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gene length of DNA; codes for a (specific), polypeptide / protein / RNA; allele alternative form of a gene; found at a, locus / particular position on, a chromosome;

max 1

max 1


assume allele refers to coat colour allele (coat colour) gene / alleles, only on chromosome; A no (coat colour), gene / allele, on Y chromosome male cats, ! / only have one chromosome; males have only one (coat colour) allele / cannot have t"o (coat colour) alleles; need #lac$ and orange alleles for tortoiseshell colour;


parental genotypes &r&r ' &"&" ; gametes &r, &" ; F1 genotypes and phenotypes 1 mark: (1 genotypes (all) &r&" (1 phenotypes (all) pin$; F2 genotypes and phenotypes 1 mark) gametes &r, &"&r, &" ; (% genotypes &r&r &r&" &r&" &"&" (% phenotypes red pin$ (pin$) "hite; (% ratio 1)%)1; accept other symbols if key given* accept r and as symbols ithout key! + -


(i) (ii)

+,; 1-.; +,; .*1-/ 0 .*..1 0 .*.+1; (or other suitable orking) .*%.+ 2 .*%./; 2 marks for correct value if no orking sho n ecf for both marks but calculated value must be to three decimal places support, figure lo"er than ,*331 / figure lo"er than critical value; R "support# on its o n! ecf applies if value in (ii) is incorrect



The Henrietta Barnett School


parental genotypes gametes offspring genotypes e$pected ratio



Rr## ; R# r# ; rr## ; 1;

R4 R# r4 r#

RR4# Rr4# (Rr4#) Rr## RR## (Rr##) rr4# ) ) 1 )

offspring phenotypes rough #lac$ rough "hite smooth #lac$ smooth "hite ; accept correct gametes, offspring genotypes and offspring phenotypes in %unnett s&uare use ecf e$cept for ratio Reject the ratio ' : ' : 2 : 2 ratio not a stand alone mark ( there must be some correct orking to support it


DNA codes for , protein / polypeptide; transcription and translation (or descri#ed); en5yme is glo#ular (protein); - #ases 1 amino acid; se6uence of , #ases / triplets , determines , se6uence of amino acids / primary structure; coiling / helix / 7pleated sheet / particular secondary structure ; determines pro8ecting side groups; folding / #onding , for tertiary structure; -7D structure is tertiary structure; A9:; e*g* ref* active site related to shape % or more genes produce 6uaternary structure

; max



provides sites for #inding ; ref to, spindle fi#res / microtu#ules ; ref to genes #eing spaced out along chromosome ; places to #rea$ and re8oin (during meiotic division) ; A chiasmata formation <8un$= implies no, function / purpose ; ora function may not yet have #een discovered ; A9: ; e*g* ra" material for, evolution / natural selection, re6uired for, cell division / mitosis / meiosis max % 1

(#) (c)

straight line sloping up from left to right ; (does not need to start at origin) A>: / NAD / NAD: / RNA / phospholipid / ?: / >: / Ru4: / AD: / R@: / AA: / cAA:/ phosphocreatine / A9: ; R DNA


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

proteins needed for repair / AB ; more transcription of, DNA / genes ; more translation ; protein synthesis ; named protein ; e*g* actin / myosin / troponin / tropomyosin ignore all refs to muscle contraction more aero#ic respiration ; so more, energy released / A>: produced ; (energy re6uired for) condensation / ana#olic, reactions ; (energy re6uired for) formation of peptide #onds ; (energy re6uired for) formation of extra mRNA ; max ,


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

#oth result from changes in allele fre6uencies ; selective #reeding often faster than evolution / ora ; #oth re6uire selection of parents ; to pass alleles to offspring ; selective #reeding involves artificial selection ; v* evolution involves natural selection ; man selective agent in selective #reeding ; v* "hole environment selective agent in, natural selection / evolution ; selective #reeding for #enefit of man ; may #e detrimental to organism / e*g* detriment ; v* fitness for environment ; single / fe", trait(s) in selective #reeding ; v* "hole, phenotype / genotype ; A9: ; A9: ; QWC legible text with acc !ate "#elli$g, # $ct ati%$ a$& g!a''a!; / max 1



mutation ; chance / random / preexisting ; insecticide acts as selective, agent / pressure ; suscepti#les die / resistants survive ; resistants pass, mutation / allele, to offspring ; A gene max -


mos6uito is vector ; A carrier


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o#ligatory / AB ; part of life cycle is in mos6uito ; not $illed #y insecticide ; max %


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(i) (ii)

Aa## 7 pin$ ; aa44 7 green ; (dominant) epistasis ; ref to, epistatic / hypostatic, gene ; ref to, promoter / gene s"itching ; increased, transcription / expression ; A9: ; en5yme to alter pigment / change structure of pigment / ma$e more pigment / complementary action max %



parents gametes

(Aa4#) red spines ' (aa##) green spines ; A4 A# a4 a# ' a# ; A from %unnett s&uare phenotypes related to genotypes ; A key

offspring genotypes ; ; minus 1 for each of first t o mistakes ratio gametes ab (ii) 1 red spines ) 1 pin$ spines ) % green spines ; )* )a*b red spines )b )abb pink spines a* aa*b green spines ab aabb green spines max ,

many Aa4# and aa## ; ref 1 ) 1 ratio of these ; ref lin$age ; ref parental types ; fe" Aa## and aa4# ; ref 1 ) 1 ratio of these ; ref recom#inants ; ref crossing over ; many red and green spined ; fe" / no, pin$ spined ; 1 ) 1 green ) red / more green than red ; ref proportions depend on ho" close, loci / genes, are ; max ,




7 lo",

do not have enough vitamin C in diet / ref to figures ;

7 high, ("arfarin resistant) and have enough vitamin C / ref to figures ; 7 lo" , "ill #e $illed #y "arfarin / ref to effects of "arfarin ; -

+f &uote probabilities for survival less than ,-. is lo and over ,-. is high

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(i) (ii)

mutation / named mutation ; change in DNA #ase se6uence ; variation "ithin population ; some individuals produce en5yme not suscepti#le to "arfarin ; these individuals survive / selective advantage ; reproduce / #reed ; pass, resistance / advantageous allele , to offspring ; R gene those "ithout resistance die ; ref to selective pressure of "arfarin ; max , max 1


does not directly involve humans ; environment selects individuals that "ill reproduce ; resistant allele / RR , "ill decrease a$& , suscepti#le allele / RD , "ill increase ; RRRR at a disadvantage due to vitamin C re6uirements / RDRD at an advantage due to "arfarin #eing removed ; A fre6uencies of #oth alleles "ill stay the same ; must be linked to second statement no longer any selective pressure / no directional selection ; max %

max 1



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

ref to operon ; normally repressor su#stance #ound to operator ; prevents RNA polymerase #inding (at promoter) / prevents transcription ; lactose #inds to repressor ; changes shape of protein molecule ; una#le to #ind (to operator) ; RNA polymerase #inds (at promoter) / transcription occurs / genes s"itched on ; production of lactose permease ; production of #eta 2 galactosidase ;

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length of DNA ; codes for a (specific), polypeptide / protein / RNA ; found at a, locus / particular position on, a chromosome ; variety / form of a gene ; R type of gene A type of a gene % 1


assume the allele / coat colour allele (coat colour) gene / alleles, only on male cats, ! / only have one chromosome ; A no (coat colour), gene / allele, on ! chromosome chromosome ; (males have) only one (coat colour) allele / cannot have t"o (coat colour) alleles ; need #lac$ and orange alleles for tortoiseshell colour ; max %


(a) (#)

1 ) % )1 ; 1 ref to, codominant / e6ually dominant (alleles) ; A incomplete dominance #ut R genes as alternative to alleles 2 appropriate sym#ols for t"o codominant alleles ; eg ?1 and ?% R a capital and a lo"er case sym#ol or t"o different letters such as ? and ! 3 4 5 6 7 parent plant sho"n or stated to #e hetero5ygous ; A if it is explained that any sunny plant is hetero5ygous gamete genotypes sho"n appropriately ; correct offspring genotypes ; the <Dunny= / yello"7green, "ere hetero5ygous / genotype sho"n #y diagram ; the dar$ green / the yello", "ere homo5ygous / genotype sho"n #y diagram ; ref to, randomness / chance (sampling) ; ref to random fertilisation ; totals are (6uite) a large sample, pot ( / single pot / six, is a small sample ; if (only) six seeds, there is a greater chance of departing from an expected ratio / AB ; pro#a#ility of six seedlings all the same is E ' E ' E ' E ' E ' E ; "ith, many seedlings / the totals, the deviations of the individual results cancel out ; some departure from an expected ratio is al"ays li$ely / idea ; only the yello" num#er (--) deviates from the expected / %/ is half ,+ ;

max ,


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

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9 10

chi s6uared test could #e used ; A9: ; max -

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credit ora here A chloroplast as alternative to chlorophyll yello" seedlings have, no / very little, chlorophyll ; cannot photosynthesise ; die "hen, energy reserve / car#ohydrate (accept food), in seed is exhausted ; dar$ green gro" more #ecause they have more chlorophyll (than the yello"7green) ; so dar$ green have more, photosynthetic products / named product ; ref to competition #et"een the seedlings ; ref to, selection / selective advantage ; max [12]



economy of, materials / resources ; economy of energy ; saves unnecessary, transcription / translation ; % max


random / chance / preexisting, mutation (for resistance) ; resistants survive / suscepti#les die ; natural selection ; insecticide selective agent ; A selective pressure resistants pass, mutation / allele for resistance, to offspring ; R gene fre6uency of, mutation / allele for resistance, increases in population ; , max



RNA(i) com#ines "ith mRNA ; e*g* of #ase pairing (#ut not >) A7@ / ?7& ; stops translation ; ref to stops mRNA com#ining "ith ri#osomes ; stops protein synthesis ; max -


chemicals / en5ymes in, mouth / toothpaste / #acteria ; denature / degrade, RNA ; RNA not normally ta$en up #y #acterial cells ; short life of RNA ; RNA not replicated in #acteria "hen #acteria reproduce ; toothpaste in mouth only for short time ; A9: ; A9: ; e*g* "ashed a"ay #y saliva max %

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The Henrietta Barnett School



plant signal used #y ear"orms ; ) s"itches on gene coding for * ; can then #rea$ do"n insecticide ; effect on transcription ; (' ,*,) reduces mortality ; even in a#sence of insecticide ; in a#sence of ), mortality, high / c* /1F ; ref to comparative figures ; e*g* /1 to ;/F / almost halved, in presence of insecticide 1+ to 1F / more than halved, in a#sence of insecticide slight expression of * in a#sence of ) caused #y insecticide ; ; max


increase in use of, ?A crop / ?G crop / 4t cotton ; no / less, insecticide needed ; reduced num#er of cases of pesticide poisoning ; ref to figures (e*g* #y x ;*;) ; reduced cost (insecticide) ; ref to figures (e*g* #y .*+% @DH $g71 / ' 1*-/) ; ref to limitations of survey ; A9: ; A reverse arguments max ;




Aa(( "hite ; aa(( #lac$ ; Aabb "hite ; aabb #ro"n ; ; 1

(ii) (iii)

(dominant) epistasis ; codes for inhi#itor ; protein ; #loc$s transcription (of allele coding for pigment) ; ref to, regulator / promoter ; #loc$s en5yme (producing pigment) ; A9: ; e*g* detail

max -

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Aa4# ' Aa4# / Aa4# ' Aa## ; #oth must have A #ecause they are "hite ; I #oth must, have a / not #e homo5ygous AA, #ecause some $ittens coloured ; I #oth must have # to give #ro"n $ittens ; J "must be hetero0ygous at both loci# / 1 only

at least one / one or #oth, must have 4 to give #lac$ $ittens ; credit ref to :unnett s6uare sho"ing genotypes ; credit ref to :unnett s6uare sho"ing phenotypes ; (ii) Aa4# ' Aa4# 1% "hite ) - #lac$ ) 1 #ro"n ;; Aa4# ' Aa## + "hite ) 1 #lac$ ) 1 #ro"n ;; max %

max ,


A / <mar#ling= ; scale . 7 1 ; measure of genetic v* environmental contri#ution ; high value most easily selected for ; value K.*.% results in no selective #reeding ; ease of selection L <mar#ling=Mgro"th rateMsu#cutaneous fatM<ri# eye= ; all the traits / even <ri# eye=, can #e selected for ;

max -



plasmid 12) nucleotides / sugar 0 phosphate 0 #ase ; ; different su#units ; phosphodiester #onds ; A phosphoester contains : ; dou#le7stranded / dou#le helix ; circular ; A9: ; e*g* role of O #onds

protein amino acids ; %. different su#units ; peptide #onds / polypeptide ; contains D / disulphide #onds ; may have ;N structure ; ref to, %N / -N, structure / AB ; - max 1


(i) (ii)

stimulates, immune response / production of anti#odies / > or 4 cells ; stimulate, cell7mediated immunity / > cells ; antigen, remains in #ody longer / continuously produced ; antigens in #lood only stimulate, humoral immune system / 4 cells ; antigens (in #lood) lost in urine / #ro$en do"n in liver ; ref to AO& ;

1 max

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The Henrietta Barnett School




#inds RNA polymerase ; allo"s, transcription / production of mRNA ; s"itches gene on / allo"s gene expression ; % max


(protect against) more than one, strain / disease / pathogen / AB ; stronger immune response ; less li$ely mutant form "ill escape immune response / AB ; A9: ; cheaper / reduces num#er of vaccinations % max


?olgi modifies protein / polypeptide / AB ; forms glycoproteins / add sugars or car#ohydrate ; ?olgi forms vesicles ; incorporated into cell mem#rane ; R exocytosis A9: ; % max


cells that take up 12) vaccine might 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 function less "ell ; #e $illed #y immune system / trigger auto7immune response ; have genes disrupted / mutation ; ne" gene might #e inherited / AB ; plasmid could enter #acteria ; super#ug / create ne" disease / AB ; effects un$no"n / ne" technology / no human trials ; A9: ; ref ethics, ref irreversi#le - max



(334, / macrophages) (siRNAs continue to "or$) in long7lived cells ; only one treatment needed for macrophages / &&R, ; (siRNAs diluted) as lymphocytes divide ; ora repeat treatments needed for, lymphocytes / &D; ; (334,) #ecause no essential function in #ody / a#sence not a pro#lem ;

% 1


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(i) (ii)

P, D, :, N, A, R ; accept correct names of stages P; A; D; R; A prophase 1 A anaphase % A metaphase 1 A telophase %

P / D ; A prophase 1 / metaphase 1 ,


DNA replication ; synthesis of proteins / named protein ; A transcription / translation synthesis of mem#rane ; synthesis of, organelle(s) / named organelle ; respiration ; A9: ; e*g* centrioles replicate ; % max



estimate of role of genotype in phenotypic variation / AB ; herita#ility L 9? / 9: ; "hen herita#ility high much of variation is, genetic / not environmental / ora ; high herita#ility "ill result in successful selective #reeding / ora ; % max


single / ma8or / Aendelian, gene ; large effect ; little environmental effect ; dominant allele > expressed in homo7 and hetero5ygote ; not polygenic ; not additive ; discontinuous variation / not continuous variation ; 6ualitative / not 6uantitative ; % max



triplet of #ases that does not code for an amino acid ; A>> / A>& / A&> ; code to mar$ end of gene ; code to stop transcription / ref to disengagement RNA polymerase ; % max


transcription halted early / AB ; protein "ill, #e smaller / have fe"er amino acids ; tertiary structure / -D shape different ; #inding / affinity, different ;

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protein inactive ; ref to lac operon ; (iii) ref to, promoter / operator / <on= s"itch ; allele > is regulator ; (protein) #inds to DNA ; (protein) #inds to repressor and prevents it #inding to DNA ; allo"s RNA polymerase to #ind ; A9: ; e*g* en5yme affecting transcription (d) (i) tt 0 > / AB , increases num#er of tillers per plant ; and num#er of #ranches per tiller ; ref to comparative figures ; (ii) inserted into genome randomly / cannot choose "here it is inserted ; may #e "ithin a fre6uently expressed gene ; may #e after an <on= s"itch ; lac$s normal controls ; A9: ; e*g* no other alleles affecting it different promoter

- max

% max

% max

% max



form of a gene ; position of, gene / allele on, chromosome / DNA ; %


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


more, dar$ / un#anded, snails %! fe"er, light / #anded, snails ; #etter camouflaged / ora ; against, leaf litter / uniform #ac$ground ; relevant "oodland data 6uote on colour a$& #anding ;


more, yello" / #anded, snails %! fe"er, dar$ / un#anded, snails ; #etter camouflaged / ora ; (only award if missed point 2) against, pale / yello" / green / varia#le, #ac$ground ; relevant grassland data 6uote on colour a$& #anding ;

survivors posses advantageous alleles / ora ;


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10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

reproduce ; pass alleles on (to, offspring / next generation) ; ref to sta#ilising selection (in #oth ha#itats) ; ref to other $a'e& selection pressure(s) ; not a very mo#ile population or little, immigration / emigration ; separate gene pools descri#ed ; little mutation ta$ing place ; A no ne" camouflage method over time ha#itat sta#le ; ref to "hy unfavoura#le alleles have not disappeared ; A9: ; e*g* calculated average figures for #oth ha#itats QWC clea! well %!ga$i"e& "i$g "#eciali"t te!'" ; clear and "ell organised and must include mar$ing points ; and / 1

/ max

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pigmented #irds more li$ely to #e damaged; at all percentages; more damage as percentage of pigmented #irds increases to %-F; more damage as percentage of "hite #irds increases to %;F; fall in damage of "hite #irds at, %,F/highest percentage;

max [3]



Qndividual % 7 Qndividual , 7 Qndividual + 7 Qndividual 3 7

O h


!; !;


; ; 1

ma$ 2 if se$ chromosomes not sho n (ii) (iii) half / .*, / ,.F / 1 in % ; A 1)1, ,.),. R 1)% carriers have, #oth / O and h / dominant and recessive, alleles ; A are hetero5ygous R t"o alleles females have t"o chromosomes / ora ;





@ A & & ? ? A @ @ & A &;; 1 error / 1, 2 errors / allo 1 mark for giving 7 throughout instead of 8 (i!e! 7 ) 3 3 6 6 ) 7 7 3 ) 3 / 1 mark) % 1

(ii) (#) (i)

transcription / transcri#ed; R transcriptase ) + , anticodon; R anticodons transfer RNA / tRNA; ri#osome / rRNA; codon; R codons

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

DNA triplet / codon / - / mRNA triplet, codes for specific amino acid; order of, triplets / #ases, determines the order of amino acids; tRNA / C, has, corresponding / complementary, triplet / anticodon; (tRNA / C) attached to specific amino acid; activation of amino acid; % (tRNA) #inding sites on the ri#osome; codon and anticodon #ind; A match A to @ and & to ?; ad8acent amino acids 8oin; peptide #ond; ; max


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

attaches to ri#osome; removes, #ase / portion, of ri#osome; A stops ri#osome assem#ling / changes shape of ri#osome prevents ri#osome, attaching to / reading, mRNA; prevents codons #eing exposed; prevents, tRNA / anticodon, attaching to, mRNA / codon; prevents / inhi#its en5yme responsi#le for, formation of peptide lin$ages; A9:; e*g* further detail of any of the a#ove points % max


(i) (ii)

A, ( and * ; apply ora throughout produced #y, sexual reproduction / fusion of gametes / fertilisation ; ref to random mating ; random fertilisation / 2 marks contain chromosomes from t"o individuals / diploid organisms ; more alleles ;

% max


C and . are haploid organisms ; haploid cells have, one set of chromosomes / half the num#er of chromosomes ; meiosis re6uires pairing of homologous chromosomes ; ref to maintaining chromosome num#er "hen gametes fuse / gametes must #e haploid ; % max

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any t o of the follo ing (monomer) not glucose ; contains nitrogen ; contains, sulphur ; A9: ; R ref to #ranching % max


amount of glycoprotein varies (in different cells) ; (cells carry out) endocytosis to different extents ; cells have different life spans / example ; no time for polysaccharide to accumulate in short lived cells ; num#er / role, of lysosomes not same in all cell types ; A9: ; 1 max


ith 9unter#s syndrome, lysosomes / vesicles, might be larger ; more numerous ; have different shape ; stain differently ; A9: ; e*g* granular cytoplasm 1 max


(i) (ii)

unaffected parents can have an affected child ; ora e*g* -, ;, / / 11, 1%, 1+, 11 ; only males affected ; ora mothers pass it on ; ora on the chromosome ; % max carrier "omen asymptomatic / dominant normal allele mas$s trait ; ; / 11 / 1 , could #e carriers ; 1 max


there are only - cases / too small a sample ; mostly female line sho"n ; A9: ; e*g* pedigree of, - / 1%, not $no"n progeny of, 1- / 1; / 1,, not $no"n 1 max

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drug must act in all cells ; lysosomes are "ithin cells ; hard for drug to reach ; if drug acts as en5yme, polysaccharide on cell mem#ranes may #e #ro$en do"n ; tissue mechanical support "ould #rea$ do"n ; A9: ; A9: ; e*g* no animal model protein drug digested in gut rare condition (6ualified), economic argument % max




steep increase, for the first 1 7 % hours / till %*% 7 -*/ (a*u) ; A linear, steady #ecame constant at, - hours / ;*- (a*u) ; if no figs in description, e!g! "rose then constant# a ard 1 mark ma$ % (increased as) en5yme "or$ing / rate of reaction high / reaction proceeding ; (increased as) su#strate converted into, drug / product ; (levelled off / #ecame constant, after the) en5yme, #ecame inactive / "as denatured; (levelled off / #ecame constant) #ecause product inhi#its, reaction / en5yme ; R references to en5yme or su#strate #eing used up R > N& limiting %



pO ; degree of mixing ; en5yme concentration ; A9: ; e*g* ref to concentration of inhi#itors 1 max

(c) /1 /2 /3 /4 *1 *2 *3 *4 *5

ma$ of 2 marks for predicting or e$plaining concentration of drug higher / AB ; rate of reaction slo"er / AB ; may not level off (in time scale sho"n on graph) ; time ta$en to reach the maximum yield (approximately) dou#les ; (c*f* 1, N&) not denatured ; adapted to , N& / optimum / #ody / usual, temperature ; ref to P1. of a#out % ; ref to lo"er $inetic energy / AB ; ref to G7D, collisions / complexes ;

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A9: ; e*g* ref to active site (d) (i) (shaded amino acids) form the active site ; su#strate may not attach to the active site ; en5yme7su#strate complex may not #e formed / AB ; (ii) ;; and ++ not part of active site ;

- max

1 max

hold, active site / -N structure / -D structure, in shape ; A stop denaturing hydrogen #onds "ea$ ; easily #ro$en #y, vi#ration / heat ; A pO disulphide #ridge strong ; not #ro$en #y heat ; (e) nucleotide / #ase/ DNA, se6uence codes for, protein / amino acid, se6uence ; changes DNA ; A change triplet ma$es different mRNA ; transcription ; different tRNAs line up ; translation ; different (amino acid se6uence in), en5yme / protein / polypeptide ; % max

% max

A change codon A change anticodon



penetration of #iofilm difficult ; ref to diffusion of anti#iotic ; detail of diffusion ; larger DA of separate #acteria / ora ; does not reach all #acteria in film / ora ; anti#iotic trapped #y film ; detail of entrapment ; dead #acteria in film form #arrier ; A9: ; e*g* hori5ontal transmission / con8ugation, easier in #iofilm A9: ; ; max


#oth strains have identical sensitivity "hen in suspension ; to all three anti#iotics ; #oth, less sensitive / more resistant, "hen in #iofilms (ora) ; strain 1 much, less sensitive / more resistant ; comparative figures ; & most effective / AB ; 4 least effective / AB ; ; max

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mutation ; random / chance / pre7existing ; detail of mutation ; e*g* #ase su#stitution, addition, deletion ref to, selection / selective advantage ; codes for different, glucan / #iofilm ; affects all three anti#iotics ; #loc$s anti#iotic from reaching cells ; #inds anti#iotics ; ; max

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hori5ontal transmission ; (copy of) plasmid ; via con8ugation ; detail ; con8ugation tu#e / <R= plasmid / single strand DNA transferred via transformation ; transferred #y (#acterio)phage ; - max


parent genotypes

#a#y #lood group R; 4; A; A4 ; mark across each line in table if no marks gained mark do n columns ma$ 2 marks if baby blood groups correct


more transcription #y PP genotype ; at #oth ages ; in #oth s$eletal and cardiac muscle ; A "throughout# / "in all cases# for 1 mark of these 2 much more in s$eletal muscle / slightly more in cardiac muscle ; in PP genotypes expression falls "ith age in #oth s$eletal and cardiac muscle ; in 66 genotypes expression rises "ith age in s$eletal #ut falls in cardiac muscle ; use of comparative figures ; ; max


(i) (ii)

asexual; A #inary fission / cloning ig$%!e mitosis 1 2 3 4 5 6 restore diploid num#er "hen gametes fuse / AB; prevents dou#ling of chromosome num#er (in each successive generation); "ithout use of gametes there is less variation; no input of genetic material from more than one individual; triploid / ,n / etc, "ould #e infertile; A9:; e*g* polyploid "ould result in loss of variation

% max

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linkage (t"o or more) genes / loci, on same chromosome ; R alleles do not assort independently (in meiosis) / inherited together ; crossing over reciprocal exchange of portions of, chromatids / DNA ; A s"apping alleles #et"een (paternal and maternal) homologous chromosomes ; A #ivalent in prophase Q (of meiosis) ; ma$ 2

max -


anthers removed (#efore maturity) (to produce male sterility) ; male sterilisation ; genetic or, %6: / hormone pollen transferred #y hand ; plants isolated ; flo"ers #agged (#efore and after pollination) ; (i) R <chance= alone chance fertilisation ; chance re pic$ing ,. offspring ; chance re other traits affecting survival ; A9: ; e*g* position effect, different gene interactions affecting expression, effect of crossing over on num#ers of other classes (ii) a ard t o marks if correct ans er (1'.) is given ithout orking recognition of recom#inant classes ;

max -


max 1

-% %.. ' 1.. ;

L1+F ; max %


A 1,% a
; , + 1 / 3

4 #


a a

# #

; ; A (A4)(a#) ' (a#)(a#)

#oth chromatids per chromosome sho"n ; crossover sho"n ; result of crossover sho"n ; most / /;F, gametes A L parental ; fe" / 1+F, gametes A L recom#inant ; 4 and a # and a #S'a 4S'a #T ; A A4 and a# # T ; A A# and a4 max +

1. ref 1+ map units apart / close together ;

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genetically isolated populations ; allopatric speciation / AB ; ref to genetic drift ; ref to, founder effect / founder population ; loss of alleles / genetic erosion / reduced gene pool / loss of genetic diversity / AB ; ref to, disease / population crash ; A9: ; e*g* ref to exposure to different selection pressures

max ;



semi7conservative replication ; DNA, polymerase / helicase ; #rea$s hydrogen #onds #et"een t"o DNA strands / un5ips DNA ; each DNA strand acts as a template / #oth strands copied ; complementary #ase7pairing ("ith free DNA nucleotides) ; sugar7phosphate #ac$#one forms ; crossing7over ; in prophase ; recom#ination of, non7sister / maternal and paternal, DNA ; A9: ; e*g* matching cuts in DNA DNA ligase synapsis / to hold, (homologous) chromosomes / #ivalent, together ; (so close enough) for crossing7over ; so can #e evenly segregated ; A9: ; e*g* to pac$age or support chromosomes, avoid DNA #rea$ing, easier to move DNA

% max


% max


% max

37. D1 D% DD; D, D+ D1 D/ D3 D1. D11 D1%

description chosen male and female mated ; ref to desired characteristic / named desired characteristic ; ref to AQ ; advantage of using AQ ; offspring inspected and #est mated ; several / many, generations ; ref to pro#lem in#reeding ; ref to "ay of minimising in#reeding ; ref to herita#ility ; easier to select for traits "ith high herita#ility / ora ; easier to select for discontinuous variation / ora continuous variation ; ref to polygenes / additive effect ; ma$ ' "describe# 1 marks

The Henrietta Barnett School


G1G1; G1, G1+ G11 G1/

e$planation selective #reeding involves "hole genomes ; hence other traits follo" selected trait(s) ; ref to lin$age ; artificial selection ; selection, different from natural selection / for #enefit of humans ; starter population, small / not representative ; A founder principle ma$ ; "e$plain# < marks A9: either D or G mar$ ; e*g* ref to use of, Q9( / surrogate, "ith reason ref to loss of alleles / genetic erosion

max / 1

QWC 0 legible text with acc !ate "#elli$g, # $ct ati%$ a$& g!a''a! ;



production of desired changes in phenotype of an organism ; selection of appropriate alleles / AB ; #y artificial selection ; use as parents / mate, those sho"ing desired phenotype (to larger degree) ; measure of value of individual=s genotype (for #reeding) ; mate "ith num#er of proven individuals ; assess phenotypes of offspring ; R genotypes average value ; especially useful for sex7limited traits ; R sex7lin$ed e*g* sex7limited trait ;

max %


max ;

39. 1 % ; , + 1 / 3 1. 11

ma$ = from points 1 to , limited, food supply / space ; competition ; predation ; disease ; reached carrying capacity / death rate L #irth rate ; marking points 1 ( , linked to keeping population stable individuals sho" variation ; variation due to, com#ination of alleles / mutations ; #est adapted survive / ora ; A survival of fittest idea reproduce ; pass alleles to offspring ; fre6uency of favoura#le alleles "ill, increase / #e maintained ; A ora

, max

The Henrietta Barnett School



chinchilla ( &&h&&h &&h&O agouti ( &A&A &A&&h

&&h&a ; &A&a ; %




for #enefit of humans; to improve, trait(s)/named trait; to produce desira#le, phenotype/genotype; to increase num#er of desira#le alleles; to increase homo5ygosity; A9:; ref* self7pollination; ref* in#reeding; limited gene pool; ref* different num#ers of chromosomes; hy#rid is -n; sterile; gametes have %% and 11 chromosomes/hy#rid has -- chromosomes; some chromosomes unpaired; failure of meiosis; ref* uneven distri#ution of chromosomes; ref* other #arrier to interspecific cross;

max %


max %


max %



; ; (tic$); ; discontinuous; Sdo not allo if no reason givenT reason one, gene/locus; A ma>or/?endelian, gene discrete phenotypes/ora; 6ualitative/large effect/little environmental effect;

; 1


max 1


named characteristic; named environmental factor;

(mark first ans er only)



t"o different genes represented in each gamete ie P or 6 and R or r; four correct com#inations ie P and R, P and r, 6 and R, 6 and r;


The Henrietta Barnett School



stated advantage; detail; e*g* particular character (not hole phenotype)/can alter one trait only ( ithout affecting background genes)/can add allele from different ta$on ith hich breeding may not be possible/&uicker (than the many generations of, selective breeding/backcrossing) stated disadvantage; detail; e*g* cannot precisely position insert (so) unkno n/unanticipated effect/may pass to other species ( ith unkno n/undesirable, effect)/regarded as ethically undesirable (no market/crop destroyed by protesters)/cannot breed from 6? (re&uires cloning)



1 % ; , + 1 /

ref to operon; normally repressor su#stance #ound to operator; prevents RNA polymerase #inding (at promoter) / prevents transcription; lactose #inds to repressor; changes shape of protein molecule; una#le to #ind (to operator); RNA polymerase #inds (at promoter) / transcription occurs / genes s"itched on; A9:; e*g* production of lactose permease / production of #eta7 galactosidase;

max ,


deficiency gives resistance to malaria; deficient/resistant, individuals more li$ely to survive; alleles, passed to next generation; natural selection; presence of %lasmodium is selection pressure; fre6uency of this allele increases; phenotype more common in population; A9:; e*g* others more li$ely to die of malaria

- max

The Henrietta Barnett School



gene #an$; source of alleles; for future (selective) #reeding; to counteract, genetic erosion/loss of genetic variation; to counteract, in#reeding/homo5ygosity; to counteract extinction; for changed conditions; example of changed conditions; e*g* climate/environment/disease/fashion to preserve as yet unidentified, alleles/traits;

max ;


(a) (#)

(dominant) epistasis; ref* frame shift; ref* three extra, triplets/amino acids; may introduce stop code so shorter, polypeptide/protein; may increase length of, polypeptide/protein; may alter, shape/-= structure, of, polypeptide/protein; affects active site; protein/polypeptide, may lose function; protein/polypeptide, may have different function; (i) %arental phenotypes: 5hite @eghorn $ 4ed Aunglefo l %arental genotypes: QQ&& x ii&& or QQcc x ii&&; (1 genotype) (ii) Qi&& or or Qi&c; 1- "hite ) - pigmented;

max ;


% 1

- "hite ) 1 pigmented


(i) (ii) (iii)

crossing over; treat chiasma(ta) as neutral prophase; have different, alleles/#ase se6uence of DNA; A sister chromatids have same alleles/non sister have different alleles

1 1 1

The Henrietta Barnett School




(parental genotypes)) (gametes)) (offspring genotypes)) (offspring phenotypes))

Aa4# A4, A#, a4, a#


aa##; (all) a#;

Aa4#, Aa##, aa4#, aa##; grey #ody/normal "ing, grey #ody/#ent "ing, #lac$ #ody/normal "ing, #lac$ #ody/#ent "ing; 1 ) 1 ) 1 ) 1; , 1

Bse&uence of phenotypes must match genotypes for mark T (phenotypic ratio)) apply ecf! accept alternative symbols if a key is given, but if no key given ma$ ; (ii) (iii) /.,/.,/.,/.; ("or$ing) .*11%, 0 .*-1%, 0 .*., 0 .*;,; L .*3%,; A -!C/-!C2/-!C= 2 marks for correct ans er ith no orking! ecf if correctly use rong figures from (ii) (iv) yes (but no mark for yes on o n) as calculated figure is smaller than 1*/%; ecf applies to value calculated in part (iii) 1



(i) (ii)

sympatric; ranges of t"o species, overlap/close together/AB; no geographical #arrier; ref to #ehavioural/genetic/physiological/pre5ygotic #arrier; correct ref to named area of map;

max %


ref to mate selection #y si5e; ie large "ith large or small "ith small ref to monogamy; ref to intermediate si5es, at disadvantage/selected against/ora; intermediate do not pass on alleles/ora; suggested reason "hy intermediate at disadvantage/ora

max -

The Henrietta Barnett School



female produces a lot of eggs; selects male, that can store lots of eggs/has a large pouch/ora; large males fertilise many eggs/ora; chance of more offspring surviving; or large female and small male produce intermediates/ora; intermediates at disadvantage/ora;

max %


a change in the genetic material; unpredicta#le / AB; extra detail; e*g* addition / su#stitution / deletion / frame shift / small part of chromosome / may code for different protein / may code for no protein



1 mark ma$ for general effect of mutations: mutation may give different, amino acid / primary structure; A ref stop codon some mutations alter, molecular shape / tertiary structure / #inding; ma$ = for e$plaining data in 7able: so una#le to, accept / transport, O&R-7; una#le to #ind A>:; so increase in acidity / decrease in pO; effect on mucus; effect on en5yme(s) /ref pO optimum of en5yme(s); poor digestion of, protein / lipid / starch; A9:; e*g* some mutations, give some transport / have less effect* M --F (of norm) allo"s normal digestive function / K +F SA very lo T does not*

max [3]


allo ma$ , for follo ing: transcription; DNA un5ips / O #onds #rea$; exposing re6uired, gene / se6uence of #ases; RNA nucleotides align "ith DNA; @ "ith A, A "ith >, & "ith ?, a$& ? "ith &; RNA polymerase; mRNA formed (using DNA strand as template); leaves nucleus through pore;

The Henrietta Barnett School


allo ma$ , for follo ing: translation; mRNA attaches to ri#osome; tRNA #rings amino acid (to, ri#osome / mRNA); each tRNA attached to specific amino acid; tRNA #inds to mRNA using complementary, #ase triplet / anticodon; peptide #ond formed #et"een amino acids; DNA / mRNA, (nucleotide / #ase) se6uence determines se6uence of amino acids; A9:; e*g* %, #ase triplets / codons, in ri#osome A9:; e*g* ref* to ) start / stop, codons polysomes large and small su#unit in ri#osome Ag%0



1 mark per correct ro @ook for both ticks and crosses! +f a table consists of ticks D2@Y or crosses D2@Y, then assume that the blank spaces are the other symbol! +f a table consists of ticks, crosses and blanks then the blanks represent no attempt at the ans er! Nucleotides line up along an exposed DNA strand* >he "hole of the dou#le helix <un5ips=* @racil pairs "ith adenine* A tRNA triplet pairs "ith an exposed codon* 4oth DNA polynucleotide chains act as templates* Ad8acent nucleotides #ond, forming a sugar7phosphate #ac$#one* >he original DNA molecule is unchanged after the process* Adenine pairs "ith thymine* ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

The Henrietta Barnett School


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