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Letters of business

Modele de cerere de oferta Domnilor, Suntem o firma importatoare si de desfacere in domeniul articolelor pentru cadouri. Ne intereseaza produsele noi si am fi bucurosi sa primim informatii asupra marfurilor pe care sunteti pregatiti sa le exportati. Suntem dispusi sa functionam ca reprezentanti unici sau sa importam si sa desfacem produsele direct.Asteptam cu nerabdare amanunte cu referire la produsele dvs. Gentlemen, We are a company importing and marketing in the field of items for gifts . We are interested in new products and we would be glad to receive information on goods that you are ready to export. We are willing to work out as soul agents or to import and marketing the products directly .We are looking forward for more details refer to your products. Modele de oferta pentru produse noi Domnilor, In calitate de casa de comenzi prin posta ne intereseaza sa incercam produse noi. Dupa cum stim sunteti producator de noutati care sunt potrivite pentru piata noastra interna.V-am fi indatorati daca am primi de urgenta cel mai recent catalog al dvs. si lista de preturi. Asteptam cu nerabdare stiri de la dvs. Gentlemen, As a house order by mail we are interested to test new products. As far as we know, you are producers of news which are suitable for our internal market. We would appreciate if we will receive the most recent number of your catalogue and price list. We are looking forward to hearing news from you. Domnilor, Suntem unul dintre principalii importatori si distribuitori pentru marfuri generale. Suntem incredintati ca exista un urias potential al pietei si v-am ruga sa ne trimiteti cataloagele si listele preturi. Speram sa stabilim o cooperare comerciala durabila. Gentlemen, We are one of the leading importers and distributors dealing in general goods. We trust that there is a huge potential market, and we ask you to send us your catalogues and price lists. We hope to establish a lasting business cooperation.

Suntem o firma importatoare en-gros cu multi clienti in toata tara, atat in comertul en-gros cat si in cel cu amanuntul. We are a wholesale importing company with many clients all over the country, both in wholesale trade and retail trade. Suntem o firma comerciala importatoare si avem o retea comerciala in principalele orase. Avem un client aici care ar dori sa cumpere aceste articole: o firma care are peste !! de magazine de desfacere cu amanuntul. We are a trading imported company and we maintain a network commercial in the main cities. Here we have a customer who would like to buy these items; a company that has over !! retail stores. Am aflat din anuntul dvs., din saptamana trecuta al publicatiei....., ca produceti si exportati mobila. V-am fi recunoscatori daca ne-ati transmite catalogul dvs., listele de preturi, mostrele, caietele de mostre. Daca marfurile dvs. au o calitate, ce se ridica la inaltimea asteptarilor noastre vom putea face tranzactii reciproc avanta"oase. Daca puteti livra direct din stoc am fi dispusi sa va plasam imediat o comanda initiala. We have learned from your ad that you manufacture and export furniture. We would be grateful if you would send your catalog, price lists, samples, specifications. "f your goods own a #uality, which is up to our expectations, we shall be able to do business with mutually beneficial transactions. "f you would deliver direct out of stock we would be ready to place an immediate order . Formulari de raspuns la cereri Va multumim pentru cererea oferta# $a raspuns la aceasta va trimitem in plic separat catalogul nostru ilustrat. We thank you for your offer$ "n reply to which we are sending you our catalog separately illustrated.

Cerere de oferta turistica Stimati domni, %rima firma de turism international din Irlanda a infiintat recent o filiala care se ocupa de turismul din tarile balcanice. Ne adresam cu rugamintea de a ne pune la dispozitie tot materialul dvs. turistic care ne-ar putea a"uta sa facem alegerea cea mai potrivita pentru sezonul turistic de vara. Ne-ar interesa programele dvs. cu pret redus pentru turismul in afara sezonului de varf, precum si termenii si conditiile generale. Daca prima dvs.oferta este satisfacatoare vom fi dispusi sa trimitem periodic grupuri pe tot parcursul anului. %ear &irs, 'he first international travel company of "reland has established a branch regarding the tourism in (alkan countries. We came to ask you to put at our disposal all your tourist material that would help us to make the right choice for most of the summer tourist season. We would be interested in your programs with reduced price for tourism outside of high season, as well as the general terms and conditions. "f we first your offer satisfactory, we will be willing to send you periodic groups all over the year. &egretam ca, datorita cresterii costului materiilor prime si a mainii de lucru nu avem alta alternativa decat sa solicitam un pret mai ridicat pentru acest aparat fata de contractul din anul.... We regret that to the increaase cost of materials and hand work we do not have other alternative than to ask for a higher price for this device to the contract in the year ) Cotatie de preturi Stimate domnule, Va multumim pentru scrisoarea dvs. din data va anexam cotatia de pret pentru acele articole solicitate care sunt in productia noastra curenta. Solicitam conditii de plata garantate, adica, prin acreditiv irevocabil platibil la vedere contra prezentarii documentelor de transport. 'ivrarile ar putea incepe in decurs de ( saptamani de la primirea comenzii dvs. si desc)iderea acreditivului. %ear &ir, We thank you for your letter dated )and we attach the price #uote for those items that are re#uired in our current production. We re#uire the terms of payment of guaranteed,meaning, payable at sight against the presentation of the shipping documents. %eliveries could begin within * weeks from receiving the order and opening of letter of credit.

Confirmarea comenzii Domnilor, Va multumim pentru comanda dvs.din data *arfa va fi livrata in cursul acestei saptamani. %rodusele pe care vi le trimitem sunt fabricate pe plan mondial. Suntem convinsi ca le veti considera satisfacatoare din toate punctele de vedere.Va rugam sa ne comunicati cu ce va putem fi de folos si in viitor. Gentlemen, We thank you for your order number) 'he goods will be delivered within this week. 'he products that we send you are made by a worldwide famous company. We are confident that you will find them satisfactory in every way. +lease let us know how we can be helpful in the future.

Refuzare Domnilor, Va multumim pentru scrisoarea dvs. din data de..., pe care am citit-o cu deosebita atentie. Ne bucura interesul dvs. pentru produsele noastre si am fi dorit sa putem veni in intampinarea dorintelor dvs. si sa va dam posibilitatea sa fiti competitive pe propria piata. $u toate acestea, spre marele nostru regret, nu suntem in masura sa mai facem nici o reducere de pret, intrucat preturile noastre sunt calculate foarte strict, iar o reducere la preturile cotate nu ne-ar mai lasa nici o mar"a de profit. In plus, deoarece in ultimii ani au crescut vertiginos preturile la toate produsele, nu mai este posibil sa furnizam un material intr-adevar bun la preturile pe care le mentionati. Dupa cum stiti noi furnizam numai tesaturi de prima calitate si garantate. Va asiguram ca ne vom da toata silinta ca sa va servim cat mai bine. Gentlemen, We thank you for your letter dated on ..., which we read with special attention. We appreciate your interest for our products and we want to meet your wishes in able to compete in your own market. ,ever the last, we are not in the position to law the price, because our prices are calculated very strictly, and a cutting down would not let us any profit margin. "n addition, since in recent years have rocketed the prices on all products, there is no longer the possibility to provide a material at the figure that you mention. As you know we provide only first #uality fabrics and secured. We may rest assure that we will give all our diligence as to serve you best.

Reclamatii $umparatorul este obligat sa depuna reclamatia in termen de +! de zile de la constatarea viciului, in termenele acoperite de garantie, conform pregatirilor clauzei de mai sus. 'he buyer shall ledge any #uality claims within -! days considering any sides that may occure within the period covered by the warranty, according to the above clause. ,oate reclamatiile legate de pierderea intregului transport sau pagube produse vor fi prezentate de catre cumparator. All complaints related to the loss of the entire transport or damages within this shall be submitted by the buyer.

Scrisoare pentru garantii Am primit scrisoare dumneavoastra prin care ne-ati informat ca ultimul nostru transport a fost reclamat de client ca fiind defectuos. Am discutat situatia cu producatorii si acestia au descoperit o scapare a produselor care urmau sa fie trimise unui alt client. Am aratat producatorilor cat de preocupati suntem de faptul ca v-a dezamagit calitatea produselor si ca dvs. le-ati livrat de"a unui alt client. -i si-au exprimat regretul pentru aceasta situatie neplacuta si am aran"at cu ei expedierea unui transport de inlocuire cu toate taxele platite. Daca va intereseaza produsele primite de"a, am putea discuta cu dvs. vanzarea lor la un pret mai mic. Intre timp va rugam sa le pastrati in depozitul dvs. pana la o decizie ulterioara. Ne cerem scuze pentru neplacerea cauzata si vom lua toate masurile posibile ca o asemenea greseala sa nu se mai repete. .egarding your letter in which you informed us that our last assignment was claimed by the customer as being out of order. We discussed the situation with the producers, and they have discovered a default of the products which were to be sent to another customer. We showed the producers how concerned we are about the fact that you are disappointed by the #uality of your products and that you have already delivered to another customer. 'hey have expressed their regret for this inconvenient and we have arranged with them to dispatch a replacement due to pay. "f you are interested in products already received, we could discuss with you selling them at a lower price. /eanwhile please keep them in your store up to a further decision. We apologi0e for any inconvenient caused and we will take all measures possible that such a mistake should not be repeated.

"t is notice that the firm give up along the years to almost all the shop streets preferring the commercial galleries such as 1arrefour. 2ut of the * stores which own 3tec in the main city without regarding the service within the head #uarter in the area of 3tec, 4 of them are placed in shopping malls. Although any future plans for commercial spaces have not been announced, the owners of several shopping malls deny the possibility of closing the contract with 3tec. However the diminishing of the consumption and with that the speed rotation of the stocks as the same time with the network decrease, it might say the word on the business of 3tec. 5or last year the company has not yet announced the turnover who comes in almost e#ual proportions from the retail activity and distribution but the estimations which exceed the level of 6! mil euro may not appear e#ually plausible. 'he company gave up mostly at the opened stores last year and who have not reached maturity, the continuing operations in those parts being a non7profitable decision. 'he business man is /s. 8 and he outline o series of measures which will apply next year for crossing through the difficult economic period. 1losing stores could be replaced this year by the relocating or resi0e the existing spaces, which could probably attract a decrease of the number of employees. "t is taken into consideration also the reduction of budgets allocated at the monthly expenses such as those for communications or those with the salaries, as long as the ad9ustment is acceptable and will be applied only until the .om&oft would overcome the edge of crisis.

Vom efectua plata in cadrul acestei scrisori de garantie la prima si simpla dvs.cerere prin care declarati ca subcontractantul nu si-a indeplinit obligatiile prevazute in contractului ca....fara a fi necesar ca dvs. sa recurgeti la subcontractant sau arbitra" si fara ca noi sa avem dreptul de a ridica vreo obiectiune, exceptie sau apozitiv din partea noastra sau a subcontractantului, sau a invoca restrictii valutare la beneficiul discutiei de divizare. &aspunderea noastra in cadrul acestei scrisori de garantie inceteaza la (! de zile de la expirarea perioadei de garantie prevazuta in.... a contractului,cel mai tarziu la data de...,daca la aceea data nu vor exista pretentii nerezolvate ridicate de contractant si toate pretentile contractantului bazate subcontractor conform fost rezolvate de acesta. In eventualitatea ca asemenea pretentii nerezolvate exista la expirarea perioadei, mai sus mentionate, de (! de zile si contractantul se prezinta cu un exemplar din pretentiile nerezolvate, raspunderea nostra se va prilungi automat pana la satisfacerea pretentiilor de catre subcontractant, dar nu mai mult de ( luni de la expirarea garantiei stipulate cu articolu. In cazul in care partile cad de acord intre ele la una sau mai multe prelungiri ale perioadei de garantie, raspunderea noastra in cadrul acestei scrisori va fi automat prelungita fara nici o formalitate. Dupa lic)idare aceasta scrisoare ne va fi restituita.

We will make payment within this letter of guarantee on your first and simple demand which declared that the sub7contractor has not fulfilled his obligations that we provided at article ... ... of contract ... concluded with you .... Without being necessary for you to have recourse against the sub7contractor or to arbitration and without the right to raise any ob9ections , as far as we are being concerned or exception or opposition on our part on subcontractor part or guaranty restrictions of which the sub7contractor could vain himself by giving up the benefit of discussion regarding division. 2ur liability on this letter will cease at *! days s stipulated in ... of the since the expiree period of guaranty provided by the article 8 latest on) , if at that time there will not be unsettle claims from the part of the contractor and on the contractor:s obligations assumed by the subcontractor according to article ... have been settle by him. "n the event that such unsettle claims exist at the expiry of the period of *! days and the contractor present us a copy of unsettle claims, our liability will be extended automatically until the settlement of the claims by the subcontractor, but not longer than * months since the expiry of the guaranty which has been stipulated of the article ) of the contract. "f case the parties came to an agreement between themselves or the one or several extensions considering the guaranty period, our liability under this letter will be automatically extended according without any formality After this li#uidation this letter will be returned to us. 'a (! de zile de la prezentarea primului exemplar, al doilea si al treilea cu aceeasi data si scadenta, fiind neac)itate plati la ordinul bancii x suma de . pentru valoarea primita. Va rugam sa incarcati suma in contul z. At *! days after site of the first billing change, the second and the third of the same date and settling day being not paid to the order of ) bank the amount for the value received. +lease charge the amount in the account of ).

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