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html Specifications

Contain only the body section of the article, derived from the source XML file.

Header Section
1. Script Declarations
<script type="text/javascript" src="/assets/icp/assets/js/populateCitationReferences.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/assets/icp/assets/js/article.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/assets/icp/assets/js/populateTemplate.js"></script>

2. Abstract The article title, abstract, journal title, issue date and author appearing above will be retrieved through the web service and Aptara would only include the template in HTML file. Excerpt of the HTML is shown below:
<div class="panel glance-abstract"> <div class="content"> <div class="text"> <h1></h1> <p></p> </div> <div class="footer">This paper appears in: <span id="journalTitle"></span>, Issue Date: <span id="issueDate"></span>, Written by: <span id="authorData"></span> <p class="intellectual-prop">&#x00A9; 2012 IEEE</p> </div></div></div></div>

Here, the copyright information shown above should be captured as YYYY IEEE and value for YYYY should be publication year available in the XML source. 3. Quick Preview
<div class="column-main"> <div id="article-nav"> <ul> <li><a href="#at-glance">Quick Preview</a></li> <li class="new_page"><a href="icp.jsp?arnumber=AR#&pgName=figures">Figures</a></li> </ul> <ul class="in-page"> <li><a href="#article">Full Text</a></li> <li><a href="#footnotes">Footnotes</a></li> <li><a href="#references">References</a></li> <li><a href="#authors">Authors</a></li> <li><a href="#cited-by">Cited By</a></li> <li><a href="#keywords">Keywords</a></li> <li><a href="#corrections">Corrections</a></li> </ul></div>

The only change required in this section is link to figures.html file. AR# needs to be placed

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Article.html Specifications

4. Section TOC Table of contents is generated by populating all the first level section headings in the HTML file. These are populated using the following HTML markup:
<div class="toc"> <ul> <li><a href="#sec1"><b>I.</b> Introduction</a></li> <li><a href="#sec2"><b>II.</b> Design Theory</a></li> <li><a href="#sec3"><b>III.</b> Field Simulation and Measurement Results</a></li> <li><a href="#app1">Appendix A</a></li> <li><a href="#app1">Appendix B</a></li> </ul> </div>


The href attribute will contain the ids available in first level sections in the body part. These TOC entries provide user to navigate within the article. Content case of heading should be in Title case Appendix needs to be capture in TOC

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Article.html Specifications

Body Matter Section

5. Markup for First Level Section First level sections will be displayed in the UI as shown below:

<div class="section" id="sec1"> <div class="header article-hdr"> <div class="kicker">SECTION I</div> <h2>I<small>NTRODUCTION</small></h2> </div>

Notes 1. Capture Section Label with roman number in element <div class=kicker> 2. Capture the content case in Capital Letter 3. Incase Only Appendix with label appears like Appendix A, capture the kicker element as blank Section TOC
<li><a href="#app1">Appendix</a></li>

Heading 1 Tagging
<div class="kicker"></div> <h2>A<small>PPENDIX</small></h2>

4. If Title Appendix with its title appears, capture Appendix and label in kicker section Section TOC
<li><a href="#app1"><b>Appendix A.</b> A Proof of Proposition 11</a></li>

Heading 1 Tagging
<div class="kicker">APPENDIX A</div> <h2>A P<small>ROOF OF</small> P<small>ROPOSITION</small> 11</h2>

5. In element <h2>, capture the content in small caps tag Example: <h2>R<small>ESULTS</small></h2> 6. Conjunctions words like And, In, Or should be captured along with its previous word in element <small> Example: <h2>M<small>ATERIALS AND</small> M<small>ETHODS</small></h2> 7. Abbreviated words need to be capture without small tag
<h2>M<small>ATERIALS AND</small> M<small>ETHODS OF</small> IEEE</h2>
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Article.html Specifications

6. Markup for Second Level Section The output in the UI will be displayed as shown below:

<div class="section_2" id="sec2a"> <h3>A. Capacitively Coupled Single <span class="inline-formula"> <img align="top" src="src="/ielx5/42/6142636/6011702/html/img/6011702-eqin-185-small.png" width="30" height="20" alt="Formula" /><span class="html-formula"></span><span class="tex">$\lambda/4$</span></span> Open T Resonator</h3>

Rules Capture the content case as per source file Incase complete title appears in italic, do not mark the emphasis

7. Markup for Figures in article.html Figures are displayed in the HTML template as shown below:

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Article.html Specifications <div class="figure figure-full" id="fig_3"> <div class="img-wrap"> <a href="/ielx5/18/6121971/6086606/html/img/6086606-fig-3-large.gif"><img src="/ielx5/18/6121971/6086606/html/img/6086606-fig-3-small.gif" width="550" height="361" alt="Figure 3" /></a> </div> <div class="figcaption"> <b class="title">Fig.&#x00A0;3.</b> <a id="note-ref_11d"></a>Schematic layout of the (a) previous version [<a href="#ref_11">11</a>] and of the (b) present version of four elementary cells of a fringe-field-based accelerometer (design not to scale).<!--&#x00A9; 2011 IEEE--> </div> <p class="links"><a href="#fig_2" class="prev">Previous</a> | <a href="icp.jsp?arnumber=6086606&pgName=figures" class="all">View All</a> | <a href="#fig_4" class="next">Next</a></p> </div>

Rules The ID scheme used above is to be used to generate the ID for the figures. Figure Caption Figure caption will be wrapped within the div element with figcaption as the class value (<div class="figcaption">). Please note that figure label will be captured within <b class="title">. Next/Previous Links Next/Previous links needs to capture with Numbered Figure based on below rules. No need to capture links for unnumbered figures Previous: Previous link button will take the user to the previous figure on click. The anchor element should have the figure ID for the previous figure in the href attribute with the class as prev. For the 1st figure, do not capture the link for previous Next: Next link button will take the user to the next figure on click. The anchor element should have the figure ID for the next figure in the href attribute with the class as next. For the last figure, do not capture the link for next View All: This link will take the user to figure.html file which display all the images separately. To activate this link, the URL icp.jsp?arnumber=#article_number&pgName=figures in href attribute in the anchor element where #article_number should be replace with article number available in the metadata for that article. Incase figure is appearing in list content, capture the attribute value as figure figure-small and height and width will be reduced by 50% propositionally

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Article.html Specifications

8. Markup for Tables in article.html Tables are displayed in the HTML template as shown below

<div class="figure figure-full table" id="table_1"> <div class="img-wrap"> <a href="/ielx5/18/6121971/6121995/html/img/6121995-table-1-large.gif"><img src="/ielx5/18/6121971/6121995/html/img/6121995-table-1-small.gif" width="550" height="255" alt="Table 1" /></a> </div> <div class="figcaption"> <b class="title">TABLE&#x00A0;I</b> T<small>HE</small> R<small>ELAY</small> E<small>NCODES A</small> P<small>ART OF THE</small> I<small>NFORMATION BY THE</small> P<small>OSITION OF THE</small> T<small>RANSMISSION</small> S<small>YMBOLS</small> </div> </div>

Need to capture the table content as Image The ID scheme used above is to be used to generate the ID for the tables. Attribute value should be captured as figure figure-full table for div element Table Caption: Table caption will be wrapped within the div element with figcaption as the class value (<div class="figcaption">). Please note that figure label will be captured within <b class="title">. Incase table is appearing in list content, capture the attribute value as figure figure-small and height and width will be reduced by 50% propositionally

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Article.html Specifications

9. Markup of Inline Equations

<span class="inline-formula"><img align="top" src="/ielx5/18/6121971/6121995/html/img/6121995-eqin-1-small.png" width="53" height="20" alt="Formula" /><span class="html-formula"></span><span class="tex">$(q+1)$</span></span>

Rules 1. Need to provide both Image (in PNG) and Tex tagging 2. For more details, Refer: Tex2PNG.doc 10. Markup of Display Equations

<span class="formula" id="deqnI.1"> <img src="/ielx5/18/6121971/6121995/html/img/6121995-eqdisp-1-small.png" width="525" height="30" alt="Formula" /> <span class="link">TeX Source</span><span class="tex">$$C_{m-1}(q)=\max_{p_{X_0 \ldots X_m}}\min_{1\leq i \leq m}H(Y_i\,\vert\, X_i) \eqno{\hbox{(I.1)}}$$</span></span>

Rules 1. Need to provide both Image (in PNG) and Tex tagging 2. For more details, Refer: Tex2PNG.doc

11. Markup of Algorithms

<div class="figure figure-full table" id="alg1"> <div class="img-wrap"><a href="/ielx5/18/6121971/6121995/html/img/6035757-alg-1-large.gif"><img src="/ielx5/18/6121971/6121995/html/img/6035757-alg-1-small.gif" width="550" height="233" alt="Algorithm 1" /></a></div></div>

Algorithm content should be captured as image in HTML file 12. Markup of Appendix

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Article.html Specifications

<div class="section" id="app1"> <div class="header article-hdr"> <div class="kicker"></div> <h2>A<small>PPENDIX</small></h2> </div> <p>For the proof of <a href="#the2">Theorem 2</a>, we need the following result.</p> <div class="section_3" id="lem3"> <h4>Lemma 3</h4> <p>Consider a noise-free relay cascade with a single source-destination pair (namely nodes 0 and <span class="inlineformula"><img align="bottom" src="/ielx5/18/6121971/6121995/html/img/6121995-eqin-500-small.png" width="20" height="10" alt="Formula" /><span class="html-formula"></span><span class="tex">$m$</span></span>) and <span class="inline-formula"><img align="bottom" src="/ielx5/18/6121971/6121995/html/img/6121995-eqin-501-small.png" width="47" height="15" alt="Formula" /><span class="html-formula"></span><span class="tex">$m-1$</span></span> half-duplex constrained relays where <span class="inline-formula"><img align="bottom" src="/ielx5/18/6121971/6121995/html/img/6121995-eqin-502-small.png" width="13" height="13" alt="Formula" /><span class="html-formula"></span><span class="tex">$q$</span></span> denotes the number of transmission symbols. There exists a capacity achieving input pmf <span class="inline-formula"><img align="top" src="/ielx5/18/6121971/6121995/html/img/6121995-eqin-503-small.png" width="65" height="13" alt="Formula" /><span class="html-formula"></span><span class="tex">$p_{X_0\ldots X_{m}}$</span></span> such that <span class="inlineformula"><img align="top" src="/ielx5/18/6121971/6121995/html/img/6121995-eqin-504-small.png" width="160" height="20" alt="Formula" /><span class="html-formula"></span><span class="tex">$C_{m-1}(q)=H(X_{m1})$</span></span>.</p>

If Title Appendix with its title appears, capture Appendix and label in kicker section Section TOC
<li><a href="#app1"><b>Appendix A.</b> A Proof of Proposition 11</a></li>

Heading 1 Tagging
<div class="kicker">APPENDIX A</div> <h2>A P<small>ROOF OF</small> P<small>ROPOSITION</small> 11</h2>

13. Markup of Acknowledgment

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Article.html Specifications

<h3>A<small>CKNOWLEDGMENTS</small></h3> <p>The authors would like to thank <i>Fondazione Cariplo</i> for the support in developing the test instrumentation within the project <i>Surface Interactions in micro</i> and <i>nano devices</i>.</p>

Rules 1. No need to mark the Kicker information 2. Heading should be captured in heading <h3/> 14. Markup of Footnotes All the footnotes available in the XML source files will be preserved in the HTML file within the Footnotes section. Footnotes section will appear as shown below in the UI.

<div id="article-data"> <div class="section" id="footnotes"> <div class="header data-hdr"> <h2>Footnotes</h2> </div> <div class="content">
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Article.html Specifications <div id="afnote_1"> <div class="body"> <p>This work was supported by the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), Zhudong, Taiwan, under Contract 99-EC-17-A-05-01-0626, and by the MediaTek Research Center National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan. Parts of this work have been published in the author&#x0027;s Ph.D. dissertation.</p> </div></div> <div id="fn_1"> <div class="body"> <p><sup>1</sup><a id="note-ref_13a"></a> <a id="note-ref_19a"></a>Interestingly, for the more general form of the Poisson channel that uses continuous-time signals and that is not restricted to a fixed pulse-amplitude modulation, the capacity is known exactly [<a href="#ref_13">13</a>]&#x2013;[<a href="#ref_19">19</a>].</p> </div></div>

Rules 1. Affnote paragraph information needs to be capture in Footnote at the top of section 2. Body footnotes should be in sequence followed by affnote paragraphs information 15. Markup of References

<div class="section" id="references"> <div class="header data-hdr"> <h2>References</h2>

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Article.html Specifications </div> <div class="content"> <div class="ref" id="ref_1"> <div class="no-content">No Data Available</div> </div> </div> </div>

1. Here, Reference content will be displayed based on references.html file ling on the same folder 2. Abstract, Snip text and Full PDF link will be activated

16. Markup of References Author section will appear as shown below in the UI.

<div class="section" id="authors"> <div class="header data-hdr"> <h2>Authors</h2> </div> <div class="content"> <div class="author" id="author_01"> <div class="img-wrap"> <img src=" src="/ielx5/16/6155188/5953479/html/img/5953479-photo-1-small.gif" width="76" height="95" alt="Yasushi Kubota"/> </div> <div class="copy">
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Article.html Specifications <h3><a href="/search/searchresult.jsp?searchWithin=p_Authors:.QT.Kubota,%20Y..QT.&newsearch=partialPref">Yasushi Kubota</a></h3> <div class="bio"> <p>Yasushi Kubota received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in chemistry from Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, in 1982 and 1984, respectively.</p> <p>From 1985 to 1993, he was with Sharp Central Research Laboratories, where he was working on the research of semiconductor devices and semiconductor memory circuits. Since 1993, he has been engaged in the design and the development of polycrystalline silicon devices for liquid-crystal displays with the Display Device Business Group, Sharp Corporation, Taki, Japan. His current research interests include process and circuit technologies suitable for low-powerconsumption displays.</p> </div> <div class="footer"> More by this Author: <a href="/search/searchresult.jsp?searchWithin=p_Authors:.QT.Kubota,%20Y..QT.&newsearch=partialPref">IEEE Xplore</a> </div></div></div>

1. Author information will be captured from Biography element from XML 2. Incase author photo is not available, mark the image as standard as
<img src="/assets/icp/assets/img/no-photo.gif" width="80" height="95" alt="No Photo Available"/>

3. Author search link

Example 1: A. Luna /search/searchresult.jsp?searchWithin=p_Authors:.QT.Luna,%20A..QT.&newsearch=partialPref Example 2: A. van Luna /search/searchresult.jsp?searchWithin=p_Authors:.QT.van%20Luna,%20A..QT.&newsearch=partialPref Example 3: A. M. van Luna /search/searchresult.jsp?searchWithin=p_Authors:.QT.van%20Luna,%20A.%20M..QT.&newsearch=partialPref Example 4: A. M. Luna /search/searchresult.jsp?searchWithin=p_Authors:.QT.Luna,%20A.%20M..QT.&newsearch=partialPref Example 5: A. Maul-Luna /search/searchresult.jsp?searchWithin=p_Authors:.QT.Maul-Luna,%20A..QT.&newsearch=partialPref Example 6: Andy Luna /search/searchresult.jsp?searchWithin=p_Authors:.QT.Luna,%20A..QT.&newsearch=partialPref

1. Do not capture prefix or suffix words like Dr., PHD, Jr,, II etc 2. Do not capture the names appearing in brackets like (mauli) 3. If Initial or Middle name appears in full form, need to capture the initials only

17. Markup of Cited By

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Article.html Specifications

<div class="section" id="cited-by"> <div class="header data-hdr"> <h2>Cited By</h2> </div> <div class="content"> <div class="ref" id="cite_1"> <div class="no-content">No Data Available</div> </div> </div></div>

1. Information will be populated from citedby.html 2. If no citation is appearing, None will be populated in the section on Xplore page 3. The above HTML markup shown above will be fixed in the HTML file and no changes are required in this section.

18. Markup of Keywords

<div class="section" id="keywords"> <div class="header data-hdr"> <h2>Keywords</h2> </div> <div class="content"> </div> </div>

Rules 1. Information will be populated from keywords.html 2. The above HTML markup shown above will be fixed in the HTML file and no changes are required in this section.
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Article.html Specifications

19. Markup of Corrections

<div class="section" id="corrections"> <div class="header data-hdr"> <h2>Corrections</h2> </div> <div class="content"> <p>None</p> </div> </div>

Rules 1. The above HTML markup shown above will be fixed in the HTML file and no changes are required in this section

20. Markup of Corrections IF multimedia file is NOT available in article

<div class="section" id="media"> <div class="header data-hdr"> <h2>Multimedia</h2> </div> <div class="content"> <div class="item archive"> <div class="no-content">No Data Available</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>

IF multimedia file is available in article It is still under review with IEEE and we are still seeking the final guidelines from IEEE

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