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2 !3""45*6 7/,&" 8' * !

3""45*6 9"*:
This publication is a reprint ano revision ol three stuoies
which emergeo lrom the author's investigation ol the subject
ol the continuity ol prophetic inspiration.
The titles are:
!"#$ &' $"( )&*&+, -.&/&$ 01 2/0."(345
6"( -"(."(/78' 907 86"( )#'$8
6"( :;7,<(+$ 10/ $"( )&*&+, #$ $"( =+7 01 >?@ A(#/'
All Stuoies Reviseo: March 30, 201!
!"#$ &' (") *+,+-. /0+1+$
23 4150")678
Can We Receive The Gilt?
Ano the oragon was wroth with the woman, ano went to make
war with the remnant ol her seeo, which keep the
commanoments ol Goo, ano have the testimony ol Jesus
Christ... lor the testimony ol Jesus is the spirit ol prophecy.
Rev. 12:17, 19:10
He that hath ears to hear, let him hear. Matt. 11:1
In the miost ol the many oebateo ooctrinal issues among
Davioians stanos the subject ol (") *+,+-. /0+1+$ 53 4150")67. This
has been ano continues to be the most pivotal ol all the
controverteo points in Davioian theology. Ior some, this is well
known, but lor others, it is little spoken ol ano therelore remains
obscure as to what the oillerent views on this subject are, as well
as how orastically ones view ol this subject allects how one views
the rest ol the Roo message.
Our purpose in the lollowing pages is to let the Roo speak
lor itsell concerning the issue ano to allow the reaoer to oraw
hisher own conclusions. Ol course, we ask the reaoer to
remember the principles that we, as Davioians, so much like to
call to the attention ol Aoventists while urging them to
investigating the various ooctrines ol the Roo message. Let us
remember that
We shoulo not stuoy the Bible lor the purpose ol
sustaining our preconceiveo opinions, but with the
single object ol learning what Goo has saio. -
()'$+95-+)' $5 :+-+'$)1' #-; <5'0)= !51>)1', p. 10
So, as we come to each passage, let us come with lresh
eyes, an open heart, ano much prayer, reaoy to receive whatever
the Loro has lor us, regaroless ol whether or not it agrees with
our ioeas up till the now. With these principles in mino we
shoulo be able to see that it is not our outy to try to harmonize
any one passage with another, but rather, we shoulo seek to
unoerstano each statement lor what it plainly says ano simply
believe with chilolike laith, trusting that, in time, the Loro will
give us the eye-salve to see the unoerlying harmony alreaoy
existing throughout all the inspireo statements on the subject.
The bulk ol this stuoy is, primarily, a compilation ol
statements lrom the /")0")1;?' @5; writings on the topic ol (")
*+,+-. /0+1+$ 53 4150")67. Every occurrence ol the terms living
spirit ol prophecy, ever-living spirit ol prophecy, ano active
spirit ol prophecy within the /")0")1;?' @5; literature are
containeo herein. Some statements are more explanatory than
others, but we have incluoeo them all so as to get a lull
unoerstanoing ol the Roo`s position. So now, let us hear
+,- /%&01 23" +-1#)4%"5 6%"(-$")"7 +,-
8)9)"7 :;)$)# %< =$%;,-(5
Let it be remembereo that it is alter the earth
swallows the nooo that the oragon is to be wroth with
the woman, ano to make war with the remnant ol her
seeo |not with her personally|, which keep the
commanoments ol Goo ano have the testimony ol
Jesus Christ.` Rev. 12:1o 17. Clearly, then, there is no
escaping the conclusion that the ooing away with
Satan's nooo is ooubtless the purilying ol the church,
the oestroying ol those who have joineo the church
through the aio ol the serpent. This purilying is the
very thing that enables the church as a booy to keep
the commanoments ol Goo ano also to have $")
$)'$+95-7 53 A)'B' C"1+'$D $") =+,+-. /0+1+$ 53 4150")67 ,Rev.
19:10,, in her miost. This is her only hope, her only
strength, her only oeliverance... - (5 (") /),)- C"B16")',
p. 88
Then it was that $") 0150")$' E#..#+ #-; F)6"#1+#"
G)1) 6#==); $5 $")+1 0150")$+6 53H6) ano commissioneo to
revive ano to reorganize the builoers lor the oeserteo
temple project. See Haggai 1:1 ano Zechariah 1:1.
The happy ano surprising result was that within lour
short years the stately spiritual eoince was quickly
nnisheo, whereas all the previous ano strenuous ellorts
ol kings ano people, covering a perioo ol over thirty
years, completely laileo. ,See Ezra o:1,
Let us now realistically consioer why the builoers'
ellorts ano the king's oecrees at nrst laileo, ano why at
last they succeeoeo: I)351) E#..#+ #-; F)6"#1+#" G)1)
6#==); $5 $") 0150")$+6 53H6), many ol the Jews returneo
lrom Babylon to Jerusalem, although the majority
remaineo in Babylon, that is, the builoers voluntarily
went to builo only because the captivity hao enoeo,
ano because the king hao oecreeo that the temple ol
Goo shoulo be built. But both the builoers' ano the
king's ellorts were a complete lailure -- all came to
naught. Then it was that $"15B." E+' 0150")$' $"15B." E+' 0150")$'D E#..#+ #-;
F)6"#1+#"D <5; ;+1)6$); $") G51>D #-; $")- +$ G#' $"#$ $")7
JB+6>=7 H-+'");. In other woros, not belore $") *51; $55>
$") 1)+-' +- E+' 2G- "#-;' $"15B." $") /0+1+$ 53 4150")67 oio
the work prosper. &- 3#6$D '#61); "+'$517 015,)' $"#$ -5$"+-.
"#' ),)1 015'0)1); +- <5;K' G51> G+$"5B$ $") =+,+-. /0+1+$ 53 =+,+-. /0+1+$ 53
4150")67 4150")67 +- +$' 9+;'$.
L51 )M#90=), :5')' unoerstooo lrom chilohooo up
that his lot it was to oeliver the chiloren ol Israel lrom
Fharaoh's brickyaros. Ano when he was lully grown up
ano thoroughly traineo in the courts ol Fharaoh, ano
saw himsell strong ano capable, he quickly unoertook
to oeliver the enslaveo Hebrew host: killeo one
Egyptian, got into an argument with a Hebrew, then
oeserteo everything, ano without hope ol ever coming
back he neo the country in complete oeleat. Iorty
years later, alter <5; )-;5G); "+9 "+9 G+$" $") /0+1+$ 53 $") /0+1+$ 53
4150")67 4150")67D ") 1)$B1-); #-; $1+B90"#-$=7 =); $") E)N1)G 6#0$+,)'
5B$ 53 O.70$P
These special incioences make 617'$#= 6=)#1 that no
matter how haro men may try to bring about revival
ano relormation among Goo's people, their ellorts are
ooomeo to lailure even belore they start il Goo ooes
not E+9')=3 $"15B." E+' 0150")$' $"15B." E+' 0150")$' $#>) 6"#1.) 53 $") G51>.
(+9)=7 <1))$+-.', Vol. 1, No. 10, p. 20-21
Since Zechariah's prophecy met only partial
lulnllment in the oays the Jews returneo lrom Babylon
to Jerusalem, ano since his writings speak
interchangeably ol another such movement, the which
is to be greater than the lormer, there is, therelore, no
ooubt but that the latter is the antitype ol the lormer.
Hence, the revival ano relormation ol Zechariah's
time is to repeat in our time. The builoers' lailure to
continue with the work ano to bring revival ano
relormation belore E#..#+ #-; F)6"#1+#" G)1) 6#==); $5 $")
0150")$+6 53H6), ano their success alter <5; $"15B." $") $"15B." $")
0150")$' 0150")$' took over, 0)13)6$=7 ;)95-'$1#$)' 0)13)6$=7 ;)95-'$1#$)' $"#$ G+$"5B$ $") =+,+-. =+,+-.
/0+1+$ 53 4150")67 /0+1+$ 53 4150")67 +- $") 9+;'$ -5 1),+,#= #-; 1)3519#$+5- )3351$'
6#- 'B66));, ano that is why they all heretolore have
laileo. The type also perlectly oemonstrates that since
Goo has now risen lrom His holy habitation, ano has
taken the reins in His Own hanos, revival ano
relormation is sure to triumph. It is, therelore, useless
to agitate revivals ano relormations while one knows
not what ano how actually to revive or to relorm. It is
commenoable to holo up the stanoaro but it certainly
is not in Goo's oroer lor one to work up` something
ano to call it revival ano relormation.
In conclusion, let us summarize the two main
points which our stuoy ol the alternoon has oennitely
maoe clear to us: ,1, That a work ano movement
similar to those ol Zechariah's oay is successlully to
bring revival ano relormation among Goo's people ol
tooay, that those who expect the promiseo blessings
must whole-hearteoly enter into it. ,2, That G+$"5B$ $")
=+,+-. /0+1+$ 53 4150")67 =+,+-. /0+1+$ 53 4150")67 +- 5B1 9+;'$D $")1) 6#- N) -5 'B66)'' +-
#-7 1),+,#= #-; 1)3519#$+5-D #-; $"#$ $") '55-)1 G) >-5G +$ $")
JB+6>)1 G) '"#== #6"+),) 5B1 .5#=. (+9)=7 <1))$+-.', Vol. 1,
No. 10, p. 27
,Flease reao all ol (+9)=7 <1))$+-.', Vol. 1, No. 10,
Zech. 2:1-! I lilteo up mine eyes again, ano
lookeo, ano beholo a man with a measuring line in his
hano. Then saio I, Whither goest thou? Ano he saio
unto me, To measure Jerusalem, to see what is the
breaoth thereol, ano what is the length thereol. Ano,
beholo, the angel that talkeo with me went lorth, ano
another angel went out to meet him, ano saio unto
him, Run, speak to this young man, saying, Jerusalem
shall be inhabiteo as towns without walls lor the
multituoe ol men ano cattle therein.`
Irom the lact that the angel suooenly oroereo the
young man not to measure Jerusalem, is clearly seen
that the man on his own initiative hao starteo to oo
something that was not in Goo's plan. Hence, his
enoeavor to measure the city ,number its inhabit-ants,
was a mistaken ioea ol his own or ol some other lor
which he was quickly correcteo ano oennitely tolo to
abanoon his trying to measure the city, that it woulo
be as a town having no walls, no prescribeo bounoary
line, because lor the multituoe ol both men ano cattle,
it coulo not, therelore, be measureo` ,numbereo,.
Since Inspiration is looking oown to our time,
ano speaking in our terms, the young man` therelore
represents latter oay Christian workers ,young, not
ancient, who subject themselves to the reign ol
uninspireo Bible interpreters that limit the Loro,
imagine that the living saints in the city are to be so
lew that a man can number them, namely 1!!,000,
not consioering that these are only the nrstlruits` ,Rev.
1!:!, ol the great harvest.`
The angel's explanation that Jerusalem is to be
inhabiteo by an innumerable multituoe ol both men
ano cattle, proves that this was news to the young man.
When ano how in the stream ol time is this young man
correcteo? -- (") 5-=7 =5.+6#= #-; 3#+1 65-6=B'+5- 5-) 6#-
659) $5D +' $"#$ G")- $") /0+1+$ 53 4150")67 B-15==' $") '615==D
G")- <5; 1#+')' #- +-$)101)$)1 53 $") /61+0$B1)' G")- <5; 1#+')' #- +-$)101)$)1 53 $") /61+0$B1)'D $")- +$ +' $"#$
'B6" # ;56$1+-#= 6511)6$+5- 6#- N) 9#;).
/5 +9051$#-$ +' $") =+,+-. /0+1+$ 53 4150")67 =+,+-. /0+1+$ 53 4150")67 +- $") 6"B16"D
#' Q$") 75B-.Q 9#-K' )M0)1+)-6) 015,)', that regaroless ol
one's zeal, sincerity ano integrity, ") 6#--5$ 1+."$=7 ')1,)
<5; G+$"5B$ &$D $"#$ ),)- 5-)K' N)'$ G51> #-; +-$)-$+5- +' N5B-;
$5 N) #$ 615'' 0B105')' G+$" <5;K'. It is therelore, high time
lor the church to start believing all the prophets have
written, knowing this nrst, that no prophecy ol the
Scripture is ol any private interpretation. Ior the
prophecy came not in olo time by the will ol man: but
holy men ol Goo spake as they were moveo by the
Holy Ghost.` 2 Fet. 1:20, 21. (+9)=7 <1))$+-.', Vol. 1,
No. 12, p. 1o- 17
Obviously, the remnant are those who are lelt
alter the earth opens her mouth ano swallows up the
nooo. They as a booy keep the commanoments ol
Goo, ano have the =+,+-. /0+1+$ 53 4150")67 =+,+-. /0+1+$ 53 4150")67, , $") /0+1+$ !"5 $") /0+1+$ !"5
;+6$#$); $") /61+0$B1)' ;+6$#$); $") /61+0$B1)', Who has leo Goo's people into all
Truth oown through the ages, ano Who still is. Thus it
is that the Dragon's wrath, ano the Church's purity,
causeo by the Dragon's thiro oeleat, are to bring the
time ol trouble such as never was:
Ano at that time shall Michael stano up, the
great Frince which stanoeth lor the chiloren ol thy
people: ano there shall be a time ol trouble, such as
never was since there was a nation even to that same
time: ano at that time thy people shall be oelivereo,
every one that shall be louno written in the book.`
Dan. 12:1.
Nothing in the worlo is worth as much as having
our names written in the book. Ano therein we may
have our names il we choose to lollow the Spirit ol
Truth ano to keep the commanoments ol Goo. Here
we have seen that those who think that the law, the ten
commanoments, is abolisheo,` that their lives neeo not
comport with the law, ano those who think $"#$ $")
/0+1+$ 53 4150")67 +' # $"+-. 53 $") 0#'$D $"#$ <5; "#' =)3$ $")
G51=; $5 .)$ #=5-. #' N)'$ +$ 6#-D $"#$ E) -5 =5-.)1 N5$")1'
E+9')=3 $5 ')-; # 0150")$ # 0150")$R that all such shall nno
themselves in league with Babylon the Great, the seat
ol the Dragon, ano rather than having their names
written in the Book, they will have the mark ol the
beast, ano have a part in persecuting the remnant
which keep the commanoments ol Goo, ano have the
testimony ol Jesus Christ. (+9)=7 <1))$+-.', Vol. 2,
No. 1o, p. 22
Will the Church lorever remain in her sell-
oeception, or will she awake to her great neeo? We
shall have these questions answereo il we turn to the
Ano the earth helpeo the woman, ano the earth
openeo her mouth, ano swalloweo up the nooo which
the oragon cast out ol his mouth. Ano the oragon was
wroth with the woman, ano went to make war with the
remnant ol her seeo, which keep the commanoments
ol Goo, ano have $") $)'$+95-7 53 A)'B' C"1+'$SSS351 $")
$)'$+95-7 53 A)'B' +' $") /0+1+$ 53 4150")67.` Rev. 12:1o, 17,
Here is the Bible's own answer, which says that
there is to be a people who will have $") ()'$+95-7 53
A)'B' C"1+'$ #$ $") $+9) $") )#1$" 'G#==5G' B0 $") T55; #$ $") $+9) $") )#1$" 'G#==5G' B0 $") T55;, the
hypocrites. Ano since this incioent is yet luture, +$ '"5G' +$ '"5G'
$"#$ $")1) +' $5 N) # 0150")$ +- $") C"B16" $"#$ $")1) +' $5 N) # 0150")$ +- $") C"B16"D 351 $") I+N=)K' 5G-
+-$)101)$#$+5- 53 U$") ()'$+95-7 53 A)'B' C"1+'$D? +' U$") /0+1+$ 53
4150")67? V@),S WXYWZ[. The nrst part ol chapter 19 you
will note explains that the Spirit ol Frophecy is
brought to them N7 # 9#-D # U3)==5G ')1,#-$D? N7 # 9#-D # U3)==5G ')1,#-$D? #-; $"#$ $"5')
G"5 1)6)+,) "+9 3))= =+>) G51'"+0+-. "+9D NB$ ") ;+1)6$' $")9 $5
G51'"+0 <5;D -5$ # 9#-.
The remnant that are lelt, the saints who were
not swalloweo by the Dragon's nooo as the earth
openeo her mouth, you note have the U$)'$+95-7 53 A)'B'
C"1+'$D? $") =+,+-. /0+1+$ 53 4150")67 #6$+,) =+,+-. /0+1+$ 53 4150")67 #6$+,) +- $")+1 9+;'$S The
Church therelore will not sleep lorever, the true people
ol Goo will awake to their poverty, they will pront at
this rousing call, but the Dragon's nooo will nll the
bowels ol the earth.
*)$ -5G -5 5-) ;)6)+,) "+9')=3 N7 $"+->+-. $"#$ $") I+N=)
&$')=3 +' $") #6$+,) /0+1+$ 53 4150")67 #6$+,) /0+1+$ 53 4150")67S *)$ B' N) <5;K' 1)#=
0)50=)D =5.+6#= $"+->)1'D -5$ N#+$ "B-$)1'S (") I+N=)D 75B >-5GD
G+$"5B$ $") "B9#- 6"#--)= $") "B9#- 6"#--)=D +' #' +-#6$+,) +-#6$+,) #' $"5B." &$ G)1) NB$
+-> #-; 0#0)1S :51)5,)1D $") /0+1+$D $55D #0#1$ 3159 9#- #0#1$ 3159 9#-D +' #='5
+-#6$+,) +-#6$+,)Y E)D $55D G51>' $"15B." $") "B9#- #.)-$ $"15B." $") "B9#- #.)-$S E)-6)D
G+$"5B$ #- +-'0+1); +-$)101)$)1 +-'0+1); +-$)101)$)1 $") 65-6)#=); 0150")6+)' #-; #-; $")
/0+1+$ $"#$ B-35=;' $")9 #1) +-#6$+,) +-#6$+,)S :51)5,)1D "5G 65B=; +$ N)
'#+; 53 5-) 0#1$+6B=#1 .15B0 "#,+-. $") /0+1+$ 53 4150")67D G")-
#== $") ')6$' +- C"1+'$)-;59 "#,) $") I+N=)8
The remnant, who have the Spirit ol Frophecy
among them are oirecteo to keep the commanoments
ol Goo, while the rest ol the worlo, through the
innuence ol the Dragon, persecute them. In this light,
you again see that a remnant will escape lrom the
present sell-oeception that has beluooleo the whole
Christian worlo. (+9)=7 <1))$+-.', Vol. 2, No. 2!, p.
,Flease all ol (+9)=7 <1))$+-.' Vol. 2, No. 2!,
Here, you see, the remnant -- those who are lelt
alter the others are swalloweo by the earth, so to speak
-- keeps the commanoments ol Goo ano has the
testimony ol Jesus Christ. This remnant, or sect, that
keeps the commanoments ol Goo, therelore, is the
only one that Inspiration recommenos, the only one
that is worth joining, the only one that can pront any
one. It alone possesses the power to escape any ano all
ol the calamities that are now brewing throughout the
worlo. It is the only sect that nnos lavor with Goo. No
other woulo oo, lor no other coulo pront you.
Then, too, it alone has the testimony ol Jesus
Christ -- $") =+,+-. /0+1+$ 53 4150")67 $") =+,+-. /0+1+$ 53 4150")67 in its miost ,Rev.
19:10,, -- $") /0+1+$ !"5 =)#;' +-$5 #== (1B$" $") /0+1+$ !"5 =)#;' +-$5 #== (1B$", Who alone
can rightly interpret the Scriptures , \ 4)$S WY\ZD \W \ 4)$S WY\ZD \W,.
Flainly, then, Inspiration woulo have you join no sect
but this remnant.` (+9)=7 <1))$+-.', Vol. 2, No. 3!, p.
The two sheep, ol a kino ano not young, are
manilestly symbolical ol the Olo ano New Testaments,
the Woro, which enables its recipients to choose the
gooo ano to reluse the evil.` Ano the cow being young,
ano therelore ol later origin than the sheep, ano it`s
also being ol larger size than they, it can accoroingly
only be ngurative ol inspireo writings ol later origin
ano ol greater volume than the Bible Itsell. The only
such besioes the Bible are those which bring to us the
testimony ol Jesus:....lor the testimony ol Jesus is the
Spirit ol Frophecy` ,Rev. 19:10, -- the inspireo
interpretation ol the Scriptures.
It is also to be noteo that this butter ano this
honey are proouceo in the Christian era, in the time
when both sheep, both Testaments, are in existence,
ano also in the time G")- $") /0+1+$ 53 4150")67 +' #$ G51>S
Ano G"#$ +' $") /0+1+$ 53 0150")678 -- The same
chapter ano verse give the answer:
Ano I lell at his leet,` at the leet ol the one who
unloloeo the prophecy to John, to worship him. Ano
he saio unto me, See thou oo it not: I am thy
lellowservant, ano ol thy brethren that have the
testimony ol Jesus: worship Goo: lor the testimony ol
Jesus is the spirit ol prophecy.` Rev. 19:10.
Here it is seen that as the prophecies were
unloloeo to John N7 5-) 53 "+' N1)$"1)- N7 5-) 53 "+' N1)$"1)-, thereby was
revealeo to him the Testimony ol Jesus, the Spirit ol
Frophecy. Flainly, then, #- +-'0+1); ')1,#-$ 53 <5; G"5
N)#1' # 9)''#.) $5 "+' N1)$"1)-D N)#1' $") ()'$+95-7 53 A)'B' $5
$")9. To illustrate: Suppose the Loro Jesus
communicateo a personal message to you N7 # 9)'')-.)1 N7 # 9)'')-.)1D
G5B=; -5$ E+' 9)''#.) N) E+' $)'$+95-7 $5 75B8 Ano '"5B=;
<5; )-;5G $") 9)'')-.)1 )-;5G $") 9)'')-.)1 G+$" $") .+3$ 53 E+' /0+1+$ $5 B-35=; $5
75B $") 0150")6+)' G"+6" #1) +- $") /61+0$B1)'D G5B=; ") -5$ N)
659+-. $5 75B G+$" $") /0+1+$ 53 4150")678 659+-. $5 75B G+$" $") /0+1+$ 53 4150")678
Thus it is clear that $") Q()'$+95-7 53 A)'B'Q #-; Q$")
/0+1+$ 53 4150")67Q #1) '7-5-795B' $)19' 351 # $+9)=7 9)''#.)
')-$ 3159 <5; ]] Q9)#$ +- ;B) ')#'5-SQ The Spirit ol
prophecy, therelore, is <5;K' 9)#-' 53 6599B-+6#$+-. 3159
E)#,)- ;+1)6$=7 $5 E+' 6"B16" 5- )#1$", as well as ol
unloloing the sealeo prophecies to her.
As we have alreaoy seen that the two sheep are
symbolical ol the Olo ano New Testaments. We now
see also that the U75B-. 65G? +' '79N5=+6#= 53 $") +-'0+1);
+-$)101)$#$+5-' 53 $") I+N=)D $") /0+1+$ 53 4150")67 +- 5B1 ;#7S It
is now obvious that the proouct ol these three
creatures necessarily must become our spiritual oiet il
we expect to be lelt` ano permitteo to live in the Holy
Lano, ano that there is no use ol our thinking to abioe
the juogment in some other way. Ano il there remain
any ooubt about this, then consioer please what the
Apostle Feter says on the subject:
We have also a more sure woro ol prophecy,
whereunto ye oo well that ye take heeo, as unto a light
that shineth in a oark place, until the oay oawn, ano
the oay star arise in your hearts: knowing this nrst, that
no prophecy ol the Scripture is ol any private
interpretation. Ior the prophecy came not in olo time
by the will ol man: but "5=7 9)- 53 <5; spake as they
were moveo by the Holy Ghost.` 2 Fet. 1:19-21.
Dio you mark what Inspiration says? It plainly
oeclares that the Scriptures are not privately
interpreteo -- -5$ G+$"5B$ $") /0+1+$ 53 <5; +- $") 9#- +- $") 9#-D -5$ N7
$") 9#- #=5-)D #-; -5$ G+$"5B$ <5;K' 5G- #005+-$9)-$S Ano
the reason given, you note, is the very lact that
prophecy oio not come by the will ol man, but N7 $") N7 $")
G+== 53 $") /0+1+$D $"15B." U"5=7 9)- 53 <5;S? G+== 53 $") /0+1+$D $"15B." U"5=7 9)- 53 <5;S? ("+'D N1)$"1)-D +'
E)#,)-K' =#G #-; 51;)1. Ano who are we to change it? To
put your trust in private interpretation is therelore to
barter your soul to man. Concerning such a perilous
practice, the Loro commanos:
Cease ye lrom man, whose breath is in his
nostrils: lor wherein is he to be accounteo ol ?` Isa.
As revealeo truth is unloloeo only by the Spirit ol
Truth at a given time, then lor one to reject such
revelation, meat in oue season` ,Matt. 2!:!,, is inoeeo
to sin against the Holy Ghost.` Matt. 12:31.
Since it now is clear as sunlight that $") ),)1]B-35=;+-.D
&-'0+1); +-$)101)$#$+5- 53 $") /61+0$B1)' +' $") ),)1]=+,+-. /0+1+$ 53 $") ),)1]=+,+-. /0+1+$ 53
4150")67D $") )7)' 53 $") 6"B16" #$ G51> VW /#9S XYX[D 4150")67D $") )7)' 53 $") 6"B16" #$ G51> VW /#9S XYX[D $")- $5 N)
G+$"5B$ $")') '0+1+$B#= )7)' )7)' +' $5 $17 $5 G#=>D #' +$ G)1)D +- ;)-')
The science ol the process nnos close analogy in
that ol the universally useo electric current. O=)6$1+6+$7
.5)' +-$5 #6$+5- 5-=7 G")- $") =+,) G+1) V$") 05'+$+,)[ 659)' +-
65-$#6$ G+$" $") .15B-; G+1) V$") -).#$+,)[S So it is that $")
6"B16"K' 65-$#6$ G+$" <5;K' 6"5')- +-'$1B9)-$ V$") .15B-; G+1)[ <5;K' 6"5')- +-'$1B9)-$ V$") .15B-; G+1)[
luseo to $") /0+1+$ 53 <5; V$") =+,) G+1)[ $") /0+1+$ 53 <5; V$") =+,) G+1)[ -- G"+6" $5.)$")1
1)01)')-$ $") 05'+$+,) #-; $") -).#$+,) ]] +' G"#$ )=)6$1+H)' $")
6"B16"D #-; $"B' 50)-' $") =+-) 53 6599B-+6#$+5- N)$G))- $")
6"B16" #-; E)#,)-. (+9)=7 <1))$+-.', Vol. 2, No. !, p.
One may say, Yes, I believe in the Spirit ol
Frophecy, but not as you oo.` Yet il what he believes to
be the Spirit ol Frophecy ooes not leao him to keep
the commanoments ol Goo` ano to >-5G $"#$ $")
$)'$+95-7 53 A)'B' C"1+'$ +' $") ),)1]#6$+,) /0+1+$ 53 4150")67 $)'$+95-7 53 A)'B' C"1+'$ +' $") ),)1]#6$+,) /0+1+$ 53 4150")67
,Rev. 12:17, 19:10,, then he hao better lorsake that ano
accept this, lor he that saith I know Him, ano keepeth
not His commanoments, is a liar, ano the truth is not in
him.` 1 John 2:!. Likewise says the Loro: Whosoever
shall keep the whole law, ano yet olleno in one point,
he is guilty ol all.` James 2:10. Blesseo are they that oo
His commanoments that they...may enter in through
the gates into the city.` Rev. 22:1!.
Il, moreover, what such a one believes to be the
Spirit ol Frophecy is truly it, then it shoulo have
revealeo the truth rather than what we accept as the
Spirit ol Frophecy woulo have been connrmeo ano
Not long ago a certain minister saio: My
conception ol the Spirit ol Frophecy is oillerent lrom
yours, the prophecies in the Bible are my Spirit ol
Frophecy.` ^5G '5 ") 9B'$ '#7 +3 $") /0+1+$ 53 4150")67 G)1)
-5$ ),)1]#6$+,) ),)1]#6$+,). But +3 $") /0+1+$ 53 4150")67 N).+-' #-; )-;'
G+$" $") I+N=)D $")- #== C"1+'$+#-' "#,) $") /0+1+$ 53 4150")67. Il
this is so, though, why ooes the Revelation make a
oistinction between Christians who have the Spirit ol
Frophecy ano those who oo not? This minister's ioea
is, to say the least, illogical, lor it puts Revelation 12:17
ano 19:10 in the realm ol the meaningless.
But what is still worse, this same minister in later
speaking to his congregation, maoe The Shephero's
Roo teachings appear contraoictory to Mrs. White's
writings, which he then termeo the Spirit ol
Frophecy` Yes, it is haro to believe that ministers in
whom multituoes place connoence, woulo be so
inconsistent ano that these multituoes woulo be so
blino ano so ignorant about them
Throughout these pages, the Spirit ol Frophecy
has, by the prophetic Woro, proveo Itsell invulnerable
to attack. It has vinoicateo Itsell -5$ as a voice
beginning with Moses ano enoing belore John the
Baptist, but as the ),)1]=+,+-. $)'$+95-7 ),)1]=+,+-. $)'$+95-7D N).+--+-. G+$"
61)#$+5- #-; 65-$+-B+-. G+$" $") 0#$1+#16"' O-56"D ^5#"D O-56"D ^5#"D
_N1#"#9D &'##6D A#65N _N1#"#9D &'##6D A#65NR $")- G+$" $") 0150")$' $") 0150")$'R -)M$ G+$" $") $")
#05'$=)' #05'$=)'R #-; H-#==7D G+$" $") 9)'')-.)1' 53 $") *51; +- 5B1 5G- $") 9)'')-.)1' 53 $") *51; +- 5B1 5G-
;#7 #-; 5- ;#7 #-; 5-S @+'+-. "+.")1 #-; "+.")1 G+$" )#6" )-65B-$)1, as the
reaoer can reaoily see, &$ G+== 1+') '$+== "+.")1 when it is
next consioereo that
Renections Cast Upon One's Character Do Not
Allect the Truth. !"7 4)1+'"8, p. !-!o
Next, $") `#,+;+#-' "5=; $"#$ $") N)=+)3 $"#$ $") /0+1+$ /0+1+$
53 4150")67 +' $5 1)05') +- $") 6"B16" $5 $") )-; 53 $+9) 53 4150")67 +' $5 1)05') +- $") 6"B16" $5 $") )-; 53 $+9)D +' 5-) 53
$") 35B-;#$+5- '$5-)' 53 /),)-$"];#7 _;,)-$+'9 35B-;#$+5- '$5-)' 53 /),)-$"];#7 _;,)-$+'9. . This
prophetic gilt N)'$5G); N)'$5G);,` aomits Eloer A.G. Daniels, was
to abioe with the church lrom Aoam $5 $") ')65-; #;,)-$ $5 $") ')65-; #;,)-$
53 5B1 *51; #-; /#,+5B1 A)'B' C"1+'$ 53 5B1 *51; #-; /#,+5B1 A)'B' C"1+'$ G")- E) 659)' $5 $#>)
E+' 1);))9); 0)50=) $5 4#1#;+'). It ;+; -5$ 6)#') G+$" $")
#05'$=)', but is traceable through the centuries $5 $") =#'$
;#7' ol human history, aB'$ N)351) $") 1)$B1- 53 5B1 *51;.
When that supreme event ol the ages shall occurD $")-]] $")-]]
#-; -5$ B-$+= $")- #-; -5$ B-$+= $")---shall come to pass that which is
spoken ol by the apostle Faul:
'...whether there be prophecies, they shall be
oone away, whether there be tongues, they shall cease,
whether there be knowleoge, it shall be oone away. Ior
we know in part, ano we prophesy in part, but G")- $"#$
G"+6" +' 0)13)6$ +' 659) that which is in part shall be oone
away.'--1 Cor. 13:8-10, _S@SbS?]](") _N+;+-. <+3$ 23
4150")67, p. o.
Since $"+' 0150")$+6 .+3$ was 9#-+3)'$ $"15B." Sister
White, as has been evioentially establisheo, she
necessarily, then, wrote unoer oivine Inspiration, as oio
the Bible writers. Ano, therelore, orthooox Seventh-
oay Aoventism turns on the pivotal truth that "no
0150")67 ol the Scriptures is ol any private
interpretation," ano 6#- -5 951) N) B-;)1'$55; -5G G+$"5B$
'0)6+#= ;+,+-) +==B9+-#$+5- $"#- 65B=; 0150")67 "#,) N))-
B-;)1'$55; +- `#-+)=K' $+9) G+$"5B$ )-=+."$)-9)-$ 3159 $") #-.)=,
who explaineo: & G+== '")G $")) & G+== '")G $")) $"#$ G"+6" +' -5$); +- $")
'61+0$B1) 53 $1B$": ano there is -5-) that holoeth with me
in these things, but Michael your Frince.` Dan. 10:21.
Just so, the same Michael 9B'$ 6599+''+5- # Q$)#6")1Q 351 9B'$ 6599+''+5- # Q$)#6")1Q 351
B' $5;#7 B' $5;#7, 5$")1G+') $"5') $"+-.' G"+6" N)=5-. $5 5B1 0)#6) G+== N)
U"+; 3159 c5B1d )7)'S? Luke 19:!2.
("+' '5=+; 156> 53 ;56$1+-) G#' ),)1 $5 N) $") ("+' '5=+; 156> 53 ;56$1+-) G#' ),)1 $5 N) $")
`)-59+-#$+5-K' 'B1) 35B-;#$+5- `)-59+-#$+5-K' 'B1) 35B-;#$+5-, ano aB'$ $5 $") )M$)-$ $"#$ +$'
01+-6+0=)' "#,) N))- 3#+$"3B==7 35==5G); 5B$ "#' $")1) N))- 05G)1
+- $") 6"B16".
e05- $") ;)#$" 53 /+'$)1 !"+$)D +- WXWfD e05- $") ;)#$" 53 /+'$)1 !"+$)D +- WXWfD $") .+3$ 53
&-'0+1#$+5-D $") #6$+,) /0+1+$ 53 4150")67D N)6#9) JB+)'6)-$D -5 $") #6$+,) /0+1+$ 53 4150")67D N)6#9) JB+)'6)-$D -5
=5-.)1 9#-+3)'$+-. &$')=3 351 # $+9) =5-.)1 9#-+3)'$+-. &$')=3 351 # $+9)S With the church thus 6B$
533 3159 $") ,)17 '5B16) 53 +$' =+3), as was the Jewish church
3159 $") ;)#$" 53 $") 0150")$ :#=#6"+ $5 $") 1+') 53 A5"- $")
I#0$+'$, how coulo it maintain its vitality ano growth?
Hence, now as then, there has lolloweo the same
inevitable spiritual malnutrition ano oelormity,
accompanieo with a long train ol woes. (")
_-'G)1)1 g, p. 8-o0
The testimony borne in the preceoing pages is really quite
clear ano neeos no comment to aio in unoerstanoing the
message conveyeo. Even so, we shall now recap a lew points lor
your consioeration.
In the alore-quoteo statements we notice that the terms
living spirit ol prophecy ano active spirit ol prophecy were
useo synonymously ano always in relerence to the work ol the
Spirit through living prophets.
In (+9)=7 <1))$+-.', Vol. 2, No. 2! p. 23 it is stateo quite
clearly that the active Spirit ol prophecy cannot be either ,1, the
Bible itsell, ,2, the human agent itsell, or ,3, The Spirit itsell.
Rather, it is stateo that the active Spirit ol prophecy is the Holy
Spirit, through the human agent, revealing the concealeo
prophecies ol scripture. Lest anyone shoulo think that that
human agent can be just any believer, we oraw the reaoer`s
attention again to (") _-'G)1)1D I55> g, p. o0. Here are some
points to consioer pertaining to the last paragraph ol saio
,1, Il the living spirit ol prophecy is just
relerring to the Bible, the statement in (") _-'G)1)1D
I55> g, p. o0 coulo not be maoe, lor the Bible was still
arouno when Ellen White ano Malachi each oieo.
,2, Il the living spirit ol prophecy is just the
Holy Spirit, the statement in (") _-'G)1)1D I55> gD p. o0
coulo not be maoe, lor the Holy Spirit was still arouno
when Ellen White ano Malachi each oieo.
,3, Il the living spirit ol prophecy was just the
Spirit in 'just any laithlul believer' ,not a pro-phet,, the
statement in (") _-'G)1)1D I55> g, p. o0 coulo not be
maoe, lor there were laithlul, Spirit nlleo believers still
arouno alter the oeath ol Ellen White ano Malachi,
the Enoch's in every age.
All things consioereo, we see that the only logical thing to
oo is to take the position clearly aovocateo by the /")0")1;K' @5;
message in the preceoing pages, namely, that the living spirit ol
prophecy is the Holy Spirit speaking through a living prophet,
ano that without a living prophet in our miost, we will have no
success in our ellorts to bring about revival ano relormation.
As a closing thought, we quote lrom a sermon oelivereo by
Victor Houtell on September 7, 19!o as recoroeo in (+9)=7
<1))$+-.', Vol. 1, No. , p. 1!. ,Flease keep in mino that this
sermon was preacheo to Davioians.,
Isa. 2:11 The lolty looks ol man shall be
humbleo, ano the haughtiness ol men shall be boweo
oown, ano the Loro alone shall be exalteo in that oay.`
Man has long been exalting himsell, so much so,
in lact, that there are perhaps only a lew Christians in
the worlo that are really lollowing the light ol the
Loro.` Most ol them are lollowing sparks ol men,
lollowing uninspireo interpretations ol the Scriptures,
-- oevisings ol men, men who scoll at the ioea ol
Inspiration, $")7 ')) -5 -)); 53 951) (1B$" 51 53 0150")$' 51 53 0150")$',
although they well know that the only Truth that has
ever come has been through chosen servants ol Goo.
O,)- 01)')-$ (1B$" N)=+),)1' O,)- 01)')-$ (1B$" N)=+),)1' "#,) -5$ #' 7)$ 3B==7 #G#>)-); $5
$"+' '$#1$=+-. 1),)=#$+5-, many ol them are carrieo away
with every wino ol ooctrine, much ol which is createo
by impostors such as Korah, Dathan ano Abiram
,Num. 1o:9-11, coveting Moses' olnce -- usurpers ol
Inspiration's Throne -- taking sioes, one lor Faul ano
another lor Apollos, as it were Inspiration's eye 356B'+-.
$5 $"+' ;#7 #-; 9)''#.), reveals that much ol this sell-
oeception is the result ol what the Spirit oescribes, a
oouble lace hypocrisy, saying: Also, thou son ol man,
the chiloren ol thy people '$+== are talking against thee
by the walls ano in the ooors ol the houses, ano speak
one to another, every one to his brother, saying, Come,
I pray you, ano hear what is the woro that cometh
lorth lrom the Loro. Ano they come unto thee as the
people cometh, ano they sit belore thee as My people,
ano they hear thy woros, but they will not oo them: lor
with their mouth they shew much love, but their heart
goeth alter their covetousness. Ano, lo, thou art unto
them as a very lovely song ol one that hath a pleasant
voice, ano can play well on an instrument: lor they
hear thy woros, but they oo them not. Ano when this
cometh to pass, ,lo, it will come,, then shall they know
that a prophet hath been among them.` Ezek. 33:30-
33. We neeo to be ooers ol the Woro not merely
hearers. (+9)=7 <1))$+-.', Vol. 1, No. , p. 1!
There is no more neeo lor sell-oeception or oeception by
others. The Loro has spoken ano now we have the wonoerlul
opportunity to both hear the truth, ano live the truth.
It is our prayer that the reaoer will oiligently search these
things out with meekness ano lear ano, when convicteo, be
honest enough to aomit the truth as revealeo by the Spirit.
We realize that there are a number ol inevitable questions
that arise in the Davioian mino when consioering this subject,
ano we leel it our outy ano privilege to provioe answers to these
question. To nno these answers, the reaoer can start with our
stuoies (") /")0")1;?' @5; U(") *#'$? ano (") AB;.9)-$ 351 $") *+,+-.
#$ $") O-; 53 hgZ i)#1'.
The subject that we have been examining, while particular
to Davioians in this presentation, is lar more expansive ano lar
reaching, both presently ano throughout history, than was
possible to lully convey within these lew pages. Our hope
though, is that this little booklet has brought to the attention ol
the reaoers the true position ol the @5; message on this most
important subject. Ano that by the acceptance ol this truth, ano
the truths that stem lrom it, we may
come into the unity ol the laith, ano ol the knowleoge ol the
Son ol Goo, unto a perlect man, unto the measure ol the
stature ol the lullness ol Christ -Eph !:13
There is -5 ;5BN$, the Church lrom creation till tooay has been
leo ano preserveo N7 $") 0150")$', ano '") 6#- 65-$+-B) +- -5 5$")1 G#7
3159 ")1) 5-S (+9)=7 <1))$+-.', Vol. 2, No. 2o, p. 23
by Trent R. Wiloe
Copyright: April 12, 2013
All Rights Reserveo
,Emphasis ano brackets ours,
+,- :,-;,-$&?1 /%&
?+,- 8>1#?
Does the Shephero's Roo message teach that there is to be
no more truth ano no more prophets until the
establishment ol Christ's Kingoom?
!"#$%&'(#%$5 =$)"();@-1*
O,)1 have your ears open to any claimant ol
Inspiration il you are not to repeat the history ol the
Jews. Goo will not let you be oeceiveo il you really
hunger ano thirst alter righteousness, il you really want
to know the Truth, lor He is anxious that you keep up
with His 015.1)''+,)=7 revealeo Truth. There is therelore
no oanger lor one to be oeceiveo by coming in contact
with error, but there is a .1)#$ oanger lor staying in
oarkness by not coming in contact with 31)'" Truth. -
(+9)=7 <1))$+-.', Vol. 1, No. 12, p. 18
He that answers a matter belore he hears it, it is
lolly ano shame unto him. - 415,)1N' 18:13
The vast majority ol Davioians believe that the /")0")1;K'
@5; is the last message, at least to the church. This beliel,
together the lounoational teaching that the Bible cannot be
privately interpreteo, leaves one to concluoe that lrom 19,
when Victor Houtell oieo, till the establishment ol the kingoom,
there are to be no more prophets, ano no more new revelations
ol truth. In oroer to see whether or not this conclusion is correct
we must thoroughly investigate what the @5; literature has to say
on this subject. Such a task must be oone with an open mino,
ano yes, much prayer.
On the /")0")1;K' @5; lolio-base CD, there are 70 hits
when searching the term last. Containeo within this stuoy is a
compilation ol every one ol those relerences. Below is an
illustration ol how the relerences are lormatteo in this article:
page : paragraph
number : page : paragraph
When a new publication is starteo, the publication
abbreviation is bololaceo. Each relerence is separateo by a semi-
Here is an example:
"#$%&:3:1 means (+9)=7 <1))$+-.'D Vol. 1, No. 3o, p. 3, par. 1
Ior simplicity ano brevity, all the relerences with the woro
last have been placeo in categories ol context. As we come to
each section, we will aooress the context ano the content ol the
quotations in light ol the rest ol the /")0")1;K' @5; message.
A%# )" /-<-$-"(- #% #,- :,-;,-$&?1 /%&
B-11>7- %$ =$%;,-#
"'( 1!:0, 18:0, 21:1, 2!:2, 32:2, !3:, !:1, 0:,7, o0:2, o!:1,
o8:2, o9:0,3, 77:2, 8o:1, 92:2, 9!:1,2, 9:1, 9o:2, 10o:7, 11:3,
117:1, 120:1,2, 121:3, 12!:1, 12o:3, 1!7:0,2, 11:1, 12:0,
1!:1, 1o:2, 1o2:2, 171:0,1, 173:1, 17:1, 177:1, 18!:1,2,
192:1, 193:2, 19o:0, 201:1, 202:2,3, 209:2, 21:3, 219:1, 220:3,
228:2,, 229:2, 239:0, 2!2:1, 2!3:0, 2!:1, )'( 8:1, 10:1, 12:1,
19:2, 20:3, 23:0, 27:3,o, !1:1, !7:3, !8:1, !9:3, 3:3, !:2, o7:3,
7o:2, 77:3, 80:0, 89:2, 91:0, 92:!, 93:!, 9!:2, 9o:1, 100:2, 108:1,
111:2, 112:2,!, 113:!, 117:3, 118:3, 119:1, 121:1, 122:2,3,!,
12o:1,3, 138:, 11:2, 13:3, 1!:3, 1o:0,2, 1o1:0, 173:1,
177:2, 178:2, 180:2, 183:1,2, 192:2, 19:1, 201:3, 202:1, 209:1,
21:3, 219:3, 220:1,3, 228:0, 233:!, 2!0:2, 29:3, 2o1:3, 2o2:1,
2o3:2,, 2o!:2, 2o8:1, 277:3, 279:1, 28o:3, 29:1,2, "#* 20:0,
32:1, !2:2, )#* 7:1, 32:2, 3!:1,2, 3title, 3o:1, %#* !:1, 19:2,
3:1, !8:2, o1:3, o2:2, o3:2, 70:2, 71:2,3, 88:1, 100:0, %#*'+,
12:1, 13:3, 1!:3, -#* 19:3, 3:2, !:1, :1, 8:0, .#* 13:1,
18:3, 29:3, 31:1,2, 3:0, !o:2, 8:1,2, 81:!, 87:0, 9!:3, 9:0,2,
107:1, 110:3, &#* o:1, 8:3, 39:2: !2:2, :0, o!:0, oo:!, o9:0,
72:3, /#* 7:1, !3:1, 0#* 11:0, 19:1, 33:0, 37:1, 1#* 12:1, 30:2,
!!:1, o1:, 70:3, "2#* 1!:0, 1o:3, 18:1, 30:0, !0:1, ")#* 1, 37:3,
!7:1, !9:0, 3:0,3, o!:1, 89:0,title, "%#* o:3, 9:0, 21:0, "-#*
18:1, 19:0, 21:2, 2!:2, !3:2, ".#* 21:2, 2:1, 0:0, 8:0, 83:0,
"#$":2:!, 13:1, "#$):1o:1, "#$%:12:2,, "#$-:22:2, 23:!,
"#$.cover, 3title, !:1,2, 7:!, 9:1, "#$&:2!:3, 2:title,1,2, 2o:3,
33:3, 3, "#$/:11:!, "#$0:2!:3, "#$1:1:1, "#$"2:1o:1,
18:2, 20:2, "#$"":3:1, 9:1, "#$"):2!:o, "#$"%:2:1,
"#$"-:12:!, 21:2, "#$".:2:1, 7:2, 1:0,1, 18:3, 20:0,
"#$"0:12:1, 1!:1, "#$)2:10:2, 11:1,3, "#$)":2:1,
"#$)%::3, "#$).:3:1,2, !:1, 9:1, "#$)&:1!:1, 1o:2, 20:!,
"#$)/:2:1, "#$)1:7:, "#$%2:19:1, "#$%":2:1, "#$%-:9:1,
"#$%.:19:1, 21:3, "#$%&:3:1, "#$%/:10:1,3, 13:!,
"#$%1:2:3,!, "#$-):2:1, "#$--:2:2, "#$-.:11:1, 21:, 22:1,
"#$-&:!:0,2, "#$-0:19:1, 23:!, 28:3, "#$-1:11:2,
"#$.2:1o:!, 19:1, 2o:3, 29:3, "#$.":3:3, 11:0, "#$.):20:!,
)#$%:2:1, )#$-:23:!, )#$.:2:1, 3:3, )#$/:!:1, 8:,
)#$1:2:1, !:2, 11:0, )#$"2:21:1, 2!:!, 31:1, )#$"":2:1, !:2,
:3, 9:2, 10:0,3, )#$"):21:1, 2!:2, 2:2, 30:3, )#$"%:9:!,
)#$"-:1:2, 19:1, )#$".:8:0, )#$)2:2:2, )#$)":o:2, 12:3,
)#$)):21:2,!, 22:0, 2!:0, )#$)-:17:1, )#$).:!:2,
)#$)&:19:0, 20:1, 22:0, )#$%2:12:2, 1!:1, 1:1, )#$%":2:1,
:!, o:1, 8:2, 11:2, )#$%):1o:2, )#$%%:2:1, :1, 10:3,
)#$%-:28:0, )#$%.:1!:3, 17:1,3, )#$%&:2:2, !:3,
)#$%/:12:2, 1o:1, )#$%0:2:1,2, 9:0, 2o:1, )#$%1:!:!, o:!,
12:2, 20:2, )#$-2:28:2, )#$-):2!:3, 27:3, 28:3, 3!:, 3:1,
38:2, )#$-%:8:2, )#$--:38:!, !9:2, 1:2, )#$-.:11:2, 1!:3,
17:1, )#$-&:29:3, 30:1, 3:1, "'3-:2:1,7, 8:, "'3.:1:2, 2:12,
!:2, o:7, 7:7, "'3&:!:3, "'3/:2:7,10, 3:3,10, !:8, 8:2,
"'30::10, o:10, 7:, 9:12, 11:, 1SC9:1:8, 2:1,!,o, 3:!, !:3,
9:13, "'3"2:3:9, !:12,1o, :9: o:1,o, 7:8, 9:,7,11,
"'3""4"):1:, o:!, 7:o, 10:,8, "'3"%:1:3, :!, 7:10,
"'3"-:!:3, o:1, 7:3,!, 11:1,!, "'3".:1:8, :o, o:9, 8:8, 9:1,2,
10:o,8, "'3"&:2:!,, 3:0,o, :1, o:0, "'3"/:1:1, !:o, :1,7,9,
"'3"0:o:!, 7:9, )'3":2:3, :1,7,8, o:2, 8:, )'3):1:2, 2:3,
!:,o, o:7, 8:o, )'3%4-:9:9, 1!:1, )'3.4&:3:3,8, !:7, o:,8, 7:,
8:0, 9:10, 10:3,!,7, 11:9, 12:10, )'3/40:11:1, 12:3,10,
)'31:!:9, :1,1, 8:1, 9:2, )'3"2:2:, 3:9, 7:2, 8:0,o, 10:9,
11:0,, 12:2, 13:11, )'3""::,o,7,11, 9:o, 10:3, )'3"):3:7,10,
:10,12, o:1, 8:!, %'3":o:3, 9:1, 10:7, 11:1, %'3):8:10, 10:8,
12title, 13title,!, %'3%4-::1, 7:7, 11:13, 1!:o, %'3.4&:!:, o:3,
10:, 11:9, 13:o, %'3/:!:!, :o,1,22, o:13, 7:o, 8:10, 10:3,10,
%'305"2:1:9, :, o:o, 9:9,10, %'3""5"):3:, 7:!, 9:10, 10:!,9,
13:9,10, 1:3, -'3"5%:1:, o:1, 11:0,o, -'3-51:9:2, -'3"25
"):o:7, 8:3,9, 9:9, 12:8, .'3"5 .:o:o, 7:!, .'3&5")::9, o:9,
9:12, 10:10, 13:0, 1:o, 1o:7,10,13, &'3"5&:11:0, 12:12, &'3/5
"):!:1, 7:7, 8:o,9, /'3"5&:1:o, 3:o, !:12, o:7, 9:7, 10:, 13:7,
1:7, /'3/5"):1:2,9,12, 3:7,1, 9:8,10,11,13, 12:7, 1:13, 1o:8,
17:, 23:0, 0'3o:9, 8:12, 10:3,8, 1!:2, 1:0, 17:1!, 18:,7, 21:0,
1'31:1,!, 7:1,2, 13:7,8,9, 19:, 20:1, 22:, 2!:1!, "2'3":3:1,
:2, o:3, 1!:1, 20:1,2, "2'3)::!, 11:3, 1!:2, 20:1,2, 22:1, 2:1,
""'3):11:2, 12:2, 13:3, ""'3%:9:1, ""'3/:7:2, ""'30::2,
o:2, 13:0, ""'3"):1:2, 2!:1, 30:!, ")'3":3:2, 20:3, 23:3,
")'3%:9:1, 13:1, ")'3-:!:2, 17:1, ")'3.:3:, 7:1, 1o:1, 20:3,
")'3041:1:0, "%'3"4):3:2, 11:!, 28:2,3, "%'314"2:10:2,
"%'3""5"):23:1, 2!:1,2, "67':2, 7:1, 10:8, 13:1, 9:2, 79:1,
81:2, 8:2, 9!:2, )67'1!:3, 1:2,3, 1o:2, 3o:2, !2:2, !3:1,
!8:2,3, 8:1, o0:2, o:0, o7:2, 70:1, 77:0, 83:2, 8!:2, 92:1,
%67'20:1, 27:0, 30:0, 3o:2, !2:3, !3:1,2, !!:0, !8:2, 2:1, 7:1,
9:0, -67'13:0, 20:!, 22:!, 2!:1, 2:2, .67'11:2, 12:3, 18:1,
19:!, !!:!, $3'9:2, !2:3, 89(3:3, 2:0,1, 30:2, 3!:0, 3o:!,
!2:1, !3:2, !:1, !7:1, !8:!, o:0, ":;12:1, ):;1:1,2, %:;!:0,
&:;7:0, /:;8:2, 0:;!:, o:0, <6;1:1, (<61!:1, 2!:3,
"'(=*13:, 21:1, 22:1, 2!:3,7, 3o:1, 0:3, 7:!,o, o0:2, o2:1,
o3:, o!:3, 89:12, ;>?@'@63o:0, o2:1, 72:1, AB3:1, 7:1, 1!:3,
2o:3, #C8!:2, 12:1, 17:2, 29:1, 33B!9:2, D;7:3, 9:1
There are many ways in which the woro last is useo in
all the above relerences. Here are a lew examples:
At last, at long last, to last over a year, last
Sabbath, last paragraph, last part, last seal, il
time shoulo last, last Weonesoay, ano last oays.
Seeing as none ol the above uses ol the woro last have
to oo with the /")0")1;K' @5; being the last message, or Victor
Houtell being the last prophet, we shall continue to the other
usages ol the woro without lurther comment.
8>1# CDD
E%'$F 6>@@
)'( 9:3, 22:1, 229:1, 231:0,Rev18,, 23!-23, 23o:2, 0#* 9-
o0, ")#* 3!:1, )#$-%:9:2, 10:2, %'3.4&:12:8, 0'30:!,,
1'38:1!, "%'3""4"):12:1, "67' o7:1, o8:1, 89( 12:3, 13:2,
1!:0, 1o:1,2, 29:1, 3o:3, 37:0, 39:0, 1:2, AB 2o:!
In examining the above quotations one will nno that the
/")0")1;K' @5; claims to be the last call lor labourers. To be in
complete harmony with the @5;, one neeos to point out that the
hour call is saio to have begun with the publication ol
/")0")1;K' @5; b5=B9) \ ,2SR 9, but that later the message clearly
ioentineo the 11th hour call as being the Louo Cry to the
worlo ,8Tr 9-o0, title, 12Tr 3!,. This presents no real problems
when it is unoerstooo that the call itsell is not given in a oay,
but is proclaimeo continuously throughout a long perioo ol
time, beginning nrst to the church, then extenoing to the worlo.
The lact that the @5; message claims to be the 11
call ,the last,, in no way suggests that there are to be no more
prophets, or no more truths to be revealeo. One way to unoer-
stano this is to recognize that these calls are not 100
equivalent to messages. Ior instance, the o
hour call is saio to
be the call given by the Millerites, yet within that call there was
the Iirst Angel's Message, the Secono Angel's Message, ano the
Mionight Cry. Likewise, the 9
hour call is saio to be the
Aoventist message, which not only incluoeo all the messages
preceoing it, but also incluoeo the Thiro Angel's Message ano
the message ol Righteousness by Iaith given in 1888.
These simple lacts show us in a simple way that, even
though the @5; message is the 11
hour call, this ooes not in any
way suggest that the call cannot incluoe more truth or more
prophets beyono those we knew ol lrom 1929-19.
8>1# B-11>7- G'- #% H-)"7 #,- B-11>7- %< #,-
I$-># >"& G$->&<'@ G>5 %< #,- 8%$& J #,-
K'&74-"# <%$ #,- 8)9)"7 L #,- M@)N>, B-11>7-
-#* 32:2, "#$"":12:3, "#$%0:2!:0, )#$)&:22:0, "'3-::,
.'3&5"):1:2, ""'3%:9:0, $3' %0:, !0:2, !1:1, 89( 37:0,
):; 11:3, &:; :1, o:1
The above quotations are very easy to unoerstano when
we consioer them in the light ol the lacts. The message ol the
juogement lor the living, we are tolo, is the last. Not only this,
but we are tolo that the /")0")1;K' @5; message +' the message ol
the juogement lor the living. Here are some lacts to consioer:
Dear Iellow Member:
The only way lor you to escape being taken by
wolves in sheeps' clothing is il you ever remember the
lact that $") AB;.9)-$ 9)''#.)D $") =#'$ N)351) C"1+'$ 659)' $")
')65-; $+9), is what 9#;) us a people, that is, because $")
9)''#.) "#; 659), ano because it has to be proclaimeo,
G) /S`S_SK' G) /S`S_SK' 6#9) on the scene, ano we certainly want to
stay there until the work is nnisheo. We must not
become a back number as oio the Frotestant churches
since they rejecteo the message' one alter another. Goo
lorbio that we shoulo be "spueo out" ano lose so late in
the oay. Ano what is the truth ol the Juogment?-- -
A)j1))= *)$$)1 No. 2, p. 1, par. 1
Notice that Houtell is here speaking ol the last message
as being the message which began the Seventh-oay Aoventist
oenomination. He relers to it ooing its work in 0#'$ $)-'). How
coulo he say that the juogement message which starteo the
oenomination is the last ano yet there was still to be more
truth, even another message ano prophet to come, namely, the
/")0")1;K' @5; message ano Houtell himsell ? He answers this in
the lollowing paragraph:
(") AB;.9)-$ #' 75B >-5G +' +- $G5 ')0#1#$) #-;
;+'$+-6$ ')6$+5-'D 5-) 35==5G+-. $") 5$")1 ]] $") AB;.9)-$ 351 $")
;)#; H1'$D #-; $") AB;.9)-$ 351 $") =+,+-. =#'$. This we know
is so ano we must not let subversive innuences, even il
they be in Seventh-oay Aoventist's garb, cause us to
lose sight ol this truth. 2B1 0#1$ 53 $") AB;.9)-$ 9)''#.)
'+-6) Wkhh "#' N))-D #' 75B >-5GD $5 0156=#+9 $") AB;.9)-$ 351
$") ;)#;D -5$ 351 $") =+,+-. #' 7)$S - A)j1))= *)$$)1 No. 2, p. 1,
par. 2
This is the key, the juogement itsell, ano the message ol
the juogement, comes in sections. This is easy to compreheno
when we consioer that the message concerning the juogement
lor the oeao hao three main messages that maoe up the overall
message at that time. These, ol course, are the nrst Three
Angel's Messages ol Revelation 1!. It is also important to note,
however, that there were two more messages in relation to the
juogement ol the oeao, that being, the Mionight Cry ,given in
the summer ol 18!!, ano the message ol Righteousness by Iaith
given in 1888, as previously mentioneo.
With these lacts in view we see irrelutable prool that even
though a message be the last, that ooes -5$ mean that there are
to be no more messages ano messengers within that multi-
laceteo ano multi-phaseo message. Again, the message ol the
investigative juogement is inoeeo the last. This message, though,
has within itsell two oistinct sections which, in themselves, can
be calleo messages. These being the messages ol the
juogement lor the oeao ano the juogement lor the living. We
have seen that these two sections can likewise be oivioeo up into
more messages. The message ol the juogement lor the oeao can
be oivioeo up into the Iirst Angel's Message, the Secono Angel's
Message, the Thiro Angel's Message, the Mionight Cry, ano the
1888 Message. Now, what ol the oillerent phases ol the message
lor the juogement lor the living?
When nnally the juogment passes lrom the oeao
to the living, thus outmooing by expiration the initial
phase ol the Iirst Angel's Message ,the juogment ol
the oeao,, what timely Truth will the church then have
lor hersell ano lor the worlo? What, inoeeo, il she
ooes not now accept ano practice $") 9)''#.) 53 ,)17
01)')-$ (1B$"D $") H-#= 0"#') 53 $") L+1'$ _-.)=K' :)''#.) $") H-#= 0"#') 53 $") L+1'$ _-.)=K' :)''#.),
which +' 01)')-$=7 announcing the stealthy #0015#6" #0015#6" 53
aB;.9)-$ B05- $") =+,+-., ano which is knocking at each
heart's ooor? - !"+$) E5B') @)61B+$)1 p. 37
The message ol the /")0")1;K' @5; here plainly oeclares
itsell to be the nnal phase ol the Iirst Angel's Message, which
relates to the juogement ol the living. Il the Iirst Angel's
Message is to have a nnal phase in connection with the
juogment upon the living, what ol the other angel's messages?
Among Aoventists, the term, "Thiro Angel's
Message," is unoerstooo to contain the nrst, secono,
ano the thiro angels' messages, but not so when we use
the expression, "secono angel's message." "The
Shephero's Roo" is using the term, "Thiro Angel's
Message," to convey the 3#6$ that the proclamation ol
#== $"1)) #-.)='K 9)''#.)' #1) $5 N) 1)0)#$);S - (") /79N5=+6
C5;), Vol. 3, No. 8, p. 9
Here we have our answer. The juogement lor the living is
inoeeo the last message, but within that message, there are more
messages ano more truths. Since the Roo message only claimeo
to be the Iirst Angel's Message lor the juogement lor the living,
are we not to be both expecting ano looking lor more messages
ol truth which woulo come unoer the umbrella ol the
juogement lor the living?
8>1# )" > I-"-$>@ :-"1-
)'( 93:0, 1!!:3, 1!:1, -#* o0:3, )'3":!:3, %'3":!:1!,
%'3):1:, /'3/5"):1:12, ""'3&:10:1, "67'8:2, %:;):2
The above statements state that the /")0")1;K' @5; is the last
message without giving any particular reason why, or connecting
it with any particular context. One statement says, Mercy is
knocking at the ooor lor the last time ano another relers to the
message as the last rescue-ellort. Let us see il there are any
statements ol this sort in the writings ol Ellen White:
I have been instructeo that it is not extravagant
oisplay which is -5G -5G 1)JB+1); +- .+,+-. $") =#'$ =#'$ 9)''#.) 53
9)167 $5 5B1 G51=;... - 4#B='5- C5==)6$+5- p. o7, par. 8
...(") =#'$ =#'$ 9)''#.) 53 9)167 +' N)+-. +' N)+-. .+,)- $5 $")
G51=;... - l1)'' C5==)6$+5- p. 1!o, par. 2
...i5B #1) #1) .+,+-. $") =#'$ =#'$ 9)''#.) 53 G#1-+-. $5 5B1
G51=;... - l1)'' C5==)6$+5- p. 3, par. 3
...There are those who must be qualineo lor the
work to be oone -5G -5G +- N1+-.+-. $") =#'$ =#'$ 9)''#.) 53 G#1-+-.
$5 #== 6+$+)' #-; +- #== $5G-' +- #== 0#1$' 53 5B1 G51=;... - O==)-
<S !"+$) Wkkk :#$)1+#=' p. 11!8, par. 1
...!) "#,) "#,) $") =#'$ =#'$ 9)''#.) 53 G#1-+-.D $") =#'$ =#'$ 6#== 53
9)167... - :#-B'61+0$ @)=)#')' Vol. 1o, p. 2o!, par. 2
These quotations, ano many others, show that the Thiro
Angel's Message was calleo the last message. Notice here as
well that all ol the above quotations speak ol the last message
in 01)')-$ $)-'), not luture. Ellen White oeclareo in clear tones that
they were presently ,then, sounoing the last message ol warning.
Let us consioer a couple more statements:
We have, as hao John, a message to bear ol the
things which we have seen ano hearo. <5; +' -5$ .+,+-. B' <5; +' -5$ .+,+-. B'
# -)G 9)''#.) # -)G 9)''#.)S S We are to proclaim the message that in
18!3 ano 18!! brought us out ol the other churches.
We neeo the Holy Spirit to kinole in our hearts the zeal
ano earnestness that were then seen among Goo's
people. I thank the Loro that there are still living a lew
who can remember those oays, ano who know whereol
they speak. - @),+)G #-; E)1#=; January 19, 190, par.
m(") $"+1; $"+1; #-.)= 53 @),)=#$+5- Wh is representeo as
nying swiltly through the miost ol heaven crying: 'Here
are they that keep the commanoments ol Goo, ano the
laith ol Jesus.' Here is shown the nature ol the work ol
the people ol Goo. They have a message ol so great
importance that they are representeo as nying in the
presentation ol it to the worlo. They are holoing in
their hanos the breao ol lile lor a lamishing worlo.
The love ol Christ constraineth them. ("+' ("+' +' $") =#'$ =#'$
9)''#.)S (")1) #1) -5 951) $5 35==5G (")1) #1) -5 951) $5 35==5GD -5 951) -5 951) +-,+$#$+5-' 53
9)167 $5 N) .+,)- #3$)1 $"+' 9)''#.) '"#== "#,) ;5-) +$' G51>S
!"#$ # $1B'$P What a responsibility +' resting upon all to
carry the woros ol gracious invitation: 'Ano the Spirit
ano the brioe say, Come. Ano let him that heareth say,
Come. Ano let him that is athirst come. Ano
whosoever will, let him take the water ol lile lreely.' -
()'$+95-+)' 351 $") C"B16" Vol. , p. 20o, par. 3
Let all Davioians who think there is to be no more truth,
no more messages, ano no more prophets until the kingoom,
6#1)3B==7 consioer the above statements. How will you explain
statements ol this sort to Aoventists who may ask? Will you not
explain to them that, Inoeeo, the message ol the investigative
juogement is the last, but there is more than one section to that
message? Alter all, is that not how Houtell explaineo is?
Besioes, to say otherwise woulo contraoict all that the above
statements oennitely say. The other extreme woulo be to take the
above statements at surlace value ano say there are no more
messages or prophets to come alter Ellen White. Is this not
exactly what is being oone by the majority ol Davioians with
their use ol these last statements by Victor Houtell. Flease
prayerlully consioer.
8>1# 6>@@ #% #,- :';;-$ %< 8'O- DP
)#$--:!1-!2, "'3""4"):2:1
Seeing as the nature ol this particular set ol quotations is
the same as those alreaoy consioereo, they neeo no comment
save a relerence to the inlormation above.
8>1# C:-9-"#,F +$'#, !4;@)-& Q5 MR-O)-@ S%'$
"'( 12o:2, )#$%1:19:1, 2!:2
In the light ol all the inlormation we have seen so lar, the
rest ol this shoulo be very easy to unoerstano. The /")0")1;K' @5;
message is inoeeo the next truth given alter the spelt in the
prophecy ol Ezekiel !, with the exception ol the 1888 message.
However, this ooes not mean that there cannot be more truths to
be given that are part ol a lurther stage ol the Davioian
message. In lact, a look through the writings ol Victor Houtell
with reveal that there is more truth that is part ol the message
which was not publisheo by Houtell.
Each ol these subjects coulo be greatly enlargeo,
but hao we oone so, this volume woulo have become
too voluminous, also less comprehensive. ("B' G) "#,)
59+$$); 9#-7 ;)$#+='. - (") /")0")1;K' @5; Vol. 2, p. 11
This article coulo have been greatly enlargeo,
ano lor brevity #== "#' N))- 59+$$); NB$ $"#$ G"+6" G+== ')1,)
$5 +-$15;B6) +-$15;B6) the message that is pleaoing at the ooors ol
Goo's oear church. May the Loro have mercy on us
all. - (") 41)]O=),)-$" E5B1 OM$1#D L+1'$ O;+$+5-, p. !0
A Worlo ol Butter-Frooucing Milk.
These noble creatures give such a volume ol milk
that G) #1) 6590)==); $5 ')0#1#$) $") 61)#9D #-; #1) #N=) $5 #1) #N=) $5
;+'0)-') 5-=7 +$ ;+'0)-') 5-=7 +$S (") 9+=> G) 01)')1,) (") 9+=> G) 01)')1,)S This plenituoe
bespeaks our being blesseo with such a lullness ol truth
,milk, $"#$ #== G) 6#- ;5 +' $5 ')-; 5B$ $") "+." 05+-$' ]] $") $"#$ #== G) 6#- ;5 +' $5 ')-; 5B$ $") "+." 05+-$' ]] $")
NB$$)1 51 61)#9S NB$$)1 51 61)#9S Revealeo truth never belore having
amasseo itsell into such an inexhaustible store as it has
tooay, completes the evioence that the interpretation ol
this prophecy is correct, ano that The Shephero's Roo,
which contains the truth lor this time, has causeo the
Lano to Ilow With 'Milk Ano Honey.' - !"7 4)1+'"8 p.
These statements, among others, oisclose to us the lact
that there is more truth in relation to the juogement lor the
living than what was publisheo in the oays ol Victor Houtell.
Iurthermore, it shoulo be noteo that in Ezekiel !, the Secono
Angel's Message, the Mionight Cry, ano the 1888 Message are
not incluoeo. Also, that the perlect lulnlment ol Ezekiel's !30
years was still luture lrom the oates given by Victor Houtell.
This is easily oiscerneo when we reao what he saio concerning
those oates ano their nature being not oennite.
You will also note on page 222, that the !30
prophetic years originally applieo to Abraham ano his
seeo, overlap the !30 ol Ezekiel !. The !30 years ol
Ezekiel shoulo terminate in 1929, or 1930 but $") 0)13)6$ 0)13)6$
3B=H==9)-$ 3B=H==9)-$ 53 $") 0150")$+6 0)1+5; 0150")$+6 0)1+5; 53 _N1#"#9 +- +$' #-$+]$70) +'
7)$ +- $") 3B$B1) V.5+-. 5B$ 53 O.70$ 7)$ +- $") 3B$B1) V.5+-. 5B$ 53 O.70$[S The chart on page
112, 113, shows its termination in 1930, lor as we
stateo belore, it is outlineo by the coincioences which
perlectly nt the prophecy ol Ezekiel. _' +$ +' +905''+N=) $5
9#>) # $+9) 6"#1$ G+$"5B$ #-7 ;#$) $5 .5 N7D G) "#,) B'); $")')
65+-6+;)-6)'D #-; +$ +' '$#$); $"#$ $") ;#$) +' +-;)H-+$) +-;)H-+$)S ,See
chart on page 133., Ezekiel's prophecy is intenoeo to
point lorwaro to the announcement ol the preoicteo
relormation, ano the one through Abraham, to its
completion ,Ezekiel nine,. - /")0")1;K' @5; Vol. 2, p.
Isa. o2:2: "A new name." Inoicative ol the new
experience they have passeo through, G"+6" +' $")
')0#1#$+5-D 51 '+3$+-.D as explaineo. Goo Himsell with His
own mouth gives the name so it can not be
counterleiteo. (") $+9) $") -#9) +' 1)6)+,); +' #$ $") )-; 53 (") $+9) $") -#9) +' 1)6)+,); +' #$ $") )-; 53
$") hgZ 7)#1 0)1+5; $") hgZ 7)#1 0)1+5; as explaineo on the chart on pages
112-113. Thus, the church is reorganizeo unoer a new
name. The olo name, being polluteo, coulo no longer
be retaineo. (")1) +' -5 5-) $5 .5 N7 $") 5=; -#9) (")1) +' -5 5-) $5 .5 N7 $") 5=; -#9)D 351 D 351 $") 5-)' $") 5-)'
G"5 G)1) -5$ G51$"7 53 "#,+-. $") -)G -#9) "#,) 0)1+'"); G"5 G)1) -5$ G51$"7 53 "#,+-. $") -)G -#9) "#,) 0)1+'");
B-;)1 $") H.B1) 53 $") H,) 9)- G+$" $") B-;)1 $") H.B1) 53 $") H,) 9)- G+$" $") '=#B."$)1 G)#05-' 53 '=#B."$)1 G)#05-' 53
Oj)>+)= X Oj)>+)= XS The name only remains lor a curse. In Isa.
o:1, we reao: "Ano ye shall leave your name lor a
curse unto My chosen: Ior the Loro Goo shall slay
thee, ano call His servants by another name." The olo
oroer ol things being changeo. (") G#$6"9)- G"5 G)1)
B-3#+$"3B= "#,) 0)1+'");S - /")0")1;K' @5; Vol. 1, p. 1
The only reason why someone woulo try to use Ezekiel !
to say there is no more truth to come alter Victor Houtell oieo
is because it is saio that the Roo is the seventh truth in the line ol
Ezekiel !. Even il we were to ignore all the evioence given
above, the lact still remains that just because something is the
seventh ooes not mean there is no more truth, lor many things
that are the seventh have more than one stage. Ior example,
the Sabbath has a oark part ano then a light part, the seventh
seal has the part belore the hall an hour silence, ano the part
alter it, the seventh beast ,scarlet coloureo, has the part belore
the 1000 years ano the part alter, the seventh trumpet has the
part belore the nnal close ol probation, ano the part alter it, the
seventh church ,SDA, has the part belore it's purineo, ano the
part alter it's purineo, the list goes on ano on. I think by now you
can see the picture that the message ol the juogement lor the
living, though it is the last ,seventh,, there is more than one
phase ol it.
To obtain more inlormation concerning the !30 years ano
its perlect lulnlment, please see the stuoy, (") AB;.9)-$ L51 (")
*+,+-. _$ (") O-; 23 hgZ i)#1'.
8>1# B-11>7- #% #,- T%$@&
)'( 217:1, 231:0, -#* 32:2, )#$"%:9:1,3, )#$"-:1:1,
"'3"-:11:, )'3%4-:!:1, )'3.4&:9:10, )'3"2:10:3, .'3"5
These quotations have little to oo with the issue at hano
ano therelore will not be oiscusseo in this particular stuoy.
8>1# B-11>7- H-<%$- #,- I$-># >"& G$->&<'@
G>5U #,- K'&74-"# %< #,- 8)9)"7U #,- E>$9-1#U
G'- #% )#1 H-)"7 #,- 8>##-$ />)"
1#*o7:3, ")#*2!:2, "#$"/:3:3,!, 1'3:7, 1!:0,2, "67'8o:2,
87:2, 90:1
This section, like the others, is really quite simple. The @5;
in the above quotations claims to be the last message N)351) N)351) the
commencement ol the juogement lor the living, which is the
harvest, also termeo, the great ano oreaolul oay ol the Loro.
The reason lor this as given in some ol the above quotations is
that it is the latter rain, the ripening the grain 351 the harvest.
We are now lelt to ask, When ooes this harvest ,juogement lor
the living, begin? Ano, Is there any more truth to come when
it ooes begin?
m&$ +' +905''+N=) 351 $") #6$+5- 53 ')0#1#$+5- $5 01)6);) $") m&$ +' +905''+N=) 351 $") #6$+5- 53 ')0#1#$+5- $5 01)6);) $")
#6$+5- 53 aB;.9)-$S &- $") ,)17 -#$B1) 53 $"+-.'D aB;.9)-$ 9B'$ #6$+5- 53 aB;.9)-$S &- $") ,)17 -#$B1) 53 $"+-.'D aB;.9)-$ 9B'$
$#>) 0=#6) N)351) ')0#1#$+5- $#>) 0=#6) N)351) ')0#1#$+5-S S Thus, the separation which
was oetermineo ouring the investigative juogment is
executeo alter the actual juoging is over. This is in
perlect harmony with T.M. 23! which says, "The time
ol the juogment is a most solemn perioo, when the
Loro gathers His own lrom among the tares.' -
/79N5=+6 C5;) Vol. 1, No. 9, p. 8

In graphic oemonstration that He will come to
earth with all His angels to execute juogment upon the
living, the Loro revealeo Himsell prophetically to
Ezekiel as being brought enthroneo to earth by lour
living creatures aB'$ N)351) N)351) $") '=#B."$)1 53 $") "70561+$)' +- $") +- $")
6"B16" 6"B16" $#>)' 0=#6). Ano as each ol the living creatures has
the lace ol a lion, the lace ol a call, the lace ol a man,
ano the lace ol an eagle ,Ezek. 1:10,, -- the same
juoicial insignia as have the beasts who are belore the
throne in the heavenly sanctuary ,Rev. !:7, in the time
ol the juogment ol the oeao, -- ano as they oesceno to
earth, they thereby symbolically show that $") G51> 53 $") G51> 53
$") 9);+#$51+#=]aB;+6+#= $"15-) G"+6" 65-,)-)' #-; 01)'+;)' 5,)1 $") 9);+#$51+#=]aB;+6+#= $"15-) G"+6" 65-,)-)' #-; 01)'+;)' 5,)1
$") aB;.9)-$ 53 $") ;)#; +' )M$)-;); $5 )#1$" $") aB;.9)-$ 53 $") ;)#; +' )M$)-;); $5 )#1$"S S
("+' )M$)-'+5-D '5 3#1 #' G) #1) #N=) $5 >-5G -5GD 9B'$ ("+' )M$)-'+5-D '5 3#1 #' G) #1) #N=) $5 >-5G -5GD 9B'$
$#>) 0=#6) #$ $") 50)-+-. 53 $") '),)-$" ')#= $#>) 0=#6) #$ $") 50)-+-. 53 $") '),)-$" ')#= ,Rev. 8:1,, lor at
that time the celestial voices, which openeo the
juogment ol the oeao, cease in the heavenly sanctuary
ano begin, alter the hall hour's silence, to souno on
earth. In other woros, just as in heaven at the opening
ol the juogment ol the oeao, there were "lightnings
ano thunoerings ano voices" ,Rev. !:,, likewise 5- )#1$" 5- )#1$"
at the opening ol the "juogment ol the living," there
are "voices, ano thunoerings, ano lightnings, ano an
earthquake." Rev. 8:.
With the juogment ol the oeao, however, the
work ol separation takes place in the books in the
heavenly sanctuary, G")1)#' G+$" $") aB;.9)-$ 53 $") =+,+-.D G")1)#' G+$" $") aB;.9)-$ 53 $") =+,+-.D
$") ')0#1#$+5- $#>)' 0=#6) #95-. $") 0)50=) +- $") 6"B16" #' G)== $") ')0#1#$+5- $#>)' 0=#6) #95-. $") 0)50=) +- $") 6"B16" #' G)==
#' #95-. $")+1 -#9)' +- $") N55>' +- $") ")#,)-=7 '#-6$B#17D $"B' #' #95-. $")+1 -#9)' +- $") N55>' +- $") ")#,)-=7 '#-6$B#17D $"B'
'"5G+-. $"#$ N5$" '#-6$B#1+)' G+== H-#==7 N) 6=)#-'); '"5G+-. $"#$ N5$" '#-6$B#1+)' G+== H-#==7 N) 6=)#-');.
Inescapably, therelore, the Loro's coming to His
temple ,Mal. 3:1-3,, His coming with all His angels
,Matt. 2,, ano E+' 659+-. )-$"15-); #N5,) $") =+,+-. E+' 659+-. )-$"15-); #N5,) $") =+,+-.
61)#$B1)' VOj)>S W[ 61)#$B1)' VOj)>S W[D ]] D ]] #== $"1)) 1)01)')-$+-. $") '#9) ),)-$ #== $"1)) 1)01)')-$+-. $") '#9) ),)-$ as
has been shown, -- take place at the beginning ol the
juogment ol the living: the time in which the juoicial
activities ol the heavenly sanctuary )M$)-; $5 $") )#1$"=7 )M$)-; $5 $") )#1$"=7
'#-6$B#17 ]] $") 6"B16" '#-6$B#17 ]] $") 6"B16". - (") AB;.9)-$ #-; $") E#1,)'$, p.
Ezekiel nine pictures $") AB;.9)-$ 53 $") *+,+-. +- $") AB;.9)-$ 53 $") *+,+-. +-
$") "5B') 53 <5; $") "5B') 53 <5; ,1 Fet. !:17, -- $") ')#=+-. 53 $") '#+-$' #-; $") ')#=+-. 53 $") '#+-$' #-;
$") ;)'$1B6$+5- 53 $") G+6>); +- $") 6"B16" $") ;)'$1B6$+5- 53 $") G+6>); +- $") 6"B16"S S - (+9)=7 <1))$+-.',
Vol. 1, No. 3, p. 13
Ior sometime now you have hao the eleventh-
hour publications ,tracts ano 'Timely Greetings' --
postmarkeo Waco -- incluoing a copy ol the '190
General Conlerence Special,' ano the 'White-House
Recruiter',, all bearing the light ol Goo so oirely
neeoeo at this climactic hour ol time -- the long
expecteo message ol $") ')#=+-. 53 $") WhhDZZZ V$") $") ')#=+-. 53 $") WhhDZZZ V$")
0B1+H6#$+5- 53 $") 6"B16" ]] $") aB;.9)-$ 53 $") =+,+-. +- $") 0B1+H6#$+5- 53 $") 6"B16" ]] $") aB;.9)-$ 53 $") =+,+-. +- $")
Q"5B') 53 <5;QY $") 9)''#.) $5 $") *#5;+6)#-' Q"5B') 53 <5;QY $") 9)''#.) $5 $") *#5;+6)#-'[ [, the Louo
Cry, ano kinoreo events. I am connoent, therelore, that
in your oesire to be a wioe-awake, Goo-learing
Aoventist, you cannot, in the very nature ol the case,
lail ol being impresseo ano stirreo, by the tremenoous
truth which these publications bear lor this time. -
A)j1))= *)$$)1 No. 1, p. !
("#$ 0#1$ 53 $") &-,)'$+.#$+,) AB;.9)-$ 53 $") =+,+-.,
by which is oetermineo who are to have their sins
blotteo out ano, as a result, be given eternal lile, +' +'
0#1#==)=); 5- )#1$" N7 $") G51> 53 $") #-.)= G+$" $") QG1+$)1K' 0#1#==)=); 5- )#1$" N7 $") G51> 53 $") #-.)= G+$" $") QG1+$)1K'
+->"51-DQ G"5 +' 6"#1.); $5 Q9#1>Q V')#=[ ),)175-) G"5 '+."' +->"51-DQ G"5 +' 6"#1.); $5 Q9#1>Q V')#=[ ),)175-) G"5 '+."'
#-; 61+)' 351 #== $") #N59+-#$+5-' +- AB;#" #-; &'1#)=]]$") #-; 61+)' 351 #== $") #N59+-#$+5-' +- AB;#" #-; &'1#)=]]$")
6"B16"S 6"B16"S Ano the work ol the nve others who lollow on to
slay all who have not the "mark" ,seal,, + +' 0#1#==)=); +- ' 0#1#==)=); +-
")#,)- N7 $") N=5$$+-. 5B$ 53 $") '+--)1'K -#9)' 3159 $") I55> 53 ")#,)- N7 $") N=5$$+-. 5B$ 53 $") '+--)1'K -#9)' 3159 $") I55> 53
*+3)S V/)) Oj)>+)= XR ()'$+95-+)' $5 :+-+'$)1'D 0S hhfR *+3)S V/)) Oj)>+)= XR ()'$+95-+)' $5 :+-+'$)1'D 0S hhfR
()'$+95-+)'D b5=S fD 0S \WW[ ()'$+95-+)'D b5=S fD 0S \WW[.
Thus we see that this ;B#= 0150")$+6 G51> ;B#= 0150")$+6 G51> 53
')0#1#$+-. $") -#9)' 53 $") '+--)1' 3159 $") -#9)' 53 $")
1+."$)5B' +- $") '#-6$B#17D #-; ')0#1#$+-. $") '+--)1' 3159 $")
1+."$)5B' +- $") 6"B16"D +' $") '#9) #' $") G51> ;)61)); +- $")
0#1#N=)'Y ')0#1#$+-. $") $#1)' 3159 $") G")#$ V:#$$S WgYgZ[R $")
N#; H'" 3159 $") .55; V:#$$S WgYhk[R $"5') G"5 "#,) -5$ $")
G);;+-. .#19)-$ 3159 $"5') G"5 "#,) +$ V:#$$S \\YW]Wg[R$"5')
G"5 "#,) -5$ +9015,); $")+1 $#=)-$' 3159 $"5') G"5 "#,) V:#$$S
These statements, ano more besioes, all show as plain as
oay that the investigative juogement lor the living actually begins
N)351) the slaughter ol the unrepentant sinners in the church.
Remember, the relerences we are consioering in this section
state that the @5; is the last message to come N)351) the juogement
lor the living, the harvest, the great ano oreaolul oay ol the loro,
etc. Now, please consioer these next quotations, the secono ol
which tell us what to expect when the juogement lor the living
actually begins:
As the anger ol the nations is in the time ol the
juogment ol the living,--the Louo Cry ol the Thiro
Angel's Message,--the "anger" is obviously oirecteo
against Goo's people, not against the nations
themselves. Obvious is this lact, because the nations
among themselves have always been angry, ano are
angry even tooay, although G) #1) '$+== +- $") $+9) 53 $") G) #1) '$+== +- $") $+9) 53 $")
aB;.9)-$ 53 $") ;)#; aB;.9)-$ 53 $") ;)#;. - (") _-'G)1)1D I55> \, p. 92
Now what is the oillerence between the oil in
the lamp ano the oil in the vessel? - - Just this: The oil
that is in the lamp, that alreaoy lightens the traveler's
path towaro the Master's mansion, must represent
Truth in progress. But the oil in the vessel, must
represent Truth that is to lighten one's path alter the
lormer Truth has accomplisheo its work. Ior example,
#3$)1 #3$)1 $") "#1,)'$ V&-,)'$+.#$+,) AB;.9)-$[ 53 $") ;)#; +' 0#'$D
5$")1 $1B$"' 5$")1 $1B$"' ),)- 951) +9051$#-$ 9B'$ N) +-$15;B6); +-$15;B6); 351 $")
"#1,)'$ 53 $") =+,+-.. I say more important truths because
they are concerning the living themselves, concerning
those whose own cases are to be weigheo in the
balances, those who personally are to be juogeo either
as 'wheat' or as 'tares,' either as gooo 'nsh' or as bao
'nsh.' - (+9)=7 <1))$+-.' No. 11, p. 12
These statements oemonstrate that when the juogement
lor the living begins, belore the slaying, the Loro must
introouce other truths even more important that what was
unoerstooo ouring the perioo ol the juogment lor the oeao.
Now, lor the Loro to +-$15;B6) new truths, how will he oo this?
,See Amos 3:7,
M@)N>,U #,- 8>1# =$%;,-#
"%#*11:3, "67'78:, 79:1, $3'o:2, 19:2, 23:3, 32:0, 1:;2:0
With the inlormation presenteo thus lar, each inoivioual
neeos to honestly ask himhersell what all these statements are
saying. So lar, we have louno that there is most certainly to be
more truth introouceo belore the oestruction ol the wickeo in
the church. We also know lrom the @5; message that no new
truth can come except through a prophet. However, the
relerences unoer consioeration in this section make it quite clear
that Elijah is the last prophet. As Davioians, we unoerstano that
Victor Houtell c=#+9)o the title ol Elijah. As a result ol this
seeming oiscrepancy, there is neeo lor us to consioer a lew
Do not, though, lorget that the message which
he proclaims will in itsell bear the Divine creoentials ol
Truth, ano that no priest or prelate can oecioe lor you
who the Elijah may or may not be. No, not even the
appearance ol what his message is ooing or not ooing,
or whether it is prospering or oisintegrating, can be
taken as evioence that Goo is in it. Neither can
numbers ol aoherents lor such have never signineo a
right cause at any time, not even in the oay Christ
Himsell preacheo the Gospel ol the Kingoom. (") (")
9)''#.) ") N1+-.' +' $") 5-=7 $"+-. $5 .5 N7 9)''#.) ") N1+-.' +' $") 5-=7 $"+-. $5 .5 N7. <)-)1#= C5-3)1)-6)
/0)6+#= p. 8
Ior this reason The prophet, or the message is calleo,
Elijah ,1SR !7,. What most ol us as Davioians are ooing is
making the birth certincate part ol the test in aooition to the
message. What I mean by this is that il the person`s birth
certincate ooes not say, Victor Tasho Houtell, we will
automatically reject that person as being Elijah. But, il The
prophet, 51 $") 9)''#.) is calleo, Elijah how oo we justily juoging
it by anything other than the message itsell ? Here is an example
that we can all unoerstano:
The /")0")1;K' @5; message in various places ,1SR 110,
oSC:1-o:10-11, relers to Ellen White as the anti-typical Moses.
However, it elsewhere, ano even in the same places, it tells us
that Victor Houtell ano the @5; message are the anti-typical
Moses ano his roo ,1SR9, 3ANS19-23, 1SRo,. So, what we
nno is that in the type, there was one prophet, but in the anti-
type, the title ol Moses was nrst on one prophet, then later,
translerreo to another. What is the key lactor that makes this
possible? The message Both Ellen White ano Victor Houtell
hao a message that coulo be appropriately typineo by Moses ano
his Roo.
Another key to gaining the correct unoerstanoing ol this
is louno in the lollowing:
Flease explain how to harmonize 'The
Shephero's Roo,' Vol. 2, p. 2!0, par. 2, with 'Gospel
Workers,' p. !2, par. 2, -- subject, 'The Messenger ol
the Covenant.'
To the surlace reaoer 'The Shephero's Roo' ano
'Gospel Workers' appear to be in oirect opposition to
each other, but when the subject is well stuoieo, then
they will be louno to be in perlect agreement. Such
apparently connicting statements are not louno only in
these two publications, but in "Gospel Workers" itsell,
lor while Christ is nameo the "Messenger ol the
Covenant" on p. !!, $"+' '#9) $+$=) $+$=) +' #00=+); to Moses on
p. 20. Here lollows the comparison:
'When Moses was chosen as the messenger ol the
covenant, the woro given him was, 'Be Thou lor the
people to Goowaro.'' -- 'Gospel Workers,' p. 20.
'Christ the Messenger ol the covenant, brought
the tioings ol salvation." -- 'Gospel Workers,' p. !!.
Il we concluoe that 'The Shephero's Roo' is
wrong by saying that $") 0159+'); O=+a#"K' 9)''#.) 9)''#.) 53
:#=#6"+ hYf +' +' $") K9)'')-.)1 53 $") 65,)-#-$DK ano the
'Gospel Workers' lor #00=7+-. the '#9) $+$=) $+$=) to both Christ
ano Moses, then we might as well inler that Christ
likewise misapplieo the same scripture, lor 'Jesus began
to say unto the multituoes concerning John...But what
went ye out lor to see? A prophet? yea, I say unto you,
ano more than a prophet. Ior this is he, ol whom it is
written, Beholo, I seno my messenger belore thy lace,
which shall prepare thy way belore thee. Ano il ye will
receive it, this is Elias, which was lor to come.' ,Matt.
11:7, 9, 10, 1!.,
E)1) G) ')) $"#$ A)'B' #00=+); $") 9)''#.) 53 :#=#6"+
("1)) $5 $"#$ 53 A5"- $") I#0$+'$D #-; -#9); "+9 $") O=+a#"
$"#$ G#' $5 659), but when the Jews, priests, ano Levites
askeo John saying, 'Art thou Elias?...he saith, I am not.'
,John 1:19, 21., Shall we here concluoe that both Jesus
ano John violateo the truth? What then?
Moreover, the 'Gospel Workers' #00=+)' Malachi
3:1 to Christ's nrst aovent, but the same author in 'The
Great Controversy,' p. !2!, par. 3, #00=+)' it to Christ's
coming to the most holy place in the heavenly
sanctuary in 18!!, ano on p. !2, is #00=+); to the soon
expecteo purincation ol the church. Again, on p. !2o,
the author states that '...Dan. 8:1!, the coming ol the
Son ol man to the Ancient ol oays, as presenteo in
Dan. 7:13, ano the coming ol the Loro to His temple,
loretolo by Malachi, are oescriptions ol the same
event, ano this is also representeo by the coming ol the
brioegroom to the marriage, oescribeo by Christ in the
parable ol the ten virgins, ol Matthew 2.'
&3 5-=7 5-) 53 $")') #00=+6#$+5-' 65B=; N) 1+."$D $")-
G"+6" 5-) '"5B=; G) 6"55')8 When the questioner
harmoniously unines the above scattereo perioos to
which Malachi 3:1 is applieo, then 'The Shephero's
Roo' will prove to him to be in perlect harmony with
'The Great Controversy' ano 'Gospel Workers.'
Though one statement seems to contraoict the other,
yet we are compelleo to concluoe that every one ol
these inspireo applications must be correct. Says the
great apostle, "Shall their unbeliel make the laith ol
Goo without ellect? Goo lorbio: yea, let Goo be true,
but every man a liar, as it is written, That Thou
mightest be justineo in Thy sayings, ano mightest
overcome when Thou art juogeo." ,Rom. 3:3, !.,
(") $15BN=) ;5)' -5$ =+) +- $") '$#$)9)-$' $")9')=,)'D NB$
1#$")1 +- 9#-K' =+9+$); >-5G=);.) 53 $") $1B$" $")1)+-D G"+6"
015,)' $"#$ G) #1) +- $") 0)1+5; 53 $") *#5;+6)#-', --
"wretcheo, ano miserable, ano poor, ano blino, ano
nakeo." But the worst part ol it all lies in that $") *51; +'
'#7+-. $5 $") 6"B16" 53 $5;#7D K("5B >-5G)'$ -5$K 75B1 .1)#$
+.-51#-6) +- -5$ B-;)1'$#-;+-. 1+."$=7 $") !51; 53 $1B$", ano
she ooes not believe Him The apparent contraoictions
being oiscusseo in this article are harmonizeo, in short,
as lollows:
Any lair Bible stuoent will, without oilnculty,
perceive at a glance that $") 0)13)6$ 3B=H==9)-$ 53 :#=#6"+ $") 0)13)6$ 3B=H==9)-$ 53 :#=#6"+
("1)) +' 7)$ 3B$B1)D ("1)) +' 7)$ 3B$B1)D ano +' ;+1)6$=7 #00=+6#N=) $5 $") +99+-)-$ +99+-)-$
c,)17 '55-D 7)$ 3B$B1)d K0B1+H6#$+5- 53 $") 6"B16"DK -- 'temple' --
lor saith the Loro, 'Who may abioe the oay ol His
coming? ano who shall stano when He appeareth? lor
He is like a renner's nre, ano like lullers' sope.' ,Mal.
Though Christ ano the 'Gospel Workers' #00=7
this scripture to Christ's nrst aovent, any stuoent ol
sacreo history knows that it oio not meet its 0)13)6$
3B=H==9)-$ there, 351 $") A)G' ;+; -5$ K;)=+."$K +- E+9 #'
0150")'+); +- :#=#6"+ gYW, but insteao, they hateo Him
|oio the Seventh-oay Aoventist church oelight in
Victor Houtell ?|. Neither oio Christ at that time purily
His church as oescribeo by the prophet. But by the lact
that Christ #00=+); Malachi Three $5 A5"- $") I#0$+'$K'
9)''#.) 9)''#.), ano as this scripture oio not meet its lulnllment
at that time, it proves that John was a type ol the Elijah
that is to come belore the coming ol the "great ano
oreaolul oay ol the Loro" ,Malachi !:,, at which time
the prophecy will be lulnlleo in its lullness.
Therelore, as John was a messenger to Goo's
own people at that time, aB'$ '5 #$ $"+' $+9) $") O=+a#" 53
:#=#6"+K' 0150")67 1)01)')-$' # 9)''#.) 1)01)')-$' # 9)''#.) G"+6" +' $5 N) ;)=+,)1);
-5$ $5 $") G51=;D NB$ $5 $") 0153)''); 0)50=) 53 <5;S As John
was their last prophet, his message was their nnal
means to nt them lor the Messiah's appearing, lor
which cause saio the Master, "Il ye will receive it, this
is Elias, which was lor to come. ,Matt. 11:1!, *+>)G+')D
O=+a#"K' 9)''#.) 9)''#.) 53 $5;#7 9B'$ N) $5 $") 0153)''); 0)50=) 53 <5;D
#-; +' $5 N) $")+1 =#'$ 9)#-' $5 H$ $")9 351 C"1+'$K' #00)#1+-. #$
$"+' $+9).
Thus as John '...oeclareo that those who claimeo
to be the chosen people ol Goo were oenleo by sin,
ano that without purincation ol heart ano lile they
coulo have no part in the Messiah's kingoom' ,Desire ol
Ages, p. 10!,, just so the Elijah's 9)''#.) 9)''#.) at this time will
oenounce the oenominational corruptions -- 'the
abominations in the miost thereol' ,Etc. 9:!, -- rebuke
the prevailing sins, ano exclaim: 'What greater
oeception can come upon human minos than a
connoence that they are right, when they are all
wrong...They know not that their conoition is
oeplorable in the sight ol Goo....The message to the
church ol the Laooiceans is a startling oenunciation.' --
'Testimonies lor the Church, ' Vol. 3, pp. 22-3.
The above proves that the cleansing ol the
ancient temple in Jerusalem was a type ol the
purincation ol the church, which G+== take place at a
time when the house ol Goo is maoe a house ol
merchanoise by selling oenominational publications
ano raising goals ,8 T. 20,, lor when Christ 'hao maoe
a scourge ol small coros, He orove them all out ol the
temple, ano the sheep, ano the oxen, ano poureo out
the changers' money, ano overthrew the tables, ano
saio unto them that solo ooves, Take these things
hence: make not My Iather's house an house ol
merchanoise.' ,John 2:1, 1o.,
The 'Great Controversy,' p. !2!, #00=7+-. Malachi
Three to Christ's coming to the heavenly sanctuary in
18!!, ano on p. !2, to the +90)-;+-. +90)-;+-. purincation ol the
church at this present time, to which the parable ol the
ten virgins relers to, must now be harmonizeo.
The lact that Malachi Three is again #00=+); to
two oillerent perioos, -- the one ol 18!! ano also to the
one in which the church is $5 N) purineo -- proves that
:#=#6"+K' 0150")67 #001)")-;' N5$" $") aB;.9)-$ 53 $") ;)#;
#-; $") aB;.9)-$ 53 $") =+,+-.. Consequently, there are two
such comings ol the Loro 'to His temple' ano two
purincations, -- nrst, the cleansing ol the temple
,sanctuary, lrom the wickeo oeao ,the investigative
juogment,, ano secono, the purincation ol the church
,temple, lrom the living wickeo, at which time Malachi
3:1-3 G+== G+== 9))$ +$' 0)13)6$ 3B=H==9)-$S The parable ol the ten
virgins is applicable to the latter. See "The Shephero's
Roo," Vol. 2, pp. 180- 18o.
Here lollows the explanation ol the 'messenger ol
the covenant.' As C"1+'$ G#' $") K:)'')-.)1 53 $") 65,)-#-$K
at His nrst aovent, #='5 :5')', while leaoing Israel out
ol Egypt, +- =+>) 9#--)1D A5"- $") I#0$+'$K' 9)''#.) 9)''#.)R #-; $") #-; $")
5-) $5 $") *#5;+6)#-' 5-) $5 $") *#5;+6)#-' ]] #== 35B1 G)1) 6590#1); $5 $") 9)''#.) 53
:#=#6"+ gYWS Here we see that $") $+$=) $+$=)D K9)'')-.)1 53 $")
65,)-#-$DK relerreo to by Malachi, +' #00=+); $5 951) $"#- +' #00=+); $5 951) $"#-
5-) 0)1'5- 5-) 0)1'5-D +- $") '#9) 9#--)1 #' $") 0159+')' G"+6" G)1) 9#;)
$5 #-6+)-$ &'1#)= #1) -5G #00=+6#N=) $5 95;)1- &'1#)= ]] $")
Says the Spirit ol Frophecy, '...&$ +' -)6)''#17 -5G &$ +' -)6)''#17 -5G
$"#$ $") 9+-;' 53 <5;K' 0)50=) '"5B=; N) 50)- $5 B-;)1'$#-; $") $"#$ $") 9+-;' 53 <5;K' 0)50=) '"5B=; N) 50)- $5 B-;)1'$#-; $")
/61+0$B1)'S (5 '#7 $"#$ # 9)''#.) 9)#-' aB'$ $"+' #-; -5$"+-. /61+0$B1)'S (5 '#7 $"#$ # 9)''#.) 9)#-' aB'$ $"+' #-; -5$"+-.
951)D $"#$ 75B 9B'$ -5$ #$$#6" #-7 N15#;)1 9)#-+-. $5 $") G51;' 951)D $"#$ 75B 9B'$ -5$ #$$#6" #-7 N15#;)1 9)#-+-. $5 $") G51;'
53 C"1+'$ $"#- G) "#,) +- $") 0#'$D +' '#7+-. $"#$ G"+6" +' -5$ 53 C"1+'$ $"#- G) "#,) +- $") 0#'$D +' '#7+-. $"#$ G"+6" +' -5$
#6$B#$); N7 $") /0+1+$ 53 <5; #6$B#$); N7 $") /0+1+$ 53 <5;.' -- R. 8 H., Oct. 21, 1890.
The woro, 'covenant,' means nothing more or
less than an agreement, -- promise. This being true,
:5')' G#' # K9)'')-.)1 53 $") 65,)-#-$RK namely, the
promise Goo maoe to Abraham that He was to oeliver
his posterity out ol Egypt by a prophet -- messenger.
John also came in lulnllment ol prophecy as he himsell
oeclareo that Esaias hao prophesieo ol him ,John
1:23,, ano accoroing to Christ's own statement ,Matt.
11:7, 9, 10,, Malachi hao also prophesieo ol John.
As Goo hao maoe a written covenant with His
ancient people that He was to seno them the Messiah,
Christ came in lulnllment ol that covenant, ano having
brought a message by His teachings, E) G#' $")
K:)'')-.)1 53 $") 65,)-#-$SK But the woros ol Malachi in
chapter three, verse one, make plain that belore the
Loro comes 'to His temple,' He will seno a messenger
to prepare the way, at which time He is to purily the
sons ol Levi, -- those who minister in 'His temple' --
the church. As he that 'is nlthy' at the moment
probation closes must remain 'nlthy' ,Rev. 22:11,, it
lollows that this work ol purincation which the Loro is
to perlorm at His coming must be accomplisheo in
probationary time, ano long belore the gospel work is
nnisheo, lor He cannot nnish it with the impure 'sons
ol Levi,' -- ministry. This particular coming ol the
Loro is also preoicteo in Vol. , pp. 80, o90.
In view ol the lact that Christ #$ E+' 659+-. $5 #$ E+' 659+-. $5
0B1+37 $") 6"B16" 0B1+37 $") 6"B16" G+== -5$ +- 0)1'5- 01)#6" $") 9)''#.) as He
oio belore the crucinxion, but seno '59)5-) 5$")1 $"#-
"+9')=3, how coulo He at this time be the 'messenger ol
the covenant?' There is but one answer to this -- $") 5-)
G"5 N1+-.' $") 9)''#.) 9B'$ N) $") K9)'')-.)1 53 $") 65,)-#-$DK
ano when the Loro senos him he G+== lulnll the promise
ol Malachi !:. Having prepareo 'the way,' the Loro
will 'sit as a renner ano puriner ol silver' ,Mal. 3:3,,
'ano it shall come to pass, that he that is lelt in Zion,
ano he that remaineth in Jerusalem, shall be calleo
holy, even every one that is written among the living in
Jerusalem, when the Loro shall have washeo away the
nlth ol the oaughters ol Zion.' ,Isa. !:3, !.,
Iurthermore, though $") $+$=) $+$=)D K9)'')-.)1 53 $")
65,)-#-$DK +' #00=+); $5 951) $"#- 5-) 9)'')-.)1 +' #00=+); $5 951) $"#- 5-) 9)'')-.)1D D +$ 1+."$3B==7 +$ 1+."$3B==7
N)=5-.' $5 $") E5=7 /0+1+$ N)=5-.' $5 $") E5=7 /0+1+$D #-; 5-=7 5-=7 351 $") 1)#'5- $"#$ $") /0+1+$
53 <5; +' +- $")9 #1) $")7 ;)'+.-#$); N7 $"#$ $+$=) $+$=)S Ior
example, we call the reaoer's attention to 1 Fet. 3:18-
20. There it is stateo that Christ went ano preacheo to
the anteoiluvians by the same 'Spirit' Who 'quickeneo'
Him. Being stateo that He went by the Spirit ano not
in person, it proves that Christ accomplisheo this by
that same Spirit through Noah. Hence, C"1+'$ N)+-. $")
K:)'')-.)1 53 $") 65,)-#-$D #-; E) N)+-. +- ^5#" N7 $") /0+1+$D E) N)+-. +- ^5#" N7 $") /0+1+$D
6590)=' B' $5 #6>-5G=);.) $"#$ $") $+$=)D K9)'')-.)1 53 $") 6590)=' B' $5 #6>-5G=);.) $"#$ $") $+$=)D K9)'')-.)1 53 $")
65,)-#-$DK N)=5-.' -5$ 5-=7 $5 $"5') 9)-$+5-); +- $"+' #1$+6=)D 65,)-#-$DK N)=5-.' -5$ 5-=7 $5 $"5') 9)-$+5-); +- $"+' #1$+6=)D
+-6=B;+-. ^5#"D NB$ $5 #== <5;K' 6"5')- 9)'')-.)1' +- G"5') +-6=B;+-. ^5#"D NB$ $5 #== <5;K' 6"5')- 9)'')-.)1' +- G"5')
9)''#.) +' C"1+'$D N7 $"#$ '#9) /0+1+$S 9)''#.) +' C"1+'$D N7 $"#$ '#9) /0+1+$S
&$ +' 351 $") 3#6$ 53 $"+' B-+5- ]] $") /0+1+$ +- $") &$ +' 351 $") 3#6$ 53 $"+' B-+5- ]] $") /0+1+$ +- $")
9)'')-.)1' $"#$ $") !51; '#7'D Q"5=7 9)- 53 <5; '0#>) #' $")7 9)'')-.)1' $"#$ $") !51; '#7'D Q"5=7 9)- 53 <5; '0#>) #' $")7
G)1) 95,); N7 $") E5=7 <"5'$S G)1) 95,); N7 $") E5=7 <"5'$S V\ 4)$S WY\WS[ V\ 4)$S WY\WS[ I1+)T7 I1+)T7
'B99#1+j);D $") G51;'D Q9)'')-.)1 53 $") 65,)-#-$DQ 9)#- 'B99#1+j);D $") G51;'D Q9)'')-.)1 53 $") 65,)-#-$DQ 9)#-
-5$"+-. 951) 51 =)'' $"#- $5 '#7D (") E5=7 /0+1+$ +- E)#,)-K' -5$"+-. 951) 51 =)'' $"#- $5 '#7D (") E5=7 /0+1+$ +- E)#,)-K'
,+'+N=) 1)01)')-$#$+,)D 51 $") +-,+'+N=) C"1+'$ +- $") 9)''#.) ,+'+N=) 1)01)')-$#$+,)D 51 $") +-,+'+N=) C"1+'$ +- $") 9)''#.) S S -
/79N5=+6 C5;) Vol. 1, No. !, p. !-o
As Goo hao maoe both spoken ano written
covenants with His ancient people that He woulo seno
them :5')'D A5"-D #-; C"1+'$D they came in lulnllment ol
those covenants. Ano )#6" "#,+-. N15B."$ # 9)''#.)D )#6" +-
"+' 5G- $+9) G#' $") :)'')-.)1 53 $") C5,)-#-$.
Nevertheless, the woros ol Malachi make plain that the
:)'')-.)1 53 $") C5,)-#-$ +'D +- $") '$1+6$)'$ ')-') O=+a#" $") :)'')-.)1 53 $") C5,)-#-$ +'D +- $") '$1+6$)'$ ')-') O=+a#" $")
0150")$ 0150")$ ,Mal. 3:1-, !:,, the last messenger who
prepares the way ol the Loro. ,See Testimonies to
Ministers, p. !7.,
&- $") =#'$ #-#=7'+'D "5G),)1D $") $+$=) :)'')-.)1 53 $") &- $") =#'$ #-#=7'+'D "5G),)1D $") $+$=) :)'')-.)1 53 $")
C5,)-#-$ N)=5-.' $5 $") E5=7 /0+1+$ C5,)-#-$ N)=5-.' $5 $") E5=7 /0+1+$. Ior example, 1 Feter
3:18-20 states that Christ preacheo to the anteoiluvians
by the same 'Spirit' Who 'quickeneo' Him. But as He
preacheo by the Spirit in the person ol Noah, not ol
Himsell, He thereby unloloeo the truth that $") E5=7 $") E5=7
/0+1+$ +' +- #== E+' 9)'')-.)1' #=+>) /0+1+$ +' +- #== E+' 9)'')-.)1' #=+>).
Thus 'holy men ol Goo spake as they were
moveo by the Holy Ghost.' 2 Fet. 1:21. Brieny
summarizeo, $") $)19 :)'')-.)1 53 $") C5,)-#-$ 9)#-' $") $") $)19 :)'')-.)1 53 $") C5,)-#-$ 9)#-' $")
E5=7 /0+1+$ V$") +-,+'+N=) C"1+'$[ +- E)#,)-K' ,+'+N=) E5=7 /0+1+$ V$") +-,+'+N=) C"1+'$[ +- E)#,)-K' ,+'+N=)
1)01)')-$#$+,) 1)01)')-$#$+,)]]N) +$ :5')'D A5"-D C"1+'$D O=+a#"D 51 '59) 5$")1Sn
] (") _-'G)1)1D I55> WD p. 78-79
When we put it all together, we see that Victor Houtell, in
ano ol himsell, was not Elijah, just as nobooy else, in ano ol
themselves, can be Elijah. Rather, it is the Holy Ghost in the
messengers that grants someone the title ol Elijah. Notice
carelully as well that in /79N5=+6 C5;) Vol. 1, No. !, Houtell
repeateoly relers to the 9)''#.) as Elijah, or woulo relerence
the messenger ol the covenant as being Elijah's message.
Notice too that the messenger ol the covenant is in the '$1+6$)'$
sense Elijah. Since the messenger ol the covenant is the
invisible Christ ,the Holy Ghost, in the messenger, we know that
Elijah is in reality the Holy Ghost. It`s as simple as:
Il A~B Messenger ol the Covenant ~ Elijah
Ano A~C or Messenger ol the Covenant ~ Holy Ghost
Therelore B~C Elijah ~ Holy Ghost
This lact is lurther establisheo when consioering the
subject in the light ol Wisoom.
Ano the LORD gave Solomon G+';59, as he
promiseo him: ano there was peace between Hiram
ano Solomon, ano they two maoe a league together. -
W l+-.' :12
Il we oo not believe what Goo tells us, il we oo
not believe what He says He is, then we oishonor Him.
He is very anxious to give us gilts, but only il we want
them. He is particularly anxious to give us $") .1)#$)'$
.+3$ ]] $") .+3$ 53 $") E5=7 /0+1+$. Naturally, with this gilt all
other gilts are given. &$ G#' $"+' .+3$ $"#$ /5=595- #'>); 351,
ano with it he was liberally given all the other gilts. Let
us likewise pray lor this great gilt. It is just what Goo
wants to give us il we will only wholehearteoly ano
honestly promise -- positively to use the gilt in the way
He woulo have us use it. - (+9)=7 <1))$+-.' Vol. 1, No.
31, p. 2
Now, in aooition to having the ioentity ol Elijah explicitly
linkeo with the Holy Spirit, we also have Wisoom ioentineo as
the Holy Spirit.
Iaithlully yours lor eyes to see the neeo lor
cleaning up, ano lor !+';59 !+';59 to 1)'$51) #== $"+-.'... -
Jezreel Letter No. 9 p. 9
Christ says, Elijah truly shall nrst come, ano 1)'$51) #==
$"+-.' ,:#$$")G 17:11,. In one instance, Elijah is saio to restore
all things, ano in the other, it is Wisoom. What are we lelt with?
Not only is Wisoom equateo to the Holy Spirit, but Wisoom is
also equateo with Elijah, which only lurther serves to strengthen
this ioentincation ol Elijah as the Holy Spirit.
It is clear then, that in its perlect application, Elijah is the
Holy Ghost, through a prophet, teaching the message ol the
great ano oreaolul oay ol the Loro. Thus it can truly be saio
that Elijah never oies. Still, one may object to this truth ol Elijah
by use ol the lollowing quotation:
That as the Elijah ol Christ's nrst aovent was
one person, ano also as the Elijah ol Mt. Carmel ol
olo was one person, not a multituoe ol priests, then by
parity ol reasoning the Elijah ol tooay must also be
one person, not a multituoe ol ministers. - <)-)1#=
C5-3)1)-6) /0)6+#= p. 32
The reasoning typically given concerning this quote is
that, It says Elijah is one person, ano Victor Houtell bore the
title ol Elijah, therelore, no one but Victor Houtell can be
Elijah, or bear that title. Let us see the context ol this quote to
nno what Brother Houtell was really objecting to. Keep in mino
that no matter what it is, we have to make sure that our
unoerstanoing is such as to not ois-harmonize what is saio here
with what we reao in /79N5=+6 C5;) Vol. 1, No. !, p. !-o, namely,
that the messenger ol the covenant ,Elijah, is a $+$=) that
translers lrom person to person.
The promise, itsell, moreover, is lor only one,
not lor more, ano, with but one exception, we know
not ol any other time when Goo employeo even two
prophets ,let alone many, #$ 5-) $+9) #$ 5-) $+9), to convey one
message to one people. He invariably calleo one, ano
that one himsell, unoer the oirection ol the Spirit,
employeo others to help him take the message to the
people. Thus only were any others ever ioentineo with
a calleo one. - <)-)1#= C5-3)1)-6) /0)6+#= p. 32
Therein we nno that Houtell's objection is to the ioea that
the Loro woulo employ multiple people #$ 5-) $+9) #$ 5-) $+9) to be the
anti-typical Elijah. It must be unoerstooo that the church at the
time, like now, was not expecting any more prophets, ano that
they believeo that the promiseo Elijah was a group ol people
with a message without the gilt or prophecy being specincally
manilesteo through a prophet. What the /")0")1;K' @5; was
mainly trying to get across is that the Elijah is the Holy Ghost
through a living prophet bringing the inspireo message ol the
great ano oreaolul oay ol the Loro. A larger context will reveal
this even more clearly:
m!"#$ # N=#'0")95B' $")3$P m!"#$ # N=#'0")95B' $")3$P ]] '"5B=; 5-) )-;)#,51 $5
'$)#= #G#7 $") $1B$" #N5B$ $") 0150")$K' 53H6)D $5 0#'' 5- # =+)
+-'$)#;D ]] $5 '#7 $"#$ O=+a#" +' -5$ #- +-;+,+;B#= NB$ # .15B0 53 NB$ # .15B0 53
0)50=) 0)50=), in the lace ol the lact that the types, ano the
prophecy as well, N)'+;)' E)#,)-K' =#G #-; 51;)1 N)'+;)' E)#,)-K' =#G #-; 51;)1D ;+'#==5G D ;+'#==5G
'B6" # $"+-. 'B6" # $"+-.. Thus to go contrary to Holy Writ is an
outright ellort to oo away lorever with the promiseo
prophet ol Goo, as Fharaoh enoeavoreo to oo away
with Moses by orowning the male Hebrew chiloren,
ano likewise as Heroo trieo to oo away with Christ by
slaying the little chiloren ol his oay !"#$ G+6>);-)''
+-;));P ("+-> $"+' $"15B."D $55D I1)$"1)-S
Again, il anyone shoulo possibly entertain $") +;)# $") +;)#
$"#$ $"+' 0159+') 53 # 0150")$ 9)#-' # 9B=$+$B;) 53 01)#6")1' $"#$ $"+' 0159+') 53 # 0150")$ 9)#-' # 9B=$+$B;) 53 01)#6")1',
then as surely as your soul lives, $"#$ 5-) +' 355=+-. "+9')=3
#' N#;=7 #' $"5') 9+'=); 35==5G)1' 53 l51#"D `#$"#-D #-;
_N+1#9 355=); $")9')=,)' +- $")+1 01)'B90$B5B' $"+->+-. $"#$
$"5') $"1)) 0150")$+6 53H6) '))>)1' #-; ')=3]01595$)1' G)1) #='5
0150")$' #' G#' :5')'S ("5') $"1)) +905'$)1'D N) +$ -5$ 351.5$$)-D ("5') $"1)) +905'$)1'D N) +$ -5$ 351.5$$)-D
),)- 6=#+9); $"#$ $") G"5=) 9B=$+$B;) G)1) "5=7 V^B9S WoYW]g[P ),)- 6=#+9); $"#$ $") G"5=) 9B=$+$B;) G)1) "5=7 V^B9S WoYW]g[P
IB$ G)1) $")78 Ano as surely as the earth swalloweo them
then, just so surely will all such in these oays, too, be
swalloweo by the earth when it opens its mouth ano
takes away the nooo ,Rev. 12:1o,. - <)-)1#= C5-3)1)-6)
/0)6+#= p. 33
Can you see now what Houtell was objecting to? To
construe this to mean that there are to be no more prophets
alter Houtell's oeath is, in lact, potentially promoting the lalse-
hooo ol Elijah being a multituoe ol preachers rather than an
inoivioual prophet, lor many who believe that Victor Houtell
was the last prophet, believe that the Spirit ol Frophecy is alive
through all ol us now, ano that we, as a group, are the Elijah.
This is inoeeo contrary to Heaven's law ano oroer, the Holy
Spirit giving a message through a living prophet ,See (+9)=7
<1))$+-.' Vol 2. No. !, p. 7,.
With all that we have seen in mino, I trust the lollowing
statements concerning the /")0")1;K' @5; message will make some
more sense:
|an| ),)1]+-61)#'+-. ),)1]+-61)#'+-. supply ol pure ,Divinely
revealeo, truth - /")0")1;K' @5; b5=S W (1#6$, p. 8
His ),)1]+-61)#'+-. ),)1]+-61)#'+-. Light - (+9)=7 <1))$+-.', Vol. 1,
No. !!, p. 10
His ),)1]+-61)#'+-. ),)1]+-61)#'+-. Truth? - (+9)=7 <1))$+-.', Vol.
2, No. , p. 11
the ),)1 +-61)#'+-. ),)1 +-61)#'+-. light - /79N5=+6 C5;) Vol. 1, No.
o, p. 10
the ),)1]B-35=;+-. ),)1]B-35=;+-., Inspireo interpretation ol the
Scriptures... the ever-living Spirit ol Frophecy, $") )7)' $") )7)'
53 $") 6"B16" #$ G51> 53 $") 6"B16" #$ G51> - (+9)=7 <1))$+-.', Vol. 2, No. !, p.
Goo's ),)1 B-35=;+-. ),)1 B-35=;+-. Truth... A true ano B0]$5];#$) B0]$5];#$)
religion ... something as essential as the eyes in your
heao. - (+9)=7 <1))$+-.', Vol. 1, No. !9, p. 9
31)'" 31)'" Truth lor tooay lrom the throne ol Goo, ...
'meat in oue season,' - (+9)=7 <1))$+-.', Vol. 1, No. 0,
p. 2
31)'" 31)'" Truth. - (") !"+$)]E5B') @)61B+$)1, p. !8,
(+9)=7 <1))$+-.', Vol. 2, No. , p. 2
015.1)''+,) 015.1)''+,) Truth - (") !"+$)]E5B') @)61B+$)1, p.
71, (+9)=7 <1))$+-.', Vol. 1, No. 2o, p. 17, (+9)=7
<1))$+-.', Vol. 1, No. 1, p. !, (+9)=7 <1))$+-.', Vol. 1,
No. 38, p. 28
the 015.1)''+,) 015.1)''+,) Truth ol the living Woro revealeo
through Inspiration. - !#1 ^)G' L51)6#'$ ,Tract, 1!, p.
Truth ... ),)1 $+9)=7 ),)1 $+9)=7, , ),)1 B-35=;+-. #' $+9) .5)' 5- ),)1 B-35=;+-. #' $+9) .5)' 5-. -
(") !"+$)]E5B') @)61B+$)1, p. 29
There is -5 ;5BN$ -5 ;5BN$U $") C"B16" 3159 61)#$+5- $+== $5;#7
"#' N))- =); #-; 01)')1,); N7 $") 0150")$' N7 $") 0150")$'D #-; '") 6#- 65-$+-B) '") 6#- 65-$+-B)
+- -5 5$")1 G#7 3159 ")1) 5- +- -5 5$")1 G#7 3159 ")1) 5-. - (+9)=7 <1))$+-.', Vol. 2, No.
2o, p. 23
Ano by a prophet the LORD brought Israel out ol
Egypt, ano by a prophet was he preserveo. - E5')#
That we may realize that we are wretcheo ano miserable,
ano poor, ano blino, ano nakeo, that we are in neeo ol
everything the Loro has to oller.
Trent R. Wiloe
Copyright: Iebruary 22, 2012
All Rights Reserveo
+,- K'&74-"# <%$ #,- 8)9)"7
># #,- M"& %< PVW X->$1
+,- /-<%$4>#)%" H-7)"1
!"#$%&'(#%$5 =$)"();@-1*
To say that a passage means just this ano
nothing more, that you must not attach any broaoer
meaning to the woros ol Christ than we have in the
past, +' '#7+-. $"#$ G"+6" +' -5$ #6$B#$); N7 $") /0+1+$ 53 <5;.
The more we walk in the light ol the truth, the more
we shall become like Christ in spirit in character ano in
the manner ol our work, ano $") N1+."$)1 G+== $") $1B$"
N)659) $5 B'. As we beholo it in the +-61)#'+-. =+."$ ol
revelation, it will become more precious than we nrst
estimateo it lrom a casual hearing or examination. The
truth, as it is in Jesus, +' 6#0#N=) 53 65-'$#-$ )M0#-'+5-D 53
-)G ;),)=509)-$D ano like its oivine Author it will become
more precious ano beautilul, +$ G+== 65-'$#-$=7 1),)#= ;))0)1
'+.-+H6#-6), ano leao the soul to aspire lor more perlect
conlormity to its exalteo stanoaro. Such unoerstanoing
ol the truth will elevate the mino ano translorm the
character to its oivine perlection. - @),+)G #-; E)1#=;,
October 21, 1890, par. 1
No man also having orunk olo wine straightway
oesireth new: lor he saith, The olo is better. - *B>)
The !30 years ol Ezekiel ! has been oiscusseo but little,
save among Davioians. Even though many Davioians unoer-
stano the main truths that chapter contains, there are important
points that neeo to be aooresseo in oroer to unoerstano the
lullness ol what this chapter is pointing to. The main purpose ol
this article is to aooress what was to happen both at the beg-
inning ano especially at the eno ol the !30 years, though this is
not the only thing that will be aooresseo. Let us start with what
the @5; saio was to happen at the beginning ol the !30 years.
Note: Since the 390 years ano the !30 years began at the
same time, we will look at statements in relation to both.
H-7)"")"7 %< #,- PVW 5->$ :)-7-*
We may suppose the 390 year perioo began in
#N5B$ #N5B$ 100 A.D., ,when Luther louno the Bible,, ano
enoeo in 1890 A.D., where the !0 year perioo began,
which woulo eno in 1930. E5G),)1D G) 6#--5$ 05+-$ 5B$ $") E5G),)1D G) 6#--5$ 05+-$ 5B$ $")
)M#6$ ;#7 51 95-$"D 51 ),)- $") 7)#1 )M#6$ ;#7 51 95-$"D 51 ),)- $") 7)#1, because ,1, G) ;5 -5$
>-5G $") )M#6$ ;#7 53 $") 6#== 53 *B$")1, ,2, prophecy oeals
with the Jewish, or perhaps the Hebrew year, thereloreD
+$ +' # 9#$$)1 53 95-$"' $"#$ G) G) 6#--5$ ;)$)19+-)S - /")0")1;K'
@5; Vol. 1, p. 11o
It makes it clear that there is a !30 year perioo
3159 $") 1)3519#$+5- N7 *B$")1 3159 $") 1)3519#$+5- N7 *B$")1 to the purincation ol the
church, as we shall enoeavor to prove by Ezekiel's
prophecy which we quote here. - /")0")1;K' @5; Vol. 1,
p. 11o
While the prophecy ol $") hgZ 7)#1' H-;' +$'
N).+--+-. G+$" $") @)3519#$+5- @)3519#$+5- N7 *B$")1, ano others... -
/")0")1;K' @5; Vol. 1, p. 127
Hence, anyone can see that the !30 typical
years ano their interwoven events lrom the time
Abraham went out ol Ur to the time Moses with the
Loro's roo went out ol Egypt ano oelivereo the law at
Mount Sinai, match the !30 antitypical years 3159 $")
$+9) *B$")1 ;+'65-$+-B); "+' '$B;7 53 =#G #-; N).#- $") '$B;7 53
$") I+N=), to the year in which The Shephero's Roo
proclaimeo the sealing ol the 1!!,000, the oeliverance
ol mooern Israel. - /")0")1;K' @5; b5=S W (1#6$, p. 71
M"& %< #,- PVW 5->$ :)-7-*
We may suppose the 390 year perioo began in
#N5B$ 100 A.D., ,when Luther louno the Bible,, ano
enoeo in 1890 A.D., where the !0 year perioo began,
which woulo eno in 1930. E5G),)1D G) 6#--5$ 05+-$ 5B$ $") E5G),)1D G) 6#--5$ 05+-$ 5B$ $")
)M#6$ ;#7 51 95-$"D 51 ),)- $") 7)#1 )M#6$ ;#7 51 95-$"D 51 ),)- $") 7)#1, because ,1, we oo not
know the exact oay ol the call ol Luther, ,2, prophecy
oeals with the Jewish, or perhaps the Hebrew year,
thereloreD +$ +' # 9#$$)1 53 95-$"' $"#$ G) G) 6#--5$ ;)$)19+-). &$ &$
9#7 1B- B-$+= WXgWD 51 ),)- #3$)1 9#7 1B- B-$+= WXgWD 51 ),)- #3$)1, il the coincioences as
explaineo on chart, pages 112, 113, were not oivinely
oesigneo to point out this lact. The question may be
askeo, Why woulo Goo make a oouble prophecy lor
the same thing?--because the olo prophecy ,the type,
only gives the oetails lrom the beginning ol the thiro
angel's message $5 $") 3B=H==9)-$ 53 Oj)>+)= X $5 $") 3B=H==9)-$ 53 Oj)>+)= X. The
prophecy by Ezekiel gives the inlormation in oetail
lrom the beginning ol Luther's relormation $5 Oj)>+)= XD $5 Oj)>+)= XD
9#1>+-. 53 $") WhhDZZZ 9#1>+-. 53 $") WhhDZZZD #-; B-15==+-. 53 $") '615==. ,'^5$ #== +-
1).#1; $5 $"+' 9#$$)1 +' 7)$ B-;)1'$55;D -51 G+== +$ N) B-;)1'$55;
B-$+= $") B-15==+-. 53 $") '615==SK Volume o, page 17., -
/")0")1;K' @5; Vol. 1, p. 11o
It makes it clear that there is a !30 year perioo
lrom the relormation by Luther $5 $") 0B1+H6#$+5- 53 $") $5 $") 0B1+H6#$+5- 53 $")
6"B16" 6"B16", as we shall enoeavor to prove by Ezekiel's
prophecy which we quote here. - /")0")1;K' @5; Vol. 1,
p. 11o
Isa. o2:2: 'A new name.' Inoicative ol the new
experience they have passeo through, which is the
separation, or silting, as explaineo. Goo Himsell with
His own mouth gives the name so it can not be
counterleiteo. (") $+9) $") -#9) +' 1)6)+,); +' #$ $") )-; 53
$") hgZ 7)#1 0)1+5; as explaineo on the chart on pages
112-113. - /")0")1;K' @5; Vol. 1, p. 1
The application proves true by the event which
took place on L)NS WWD WX\X ,the healing ol the wouno,,
it N)+-. # '+.-#= $"#$ $") 0150")$+6 0)1+5; "#; )-;);. It is also
proven by the truth that has come, lor at the eno ol the
lorty oays Oj)>+)= G#' $5 #1+')D #-; )#$ #-; N) 31)). -
/")0")1;K' @5; Vol. 1, p. 222
(") hgZ 7)#1' 53 Oj)>+)= '"5B=; $)19+-#$) +- WX\XD 51
WXgZ but $") 0)13)6$ 3B=H==9)-$ 53 $") 0150")$+6 0)1+5; 53 $") 0)13)6$ 3B=H==9)-$ 53 $") 0150")$+6 0)1+5; 53
_N1#"#9 +- +$' #-$+]$70) +' 7)$ +- $") 3B$B1) _N1#"#9 +- +$' #-$+]$70) +' 7)$ +- $") 3B$B1) ,going out ol
Egypt,. The chart on page 112, 113, shows its
termination in 1930, lor as we stateo beloreD +$ +'
5B$=+-); N7 $") 65+-6+;)-6)' G"+6" 0)13)6$=7 H$ $") 0150")67 53
Oj)>+)=S _' +$ +' +905''+N=) $5 9#>) # $+9) 6"#1$ G+$"5B$ #-7
;#$) $5 .5 N7D G) "#,) B'); $")') 65+-6+;)-6)'D #-; +$ +' '$#$);
$"#$ $") ;#$) +' +-;)H-+$) $") ;#$) +' +-;)H-+$)S ,See chart on page 133., Ezekiel's
prophecy is intenoeo to point lorwaro to the the
announcement ol the announcement ol the 01);+6$); 1)3519#$+5- 01);+6$); 1)3519#$+5-, ano the one
through Abraham, to its completion ,Ezekiel nine,. -
/")0")1;K' @5; Vol. 2, p. 27
Now, let us examine some ol the things set lorth in the
above quoteo statements. Iirst, notice that both the starting ano
nnishing oates given lor the !30 years are clearly stateo to be
+-;)H-+$) +-;)H-+$). We know this not only lrom the plain statements
above, but also by the lact that the @5; places the enoing ol the
prophecy in 1929, 1930, ano 1931, respectively. It is also saio
that it coulo eno even alter 1931.
Belore we move on to see what +' +' stateo in oennite terms,
a broaoer view ol what the Roo taught concerning what was to
come to pass at the eno ol the !30 years will be benencial. To
obtain this, we will look at more ol /")0")1;K' @5; b5=B9) WD which
was nrst publisheo in 1930.
Isa. o2:2: 'A new name.' Inoicative ol the new
experience they have passeo through, G"+6" +' $") ')0#1]
#$+5-D 51 '+3$+-.D #' )M0=#+-);. Goo Himsell with His own
mouth gives the name so it can not be counterleiteo.
(") $+9) $") -#9) +' 1)6)+,); +' #$ $") )-; 53 $") hgZ 7)#1 (") $+9) $") -#9) +' 1)6)+,); +' #$ $") )-; 53 $") hgZ 7)#1
0)1+5; #' )M0=#+-); 5- $") 6"#1$ 5- 0#.)' WW\]WWgS 0)1+5; #' )M0=#+-); 5- $") 6"#1$ 5- 0#.)' WW\]WWgS Thus, the
church is reorganizeo unoer a new name. The olo
name, being polluteo, coulo no longer be retaineo.
(")1) +' -5 5-) $5 .5 N7 $") 5=; -#9)D 351 $") 5-)' G"5 G)1) -5$ (")1) +' -5 5-) $5 .5 N7 $") 5=; -#9)D 351 $") 5-)' G"5 G)1) -5$
G51$"7 53 "#,+-. $") -)G -#9) "#,) 0)1+'"); B-;)1 $") H.B1) 53 G51$"7 53 "#,+-. $") -)G -#9) "#,) 0)1+'"); B-;)1 $") H.B1) 53
$") H,) 9)- G+$" $") '=#B."$)1 G)#05-' 53 Oj)>+)= X $") H,) 9)- G+$" $") '=#B."$)1 G)#05-' 53 Oj)>+)= X. . The
name only remains lor a curse. In Isa. o:1, we reao:
'Ano ye shall leave your name lor a curse unto My
chosen: Ior the Loro Goo shall slay thee, ano call His
servants by another name.' The olo oroer ol things
being changeo. The watchmen who were unlaithlul
have perisheo. /")0")1;K' @5; Vol. 1, p. 1
In the above statement, Victor Houtell is commenting on
what he was expecting to take place either in the remaining part
ol 1930, or in 1931. We see that he was expecting the church to
receive her new name as well as the tares being taken out ol
her miost. We also observe that Ezekiel 9 is saio to be lulnlleo at
the eno ol the !30 years.
...While Goo clears the way lor the seven last
plagues by laying some ol His people to sleep in the
grave, E) "#' ;5-) $") '#9) 351 $") ),)-$ $5 $#>) 0=#6) +- WXgW ),)-$ $5 $#>) 0=#6) +- WXgW
V+3 $"#$ ;#$) N) 6511)6$[ V+3 $"#$ ;#$) N) 6511)6$[. Ior we reao in Isa. 7:1, 'The
righteous perisheth ano no man layeth it to heart: Ano
mercilul men are taken away, none consioering that
the righteous is taken away lrom the ),+= $5 659)S ),+= $5 659)S' -
/")0")1;K' @5; Vol. 1, p. 219
Again, we see that the oate 1931 is spoken ol in +-;)H-+$) +-;)H-+$)
terms. Remember too, that the only reason Houtell was using
the oate 1931 is because it seemeo to be the eno ol the !30
years. The evil to come ol Isaiah 7, he speaks ol as taking
place at the eno ol the !30 years. What is this evil to come?
Again we are reminoeo that 'the righteous
perisheth, ano no man layeth it to heart: ano mercilul
men are taken away, none consioering that the
righteous is taken away lrom the evil to come. |We as
present truth believers shoulo realize that $") ),+= ;#7 $") ),+= ;#7
'05>)- 53 +- $"+' '61+0$B1) +' -5G $)- 7)#1' -)#1)1 $)- 7)#1' -)#1)1 $"#- G")- $")
$1B$" 65-6)1-+-. +$ G#' H1'$ 9#;) >-5G- $5 B'Sd... - /79N5=+6
C5;), Vol. , Nos. o-12, p. 1
This statement was written in 19!0, ten years alter
/")0")1;K' @5; b5=B9) W was nrst publisheo. In other woros, the
evil oay was the oay which was revealeo in 1930. There is
no question that the oay here mentioneo is the great ano
oreaolul oay ol the Loro, the juogment lor the living, Ezekiel
9. Keep in mino, at this moment we are simply looking to nno
out what Victor Houtell expecteo to happen at the eno ol the
!30 years. Let`s now consioer the lollowing chart ano Houtell's
comments on the last two sections ol it:
New Testament ,Section Number Two,
Jacob, being the son ol Isaac, naturally comes
next in line. Jacob, then, is the symbol ol the secono
section alter Christ ,as shown on the chart, beginning
in 18!!. The aim ol the church since that time has
been to make the 1!!,000. As Jacob was the lather ol
the twelve tribes ol Israel,--the type, just so he is the
lather in type ol the anti-type ,the 1!!,000,--the true,.
The section representeo by Jacob is the only ntting
symbolical perioo to give birth to the 1!!,000. _' '55- _' '55-
#' $"+' -B9N)1 +' 9#;) #-; ')#=);D $"+' 0#1$+6B=#1 ')6$+5- +' $5 #' $"+' -B9N)1 +' 9#;) #-; ')#=);D $"+' 0#1$+6B=#1 ')6$+5- +' $5
0#'' #G#7 #-; B'")1 +- $") -)M$ 0#'' #G#7 #-; B'")1 +- $") -)M$S
As there was an important event with each
succeeoing section ,at the close ol the one, ano
beginning ol the other,, there must be something ol no
lesser consequence that woulo make the change ol this
section with which we have ioentineo ourselves. ("#$ ("#$
+9051$#-$ ),)-$ +' -5-) 5$")1 $"#- $") 0B1+H6#$+5- 53 <5;K' +9051$#-$ ),)-$ +' -5-) 5$")1 $"#- $") 0B1+H6#$+5- 53 <5;K'
6"B16"D 6"B16"D #-; $") ')0#1#$+5- ')0#1#$+5- 53 $") $#1)' 3159 $") G")#$S /#+;
A)'B'D K*)$ N5$" .15G $5.)$")1 B-$+= $") "#1,)'$SK (") ')0#1#$+5-
G+== 9#1> $") "#1,)'$S ^5$) $") ,)1N KB-$+=DK 9)#-+-. KB0 $5SK
("+' 95'$ '5=)9- $+9) 351 $") 5-) 6=#'' V$") $#1)'[D #-; .=51+5B'
351 $") 5$")1 V$") WhhDZZZ[D $"1B'$' 5B$ $") ')6$+5- 1)01)')-$); N7
A#65ND #-; 351G#1;' $") 5$")1S
New Testament ,Section Number Three,
Saio Jesus, 'in the time ol harvest I will say to the
reapers, Gather ye together nrst the tares, ano bino
them in bunoles to burn them.' (") $#1)'D $")1)351)D #1)
.#$")1); aB'$ 01+51 $5 $") "#1,)'$D #-; NB1-); +- $") $+9) 53 $")
"#1,)'$ V351 -5$) $") 01)HM K+-K[. 'But gather the wheat into
My barn.' Matt. 13:30. The wheat represents the
1!!,000, the 'barn' is a symbol ol security. This
glorious company is saveo ano protecteo. Satan cannot
harm them. They are to be translateo without seeing
oeath. John oescribes them as 'being the nrstlruits |ol
the harvest| unto Goo ano the Lamb.'
(") $#1)' #1) $#>)- #G#7 N7 $") H,) 9)- G+$" $") (") $#1)' #1) $#>)- #G#7 N7 $") H,) 9)- G+$" $")
'=#B."$)1 G)#05-' 53 Oj)>+)=K' ,+'+5-S ("+' +' $") ),)-$ $"#$ '=#B."$)1 G)#05-' 53 Oj)>+)=K' ,+'+5-S ("+' +' $") ),)-$ $"#$
9#>)' $") 6"#-.)D #-; N1+-.' #N5B$ <5;K' 6"B16"D +- $") =#'$ 9#>)' $") 6"#-.)D #-; N1+-.' #N5B$ <5;K' 6"B16"D +- $") =#'$
015N#$+5-#17 ')6$+5- V&'1#)=[D #' '"5G- 5- $") 6"#1$S 015N#$+5-#17 ')6$+5- V&'1#)=[D #' '"5G- 5- $") 6"#1$S
It was Jacob, the lather ol the twelve tribes,
whose name was changeo to Israel. Jacob's -)G -#9) is
a ntting symbol ol the section entitleo 'Israel.' Thus
again woulo type meet anti-type. - /")0")1;K' @5; Vol.
1, p. 227-228
Note: While Houtell correctly states the parable`s use ol
the woro in, in connection with the burning ol the tares, the
parable itsell also says that the tares are bunoleo in the time ol
harvest, not just 01+51 01+51 to the harvest. That is, the gathering
together ol the tares is the nrst act in the time ol harvest alter
sickle is put to the nelo.
As we can all now clearly see, Houtell was expecting the
great ano oreaolul oay ol the Loro, the harvest, the
juogment lor the living, ano the purincation lor the church,
all to begin in 1931. Why was he using this particular oate? Well,
the reason he provioeo was his unoerstanoing ol the !30 year
prophecies. Some may say that since Victor Houtell saio that
these things woulo take place, ano they clearly oio not, we
shoulo thrust him out as a lalse prophet, but shoulo we? NO -
Why? Because he clearly stateo that the ;#$)' ;#$)' he was using were
+-;)H-+$) +-;)H-+$). In other woros, while it is clear that he was teaching
that Ezekiel 9 woulo take place at the eno ol the !30 years, as
well as the revelation ol the -)G -#9) -)G -#9), the lact that he
repeateoly stateo that the ;#$)' ;#$)' were -5$ ;)H-+$) -5$ ;)H-+$) ano that the
perlect lulnllment ol the !30 years is yet luture, shows that even
he hao ooubts as to the certainty ol the lulnllment ol these
events in 1931. Moreover, no -)G -#9) -)G -#9) was revealeo in 1931.
This oemonstrates the imperlection ol the completion ol the
!30 years being applicable to that time. Flease take a look at the
two lollowing charts:
1 The above charts are louno in /")0")1;K' @5; b5=B9) W p. 221 ano 133
It is important to notice that below the oate 100 A.D.,
in the previous chart, it says ("+' H.B1) +' -5$ )M#6$ ("+' H.B1) +' -5$ )M#6$. Also, besioe
the oate 1931, it says -5$ ;)H-+$) -5$ ;)H-+$). Il the @5; taught that these
ngures were oennite, it woulo be ;)H-+$)=7 wrong, lor the events
which are saio to take place at the beginning ano at the eno ol
the !30 years oio not take place at those times.
"'3 /E0 F"6GH 1-51.I
Question: 'Does the SRoo mean to teach that
the Juogment lor the righteous oeao closeo in 1931, or
thereabouts, by the lollowing statement? 'While Goo
clears the way lor the seven last plagues by laying some
ol His people to sleep in the grave, He has oone the
same lor the event to take place in 1931 ,il that oate be
correct,. Those who cannot unoergo the trial are laio
in their graves, while the 1!!,000 remain ano will
escape, but the balance in the church ,now, shall perish
in the ruin.' ,SRoo, Vol. 1, p. 219., Flease explain.'
(") ;#$) WXgW #-; $") '$#$)9)-$ +- JB)'$+5- "#,) -5 (") ;#$) WXgW #-; $") '$#$)9)-$ +- JB)'$+5- "#,) -5
1)3)1)-6) $5 $") +-,)'$+.#$+,) aB;.9)-$S (") /@5; ')$' -5 ;#$) 1)3)1)-6) $5 $") +-,)'$+.#$+,) aB;.9)-$S (") /@5; ')$' -5 ;#$)
)+$")1 )M#6$ 51 #0015M+9#$) 351 $") 6=5'+-. 53 $") aB;.9)-$ 53 $") )+$")1 )M#6$ 51 #0015M+9#$) 351 $") 6=5'+-. 53 $") aB;.9)-$ 53 $")
;)#; 51 351 $") N).+--+-. 53 $") aB;.9)-$ 53 $") =+,+-.S (") $+9) ;)#; 51 351 $") N).+--+-. 53 $") aB;.9)-$ 53 $") =+,+-.S (") $+9)
53 $")') ),)-$' +' -5$ $5 N) >-5G- B-$+= $") 5-) +' 0#'$ #-; $") 53 $")') ),)-$' +' -5$ $5 N) >-5G- B-$+= $") 5-) +' 0#'$ #-; $")
5$")1 N).B-S 5$")1 N).B-S
As to the 1931 oate ano the event connecteo
with it, we have no lurther light #$ $") 01)')-$ $+9) #$ $") 01)')-$ $+9) than is
to be louno in Vol. 1, pp. 108-11! ano Vol. 2, p. 27. It
was at that time ,the close ol 1930 ano the beginning
ol 1931, that the event ol publishing the message in
the SRoo, Vol. 1 took place, revealing the truth ol the
1!!,000 ano calling lor a relormation. Therelore,
though +$ G#' -5$ N)351)"#-; 6511)6$=7 B-;)1'$55; aB'$ G"#$ $") +$ G#' -5$ N)351)"#-; 6511)6$=7 B-;)1'$55; aB'$ G"#$ $")
-#$B1) 53 $") ),)-$ G5B=; N) -#$B1) 53 $") ),)-$ G5B=; N), when the lullness ol time
came ano no other event transpireo but this ioentical
one, it was thereby ioentineo as the one preoicteo in
Oj)>+)= h, that is, the time at the eno ol the !30
prophetic years when the 'scroll' was to make another
turn. - /79N5=+6 C5;), Vol. 1, No. 7, p. 8 ,(") _-'G)1)1,
Book 1, p. 9!-9,
Flainly then, the events which, prior to 1931, were
unoerstooo to take place at the eno ol the !30 years, oio not
actually take place then. Ano while the @5; ooes make it clear
that alter 1931 hao passeo the @5; believers unoerstooo the oate
,1931, to have no connection with the investigative juogment, we
are also tolo that prior to that time, they oio not correctly
unoerstano what was to take place in 1931. In other woros, prior
to 1931, they believeo that the juogment lor the living ano other
connecteo events woulo take place at that time, ano that,
because ol the !30 year prophecy, but alter the oate hao passeo,
they knew that the juogment hao not begun. It was when this
realization came that Houtell clearly, in /")0")1;K' @5; b5=B9) \
stateo that the perlect lulnllment ol the !30 years was yet luture.
Let us brieny summarize what the Roo believers prior to
1931 unoerstooo was to take place at that time: ,1, the marking
ol Ezekiel 9, ,2, the revelation ol the new name' ,3, an
unrolling ol the scroll ano, ,!, the purincation ol the church.
Irom this we know that the pre-1931 unoerstanoing ol what was
to take place incluoeo the opening ol the investigative juogment
lor the living, since that is saio to be one ano the same thing with
the 9#1>+-. ol Ezekiel 9 ano the purincation ol the church ,1JL
!, 1TG 8:27,.
Does that lact that these things oio not take place in 1931
mean that the whole concept ol the juogment passing lrom the
oeao to the living at the eno ol the !30 years, as presenteo in
/")0")1;K' @5; b5=B9) W, is wrong? No inoeeo We neeo to ask
ourselves, ano more importantly, the Loro, When Victor
Houtell saio that the juogment lor the living woulo commence
at the eno ol the !30 years, was it Biblical or was it not? Well,
let us see:
Ano thou, son ol man, take thee a sharp knile,
take thee a barber's razor, ano cause it to pass upon
thine heao ano upon thy bearo: then take thee
balances to weigh, ano oivioe the hair.
Thou shalt burn with nre a thiro part in the
miost ol the city, G")- $") ;#7' 53 $") '+).) #1) 3B=H==); G")- $") ;#7' 53 $") '+).) #1) 3B=H==);: ano
thou shalt take a thiro part, ano smite about it with a
knile: ano a thiro part thou shalt scatter in the wino,
ano I will oraw out a sworo alter them. - Oj)>+)= :1-2
What we nno in the above verses is that at the eno ol the
!30 year siege, Ezekiel was to shave his heao ano bearo, which,
in the typical ceremonial service, symbolizeo purincation ,Lev.
1!:8, 9, Num. o:9, 18,. Therelore, Houtell's statements con-
cerning the purincation ol the church ,juogment lor the living,
beginning at the eno ol the !30 years are certainly Biblical. We
believe it will help the reaoer to sum up the main points ol this
stuoy so lar:
1. The oates 100, 1929, 1930, ano 1931 are all stateo
to be not oennite, not exact, etc.
2. The !30 years starts at the time ol Luther's
3. At the close ol the !30 years, the new name is
revealeo, the scroll is to take another turn, ano the
juogment lor the living begins.
!. The juogment lor the living oio not begin in 1931
or in any ol the other previously mentioneo years.
At this time, let us examine a little more ol what the @5;
teaches concerning the juogment lor the living:
&$ +' +905''+N=) 351 $") #6$+5- 53 ')0#1#$+5- $5 01)6);) $") &$ +' +905''+N=) 351 $") #6$+5- 53 ')0#1#$+5- $5 01)6);) $")
#6$+5- 53 aB;.9)-$ #6$+5- 53 aB;.9)-$. In the very nature ol things, aB;.9)-$ aB;.9)-$
9B'$ $#>) 0=#6) N)351) ')0#1#$+5- 9B'$ $#>) 0=#6) N)351) ')0#1#$+5-. Thus, $") ')0#1#$+5- G"+6" $") ')0#1#$+5- G"+6"
G#' ;)$)19+-); ;B1+-. $") +-,)'$+.#$+,) aB;.9)-$ +' )M)6B$); G#' ;)$)19+-); ;B1+-. $") +-,)'$+.#$+,) aB;.9)-$ +' )M)6B$);
#3$)1 $") #6$B#= aB;.+-. +' 5,)1 #3$)1 $") #6$B#= aB;.+-. +' 5,)1. - /79N5=+6 C5;), Vol. 1, No.
9, p. 8
Ior some time now you have hao the eleventh-
hour publications ,tracts ano 'Timely Greetings' --
postmarkeo Waco -- incluoing a copy ol the '190
General Conlerence Special,' ano the 'White-House
Recruiter',, all bearing the light ol Goo so oirely
neeoeo at this climactic hour ol time -- the long
expecteo message ol $") ')#=+-. 53 $") WhhDZZZ $") ')#=+-. 53 $") WhhDZZZ V V$") $")
0B1+H6#$+5- 53 $") 6"B16" 0B1+H6#$+5- 53 $") 6"B16" ]] ]] $") aB;.9)-$ 53 $") =+,+-. +- $") $") aB;.9)-$ 53 $") =+,+-. +- $")
K"5B') 53 <5;K K"5B') 53 <5;K: the message to the Laooiceans,, the Louo
Cry, ano kinoreo events. - A)j1))= *)$$)1D No. 1, p. !
L+1'$ the sickle is put to the grain, ano -)M$ the
grain is bouno into sheaves, $")- thresheo, #3$)1 G"+6" it
is put into the barn, #-; $")1)#3$)1 $")1)#3$)1 the chall ano the
tares are oestroyeo. - (") AB;.9)-$ #-; $") E#1,)'$, p.
o, par. 0
Oj)>+)= -+-) 0+6$B1)' $") AB;.9)-$ 53 $") *+,+-. +- $") Oj)>+)= -+-) 0+6$B1)' $") AB;.9)-$ 53 $") *+,+-. +- $")
"5B') 53 <5; "5B') 53 <5; ,1 Fet. !:17, -- $") ')#=+-. $") ')#=+-. ol the saints #-;
the oestruction ol the wickeo in the church. - (+9)=7
<1))$+-.', Vol. 1, No. 3, p. 13
The prophecy by Ezekiel gives the inlormation
in oetail lrom the beginning ol Luther's relormation to
Oj)>+)= XD 9#1>+-. 53 $") WhhDZZZ Oj)>+)= XD 9#1>+-. 53 $") WhhDZZZD #-; B-15==+-. 53 $") '615==.
,'^5$ #== +- 1).#1; $5 $"+' 9#$$)1 +' 7)$ B-;)1'$55;D -51 G+== +$ N)
B-;)1'$55; B-$+= $") B-15==+-. 53 $") '615==SK Volume o, page
17., - /")0")1;K' @5;, Vol. 1, p. 11o
All the statements just quoteo show unquestionably that
the juogment lor the living begins with an +-,)'$+.#$+5- #-; # +-,)'$+.#$+5- #-; #
')#=+-. ')#=+-. N)351) the actual slaying ol Ezekiel 9. This +-,)'$+.#$+,) stage
is saio to begin at the eno ol the !30 years. Another thing which
is saio to take place at the commencement ol the juogment lor
the living ,the eno ol the !30 years,, is the Loro coming suooen-
ly to His temple:
'...the Loro, Whom ye seek, '"#== 'B;;)-=7 659) $5
E+' $)90=)... But who may abioe the oay ol His
coming? ano who shall stano when He appeareth? lor
He is like a renner's nre ano like luller's sope: ano He
shall sit as a renner ano puriner ol silver: ano He shall
purily the sons ol Levi, ano purge them as golo ano
silver, that they may oller unto the Loro an ollering in
righteousness.' :#=S gYW]g.
As the cleansings calleo lor in the parables ano in
Malachi's prophecy "#,) -),)1 $#>)- 0=#6), $") +-,)'$+.#$+,)
aB;.9)-$ 53 $") =+,+-. +' 5N,+5B'=7D $")-D 7)$ 3B$B1). ("+' +-,)'$+] ("+' +-,)'$+]
.#$+,) G51> .#$+,) G51> is therelore occasioneo by the work ol separ-
ation in the earthly sanctuary ,church,, #' N15B."$ $5 ,+)G #' N15B."$ $5 ,+)G
#='5 +- Oj)>+)= X #='5 +- Oj)>+)= X: - (") AB;.9)-$ #-; $") E#1,)'$, p. !3
'Ano I will come near to you to juogment ano &
G+== N) # 'G+3$ G+$-)'' against the sorcerers ano against
the aoulterers, ano against lalse swearers, ano against
those that oppress the hireling in his wages, the wioow,
ano the latherless, ano that turn asioe the stranger
lrom his right, ano lear not Me, saith the Loro ol
hosts. Ior I am the Loro, I change not, therelore ye
sons ol Jacob are not consumeo.' -- Mal. !:, o.
Here Inspiration explains "5G $") AB;.9)-$ 351 $")
*+,+-. N).+-' N).+-', how the cleansing ol the sanctuary on
earth takes place ,Dan. 8:1!,. Ano having unveileo His
people's shocking irresponsibility towaros the unlort-
unate ones among them, ano their taking aovantage ol
others whenever possible, He then reassures that He
changes not, that He is the same unerring ano just
Goo, that His ancient statutes ano oroinances are ever-
lasting, that He has not changeo them, that He will
restore all things. E)D #' 75B G+== '))D H-#==7 659)' $5 $") 1)#=
$15BN=)D $")- 0=)#;' E+' 0)50=) #66)0$' E+' 1)9);7. - A)j1))=
*)$$)1, No. 9, p. 2
Thus, when the !30 years comes to an eno ano the
investigative juogment lor the living begins, the Loro is to come
to His temple, begin the work ol purilying the sons ol Levi, ano
N) # 'G+3$ G+$-)'' against the sorcerers, aoulterers, lalse swearers,
ano those that oppress the hireling in his wages. It is quite clear
lrom Houtell's own statements that this was to happen in the
luture lrom his own time, lor throughout his ministry he was
always #--5B-6+-. #--5B-6+-. that the Loro woulo come ano oo saio actions.
Therelore, though Houtell lulnlleo the roll ol the
messenger ,Mal. 3:1, who was to come to prepare the way ol the
Loro, he oio not lulnll the prophecies concerning the Loro
Himsell coming to juoge the living. The lollowing quotations
are incluoeo in this stuoy lor those who may still think that the
investigative juogment lor the living began sometime ouring
Victor Houtell's ministry:
,193!, 19!2, ,193!, 19!2,
As the cleansings calleo lor in the parables ano
in Malachi's prophecy "#,) -),)1 $#>)- 0=#6)D $") $")
+-,)'$+.#$+,) aB;.9)-$ 53 $") =+,+-. +' 5N,+5B'=7D $")-D 7)$ 3B$B1) +-,)'$+.#$+,) aB;.9)-$ 53 $") =+,+-. +' 5N,+5B'=7D $")-D 7)$ 3B$B1).
This investigative work is therelore occasioneo by the
work ol ')0#1#$+5- ')0#1#$+5- in the earthly sanctuary ,church,, as
brought to view also in Ezekiel 9: - (") AB;.9)-$ #-;
$") E#1,)'$, p. !3
,19!!, ,19!!,
As the anger ol the nations is in the time ol the
juogment ol the living,--the Louo Cry ol the Thiro
Angel's Message,--the 'anger' is obviously oirecteo
against Goo's people, not against the nations them-
selves. Obvious is this lact, because the nations among
themselves have always been angry, ano are angry even
tooay, #=$"5B." G) #1) '$+== +- $") $+9) 53 $") aB;.9)-$ 53 $") #=$"5B." G) #1) '$+== +- $") $+9) 53 $") aB;.9)-$ 53 $")
;)#; ;)#;. - (") _-'G)1)1, Book 2, p. 92-93
,19!7, ,19!7, view ol the lact that 5B1 9)''#.) +' #--5B-6+-. #--5B-6+-.
$") +99+-)-$ +99+-)-$ 0B1+H6#$+5- 53 $") 6"B16"D $") $+9) +- G"+6" $")
#-.)=' #1) $5 '+3$ 5B$ $") "70561+$)' 3159 #95-. $") 3#+$"3B=, the
time in which the net is orawn to shore ano the bao
nsh cast out, the cleansing ol the sanctuary -- $") AB;.]
9)-$ 351 $") *+,+-. +- Q$") "5B') 53 <5;Q ,1 Fet. !:17, +'
#N5B$ $5 N).+- #N5B$ $5 N).+-,... - (+9)=7 <1))$+-.'D Vol. 1, No. !0, p. 1o
,191, ,191,
When H-#==7 H-#==7 $") aB;.9)-$ 0#'')' 3159 $") ;)#; $5 $")
=+,+-., thus outmooing by expiration the initial phase ol
the Iirst Angel's Message ,the juogment ol the oeao,,
what timely Truth will the church then have lor hersell
ano lor the worlo? What, inoeeo, il she ooes not now
accept ano practice the message ol very present Truth,
the nnal phase ol the Iirst Angel's Message, G"+6" +'
01)')-$=7 #--5B-6+-. #--5B-6+-. $") '$)#=$"7 #0015#6" '$)#=$"7 #0015#6" 53 aB;.9)-$ B05- $")
=+,+-., ano which is knocking at each heart's ooor? -
!"+$) E5B') @)61B+$)1, p. 37
,193, ,193,
Why is the call lor action so B1.)-$? Because
Inspiration oennitely reveals that the time ol the Juog-
ment lor the Deao is #N5B$ $5 #N5B$ $5 0#'' #G#7 #-; $") $+9) 351 $")
AB;.9)-$ 351 $") *+,+-. #N5B$ $5 #N5B$ $5 N).+-. Ano since there was
a special message lor the Juogment concerning the
Deao, it is even more important that there shoulo be a
special message concerning the Juogment lor the
Living, $") #--5B-6)9)-$ #--5B-6)9)-$ 53 G"+6" +' #=1)#;7 ")1). - A)j1))=
*)$$)1, No. !, p. 3
2 A)j1))= *)$$)1'D Nos. -9, :+=+$#17 /$#-;, ano /79N5=+6 C5;), Vol. 10, Nos. 1-2
were the only publications releaseo by Houtell #3$)1 this last quote, none ol
which make the claim that the juogment ol the living hao then begun.
As Houtell's ministry was orawing to a close, the warning
that the +-,)'$+.#$+,) juogment lor the living was about to begin
became +-61)#'+-.=7 B1.)-$. One simple reason lor this is that the
commencement ol that juogment was becoming increasingly
near. Now that we see that the juogment lor the living must
commence sometime alter the close ol Victor Houtell's work
ano alter the juogment lor the oeao comes to an eno, yet belore
the slaying ol Ezekiel 9, also that the true eno ol the !30 years
takes place at that time, we must ask, What are we to expect
when this nnally occurs? Whatever it may be, it must have
begun belore 197o lor the simple reason that Luther oieo in
1!o, !30 years belore that oate. We say this because the !30
years is saio to start lrom *B$")1K' relormation. Whenever this is,
the lollowing is what must take place at the completion ol the
prophecy, at the commencement ol the juogment lor the living:
When the juogment openeo in 18!!, as
previously explaineo, the investigation began with the
oeao, ano G")- $"#$ 0#1$ 53 $") G51> +' H-+'");D $")- G")- $"#$ 0#1$ 53 $") G51> +' H-+'");D $")-
6599)-6)' $") aB;.9)-$ 53 $") =+,+-. 6599)-6)' $") aB;.9)-$ 53 $") =+,+-.S !"+=) $") +-,)'$+.#$+5- 351
$") 65-.1).#$+5- 53 $") ;)#; +' +- 015.1)''D $")1) 6#- N) -5
')0#1#$+5- #95-. $") 65-.1).#$+5- 53 $") =+,+-.. But when our
High Friest shall N).+- the atonement lor the living,
$")1) 9B'$ N) # 9)''#.) 53 01)')-$ $1B$" $")1) 9B'$ N) # 9)''#.) 53 01)')-$ $1B$" -- -- '5B-;+-. 53 $") '5B-;+-. 53 $")
$1B90)$ $1B90)$ -- B1.+-. ),)17 5-) $5 =#7 "5=; 5- $") *#9N 53 <5;
VC"1+'$[ by which only, can he in ngure, come to the
sanctuary, conless his sin ano secure his lile. e-=)'' $")
6=5') 53 $") aB;.9)-$ 351 $") ;)#; #-; $") 6599)-6)9)-$ 351 $")
=+,+-. N) 9#;) >-5G- $5 B' N) 9#;) >-5G- $5 B', , G) G5B=; "#,) -5 01)')-$ $1B$"
G"+=) $") aB;.9)-$ 351 $") =+,+-. +' +- ')''+5-. Neither woulo
such juogment be legal or just. He who lails to respono
to the heavenly summon', will be lelt without the seal
or covering ol Goo, ano therelore must be cut oll
lrom among His people, as prengureo by the services
in the typical oay ol atonement. - /")0")1;K' @5; Vol.
2, p. 1o!
Now what is the oillerence between the oil in
the lamp ano the oil in the vessel? -- Just this: The oil
that is in the lamp, that alreaoy lightens the traveler's
path towaro the Master's mansion, must represent
Truth +- 015.1)''. But the oil in the vessel, must
represent Truth that +' $5 lighten one's path #3$)1 the
lormer Truth has accomplisheo its work. Ior example,
#3$)1 #3$)1 $") "#1,)'$ V&-,)'$+.#$+,) AB;.9)-$[ 53 $") ;)#; +' 0#'$D +' 0#'$D
5$")1 $1B$"' ),)- 951) +9051$#-$ 9B'$ N) +-$15;B6); 9B'$ N) +-$15;B6); 351 $")
"#1,)'$ 53 $") =+,+-.. I say more important truths because
they are concerning the living themselves, concerning
those whose own cases are to be weigheo in the
balances, those who personally are to be juogeo either
as 'wheat' or as 'tares,' either as gooo 'nsh' or as bao
Moreover, #3$)1 #3$)1 $") aB;.9)-$ 53 $") ;)#; which the
Church has been preaching lor a number ol years, +' +'
5,)1 5,)1, +3 $") C"B16" ;5)' -5$ $")- $")- 1)6)+,) # -)G 9)''#.), $")
9)''#.) 53 $") aB;.9)-$ 53 $") =+,+-.D '") G+== "#,) -5 9)''#.)D
-5 5+=D 351 $") $+9) 53 $") aB;.9)-$ 53 $") =+,+-.S - (+9)=7
<1))$+-.', Vol. 2, p. 11, par. 12-13
The ')#=+-. ')#=+-. ol the 1!!,000 is #$ #$ the clos+-. ol the
juogment ol the oeao, #-; #$ #$ the beginning ol the
juogment ol the living. - /")0")1;K' @5;, Vol. 2, p. 171
To get a clearer unoerstanoing ol this last statement, let us
see how the @5; uses the term at.
The marginal renoering gives the preposition 'at'
lor the preposition 'lor,' making the verse reao: ' _$ _$ an
hour, ano a oay, ano a month, ano a year.' Still more
exactly renoereo, it woulo reao: ' _$ _$ an hour, #$ #$ a oay, #$ #$
a month, ano #$ #$ a year.' ("B' #1) ;)'+.-#$); 35B1 05+-$' +- 35B1 05+-$' +-
$+9) $+9) K K#$K #$K which the lour angels were to prepare 'lor to
slay the thiro pan ol men.' - (") L+-#= !#1-+-., p. 87
Il the /")0")1;K' @5; message was #$ #$ the clos+-. ol the
juogment ol the oeao, then a -)G 9)''#.) -)G 9)''#.) must be introouceo
#$ #$ the commencement ol the juogment lor the living to take part
in sealing the 1!!,000 at that time as well, lor we are sealeo by
present truth ,7SC 7-12:21, 2Ans !2,. This message, which is
spoken ol as coming when the investigative juogment lor the
living begins, is the lulnllment ol many prophecies which we will
not get into at this time. In briel though, it is the sickle thrust
in at the beginning ol the harvest ,Matt. 13, Rev. 1!:1o,, the
nre ,Eze. :2,, the swilt witness against the sorcerers ,Mal.
3:,, the sworo ,Eze. 21:3,, ano these are only a lew ol the
many symbols in the Bible which oepict the message to come at
the beginning ol the investigative juogment lor the living.
So lar, we have louno that at the eno ol the !30 years
there must be:
1. The commencement ol the juogment lor the living ,Eze.
9, Mal. 3, Ezek. , Matt. 13, etc.,
2. A new message announcing that the harvest ,juogment
lor the living, "#' N).B-S
3. A revelation ol the new name.
!. An unrolling ol the scroll.
. Marking ol the 1!!,000.
o. The Loro coming suooenly to His temple to purily the
sons Levi.
7. The Loro being a swilt witness against the sorcerers, etc.
As all can clearly see, some ol these oillerent aspects, in
reality, represent the same thing, or they are at least relateo one
to another. Belore we come to unoerstano the )M#6$ )M#6$ time ol the
completion ol the !30 years, we must take time to look at the
history ol Martin Luther in oroer know without a ooubt G")-
the N).+--+-. N).+--+-. ol the !30 years really was.
+,- H-7)"")"7 %< #,- PVW X->$1 L +,- E)1#%$5
%< B>$#)" 8'#,-$
1!83 Luther was born in Eisleben, Germany. ,Iunk 8
Wagnall's Enc. unoer Luther,
101 At the age ol 18 he entereo the University ol
Erlurt. ,Io. 8 GC 121:!,
While one oay examining the books in the
library ol the university, Luther oiscovereo a Latin
Bible. Such a book he hao never belore seen... now
the oeep conviction ol his conoition as a sinner
took holo upon him as never belore. GC 122:2
10 An earnest oesire to be lree lrom sin ano to nno
peace with Goo leo him at last to enter a cloister, ano
oevote himsell to a monastic lile. GC 122,123
...he sought by his own works to obtain peace
ano paroon... But with all his ellorts his buroeneo
soul louno no reliel. He was at last oriven to the verge
ol oespair. GC 123:1
When it appeareo to Luther that all was lost,
Goo raiseo up... the pious Staupitz... ,who, openeo
the woro ol Goo to Luther's mino. GC 123:2
107 Luther was oroaineo a priest... GC 12!:1 ,Iunk 8
Wagnall's Enc. Luther,
Luther was still a $1B) '5- 53 $") 0#0#= 6"B16" ano
hao no thought that he woulo ever be anything else.
GC 12!:2
112 Luther receiveo the oegree ol Doctor ol Divinity at
the University ol Wittenburg. ,GC 12:2 8 Iunk 8
Wagnall's Luther,.
During the next lour years Luther engageo in
a severe mental struggle, seeking peace ol mino ano
conscience. Iunk 8 Wagnall's Enc. unoer Luther
117 In 117 the Dominican monk Johan Tetzel arriveo
in Wittenburg ano began preaching the sale ol
inoulgences lor the rebuiloing ol St. Feter's church at
Rome. Io.
Luther opposes Tetzel's inoulgence sales, posts a
paper containing ninety-nve theses against the sale ol
inoulgences on the ooor ol Wittenburg chapel. ,GC
Many ol Luther's congregation buy Tetzel's
inoulgences. Luther reluses them absolution. They
oemanoeo their money back. Iilleo with rage, Tetzel
oeclareo he hao oroers lrom the pope to burn all
opposers. ,GC 128:3 8 129:0,
Luther still a papist ol the straightest sort. ,GC
Though Luther hao been moveo by the Spirit
ol Goo to begin his work, he was not to carry it
lorwaro without severe connicts... To enlighten ano
relorm the people woulo be virtually to unoermine
the authority ol Rome to stop thousanos ol streams
now nowing into her treasury... Ior this reason, they
reluseo the knowleoge tenoereo them ol Goo, ano
#11#7); themselves #.#+-'$ C"1+'$ ano the truth by their
5005'+$+5- $5 $") 9#- G"59 E) "#; ')-$ $5 )-=+."$)- $")9S
GC 131,132
118 Only a year hao passeo since the Relormer posteo
his theses on the castle church... Luther was as yet
but 0#1$+#==7 65-,)1$); 3159 $") )1151' 53 @59#-+'9... Luther
G#' '$+== # 'B0051$)1 53 $") @59#- C"B16"D #-; "#; -5 $"5B."$
that he woulo ),)1 ')0#1#$) lrom her communion. GC
139:1-2. Even as William Miller hao no thought ol
lorming a separate oenomination.
120 Luther wrote three treatises on relorm, attacking
abuses in the church ano +-,+$+-. ')6B=#1 05G)1 $5 +-'$+$B$)
1)3519'. ,Iunk 8 Wagnall's Luther,
121 Juogment is passeo upon Luther at the Diet ol
Worms. Luther is excommunicateo ano the pope
oroereo the emperor to execute the sentence.
Insteao the emperor summoneo Luther belore
the Diet, to oeleno his works or recant, ano on his r
elusal, placeo him unoer the ban ol the empire. I 8
W Luther. ,GC 1!-170,.
Majority ol the Diet were against the Relormer.
,GC 1!9:2,.
On his oeparture lrom Worms Luther was
seizeo at the instigation ol his lrienos ano spiriteo
away to Wartburg Castle. Here he wrote a treatise on
monastic vows, ano completeo a translation ol the
New Testament lrom Greek into German. I. 8 W.
Encyclopeoia "Luther", GC 1o8- 170,18.
".). The 1)#= N).+--+-. 1)#= N).+--+-. ol the Frotestant Relormation.
Dr. Martin shook the lounoation ol Rome's
claims upon his lile by $G5 raoical steps. . . writing the
ninety-nve theses ano taking a wile. His 9)-$#= N1)#>
with Romanism came when he placeo the theses on
the Castle Church ooor, NB$ +$ G#' -5$ B-$+= ") 9#11+);
$"#$ "+' 0"7'+6#= '),)1#-6) N)6#9) 6590=)$).,12, Martin
Luther Goo's Man ol Destiny, Miller, p. 10o
("+' ("+' V V9#11+#.) 5- AB-) WgD Wf\f 9#11+#.) 5- AB-) WgD Wf\f[ [ was the 1)#= N).] 1)#= N).]
+--+-. +--+-. ol the Frotestant parsonage, which has
showereo the worlo with the choicest blessings.
Martin Luther, Dallman, p. 23
The City ol Worms accepts the Frotestant laith,
ano Luther marries Kathryn Von Bora, a nun. ,Iunk
8 Wagnall's "Luther",. Here is the #6$B#= N).+--+-. 53
415$)'$#-$+'9 -- :
12o Religious toleration granteo by Diet ol Spires, gives
each state liberty in matters ol religion. ,GC 197:3,.
Goo's provioence "#; ")=; +- 6")6> the lorces that
opposeo the truth. Charles V was bent on crushing
the Relormation, but olten as he raiseo his hano to
strike, he hao been lorceo to turn asioe the blow.
Again ano again the immeoiate oestruction ol all
who oareo to oppose themselves to Rome appeareo
inevitable, but at the critical moment the armies ol
the Turk appeareo on the eastern lrontier, or the king
ol Irance, or even the pope himsell, jealous ol the
increasing greatness ol the emperor maoe war upon
him, ano thus, amio the strile ano tumult ol the
nations, $") @)3519#$+5- "#; N))- =)3$ $5 '$1)-.$")- #-;
)M$)-;. GC197:2.
129 Secono Diet ol Spires summoneo lor the purpose ol
crushing heresy. Fapists are jubilant, ano the
Relormers greatly perplexeo. ,GC 198-199:!,
A oark ano threatening oay hao come lor the
Relormation. GC 197:2. The 12o oecree ol
toleration was annulleo. ,GC 198:2,
130 The $1+B90" ol the Relormation.
The Frotest ol Spires ,129, ano the
Conlession at Augsburg ,130,... markeo the $1+B90"
ol the Relormation in Germany... Great Contro-
versy, p. 211:1
To quiet the oissensions which oisturbeo the
empire, Charles V, in the year lollowing the Frotest ol
Spires, convokeo a Diet at Augsburg... GC 20o:0.
Great oangers threateneo the Relormation...
The elector set out with his retinue lor Augsburg. All
were acquainteo with the oangers that menaceo him,
ano many went lorwaro with gloomy countenance
ano troubleo heart. But Luther, who accompanieo
them as lar as Coburg, reviveo their sinking laith by
singing the hymn, written on that journey, 'A strong
tower is our Goo.' Many an anxious lorebooing was
banisheo, many a heavy heart lighteneo, at the souno
ol the inspiring strains. GC 20o:1.
A conlession ol laith was orawn up in
systematic lorm to be presenteo belore the Diet, ano
the task ol its preparation was given to Luther,
Melanchton ano their associates. ,GC 20o:2,
As the Christian princes aovanceo to sign the
Conlession, Melanchton interposeo, saying, 'It is lor
the theologians ano ministers to propose these things,
let us reserve lor other matters the authority ol the
mighty ones ol the earth.' 'Goo lorbio,' replieo John
ol Saxony, 'that you shoulo excluoe me. I am resolveo
to oo what is right, without troubling mysell about
my crown. I oesire to conless the Loro. My electoral
hat ano my ermine are not so precious to me as the
cross ol Jesus Christ,' ... thus spoken, he wrote oown
his name. Saio another ol the princes as he took the
pen, 'Il the honor ol my Loro Jesus Christ requires it,
& #9 1)#;7SSS $5 =)#,) 97 .55;' #-; =+3) N)"+-;'... ',rather,
than receive any other ooctrine than that which is
containeo in this Conlession.' ...Such was the laith
ano oaring ol these men ol Goo. GC 207:0.
As Relormation signines a 1)51.#-+j#$+5-, a 6"#-.) in ioeas
ano theories, "#N+$' #-; 01#6$+6)'. ,@),+)G #-; E)1#=;, Jan. 2, 1902
par. 8, we shoulo be able to look at the history ol Luther's
experience above ano see when this 6"#-.) really began. Notice
that in 117 Luther oio inoeeo 6#== lor relormation, but there
was no actual 6"#-.) in habits ano practices at that time. In
lact, Luther was still a papist ol the straightest sort ,GC128:3,.
The only time that can be truly lookeo at as the beginning ol
'Luther's Relormation' is 12, when he ,a Catholic priest, took
Kathryn Von Bora ,a nun, as his wile. In light ol the lact that
neither priests nor nuns were permitteo to marry, this certainly
was a 6"#-.) in ioeas ano theories, "#N+$' ano 01#6$+6)'S
Just as there was a 6#== lor relormation prior to the #6$B#=
relormation at the N).+--+-. ol the !30 years, just so there was a
6#== lor relormation prior to the #6$B#= relormation at the )-; ol
the !30 years. This 6#== lor relormation nst came in the lorm ol a
book entitleo (") /")0")1;K' @5; p (") WhhDZZZ 53 @),)=#$+5- q
C#== C#== L51 @)3519#$+5-. 12 with the aooition ol !30 years brings
us to 19. This is the year in which we shoulo expect to see the
lulnllment ol all the previously mentioneo prophecies.
DYZZ J +,- H$>"(, J +,- 6%44-"(-4-"# %<
#,- K'&74-"# <%$ #,- 8)9)"7 L +,)$& =>$# %<
#,- :->@ J +,- /-<%$4>#)%" H-7)"1
On Ieb. , 19, alter 2 years ol #--5B-6+-. the #0015#6" ol
the +-,)'$+.#$+,) juogment lor the living with the latter rain truth,
Victor Tasho Houtell was laio to rest in the grave ano the Spirit
ol Frophecy again became quiescent in the church. This took
place !0 years alter Ellen White's oeath in 191, which was 390
years alter 12. His oeath was recognizeo by those in the
Davioian movement as a temporary cessation ol the latter rain:
Since we now know through prophecy that $") $")
=#$$)1 1#+- "#' $)9051#1+=7 '$500); =#$$)1 1#+- "#' $)9051#1+=7 '$500);, let us not waste our time
with strange 'voices' ano 'winos ol ooctrines,' but
rather let us make available to others the very present
Truth which now has mighty power to give lile or
oeath. - /79N5=+6 C5;)D Vol. 11, No. 1, p. 1! ,Nov. 19,
What the Davioians laileo to realize, though, is that while
the rain hao stoppeo lalling on New Mt. Carmel Center, it hao
continueo elsewhere:
Ano also & "#,) G+$""5=;)- $") 1#+- 3159 75BD G")-
$")1) G)1) 7)$ $"1)) 95-$"' $"1)) 95-$"' $5 $") "#1,)'$: ano & 6#B'); +$ $5 1#+-
B05- 5-) 6+$7D #-; 6#B'); +$ -5$ $5 1#+- B05- #-5$")1 6+$7Y 5-)
0+)6) G#' 1#+-); B05-D #-; $") 0+)6) G")1)B05- +$ 1#+-); -5$
G+$")1);. - _95' !:7
Irom the time the rain ceaseo lalling on the one city ,New
Mt. Carmel, till the time the harvest ,juogment lor the living,
began was three months. This louno lulnllment at the eno ol
Ezekiel's !30 years, May, 19. At this time, Benjamin Rooen
was calleo to the prophetic olnce ano receiveo the new
message which announceo that the juogment lor the living "#; "#;
N).B- N).B-, which was accompanieo by many other important truths.
The city that continueo to receive rain was Ooessa Texas ,those
that receiveo the Branch,, whereas the city that hao the rain
withholoen lrom it ,them, was New Mt. Carmel Center ano
those who hao went with Ilorence Houtell. As a result, the top
,leaoership, ol Carmel withereo ,Amos 1:2, !:7, Eze. 17:10,
while at the same time, the Branch blossomeo.
One ol the truths that came along with announcing that
the Juogment lor the Living "#; N).B-, was the revelation ol the
new name ,Isa. o2:2, which was also to come at the eno ol the
!30 years. Belore oelving into this aspect in particular, it is worth
consioering the reason why Victor Houtell saio the new name
woulo be revealeo at the eno ol the !30 years in the nrst place.
Since where there is no type, there is no truth ,2SR 10,
it woulo be wise to examine the type to see il it contains any
light lor us on this subject. At the eno ol the typical !30 years,
which starteo lrom Abraham, there was inoeeo a new name
revealeo. The recoro is as lollows:
Ano Goo spake unto Moses, ano saio unto him,
I am the LORD: Ano I appeareo unto Abraham, unto
Isaac, ano unto Jacob, by the name ol Goo Almighty,
but by my name JEHOVAH G#' & -5$ >-5G- $5 $")9. -
OM5;B' o:2-3
There are a number ol things that can be orawn lrom this
passage which illuminate our unoerstanoing ol the new name
to be revealeo at the eno ol the anti-typical !30 years. Iirst, we
learn that there +' a biblical lounoation lor a new name being
revealeo at the eno ol !30 years. Secono, we see that the new
name, while newly revealeo #' # -#9), may be unoerstooo to be
at least a title prior to that time. We say this because there is
recoro ol Abraham using the name Jehovah ,Yahweh, prior to
the completion ol the !30 years ,Gen. 22:1!,. Thiro, in the type,
the name revealeo was, in actuality, the name ol Goo.
While it is true that the scriptures speak ol the church
receiving a new name, which is likewise relevant to this subject,
it also speaks ol Jesus Christ Himsell receiving a new name
,We`ll aooress the church`s relation to the new name in the
lollowing pages,. Ol Christ`s new name it is written:
Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the
temple ol my Goo, ano he shall go no more out: ano I
will write upon him the name ol my Goo, ano the
name ol the city ol my Goo, which is new Jerusalem,
which cometh oown out ol heaven lrom my Goo: ano
& G+== G1+$) B05- "+9 97 -)G -#9) & G+== G1+$) B05- "+9 97 -)G -#9). - @),)=#$+5- 3:12
The 1!!,000 were all ')#=); ano perlectly
uniteo. 2- $")+1 351)")#;' G#' G1+$$)-, Goo, New
Jerusalem, ano a glorious star containing A)'B'K -)G A)'B'K -)G
-#9) -#9). . - O#1=7 !1+$+-.'D p. 1
Accoroing to the context ano meaning ol these statements,
Jesus receives His new name +- $") $+9) 53 $") ')#=+-. 53 $") WhhDZZZ.
Since this is the case, we must nno a type lor this perioo in oroer
to ioentily what the new name is. Accoroing to /")0")1;K' @5;
b5=B9) \ pages 29-282, the builoing ol the secono temple is a
type lor that very time. Therelore, it is to the prophecies relating
to the builoing ol that temple in anti-type to which we must look
lor our answer.
Hear now, O Joshua the high priest, thou, ano
thy lellows that sit belore thee: lor they are men
wonoereo at: lor, beholo, & G+== N1+-. 351$" 97 ')1,#-$ $") $")
I@_^CE I@_^CE. - F)6"#1+#" 3:8
Ano speak unto him, saying, Thus speaketh the
LORD ol hosts, saying, Beholo $") 9#- G"5') -#9) +' (") $") 9#- G"5') -#9) +' (")
I@_^CE I@_^CE, ano ") '"#== .15G B0 5B$ 53 "+' 0=#6)D #-; ") '"#==
NB+=; $") $)90=) 53 $") *2@`:
Even he shall builo the temple ol the LORD, ano
he shall bear the glory, ano shall sit ano rule upon his
throne, ano he shall be a priest upon his throne: ano
the counsel ol peace shall be between them both. -
F)6"#1+#" o:12-13
Notice the present tense ol F)6"#1+#" o:12 the man whose
name &/ &/ The BRANCH. We are tolo in the @5;
that when a
passage is written in present tense, it inoicates that at the time
ol its revelation, the lulnllment ol the passage is also present.
Ior example, the hour ol his juogment +' +' come was only truly
unoerstooo when Oct. 22, 18!! arriveo ano the scripture was
lulnlleo. With this in mino, we can see that the very lact that
F)6"#1+#" o:12 is written in present tense shows that at some point
in time a man is to be calleo by the -#9) The Branch while
simultaneously, the unoerstanoing ol this passage is being
Though Zechariah's prophecy here is given in the context
ol the ol the builoing the secono temple, there was no one in
that oay, the oay ol Zechariah, that went by the name ol The
Branch ano that oio the things which this one is saio to oo.
That is, builo the temple, bear the glory, sit ano rule upon
his throne, ano be a priest upon his throne. These verses
clearly oepict Christ ano His work in the secono #-$+$70+6#=
It has been long unoerstooo by believers that the Branch
is a title lor Christ, just as Abraham unoerstooo that Jehovah
,Yahweh, was a title lor Goo. However, what the prophecies ano
the type both reveal is that at the eno ol the !30 years, Christ
was to take on the name the Branch as his new name. Christ
taking on this new name is, ol course, inoicative ol the work He
is to oo in builoing the secono anti-typical temple.
3 See /")0")1;K' @5;, Vol. 1, p. 1o, 17, 1o1, 1o2, 209, 21!, 219, 2!0, 2!1,
2!2, 2!!
So, how exactly is this new name ol Jesus connecteo with
the new name which the church is to receive? Well, by com-
paring Jeremiah chapters 23 ano 33 we can see that both Christ
ano the church are to be calleo by the same name, that being the
new name ol Christ.
Beholo, the oays come, saith the LORD, that &
G+== 1#+') B-$5 `#,+; # 1+."$)5B' I1#-6" I1#-6", ano a l+-. l+-. shall
reign ano prosper, ano shall execute juogment ano
justice in the earth.
In "+' "+' oays Juoah shall be saveo, ano Israel shall
owell salely: ano this is "+' "+' name whereby ") ") shall be
A)1)9+#" 23:-o
Christ is calleo 'the Loro our righteousness,' ano
through laith each one shoulo say, 'The Loro my
righteousness.' - /)=)6$); :)''#.)', Vol. 1, p. 331
In those oays, ano at that time, will I cause $") $")
I1#-6" I1#-6" ol righteousness to grow up unto Davio, ano he
shall execute juogment ano righteousness in the lano.
In those oays shall Juoah be saveo, ano Jerusalem
shall owell salely: ano this is the name wherewith '") '")
shall be calleo, The LORD our righteousness. -
A)1)9+#" 33:1-1o
23 $") 6"B16" ol Christ it is written 'This is the
name wherewith she shall be calleo, The Loro our
righteousness.' Jer. 33:1o. This name is put upon every
lollower ol Christ. - (") L#+$" & *+,) I7, p. !1, par. 7
Ano there shall come lorth a roo out ol the stem
ol Jesse, ano # I1#-6" # I1#-6" '"#== .15G 5B$ 53 "+' 155$': - &'#+#"
In that oay shall the N1#-6" 53 $") * N1#-6" 53 $") *2@` 2@` be
beautilul ano glorious, ano the lruit ol the earth shall
be excellent ano comely lor them that are escapeo ol
Israel. - &'#+#" !:2
m!"5 +' $5 N1+-. $"+' 1),+,#= #-; 1)3519#$+5- 1)3519#$+5-D $"+' .1)#$
6"#-.)8 ]] (") I@_^CE (") I@_^CE - (+9)=7 <1))$+-.', Vol. 1, No.
8, par. 2!
The truth ol Jesus' new name is part ol what makes up the
seal ol the 1!!,000. The nrst part ol the seal is Goo - the
Sabbath, brought by EGW, the secono is New Jerusalem - the
Kingoom truth, brought by VTH, ano thiro is Jesus' new
name, which was brought lorwaro by Ben Rooen in the
message ol the Branch. These various aspects ol the seal are
explaineo in oetail in the writings ol Ben Rooen.
In the statement last quoteo ,(+9)=7 <1))$+-.', Vol. 1, No. 8,
p. 2!, we see that the 1)3519#$+5- which is to take place at the eno
ol the !30 years ,(+9)=7 <1))$+-.', Vol. 2, No. 39, p. 13, is brought
by the Branch. Earlier, we learneo that Relormation signines a
1)51.#-+j#$+5-, a 6"#-.) in ioeas ano theories, "#N+$' #-; 01#6$+6)'
,@),+)G #-; E)1#=;, Ieb. 2, 1902 par. 8,. We also learneo that
Victor Houtell brought a message 6#==+-. 6#==+-. lor relormation. But,
just as Luther's 6#== lor relormation in 117 was not the
relormation itsell, likewise Houtell's 6#== was not, in itsell, the
relormation either. This is manilestly seen in the example ol the
Bible least oays. Victor Houtell cast out the abomination by
exposing pagan holioays such as christmas, easter, halloween,
etc. as well as oeclaring that the true Bible least oays woulo one
oay be restoreo ,2TG 21:11, 2TG o:20-21, 9JL 2,, however, it
was not until The Branch message arriveo that the anti-typical
least oays were actually restoreo ,re-instituteo,.
Since the relormation is brought by the Branch, ano since
the Branch is Christ, the Brioegroom. Let us take a quick look at
how these events, which are connecteo with the juogment lor the
living, are a repetition ol the history at the time ol the opening
ol the juogment lor the oeao. As we have previously seen, the
@5; message was the H-#= 0"#') ol the nrst angel's message ,!"+$)
E5B') @)61B+$)1, p. 37,, as it announceo the soon coming
juogment upon the living. Just as those who proclaimeo the
+-+$+#= 0"#') ol the nrst angel's message oio not at nrst correctly
unoerstano the $+9) ol the opening ol the juogment lor the
oeao, just so, those who proclaimeo the H-#= 0"#') ol the nrst
angel's message oio not correctly unoerstano the $+9) the
investigative juogment lor the living woulo begin.
In the 18!0's, the correct unoerstanoing ol the time oio
not come until the secono angel's message hao arriveo ano the
message, Beholo the Brioegroom cometh was proclaimeo. We
nno precisely the same thing with the repetition ol those
messages as they relate to the juogment lor the living, lor it was
not until Ben Rooen's message ,secono angel, hao arriveo ano it
was saio, Beholo the Brioegroom |The Branch| cometh that
the true time ol the !30 years was revealeo. The coming ol the
Brioegroom in the nrst instance was in relerence to Christ's
coming to the Most Holy Flace to start the juogment lor the
oeao, whereas in the latter instance it was in relerence to His
coming to sit as a renner ano puriner ol silver, to purily the sons
ol Levi, to conouct the investigate juogment lor the living.
In this overview ol what Victor Houtell saio was to
transpire at the eno ol the !30 years, we have seen that the
events ,the close ol the juogment ol the oeao, a new message
announcing that the juogment lor the living "#; N).B-, ano the
revelation ol the new name, etc., oio not take place in 1931,
but oio in lact take place in 19 through the continueo work ol
the Living Spirit ol Frophecy ,Elijah, through Ben Rooen.
Ior a oetaileo exposition ol what has been transpiring
lrom 19, when the oays ,!30 years, ol the siege were
lulnlleo, up till tooay, ano the truths that have been revealeo
since that time, along with what will be transpiring in relation to
the juogment lor the living, please see our stuoy, !")- (") K/+).)K
E#' O-;); p Oj)>+)= f p (") AB;.9)-$ L51 (") *+,+-. by Doug
Ior Zion's sake G+== & -5$ "5=; 97 0)#6), ano lor Jerusalem's sake &
G+== -5$ 1)'$, until the righteousness thereol go lorth as brightness,
ano the salvation thereol as a lamp that burneth. - &'#+#" o2:1
My prayer is that all who reao this stuoy may recognize the
Loro's voice in the unrolling ol the scroll pleaoing with them to
Incline your ear, ano come unto me: hear, ano your soul
shall live... - &'#+#" :3
by Trent R. Wiloe
Copyright: January 23, 2012
All Rights Reserveo
[" [;;->@
The purpose ol this three-part booklet has been to set
belore the reaoer strong evioence, primarily lrom the writings ol
Victor Houtell, lor the continuity ol prophetic inspiration since
his oeath.
The nrst stuoy was intenoeo to show lorth the truth that,
in oroer to have successlul revival ano relormation, there must
be a living prophet on the scene, ano that we are to expect
exactly that. The secono was to answer the inevitable questions
which arise in Davioian minos once conlronteo with the neeo
lor the =+,+-. '0+1+$ 53 0150")67. The thiro was primarily to oirect
the reaoer to the true line ol inspiration which succeeoeo the
/")0")1;K' @5; message, ano to place belore you sulncient
evioence to cause you to see the neeo lor lurther investigation.
To summarize these stuoies more lrankly, the nrst stuoy
oemonstrates that Victor Houtell taught that there will be more
prophets, the secono oemonstrates that he never taught that
there woulo be no more truth ano no more prophets, ano lastly,
the thiro oemonstrates that the I1#-6" message is the true up-
shoot ol the Davioian message.
We realize that Branch Davioians have been given a bao
name, ano that, mostly oue to the teachings ano behavior ol
Vernon Howell ,a.k.a. Davio Koresh,. The truth ol the matter,
though, is that Davio Koresh was never the leaoer ol the Branch
Davioians, but rather hao a separate ano oistinct sect which
workeo in opposition to the Branch Davioians lrom 1983 till
their tragic consummation in 1993. Ior more on the history ol
the Koreshians ano how their activities have ellecteo the Branch
Davioians, please see our stuoy, (") !#13#1) 53 b)1-5- E5G)==
V#S>S#S `#,+; l51)'"[ #-; 5$")1' #.#+-'$ $") I1#-6" `#,+;+#- /),)-$" `#7
We oo not share these things with you so you can place
more ooctrines on your theological shell, nor is it our goal to aoo
members to a particular sect. The Scriptures oeclare that all,
whether nominal Christian, Seventh-oay Aoventist, Davioian, or
Branch Davioian, are in the conoition ol the oeao ory bones ol
Ezekiel's vision. The spiritual oeath ano oarkness which
presently covers the people is lar more horrilying than most, il
not all, compreheno. Flease see our stuoies, Oj)>+)= Wo p ("1))
/+'$)1' #-; (")+1 :5$")1, `17 I5-)' OM$1#D ano !")- (") K/+).)K E#'
O-;); p Oj)>+)= f p (") AB;.9)-$ L51 (") *+,+-.S
While it is the terrible truth that the majority ol the
worlo is oeao in trespasses ano sins, ano that we want each to
take that as a startling 0)1'5-#= revelation, we also must proclaim
the truth that the resurrection lrom that spiritual oeath has
begun. The events which have been recently transpiring are the
most signincant since the oays ol Christ ano the apostles, even
though they are still hiooen in obscurity lrom the eyes ol the
worlo. What woulo it be like to live in the oays when Mary was
pregnant with our Savior, when no one comprehenoeo the
import ol what was taking place?
Ior many, many years, the worlo has been lying last
asleep in the valley ol the shaoow ol oeath. Is this not evioent in
your own lile? Can you not see that you have sins which, no
matter what you oo, reluse to loosen their grip on your perishing
soul? Now is the oay ol salvation Arise, shine, lor thy light is
come, ano the glory ol the LORD is risen upon thee. &'#+#" o0:1
The Spirit has come ano is breathing lile ,Oj)>+)= 37:9-10,,
ano we pleao with you all not to lail to avail yourselves ol that
Wisoom says, Ior whoso nnoeth me nnoeth lile, ano
shall obtain lavour ol the LORD. But he that sinneth
against me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate
me love oeath. - 415,)1N' 8:3-3o
In Love,
Trent R. Wiloe
The Branch

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