndicated from 7he 3oston (lobe, with the headline #3arney 3aruch, Unofficial 5dviser to the ;residents&, referrin to the =ewish ban%er 3ernard 3aruch, and under the headline it stated that #Since the days of Woodrow Wilson the 2ew For% financier has been a familiar fi ure at White *ouse whether a Democrat or Re)ublican was in )ower&. It should be no wonder. *owever 5mericans should have been u) in arms over this situation, a ainst both the overnment and the media which loated before their faces. 7he 5merican )eo)le are indeed enslaved to the ban%ers, and they have been for over a hundred years. <very dollar created by the Federal Reserve immediately commands interest, and therefore there can never be enou h money to )ay off a debt which is con'ured from nothin . For that reason, there must be a continual inflation of the currency so that money is constantly devalued while ta,es must constantly increase. 5t some )oint the bubble must burst, and the )yramid scheme must colla)se. 3ut nobody can tell 'ust when that )oint is oin to be. 9ost of the nations of <uro)e, and es)ecially the <n lish, have been enslaved by these same ban%ers for much lon er than the 5mericans. Im)erial Russia was a hold"out, and (ermany also under Daiser Wilhelm, and therefore they had to be destroyed. 7hat was the real reason for the first World War. (ermany bro%e free under 2ational Socialism, and for that reason *itler also had to be destroyed, and then demoni8ed so that no man would follow in his footste)s. 7hat was the real reason for the second World War. 7he lies about a holocaust were then contrived to %ee) the world safe for =ewry.
%Presenting this article on Christogenea &nternet 'adio on (e#r$ary)th* 2+,-* we offered a .ortion of cha.ter / of Benton Brad#erry0s The Myth of German Villainy. Brad#erry was a US Na!al 1fficer from ,922 thro$gh ,9))* and .$#lished his #ook in 2+,2. &t confirms most of o$r assertions concerning the origins and nat$re of the 3orld 3ars* and also concerning Adolf 4itler.5

<very so often men wonder why =ews dominate ban%in and industry, and offer inane reasons from a secular )ers)ective. 7hey claim that =ews are smarter, which is not true. 7hey claim that =ews have reater financial acumen, which is not true. 7hey claim that =ews are more international, which is true to a de ree but which does not ade:uately e,)lain how =ews can subvert entire nations from within. 7he truth is that, +hristian or not, Whites do not understand the facts that =ews forever favor =ews, =ews )ur)osely lie to everyone else, and =ews o)erate more as a crime rin than as a race or reli ion. 7hey are actually history!s oldest crime rin . *owever the real reason why a handful of =ewish ban%ers and merchants are able to hold

in sub'ection the entire +hristian world, and therefore also all of the world!s non"White races, is far dee)er than even the best of historians or anthro)olo ists can ima ine. And the children of &srael did e!il in sight of the 6ord* and their kings did e!il in the sight of the 6ord* and they #$ilt $. the high .laces and images and ser!ed Baal in the gro!es and worshi..ed all the host of hea!en and ser!ed them. And they forsook the 61' "od of their fathers* and walked not in the way of the 61' . ,7 And they left the ho$se of the 61' "od of their fathers* and ser!ed gro!es and idols8 and wrath came $.on them for this their tres.ass. And the children of &srael did e!il again in the sight of the 61' 9 and the 61' deli!ered them into the hand of :dom. 7hat )assa e is not in the 3ible. In Scri)ture, it is not e,)licitly described that Fahweh (od had ever delivered the children of Israel into the hand of <dom. *owever there certainly were warnin s that the children of Israel would end u) in sub'ection to <dom, but it never ha))ened in anti:uity. 3ut if the boo%s of Din s and +hronicles were still bein recorded after 1-1>, the account of that year would read very much li%e the )assa e su))lied above. In 1-1>, Fahweh certainly did deliver the children of Israel into the hand of <dom. *owever to understand such a statement, one would have to understand the truths of +hristian Israel identity. 7oday!s =ews are indeed descended from <sau, from the Idumaeans .<domites/ of anti:uity, somethin which can be )roven in history and from the )a es of the 2ew 7estament. 7oday!s White <uro)eans, for the most )art, are indeed descended from the ancient tribes of the children of Israel, and the )ro)hets and the )a es of the 2ew 7estament also demonstrate that assertion, the truth of which can be discovered in archaeolo y and classical history. Discoverin these truths is the %ey to )ro)erly understandin both the 3ible and history. 7he real reason why all of the nations once %nown as +hristendom are currently dominated and enslaved by the =ewish anti"+hrists is found all the way bac% in (enesis cha)ter 0B, here from the Din =ames GersionE #>- 5nd Isaac his father answered and said unto him, 3ehold, thy dwellin shall be the fatness of the earth, and of the dew of heaven from aboveH 10 5nd by thy sword shalt thou live, and shalt serve thy brotherH and it shall come to pass when thou shalt have the dominion, that thou shalt break his yoke from off thy neck. 11 5nd <sau hated =acob because of the blessin wherewith his father blessed himE and <sau said in his heart, 7he days of mournin for my father are at handH then will I slay my brother =acob.& Dnowin who the )arties are historically, there is only one time when <sau could )ossibly have bro%en his brother!s yo%e from his nec%E the emanci)ation of the =ews in <uro)e in the early 1-th century. While the word for dominion is contested amon the various translations, there are closely related *ebrew words which lend su))ort to the inter)retation, and the meanin of this )assa e as it a))ears in the Din =ames Gersion is conveyed in other related 3iblical )ro)hecies which must be referencin this very same event. 7he <domites were slaves of the children of Israel from the time of David and throu hout most of the Din dom )eriod. From then the Idumaeans were sub'ects of the 5ssyrians, 3abylonians, ;ersians, (ree%s and Romans. 7hrou hout the 9edieval )eriod =ews in <uro)e were the chattel )ro)erty of +hristian %in s, and they were never fellow"citi8ens alon side +hristians until their emanci)ation be an in France, which 2a)oleon then e,)orted to most of the rest of <uro)e. While =ews had always sou ht to subvert +hristendom, it was not until the destruction of the old feudal system and their subse:uent emanci)ation that they were able to rule over +hristian nations. (or "od hath .$t in their hearts to f$lfill his will* and to agree* and gi!e their kingdom $nto the #east* $ntil the words of "od shall #e f$lfilled. ; 'e!elation ,)8,) Without oin into too may of the historic and 3iblical details, there are connections which must be made in order to understand the true nature of those who call themselves =ews. 7he children of +anaan had for centuries intermin led with the Denites .the descendants of +ain/ and Re)haim .the remnant of the iants/, which is evident in (enesis cha)ter 1$, and the true reason why <sau had lost his birthri ht was because he himself intermarried with them, which is evident from (enesis 0AE>1, 0BE1A, and *ebrews 10E1A.

And :sa$ was forty years old when he took to wife <$dith the da$ghter of Beeri the 4ittite* and Bashemath the da$ghter of :lon the 4ittite8 3hich were a grief of mind $nto &saac and to 'e#ekah. ; "enesis 2=8/-;/2 6est there #e any fornicator* or .rofane .erson* as :sa$* who for one morsel of meat sold his #irthright. (or ye know how that afterward* when he wo$ld ha!e inherited the #lessing* he was re>ected8 for he fo$nd no .lace of re.entance* tho$gh he so$ght it caref$lly with tears. ; 4e#rews ,28,=;,) 7herefore in the Revelation, in cha)ter 10, where there is a de)iction of the dra on which see%s to devour the +hrist child as soon as it is born, it is seen that *erod, the <domite who was the %in of =udaea at the birth of +hrist had fulfilled that role in history. 7herefore *erod, whom the historian =ose)hus e,)lains at len th was an <domite, was livin re)resentative of the dra on. 7he dra on is an entity which in the Revelation is connected to the Devil, Satan .the adversary/ and #that old ser)ent&. From the )a es of both =ose)hus and the 2ew 7estament .i.e. Romans -/ it can be made absolutely clear that <domites had been ta%en into, and had then eventually ta%en over, =udaea from the mid"0nd century 3+ to the time of +hrist. In @u%e cha)ter 11 +hrist tells those in o))osition to *im that their race is res)onsible for the blood of 5bel, which can only 'ustly be attributed to +ain. In =ohn cha)ter ?, +hrist ac%nowled es that those in o))osition to *im were the seed of 5braham, but says in =ohn cha)ter 10 that they were not *is #shee)&. 7he only way that both instances could be true is if they were, once a ain, of the children of <sau. +hrist oes on to say in =ohn cha)ter ? that they were of their father, the Devil, a murderer from the be innin , which must also be a reference to +ain. 7he children of Seth, and the le itimate descendants of =acob, cannot be described by any of these statements. 7herefore we see corroboration for the words of ;aul concernin <sau in *ebrews, and concernin the descendants of <sau in Romans cha)ter -. 7he <domites, collectively, are indeed re)resentative of the dra on, the Devil and Satan. 5s it is further described in Revelation cha)ter 10, after the dra on, embodied in the <domite %in *erod but also re)resented by the <domites of =udaea in eneral, had attem)ted to slay the +hrist child it is then de)icted as oin #to ma%e war with the remnant of her seed, which %ee) the commandments of (od, and have the testimony of =esus +hrist.& 7his alone e,)lains the stru le between =ew and #(entile&, the )ersistent contention between the =ews and +hristendom which has endured these )ast twenty centuries, and which continues today. It also e,)lains why =ewry have been so successful a criminal enter)rise throu hout history, for it is their enetic nature to function in such a manner. & know thy works* and tri#$lation* and .o!erty* ?#$t tho$ art rich@ and & know the #las.hemy of them which say they are <ews* and are not* #$t are the synagog$e of Satan.... Behold* & will make them of the synagog$e of Satan* which say they are <ews* and are not* #$t do lie9 #ehold* & will make them to come and worshi. #efore thy feet* and to know that & ha!e lo!ed thee. ; 'e!elation 289* /89 7he a)ostle =ohn informs us of the nature of the antichrist, where he says in his e)istles #@ittle children, it is the last timeE and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichristsH whereby we %now that it is the last time. 7hey went out from us, but they were not of usH for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with usE but they went out, that they mi ht be made manifest that they were not all of us.& .1 =ohn 0E1?"1-/ 7he a)ostle is tellin us that there are at his time many antichrists, which he defines in that same )lace as #he that denieth that =esus is the +hrist&. *e also informs us that #they went out from us, but they were not of us&. Cstensibly, he is writin these e)istles after his return to <)hesus from ;atmos when his e,ile ended u)on the death of Domitian, after -A 5D. =erusalem is already destroyed. 9any of the =ews o))osed to +hrist had already been scattered. 7hose who =ohn describes, those who deny +hrist, must have been <domites, and therefore in =ohn!s e)istle is further testimony to this inter)retation of the words in his (os)el, in the Revelation, in the (os)el of @u%e, and in ;aul!s e)istle to the Romans. 7he <domites, children of both <sau and +ain, were Devils and Satans and antichrists, and so are all of their children, still )retendin to be =ews .=udah/ today. 7hey have made war a ainst the true children of (od, the nations of +hristendom, for as lon as history has been recorded.

7he remnant of the White race of today are indeed descended )rimarily from the children of Israel, and Israel has been in ca)tivity ever since the remainder of them were ta%en out of their ancient land by the 5ssyrians and the 3abylonians, lon before the time of +hrist. For twelve hundred years they were sub'ect to the ancient em)ires, which are de)icted in the 3ible as beasts, and from the fall of Rome they were sub'ect to the tyranny of )o)es and %in s. In Revelation cha)ter 1> we learn that it is the dra on from whence the beast derives its )ower, and therefore it is made evident that the ancient em)ires were formed throu h the )ower of the world!s merchants, usurers and antichrists. 5 study of history would certainly vindicate the Scri)ture. With the end of the old system of tyrannies and the dawn of )arliamentary democracy, the children of Israel have lived under a delusion of self" overnment, where they have rather been more directly sub'ect to the =ewish ban%ers4 7hese are the words of Isaac fulfilled, that when <sau ained the dominion, he would also brea% =acob!s yo%e from his nec%. A(or* lo* the days come* saith the 61' * that & will #ring again the ca.ti!ity of my .eo.le &srael and <$dah* saith the 61' 8 and & will ca$se them to ret$rn to the land that & ga!e to their fathers* and they shall .ossess it. I7his ha))ened in the First World War, althou h they did not inhabit it. Rather, it has caused more warEJ And these are the words that the 61' s.ake concerning &srael and concerning <$dah. (or th$s saith the 61' 9 3e ha!e heard a !oice of trem#ling* of fear* and not of .eace. Ask ye now* and see whether a man doth tra!ail with childB wherefore do & see e!ery man with his hands on his loins* as a woman in tra!ail* and all faces are t$rned into .alenessB AlasC for that day is great* so that none is like it8 it is e!en the time of <aco#0s tro$#le9 #$t he shall #e sa!ed o$t of it.D <eremiah /+8/;) And at that time shall Eichael stand $.* the great .rince which standeth for the children of thy .eo.le8 and there shall #e a time of tro$#le* s$ch as ne!er was since there was a nation e!en to that same time8 and at that time thy .eo.le shall #e deli!ered* e!ery one that shall #e fo$nd written in the #ook. ; aniel ,28,;2. In this era of delusion, Satan .the =ews/ has esca)ed out of the )it .ca)itulation by the +hristian )rinces of <uro)e/ to deceive all of the nations .Revelation cha)ter 00 understood without the len thy inter)olation of verse $a/, and even a ma'ority of the children of Israel have 'oined with the antichrist. 7he time of =acob!s trouble is fully e,)lained by all of the +hristian sufferin under the heel of the =ewish ban%ers. 7his must be con ruent to Daniel!s #time of trouble&, which is e,)lained where every time a reat White leader has stood u) for his )eo)le, he has been destroyed by World =ewry. 7he si nal e,am)les are found in Russia in 1-1B, and in (ermany in 1-1? and 1-1$. =ewish +ommunism, =ewish +a)italism, the world wars and the )ersistent state of war, the economic recessions and de)ressions, the =ewish immi ration a enda, all of these direct us towards the destruction of our White race. 7his is the culmination of the war of the dra on a ainst the seed of the woman, and the alien masses are indeed the flood from mouth of ser)ent. 7he name 9ichael means #who is li%e (odK& 7he 3ible tells us that +hrist *imself shall save *is )eo)le, and that #Gen eance is 9ine, saith the @ord&, and therefore no man can arise who will successfully battle the dra on .world =ewry/ on his own terms. 7his alone e,)lains how seemin ly easy it was for the =ews to overthrow the +8ar, for the Daiser!s (ermany to snatch a miserable defeat from the 'aws of a once"inevitable victory, and for the defeat of *itler even thou h he certainly merited all the )rayers of success. AAnd & saw hea!en o.ened* and #ehold a white horse9 and he that sat $.on him was called (aithf$l and Tr$e* and in righteo$sness he doth >$dge and make war. 4is eyes were as a flame of fire* and on his head were many crowns9 and he had a name written* that no man knew* #$t he himself. And he was clothed with a !est$re di..ed in #lood8 and his name is called The 3ord of "od. And the armies which were in hea!en followed him $.on white horses* clothed in fine linen* white and clean. And o$t of his mo$th goeth a shar. sword* that with it he sho$ld smite the nations8 and he shall r$le them with a rod of iron8 and he treadeth the wine.ress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty "od. And he hath on his !est$re and on his thigh a name written* F&N" 1( F&N"S* AN 61' 1( 61' S. And & saw an angel standing in the s$n9 and he

cried with a lo$d !oice* saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of hea!en* Come and gather yo$rsel!es together $nto the s$ of the great "od9 That ye may eat the flesh of kings* and the flesh of ca.tains* and the flesh of mighty men* and the flesh of horses* and of them that sit on them* and the flesh of all men* #oth free and #ond* #oth small and great. And & saw the #east* and the kings of the earth* and their armies* gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse* and against his army. And the #east was taken* and with him the false .ro.het that wro$ght miracles #efore him* with which he decei!ed them that had recei!ed the mark of the #east* and them that worshi..ed his image. These #oth were cast ali!e into a lake of fire #$rning with #rimstone. And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat $.on the horse* which sword .roceeded o$t of his mo$th8 and all the fowls were filled with their flesh.D ; 'e!elation ,98,,;2, 7he (od of Israel is indeed a (od of war, and nothin has chan ed since the remotest anti:uity. 7his is the +hristian ho)e, and it is the only valid White ho)eE the destruction of the antichrists and the fulfillment of the words concernin <sau found in the )ro)hets Cbadiah and 9alachi, which alone forebode the absolute end of world =ewry and all of the wic%ed beasts who are )resently or in themselves on the 9ountain of (od, which is indeed the children of Israel. Cnly by turnin to +hrist, can our race find re)entance and then reali8e an end to their slavery. *owever there are two ma'or obstacles to true +hristian re)entance. First, they have to reali8e that they are indeed in ca)tivity once a ain. Second, they have to reali8e that their masters are indeed the antichrists. The First &%odus bstacle to !epentance" the Slave #entality of the true $sraelite people is e%hibited in the

7he ori inal Israelites were, of course, White, and the ancestors of most of today!s <uro)eans. Whites today love to lorify their love for liberty. *owever Whites today surely do not e,em)lify a true love for liberty. Rather, most Whites today are ha))y in a state of slavery, so lon as they are comfortable. 7his is the bi est challen e which Identity +hristians face in ur in their %insmen to awareness. From <,odus cha)ter 0E #11 5nd it came to )ass in those days, when 9oses was rown, that he went out unto his brethren, and loo%ed on their burdensE and he s)ied an < y)tian smitin an *ebrew, one of his brethren. 10 5nd he loo%ed this way and that way, and when he saw that there was no man, he slew the < y)tian, and hid him in the sand. 1> 5nd when he went out the second day, behold, two men of the *ebrews strove to etherE and he said to him that did the wron , Wherefore smitest thou thy fellowK 11 5nd he said, Who made thee a )rince and a 'ud e over usK intendest thou to %ill me, as thou %illedst the < y)tianK 5nd 9oses feared, and said, Surely this thin is %nown. 1$ 2ow when ;haraoh heard this thin , he sou ht to slay 9oses. 3ut 9oses fled from the face of ;haraoh, and dwelt in the land of 9idianE and he sat down by a well.& 9oses clearly had a reater love for the men of his own race than he had for his own e,alted )osition in the household of )haraoh, so he ris%ed that )osition for the benefit of his %insmen. 7his event is offered in Scri)ture as the very reason why 9oses was chosen to be a reat leader in IsraelE he loved his race above his own interests. *owever the )eo)le of his own race, those who he was tryin to hel), des)ised him for his involvement and his bec%onin them to love one another on the basis of their bein %insmen4 7oday there are thousands of men li%e 9oses, and most of them are Identity +hristians. 7hey have this same basic messa e, and many of them ta%e ris%s similar to 9oses. 5nd they are frustrated at their lac% of success in convincin their brethren, a frustration which 9oses must have also e,)erienced. What they must learn from <,odus cha)ter 0, however, is that even 9oses had to flee from the face of )haraoh and live a life in e,ile for forty years, before Fahweh (od decided to call him bac%, and a))oint him to success. The Second bstacle to !epentance" 'hristian (ionism In addition to this same slave mentality that our forefathers had and which is evident amon our )eo)le

today, there is another dynamic in )lay which is also foretold in Scri)ture, and which now ham)ers the awa%enin of Whites. 7hat dynamic is +hristian Lionism. 5s incredible as it may sound, +hristian Lionism is indeed )ro)hesied in Scri)ture Ithis was discussed in a )odcast I )resented on the )ro)hecy of 9alachi, in Se)tember of 0011J. So lon as +hristian Lionism )ersists, Whites will worshi) =ews rather than worshi)in (od. 9alachi was a )ro)het of the second"tem)le )eriod. *is writin fully indicates that the tem)le was already rebuilt and in use when he wrote. Cstensibly, the e,)erience which <8ra and 2ehemiah had with race"mi,ers amon those who returned to =erusalem, for which we may refer to <8ra cha)ter 10, was %nown fully to 9alachi and his )ro)hecy addresses that same )roblem. It is both fittin and correct that his boo% is the last of the boo%s included in the Cld 7estament. 5s he )ro)hesied, =erusalem had already been rebuilt. From the o)enin cha)ter of 9alachi, the first versesE #1 7he burden of the word of the @CRD to Israel by 9alachi. 0 I have loved you, saith the @CRD. Fet ye say, Wherein hast thou loved usK Was not <sau =acob!s brotherK saith the @CRDE yet I loved =acob, > 5nd I hated <sau, and laid his mountains and his herita e waste for the dra ons of the wilderness. 1 Whereas <dom saith, We are im)overished, but we will return and build the desolate )lacesH thus saith the @CRD of hosts, 7hey shall build, but I will throw downH and they shall call them, 7he border of wic%edness, and, 7he )eo)le a ainst whom the @CRD hath indi nation for ever. $ 5nd your eyes shall see, and ye shall say, 7he @CRD will be ma nified from the border of Israel.& 5s the Israelites did in the centuries before +hrist, so they do todayE they have acce)ted the children of <sau and brou ht them into their )olity .fellow"citi8enshi)/. Fet the children of <sau were, and still are, hated by (od. 7oday, bein those who re'ected +hrist as 9essiah, the children of <sau are for the most )art %nown as =ews. 7he rebuildin of which 9alachi )ro)hesies cannot be the rebuildin of =erusalem in the days of 2ehemiah and <8ra, as that rebuildin had already ta%en )lace by the time of 9alachi, and the <domites clearly had no )art in it. Rather, the )ro)het Daniel foretold that =erusalem would be laid waste after the cuttin "off of the 9essiah, after which the <domite =ews were driven out, and the rebuildin therefore must refer to the rebuildin of =erusalem in modern times, with the restoration of the <domite =ews to the city, under the name of Israel. 9ost White +hristians today, althou h in truth they are =acob, erroneously thin% that the <domites are Israel, and under this dece)tion they are actually more concerned with <sau than they are with their own race. 7herefore the Word of Fahweh throu h 9alachi, in a )ro)hetic dialo ue, de)icts Israel as sayin #Wherein hast thou loved usK Was not <sau =acob!s brotherK& 5nd Fahweh answers #I loved =acob, 5nd I hated <sau&, which ;aul :uotes in Romans cha)ter - in order to distin uish the =udaeans of his time, who consisted of both =acob and <sau. 7his )ro)hetic dialo warns us that =acob would be un'ustly concerned with <sau, and that <sau would return to build the #desolate )laces&, a reference to that =erusalem which +hrist said would be left to them desolate. 7his is indeed a )ro)hecy of +hristian Lionism, since it is only fulfilled in +hristian Lionism. Fahweh (od says #I loved =acob, 5nd I hated <sau&, and this demonstrates *is hatred of +hristian Lionism4 G&f my .eo.le* which are called #y my name* shall h$m#le themsel!es* and .ray* and seek my face* and t$rn from their wicked ways9 then will & hear from hea!en* and will forgi!e their sin* and will heal their land.G ; 2 Chronicles )8,7he road to White re)entance is oin to be :uite difficult, but there is no salvation until it is accom)lished. )illiam Finck &ditor, '

'ontents Editorial Slavery for a Hundred Years .. & Longer 7he ;ro)hecy of 5mos " ;art Si, " William R Finc% 7he 5do)tion of 5da)tion " ;astor 9ar% Downey 7he Federal ReserveE 100 Fears of 7yranny 3rin 3ac% the 3radbury " =ustin Wal%er 7he Cri ins of ;olitical +orrectness " 3ill @ind 7he @iberation of the +am)s " Facts vs @ies " 7heodore = C!Deefe Sharon M the 9edia!s 7almudic 9entality of *olocaust Denial 6 9ichael *offman +hildren Gaccinated With 7o,ic @evels of 5luminium +ausin 2eurolo ical Dama e M 5utism " +hristina <n land UD 3read M +ereal 3ars +ontaminated with (ly)hosate What is +hristian IdentityK 5nnouncements 10 1A 1$1 11 1? 0$ 0>1 >A 11

1$r ten;.art series on the .ro.hecy of Amos contin$es

The Prophecy of Amos Part 6

Amos 3:2 and 'all the families of the earth'

W R Finck 7hat the children of Israel had indeed be un to min le with these sub'ected )eo)les is evident throu hout the 3iblical narrative, that they went #a whorin after the heathen& .i.e. <8e%iel 0>E>0/ and be ot #stran e children& .i.e. *osea $EB/. 7he trans ressions mentioned in the o)enin cha)ters of 5mos in reference to the non"Israelite nations were trans ressions a ainst (od *imself, and not necessarily trans ressions of the @aw, for the heathen nations never had the @aw. From ;salm 11BE #1- *e sheweth his word unto =acob, his statutes and his 'ud ments unto Israel. 00 *e hath not dealt so with any nationE and as for his 'ud ments, they have not %nown them. ;raise ye the @CRD.& 7he trans ressions of the heathens for which they were bein )unished all had to do with how the heathens had treated the children of Israel, without e,ce)tion. 2ow some may in their so)histry ob'ect and claim that the 9oabites were )unished because their %in #burned the bones of the %in of <dom into lime&, however it has been established here that the %in of <dom at this time must have been an Israelite, and not an <domite. For the event referenced is in the time of =ehosha)hat %in of =udah .0 Din s cha)ter >/, and at that time, as can be seen in 1 Din s 00E1B under the same %in of =udah, #7here was then no %in in <domE a de)uty was %in .& From the be innin of 5mos cha)ter >, we see the )ro)het turn his full attention to the children of Israel, 11

n the first two cha)ters of 5mos there are 'ud ments )ronounced u)on the )eo)le of Israel and =udah, and also u)on the surroundin nations as well. 7hese other nations are the 5mmonites, 9oabites, <domites, ;hilistines and the Syrians of Damascus. Some of the )eo)le of these surroundin nations were from the accursed tribes of +anaan, or from of the inbred descendants of @ot. Cthers were of the ori inal 5damic stoc% and closely related to the Israelites. 9any of the )eo)le in these nations were evidently Israelites themselves who had been both residin in and even mi,in with these nations ever since the )eriod of the =ud es, and es)ecially since the time of the division of the Din dom when the )eo)le of Israel were turned to )a anism by their )olitical leaders. It is )erfectly evident in 0 Samuel cha)ter ? that the Syrians of Damascus, the ;hilistines, 9oabites, 5mmonites and <domites were all sub'ected to Israel in the days of Din David, and that his %in dom did indeed stretch from the border of < y)t to the <u)hrates, and that David!s sons were dele ated rulershi) over )arts of this territory. 7hese thin s are truly not noticeable in inscri)tions or often even in the 3ible, because in the 3ible the ori inal names of these lands were %e)t, the lands were mostly named after the ori inal occu)ants, and later on those who inhabited these lands were often called after these names no matter what tribe they were actually from.

and )ro)hecy many )unishments a ainst them throu hout the remainder of his boo%. 7he )ur)ose for this )unishment is summari8ed by Fahweh throu h the )ro)het in the o)enin lines of the cha)terE *+, -mos ."/ Hear this word that the L !0 hath spoken against you, children of $srael, against the whole family which $ brought up from the land of &gypt, saying, 1 You only have $ known of all the families of the earth" therefore $ will punish you for all your ini2uities. Where Fahweh (od says throu h the )ro)het #Fou only have I %nown of all the families of the earth&, it is very im)ortant to understand that )hrase, #all the families of the earth&. For that )hrase is very much misunderstood in +hristianity. <ven in +hristian Identity has this misunderstandin caused serious divisions, because there are many even amon us who have universalist leanin s and who are :uic% to misinter)ret the )hrase in order to su))ort such an a enda. In order to understand the )hrase #all the families of the earth& we shall review certain Scri)tures, be innin with (enesis cha)ter 10. 7his cha)ter describes the descendants of 2oah and his family, the only 5damic family said to have survived the reat floodE First, from (enesis 10E1 we readE #2ow these are the enerations of the sons of 2oah, Shem, *am, and =a)hethE and unto them were sons born after the flood.& 7he sons of =a)heth are then listed, and the Scri)ture says at (enesis 10E$E #3y these Imeanin the =a)hethitesJ were the isles of the (entiles divided in their landsH every one after his ton ue, after their families, in their nations.& 7hen the sons of *am are listed, and the Scri)ture says at (enesis 10E00E #7hese are the sons of *am, after their families, after their ton ues, in their countries, and in their nations.& Finally, the sons of Shem are listed, and the Scri)ture says at (enesis 10E>1E #7hese are the sons of Shem, after their families, after their ton ues, in their lands, after their nations.& 7hen in conclusion the Scri)ture says at (enesis 10E>0E #7hese are the families of the sons of 2oah, after their enerations, in their nationsE and by these were the nations divided in the earth after the flood.& Immediately followin the listin of these (enesis 10 2ations in Scri)ture, there is the familiar account of

the 7ower of 3abel. 3abel was not confounded at the start. Cri inally the )lace was 'ust #a )lain in the land of Shinar& where the construction of a tower was be un. 7he tower had come to be referred to as 3abel, which basically means conf$sion in *ebrew, because that is where Fahweh confounded the ton ues of men in order to encoura e the (enesis 10 families to se)arate from one another. From (enesis 11E #1 5nd the whole earth Ithat whole land of ShinarJ was of one lan ua e, and of one s)eech.... ? So the @CRD scattered them abroad from thence u)on the face of all the earthE and they left off to build the city. 7herefore is the name of it called 3abelH because the @CRD did there confound the lan ua e of all the earth Iof all of that landJE and from thence did the @CRD scatter them abroad u)on the face of all the earth.& 7his is clearly how Fahweh had effected the statement seen at the end of (enesis cha)ter 10, where it says #7hese are the families of the sons of 2oah, after their enerations, in their nationsE and by these were the nations divided in the earth after the flood.& (enesis 11 describes this division of the 5damic families into nations, mentioned at the end of (enesis 10. 7his is the e,act same literary style used in (enesis 0 in relation to the end of (enesis 1 describin the creation of 5dam, which is termed$lation. 7here were not two divisions of the nations, and there were not two creations of 5dam. 7his same event, the se)aration of the 5damic families descended from 2oah into nations, is also recollected a ain at Deuteronomy >0E?"- where it saysE #? When the most *i h divided to the nations their inheritance, when he se)arated the sons of 5dam, he set the bounds of the )eo)le accordin to the number of the children of Israel. - For the @CRD!S )ortion is his )eo)leH =acob is the lot of his inheritance.& ;aul once a ain refers to this very thin at 5cts 1BE0A"0?, where he tells the 5thenians, who are Ionian (ree%s and therefore =a)hethites, #0A 5nd hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before a))ointed, and the bounds of their habitationH 0B 7hat they should see% the @ord, if ha)ly they mi ht feel after him, and find him, thou h he be not far from every one of usE 0? For in him we live, and move, and have our bein H as certain also of your own )oets have said, For we are also his offs)rin .& Who are the offs)rin of (odK 7he children of 5dam, who is the son of (od .@u%e >E>1/.


So we see that the lan ua e used by ;aul is also the lan ua e that was used in (enesis. *ere we see in 5cts 1BE0A that from one, from 5dam, (od #made N all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth& and in (enesis cha)ter 11 #? So the @CRD scattered them abroad from thence u)on the face of all the earthE and they left off to build the city. 7herefore is the name of it called 3abelH because the @CRD did there confound the lan ua e of all the earthE and from thence did the @CRD scatter them abroad u)on the face of all the earth.& We also see that these were the #families of the sons of 2oah& and the se)aration of the #sons of 5dam& of (enesis 10E>0 and Deuteronomy >0E?4

them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth theeE and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.& IIt has been said, and most a))allin ly even by certain )astors who claim to be Identity +hristians, that the 5brahamic +ovenant )rovides that #all other )eo)les& would be blessed for blessin the children of Israel, as this )assa e is so often misinter)reted. 7his is a bac% door to brin in the satanic conce)t of universalism into +hristian Identity, and must be re'ected as it is not Scri)tural..J

7he )hrase #all families of the earth& as it a))ears in (enesis cha)ter 10 cannot be ta%en outside of the conte,t of the )hrases #all the face of the earth&, #the sons of 5dam&, #the bounds of the )eo)le &, Where it says #all the families of the Since these sons and #all nations of men& which were #made earth&, these are all of the (enesis 10 of Adam are all of one& which we see in (enesis cha)ters 10 the families of 5damic families, and none others, as we all the earth, no and 11, in Deuteronomy >0E? and in 5cts see ;aul )rofess in 5cts 1BE0A. 5ll the one can possibly 1BE0A4 7he )hrase #all families of the earth& earth is not the entire lobe. Rather, it is be inserted into refers to all of the families descended from all of the land where those families of this pict re !ho 5dam. 7he )hrase #all the face of the earth& (enesis 10 were divided, as we see in is not a son of refers to the 5damic oi%oumenO, that land 5cts 1BE0A. Adam" !ho does which the 5damic race inhabited at the very not ha#e his 7his is the land which the (ree%s called time of 5braham, after they were scattered herita$e f lly in the oi%oumenO, the ori inal dwellin #u)on the face of all the earth& as the 3ible the White )lace of the White race. 7his is the land describes only one cha)ter earlier than this %ations of fi uratively called the # arden of (od& in &enesis 'hapter )romise to 5braham was iven4 7he <8e%iel cha)ters 0? and >1, which was non"5damic races, therefore. *ave no )art in ()* <8e%iel!s way of referrin to the any of this and they have absolutely no oi%oumenO. 7hese thin s are fully evident from )romise of blessin in the entire 3ible. (enesis cha)ters 10 and 11 and from Deuteronomy 2ote the use of the term families in (enesis cha)ters >0E?. Since these sons of 5dam are all the families of 10 and 10 and here in 5mos >E0. In all cases it is the all the earth, no one can )ossibly be inserted into this same word, mish.achah* Stron !s *ebrew Dictionary )icture who is not a son of 5dam, who does not have number 1-10. It is a family, or a circle of relati!es. We his herita e fully in the White 2ations of (enesis see that in (enesis cha)ter 10, the conce)t of nation +ha)ter 10. 7he nations of (enesis cha)ter 10 can s)run from the conce)t of a family. 5 nation is not a indeed be identified in archaeolo y and history, and eo ra)hical entity. Rather it is a rou) of related they were indeed all ori inally White. 7herefore the )eo)le. (enesis 10E$E #3y these Imeanin the non"White races, not havin descended from these =a)hethitesJ were the isles of the InationsJ divided in 5damic families, can never be included in the )hrase their landsH every one after his ton ue, after their #all the families of the earth&. 7o do so is to i nore the families, in their nations.& (enesis 10E00E #7hese are conte,t of the entire 3ible. the sons of *am, after their families, after their 2ow we shall read the )romise to 5braham, as it is first found in (enesis cha)ter 10E #1 2ow the @CRD had said unto 5bram, (et thee out of thy country, and from thy %indred, and from thy father!s house, unto a land that I will shew theeE 0 5nd I will ma%e of thee a reat nation, and I will bless thee, and ma%e thy name reatH and thou shalt be a blessin E > 5nd I will bless ton ues, in their countries, and in their nations.& (enesis 10E>1E #7hese are the sons of Shem, after their families, after their ton ues, in their lands, after their nations.& So families in the 3ible are rou)s of related 5damic )eo)le, and nations are what those families become after they multi)ly and branch out into many related )eo)le. 1>

7he 5brahamic +ovenant of (enesis 10E1"> is cited by the a)ostles at 5cts >E0$. *ere it is from the Din =ames GersionE #0$ Fe are the children of the )ro)hets, and of the covenant which (od made with our fathers, sayin unto 5braham, 5nd in thy seed shall all the %indreds of the earth be blessed.& 2ow in this case, kindreds is from the (ree% word PQRSTU, .atria, Stron !s (ree% Dictionary number >-A$. Stron defines this word as #a gro$. of families or a whole race .nation/.& In the 3ible, the PQRSTQV are those who have descended from the )atriarchs4 7he %indreds of 5cts >E0$ could only be those listed in (enesis cha)ter 10, and that whole race could only be that of Deuteronomy >0E?E the 5damic race4 7he )romise to 5braham cannot be forcibly inter)reted to transcend these conte,tual 3iblical boundaries by anyone who could ima ine havin license to admit aliens, sim)ly because of the way in which the <n lish e:uivalents of these *ebrew and (ree% words are used today, which is in s)ite of the 3iblical conte,t. If a PQRSTUSWXY, or )atriarch, of ones PQRSTU is anythin other than 5dam, one has no )lace in Scri)ture. Cf all of these 5damic (enesis 10 families, here in 5mos Fahweh says to the children of IsraelE #Fou only have I %nown of all the families of the earthE therefore I will )unish you for all your ini:uities.& 7he children of Israel were not chosen out of the world amon the other races. Rather, they were chosen out of the world from amon the other (enesis 10 families of the White 5damic race. 7he non"5damic so"called races were never even in the )icture. 7hey were not in the runnin . 7hey are still not in the runnin , 'ust as ;eter tells us of non"Israelite interlo)ers stealin our communion, that they are #natural brute beasts, made to be ta%en and destroyed&. Indeed, +hrist shall destroy them at *is comin . 5ccordin to @iddell M Scott!s "reek;:nglish 6eHicon, the (ree% word Z[Z\Z]VQ is )rimarily #the management of a ho$sehold or family&, which is the most literal meanin of the word. 7he word comes in )art from Z[ZY, the common (ree% word which means ho$se. 7herefore in 9atthew 1$E01 Fahshua +hrist reinforces this )ro)hecy in 5mos by sayin #I am not sent but unto the lost shee) of the house of Israel.& Cf course, by Fahshua!s time and as ;aul e,)lains in Romans cha)ter 1, that house had rown :uite lar e and had become many nations, in accordance with the same )romise to 5braham.

From @u%e cha)ter 1>E #0> 7hen said one unto him, @ord, are there few that be savedK 5nd he said unto them, 01 Strive to enter in at the strait ateE for many, I say unto you, will see% to enter in, and shall not be able. 0$ When once the master of the house is risen u), and hath shut to the door, and ye be in to stand without, and to %noc% at the door, sayin , @ord, @ord, o)en unto usH and he shall answer and say unto you, I %now you not whence ye areE 0A 7hen shall ye be in to say, We have eaten and drun% in thy )resence, and thou hast tau ht in our streets. 0B 3ut he shall say, I tell you, I %now you not whence ye areH de)art from me, all ye wor%ers of ini:uity. 0? 7here shall be wee)in and nashin of teeth, when ye shall see 5braham, and Isaac, and =acob, and all the )ro)hets, in the %in dom of (od, and you yourselves thrust out. 0- 5nd they shall come from the east, and from the west, and from the north, and from the south, and shall sit down in the %in dom of (od.& 7he )lace whereby this is most e,)ressly e,)lained in Scri)ture is found in ;aul!s e)istle to the Romans, in cha)ter -. 7here he e,)lains that not all in Israel are of Israel, and that the )o)ulation is divided amon st the offs)rin of both =acob and <sau. ;aul then oes on to e,)lain that the children of =acob are the vessels of mercy, and the children of <sau vessels of destruction. Cf course, ;aul did not have to e,)lain anythin about other non"5damic races because in his time these were not at all a factor in ;alestine. Fahweh %nows the children of Israel, and therefore *e came only for them. In reference to his own ministry, the a)ostle ;aul used the term Z[Z\Z]VQ on several occasions. 5s the Din =ames version has #dis)ensation& at 1 +orinthians -E1B"1?, and then adds words to try to have it ma%e sense, there are several other words ;aul may have chosen to clearly convey such a meanin . In the +hristo enea 2ew 7estament that )assa e reads #1B For if I do this readily, I have a rewardH but if voluntarily I had been entrusted with the mana ement of a family, 1? what then is my rewardK 5nnouncin the ood messa e, that I would set forth the ood messa e without e,)ense, with res)ect not to abuse my authority in the ood messa e.& 5mon alternate and more eneral meanin s of the word Z[Z\Z]VQ, @iddell M Scott list h$s#andry and thrift, and amon other )ossible definitions 7hayer!s "reek;:nglish 6eHicon adds stewardshi.. 3ut none of those truly fit the conte,t here in 1 +orinthians, althou h at times


they do where ;aul uses the word elsewhere. ;aul uses this word Z[Z\Z]VQ several times in the same conte,t, referrin to the family of the children of Israel to whom he was destined to ta%e the (os)el of +hrist. *ere are those )assa esE

lost in universalist translations of his e)istles.

Isaiah cha)ter 1> ives us some insi ht, when com)ared with history, of where the non"5damic races fit into the Cld 7estament )icture. From Isaiah 1>E #1 3ut now thus saith the @CRD that created thee, C =acob, and he that formed thee, C Israel, Fear notE <)hesians >E1"0E #1 For this cause I, ;aul, ca)tive of for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy +hrist Fahshua on behalf of you of the 2ations, 0 if nameH thou art mine. 0 When thou )assest throu h the indeed you have heard of the mana ement of the waters, I will be with theeH and throu h the rivers, they family of the favor of Fahweh which has been iven shall not overflow theeE when thou to me in re ard to you...& and <)hesians >E-E wal%est throu h the fire, thou shalt not be The flood #and to enli hten all concernin the burnedH neither shall the flame %indle represents the mana ement of the household of the mystery non+Adamic u)on thee. > For I am the @CRD thy which was concealed from the a es by races" and an (od, the *oly Cne of Israel, thy SaviourE Fahweh, by whom all thin s are bein e,amination of I ave < y)t for thy ransom, <thio)ia established.& history tells s and Seba for thee. 1 Since thou wast that these races +olossians 1E01"0$E #01 2ow, I re'oice in )recious in my si ht, thou hast been certainly did these sufferin s on your behalf, and I destroy all of the honourable, and I have loved theeE substitute for those deficiencies of the therefore will I ive men IadamJ for thee, once Adamic afflictions of the 5nointed with my flesh on nations of the old and )eo)le for thy life.& oiko men- from behalf of the body itself, which is the !hich .srael !as 3y the time of Isaiah, the ancient assemblyH 0$ of which I have become a *amitic Din dom of <thio)ia, 3iblical cast a!ay* servant in accordance with the +ush, was overrun with 2ubians. administration of the household of Fahweh 7herefore by the time of =eremiah a))ro,imately a which is iven to me for you, to fulfill the word of hundred and forty years later, that )ro)het could as% Fahweh& #+an the <thio)ian chan e his s%in, or the leo)ard his 1 7imothy 1E>"1E #> =ust as I, travelin into s)otsK then may ye also do ood, that are accustomed 9a%edonia, had summoned you to remain in <)hesos to do evil& .=eremiah 1>E0>/. < y)t would also be that you should command some not to teach errors 1 overrun with 2ubians, as was Seba. 7oday all of those nor ive heed to myths and endless enealo ies, nations are )o)ulated with ara# .mi,ed/ )eo)le, and which afford dis)utes rather than mana ement of the are amon the filthiest, most vile )laces on earth. If family of Fahweh which is by faith.& Faith, as ;aul Fahweh ave these once" reat nations away for the defines the faith of 5braham in Romans cha)ter 1, is sa%e of )reservin the children of Israel, to whom did the belief that 5braham!s offs)rin would indeed *e ive themK 7o his friends and alliesK Cr to *is become many nations, and in s)ite of the vain and enemiesK fabulous enealo ies of the (ree% )oets. ;aul!s 7he 3iblical story, as it is summari8ed in Revelation mission was to those very nations, as he e,)lains. cha)ter 10, enca)sulates the idea that Israel 6 7his word, Z[Z\Z]VQ, in the sense that ;aul used it in )ortrayed as a woman " was cast off before Fahweh these )assa es, is the management of a family* and it is and fled to the wilderness. Cnce Israel fled, the but one )lace to see the clear connection between Cld ser)ent unleashed from its mouth a flood after the 7estament )assa es such as 5mos >E0 and the 2ew woman. In the wilderness, the woman would be saved 7estament mission to s)read the os)el, which in +hrist. 7he flood re)resents the non"5damic races, accordin to +hrist *imself is #but unto the lost shee) and an e,amination of history tells us that these races of the house of Israel&. Fahweh states to Israel at certainly did destroy all of the once 5damic nations of 5mos >E0 that #Fou only have I %nown of all the the old oi%oumenO from which Israel was cast away. families of the earthE therefore I will )unish you for all 9eanwhile, the woman 6 )rimarily the White 5damic your ini:uities.& ;aul clearly )reached reconciliation remnant of the tribes of Israel " built a new 5damic from that )unishment throu h +hrist, an idea which is oi%oumenO in western and northern <uro)e, before 1$

s)readin out and coloni8in other )laces on the lobe. 5ny )astor who ma%es e,cuses for the other races, and who insists that they can somehow be included in the (enesis 10 )romise to 5braham, only )romotes the flood of the ser)ent and the )ollution of the )eo)le of (od4 7hat is the essence of universalism, and how it is destructive. +ontrarily, the Scri)ture tells us what shall become of the nations where Israel was scattered, for e,am)le at =eremiah >0E11 and 1AE0?, )ro)hecies which are directly related to 5mos >E0E =eremiah >0E11E #For I am with thee, saith the @CRD, to save theeE thou h I ma%e a full end of all nations whither I have scattered thee, yet will I not ma%e a full end of theeE but I will correct thee in measure, and will not leave thee alto ether un)unished.&

Romans 10E?"-E #? 3ut rather what does it sayK #7he word is near to you, in your mouth and in your heartE& that is to say, the word of the faith that we )roclaim, that if by your mouth you were to a ree with ;rince Fahshua, and trust in your heart that Fahweh has raised *im from amon the dead, you shall be delivered.& 7he Se)tua int version of 5mos >E> has, accordin to 3renton, #Shall two wal% to ether at all, if they do not %now one anotherK& 7his may at first lance seem to mean somethin radically different, yet the result is much the same, because %nowin one!s (od entails %nowin *is re:uirements.

=eremiah 1AE0?E #Fear thou not, C =acob my servant, saith the @CRDE for I am with theeH for I will ma%e a full end of all the nations whither I have driven theeE but I will not ma%e a full end of thee, but correct thee in measureH yet will I not leave thee wholly un)unished.& 2ations in the 3ible are rou)s of related )eo)les. 7hey are not mere eo ra)hical re ions or overnments. If Fahweh told us these thin s, how can we coddle the non"Israelite racesK Cnly an enemy of (od would label those who teach these words of Fahweh our (od with such slanders as racist or eHterminationist. 7hose who would tic%le the ears of non"Whites with false words are enemies to the 7ruth. Fittin ly, in 5mos >E> Fahweh as%sE . 'an two walk together, e%cept they be agreed3

the children of .srael are commanded o#er and o#er a$ain to keep themsel#es apart from the other races* They are to be a separate people /( Peter 2:01 and !e are to 2come o t from amon$ them3 and 2to ch not the nclean3 /2 'orinthians 6:(41*

=eremiah >1E>>">1E #>> 3ut this shall be the covenant that I will ma%e with the house of IsraelH 5fter those days, saith the @CRD, I will )ut my law in their inward )arts, and write it in their heartsH and will be their (od, and they shall be my )eo)le. >1 5nd they shall teach no more every man his nei hbour, and every man his brother, sayin , Dnow the @CRDE for they shall all %now me, from the least of them unto the reatest of them, saith the @CRDE for I will for ive their ini:uity, and I will remember their sin no more.& +hrist said at 9atthew 10E>0 that #*e that is not with me is a ainst meH and he that athereth not with me scattereth abroad.& Since *e came only for #the lost shee) of the house of Israel&, and since Fahweh by his own words here in 5mos %nows only Israel, then any so"called +hristian )astor with a ministry that is at all concerned with the alien non"5damic races is scatterin , rather than atherin , and actin in a manner which is absolutely contrary to the Word of (od. 7hus are the universalists and their a)olo ists, even those who claim to be Identity +hristians. Recently, a certain so"called )astor, in addition to misre)resentin the sco)e of the (enesis 10 covenant to 5braham by e,tendin it to #all other )eo)les& where it belon s to only the other families of the (enesis 10 nations, was heard informin a 9e,ican caller that #you can be a +hristian& and assertin of the White race in relation to the other races that #we!re obviously desi ned to wor% to ether in *is way and we!re su))osed to et that out of the scri)tures&. So

7here is a (ree% word, ]Z^Z_`a, homologeo, which is literally to #e of the same word or to agree, which in the Din =ames Gersion of the 2ew 7estament is usually translated as confess. 7he children of Israel are commanded to be in a reement with their +reator, or they cannot wal% with *im. 9atthew 10E>0">>E #>0 7herefore each who shall a ree with 9e before men, I shall also a ree with him before 9y Father who is in the heavens. >> 3ut he who should deny 9e before men, I shall also deny him before 9y Father who is in the heavens.


evidently, in this )erson!s mind, +hristianity is sim)ly 'ust another reli ious )hiloso)hy that anyone can subscribe to, rather than bein the reco nition of the racial covenants between (od and Israel. Furthermore, the children of Israel are commanded over and over a ain to %ee) themselves a)art from the other races. 7hey are to be a se.arate .eo.le .1 ;eter 0E-/ and we are to #come out from amon them& and #touch not the unclean& .0 +orinthians AE1B/. Where do the Scri)tures command that Whites wor% to ether with the other racesK When will +hristian Israel se)arate themselves from charlatansKJ 1 ;eter 0E-E #3ut you are an elect race, a royal )riesthood, a holy nation, a )eculiar )eo)le, so that you should )roclaim the virtues for which from out of dar%ness you have been called into the wonder of *is li ht, 10 who at one time were #not a )eo)le& but now are the )eo)le of Fahweh, those who #have not been shown mercy& but are now shown mercy.& 1 +orinthians AE11"BE1E #11 Do not become yo%ed to ether with untrustworthy aliensH for what )artici)ation has 'ustice and lawlessnessK 5nd what fellowshi) has li ht towards dar%nessK 1$ 5nd what accord has +hrist with 3eliarK Cr what share the faithful with the faithlessK 1A 5nd what a reement has a tem)le of Fahweh with idolsK For you are a tem)le of the livin FahwehH 'ust as Fahweh has said, #I will dwell amon them, and I will wal% aboutH and I will be their (od, and they will be my )eo)le.& 1B Cn which account #+ome out from the midst of them and be se)arated,& says the ;rince, and #do not be 'oined to the im)ure, and I will admit you&. 1? #5nd I will be to you for a father, and you will be mine for sons and dau hters, says the almi hty ;rince.& 1 7herefore havin these )romises, beloved, we must cleanse ourselves from every defilement of flesh and of S)irit, accom)lishin sanctity in awe of Fahweh.&

%new you4& For as the Word of Fahweh says in 5mosE #Fou only have I %nown of all the families of the earthE therefore I will )unish you for all your ini:uities.& ;salm ?0E #1 (od standeth in the con re ation of the mi htyH he 'ud eth amon the ods. 0 *ow lon will ye 'ud e un'ustly, and acce)t the )ersons of the wic%edK Selah. > Defend the )oor and fatherlessE do 'ustice to the afflicted and needy. 1 Deliver the )oor and needyE rid them out of the hand of the wic%ed. $ 7hey %now not, neither will they understandH they wal% on in dar%nessE all the foundations of the earth are out of course. A I have said, Fe are odsH and all of you are children of the most *i h. B 3ut ye shall die li%e men, and fall li%e one of the )rinces. ? 5rise, C (od, 'ud e the earthE for thou shalt inherit all nations. Cnce a ain, in ;salm ?0E0 Fahweh as%sE b*ow lon will ye 'ud e un'ustly, and acce)t the )ersons of the wic%edKb 7he 9e,icans are un odly. 5ll bastards are un odly. Should a +hristian Identity )astor be acce)tin their )ersonsK Some have ta%en it for ranted that bastards can be #in Israel&. Some have claimed that in Israel the children are not )unished for the sins of the fathers. While the Scri)tures do say that, and it is true, it has nothin to do with bastards, and it is the a))lication in this manner which is dece)tive. Under the cloa% of this dece)tion these men also claim that bastards can be for iven. 7he truth is that bastards are not to enter into the con re ation, and therefore bastards cannot be counted as Israel in the first )lace4

It was declared in <8ra that the remnant which returned to =erusalem, re ardin some who had ta%en stran e wives, that they were to #)ut away all the wives, and such as are born of them& .10E>/. ;aul warned at *ebrews 10E? that #if you are without disci)line, of which you all have become )arta%ers, +hristian Identity must be firm in its definition. 7his is then you are bastards, and not sons.& We see in ;aul!s what it is definitely notE it is not cavortin with aliens words an assertion that this )assa e in 5mos >E0 has and it is not coddlin 9e,icans4 +hristians must to indeed seen fulfillment, and also that those who are fashion themselves after their Redeemer, and *e #not sons& are therefore bastards. 7hey, not bein would say to the aliens #(et away from 9e, I never )arta%ers, certainly shall not see the Din dom of (od.


The Adoption of Adaption

Pastor 5ark 6o!ney eneration is anywhere between 10 and 100 years, but re ardless of the calculations, wedre tal%in about a lon , lon time for a )articular race of )eo)le to do what they were created for. ;raise the @ord. Israel in the wilderness was not yet ready to be set free in her lorious liberty as the children of (od .Romans ?E01/, because they were yet s)iritually immature in need of tutors and overnors .(al. 1E0/ to brin disci)line in their way of livin . It a))lies in the same manner to us today, where some +hristians thin% they are #saved,& thin%in they are no lon er in need of the @aw or disci)line. Cur 'ustification .no lon er condemned in the flesh/ calls for the disci)line necessary for sanctification . rowth in raceH made holy/. When we obey (od, when we are in a reement with *is will, when we find that which is lost, then we can a))reciate that we still have a need for the @aw, because that is the avenue of chan e that will brin us from bein infantile to fully mature sons. (odds )romise of sonshi) will lead and disci)line us to a time when we are iven #the ado.tion of sons& that we read about in Romans ?E0>, #And not only they IIsraelites in dis)ersion from the 5ssyrian ca)tivitiesH a%a entilesJ* #$t o$rsel!es IIsraelites in =erusalemJ also* who ha!e the firstfr$its of the S.irit* e!en we o$rsel!es groan within o$rsel!es* waiting for the ado.tion* that is* the redem.tion of o$r #ody.& I thin% this can be inter)reted in a twofold wayH it is our lorified body in the resurrection and also the cor)orate body of +hristH the s)iritual Israel within the )hysical Israel nation.s/. 7he individual and nation recover an inheritance that was lost. (od ave us enou h time, an e,a erated hundred centuries, to et it ri ht. 7his social #ado)tion& was a )ractice in ancient days of ivin the mature son )ower of attorney over the estate of the father. Such )ower was 1?

hristianity today is )la ued with tens of thousands of denominations, because +hristians have lost the meanin of biblical ado)tion and have ada)ted to other reli ions of the world. 5)ostasy means a cfallin awayd and abandonin )reviously held beliefs. 2othin could be more reinventin than the hy)henated #'udeo4+hristianity& and cause for another writ of divorcement from (od. 5t one time, blac%s and other dar% )eo)le %new their )lace in White societyH and White +hristian 5mericans understood their )lace in (odds scheme of thin sH *is law and order for a civili8ed society. 7hey were the cheirs of the )romised with a divine destiny. *ereds the overt racism of (od e,)ressin *is love for our )eo)le, #The 6ord did not set 4is lo!e on yo$ nor choose yo$ #eca$se yo$ were more in n$m#er than any of the .eo.les* for yo$ were the fewest of all .eo.les* #$t #eca$se the 6ord lo!ed yo$ and ke.t the oath which 4e swore to yo$r ancestors* the 6ord #ro$ght yo$ o$t #y a mighty hand* and redeemed yo$ from the ho$se of sla!ery* from the hand of Pharaoh* king of :gy.tD Deut. BEB"?. 7his love story develo)ed with 5braham and e,tended to the nation that came from him. When (od redeemed Israel from < y)t, *e )urchased a nation in bonda e. When (od redeemed White +hristians from <uro)ean tyrants, *e )urchased a race of )eo)le under reli ious )ersecution. 7hey came to 5merica with the idea of fulfillin (odds )lan for the a es. Some called it 9anifest Destiny. 3ut, it was the ho)e and as)iration of our ancestors to establish a literal 3eulah @and married to the (od of Israel. #Fnow therefore that the 6ord yo$r "od* 4e is "od* the faithf$l "od* 3ho kee.s co!enant and mercy with them that lo!e 4im and kee. 4is commandments to a tho$sand generationsD Deut. BE-. It can be ar ued that a

not iven to the immature, lest they should s:uander the family!s wealth, as we recall the )arable of the ;rodi al Son. @i%ewise, the Din dom of (od is be:ueathed to those who are ood stewards and mature enou h to administer their inheritance. 7he timin is choreo ra)hed to synchroni8e with the returnin Din . Unfortunately, churchianity has ada)ted the Galhalla of )a anism and the multiculturalism of 3abylon, )lacin us in *eaven with other races who have been arbitrarily ado)ted into the family of 5dam. 7here will be a Ra)ture, but it will be the removal of the wic%ed. 7he doctrine of 3alaam has become a barnacle attachin itself to the church and the church has ada)ted accordin ly, as if it is now )art of the body of +hrist. Cn a collective or national level .as o))osed to individual/, Israel was redeemed from < y)t and then be an their tre% to 9ount Sinai, where Israel was su))osed to hear (od!s voice and receive the @aw in their hearts. If they had been able to hear at that time, their time of disci)line would have been :uite short. 7he wilderness e,)erience was a time of murmurin , rumblin and a olden calfH not e,actly the best way to im)ress the (od of miracles and deliverance. 5fter 10 years, the Father instructed them to ta%e their ;romised @and from the heathen inhabitants. Does that sound li%e the inclusive diversity )reached in 'udai8ed churches todayK Cf course not. 7he modern church has been as rebellious as the ma'ority of Israelites under 9oses. 9any of these a)ostate churches teach that the @aw has been nailed to the +ross, and thus le ali8e the sins they wish to ada)t into their catechisms and articles of faith. 9any of these churches emulate c5nswers in (enesis,d which isndt a church, but a businessecor)oration, and 'ustify their mi,ed"race marria es with a lau hable miscarria e of e,e esis. 7he +ross is the vehicle that leads us to disci)leshi) i.e. a son obeyin his Father. 5nd our Father said do not marry the non"Israelite .Deut. BE>/, because their )ro eny cannot be the heir of *is )romises .Romans -E1/. *alf breed creatures are bro%en cisterns and cannot contain the )recious contents. @et us clarify what the word cado)tiond in the 3ible means and doesndt mean. For those who never read or study their 3ibles, ado)tion ta%es on the secular definition of le ally ta%in a child who is not biolo ically of your own family or more re)u nant, ta%in a child not of your own race for a smu ly )ious

#blended family.& It has also reached the moral de)ravity of sodomites ado)tin innocent children into an environment of Sodom and (omorrah. Reli iously, this o)ens the door for not only #stran ers& .racial aliens/, but also their #stran e ods.& 5nd so this is the ado)tion of ada)tion, which has no semblance to the Word of (od. +hristendom has ada)ted to 'ust about every abomination that the wic%ed can ima ine. 7hat #man of sin,& is the #son of .erdition,& and that son of )erdition is a race traitor, who not only %illed our Dinsman Redeemer, but the saints of +hrist =esus, the sons of (od, #3ho are &sraelites* to whom .ertaineth the ado.tion& .Romans -E1/. #3ho changed the tr$th of "od into a lie* and worshi..ed and ser!ed the creat$re more than the Creator& Romans 1E0$. 7he election and reelection of Cbama was a modification of (odds @aw resultin in a )o)ulation e,)losion of newborn entitlementsH and the )eo)le love to have it soH the free lunch and other amenities to the dar% races, com)liments of a dwindlin White middle class. We feed 6 they breed. In Romans ?E1$ ;aul informs us of #the S)irit of 5do)tion.& *owever, the D=G is a bad translation. 7o the modern uninformed mind swimmin in co nitive dissonance, it sounds li%e ada)tion and thus ada)tation, which Darwin ave new meanin toH and the word subse:uently evolved in the churches. 7he +ollins"<n lish Dictionary defines it asE #an inherited or ac:uired modification in or anisms that ma%es them better suited to survive and re)roduce in a )articular environment.& If we a))ly this word"smithin to universalism in the church, it is a reci)e for mon reli8ation. We can witness an e,)onential )roliferation of interracial marria es throu h this travesty of lan ua e. Words are wea)ons and thereds a war of words between li ht and dar%ness. We are livin as in the days of 2oah when race mi,in was ram)ant and brou ht forth (odds wrath in the form of a devastatin flood. 7he +ivil Ri hts 5ct of 1-A1 was a cultural bomb that blasted the shields of racial inte rity. 7heolo ical )lants and usur)ers followed suit by redefinin (od as Cne who loves all. 3ut, that is not true, as I mentioned in the be innin , (od loved us s)ecifically because *e %e)t *is oath, which *e swore to our ancestors. What %ind of (od would brea% *is sworn )romise to a )articular race of )eo)le, to whom *e was in love withK 2ot only that, but contradict very fundamental )rinci)les, which modern universalists have no )roblem 1-

brea%in .

5 far su)erior translation of Romans ?E01 and su))ortin +hristian Identity is offered by (ree% scholar William Finc%, who says the (ree% word huiothesia, hwee"oth"es"ee"ah, .f$00A/, #does not, by #*ere, note Deut. 11E1 and %now that ;aul is itself, ever mean ado.tion in (ree% writin s. 7he addressin #lost& Israelites .and only lost Israelites, word means a .lacement or a .osition of a son. 7here i.e. 9att. 10EA, 1$E01/ for which see (al. >E1>, 1$, 1A, were other words in (ree% literature which were 00"0AH 1E>"A, 0?, >1H and $E1. 7hese statements, made consistently used to describe the act of ado)tionN to (alatians, would be utter nonsense unless ;aul While a son can be )laced for ado)tion, where f$00A %new that he was s)ea%in to #lost& Israelites .those may be used to describe the act of the )lacin , it does of the 5ssyrian de)ortation and times earlier/, and so not describe the actual ado)tion, and f$00A can be here one can only write #recover& if one wants to used also to describe other thin s, such as the )lacin write honestly. 7he +27 renders (alatians 1E$E #in of a son into a household or as an heir, order that *e would redeem those sub'ect to which also ha))ens to correctly describe the &alatians 7:8 law, that we would recover the )osition of the A*9* +hristian )romise as it is outlined in the Cld sons&, which indeed we are if we are 5damic renders the 7estament as well. 7herefore, and )eo)les.& cla se" ' That es)ecially since there is no other indication Itds im)ortant to understand redem)tion as it we might in the te,t that the idea of ado)tion is ever relates to the race of Israel. 2o other race receive the the conte,t, f$00A should be rendered here adoption of has 'ourneyed throu h a wilderness by the #s)irit of the )osition of sons .or of a son/&. sons,' hand of (od that then becomes a ty)e and 5t Romans ?E0>, the )hrase #waitin for the !hereas the shadow for future e,)eriences such as the 'hristo$enea ado)tion& would better be rendered 2ew 7estament church that is clearly seen in %T has 'That #awaitin the )lacement of sons&. 5t early 5merica. 3ut, the modern church has we would Romans -E1 the )hrase #whose was the ada)ted a catholic conce)t that redem)tion recover the ado)tion& should be #whose is the )osition )urchases a slave and they are then freed to position of of sons&. It is absolutely dishonest that sons*' do as they )lease. 7he fact is, the redeemed f$00A be translated as ado.tion, because the are re:uired to serve their redeemer. 5nd word has a much more eneral meanin , =esus +hrist is a Dinsman Redeemer. 7herefore, we of and the translators can only have )resumed that the the White race can only serve a White Redeemer. 7he word was used by ;aul to mean ado.tion, yet the R++ has one down the o))osite )rimrose )ath of overall conte,t of ;aulds letters and of the 2ew universalism, whereby any race can #receive& 7estament refute such a )resum)tion.& redem)tion, without the sli htest su estion that they William Finc% ma%es another interestin correction from (alatians 1E$, where the 5.G. renders the clause, #That we might recei!e the ado.tion of sons*& whereas the +hristo enea 27 has #That we wo$ld reco!er the .osition of sons.& #7he verb a.olam#ano, a)"ol"am"ban"o, .fA1?/, is #to recover& in the +27, but is merely #to receive& in the D=G. Stron ds +oncordance is sometimes wea% in their definitions and fA1? is sim)ly #to receive& or #ta%e,& whereas the @iddell M Scott @e,icon )rovides the followin E Ato take or recei!e from another* to recei!e what is oneIs d$e... &&. to take #ack* get #ack* regain* reco!er...D 5)olambano is sim)ly to recei!e %in commonly acce.ted translations with a $ni!ersal agenda5. +ou)led with the mistranslation of f$00A as #ado)tion,& rather than as the #)osition of a son,& it is need to recover an identity necessary to claim the ri ht to an inheritance i.e. to )romises, restricted to a ri htful heir in which they are iven the )ower of attorney as beneficiaries. 7he sons of (od, the mature +hristian Israelite, are the only )eo)le in a )osition to be )laced in authority in the Din dom of (od. 7he overnment of +hrist is not somethin that is shared with those who are not in the will of (od. 7he Gatican, on the other hand, issued a $0,000 word"document amountin to a lot of hot air and toothless semantics. Cn 11"01"1> ;o)e Francis .another man" od #who is o))osin and e,altin himself above everythin said to be a od or an ob'ect of worshi), and so he is seated in a )seudo"tem)le of (od 6 called the Gatican, re)resentin himself that he 00

surely dece)tive, since it is tantamount to creatin a new reli ion. <rrors such as this a))ear in the D=G rather consistently, and so it has in essence created a new reli ion, which is not +hristianity4

is a od& II 7hes. 0E1/ )ut forth an c5)ostolic <,hortation,d which is insultin to the 5)ostles and e,horts no one e,ce)t (od. Revisionist historian 9ichael *offman re)orted that it #contains a section on =udaism, renderin it immune to missionary activity, which is the non"ne otiable demand of the rabbis to which Rome has submitted, as )romul ated by ;o)es =ohn ;aul II and 3enedict gGI. *ence, thereds nothin )articularly new from Francis here, thou h his )ost"Gatican II collea ues )resented this revolutionary distortion of St. ;aul with far more uile and so)histication, whereas Francis blurts it out without much theolo ical embroideryE

conte,t of race from cha)ter 11. 7he 'ews of the 1st century, not to be confused with the c ood fi d racial descendants of the tribe of =udah, were either mere residents of =udea, <domitese*erodians andeor )ractitioners of =udaism i.e. the traditions of the elders whom +hrist denounced, and these #=ews& that *offman cites were never a covenant )eo)le by virtue of the fact that they re)resented the elements of an antichrist. If (od does not chan e .9al. >EA/, then *is ifts and callin s are indeed irrevocable. It is only when the idea of inclusion, to ado)t other races into (odds )lan for the a es, to insist that +hristianity ada)t universalism as a biblical conce)t, that we can understand how a body of believers can fall away #01B. bWe hold the =ewish )eo)le in from the ori inal teachin of e,clusion s)ecial re ard because their covenant 'Sa#ed+by+race' .Deut. 0>E0/. I uess it needs to be reiterated with (od has never been revo%ed, for yes* Sa#ed by that all of the covenants, both conditional #the ifts and the call of (od are choosin$ :es s and unconditional, were made with the same irrevocable& .Rom 11E0-/. 7he re$ardless of race of )eo)le and were in essence contracts +hurch, which shares with =ews an race" no* To or a reements. <ven the 2ew +ovenant think that !e im)ortant )art of the sacred .confirmed in both 7estaments i.e. *eb. ?E? choose &od" Scri)tures, loo%s u)on the )eo)le of and =er. >1E>1/ was yet another racial rather than the covenant and their faith as one of identifier, bein that some Israelites are &od choosin$ the sacred roots of her own +hristian s" is abo t as chronically for etful of who they are. identity .cf. Rom 11E1A"1?/. 5s apostate as it <verythin in the bible has a +hristian +hristians, we cannot consider $ets Identity )ers)ective and we need to be =udaism as a forei n reli ionH nor do reminded every day that the )osition of the we include the =ews amon those White race in the world is (odds call and ift, lest we called to turn from idols and to serve the be distracted with man"made amendments, true (od .cf. I 7hes. 1H-/.& modifications and ada)tations. 7he Son of (od bothered to incarnate on earth for the sa%e of the sons *offman oes on to say, b7he historic +hurch never of (od to see with their eyes the fulfillment of tau ht this distortion of Romans 11E0-, thou h it is a )ro)hecy and salvation. #Saved"by"race& yes. Saved fi,ture of the theolo y of the soon"to"be"saint =ohn by choosin =esus re ardless of race, no. 7o thin% that ;aul II and the su))osedly arch"conservative we choose (od, rather than (od choosin us, is about counter")o)e to Francis, 3enedict gGI. =; II and as a)ostate as it ets. 7he )romise of race is the 3enedict were firmly in the 7almudicerabbinic cam) )romise of salvation, which )ertains to Israelites and Francis is no different. 7wistin Romans cha)ter recoverin .Romans -E1/. In order for (od to redeem 11 into a saved"by"race )led e of eternal security is those sub'ect to the @aw, we must recover our )osition about as anti"+hrist as it ets. If the =ews of first as sons. 7he )roblem is that ##lindness in .art has century ;alestine had an irrevocable covenant with come $.on &srael& .Romans 11E0$/, not only because (od, why would the Son of (od have bothered to of her self"im)osed i norance of the @aw, but the incarnate on earth and be crucified for their sa%eK& obfuscation and im)ersonation of true Israel. =ews I dondt %now if this is a cton ue in chee%d :uestion, but will always be antichrists, so why even entertain the (od does have an e,clusive holy )eo)le unto *imself, notion that they can be #saved.& 7heir doom is as itds 'ust not the 'ews or the transient church of sealed as the e,tinct 2eanderthals. denominational ada)tations. 7he subtle distortion of +hrist said *e came only for the lost shee) of the Romans 11E0- is not only the ;o)e )uttin 'ews in the house of Israel .9t. 1$E01/. If somethin is lost, )osition of bein the reci)ients of the ifts and callin doesndt it need to be found or recoveredK *ow can of (od, but *offmands own twist to remove the 01

Israelites recover their identity if theolo ians )ut forth the notion that 1. =ews are (odds chosen )eo)le or 0. 5nyone can s)iritually become an IsraeliteK Well, the blindness is only #in .art*& meanin there are some who are not blind to their identity and have found their callin with (od. +hristian Identity is #ta%in bac%& what belon s to us. 5nd we are followin the command of +hrist to, #"o rather to the lost shee. of the ho$se of &srael& 9t. 10EA. If you )roselyti8e 'ews in Israe@I<, you will be sent home dri))in with s)ittle. If you )roselyti8e ne ros in the 'un les of 5frica, you will have been ivin that which is holy to the do s .9t. BEA/. Do 'udeo"+hristians really thin% that means )reachin to )oodles and coc%er s)anielsK Itds a racial slur from the mouth of =esus .9t. BEA/. ;raise the @ord. If you have heard the (ood 2ews of the (os)el of =esus +hrist and I mean the racial messa e, not the watered down universalism of churchianity, then you will have a com)letely new understandin and a))reciation of biblical ado)tion. If you have married or ado)ted someone who is not of our race, then you have the race of (od to recover your sonshi) with (od by )uttin away the alien wives .or husbands/ and children .<8ra 10E>/. Israelites .not 'ews/ did this very thin when their 3abylonian ca)tivity was over and they returned to =erusalemH but they could not return racially mi,ed and still be blessed of (od. #Now it came to .ass* when they had heard the law* that they se.arated from &srael all the miHed m$ltit$de& 2ehemiah 1>E>. 5nd hereds the reason whyE #They shall not dwell in thy land* lest they make thee sin against Ee.& <,. 0>E>>. Itds (odds @aw4 Itds si nificant to note that the 5)ostle ;aul was the only 2ew 7estament writer to use the (ree% word rendered cado)tiond in <n lishH to further hel) us understand the ori inal intent, the divine intent of what it means to be the sons of (od. If ;aul were with us today, he would be labeled a racist. *e first mentions cado)tiond in Romans ?E1$, which we already touched on in res)ect to the (ree% word h$iothesia, a contraction of the words csond and cto )lace.d 7hus, the *oly S)irit is the S)irit that )laces the children of (od, which we %now are cbe otten from aboved .rather than the )oor translation of cborn a aind/ as adult sons in a lawful status and relationshi) with (od. +hildren cannot inherit an estate until they reach a lawful a e of maturity. 3ut, biblical ado)tion is not so much an heir of an estate as it is an heir of a

)romise and to recover that )romise, one must ta%e bac% their status of sonshi). In our case, it has been stolen by 'ews and universalists. *eavy mind control and )ro)a anda maintains the identity theft. Some seminary )rofessors are of the o)inion that cado)tion& was )urely a Roman conce)t and not relative to the old covenants. *owever, (enesis 1? tells us of =ose)h brin in his two sons <)hraim and 9anasseh .born of an 5damice< y)tian wife/ to be blessed by their randfather =acob. #And he #lessed <ose.h* and said* "od* #efore whom my fathers A#raham and &saac did walk* the "od which fed me all my life long $nto this day* the Angel which redeemed me from all e!il* #less the lads9 and let my name #e named on them* and the name of my fathersJ and let them grow into a m$ltit$de in the midst of the earth& (en. 1?E1$"1A. 7hat was an ado)tion4 =acob"Israel said let my name be on them. 2ow =acob was the name (od used to s)ea% of his flesh, but after his wrestlin match with the an el and his conversion, (od #ado)ted& him and ave him a new name, which clarified his status and his )osterity with (od. 7his fits the )attern of the 3ible in that now we, #the children of Israel,& are bein ado)ted a ain by +hrist and iven a new name, +hristian. 7he boyds mother was not an Israelite and they could not become Israelites unless they were ado)ted. 7his is the ist of what ;aul was tal%in about. 5ll White )eo)le are 5damites, but not all White )eo)le are Israelites. 7he so called entiles or better yet, the Israelite nations in dis)ersion from the 5ssyrian ca)tivities, were intermarryin with Israelites. 7herefore, they had to be ado)ted into the family of Israel and that was accom)lished throu h the blood of +hrist on the +ross. 7he 5ryan nations of the world today are lost and blind to their Israelite ancestry. Gery few can trace their enealo y bac% to 5dam or +hrist, but there is a way to do that. <ven thou h one may be an Israelite, biblical ado)tion seals and confirms their status, much li%e the modern fad of renewin vows of a married cou)leH they et married a ain, even thou h they are married. 7hey are recoverin the )recious bond than no man should )ut asunder. (od has 'oined *imself to ether with the White race and no other race. 7he 9arria e Su))er of the @amb is a remarria e. ;astor <verett Ramsey )ara)hrases the )assa e in Romans ?E1$ li%e thisE #In reality, everyone who has been overwhelmed by the S)irit of (od as evidenced


by their bodies bein ener i8ed and com)elled to act in obedience by the S)irit of (od, are the offs)rin of the seedline of (od throu h 5dam and +hrist. Fou have been )laced in the )osition as sons, so now you no lon er need to be afraid to a))roach (od as you did when you were enslaved byN the body, mind IandJ emotionsN and were at war with (od. 2ow you can loudly call out to *im for your needs because *e is your FatherN 5s the male and female offs)rin of the seedline of (od throu h 5dam and +hristN we are in a uni:ue )osition to share a )ortion of (odds estate alon with =esus +hrist.&

to recover his s)iritual identity. 7he word cIsraeld means rulin with (od. If one re'ects the idea of ado)tion, they live in accordance with lawlessness. 7hey dondt %now how to et out from under an Cbama dictatorshi), which includes liberals and conservatives, who dare not call it race.

5re we so brainwashed that it is unthin%able to )ut forth the idea that 'ews are antichristsH with the lame e,cuse that coh yeah, they re'ect =esus, but they will convert some day.d 7he only thin s worth sayin these days are the thin s )eo)le are afraid to say. Do we have the same coura e that +hrist had to call the We are lost shee), White )eo)le meanderin reli ious leaders #hy.ocrites&K *ey, 3illy (raham, throu hout the world today, unsure of who their youdre a filthy swine and swindler. If there are tens of she)herd is or if they even want one. 3ecause of this thousands of denominations, doesndt that )reclude the )redicament, ;aul is e,)lainin ado)tion in idea that there must be some %ind of massive terms of si nifyin the )lace and condition a)ostasyK Ch yeah, 'ust call it ecumenical. T he moral of a son iven to whom it does not naturally 7he uncanny symbiosis between Darwin and impediments belon within the conte,t of one race. #B$t 9ar, held to the belief that evolution was to s ch the nat$ral man does not acce.t the things of the inevitability of or anisms re)roducin , $randiose the S.irit of "od8 for they are foolishness but it wasndt (odds order of c%ind after social $nto him8 neither can he know them* %ind,d it was cli%e breeds li%e, with minor en$ineerin$ are #eca$se they are s.irit$ally discerned& I +or. variations. Secondly, all or anisms tend to e,acerbated 0E11. 3lindness is u)on our )eo)le, but the )roduce more offs)rin than survive and by an )ro)hecy .in Romans 11E0$/ is that it would breed. 7hose offs)rin which have the nad lterated only last #$ntil& our race sees what +hristian reatest chance of survival are those more 'hristianity Identity sees. I )ray it doesndt ta%e a e:ui))ed to ada)t to their surroundin s, and, and a racially thousand enerations. in turn, their offs)rin will tend to be more p re White li%e them. 7he characteristics of these race* 7he *oly S)irit )roduces in us the )o)ulations will, over time, increasin ly reali8ation of sonshi) and the attitude or ada)t to their environment. In other words, the law of s)irit that belon s to sonsH a distinction analo ous to the 'un le determines the survival of the #fittest,& our earthly relationshi) at birth with our enetic re ardless of s)ecie or race. 7his is clab ratd father, but u)on the scales fallin from our eyes, we see our Father in *eaven who loves us " )arallel to the )hiloso)hy. *owds that wor%in out for DetroitH the lar est ever US city to o ban%ru)t. love of the Son of (od. We now have a )lace and callin in (odds )lan for the a es. #Yo$ only ha!e & known IlovedJ of all the families IracesJ of the earth& 5mos >E0. 7he analo y of a father and son relationshi) is the )erfect com)arison to (od and *is Son =esus +hrist, even thou h it is difficult for some )eo)le to understand that the Father and Son were one and the same. 7he meta)hor is a literary device to convey an idea. +hrist tells us, #& am the way* the tr$th and the life. No one goes to the (ather eHce.t thro$gh Ee. &f yo$ ha!e known Ee* yo$ sho$ld also know Ey (ather. :!en now yo$ know and ha!e seen 4imC & =ohn 11EA. 7he natural man candt see the Deity with his five senses, any more than =acob could rule with (od until he was ado)ted throu h the *oly S)irit In fact, 9ar,ism a))lauds the homo eni8ation of human bein s so that only one )o)ulation of hybrid survives. 7he moral im)ediments to such randiose social en ineerin are e,acerbated by an unadulterated +hristianity and a racially )ure White race. WhyK 3ecause we do not assimilate. Cbamacare says cyou will com)ly 6 resistance is futile.d 2ice try, but no ci ar. We have another law written in our heart and mind. It was reflected in the colonial slo an cResistence to tyranny is obedience to (od.d Which is why they must e,terminate any and all )otential sons of (od before we recover our identity throu h the S)irit of ado)tion. 7heir tens of thousands of denominations ive the lost shee) a liberal menu of 0>

)ro choice ada)tations, so they can become )art of the )olitically correct environment, for fear of the 'ews accusin you of bein a #na8i& or some other chea) a))ellation. 5ma8in ly, itds enou h to %ee) the shee)le )assive and )acified. 3ut, both theories of ada)tion, whether itds or anic )lants and animals or )olitical or ans are 'ust thatN theories. +onversely, the cS)irit of ado)tiond is no theory and has centuries of racial consciousness to )rove and retain our love and obedience to our +reator. 5re we free enou h to fi ht for thatK If youdre old enou h to remember the USSR .the 'ewish"communist ta%eover of Russia/ and 2i%ita Dhrushchev sayin #We will bury you,& then you should be able to see how they have done e,actly that without firin a shot. 7hey most assuredly account us as #shee. for the sla$ghter,& 'ust as odless 'ews slau htered A0 million White Russian +hristians durin the red rule of <dom i.e. the 3olshevi% Revolution. 7hey have moved their o)erations to the United States, under the uise of democracy, and continue to slau hter White +hristians throu h more subtle means of enocide. 5 sermon li%e this is )ainted with the abstract brush of our enemies as chate s)eechd because I have e,)osed their ame )lan in contradistinction to (odds )lan for the a es. 7hey hate the truth. 7hey hate the Way, the 7ruth and the @ife. 7hey hate the Son of (od and the sons of (od. When we refuse to ada)t to their odless 2ew World Crder, we are sim)ly abidin with (odds will and not our own )roclivities conformin to the world. =esus said, #Come o$t from among them and #e se.arateJ do not #e >oined to the im.$re* and & will welcome yo$. And & will #e a (ather to yo$* and yo$ will #e mine for sons and da$ghters& II +or. AE1B"1?. 7he im)ure insinuates a contrast to those who are racially )ure. We are 'oined to ether as a holy .)ure/ )eo)le elevated above all other races in the earth .Deut. BEA/. We ive that which is holy to the holy, not the do s. When ;eter was havin his vision in 5cts 10, he was told, # o not call anything im.$re that "od has made clean,& which was s)ea%in directly to his racial

%insman +ornelius, a Roman centurian, whom the =udahites in =erusalem considered unclean barbarians, but were nevertheless as White as they were and very much a )art of (odds )lan for the a es and eli ible for the S)irit of ado)tion. +hrist redeems us throu h *is sacrifice u)on the +ross. #&n fact* $nder the 6aw almost e!erything is cleansed with #lood* and witho$t the shedding of the #lood there is no forgi!eness& *eb. -E00. 7he bride of +hrist is Israel .not 'ews/ who #made herself readyJ arrayed in fine linen* clean and white* for the fine linen is the righteo$sness of the saints& .Rev. 1-EB"?/. #These are they which came o$t of great tri#$lation and ha!e washed their ro#es and made them white in the #lood of the 6am# I+hristJ& Rev. BE11. 7he im)ure, the antichrists, the do s, the bastards, the 'ews are all at war with us. 7hey %illed the Disci)les in the 1st century and )ersecuted the early +hristiansH the R++ with itds bloody In:uisition continued to wi)e out the +hristian non"conformists and se)aratistsH the ;rotocols of the @earned <lders of Lion hatched a 'ewish cons)iracy, althou h denied, to decimate White +hristianity and has succeeded tremendously. 3ut, throu hout 0000 years of tribulation, the +hristian faith has survived to the cha rin of Darwiniane9ar,ist theories of ada)tion and their useful idiots in state"a))roved establishment reli ions. 7rue +hristianity is found in +hristian Identity, havin the %ey that unloc%s what has been hidden. In s)ite of these tryin times, where it a))ears our own )eo)le will not tolerate sound doctrine, ##$t after their own l$sts shall they hea. to themsel!es teachers* ha!ing itching ears& .II 7im. 1E>/, it doesndt chan e the fact that a Remnant out there %nows who they are and will not bend the %nee or %iss the oat. 7he faith of our fathers not only survives, but blossoms as a rose in the dessert. #'e>oice and #e glad for great is yo$r reward in hea!en& 9t. $E10. #4e hath chosen $s #efore the fo$ndation of the worldJ ha!ing .redestinated $s into the ado.tion I)ositionJ of sons thro$gh <es$s Christ& <)h. 1E1"$. ;astor Downey!s website is


The Federal Reser#e: ()) ;ears of Tyranny

side from the i norance and a)athy of 5merican voters, the bi est enabler of the 5merican )olice state is the central ban%, which )rovides limitless cash su))lies to the overnment. December 0>rd mar%s the 100th anniversary of this ban%, called the Federal Reserve .or #the Fed&/. 7his historic anniversary is no reason to celebrateH rather it is time we reflect on the )ractically invisible, yet unima inably devious system which has been robbin 5mericans for the last century. 7he monetary system established under the Federal Reserve enables the overnment to s)end vast amounts of money without directly and immediately im)osin the costs on the 5merican )eo)le. Rather than bein forced to raise ta,es for wars, welfare, and other massive s)endin )ro'ects, the overnment sim)ly directs its central ban% to create any amount of new money necessary to sustain the overnmentds un)recedented levels of rowth. When the citi8ens are forced to )ay e,orbitant ta,ation to fund bureaucracies, wars, and forced charity, there would be a lot less tolerance for a overnment of such massive sco)e. 7he im)lications of this are only limited by oneds

ima ination. 7he U.S. overnmentds ability to militari8e )olice de)artments across the country, bail out )rivate cor)orations, create an un)recedented and ubi:uitous s)y rid, wa e multi"decade intercontinental wars, launch bureaucracy after bureaucracy, and foster wides)read citi8en de)endency is all directly tied to its ability to s)end artificially"created money. 7he )olice state could not nearly achieve its current si8e and sco)e if )eo)le were forced to directly and immediately )ay for it. 7he Federal Reserve traces its roots bac% to a well"connected U.S. Senator and a secretive meetin of overnment and ban%in elites. Senator 2elson 5ldrich .R"RI/ was the head of the 2ational 9onetary +ommission, a )ersonal friend of ban%in titan =.;. 9or an, and was the father"in"law to =ohn D. Roc%efeller, =r., heir to the Standard Cil em)ire. 5fter introducin a Senate =oint Resolution to establish a national income ta,, 5ldrich set forth on a :uest to establish a central ban% in the United States. *e s)ent co)ious amounts of ta, money travelin <uro)e and conferrin with Rothschild ban%ers and overnment ministers in develo)in his strate y, but the final revision of his )lan re:uired the e,)ertise of


5mericads own ban%in elites. In 2ovember 1-10, 5ldrich assembled a secret meetin with several of his )owerful friends. 7he meetin was dis uised as a entlemends duc% huntin e,)edition, set on remote =e%yll Island, which is located off the coast of (eor ia. 7he duc%"hunt was, of course, a ruse. 7he rou) had no interest in huntin . 7he island was chosen because it offered seclusion and )rivacy, free from the )ryin eyes of 'ournalists. 7o avoid identification by the servants, the attendees avoided usin their full names and concealed their whereabouts throu hout the course of the -"day conference. 7he secrecy was necessary to avoid ivin the 5merican )eo)le the im)ression that the )lan was a concerted effort by s)ecial interests to control the monetary system throu h undemocratic means. 7he secrecy seemed to matter less after the a enda was fulfilled, and later, some details be an to lea%. Forbes ma a8ine founder 3ertie +harles Forbes described the meetin several years later, althou h his wor% was lar ely i nored or dismissed as )re)osterous. *e wroteE ;icture a )arty of the nationds reatest ban%ers stealin out of 2ew For% on a )rivate railroad car under cover of dar%ness, stealthily ridin hundred of miles South, embar%in on a mysterious launch, snea%in onto an island deserted by all but a few servants, livin there a full wee% under such ri id secrecy that the names of not one of them was once mentioned, lest the servants learn the identity and disclose to the world this stran est, most secret e,)edition in the history of 5merican finance. I am not romancin H I am ivin to the world, for the first time, the real story of how the famous 5ldrich currency re)ort, the foundation of our new currency system, was writtenN 7he utmost secrecy was en'oined u)on all. 7he )ublic must not lean a hint of what was to be done. Senator 5ldrich notified each one to o :uietly into a )rivate car of which the railroad had received orders to draw u) on an unfre:uented )latform. Cff the )arty set. 2ew For%ds ubi:uitous re)orters had

been foiledN 2elson .5ldrich/ had confided to *enry, Fran%, ;aul and ;iatt that he was to %ee) them loc%ed u) at =e%yll Island, out of the rest of the world, until they had evolved and com)iled a scientific currency system for the United States, the real birth of the )resent Federal Reserve System, the )lan done on =e%yll Island in the conference with ;aul, Fran% and *enryN Warbur is the lin% that binds the 5ldrich system and the )resent system to ether. *e more than any one man has made the system )ossible as a wor%in reality. 7he meetin was further described to the best of historical %nowled e by <8ra ;ound to <ustace 9ullins in his 1-1wor% Secrets of The (ederal 'eser!e and later re)orted by (. <dward (riffin in his boo% The Creat$re from <ekyll &sland. 9ullins )rovided the followin insi ht in +ha)ter Cne of his boo%E 5s the most technically )roficient of those )resent, ;aul Warbur was char ed with doin most of the draftin of the )lan. *is wor% would then be discussed and one over by the rest of the rou). Senator 2elson 5ldrich was there to see that the com)leted )lan would come out in a form which he could et )assed by +on ress, and the other ban%ers were there to include whatever details would be needed to be certain that they ot everythin they wanted, in a finished draft com)osed durin a onetime stay. 5fter they returned to 2ew For%, there could be no second et to ether to rewor% their )lan. 7hey could not ho)e to obtain such secrecy for their 0A

wor% on a second 'ourney. 7he meetin resulted in draft le islation for the creation of a US +entral ban%, %nown as the 5ldrich ;lan. Des)ite falterin on its first attem)t at )assa e, and des)ite 5ldrichds de)arture from office in 1-11, most of the )lan was incor)orated into the 1-1> Federal Reserve 5ct after some com)romises were made. Cn December 0>, 1-1>, ;resident Woodrow Wilson si ned the act into law and ave birth to the Fed as we %now it today. 5nd for the last century, the country has been held at the mercy of a cabal of international ban%ers, outside the %nowled e of the ma'ority of 5mericans. 3en'amin Stron , one of the =e%yll Island cons)irators, became the first )resident of the 2ew For% Federal Reserve in 1-11. 7he Federal Reserve 5ct unconstitutionally relin:uished +on ressds role in issuin money and re ulatin its value. 7he Fed was ranted the )ower to mani)ulate interest rates and e,)and or retract the amount of money in circulation, thereby )ossessin the ability to mani)ulate the worth of the U.S. Dollar h which henceforth became %nown as the Federal Reserve 2ote. 7he Fed #succeeded& where )revious attem)ts to create 5merican central ban%s had failed. Indeed, this had been a stru le that had been fou ht over since the countryds birth. ;resident (arfield once made the observationE #It must be reali8ed that whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolutely master of all industry .and/ commerce. 5nd when you reali8e that the entire system is very easily controlled, one way or another, by a few )owerful men at the to), you will not have to be told how )eriods of inflation and de)ression ori inate.& Cuts)o%en Federal Reserve o))onent +on ressman +harles 5. @indber h said, #7his IFederal Reserve 5ctJ establishes the most i antic trust on earth. When the ;resident si ns this bill, the invisible overnment of the monetary )ower will be le ali8edN.the worst le islative crime of the a es is )er)etrated by this ban%in and currency bill.& 5fter the si nin , he noted, #From now on, de)ressions will be

scientifically created.& 7his was an im)ortant observation. When elite ban%ers have the )ower to cause )anics, they )ossess the ability to )ositively )redict mar%et behavior, thereby ivin them an accurate forecast into the future. 7his ability allows the elites to unfairly amass untold fortunes in the stoc% mar%et while the rest of the country is bein blindsided by an artificially caused mar%et crash. 7he Fed is the ultimate scheme to ensure that the insiders )ros)er while everyone else suffers )er)etual inflation. 5 1-10 de)iction of the #5ldrich ;lan& which was mostly im)lemented in the Federal Reserve 5ct. @indbur h elaborated on this in his boo%, 'eal NeedsE #I7he Federal Reserve 3oardJ can cause the )endulum of a risin and fallin mar%et to swin ently bac% and forth by sli ht chan es in the discount rate, or cause violent fluctuations by a reater rate variation and in either case it will )ossess inside information as to financial conditions and advance %nowled e of the comin chan e, either u) or down. 7his is the stran est, most dan erous advanta e ever )laced in the hands of a s)ecial )rivile e class by any (overnment that ever e,isted. 7he system is )rivate, conducted for the sole )ur)ose of obtainin the reatest )ossible )rofits from the use of other )eo)leds money. 7hey %now in advance when to create )anics to their advanta e, 7hey also %now when to sto) )anic. Inflation and deflation wor% e:ually well for them when they control finance.& 5ll these )redictions came to )ass, as the era of unfettered monetary mani)ulation be an. 7he U.S. (overnment could now s)end money it didndt have, and et away with it by inflatin .devaluin / the currency of the 5merican )eo)le. When the United States entered World War I only a few years after the Federal Reserve was founded, the money"chan ers went to wor%, and #by 1-00 a dollar would buy about half the oods it was ca)able of )urchasin in 1-11.& 0B

.=ohn ;. Donin / In the early 1-00s, #the international ban%ers were now ready to ma%e a ma'or %illin ,& stated (ary 5llen in his wor% None are Call &t Cons.iracy. #3etween 1-0> and 1-0-, the Federal Reserve e,)anded .inflated/ the money su))ly by si,ty"two )ercent. 9uch of this new money was used to bid the stoc% mar%et u) to di88yin hei hts. 5t the same time that enormous amounts of credit money were bein made available, the mass media be an to ballyhoo tales of the instant riches to be made in the stoc% mar%etN7he *ouse *earin s on Stabili8ation of the ;urchasin ;ower of the Dollar disclosed evidence in 1-0? that the Federal Reserve 3oard was wor%in closely with the heads of <uro)ean central ban%s. 7he +ommittee warned that a ma'or crash had been )lanned in 1-0B. 5t a secret luncheon of the Federal Reserve 3oard and heads of the <uro)ean central ban%s, the committee warned, the international ban%ers were ti htenin the noose& Ii.e., were )lannin to raise interest ratesJ. William 3ryan e,)lained what ha))ened ne,t. Cn Cctober 01, 1-0-, #Nwhen everythin was ready, the 2ew For% financiers started callin 01 hour bro%er call loans. 7his meant that the stoc%bro%ers and the customers had to dum) their stoc% on the mar%et in order to )ay the loans. 7his naturally colla)sed the

stoc% mar%et and brou ht a ban%in colla)se all over the country because the ban%s not owned by the oli archy were heavily involved in bro%er call claims at this time, and ban% runs soon e,hausted their coin and currency and they had to close. 7he Federal Reserve System would not come to their aidN& Indeed, the scientifically"en ineered crash of 1-0was not an accident. 2obel ;ri8e winnin economist and Stanford University ;rofessor 9ilton Friedman e,)lained, #7he Federal Reserve definitely caused the reat de)ression by contractin the amount of currency in circulation by one third from 1-0- to 1->>.& Cver the course of the century, the Federal Reserve has reduced the )urchasin )ower of the U.S. Dollar a breathta%in -?i from its ori inal 1-1> value. I encoura e you to read the boo%s cited in this article to understand further the crimes of the Federal Reserve. 7he Fed is truly one of the most devious )lots ever created, and has been enablin theft, war, and bi overnment for 100 years h a century of tyranny. SourceEwww.)

7he decline of the value of U.S. Dollar after the Federal Reserve 5ct.


<rin$ <ack The <radb ry

: stin Walker = >? 'ol mn 7his is e,actly the o))ortunity for o)timism that we need. Instead of followin a )ath of bausterityb which leads to ever lower livin standards, education standards, health care standards and infrastructure standards, we could use the 3radbury to fund an economic rebuildin )lan not seen since the end of the Second World War. 7he 7reasury!s main e,cuse for not bac%in the 3radbury )olicy is that it is, they say, tantamount to b)rintin moneyb in the hy)erinflationary style of the Weimar Re)ublic. It isn!t, of course. 7he Weimar hy)erinflationary )olicy is best e,)ressed by juantitative <asin , which is money )rintin in e,actly the Weimar style. What is the differenceK Well, one .j</ re)resents a bac%ward loo%in , bwe must )ay the ban%ers and s)eculate, s)eculate, s)eculateb a))roach. 7he )ast debts must be )aid, even thou ht they were mostly created throu h fraud and corru)tion, no matter how many )eo)le have to die in order to )ay them. So we shut down hos)itals, we reduce the :uality of our food, we turn our education system into a chaotic mess, because we bcan!t affordb to )ay.

011 is not only the centenary of the (reat War 1-11 "1-1? but also the centenary of the 3radbury ;ound, which, while it could only have come about because of the First World War, re)resents an historical )recedent which offers an o))ortunity for an o)timistic future. @et!s remember how the 3radbury came aboutE in 1-11 the ban%s, fearful of a ban% run as a result of nervousness over the comin war, demanded action from the overnment of the day to )revent their im)endin insolvency. 7he overnment issued interest free 7reasury 2otes in order to %ee) the ban%s afloat, si ned by Secretary to the 7reasury 3radbury, hence the name. We should be under no illusions that the 3radbury ;ound was a ban% bailout. 3ut what it did was set a )recedent for overnment issued money, free of the interest )ayments attached to money raised from )rivate ban%ers. So while we are not callin for another bailout of this insolvent ban%in and financial system, we are callin for the use of that )recendent as the basis for rebuildin a nation which has been so destroyed the the )olicies of successive overnments over the last 10 years, that it mi ht as well have fou ht a World War.


7he other, the 3radbury, is forward loo%in . 7he debt in this case is to future enerations. We s)end newly created money now on thin s which )rovide our children and randchildren the futures they deserve. We s)end the money to )rovide hi h :uality economic infrastructure, health care, education, trainin . 7his is the debt we owe. 2ot to dis ustin ly corru)t ban%ers who understood absolutely the im)lications of what they were doin , but to our children and their children who had no say in whether or not they were born into this mess. So the 3radbury must not be used to bail out the financial system. It must only be used to build a real )roductive economic infrastructure which can su))ort a real )roductive wor%force. 7here really are no downsides, so lon as the money is s)ent on the correct thin s. 7hat is why we also need a full b(lass Stea allb style se)aration of retail and s)eculative investment ban%in . While the mess of the financial system is still han in around our nec%s, not even the 3radbury

)olicy can hel) us. We must deal with the )resent ban%in system, and in the )rocess deal with the debt which is notionally outstandin . (lass Stea all would see most of that written off, much to the cha rin of the ban%ers, which is why they are lobbyin so hard a ainst it ri ht around the world. In 001> the 3rin 3ac% 7he 3radbury +am)ai n succeeded in ettin an <arly Day 9otion into the *ouse of +ommons callin for its reinstatement. @et!s see if we can bencoura eb enou h su))ort amon 9;s .who badly need to be reminded who they wor% for/ to see the )olicy debated in full before the middle of the year, and im)lemented by the centenary in 5u ust. 5 ain, than% you all so much for your su))ort of the UD +olumn in 001>. We ho)e you can continue to su))ort us in 0011, and es)ecially can et behind the cam)ai n for the reinstatement of the 3radbury ;ound. ;lease see 7he UD +olumn for more information htt)Eeewww.u%column.or ebrin "bac%"the"bradbury

5Ps 'all for Reinstatement of <radb ry Po nd

5t the end of 001> a small rou) of 9;s s)onsored an <arly Day 9otion callin for the reintroduction of the 3radbury ;ound. 7he 9otion readsE b7hat this *ouse notes that the hundredth anniversary of the 3radbury ;ound on B 5u ust 0011 is a welcome reminder of the historic )recedent for )ublic credit as the sound basis for debt"and interest"free 7reasury money and therefore the sound alternative to the national debt and interest"bearin ban% money ... and ur es *9 7reasury to follow =ohn 3radbury!s model and address social, economic and )olitical issues across )arty lines in one fell swoo) and avoid wholly unnecessary austerity cuts.b Ret rn to &lass+Stea$all Former 9; 9ichael 9eacher has called for a full (lass Stea all style se)aration of the ban%s in a )ostin on his )ersonal blo . b7he ban%s are ettin away with it a ain, and this time with )otentially very serious conse:uences for the world economy,b he wrote. *e continuedE bthe (lass"Stea all 5ct, inau urated after the Wall Street crash of 1-0- enforced this >0 se)aration. It wor%edE between 1->> when it came into force until 1--A when it was re)ealed A> years later .on the rounds that it wasn!t necessary because the mar%ets were now !safe!/ there was no ma'or financial crash. =ust 11 years after its re)eal the bi est financial crash occurred since 1-0- which, it can safely be said, would not have occurred had (lass"Stea all since been in force. *avin made that catastro)hic error 1B years a o, it seems obvious beyond ar ument that the e:uivalent of (lass"Stea all should now be )ut immediately in )lace without further ado. 2ot a bit of it. 7he ma'or ban%s, now immeasurably stron er and bi er under conditions of com)letely dere ulated financial mar%ets, lobbied )owerfully, )ersistently and threatenin ly a ainst it... su))orted by the <U. 9eacher ends by )ointin out the irony that the rules on ban%ers become ever slac%er while rules overnin many as)ects of the lives of everyone else row ever ti hter.

The @ri$ins of Political 'orrectness

An Acc$racy in Academia Address #y Bill Lind Kariations of this s.eech ha!e #een deli!ered to !ario$s A&A conferences incl$ding the 2+++ Conser!ati!e Uni!ersity at American Uni!ersity

here does all this stuff that youdve heard about this mornin 6 the victim feminism, the ay ri hts movement, the invented statistics, the rewritten history, the lies, the demands, all the rest of it 6 where does it come fromK For the first time in our history, 5mericans have to be fearful of what they say, of what they write, and of what they thin%. 7hey have to be afraid of usin the wron word, a word denounced as offensive or insensitive, or racist, se,ist, or homo)hobic. We have seen other countries, )articularly in this century, where this has been the case. 5nd we have always re arded them with a mi,ture of )ity, and to be truthful, some amusement, because it has struc% us as so stran e that )eo)le would allow a situation to develo) where they would be afraid of what words they used. 3ut we now have this situation in this country. We have it )rimarily on colle e cam)uses, but it is s)readin throu hout the whole society. Were does it come fromK What is itK We call it #;olitical +orrectness.& 7he name ori inated as somethin of a 'o%e, literally in a comic stri), and we tend still to thin% of it as only

half"serious. In fact, itds deadly serious. It is the reat disease of our century, the disease that has left tens of millions of )eo)le dead in <uro)e, in Russia, in +hina, indeed around the world. It is the disease of ideolo y. ;+ is not funny. ;+ is deadly serious. If we loo% at it analytically, if we loo% at it historically, we :uic%ly find out e,actly what it is. ;olitical +orrectness is cultural 9ar,ism. It is 9ar,ism translated from economic into cultural terms. It is an effort that oes bac% not to the 1-A0s and the hi))ies and the )eace movement, but bac% to World War I. If we com)are the basic tenets of ;olitical +orrectness with classical 9ar,ism the )arallels are very obvious. First of all, both are totalitarian ideolo ies. 7he totalitarian nature of ;olitical +orrectness is revealed nowhere more clearly than on colle e cam)uses, many of which at this )oint are small ivy covered 2orth Doreas, where the student or faculty member who dares to cross any of the lines set u) by the ender feminist or the homose,ual"ri hts activists, or the local blac% or *is)anic rou), or any of the other sainted #victims& rou)s that ;+ revolves around, :uic%ly find themselves in 'udicial trouble. Within the small le al system of the colle e, they face >1

formal char es 6 some star"chamber )roceedin 6 and )unishment. 7hat is a little loo% into the future that ;olitical +orrectness intends for the nation as a whole. Indeed, all ideolo ies are totalitarian because the essence of an ideolo y .I would note that conservatism correctly understood is not an ideolo y/ is to ta%e some )hiloso)hy and say on the basis of this )hiloso)hy certain thin s must be true 6 such as the whole of the history of our culture is the history of the o))ression of women. Since reality contradicts that, reality must be forbidden. It must become forbidden to ac%nowled e the reality of our history. ;eo)le must be forced to live a lie, and since )eo)le are naturally reluctant to live a lie, they naturally use their ears and eyes to loo% out and say, #Wait a minute. 7his isndt true. I can see it isndt true,& the )ower of the state must be )ut behind the demand to live a lie. 7hat is why ideolo y invariably creates a totalitarian state.

9ar,ism. Fourth, both economic and cultural 9ar,ism rely on e,)ro)riation. When the classical 9ar,ists, the communists, too% over a country li%e Russia, they e,)ro)riated the bour eoisie, they too% away their )ro)erty. Similarly, when the cultural 9ar,ists ta%e over a university cam)us, they e,)ro)riate throu h thin s li%e :uotas for admissions. When a white student with su)erior :ualifications is denied admittance to a colle e in favor of a blac% or *is)anic who isndt as well :ualified, the white student is e,)ro)riated. 5nd indeed, affirmative action, in our whole society today, is a system of e,)ro)riation. White owned com)anies dondt et a contract because the contract is reserved for a com)any owned by, say, *is)anics or women. So e,)ro)riation is a )rinci)le tool for both forms of 9ar,ism. 5nd finally, both have a method of analysis that automatically ives the answers they want. For the classical 9ar,ist, itds 9ar,ist economics. For the cultural 9ar,ist, itds deconstruction. Deconstruction essentially ta%es any te,t, removes all meanin from it and re"inserts any meanin desired. So we find, for e,am)le, that all of Sha%es)eare is about the su))ression of women, or the 3ible is really about race and ender. 5ll of these te,ts sim)ly become rist for the mill, which )roves that #all history is about which rou)s have )ower over which other rou)s.& So the )arallels are very evident between the classical 9ar,ism that wedre familiar with in the old Soviet Union and the cultural 9ar,ism that we see today as ;olitical +orrectness. 3ut the )arallels are not accidents. 7he )arallels did not come from nothin . 7he fact of the matter is that ;olitical +orrectness has a history, a history that is much lon er than many )eo)le are aware of outside a small rou) of academics who have studied this. 5nd the history oes bac%, as I said, to World War I, as do so many of the )atholo ies that are today brin in our society, and indeed our culture, down. 9ar,ist theory said that when the eneral <uro)ean war came .as it did come in <uro)e in 1-11/, the wor%in class throu hout <uro)e would rise u) and overthrow their overnments 6 the bour eois overnments 6 because the wor%ers had more in common with each other across the national boundaries than they had in common with the bour eoisie and the rulin class in their own country. >0

Second, the cultural 9ar,ism of ;olitical +orrectness, li%e economic 9ar,ism, has a sin le factor e,)lanation of history. <conomic 9ar,ism says that all of history is determined by ownershi) of means of )roduction. +ultural 9ar,ism, or ;olitical +orrectness, says that all history is determined by )ower, by which rou)s defined in terms of race, se,, etc., have )ower over which other rou)s. 2othin else matters. 5ll literature, indeed, is about that. <verythin in the )ast is about that one thin . 7hird, 'ust as in classical economic 9ar,ism certain rou)s, i.e. wor%ers and )easants, are a )riori ood, and other rou)s, i.e., the bour eoisie and ca)ital owners, are evil. In the cultural 9ar,ism of ;olitical +orrectness certain rou)s are ood 6 feminist women, .only feminist women, non"feminist women are deemed not to e,ist/ blac%s, *is)anics, homose,uals. 7hese rou)s are determined to be #victims,& and therefore automatically ood re ardless of what any of them do. Similarly, white males are determined automatically to be evil, thereby becomin the e:uivalent of the bour eoisie in economic

Well, 1-11 came and it didndt ha))en. 7hrou hout <uro)e, wor%ers rallied to their fla and ha))ily marched off to fi ht each other. 7he Daiser shoo% hands with the leaders of the 9ar,ist Social Democratic ;arty in (ermany and said there are no )arties now, there are only (ermans. 5nd this ha))ened in every country in <uro)e. So somethin was wron . 9ar,ists %new by definition it couldndt be the theory. In 1-1B, they finally ot a 9ar,ist cou) in Russia and it loo%ed li%e the theory was wor%in , but it stalled a ain. It didndt s)read and when attem)ts were made to s)read immediately after the war, with the S)artacist u)risin in 3erlin, with the 3ela Dun overnment in *un ary, with the 9unich Soviet, the wor%ers didndt su))ort them. So the 9ar,istsd had a )roblem. 5nd two 9ar,ist theorists went to wor% on itE 5ntonio (ramsci in Italy and (eor @u%acs in *un ary. (ramsci said the wor%ers will never see their true class interests, as defined by 9ar,ism, until they are freed from Western culture, and )articularly from the +hristian reli ion 6 that they are blinded by culture and reli ion to their true class interests. @u%acs, who was considered the most brilliant 9ar,ist theorist since 9ar, himself, said in 1-1-, #Who will save us from Western +ivili8ationK& *e also theori8ed that the reat obstacle to the creation of a 9ar,ist )aradise was the cultureE Western civili8ation itself. @u%acs ets a chance to )ut his ideas into )ractice, because when the home rown 3olshevi% 3ela Dun overnment is established in *un ary in 1-1-, he becomes de)uty commissar for culture, and the first thin he did was introduce se, education into the *un arian schools. 7his ensured that the wor%ers would not su))ort the 3ela Dun overnment, because the *un arian )eo)le loo%ed at this a hast, wor%ers as well as everyone else. 3ut he had already made the connection that today many of us are still sur)rised by, that we would consider the #latest thin .& In 1-0> in (ermany, a thin%"tan% is established that ta%es on the role of translatin 9ar,ism from economic into cultural terms, that creates ;olitical +orrectness as we %now it today, and essentially it has created the basis for it by the end of the 1->0s. 7his comes about because the very wealthy youn son of a millionaire (erman trader by the name of Feli, Weil has become a 9ar,ist and has lots of money to s)end.

*e is disturbed by the divisions amon the 9ar,ists, so he s)onsors somethin called the First 9ar,ist Wor% Wee%, where he brin s @u%acs and many of the %ey (erman thin%ers to ether for a wee%, wor%in on the differences of 9ar,ism. 5nd he says, #What we need is a thin%"tan%.& Washin ton is full of thin% tan%s and we thin% of them as very modern. In fact they o bac% :uite a ways. *e endows an institute, associated with Fran%furt University, established in 1-0>, that was ori inally su))osed to be %nown as the Institute for 9ar,ism. 3ut the )eo)le behind it decided at the be innin that it was not to their advanta e to be o)enly identified as 9ar,ist. 7he last thin ;olitical +orrectness wants is for )eo)le to fi ure out itds a form of 9ar,ism. So instead they decide to name it the Institute for Social Research.

Weil is very clear about his oals. In 1-B1, he wrote to 9artin =ay the author of a )rinci)le boo% on the Fran%furt School, as the Institute for Social Research soon becomes %nown informally, and he said, #I wanted the institute to become %nown, )erha)s famous, due to its contributions to 9ar,ism.& Well, he was successful. 7he first director of the Institute, +arl (runber , an 5ustrian economist, concluded his o)enin address, accordin to 9artin =ay, #by clearly statin his )ersonal alle iance to 9ar,ism as a scientific methodolo y.& 9ar,ism, he said, would be the rulin )rinci)le at the Institute, and that never chan ed. 7he initial wor% at the Institute was rather conventional, but in 1->0 it ac:uired a new director named 9a, *or%heimer, and *or%heimerds views were very different. *e was very much a 9ar,ist rene ade. 7he )eo)le who create and form the Fran%furt School are rene ade 9ar,ists. 7heydre still >>

very much 9ar,ist in their thin%in , but theydre effectively run out of the )arty. 9oscow loo%s at what they are doin and says, #*ey, this isndt us, and wedre not oin to bless this.& *or%heimerds initial heresy is that he is very interested in Freud, and the %ey to ma%in the translation of 9ar,ism from economic into cultural terms is essentially that he combined it with Freudism. 5 ain, 9artin =ay writes, #If it can be said that in the early years of its history, the Institute concerned itself )rimarily with an analysis of bour eois societyds socio"economic sub"structure,& 6 and I )oint out that =ay is very sym)athetic to the Fran%furt School, Idm not readin from a critic here 6 #in the years after 1->0 its )rimary interests lay in its cultural su)erstructure. Indeed the traditional 9ar,ist formula re ardin the relationshi) between the two was brou ht into :uestion by +ritical 7heory.& 7he stuff wedve been hearin about this mornin 6 the radical feminism, the womends studies de)artments, the ay studies de)artments, the blac% studies de)artments 6 all these thin s are branches of +ritical 7heory. What the Fran%furt School essentially does is draw on both 9ar, and Freud in the 1->0s to create this theory called +ritical 7heory. 7he term is in enious because youdre tem)ted to as%, #What is the theoryK& 7he theory is to critici8e. 7he theory is that the way to brin down Western culture and the ca)italist order is not to lay down an alternative. 7hey e,)licitly refuse to do that. 7hey say it candt be done, that we candt ima ine what a free society would loo% li%e .their definition of a free society/. 5s lon as wedre livin under re)ression 6 the re)ression of a ca)italistic economic order which creates .in their theory/ the Freudian condition, the conditions that Freud describes in individuals of re)ression 6 we candt even ima ine it. What +ritical 7heory is about is sim)ly critici8in . It calls for the most destructive criticism

)ossible, in every )ossible way, desi ned to brin the current order down. 5nd, of course, when we hear from the feminists that the whole of society is 'ust out to et women and so on, that %ind of criticism is a derivative of +ritical 7heory. It is all comin from the 1->0s, not the 1-A0s. Cther %ey members who 'oin u) around this time are 7heodore 5dorno, and, most im)ortantly, <rich Fromm and *erbert 9arcuse. Fromm and 9arcuse introduce an element which is central to ;olitical +orrectness, and thatds the se,ual element. 5nd )articularly 9arcuse, who in his own writin s calls for a society of #)olymor)hous )erversity,& that is his definition of the future of the world that they want to create. 9arcuse in )articular by the 1->0s is writin some very e,treme stuff on the need for se,ual liberation, but this runs throu h the whole Institute. So do most of the themes we see in ;olitical +orrectness, a ain in the early >0s. In Frommds view, masculinity and femininity were not reflections of cessentiald se,ual differences, as the Romantics had thou ht. 7hey were derived instead from differences in life functions, which were in )art socially determined.& Se, is a constructH se,ual differences are a construct. 5nother e,am)le is the em)hasis we now see on environmentalism. #9aterialism as far bac% as *obbes had led to a mani)ulative dominatin attitude toward nature.& 7hat was *or%hemier writin in 1->> in 9aterialismus und 9oral. #7he theme of mands domination of nature,& accordin to =ay, & was to become a central concern of the Fran%furt School in subse:uent years.& #*or%heimerds anta onism to the fetishi8ation of labor, .hereds where theydre obviously de)artin from 9ar,ist orthodo,y/ e,)ressed another dimension of his materialism, the demand for human, sensual ha))iness.& In one of his most trenchant essays, < oism and the 9ovement for <manci)ation, written in 1->A, *or%eimer #discussed the hostility to )ersonal ratification inherent in bour eois culture.& 5nd he s)ecifically referred to the 9ar:uis de Sade, favorably, for his #)rotestNa ainst asceticism in the name of a hi her morality.& *ow does all of this stuff flood in hereK *ow does it flood into our universities, and indeed into our lives todayK 7he members of the Fran%furt School are 9ar,ist, they are also, to a man, =ewish. In 1->> the 2a8is came to )ower in (ermany, and not sur)risin ly they shut down the Institute for Social Research. 5nd


its members fled. 7hey fled to 2ew For% +ity, and the Institute was reestablished there in 1->> with hel) from +olumbia University. 5nd the members of the Institute, radually throu h the 1->0s, thou h many of them remained writin in (erman, shift their focus from +ritical 7heory about (erman society, destructive criticism about every as)ect of that society, to +ritical 7heory directed toward 5merican society. 7here is another very im)ortant transition when the war comes. Some of them o to wor% for the overnment, includin *erbert 9arcuse, who became a %ey fi ure in the CSS .the )redecessor to the +I5/, and some, includin *or%heimer and 5dorno, move to *ollywood. 7hese ori ins of ;olitical +orrectness would )robably not mean too much to us today e,ce)t for two subse:uent events. 7he first was the student rebellion in the mid"1-A0s, which was driven lar ely by resistance to the draft and the Gietnam War. 3ut the student rebels needed theory of some sort. 7hey couldndt 'ust et out there and say, #*ell no we wondt o,& they had to have some theoretical e,)lanation behind it. Gery few of them were interested in wadin throu h Das Da)ital. +lassical, economic 9ar,ism is not li ht, and most of the radicals of the A0s were not dee). Fortunately for them, and unfortunately for our country today, and not 'ust in the university, *erbert 9arcuse remained in 5merica when the Fran%furt School relocated bac% to Fran%furt after the war. 5nd whereas 9r. 5dorno in (ermany is a))alled by the student rebellion when it brea%s out there 6 when the student rebels come into 5dornods classroom, he calls the )olice and has them arrested 6 *erbert 9arcuse, who remained here, saw the A0s student rebellion as the reat chance. *e saw the o))ortunity to ta%e the wor% of the Fran%furt School and ma%e it the theory of the 2ew @eft in the United States.

which we liberate eros, we liberate libido, in which we have a world of #)olymor)hous )erversity,& in which you can #do you own thin .& 5nd by the way, in that world there will no lon er be wor%, only )lay. What a wonderful messa e for the radicals of the mid"A0s4 7heydre students, theydre baby"boomers, and theydve rown u) never havin to worry about anythin e,ce)t eventually havin to et a 'ob. 5nd here is a uy writin in a way they can easily follow. *e doesndt re:uire them to read a lot of heavy 9ar,ism and tells them everythin they want to hear which is essentially, #Do your own thin ,& #If it feels ood do it,& and #Fou never have to o to wor%.& 3y the way, 9arcuse is also the man who creates the )hrase, #9a%e love, not war.& +omin bac% to the situation )eo)le face on cam)us, 9arcuse defines #liberatin tolerance& as intolerance for anythin comin from the Ri ht and tolerance for anythin comin from the @eft. 9arcuse 'oined the Fran%furt School, in 1->0 .if I remember ri ht/. So, all of this oes bac% to the 1->0s.

In conclusion, 5merica today is in the throes of the reatest and direst transformation in its history. We are becomin an ideolo ical state, a country with an official state ideolo y enforced by the )ower of the state. In #hate crimes& we now have )eo)le servin 'ail sentences for )olitical thou hts. 5nd the +on ress is now movin to e,)and that cate ory ever further. Cne of 9arcuseds boo%s was the %ey boo%. It virtually 5ffirmative action is )art of it. 7he terror a ainst became the bible of the SDS and the student rebels of anyone who dissents from ;olitical +orrectness on the A0s. 7hat boo% was <ros and +ivili8ation. 9arcuse cam)us is )art of it. Itds e,actly what we have seen ar ues that under a ca)italistic order .he down)lays ha))en in Russia, in (ermany, in Italy, in +hina, and the 9ar,ism very stron ly here, it is subtitled, 5 now itds comin here. 5nd we dondt reco ni8e it ;hiloso)hical In:uiry into Freud, but the framewor% is because we call it ;olitical +orrectness and lau h it 9ar,ist/, re)ression is the essence of that order and off. 9y messa e today is that itds not funny, itds here, that ives us the )erson Freud describes 6 the )erson itds rowin and it will eventually destroy, as it see%s with all the han "u)s, the neuroses, because his se,ual to destroy, everythin that we have ever defined as our instincts are re)ressed. We can envision a future, if we freedom and our culture. can only destroy this e,istin o))ressive order, in


%othin$ has been more effecti#e in establishin$ the a thenticity of the Aoloca st story in the minds of Americans than the terrible scenes that >S troops disco#ered !hen they entered &erman concentration camps at the close of World War ..

The Biberation of the 6eath 'amps: Facts #s Bies

Theodore :* @C?eefe
Presented with .ict$res* ca.tions and eHtensi!e commentary 6asha arkmoon L cam)s. ;rominent newsmen and )oliticians were flown in to see the harrowin evidence, while the US 5rmy Si nal +or)s filmed and )hoto ra)hed the scenes for )osterity. Famous 'ournalist <dward R. 9urrow re)orted, in tones of horror, but no lon er of disbelief, what he had been told and shown, and Dachau and 3uchenwald were branded on the hearts and minds of the 5merican )o)ulace as names of infamy unmatched in the sad and bloody history of this )lanet. For 5mericans, what was #discovered& at the cam)s h the dead and the diseased, the terrible stories of the inmates, all the )ro)s of torture and terror h became the basis not sim)ly of a transitory )ro)a anda cam)ai n but of the conviction that, yes, it was trueE the (ermans did e,terminate si, million =ews, most of them in lethal as chambers. What the (Is found was used, by way of films that were mandatory viewin for the van:uished )o)ulace of (ermany, to #re"educate& the (erman )eo)le by destroyin their national )ride and their will to a united, inde)endent national state, im)osin in their )lace overwhelmin feelin s of collective uilt and )olitical im)otence. 5nd when the testimony, and the

hy is it ille al in 1A countries to doubt the as chambers when not a sin le as chamber has ever been foundK 2othin has been more effective in establishin the authenticity of the *olocaust story in the minds of 5mericans than the terrible scenes that US troo)s discovered when they entered (erman concentration cam)s at the close of World War II. 5t Dachau, 3uchenwald, Dora, 9authausen, and other wor% and detention cam)s, horrified US infantrymen encountered hea)s of dead and dyin inmates, emaciated and diseased. Survivors told them hair"raisin stories of torture and slau hter, and bac%ed u) their claims by showin the (Is crematory ovens, alle ed e,ecution as chambers, su))osed im)lements of torture, and even shrun%en heads and lam)shades, loves, and handba s )ur)ortedly made from s%in flayed from dead inmates. US overnment authorities, mindful that many 5mericans who remembered the atrocity stories fed them durin World War I still doubted the 5llied )ro)a anda directed a ainst the *itler re ime, resolved to #document& what the (Is had found in the


verdict, of the 2urember 7ribunal incor)orated most, if not all, of the horror stories 5mericans were told about Dachau, 3uchenwald, and other )laces ca)tured by the US 5rmy, the *olocaust could )ass for one of the most documented, one of the most authenticated, one of the most )roven historical e)isodes in the human record. A 6ifferent Reality 3ut it is %nown today that, very soon after the liberation of the cam)s, 5merican authorities were aware that the real story of the cam)s was :uite different from the one in which they were coachin military )ublic information officers, overnment s)o%esmen, )oliticians, 'ournalists, and other mouth)ieces. When 5merican and 3ritish forces overran western and central (ermany in the s)rin of 1-1$, they were followed by troo)s char ed with discoverin and securin any evidence of (erman war crimes. 5mon them was Dr. +harles @arson, one of 5mericads leadin forensic )atholo ists, who was assi ned to the US 5rmyds =ud e 5dvocate (eneralds De)artment. 5s )art of a US War +rimes Investi ation 7eam, Dr. @arson )erformed auto)sies at Dachau and some twenty other (erman cam)s, e,aminin on some days more than 100 cor)ses. 5fter his rim wor% at Dachau, he was :uestioned for three days by US 5rmy )rosecutors. I1J Dr. @arsonds findin sK In an 1-?0 news)a)er interview he saidE #What wedve heard is that si, million =ews were e,terminated. ;art of that is a hoa,.& I0J 5nd what )art was the hoa,K Dr. @arson, who told his bio ra)her that to his %nowled e he #was the only forensic )atholo ist on duty in the entire <uro)ean 7heater& of 5llied military o)erations, I>J confirmed that #never was a case of )oison as

uncovered.& I1J Typh s" %ot Poison &as If not by assin , how did the unfortunate victims at Dachau, 3uchenwald and 3er en"3elsen )erishK Were they tortured to death or deliberately starvedK 7he answers to these :uestions are %nown as well. 5s Dr. @arson and other 5llied medical men discovered, the chief cause of death at Dachau, 3elsen and the other cam)s was disease, above all ty)hus, an old and terrible scour e of man%ind that until recently flourished in )laces where )o)ulations were crowded to ether in circumstances where )ublic health measures were un%nown or had bro%en down. Such was the case in the overcrowded internment cam)s in (ermany at wards end, where, des)ite such measures as systematic delousin , :uarantine of the sic% and cremation of the dead, the virtual colla)se of (ermanyds food, trans)ort, and )ublic health systems led to catastro)he. ;erha)s the most authoritative statement of the facts as to ty)hus and mortality in the cam)s has been made by Dr. =ohn <. (ordon, 9.D., ;h.D., a )rofessor of )reventive medicine and e)idemiolo y at the *arvard University School of ;ublic *ealth, who was with US forces in (ermany in 1-1$. Dr. (ordon re)orted in 1-1? that #7he outbrea%s in concentration cam)s and )risons made u) the reat bul% of ty)hus infection encountered in (ermany.& Dr. (ordon summari8ed the causes for the outbrea%s as followsE I$J (ermany in the s)rin months of 5)ril and 9ay I1-1$J was an astoundin si ht, a mi,ture of humanity travellin this way and that, homeless, often hun ry and carryin ty)hus with them N (ermany was in chaos. 7he destruction of whole cities >B

and the )ath left by advancin armies )roduced a disru)tion of livin conditions contributin to the s)read of the disease. Sanitation was low rade, )ublic utilities were seriously disru)ted, food su))ly and food distribution was )oor, housin was inade:uate and order and disci)line were everywhere lac%in . Still more im)ortant, a shiftin of )o)ulations was occurrin such as few countries and few times have e,)erienced.

maintained led ers, datin bac% to 1-10, of food coo%ed and dis)ensed each day. Des)ite noisily )ublici8ed claims and wides)read )o)ular notions to the contrary, no researcher has been able to document a (erman )olicy of e,termination throu h starvation in the (erman cam)s. %o DA man SkinC Bampshades What of the houlish stories of concentration cam) inmates s%inned for their tattoos, flayed to ma%e lam)shades and handba s, or other artifactsK What of the innumerable #torture rac%s,& #meathoo%s,& whi))in )osts, allows, and other tools of torment and death that are re)orted to have abounded at every (erman cam)K 7hese alle ations, and even more rotes:ue ones )roffered by Soviet )rosecutors, found their way into the record at 2urember . Ilse Doch, %nown as #3uchenwklder Schlam)e& or the 3itch of 3uchenwald. We are told that #she revelled in torture and obscenity&, ma%in lam) shades out of human s%in showin the tattoos of =ewish cam) inmates. 7he alle ed human s%in, u)on forensic analysis after WW0, turned out to be oat s%in. Ilse Doch han ed herself in des)air at 5ichach womends )rison on Se)tember 1, 1-AB h yet another innocent victim of =ewish lies which are still bein )er)etrated to this day. *ere she is listed as one of the #10 9ost <vil Women in *istory&, alon with +ountess <li8abeth 3athory of *un ary and child"%iller 9yra *indley. 7he lam)shade and tattooed"s%in char es were made a ainst Ilse Doch, dubbed by 'ournalists the #3itch of 3uchenwald& and amon #10 9ost <vil Women in *istory&, who was re)orted to have furnished her house with ob'ects manufactured from the tanned hides of luc%less inmates. 3ut (eneral @ucius +lay, military overnor of the US 8one of occu)ied (ermany, who reviewed her case in 1-1?, told his su)eriors in Washin tonE #7here is no convincin evidence that she IIlse DochJ selected inmates for e,termination in order to secure tattooed s%ins or that she )ossessed any articles made of human s%in.& IBJ In an interview (eneral +lay ave years later, he stated about the material for the infamous lam)shadesE #Well, it turned out actually that it was oat flesh. 3ut at the trial it was still human >?

Dr. (ordonds findin s are corroborated by Dr. Russell 3arton, today a )sychiatrist of international re)ute, who entered 3er en"3elsen with 3ritish forces as a youn medical student in 1-1$. 3arton, who volunteered to care for the diseased survivors, testified under sworn oath in a 7oronto courtroom in 1-?$ that #7housands of )risoners who died at the 3er en"3elsen concentration cam) durin World War II werendt deliberately starved to death but died from a rash of diseases.& IAJ Dr. 3arton further testified that on enterin the cam) he had credited stories of deliberate starvation but decided such stories were untrue after ins)ectin the well e:ui))ed %itchens and the meticulously

flesh. It was almost im)ossible for her to have otten a investi ator attached to the Reich +riminal ;olice, fair trial.& I?J whose statements on the witness stand at 2urember have never been challen ed by )ro)onents of the =ewish *olocaust story. Dr. 9or en informed the court that he had been iven full authority by *einrich *immler, commander of *itlerds SS and the dread (esta)o, to enter any (erman concentration cam) and investi ate instances of cruelty and corru)tion on the )art of cam) )ersonnel. 5s he e,)lained in sworn testimony at 2urember , Dr. 9or en investi ated ?00 such cases, resultin in more than 000 convictions. I-J ;unishments included the death )enalty for the worst offenders, includin *ermann Florstedt, commandant of @ublin .9a'dane%/, and Darl Doch .Ilseds husband/, commandant of 3uchenwald.

$lse *och hanged herself in a 5erman 6ail in /789

lllllllllllllllll m @asha Dar%moon commentsE It is now common %nowled e that all the tall stories relatin to =ewish s%in bein turned into lam) shades are rotes:ue fabrications. 7here is not a sin le *olocaust scholar in the world today who believes these fairy tales any lon er. <ven =ewish Wi%i)edia as%s the :uestion, #Did the (ermans ma%e lam) shades from )risonersd s%inK& and ives the answerE #2o, they didndtNit seems to be a )o)ular urban le end.&

While (erman cam) commandants in certain cases did inflict )hysical )unishment, such acts had to be a))roved by authorities in 3erlin, and it was re:uired that a cam) )hysician first certify the ood health of the )risoner to be disci)lined, and then be on hand at the actual beatin . I10J 5fter all, throu hout most of the war the cam)s were im)ortant centers of industrial activity. 7he ood health and morale of the )risoners was critical to the (erman war effort, as is evidenced in a =anuary 1-1> order issued by SS (eneral Richard (lnc%s, chief of the office that su)ervised the In s)ite of this, #*olocaust survivors& still continue to concentration cam)s. It held the cam) commanders s)read these false stories in schools across the country, #)ersonally res)onsible for e,haustin every )ervertin the minds of children with their vicious )ossibility to )reserve the )hysical stren th of the lies. Cne such is +8echoslova%ian =ewess Frida detainees.& I11J *ers%ovits who told schoolchildren :uite recently that she had learned of 2a8i sur eries in which =ewish 'amp S r#i#ors: 5erely 9ictimsE #or ans were removed and human s%in was used to ma%e lam) shades and )icture frames.& US 5rmy investi ators, wor%in at 3uchenwald and other cam)s, :uic%ly ascertained what was common Frida had not only seen 2a8i uards throw sic% =ews %nowled e amon veteran inmatesE that the worst into a ditch and burn them alive after dousin them offenders, the cruelest deni8ens of the cam)s, were not with %eroseneh#7he screams were unbelievable4&h the uards but the )risoners themselves. +ommon she had also witnessed with her own eyes a )re nant criminals of the same stri)e as those who )o)ulate US mother have her baby ri))ed out of her womb by )risons today committed many villainies, )articularly (erman She)herd do s4 when they held )ositions of authority, and fanatical lllllllllllllllll +ommunists, hi hly or ani8ed to combat their many )olitical enemies amon the inmates, eliminated their It would be tedious to itemi8e and refute the thousands foes with Stalinist ruthlessness. of bi8arre claims as to 2a8i atrocities. 7hat there were 7wo US 5rmy investi ators at 3uchenwald, < on W. instances of (erman cruelty, however, is clear from Flec% and <dward 5. 7enenbaum, carefully the testimony of Dr. Donrad 9or en, a le al investi ated circumstances in the cam) before its >-

liberation. In a detailed re)ort submitted to their su)eriors, they revealed, in the words of 5lfred 7oombs, their commander, who wrote a )reface to the re)ort, #how the )risoners themselves or ani8ed a deadly terror within the 2a8i terror.& I10J Flec% and 7enenbaum described the )ower e,ercised by criminals and +ommunists as followsE 7he I=ewishJ trusties, who in time became almost e,clusively +ommunist (ermans, had the )ower of life and death over all other inmates. 7hey could sentence a man or a rou) to almost certain death N 7he +ommunist trusties were directly res)onsible for a lar e )art of the brutalities at 3uchenwald. +olonel Donald 3. Robinson, chief historian of the 5merican military overnment in (ermany, summari8ed the Flec%"7enenbaum re)ort in an article )ublished in an 5merican ma a8ine shortly after the war. +olonel Robinson wrote succinctly of the 5merican investi atorsd findin sE #It a))eared that the )risoners who a reed with the +ommunists ateH those who didndt starved to death.& I1>J 5dditional corroboration of inmate brutality has been )rovided by <llis <. S)ac%man, who, as +hief of +ounter"Intelli ence 5rrests and Detentions for the US Seventh 5rmy, was involved in the liberation of Dachau. S)ac%man, later a )rofessor of history at San 3ernardino Galley +olle e in +alifornia, wrote in 1-AA that at Dachau #the )risoners were the actual instruments that inflicted the barbarities on their fellow )risoners.& I11J llllllllllllll m @asha Dar%moon commentsE 5nother =ewish *olocaust survivor, Fanina +ywins%a, tells us she had witnessed evil 2a8is #)arade around briefcases and lam)s made of human s%in while washin their bodies with soa) com)osed of =ewish bones.& She is obviously unaware that the human soa) story has been )roved every bit as false as the human lam) shade story. In 1-?1, )rofessor of 9odern =ewish *istory and *olocaust e,)ert Deborah @i)stadt wrote in a letter to the @os 5n eles 7imes that #the fact is, the 2a8is never used the bodies of =ews, or for that matter, anyone else, for the )roduction of soa). 7he soa)

rumor was thorou hly investi ated after the war and )roved to be untrue.& Shmuel Dra%ows%i, Director of 5rchives of Israelds Fad Gashem *olocaust +enter, confirmed in a +hica o 7ribune article titled, #5 *olocaust 3elief +leared U)& thatE #historians have concluded that soa) was not made from human fat.& 7his doesndt sto) Fanina +ywins%a and other #*olocaust Survivors& li%e her from manufacturin human soa) and lam)shade stories ad infinitum. Fanina had seen some horrible thin s ha))en in the concentration cam)s, includin #nails and eyes )ulled out of =ewish )eo)le.& 7his would )robably account for her )essimism and ne ative attitude toward Faveh. #If (od is so almi hty )ower,& she as%s rimly, #why didndt he sto) the atrocitiesK& (ood :uestion. Wedll leave that to (od. llllllllllllllllll D&as 'hambersC In December 1-11 US 5rmy officers +olonel ;aul Dir% and @t. +olonel <dward =. (ully ins)ected the (erman concentration cam) at Struthof"2at8weiler in 5lsace. 7hey submitted their findin s to their su)eriors, who subse:uently forwarded their re)ort to the US War +rimes Division. While, si nificantly, the full te,t of their re)ort has never been )ublished, it has been revealed, by a historian su))ortive of *olocaust claims, that the two investi ators were careful to characteri8e e:ui)ment e,hibited to them by French informants as a #so"called lethal as chamber,& and to claim it was #alle edly used as a lethal as chamber.& I1$J .<m)hasis added/ 3oth the careful )hraseolo y of the 2at8weiler re)ort, and its effective su))ression, stand in star% contrast to the credulity, the confusion, and the blarin )ublicity that accom)anied official re)orts of alle ed as chambers at Dachau. 5t first, a US 5rmy )hoto de)ictin a (I a8in at a steel door mar%ed with a s%ull and crossbones and the (erman words forE #+aution4 (as4 9ortal dan er4 Dondt o)en4,& was identified as showin the murder wea)on. I1AJ @ater, however, it was evidently decided that the a))aratus in :uestion was merely a standard delousin chamber for clothin , and another alle ed as 10

chamber, this one cunnin ly dis uised as a shower room, was e,hibited to 5merican con ressmen and 'ournalists as the site where thousands breathed their last. While there e,ist numerous re)orts in the )ress as to the o)eration of this second # as chamber,& no official re)ort by trained 5rmy investi ators has yet surfaced to reconcile such )roblems as the function of the shower headsE Were they #dummies,& or did lethal cyanide as stream throu h themK .<ach theory has a))reciable su))ort in 'ournalistic and historio ra)hical literature./

letter to the (erman wee%ly Die LeitE #2either in Dachau nor in 3er en"3elsen nor in 3uchenwald were =ews or other )risoners assed.& I1BJ ;rofessional #2a8i hunter& Simon Wiesenthal stated in 1-B$ and a ain in 1--> that #there were no e,termination cam)s on (erman soil.& I1?J

Dachau # as chamber& 2o. 0, which was once )resented to a stunned and rievin world as a wea)on that claimed hundreds of thousands of lives, is now described in the brochure issued to tourists at the modern Dachau #memorial site& in these wordsE #7his 5s with as chamber, camoufla ed as a shower room, was not Dachau, so with used.& I1-J 3uchenwald, 3er en"3elsen, The Propa$anda .ntensifies and the other cam)s liberated 9ore than $0 years after 5merican troo)s entered by the 5llies in Dachau, 3uchenwald and other (erman cam)s, and western trained 5merican investi ators established the facts as (ermany. 7here to what had one on in them, the overnment in was no end of Washin ton, the entertainment media in *ollywood, )ro)a anda and the )rint media in 2ew For% continue to churn out about # as millions of words and ima es annually on the horrors chambers,& of the cam)s and the infamy of the *olocaust. Des)ite AThe alleged 4itlerite gas cham#ers # as ovens,& the fact that, with the e,ce)tion of the defeated and the alleged genocide of the <ews and the li%e, but +onfederacy, no enemy of 5merica has ever so so far not a constit$te one and the same suffered so com)lete and devastatin defeat as did historical lie* which made .ossi#le a sin le detailed (ermany in 1-1$, the mass media and the )oliticians gigantic financial;.olitical fra$d* the descri)tion of and bureaucrats behave as if *itler, his troo)s, and his #eneficiaries of which are the murder concentration cam)s continue to e,ist in an eternal wea)on and its the State of &srael and international )resent, and our o)inion ma%ers continue to distort, function, not a Mionism* and whose throu h i norance or malice, the facts about the sin le re)ort of !ictims are the "erman .eo.leL#$t cam)s. the %ind that is not their leadersLand the entire lllllllllllllll mandatory for Palestinian .eo.le.D the successful m @asha Dar%moon commentsE 7he story of )rosecution of any assault or murder case in 5merica *olocaust survivor Rivs%a Fosselevs%a is even more at that time and today, has come to li ht. horrific and bi8arre than those of Frida *ers%ovits and Fanina +ywins%a related above. Des)ite bein shot in Furthermore, a number of *olocaust authorities have the head and thrown into a )it with a mass of =ewish now )ublicly decreed that there were no assin s, no cor)ses )iled on to) of her, Rivs%a mana ed to claw e,termination cam)s in (ermany after all. .We are her way to the to) of the seethin hea) of limbs and now told that # assin & and #e,termination& cam)s somehow ma%e her esca)e under the vi ilant eyes of were located e,clusively in what is now ;oland, in the 2a8i uards. It wasndt an easy 'ob, iven that the areas ca)tured by the Soviet Red 5rmy and made #dyin victims& in the )it were #bitin my le s, off"limits to western investi ators./ )ullin me down.& Dr. 9artin 3ros8at of the 9unich"based Institute for Cther =ews also mana ed to crawl out of the )it and +ontem)orary *istory, which is funded by the do a bun% for it, but the 2a8is trac%ed them down and (erman overnment, stated cate orically in a 1-A0 %illed them all. Cnly Rivs%a survived to tell the tale. 11

She lay three days by the side of the )it, utterly traumati8ed, #and saw blood s)urtin out of the round.& llllllllll Time for the Tr th It is time that the overnment and the )rofessional historians reveal the facts about Dachau, 3uchenwald and the other cam)s. It is time they let the 5merican )ublic %now how the inmates died, and how they didndt die. It is time that the claims of mass murder by assin are clarified and investi ated in the same manner as any other claims of murder. It is time that the free ride certain rou)s have en'oyed as the result of unchallen ed *olocaust claims be terminated, 'ust as it is time to end the sca)e oatin of other rou)s, includin (ermans, eastern <uro)eans, the Roman +atholic hierarchy, and the wartime leadershi) of 5merica and 3ritain, either for their alle ed role in the *olocaust or their su))osed failure to sto) it. 5bove all, it is time that the citi8ens of this reat Re)ublic have the facts about the cam)s, facts they have a ri ht to %now, a ri ht that is fundamental to the e,ercise of their authority and their will in the overnance of their country. 5s citi8ens and as ta,)ayers, 5mericans of all ethnic bac% rounds, of all faiths, have a basic ri ht and an overridin interest in determinin the facts of incidents that are deemed by those in )ositions of )ower to be si nificant in determinin 5mericads forei n and educational )olicy, as well as its selection of )ast events to be memoriali8ed in our civic life. 7oday the alle ed facts of the *olocaust are at issue all over the civili8ed world. 7he truth will be decided only by recourse to the facts, in the )ublic forumE not by concealin the facts, denyin the truth, stonewallin reality. 7he truth will out, and it is time the overnment of this country, and overnments and international bodies throu hout the world, ma%e )ublic the evidence of what actually trans)ired in the (erman concentration cam)s in the years 1->>"1-1$, so that we may )ut )aid to the lies, without fear or favor, and carry out the wor% of reconciliation and renewal that is and must be the ranite foundation of mutual tolerance between )eo)les and of a )eace based on 'ustice. S mmary 7he conclusions of the early US 5rmy investi ations

as to the truth about the wartime (erman concentration cam)s have since been corroborated by all subse:uent investi ators and can be summari8edE 7he harrowin scenes of dead and dyin inmates were not the result of a (erman )olicy of #e,termination,& but rather the result of e)idemics of ty)hus and other disease brou ht about lar ely by the effects of 5llied aerial attac%s. Stories of 2a8i su)ercriminals and sadists who turned =ews and others into handba s and lam)shades for their )rivate )rofit or amusement were sic% lies or diseased fantasiesH indeed, the (erman authorities )unished corru)tion and cruelty on the )art of cam) commanders and uards. Cn the other hand, )ortrayals of the newly liberated inmates as saints and martyrs of *itlerism were :uite often very far from the truthH indeed, most of the brutalities inflicted on cam) detainees were the wor% of their fellow )risoners, in contravention of (erman )olicy and (erman orders. 7he alle ed homicidal showers and as chambers were used either for bathin cam) inmates or delousin their clothesH the claim that they were used to murder =ews or other human bein s is a contem)tible fabrication. Crthodo, historians and )rofessional #2a8i"hunters& have :uietly dro))ed claims that inmates were assed at Dachau, 3uchenwald and other cam)s in (ermany. 7hey continue, however, to %ee) silent re ardin the lies about Dachau and 3uchenwald, as well as to evade an o)en discussion of the evidence for homicidal assin at 5uschwit8 and the other cam)s ca)tured by the Soviets. lllllllllllll m @asha Dar%moon commentsE Did you %now that that there is a *olocaust memorial center in +uba where bars of soa) alle edly made from =ewish fat are buried and held in hi h honor by endless streams of ullible touristsK 7he )la:ue readsE #*onorin their memory. In this )lace are buried )ieces of soa) made from =ewish human fat, )art of A million victims of 2a8i barbarism of the 0oth century. ;eace to their remains.& Itds the same old story in su)erstitious Rumania. In the town of 7ar u 9ures, )il rims )ray over bars of soa) alle edly made of #)ure =ewish fat.& juite a bris% 10

trade is a))arently done in these soa) bars, each inscribed with the initials cR=FdhReine =ndisch Fett .)ure =ewish fat/. 2eedless to say, the soa) is not meant to be used but to be buried in the cemetery at 7ar u 9ures where )eo)le come to )ray over the holy soa). Forensic analysis of the soa) is not )ermittedH it is too sacred.

War +riminals 3efore the International 9ilitary 7ribunal .2urember E 1-1B"1-1- Ibblue seriesbJ/, Gol. 00, )). 1?-, 1>?. 10. <u en Do on, 7he 7heory and ;ractice of *ell .2ew For%E 3er%ley 3oo%s I)b.J, 1-?1/, )). 10?"10-. See alsoE #;unishment for 9istreatin SS +am) ;risoners,& 7he =ournal of *istorical Review, =an."Feb. 1--$, ). >>. 11. 2urember document 2C"1$0>. ;ublished in 7rials of War +riminals 3efore the 2uernber 9ilitary 7ribunal .297 # reen series&/, Gol. 1, )). >B0">B>. 10. < on W. Flec% and <dward 5. 7enenbaum, 3uchenwaldE 5 ;reliminary Re)ort, US 5rmy, 10th 5rmy (rou), 5)ril 01, 1-1$. 2ational 5rchives, R( >>1, S*5<F, ("$, 1B.11, =ac%et 10, 3o, 1$1. juoted inE 9. Weber, #3uchenwaldE @e end and Reality,& 7he =ournal of *istorical Review, Winter 1-?A"?B, )). 10?"10-. 1>. Donald 3. Robinson, #+ommunist 5trocities at 3uchenwald,& 5merican 9ercury, Cctober 1-1A, )). >-B"101. 11. San 3ernardino Sun"7ele ram, 9arch 1>, 1-AA. juoted inE =ames =. 9artin, 7he 9an Who Invented c(enocided .I*R, 1-?1/, )). 110"111. 1$. #+oncentration +am) at 2at8willer IsicJ,& R( >>1, Records of 5llied C)erations and Cccu)ation, S*5<Fe("$e0B1B, 9odern 9ilitary, 2ational 5rchives .Washin ton, D+/. juoted inE Robert *. 5b8u , Inside the Gicious *eart .2ew For%E C,ford University ;ress, 1-?$/, )). -"10, 1?1 .n. $/. 1A. =ohn +obden, DachauE Reality and 9yth .I*R, 1--1/, )). 0$"0-. See alsoE 7he =ournal of *istorical Review, 9ay"=une 1-->, )). -"11H 7he =ournal of *istorical Review, 9arch" 5)ril 1--$, ). 1A. 1B. #Deine Ger asun in Dachau,& Die Leit .*ambur /, 5u ust 1-, 1-A0. Facsimile re)rint, and <n lish"lan ua e translation, in 7he =ournal of *istorical Review, 9ay"=une 1-->, ). 10. 1?. @etters in 3oo%s M 3oo%men .@ondon/, 5)ril 1-B$, ). $, and in 7he Stars and Stri)es .<uro)ean edition/, =an. 01, 1-->, ). 11. Wiesenthalds 1--> Stars and Stri)es letter is re)rinted in facsimile in 7he =ournal of *istorical Review, 9ay"=une 1-->, ). 10. 1-. 9emorial Site +oncentration +am) Dachau. @eaflet )ublished by the International Dachau"+ommittee .Dachau, (ermany/, no date.

1. =ohn D. 9c+allum, +rime Doctor Ia bio ra)hy of Dr. +harles ;. @arsonJ .9ercer, Wash.E 7he Writin Wor%s, 1-B?/, )). 11"1A, $-, A-H See alsoE =. +obden, #7he Dachau (as +hamber 9yth,& 7he =ournal of *istorical Review, 9arch"5)ril 1--$, )). 1B"1?. 0. =ane Floerchin er, #+oncentration +am) +onditions Dilled 9ost Inmates, Doctor Says,& 7he Wichita <a le, 5)ril 1, 1-?0, ). 1+. >. =. D. 9c+allum, +rime Doctor .1-B?/, ). 1A. 1. 7he Wichita <a le, 5)ril 1, 1-?0, ). 1+. $. =ohn <. (ordon, #@ouse"3orne 7y)hus Fever in the <uro)ean 7heater of C)erations, U.S. 5rmy, 1-1$,& in Forest Ray 9oulton, editor, Ric%ettsial Diseases of 9an .Washin ton, D+E 5merican 5cademy for the 5dvancement of Science, 1-1?/, )). 1A"0B. juoted inE Friedrich ;. 3er , #7y)hus and the =ews,& 7he =ournal of *istorical Review, Winter 1-??"?-, )). 111"11B, and in 5rthur 3ut8, 7he *oa, of the 7wentieth +entury .I*R, 1-->/, )). 1A"1B. A. #Disease %illed 2a8isd )risoners, 9D says,& 7oronto Star, Feb. ?, 1-?$, ). 50. Cn 3artonds similar testimony in a 1-?? 7oronto trial, seeE 3arbara Dulas8%a, ed., Did Si, 9illion Really DieK .7orontoE Samisdat, 1--0/, )). 1B$"1?0, and, Robert @ens%i, 7he *olocaust on 7rial .1--0/, )). 1$B"1A0, and, 9. Weber, #3er en"3elsen +am)E 7he Su))ressed Story,& 7he =ournal of *istorical Review, 9ay"=une 1--$, )). 0B, >0 .n. >0/. B. #+lay <,)lains +ut in Ilse Doch 7erm,& 7he 2ew For% 7imes, Se)t. 01, 1-1?, ). >. ?. Interview with @ucius +lay, 1-BA, Cfficial ;roceedin of the (eor e +. 9arshall Research Foundation. juoted in 9. Weber, #3uchenwaldE @e end and Reality,& 7he =ournal of *istorical Review, Winter 1-?A"?B .Gol. B, 2o. 1/, )). 10A"10B. -. International 9ilitary 7ribunal .I97/, 7rial of the 9a'or

7heodore =. CdDeefe is the author of numerous )ublished articles, essays and reviews on historical and )olitical sub'ects. For some years he served as editor of the I*Rds =ournal of *istorical Review. The SaHon Eessenger does not agree* howe!er* with the attit$de of reconciliation reflected in this article. 3e are well aware that Christians can ne!er #e reconciled with the Synagog$es of Satan ; :ditor 1>

Ariel Sharon and the 5edia's Talm dic 5entality of Aoloca st 6enial
5ichael Aoffman 7he 3utcher of 3eirut is dead. 5riel Scheinermann #Sharon& was born of )arents who emi rated to ;alestine from 3elarus, in the heart of the Dha8ar dias)ora of <astern <uro)e. *is face was a road ma) of Dha8aria, sharin the )hysio nomy of the Da ans and the rest of the 7ur%ic tribe who mas:uerade as the )ro eny of 5braham, Isaac and =acob and are acce)ted as such by the morons in the )ews. ScheinermanneSharon is not infamous as the #3utcher of 3eirut& in the way that certain (ermans are universally derided as the #monster of 9almedy,& the #butcher of Warsaw& and other 5llied and =udaic sobri:uets. 7almudic Dha8arians are a )rotected caste and war crimes cannot be laid at their door, no matter what the actual circumstances. Sharon the mass murderer has landed on his feet in obituaries and eulo ies throu hout the West as a man who ended his career #see%in )eace& and #an erin the Israeli ri ht win .& What a masterful charade. 5fter Winston +hurchill had leefully insti ated the incineration of all the ma'or (erman cities durin World War II, and 100,000 (erman civilians had been turned to ash, he had the wit to re ister his re ret at the confla ration that en ulfed Dresden, the 5llies! last ma'or (erman cosmo)olitan crematory, which ha))ened to have been )er)etrated on Aschermittwoch .5sh Wednesday/,

by the ood +hristians in the 5merican and <n lish bomber )lanes. 9ost bio ra)hers and historians subse:uently re)ort that #+hurchill re retted the bombin of civilians in (erman cities,& the way most 'ournalists this )ast wee% re)orted that 5riel Sharon was a #haw%& .Israeli war criminals are styled by that mild eu)hemism/, who turned toward )eace. 5ctually what Sharon did was en a e in a little theatre for the benefit of the yahoos in 5merica who are willin to acce)t that a to%en com)ulsory withdrawal of Israeli settlers from a few )atches of stolen land, is tantamount to a ma'or )olicy for )eace. 7he settlers, however, dondt o in for withdrawals, to%en or otherwise, and they arran ed for Crthodo, rabbis to )lace the .$lsa dIn$ra Dabbalistic curse on Sharon, who fell into a coma afterward .li%e the victims of *aitian voodoo, he may have fallen victim to his own belief in su)erstitious, rabbinic mumbo 'umbo/. 5riel Sharon is )resented in the media as not a villain, e,actly, but an ambi uous, shades"of" ray, e,istential anti"hero, unli%e the com)letely rotten, no" ood Iranian and (erman war criminals. 2o loyal #=ew& .so"called/ can be wholly or even )redominately evil. 7his is the dictate of the 7almudic mentality which overns #our& 5merican media. We antici)ate the roansE 5w, cdmon, *offman, the media barely %now what the 7almud is. ;erha)s. 2evertheless, with remar%able similitude the establishment media mirrored the 7almudic mentality. 7he #reasonable& and #au ust& e,em)lar of the 5merican )ress, the New York Times, in its =anuary 10 edition, devoted less than one sentence to 5riel Sharon!s mass murder of civilians in 3eirut in 1-?0E b...the Israeli invasion seemed not to end but to ta%e on an increasin ly )unishin nature, includin the saturation bombin of 3eirut nei hborhoods...b 7hat!s it. 7hatds all the Times had to say about the Israeli terror bombin of a ma'or 5rab city for several wee%s in the summer of 1-?0. 2otice that no casualty fi ure is iven .tens of thousands of @ebanese were %illed/. 7his is a very callous form of holocaust denial h the denial of crimes directed by 5riel Sharon .cf. bIsraeli *aw% Sou ht ;eace *is Way, New York Times, =an. 10, 0011, ). 510/. If tens of thousands of Israelis had been incinerated in 3eirut, whatever goy who )er)etrated that #cosmic evil un)aralleled in the annals of the history of the 9iddle <ast& would be branded with the 9ar% of +ain for the rest


of his life and in lurid detail in any obituary in the cor)orate media. 2ot so with one of the bloodiest butchers in Israeli military history who #sou ht )eace his way.& 7he #reasonable, liberal& New York Times wants us to remember #7he *olocaust& .i.e. every detail of what they say ha))ened to the *oly ;eo)le, circa 1->?"1-1$/, while the Times devotes e,actly twenty"two words to Sharonds mass murder of 5rabs in 3eirut. Cbviously the massive loss of 5rab life doesndt matter. In the 7almud, a s)ecial cate ory of evil is reserved for goyim and +hristians. Roman em)erors are burned u), reanimated and burned a ain, )er)etually. =esus of 2a8areth boils forever in hot e,crement. Rabbis, meanwhile, ive (od orders and defeat *im in debate. 3y now some readers may be ban in their heads in frustration at the ch$tN.ah, the sheerly wron and un'ust nature of the media!s hy)ocrisy concernin Sharonds sava e crimes h similar to the hy)ocrisy which the fellow bein macerated in feces e,)osed on numerous occasions some 0,000 years a o. Fet, while frustration and an er can be motivators they are not educators. 7herefore, let us )eer dee)er into the 7almudic dictatorshi) over the western media. If we were to summari8e the 7almudic mentality in one word, we would describe it as .il.$l, which can be detected any time a New York Times editor or a Fo, 2ews )undit is committed to b)roveb his )oint re ardless of the evidence in front of him. Reason is not the )oint when .il.$l rules the rhetorical roost. What counts is the establishment of a fi,ed, immutable )osition that can never be dis)utedE vi8. 5riel Sharon cannot be a war criminal. In this conte,t, evidence is not )rimaryH the stat$s of the >$dge is what registers. <r o, 9ichael *offman offerin evidence of the mediads double standard on Israeli war criminal 5riel Sharon doesndt count, because *offman has 8ero status in the establishment media. +onse:uently, #history& as written by the New York Times or broadcast by Fo, 2ews, is e,tra"factualH it e,ists without re ard for the documentary record. 7o )rotest this Wonderland )henomenon would be antisemitic. 7he 7almudic mentality as embodied by .il.$l ma%es rational analysis im)ossible. 5ny dissent is criminal because it casts doubt on a )oint that has already been established to the satisfaction of the 7almudic media. 7here is no use tryin to dissent inside the )erimeters established by the controlled )ress, because any

contradictory )oints will be twisted and turned to validate the already"fi,ed )osition, and demoni8e the dissenter as either a #closet& or a #blatant& antisemite. What ma%es this )rocess )ossible, in )art, is the cowardice of e,ecutives in the media who see throu h the double"standard and are )rivately infuriated by it. *ow do we %nowK We have letters from some of these e,ecutives. 7hey ive us an e)istolary )at on the bac%. Someday .when they retire/ they say that they will e,)ose the Lionist enter)rise. Feah, well, after they retire there are their wives and husbands and adult children who will advise them not to #brin ruin on us,& so these e,ecutives, who %now the score, may very li%ely o to their raves with their tails between their le s. 7his is one reason why we res)ect the Dha8arians. 7hou h they are com)letely wron , they fi ht for their errors with all their heart, soul and )oc%etboo%, and ris% everythin for it. 5s William 3utler Feats observed, #7he best lac% all conviction, while the worst are filled with )assionate intensity.&

7ony +lifton!s boo% "od Cried, re)resents the main

body of )ublished )hoto ra)hic documentation of Sharonds terror"bombin in 3eirut in the summer of !?0, when clearly mar%ed schools, hos)itals and a)artment blocs were deliberately and mercilessly obliterated. 7ens of thousands of civilians died in this now for otten holocaust. 7here is still some notice ta%en of Sabra and +hatila, the Se)tember massacre of ;alestinians by the @ebanese ;halan ists under Israeli direction, but the far more horrid and e,tensive massacre re)resented by the indiscriminate aerial bombardment of the civilian nei hborhoods of 3eirut, is almost com)letely for otten, seemin ly even by many @ebanese, and certainly by the US media. 3ut until the last co)y of "od Cried is stam)ed out, the evidence of the ocean of blood on Sharonds hands is in those )a es, as it must also surely reside in the hearts of many of the unsun survivors of his holocaust. In defiance of the 7almudic mentality, we )rotest this holocaust denial on the )art of the )om)ous a))ortioners of (erman, ;alestinian and Iranian uilt.
9ichael *offman www.revisionisthistory.or is the author of Secret Societies and Psychological 3arfare9 <$daism isco!ered9 They 3ere 3hite and They 3ere Sla!es9 Us$ry in Christendom9 The "reat 4oloca$st Trial9 <$daism0s Strange "ods9 The &sraeli 4oloca$st Against the Palestinians* and si,ty"nine issues of 'e!isionist 4istory htt)Eeerevisionistreview.blo s)ot.come0011e01eariel"sharon"and"ta lmudic"mentality.html 3hile we do not share any sym.athy for Ara#s* it is nontheless necessary to ed$cate 3hites in <ewish treachery ; :ditor


This St dy Re#eals 'hildren are <ein$ 9accinated With To,ic Be#els of Al mini m 'a sin$ %e rolo$ical 6ama$e and A tism
'hristina Fn$land

recent study conducted by +anadian scientists ;rofessor +hristo)her Shaw and Dr. @uci'a 7oml'enovic revealed that the more vaccines that children receive containin the ad'uvant aluminum, the reater their chance is of develo)in autism, autoimmune diseases and neurolo ical )roblems in the future. In 001>, in their )a)er, )ublished by S)rin er Scienceo3usiness 9edia, titled Al$min$m in the Central Ner!o$s System8 ToHicity in 4$mans and Animals* Kaccine Ad>$!ants* and A$toimm$nity, they revealed that durin a 1B"year )eriod, the rates of autism had increased si nificantly in countries that had the most vaccinations containin the ad'uvant aluminum. - Highly Significant 'orrelation 7he researchers com)ared the number of vaccines recommend by the +enters for Disease +ontrol and ;revention .+D+/ durin the )eriod from 1--1 6 000? and the chan es in the autism rates durin the same )eriod. 7hey wroteE AThe data sets* gra.hed against each other* show a .rono$nced and statistically highly significant correlation #etween the n$m#er !accines with

al$min$m and the changes in a$tism rates. ($rther data showed that a significant correlation eHists #etween the amo$nts of al$min$m gi!en to .reschool children and the c$rrent rates of a$tism in se!en 3estern co$ntries. Those countries with the highest level of aluminum4ad6uvanted vaccines had the highest autism rates.D I1J .own em)hasis/ 7hey revealed thatE AThe o#ser!ed correlation #etween the n$m#er of al$min$m;ad>$!anted !accines and AS was f$rther tested $sing 4illIs criteria and met eight of nine of these indicating that !accines containing al$min$m are highly likely to #e at least .artially ca$sal for a$tism.D For those who are not familiar with c*illds criteria,d it is a techni:ue used to determine a causal lin% between a s)ecific factor and a disease. For e,am)le, does e,cess smo%in cause lun cancerK Scientists see%in cto establish a valid causal connection between a )otential disease a entd now fre:uently use the techni:ue, which was first develo)ed by 3ritish medical statistician 5ustin 3radford *ill. I0J ;rofessor Shaw and Dr. 7oml'enovic continued their )a)er by addin thatE


AThere are other links #etween al$min$m eH.os$reOtoHicity and AS . These incl$de the following8 A .ilot st$dy showed higher than normal al$min$m le!els in the hair* #lood andOor $rine of a$tistic children9 children are reg$larly eH.osed to higher le!els of al$min$m in !accines .er #ody weight than ad$lts9 .ractically* nothing is known a#o$t the .harmacokinetics and toHicodynamics of al$min$m in !accines in children9 and al$min$m in !accines has #een linked to serio$s ne$rological im.airments* chronic fatig$e and a$toimm$nity.D If ;rofessor Shaw and Dr. 7oml'enovic are correct, then their results are e,tremely worryin , es)ecially as autism is not the only condition to which their )a)er lin%ed the ad'uvant aluminum. In fact, their )a)er also lin%ed aluminum to the rise in the incidence of 5l8heimerds, (ulf War syndrome and a relatively new syndrome, 5SI5 .autoimmuneeinflammatory syndrome induced by ad'uvants/ that was identified by scientists last year. To%ic -luminum Levels in ,accines In 0010, a )a)er written by Ste)hanie Seneff, Robert 9. Davidson and =in 'in @iu, titled :m.irical ata Confirm A$tism Sym.toms 'elated to Al$min$m and Acetamino.hen :H.os$re, also confirmed that e,)osure to a lar e number of vaccinations containin the ad'uvant aluminum at a youn a e was the most li%ely cause for the increase in autism and other adverse reactions to vaccines. 7hey wroteE A&n this* we ha!e .resented some analyses of the KA:'S data#ase which strongly s$ggest that the al$min$m in !accines is toHic to !$lnera#le children. 3hile we ha!e not shown that al$min$m is directly ca$sati!e in a$tism* the com.elling e!idence a!aila#le from the literat$re on the toHicity of al$min$m* com#ined with the e!idence we .resent for se!ere ad!erse reactions occ$rring m$ch more freP$ently following administration of al$min$m;containing !accines as com.ared to non;al$min$m containing !accines* s$ggests that ne$ronal damage d$e to al$min$m .enetration into the ner!o$s system may #e a significant factor in a$tism. The fact that mentions of a$tism rose steadily concomitant with significant increases in the al$min$m #$rden in !accines* is highly s$ggesti!e.D I>J 7his is )articularly bad news to any )arent considerin havin their children vaccinated, as a rowin number

of the childhood vaccinations now contain the ad'uvant aluminum as an in redient. 7his was e,)lained in de)th by )ediatrician Robert Sears, in his e,cellent article )ublished in the ma a8ine 9otherin in 000?. Dr. Sears is another )rofessional e,ce)tionally worried about the effects of aluminum on childrends health. In an article warnin mothers about the dan ers of vaccinations containin the ad'uvant, titled &s Al$min$m The New ThimerosalB Dr. Sears e,)lained that aluminum is added to vaccinations to hel) them wor% more efficiently. *e stated that althou h this would not normally be a )roblem because aluminum is a naturally occurrin element found everywhere in our environment, includin our food, water, air and soil, he had become worried about the effects that aluminum was havin on childrends health. *e be an to wonder if anyone had ever actually tested the safe level of in'ected aluminum. Durin his research, he came across a number of e,tremely worryin documents. *owever, few were as worryin as the one written by the 5merican Society for ;arenteral and <nteral 2utrition .5S;<2/. Describin the document in de)th, Sears wroteE AThe so$rce of the daily limit of - to 2 mcg of al$min$m .er kilogram of #ody weight P$oted #y the ASP:N statement seems to #e a st$dy that com.ared the ne$rologic de!elo.ment of a#o$t ,++ .remat$re #a#ies who were fed a standard &K sol$tion that contained al$min$m* with the de!elo.ment of ,++ .remat$re #a#ies who were fed the same sol$tion with almost all al$min$m filtered o$t. The st$dy was .rom.ted #y a n$m#er of esta#lished facts8 that in>ected al$min$m can #$ild $. to toHic le!els in the #loodstream* #ones* and #rain9 that .reemies ha!e decreased kidney f$nction and th$s a higher risk of toHicity9 that an a$ .erformed on one .reemie whose s$dden death was otherwise $neH.lained re!ealed high al$min$m concentrations in the #rain9 and that al$min$m toHicity can ca$se .rogressi!e dementia.D *e continued by ivin some e,tremely alarmin facts, of which few )arents are awareE A4owe!er* none of these doc$ments or st$dies mentions !accines9 they look only at &K sol$tions and in>ecta#le medications. Nor does the ( A reP$ire 1B

la#els on !accines warning a#o$t the dangers of al$min$m toHicity* altho$gh s$ch la#els are reP$ired for all other in>ecta#le medications. All of these st$dies and la#el warnings seem to mainly to .remat$re #a#ies and kidney .atients. 3hat a#o$t larger* f$ll;term #a#ies with healthy kidneysBD *e e,)lainedE A4owe!er* these doc$ments donIt tell $s what the maHim$m safe dose wo$ld #e for a healthy #a#y or child* and & canIt find s$ch information anywhere. This is .ro#a#ly why the ASP:N gro$. s$ggests* and the ( A reP$ires* that all in>ecta#le sol$tions #e limited to 22 mcg9 we at least know that that le!el is safe.D If this is so, then why do the recommended childhood vaccinations include far above the recommend amountsK 5ccordin to Dr. Sears, the levels of aluminum included in childhood vaccinations are as followsE D7a; .di)htheria, tetanus, and )ertussis/E /9:;81< mcg, de)endin on manufacturer *e)atitis 5E 1<: mcg *e)atitis 3E 1<: mcg *ib .for menin itisH ;edGa,*ib brand only/E 11< mcg *;GE 11< mcg ;ediari, .D7a;6he)atitis 36)olio combination/E =<: mcg ;entacel .D7a;6*ib6)olio combination/E ..: mcg ;neumococcusE /1< mcg .em)hasis added/ Fou do not have to be medically :ualified to understand that these levels far e,ceed the safe levels recommended by 5S;<2, es)ecially when you consider that a newborn baby is vaccinated with the he)atitis 3 vaccine, containin 0$0 mc of aluminum, at birth4 In fact, accordin to Dr. Sears, the FD5 stated thatE AAltho$gh al$min$m toHicity is not commonly detected clinically* it can #e serio$s in selected .atient .o.$lations* s$ch as neonates >newborns?* and may #e more common than is recogniNed.D I1J .em)hasis added/ If this is true, then why are all newborn infants, includin those born )rematurely, vaccinated at birth

with the vaccine a ainst he)atitis 3, which is loaded with more than the recommend safe levels of aluminumK -dditional 'oncerns for @reemies It is a reco ni8ed fact that many babies are born )rematurely. 5 baby can now survive outside of their motherds womb as youn as 01 wee%s estation. 7his means that many e,tremely )remature babies are bein vaccinated with massive amounts of aluminum on the day they are born. If this is not bad enou h, at the tender a e of ei ht wee%s, in line with the +D+ recommended childhood vaccination schedules, these tiny, immature babies are vaccinated with as many as nine vaccinations in one day. I$J For a baby born at 01 wee%s, this means that they are still )layin a ame of catch"u) when they are vaccinated because they are #minus ei ht wee%s& and not #)lus ei ht wee%s& at the time of vaccination. In fact, many of them will be ta%en out of their incubator to be le ally vaccinated by medical )rofessionals with vaccinations that could )otentially %ill them4 'onclusion 5luminum, as these )a)ers have demonstrated, is e,tremely to,ic, es)ecially when children are re)eatedly vaccinated with vaccines containin aluminum over the recommended limits. 7he FD5 and 5S;<2 recommend 0$ mc to be a safe limit and yet, as Dr. Sears has shown in his article, many of the childhood vaccinations contain aluminum far in e,cess of this amount. 7he )a)ers that I have studied ma%e it abundantly clear that the more vaccines that children receive containin aluminum, the reater chance they have of develo)in autism, autoimmune diseases, 5l8heimerds disease and neurolo ical deficits in the future. 5s )arents, it is our duty to )rotect our children at all costs, and yet how many of us %now what the recommended vaccinations containK ;arents need to research more thorou hly the in redients included in the vaccinations with which they are )lannin to have their child vaccinated and the )ossible effects that these in redients may have on their childds health. 5utism, for the ma'ority of children, is for life and it can affect every as)ect of their develo)ment. Surely, 1?

we owe it to our children to at least be fully aware of the )ossible dan ers of vaccinations, before sub'ectin our children to as many as >- vaccines between the a es of 8ero to si, which are %nown to be loaded with aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde and many other )otentially lethal in redients. ;lease read the )a)ers referenced below before vaccinatin your child, or download a free list of vaccine in redients.

!eferences 1. www.ncbi.nlm.nih. ove)ubmede0>A0-0AB 0. htt) m >. htt)"1>00e11e11e000B .full te,t is downloadable/ 1. www.sarah'muma.files.word)ress.come Nealuminum"new"thimerosal"sears.)df $. htt)Eeewww.cdc. ovevaccinesescheduleseeasy"to"readechil d.html Source 6

>? <read and 'ereal <ars 'ontaminated !ith &lyphosate

%at ral %e!s and thus shouldn!t be tolerated at any level. I1J I1J

he UD and <U )o)ulace doesn!t embrace 9onsanto!s )ro)a anda, and their overnments are somewhat less dominated by 9onsanto minions than the US overnment is. So traces of ly)hosate in ma'or 3ritish non"(9C food brands should be a hu e red fla for us here in 5merica. UD news site The :cologist featured a study )erformed by a 3ritish anti"(9C rou) called (9 Free8e. 7wo ma'or food brands contained traces of ly)hosate. 7he research disclosed that all four cereal bars )roduced by =ordans and >1 out of 10 bread )roducts sam)led from Walburtons contained traces of lyhosate. 7hese are both bi name brands in the UD. 7hose traces were below the <U ma,imum allowable ly)hosate residue amounts for cereal )roducts. 3ut many disa ree with the ma,imum allowable amounts, )ointin out that ly)hosate is an endocrine disru)tor

arsin$ &lyphosate Ro nd>p .ss e So how does ly)hosate show u) in those biscuits and breads where (9Cs aren!t rownK Well, RoundU) is such a )o)ular herbicide that it!s used on non"(9C rain fields. 2ormally, RoundU) destroys all )lant life that!s not rown from RoundU) Ready (9C seeds that are desi ned to %ee) the )esticide from %illin those (9C corn or soy cro)s. 3ut farmers can use it on non"(9C fields #efore .lanting to et rid of or )revent weeds from cho%in the new cro)s, and they can be used >$st #efore har!esting to ma%e combinin easier. 7hat!s how ly)hosate can show u) in foods from non"(9C rain sources. nly organic crops will be free of any pesticide residues* In <uro)e, (9C soy and corn is 1-

allowed in most countries for livestoc% feed only. 5nd that uarantees that the 9onsanto herbicide RoundU) ets sold abundantly to those farmers who si n e,tremely bindin and limitin contracts with the evil cor)oration. 7his affects non"or anic farm animals adversely. 5 Dutch )i farmer raised a stin% beyond even his lar e factory farm when he com)ared the differences in animal health and re)roduction between (9C feeds and non"(9C feeds. With non"(9C feeds, he e,)erienced far less still births or s)ontaneous abortions and deformities amon newly born )i lets and less need for antibiotics amon the )i s, who clearly showed better health even within the confines of a factory farm. I0J 7his situation had occurred amon 9idwest 5merican livestoc% farmers also. Several of them had re)orted issues of an even reater e,tent usin (9C feed with their )i s, cows and cattle to retired ;urdue )rofessor emeritus of )lant )atholo y Dr. Don *uber. *uber investi ated and discovered that the RoundU) )esticide was creatin soil and )lant issues that at least robbed the )lants of nutrition and )rotection from disease. *uber also hy)othesi8ed that a uni:ue and novel )atho en was develo)ed in the )rocess. I>J Aere's !here the $lyphosate iss e $ets dicey (ly)hosate alone is not the most to,ic )esticide in redient, althou h it!s commonly considered as such. B$t it0s the only s$#stance $sed for testing #y the :PA and go!ernment agencies worldwide. So the <;5 has allowed lar er amounts of ly)hosate usa e even as it has been showin u) in human blood. RoundUp's extreme toxi ity omes from om!ining glyp"osate #it" "emi al ad$uvants to ensure rapid plant a!sorption of glyp"osate. (ly)hosate is considered the bactive in redient,b while the

ad'uvants are considered binert,b )retty much li%e vaccines and their to,ic ad'uvants. 7he RoundU) ad'uvants aren0t considered, while 9onsanto claims )ro)rietary ri hts to avoid revealin what those binertb in redients are. 3ut the two"year Seralini rat study that )roduced )remature deaths and horrific tumors after nine months did deci.her what those ad>$!ants are. I$J Usin scientific instrumentation, the Seralini rou) isolated inert in redients and noted their to,icity. RoundU)!s ly)hosate combination with certain chemical ad'uvants create a to,ic and carcino enic coc%tail that ma%es it!s way u) the food chain. I$aJ If the recent <o$rnal of (ood and Chemical ToHicology retraction of Seralini!s wor% has you confused, consider these two factsE 5lmost ?00 scientists and thousands of other )rofessionals have )etitioned ob'ections to the 'ournal!s condemnation of Seralini!s wor%, and 'ust )rior to that 'ournal!s retraction, a former 9onsanto scientist slithered into the 'ournal!s editorial staff. David Schubert, ;h.D. biolo y )rofessor with the Sal% Institute for 3iolo ical Studies, offers an e,cellent write"u) defendin Seralini!s wor% here .htt)Eeewww.utsandie Sources for this article include" I1J htt)Eeewww.theecolo ist.or I0J Danish farmer!s )i sE htt)Eeewww.theecolo ist.or I>J Gideo interview of Dr. Don *uberE htt)Eeehealthmaven.blo s) I1J @ow"dose study, within <;5 ran eE htt)Eeehealthmaven.blo s) I$J 5d'uvants with ly)hosate create a stew more harmful than ly)hosate aloneE htt)Eee moseralini.or


What is Christian Identity?

William Finck Christian Identity, also sometimes called Israel Identity, is the only true conservative Christianity. It is true because it seeks to maintain the understanding in accordance with Scripture - that the ew Covenant was made only with those same people with whom the !ld Covenant was made" the #ouse $%amily& o% Israel and the #ouse $%amily& o% 'udah. (hese Israelite people are traceable through time to the )eltic and *ermanic tribes o% today. one o% these people are 'ews. (he 'ews are descended %rom a mere remnant o% the old )ingdom o% 'udah along with assorted +domite and other ,rab who were mi-ed into the .oman province o% 'udaea during the #ellenic period. (here are at last count at least si-teen detailed essays on this website which demonstrate this, and which are replete with /iblical, archaeological and historical citations. Christian Identity is the belie% that the Covenants o% *od are real and consistent. It pro%esses that the people o% the !ld (estament were every bit as much Christian as the people o% the ew (estament. (hey were simply looking %orward to the %irst advent o% the Christ, while we today await #is Second ,dvent. ,s the %amous Christian bishop Ignatius said nineteen hundred years ago, Christianity did not come %rom 'udaism" rather, 'udaism is a perversion o% Christianity. Christian Identity is the belie% that there is no disparity between the Word o% *od, #is Creation, #is prophecy, and world history. It is also the understanding that while Scripture was inspired by *od when it was transmitted, men have certainly mistreated it since that time, and so every passage and every doctrine must be %ully investigated %rom all o% the most ancient sources possible. ,s it reads in the )ing 'ames 0ersion" Study to show thysel% approved. (he audio %ile attached to this page is perhaps one o% the best we have to o%%er %or introducing Christian Identity to the uninitiated. 1It can be downloaded at http"22christogenea.org2content2william-%inck-patriot-dames3 4lease listen to it ob5ectively, rather than regarding the slanders o% the ,67 and similar 'ewish organi8ations %orever the enemies o% Christ. (his paper is under development, and so are our websites always. We pray that you consider the things written here, and also in all o% our other papers. ,nd i% you are one o% #is called, 9ay *od %avor your 5ourney. :ou may also want to note What Christian Identity is ot at http"22christogenea.org2what-christian-identity-is-not $1

-n n o u nc e me n ts
7he Sa,on 9essen er can be contacted by email editorpsa,onmessen er.or 7he Sa,on 9essen er Website is at htt)Eeesa,onmessen er.or e where this issue as well as )ast and future issues will be archived. +lifton 5 <mahiser!s 2on"Universal 7eachin 9inistries can be found at htt)Eeeemahiser.christo enea.or includin all writin s )roduced by his ministry since its ince)tion in February 1--?

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