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Major Patterns in Vertebrate Evolution (Nat0 Advanced Study Institutes Series, 14). Edited by M. K. Hecht, P. C. Goody & B. M. Hecht. 1977. New York and London: Plenum Press. A vol. in-8, x + 910 pp., figs, tabs, index. Bound $76.50. The objective of the book is to examine critically the current state of knowledge on vertebrate evolution above the species level. Among the specific topics discussed by the contributors are adaptive radiation of mammals and teleosts, the origin of the tetrapod, the effect of insularity, the evolution of embryonic membranes. The three main philosophies of classification, pheneticism, cladism and classical or evolutionary taxonomy, are also discussed.

Approaches to the Analysis of Macroevolutionary Trends. The methodology of phylogenetic inference above the species level-M. K. Hecht and J. L. Edwar&; Comments: on phyletic analysis of Gekkotan Lizards--C. Underwood; Adaptation and the comparative method-W. J. Bock; Functional morphology and evolution-P. Dullcmeijer and C. D. N. Barel; Embryogenesis, morphogenuis, genetics, and evolution-44. Delsol; Comments: the development of the Tetrapod Limb: embryological mechanisms and evolutionary possibilities-J. Lewis and N. Holder; Phylogenetic aspects of Karyological evidenceA. Morescalchi; The phyletic interpretation of macromolecular sequence, information: simple methodsW. M. Fitch; Comments: evolution of pacreatic Ribonucleases-J. Beinkma; The phyletic interpretation of macromolecular sequence information: sample cases-W. M. Fitch; Zoogeography and phylogeny: the theoretical background and methodology to the analysis of mammal and bird faunas--J. A. Keast. Phylogenetic relationships and a classification Macroevolutionary Trends among Vertebrate Taxa. of the Eutherian Mammalia-F. S. Szalay; Wing design and the origin of bats-P. Pirlot; Comments: energetics of hovering flight and the origin of bats-B. D. Clark; Comments: comments on flight and the evolution of bats-J. D. Smith; Ontogeny of amniote fetal membranes and their application to phylogenyW. P. Luckett; Sarcopterygii and the origin of tetrapods-H. Szarski; Comments: The origin of the tetrapod limb within the Rhipidistian fishes-H. P. Schultre; An exceptional reproductive strategy in Anura: Nectophrynoides Occidentalis Angel (Bufonidae), and example of adaptation to terrestrial life by viviparity-F. Xavier; The evolution of terrestrial locomotion-J. L. Edwards; The contribution of Paleontology to Teleostean phylogeny-C. Patterson; Phylogenetic reconstruction: theory, methodology, and application to Chordate evolution-W. F. Gutmann; Insularity and its effect on mammalian evolutionP. Y. Sondaar; Evolution of the carnivorous adaptive zone in South America-L. Marshall; Geographical and ecological distribution of the earliest tetrapods-A. L. Panchen. Phylogeny and Classification of Vertebrate Taxa. Cladistic classification as applied to vertebrates-N. Bon&; Comment: phylogenetics: some comments on cladistic theory and method-S. Llvtrup; On the phenetic approach to vertebrate classification-J. S. Farris; Foundations and methods of evolutionary classification-w. J. Bock.

Les Derniers Chasseurs. LEpipal~olithiqne en France et en Belgiqam. Vol. 1, Vol. 2, plates. (Bulletin de la Societt Archtologique Champenoise, special issue, June 1978.) By J.-G. Rozoy. 1978. Reims: SociCte ArchMogique Champenoise. Vols in-4, 1256 pp., 294 figs, 81 tabs, 259 plates, statistic tabs, bibl., index. Paper 290 F.F. ; Bound 340 F.F. This remarkable book is a synthesis of current knowledge on the European cultures of early Postglacial times. A revised edition of Dr Rozoys (University of Bordeaux) thesis, this work includes extensive summaries in English, full bibliography, and an impressive collection of illustrations of artifacts and sites.



Preface. Introduction. Me&odes dEtude. Delimitation du sujet. Historique des recherches. La mtthode typologique. Stratigraphies et gisements B couche unique; pro&d&s de datation. La m&ode ethnographique. MCthode gtographique. Les Quatres Sequences Chronologiques. La region belgonderlandaise. La VallCt de la Birse (Birstal). La Basse-Provence et Montclus. Region Sud-Ouest. Quelques Cultures Regionales. Bassin parisien. LArdennien. Alsace et Franche Comtt. Groupe de la Sa8ne. Plateau S&se. Auvergne. Le Montclusien. Bretagne et Vendee. Le Beaugencien. Essai de Synthese. Comparaisons interregionales et classification des periodes. Interpretations ethnographiques. Fonction da outils. Lalimentation. Les Vetements. On nen sait a peu p&s rien. LHabitat. Sociologic Sepultures. Anthropologie physique. Art et idtologie. Resume du Chap. 21 (interpretations ethnographiques). Libres et insouciantes familles darchers.

Evolution of Protein Molecules Edited by H. Matsubara & T. Yamanaka. 1978. Tokyo: Japan Scientific Societies Press. A vol. in-8, xii + 412 pp., figs, tabs, index. Bound US9638.00. . This volume collects the contributions presented at the International Symposium on Evolution of Protein Molecules held at Osaka-Kobe in 1977. The authors discuss the evolutionary aspects of the protein molecules, i.e. the biological evolution based on the comparative biochemical studies on the protein molecules. This volume will be of interest to anthropologists, geneticists as well as students of biological evolution.

Detection of distant relationships based on point mutation data-R. M. Schwartz and M. 0. Dayhoff: Substitutional trends and non-random changes in rates during protein evolution-M. Goodman; Relationship between mutability and location of amino acid residues in the three-dimensional structure of proteins-M. G6 and S. Miyazawa; Protein evolution and the molecular clock-W. M. Fitch and C. H. Langley;A hybrid model for molecular evolution and an evolutionary clock-T. Noguchi; Evolution of immunoglobulin domains: principal component analysis of their amino acid compositions and construction of phylogenetic trees by the minimum pathway method-K. Ohnishi; Theoretical study on protein polymorphism and its bearing on the evolution of protein molecules-H. Matsuda, T. Gojobori, and N. Takahata; Protein ancestors: heteropolypeptides from hydrogen cyanide and water-C. Matthews; N-Terminal pyroglutamyl residues in proteins and thermal peptides-S. W. Fox, P. M&s, and T. Nakashima; Sequence trends in macromolecular syntheses-F. R. Eirich; Computerized molecular modelling systems and intermolecular interactions-R. D. MacElroy, Y. Cocckeknbergh, and R. Rein; The nature of the genetic code in relation to base substitution-R. Rein, R. Garduno, Y. Coeckelenbergh, and R. D. MacElroy; Protein secondary structures and the molecularevolutionof biologicalelectron transportH. Baltscheffsky, G. eon Htijne, and C. Blombcrg; How do proteins change function in the course of evolution?-G. de Ha.?n and D. C. Teller; Histidinol dehydrogenase-a model of enzyme evolutionary strate@s--E. H. Creaser, G. J. Hughes, M. Dhawale, M. Kolber, and J. A. Limisay; Molecular evolution of haemoglobins-G. Matsuda; Systematics and evolution of haemoglobins from Alaskan microtine rodentsC. Genaux, L. Duffv, and P. Morrison; Evolution of ribosomal proteins-K. Higo, T. Ztoh, and S. Osawa; Gene duplications during evolution of chloroplast-type ferredoxins-H. Matsubara, T. Hase, S. Wakabayashi, and K. Wada; Phylogenetic studies of three families of electron transfer proteins from sulfate reducing bacteria: cytochromes Gs, ferredoxins, and rubredoxins-M. Bruschi and J. Le Gall; Evolution of flavodoxin: repetitious gene duplication-K. Kobayashi and J. L. Fox; Present status of the use of amino acid sequence data in plant phylogenetic studies-D. Boulter; Plastocyanin and the evolutionary Aitken; Phylogenetic lines in polypeptide relationship between chloroplasts and cyanobacteria-A. hormones-R. Acher; Diversity of legume proteinase inhibitors-T. Zkenaka and S. Odani; Chemical taxonomy of snake neurotoxins-N. Tamiya and N. Maeda; Amino acid sequences and bacterial phylogeny-R. P. Ambler; Evolution of prokaryotes and eukaryotes inferred from sequences-M. 0. Dayhoff and R. M. Schwartz; Evolution of the carbonic anhydrases-R. E. Tashian; Distribution of cuprozinc, manganic, and ferric superoxide dismutases in plants and fungi: an evolutionary aspect-K. Asada and S. Kanematsu; Comparative studies of cytochromes C.-M. D. Kamen, B. J. Ewede, and T. E. Mver; An evolutionary aspect .of the reactivity of cytochrome C with cytrochrome oxidasc-T. Yamanaka and Y. Fukumori.

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