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Cognitive Domain or the process used to learn represents a continuum of increasing cognitive complexityfrom remember to


Low order thin ing !igh order thin ing

recogni"ing #identifying$ recalling #retrieving$

interpreting #clarifying% paraphrasing% representing% translating$ exemplifying #illustrating% instantiating$ classifying #categori"ing% subsuming$ summari"ing #abstracting% subsuming$ inferring #concluding% extrapolating% interpolating% predicting$ comparing #contrasting% mapping% matching$ explaining #constructing models$

executing #carrying out$ implementing #using$

Analy ing
differentiating #discriminating% distinguishing% focusing% selecting$ organi"ing #finding coherence% integrating% outlining% parsing% structuring$ attributing #deconstructing$

chec ing #coordinating% detecting% monitoring% testing$ criti&uing #'udging$

generating #hypothesi"ing$ planning #designing$ producing #construct$

(he "no#ledge dimension or the ind of nowledge to be learned represents a range from concrete #factual$ to abstract #metacognitive$

)oncrete nowledge *bstract nowledge

nowledge of terminology nowledge of specific details and elements

nowledge of classifications and categories nowledge of principles and generali"ations nowledge of theories% models% and structures

nowledge of sub'ect+specific s ills and algorithms nowledge of sub'ect+specific techni&ues and methods nowledge of criteria for determining when to use appropriate procedures

strategic nowledge nowledge about cognitive tas s% including appropriate contextual and conditional nowledge self+ nowledge

Remembering %a(t!al Con(ept!al )ro(ed!ral Meta(ognitive

List Recogni"e Recall 0dentify

,ummari"e )lassify )larify .redict

Respond .rovide )arry out 2se

Analy ing
,elect /ifferentiate 0ntegrate /econstruct

)hec /etermine 1udge Reflect

-enerate *ssemble /esign )reate

http://en.wi i/0ntroduction3to3the3.sychomotor3Behaviors

)sy(*omotor Domain
,peed may be a factor in psychomotor s ills. 4&uipment and/or tools may be needed to perform the psychomotor s ills. (esting re&uires more than 'ust a paper+based assessment and a pencil. .sychomotor s ills need to be performed and observed to determine mastery of the s ill. !ow to ride a bi e 5rapping a present )hanging a diaper 6on+examples: (ypes of bi es (ypes of wrapping paper 5hy babies wet their diapers


(he table below compares each of the .sychomotor domain theories.

Levels Low 0mitation

R! /ave #1789$ 6one 0mitation#copy$ ;anipulation

41 ,impson #179:$ .erception #awareness$ ,et -uided Response ;echanism )omplex =vert Response *daptation =rigination

*1 !arrow #179:$ Reflex ;ovement Basic fundamental ;ovements .erceptual *bilities .hysical *bilities , illed ;ovements 6on+discursive 6one

* Romis"ows i *c&uiring <nowledge 4xecuting *ctions (ransfer *utomati"ation -enerali"ation 6one 6one


/evelop .recision *rticulation 6aturali"ation

!igh !abit



Low )ategory or ,tage Behavior /escription !igh

)opy action of another

Reproduce activity from instructions

4xecute s ill reliably% independent of help

*dapt and integrate expertise to satisfy a non+standard ob'ective

Nat!rali ation
*utomated% unconscious mastery of activity and related s ills at strategic level /efine aim% approach% and strategy for use of activities to meet strategic need

4xamples of activities% demonstrations% and evidence of learning

5atch teacher or trainer and repeat action% process% or activity

)arry out tas from written or verbal instructions

.erform a tas or activity with expertise and to high &uality without assistance or instruction> able to demonstrate an activity to other learners Demonstrate(omplete- s*o#per.e(t- (alibrate-

Relate and combine associated activities to develop methods to meet varying% novel re&uirements

*ction ?erbs

Copy- .ollo#repli(ate- repeatad*ere- observe-

Re/(reate- b!ildper.orm- e0e(!teand implement

Constr!(t- solve(ombine(oordinate-

Design- spe(i.ymanage- inventand pro1e(t/

identi.y- mimi(- tryreena(t- and imitate

(ontrol- and pra(ti(e

integrate- adaptdevelop.orm!late- modi.ymaster- improveand tea(*


Based on R! /ave@s version of the .sychomotor /omain #@/eveloping and 5riting Behavioral =b'ectives@% 179A. (he theory was first presented at a Berlin conference 1789!ealth/syllabi/health/2nitA1/lessonA1b.htm

A..e(tive Domain (his domain includes the manner in which we deal with things emotionally% such as feelings% values%
appreciation% enthusiasms% motivations% and attitudes. (he five ma'or categories listed in order are:


Low Levels /escription !igh

Re(eiving p*enomena
*wareness% willingness to hear% selected attention.

Responding to p*enomena
*ctive participation on the part of the learners. *ttends and reacts to a particular phenomenon. Learning outcomes may emphasi"e compliance in responding% willingness to respond% or satisfaction in responding #motivation$.

(he worth or value a person attaches to a particular ob'ect% phenomenon% or behavior. (his ranges from simple acceptance to the more complex state of commitment. ?aluing is based on the internali"ation of a set of specified values% while clues to these values are expressed in the learnerBs overt behavior and are often identifiable. /emonstrates belief in the democratic process. 0s sensitive towards individual and cultural differences #value diversity$. ,hows the ability to solve problems. .roposes a plan to social improvement and follows through with commitment. 0nforms management on matters that one feels strongly about.

Organi ation
=rgani"es values into priorities by contrasting different values% resolving conflicts between them% and creating an uni&ue value system. (he emphasis is on comparing% relating% and synthesi"ing values.

Internali ing val!es

#characteri"ation$: !as a value system that controls their behavior. (he behavior is pervasive% consistent% predictable% and most importantly% characteristic of the learner. 0nstructional ob'ectives are concerned with the student@s general patterns of ad'ustment #personal% social% emotional$. ,hows self+reliance when wor ing independently. )ooperates in group activities #displays teamwor $. 2ses an ob'ective approach in problem solving. /isplays a professional commitment to ethical practice on a daily basis. Revises 'udgments and changes behavior in


Listen to others with respect. Listen for and remember the name of newly introduced people.

.articipates in class discussions. -ives a presentation. Cuestions new ideals% concepts% models% etc. in order to fully understand them. <now the safety rules and practices them.

Recogni"es the need for balance between freedom and responsible behavior. *ccepts responsibility for oneBs behavior. 4xplains the role of systematic planning in solving problems. *ccepts professional ethical standards. )reates a life plan in harmony with abilities%


as s% chooses% describes% follows% gives% holds% identifies% locates% names% points to% selects% sits% erects% replies% uses.

answers% assists% aids% complies% conforms% discusses% greets% helps% labels% performs% practices% presents% reads% recites% reports% selects% tells% writes.

completes% demonstrates% differentiates% explains% follows% forms% initiates% invites% 'oins% 'ustifies% proposes% reads% reports% selects% shares% studies% wor s.

interests% and beliefs. .rioriti"es time effectively to meet the needs of the organi"ation% family% and self. adheres% alters% arranges% combines% compares% completes% defends% explains% formulates% generali"es% identifies% integrates% modifies% orders% organi"es% prepares% relates% synthesi"es

light of new evidence. ?alues people for what they are% not how they loo .

acts% discriminates% displays% influences% listens% modifies% performs% practices% proposes% &ualifies% &uestions% revises% serves% solves% verifies.

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