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Chronicle of a Death Foretold

FCA#1: must include 3 quotes cited correctly and analyzed (Garca Mrquez 115). You may not just drop in a quote. You must introduce it as it relates to your argument and discuss its relevance/significance. Never begin or end a paragraph with a quote._____/10 FCA#2: must be between 650-850 words. Show Word Count_______/10 FCA#3: multiple paragraphs (minimum 3), no contractions, no I/you________/10

In Gabriel Garca Mrquezs Chronicle of a Death Foretold, there is a significant amount of money and position involved in the roles of the characters. Social connections and relationships have special statures in (Garca Mrquez ) What is the importance of money and position in the novel? Money plays a significant role in the novel, along with position in society. Money plays a significant role in Gabriel Garca Mrquezs Chronicle of a Death Foretold, along with position in society. Every characters role in society and in the town in general is based on wealth and social status. How does one form social connections? To form social connections, marriage is usually the key. This is the case for Angela Vicarios family. The father was blind from working so hard, and they were economically middle class, and not exactly high class. The only thing that the family had going for them was How does one form social connections? To form social connections, marriage is usually the key. This is the case for Angela Vicarios family. The father was blind from working so hard, and they were economically middle class, and not exactly high class. The only thing that the family had going for them was What is the basis for relationships?

Are the rules different for rich and poor?

Which aspects of the social code may be broken or amended by money?

Which may not?

Is race or appearance a factor in a characters role in this society?

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