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Pilot Project Under National Vocational

Education Qualification Framework- NVEQF

Haryana State, October 2012
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! 0.11.)2
Llnk Lducauon Lo LmployablllLy

! 3.1.)2
Make educauon relevanL ln percepuon of SLakeholders
repare adolescenL Lo adulL llfe - Plgher Lducauon & World of Work

! 4)5/1
Successfully lnLroduce and lnLegraLe vocauonal courses aL Lhe Class 9Lh and11Lh
ln 40 schools ln 8 dlsLrlcLs
lmprove employablllLy of Lhe sLudenLs graduaung from Lhese courses.
8educuon ln school dropouL raLes and beuer auendance levels.
!'$6'.$7 )* 839:; -./)+ .2 <56=525 >+5+$
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I2EC1+6= J)'$65D$F G >$%+)61
! 8 ulsLrlcLs, 40 Schools, Class
lx(L1), xl(L3),

! 23-30 SLudenLs each aL each

! lloL (L1,L3): ~30x2x40 = ~4000
! AuLomouve

! l1/l1eS
! 8eLall
! SecurlLy
K)/$1 52E K$1@)21."./.&$1
Approval of roposal's, Sancuon & ! #$%&
Culdellnes for lmplemenLauon
lndusLry urlven Sklll SLandards (nCS) : '(&)* (()+
lndusLry lnvolvemenL &Mapplng need : '(&)* (()+, -./01 231-4/1+
Currlculum and Courseware : 5(()6789 ):(8 34; <3;.=340 >?@4;3A?4
rogram ManagemenL arLner : <3;.=340 >?@4;3A?4
lmplemenLauon of Lhe lloL ro[ecL : (-3-/ B?C/14D/4-
AssessmenL : $31E343 (F.??G :?31; H+@22?1-/; IE (()+J
SLaLe and ulsLrlcL ro[ecL ManagemenL : $31E343 (-3-/ &/2-K , <3;.=340
>+5+C1 )* IB@/$B$2+5&)2
! nvLCl Cell seL up aL ulrecLoraLe & 8oard of School Lducauon, Paryana
! Schools ldenued
! SLas appolnLed aL Pead CuarLers & School
! 1ralnlng of 1ralners ConducLed
! Sub Commluee of SMuC
! Moblllzauon & Counsellng of arenLs
! Chlldren enrolled
! M & L sysLem operauonallzed
L$= M$562.2D1
! Mainstreaming Vocationalisation rather than separate specialized VET
will increase numbers
! Start early to reinforce importance of skills at a young age
! Cross section of districts do in urban/rural; industrialized vs. non-
! Industries and jobs should drive the types of vocational training given
! Needed Standard Operating Procedures Manual of the implementation
! Core Employability skills essential across Sectors

! Skills Need Analysis is the Key Challenge
! Industry Drivers/Involvement
! Deep industry involvement and buy-in both at SSC and local level
! More involvement of industry or to have several channels of partnership
! Central NSDC/SSCs may not be able to provide all that
! District selection and skill mapping needs to be done first e.g. need to assess
whether the 4 sectors selected are applicable
! Curriculum/ Courseware
! Delay in the development of Courseware.
! NOS not ready for IT/ITeS (course which is of major attraction for the students)
! Out of 4 sectors, only one courseware (Security) vetted by SSC.
! No process for giving feedback by States to NSDC / SSCs on the curriculum /
Content, based on field experience
! Creation of curriculum architecture across sectors needed. E.g. some common
foundational modules like English, IT literacy, soft skills and customer relationship
management etc
! Need flexibility / budget to explore other alternatives for state with govt/private
! No Provision for PPP for delivery in this
I11C$1 J)2+NN
The areas of underfunding
! Skill Gap Analysis funding
! Assessment fees
! Translation of content
! Guest faculty honorarium (only Rs. 200/- per lecture hour without
any travel or other consideration)
! Master Trainer Honorarium (only Rs. 500/- per day)
! Infrastructure/ Tools for E learning (No budget)
! Project Management Resources
I11C$1 J)2+NN
! Clear and distinct roles and responsibilities
! According to the charter of the organization among SSCs, NSDC,
Content creators, PSSCIVE, School Education Boards For
Curriculum outline, content writing, Content approval, Training ,
Assessment methodology .
! NSDC/SSC should be the Voice of the industry requirements,
interaction, and assessments. Mobilize industry for training &
placement support.
! Enable State level, District level structure
! Dedicated team in SSC needed.

Thank You

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