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There is a need in the country to augment the infrastructure for production of Bio-fertilizer. Accordingly, the Govt. of India under National Pro ect on !rganic "arming introduced a #apital $u%sidy $cheme for #ommercial Production &nits for production of %io-fertilizer. The scheme in #ooperative $ector is %eing implemented %y N#'#. All #ooperative $ocieties are eligi%le to set up Bio-fertilizer production units. Ne( as (ell as e)isting units *for e)pansion+renovation, engaged in the production are also eligi%le under the scheme. Location &nder the scheme, #ooperative societies (ill %e free to set up the unit at any place provided it is technically feasi%le and commercially via%le. The e)isting units can also %e considered for technological up-gradation or e)pansion of e)isting capacity. Project cost The pro ect cost (ill depend upon the capacity of the unit and technology adopted. Quantu o! Su"si#$

The scheme provides credit lin-ed and %ac--ended capital investment su%sidy . /01 of total financial outlay su% ect to the ma)imum of 2s.34 la-h per unit, (hichever is less.

The su%sidy for e)pansion+renovation of the e)isting units (ill %e restricted to /01 in case of Bio-fertilizer units.


Pattern o! assistance i, ii, iii, $ociety5s contri%ution N#'# 8oan 0Rs/in 'a1-2

/0 6 771 /0 1 3/ 6 041

$u%sidy su% ect to the ma)imum ceiling -

Project Out'a$ ( )o#e' Project on &** TP+ , S-i!t Bio-!erti' Unit/ Lan# an# Bui'#in3 9. /. 7. 3. #ost of 8and 8and 8evelling "encing ; #ompound <all and Gates #ivil structure : : : : 2s. 4.44 2s. 9.44 2s. 0.44 2s.74.44

P'ant )ac-iner$ an# E4ui5 ents 9. =ssential e>uipments for strain : maintenance and >uality control glass(are , plastic (are etc. /. "ermentation ; %io mass up-scaling : e>uipments and machines 7. Product handling, pac-aging : e>uipments and machines and storage e>uipments Ot-er e65enses Ca5ita'ise# 9. /. 7. Interest during gestation+ construction period and first year e)penses capitalised @argin money for <or-ing #apital Preliminary and Pre-op.e)penses : : : 7 7 2s.7.04 2s./.7A7 2s././4 Rs/898/:&; Rs/89&/** 2s./4.70 2s.?0.44 2s.7/.04

Tota' Project Out'a$ Sa$

%;% Unit si.e

The size of a %io-fertilizer unit can %e e)pressed in terms of the capacity of production for various types+strains of %io-fertilizers per annum. size envisaged a%ove is /44 TPA in one shift. pac-aging automation. Loan a55'ication !or s are a<ai'a"'e =it- t-e o!!ices o! Re3istrars o! Coo5erati<e Societies,Re3iona' Directorates,>E+D OFFICE at Ne= De'-i/ +55'ication !or s can a'so "e #o=n'oa#e# !ro NCDC =e"site 0-tt57,,nc#c/in2/ The pro ects so far set up in the country, vary from 94 TPA to /444 TPA. The The capacity can %e e)panded %y adding a fe( additional e>uipments li-e fermenters and


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