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This book content and website is 1999 by Amargi Hillier.

. No part of this manual may be duplicated by any means for any reason. Nor shall there by any unauthorized distributions of it. Intro -- General Info By Amargi 1 -- Your Thoughts Have The Power 2 -- Brain Frequen ies ! Brain In"u ers # -- Higher $imensional %evels & -- 'hat You (ee Is 'hat You Get ) -- 'hat You (ee Is 'hat You Get II * -- The +agi Tou h , -- In reasing The For e - -- .a"ioni s ! Psioni s / -- 0eurologi al Triggers Final -- Always .emem1er Ti2s The te hniques an" instru tions that you are a1out to learn in this 1oo3 will hange your life forever4 The i"ea that you have the 2ower within you to hange your reality is not a far fet he" on e2t5 Peo2le have 1e "oing it for eons5 (ome non mainstream religions 2rea h this6 an" even some s2e ies of animals are a1le to mani2ulate their reality 71ut that is a whole other story85 (o why haven9t you learne" or hear" a1out these te hniques 1efore: 'ell6 there are a whole slew of 2ossi1le reasons why this ty2e of 3nowle"ge has sli22e" from your han"s 7an" you oul" 2ro1a1ly ome u2 with some of your own85 (ome reasons might involve ; ons2ira y< ty2e su22ression 7i5e5 government6 e"u ational institutions86 money su 3ing ourses ! le tures6 te hniques shrou"e" in a"van e" eastern religions6 not the right 1oo3s in the li1rary=1oo3stores6 info offere" in o1s ure o ult 2u1li ations6 or any other 2ossi1ilities5 +u h of the min" 2ower information out there is not that effe tive6 in my o2inion5 +y >o1 is to filter all the "ifferent forms of min" 2ower usage into one totally effe tive6 totally easy-to-un"erstan" 1oo3 of 3nowle"ge that will 1e your 3ey to unlo 3ing Y?@. hi""en magi al 2otential5 +y Asu22resse" 3nowle"ge offee 2otA has 1een 1rewing all my life 555 I9ve ha" to hange the filter frequently6 1ut now the 1est of all the min" 2ower B1eansB are in one great 2ot for you to onsume4 Cust li3e offee6 my 1everage of wis"om will o2en your eyes an" get your 1loo" 2um2ing5 7'ell your 2um2ing 1loo" will 1e your rewar" on e you im2lement these te hniques58 Cust what is ;min" 2ower<: Your min" is what you use to thin3D 2ower is a form of strength5 'hat you will 1e a1le to "o after you rea" this 1oo3 is to strengthen your a1ility to thin35 Getting your thin3ing stronger is a om2lishe" 1y one main s3ill 555 1e oming ons ious5 You must 1e fully aware of your true self6 your true situation6 your true surroun"ings an" your true life5 This 1oo3 will tea h you this B1e oming ons iousB on e2t an" its im2ortan e for mental se"u tion5 An im2ortant i"ea that shoul" remain in your awareness is that there is mu h more to what you thin3 that eEists aroun" you5 %et me give you an eEam2le5 As you live your life6 you arry within your 1elief system that there are ertain things that you annot see with your eyes5 You "on9t 7or rarely8 thin3 a1out these things5 You an smell o"ors 1ut you annot generally see the

o"or smell as it travels in the air5 You an wat h television6 1ut you annot see the frequen y waves oming into your television antenna5 You 3now your foo" is getting oo3e" in the mi rowave6 1ut you an9t see the little mi rowaves moving aroun" if you loo3 through the glass "oor5 You an hear musi soun"s from a s2ea3er 1ut you an9t generally see those soun" vi1rations with your eyes5 You annot see these things with your 2hysi al eyes in every"ay living 1ut a 2art of you is ons ious of these seemingly invisi1le things5 'hat I mean 1y Aa 2art of you is ons ious of these invisi1le thingsA is that it is within your reality to 1elieve that the things you an9t see really "o eEist5 Your reality an 1elieve it or an om2rehen" it without un"erstan"ing the "etaile" wor3ings of it5 Fven though you annot see these things6 you 3now that they are going onD it is thus within your 1elief system5 If you were hol"ing a ellular 2hone an" someone tol" you ;hey6 what really is ha22ening is that your 2hone is re eiving an" transmitting frequen ies or vi1rations that you annot see with your eyes< 555 you woul" not thin3 this to 1e a 1iGarre i"ea5 It is within your reality an" 1elief system5 You are ons ious of this on some level if you try to use your ellular 2hone in a remote lo ation5 You 3now that the airwaves an9t rea h you an" you might get stati 5 You are a 3nowle"ging that the invisi1le as2e t of the ellular 2hone9s frequen y wave 7or la 3 of8 is having an effe t on your what you are nee"ing to "o5 You are a 3nowle"ging the invisi1le as2e t of things when you 2ut your antenna u2 in your ar in or"er for the ra"io to at h the waves 1etter 555 or when you 2ut on the lea" a2ron 1efore getting an Eray at the hos2ital5 It is interesting that you are not a1le to see many things aroun" you yet you are ons ious or aware of the fa t that they "o eEist5 These invisi1le things are not a 1iGarre on e2t to you even though you might not fully un"erstan" the s ien e 1ehin" them5 You a e2t it within your 1eliefs an" it 1e omes a 2art of the reality you live in5 'hen it 1e omes your reality6 you usual "on9t give it ons ious thought5 I mentione" 1efore that there is mu h more to the things an" worl" aroun" you than you 3now5 If you annot see the TH waves oming to your TH antenna6 yet your awareness 3nows 7without thin3ing8 that they "o eEist 555 why is it "iffi ult for most 2eo2le to 1elieve that your min" an emit vi1rations an" frequen ies that annot 1e seen: 'ith all the ele tri al invisi1le frequen ies that 2ass through us from all ele tri al sour es6 why "o we overloo3 or have a "iffi ult time un"erstan"ing that there is human invisi1le ;noise< that 2asses through us: The 3nowle"ge that your min" has the a1ility to affe t the events an" worl" aroun" you still seems a 1it 1iGarre to most 2eo2le5 This has a "iffi ult time 1e oming the reality an" awareness of most 2eo2le even though invisi1le E-rays or television waves an 1e a e2te"5 To 2ut it sim2ly 555 to the average 2erson6 it >ust "oesn9t seem 1elieva1le that your min" an emit frequen ies an" effe t the environment in the same was that6 say6 ell 2hones emit frequen ies an" effe t the environment5 You are going to learn a1out the unseen things aroun" you5 You are going to 1e ome aware of what you normally an9t see5 This non-visi1le worl" aroun" you will 1e ome your reality as you 1egin to 2ra ti e these te hniques5 @nli3e ran"om invisi1le 2arti les Gooming aroun" your 1ag of 2o2 orn in your mi rowave without your ontrol6 the invisi1le min" 2ower realms aroun" you an 1e harnesse" an" ta3en ontrol of5 This 1oo3 won9t show you how to a tually see these invisi1le realms with your own eyes6 1ut it will show you how to gras2 an" mol" these unseen for es to "o your 1i""ing5 As you 1egin to "o this6 this new awareness will 1e ome your reality an" ommon eE2erien e6 an" then Bfrequen ies oming from your 1rain to the 1rain of

othersB will not seem so far fet he"5

Your Thoughts Have The Power

The events in your life an" the eE2erien es aroun" you are the result of what you have hosen to allow into your life5 +any 2eo2le "o not want to 1elieve this 1e ause it woul" mean that any negative thing that ever ha22ene" to them was as3e" for an" wante"5 You might not have s2e ifi ally as3e" to 1e mugge" 1ut there is something within you that allowe" it to ha22en5 (ometimes 2eo2le an really see how the 2ower of their min" an affe t their "aily lives5 (ome of them use this awareness to gui"e their lives in a 1etter "ire tion5 An" then of ourse there is the ma>ority who annot even on eive of su h an on e2t5 The reason why s many 2eo2le annot a e2t this Ayou get what you as3 forA i"ea is that it is very "iffi ult to 2in2oint life events stemming from your thoughts when you are not ons iously ma3ing it ha22en5 'hen you get goo" at ons iously mol"ing your life from your thoughts6 you will see it ha22en an" see >ust how it ha22ens5 If you were to thin3 the thought that you now have a 1ag of a22les in your refrigerator6 you won9t instantly fin" a 1ag if you went to your fri"ge an" loo3e"5 Your min" will give you what you want 1ut it wor3s through the events an" energies aroun" you5 (omeone might 1ring you a 1ag6 or you might visit a frien" an" then out of the 1lue they will have an eEtra 1ag of a22les left over from the 1oy s out 2i ni 5 Your goals 'I%% manifest6 1ut you will have to 3now what to loo3 for an" >ust how to 1e 2atient5 I will tea h you all of this so "on9t worry5 As you ta3e more ontrol over your 2ower to influen e the worl" aroun" you6 you an then hange the way that things are mol"e" 7as o22ose" to >ust waiting for it to ome to you85 You9ve 2ro1a1ly 3nown someone who onstantly om2lains a1out their health6 an" no matter what they "o 555 they are always si 35 This is a result of su1tle min" 2ower influen e5 (ome 2eo2le are the ty2es who always loo3 for the 1a" in others5 Their events an" eE2erien es will ten" to onfirm this negativeness over an" over5 Peo2le will always mistreat them 1e ause their min" is so "evote" to 2roving that ;2eo2le are terri1le<5 I on e 3new someone who was always stresse" out on how mu h househol" leaning they ha" to "o5 They always sai" with su h emotion >ust how 1urne" out they were an" how the leaning is en"less5 If they 3new a little more a1out the 2ower that their min" has on their surroun"ings6 then they might not 1e so eager to >um2 into a fit a1out onstant leaning5 For their own 2owers of their min" was ensuring that there was always a mess or situations to reate the onstant wor35 This "oesn9t mean that if stray thoughts of your ar going into the gutter while "riving is going to ma3e it ha22en5 Your min" really >ust ma3es things ha22en when you 1elieve an" feel it to 1e true5 Besi"es6 most stray negative thoughts >ust get miEe" with all the rest an" loose their 2ower qui 3ly5 If you9ve ever gotten ma" at someone an" wishe" them "ea"6 you will noti e that they6"i"nBt "ro2 "ea"5 There is a "ifferen e 1etween wishing6 ho2ing6 raving an" how the min" a tually 1rings you your goals5 Your min" is terri1ly o1e"ient5 Your min" will "o what you as3 7li3e a genie8 if you as3 it the orre t way4 I guess when 2eo2le riti iGe these ty2es of on e2ts6 the 1ig 2i ture that they have to "eal with is >ust how the min" an rea h out an" mani2ulate events6 2eo2le6 surroun"ings6 et 5 This is a min"1oggling thing to thin3 a1out5 Iin" of li3e trying to un"erstan" where we all ame from an" how the universe was reate" an" whom or how was it reate"5 It is im2ortant for you to realiGe that if you want to 1e su essful in harnessing your min" for se"u ing an" arousing others6 there is a 2ortion of 3nowle"ge that you nee" not to worry

a1out5 That 2ortion is the a tual s ientifi wor3ings of how mental energies effe t 2hysi al surroun"ings5 If s ientists have a "iffi ult time trying to 2rove this6 it woul" 1e a waste of time trying to eE2lain how it om2letely wor3s 7es2e ially when there are so many "ifferent theories out there85 I "on9t want to waste too mu h of your time with unne essary information5 You an 2ursue the 2hysi s 1ehin" thought 2ower of your own5 'hat you nee" to 3now it that it "oes wor3D an" you nee" to 3now the te hniques5 You oul" om2are it to "riving a ar5 You "o not nee" to 3now fully how the ar runs an" how the engine wor3s in or"er to use the ar5 If you 3now that it "oes wor3 an" the te hniques to get it going6 then it will serve your nee"s5 The more you 3now a1out the engine6 the more 2ower to youD 1ut it9s not ne essary to 3now the "etails in or"er to a tually use the ar for running erran"s or something5 I will give you the general gist on how the min" influen es events6 1ut I9ll leave the Ph5$5 stu"ies in this fiel" for you to follow-u2 on5 +y s2e ialty is the te hniques an" APP%IJATI?05 I won9t s rim2 you on te hniques an" you will have a 2owerful assortment of te hniques on e you get "one with this 1oo35 If you have ever stu"ie" the art of lu i" "reaming you an fin" a similar 7 ar relate"8 eEam2le here5 %u i" "reaming o urs when you 1e ome Kawa3e9 or aware in your night-time "reams6 yet you are still slee2ing5 You sim2ly 1e ome ons ious in your "ream an" you realiGe that you are in a "ream5 Perha2s you have eE2erien e" this6 with the usual res2onse of wa3ing u2 imme"iately from your slee2 on e your min" realiGes it is "reaming5 'hen you learn to ta3e ontrol with ertain te hniques6 you an 1e ome fully ons ious an" aware while you are in a "ream state5 This "ream worl" an su22ly you with unlimitless a"ventures of your hoosing5 You sim2ly will them to ha22en5 You ma3e it ha22en with your min"5 'ithout going off on this to2i 6 the 2oint I am trying to ma3e is thisL 'hen you are lu i" in your "reams an" you fin" that you are a1out to loose ontrol or wa3e u26 a sim2le te hnique that you an "o is tell or ma3e your "ream-self to s2in aroun" really fast li3e a s2inning toy to25 This te hnique usually 2uts you in another "ream 1ut you still have your ons ious ontrol an" awarenessD you still 3now that you are in a "ream an" have full ontrol over what ha22ens to you5 This s2in te hnique wor3s5 I have little i"ea of how it wor3s an" why it wor3s 1ut it "oes wor35 The me hani s of it is not im2ortant5 It9s the use of the te hnique that is im2ortant5 I oul" "o resear h to fin" out how this little te hnique wor3s 1ut I woul" rather >ust 3now it "oes an" get "own to en>oying the eE2erien e of lu i" "reaming5 'hen you learn the te hniques that I am tea hing you6 you might not fully un"erstan" how they wor35 I9ll "o my 1est to tea h you6 1ut some te hniques are li3e "riving a ar 555 who ares how the ar wor3s6 >ust "rive the "amn thing5 $o you fret 1efore-han" trying to 2rove to yourself that this ma hine with four wheels an a tually move6 an"=or how the he 3 is this 2ossi1le: 0o 555you 3now it wor3s an" use the ma hine5 'ell6 some 2eo2le woul" rather fret over whether there is su h a thing as min" 2ower influen e5 They might say B2rove itB5 $onBt 1e li3e that 555 Believe an" trust that it wor3s an" get this ma hine of your min" to wor3 for you5 The reason that I mention this is to remin" you that there are for es mu h more 2owerful than yourself an" they annot 1e eE2laine" so easily5 I will try to over some of these higher on e2ts throughout this 1oo36 >ust to hel2 eE2an" your min" to new levels of un"erstan"ing5 $is overing the fa t that your min" an effe t your surroun"ings an 1est 1e seen when you a22ly the te hniques5 This worl" aroun" you is what most 2eo2le refer to as the #r"

"imensional worl"5 A "rawing on a 2ie e of 2a2er woul" 1e onsi"ere" 2 "imensional 7for sim2li ity85 The &th "imensional worl" is something "ifferent though5 (ome 2eo2le refer to this as the worl" you are in when you are "reaming5 ?thers say that you enter a higher "imension when you use "rugs5 (till others thin3 that this is where you go when you "ie5 'hatever your 1elief6 your thoughts are more easily manifeste" on this higher "imension than on the #r" "imension6 as this is the "imension of thought5 'hen you are lu i" in a "ream you oul" say to yourself6 ;I want a 2ea h 2ie to 1e in front of me< an" you will have one instantly5 Your "ream 1o"y an eat it too4 If you were to "o this in this #r" "imensional worl"6 you woul" 2ro1a1ly have to go to the store an" get one or else wait for your min" to get you one through the events in your life5 Fvery1o"y wishes a million "ollars 1ut few get it5 The reason that your min" affe ts higher "imensional levels easier is that your 1rainwaves or thought waves are on a mu h more equal or harmoni s ale with that level5 Thoughts an" higher "imensions go han"-in-han"5 This i"ea is very im2ortant an" is one of my unique un"erstan"ings that you nee" to 3now5 You might fin" te hniques that an 1e a22lie" to this worl" aroun" you 1ut te hniques that involve higher "imensions or higher levels of awareness will have a qui 3er an" more 2owerful effe t than # "imensional te hniques5 If you want to ma3e a ma2 of a ity6 you oul" wal3 "own every street an" ta3e note of the roa"s an" 1uil"ings5 There are 2ro1a1ly lots of ways to "o this on the groun" 7 ar6 s3ate1oar"6 1us6 et 85 If you want qui 3er results6 you oul" go u2 a1ove the ity in a 2lane or heli o2ter thus getting a 1etter6 qui 3er an" easier view5 Your ma2 woul" 1e finishe" sooner this way than the 2rior5 The same too with min" 2ower te hniques 555 if you "o it from a higher level6 then you will have qui 3er results5 Before we an "o this6 you must learn the 1asi s a1out "imensions5 'e will get to this in the neEt ha2ter5 ?ne of the 3eys to using your thoughts to mani2ulate your life an" your lifeBs events is to see it within you using your inner vision5 Yes6 it9s that on e2t of visualiGing an" I will over this in a way li3e you9ve never rea" 1efore in any 1oo35 'hen you see your goal in your min" as if it was a tually ha22ening6 you are in effe t tri 3ing your su1 ons ious or your unaware min"5 Your min"9s eye is the li3e the mol"ing 2la e5 This is where it starts5 Your min"9s eye 7imagination or inner sight8 gets the 1all rolling an" then the 2art of your min" that an mani2ulate events 3i 3s in5 +u h has 1een written a1out visualiGingD most of it hoo3y an" most of it not om2letely "etaile"5 This 1oo3 is not >ust a1out visualiGing 1ut it9s a1out how to s2e ifi ally train your min" so you an a22ly it to se"u ing an" arousing others5 Hol"ing an image in your min" is a ne essary ste2 at manifesting your wants an" "esires5 You alrea"y see this aroun" you in literally millions of ways5 %et me show you what I mean an" then you will un"erstan" that it9s not so far fet he"5 Fverything aroun" you on e 1egan as someone9s thoughts5 %et9s avoi" the 1ig ;Go"< 2i ture right now5 If you noti e a house6 it is o1vious that it is real5 You an tou h it an" you an feel it5 You oul" smell it an" even taste the front "oor an" you woul" fin" that the house is a real # "imensional 2hysi al o1>e t5 It9s there6 it9s manifeste"5 If you tra e 1a 3 to how it was ma"e6 you will see that it ame eventually from someone9s thought5 THI( I( HF.Y I+P?.TA0T F?. Y?@ T? 0?TIJF THI(5 (omeone ha" to first thin3 u2 the general "esign for the house in their min"5 It manifeste" into the #r" "imensional worl" 1y 2utting those initial thoughts "own on 2a2er as a 1lue2rint5 After this omes the manufa turing an"

onstru tion6 all as2e ts of 1oth 1egan as someoneBs thoughts5 Fverything aroun" you starte" this way5 Cust loo3 at the things in your life that you have reate"5 If you are an artist6 your artwor3 first starts in your min" an" your heart an" then materialiGes with the hel2 of tools su h as 2aint or lay5 The way you have the furniture 2ositione" aroun" you 1egan first in your thoughts5 You ha" to "e i"e an" use your min" to 2la e your furniture so it loo3s >ust right to you5 You then use your mus le 2ower to move or rearrange the furniture to your min"9s 2i ture5 'hile we are on furniture6 you must 1e ome ons ious of the fa t that the furniture "esign on e 1egan in the min" of a furniture ma3er5 0ow this all might soun" very o1vious an" I9m not trying to 1elittle your intelligen e 555 1ut when you loo3 all aroun" you6 how 1iGarre is it really that 2eo2le9s thoughts reate their reality aroun" them: It9s not su h a strange on e2t now when you are remin"e" that almost everything aroun" you on e first 1egan in the min" an" thoughts of someone5 Therefore6 materialiGation of thought is something that you are alrea"y fully eE2erien e" in an" hen e your min" shoul" easily 1elieve that you an get anything you want in life5 You >ust nee" to 1e ome ons ious an" aware that thoughts an 1e materialiGe" easily5 If you thin3 that materialiGation of thoughts is a mysti al on e2t6 then the whole worl" is a magi al 2la e an" magi ha22ens everywhere from the ma3ing of a 1urger at a fast foo" restaurant6 to lan"s a2ing a house6 to the invention of a light1ul15 Thought starte" it all5 +ost 2eo2le "on9t loo3 at life in this way an" that9s why your new ;eyes< will se2arate you an" give you a 2owerful a"vantage over others5 (ome of you might thin3 that this is not magi 5 Thought6 to 1lue2rint6 to manufa turing6 to house is not the same5 'rong5 It is only not the same in the fa t that with min" 2ower se"u tion6 following your mental image 555 the universe will 1e ma3ing the 1lue2rint6 manufa turing an" final manifestation of your inten"e" goal5 @n"erstan"ing that thought to manifestation is all aroun" you 1rea3s "own the mental 1arrier that min" 2ower influen e in not 2ossi1le5 'hen you are using your min" 2ower to se"u e others6 there are a few fa tors that you nee" to 3now5 'hen you are fully involve" in all the te hniques6 your larity is very im2ortant5 'hat you see in your min" an" the way you "o it must 1e as lear as you an get it5 %ess attention towar"s the 2erson you are wanting to se"u e an" a more learer thought in your min" is how it shoul" wor35 You nee" your min" to "evelo2 a ra22ort with the 2erson 7I will tea h you this8 1ut on e this ra22ort is ma"e6 your main um2h shoul" 1e on the learest mani2ulation of your thoughts5 You9ll see how this all wor3s soon5 I9m >ust trying to give you a foun"ation to "evelo2 from5 You won9t get everything at on e6 1ut when you are finishe" rea"ing this 1oo36 you shoul" go 1a 3 an" note "own or highlight these little 2ointers5 If you are using your min" for arousal of another 2erson6 you are "oing a form of tele2athi ommuni ation5 You are using your min" an" thoughts to try to ommuni ate something to another 2erson5 There is a he 3 of a lot written a1out tele2athy so I won9t tell you what you an fin" elsewhere5 You want the rare an" re2resse" stuff "on9t you: There are # mo"es in a human 1eing where tele2athi a1ilities seem to fun tion5 ?ne way is alle" instinctual tele2athy5 This is the ty2e that results when the energy of one etheri 1o"y hits the etheri 1o"y of another5 The etheri 1o"y is a wor" oine" to refer to the su1tle6 non-2hysi al 1o"y or shell that surroun"s you5 Fvery1o"y has an etheri 1o"y an" I shall get into this on e2t later5 The tele2athi ;message< is arrie" with this etheri su1stan e an" 1est rea hes a 2erson in the solar 2leEus area of the 1o"y5 This 2oint is a "ire t lin3 to another su1tle6 invisi1le 1o"y that is 2art of your ma3e u25

This has 1e often alle" the astral 1o"y 1ut is usually referre" to as the emotional or feeling 1o"y 7again6 I9ll get to this later85 Prana is the name given to a 2owerful lifegiving energy that is everywhere5 It has many namesL ?rgone energy6 Jhi6 %ife-For e6 (er2ent Power6 %ight (2iral an" tons more5 I9m not trying to give you a hea2 of eastern on e2ts here6 >ust a qui 3 un"erstan"ingD it will all 1e useful when using min" 2ower se"u tion5 Your s2leen is near that solar 2leEus enter where this 2rana stuff gets into you normally5 Have you ever hear" the eE2ression6 ;I have a gut feeling that 555< an" other 2hrases: These are a result of etheri energies or i"eas hitting the solar 2leEus area an" then into the ons iousness of the 2erson5 Ba 3 in Atlantis an" in %umerian times6 the solar 2leEus was the area where the 2eo2le re eive" tele2athi im2ressions 7whi h mainly too3 the 2la e of ver1al s2ee h85 The tele2athi thoughts were set through the entire area of the "ia2hragm5 This is mainly lost in mo"ern "ay in"ustrialiGe" iviliGations5 'hen a mother senses "anger towar"s her hil" or that something is ta3ing 2la e with their hil"6 this etheri instin tual tele2athy is ta3ing 2la e5 'hen you get involve" in a lose relationshi2 with someone other than your 1loo" family6 you might eE2erien e when 1oth of you start to say something an" it turns out to 1e the same thing5 +y 2artner an" I "o this all the time5 'e sometimes even rave the same foo"s at the same time5 This is a form in instintual etheri 1ase" tele2athi ommuni ation5 This ty2e is a little more s2e ifi in the fa t that not only is there a lin3 in the solar 2leEus area 1ut also an etheri onne tion in the throat area5 This later ty2e of instintual tele2athy is also 3nown as mental tele2athy5 The neEt mo"e of tele2athy is referre" to as mental tele2athy5 +ental tele2athy stems usually from the throat area an" a little from the heart 555 an" a ta" from the solar 2leEus area5 'hen you are 2ra ti ing your se"u tion te hniques6 the throat area is where your thoughts mainly travel out from5 At first6 those thoughts will mainly hit the 2erson in the solar 2leEus area5 As you 1e ome more s3ille" at your min" 2ower wor36 they will hit the 2erson in the throat area5 'hen you are using the te hniques6 you will not 1e really nee"ing to 3now where the thoughts hit5 If you want to use this little 1it of info with your te hniques6 then great5 But it9s not ne essary 1e ause it ha22ens automati ally5 Besi"es6 I "on9t want to lutter u2 your te hniques5 I s2ent years "evelo2ing an easy metho" so you an s3i2 things su h as a"van e" yoga or tofu "iet life-styles5 I will however lutter you u2 with a little foun"ation 3nowle"ge though5 This is 1e ause whenyou un"erstan" what is going on with min" 2ower te hniques6 you will have more onfi"en e6 fin" it easier to allow into your reality of things an" most im2ortantly 555 to give you a goo" foun"ation so that you yourself an a"van e far 1eyon" the s o2e of this 1oo35 0ot only will you have a great foun"ation for se"u ing others with your min" 7an" how to stay on to286 1ut you will 1e a1le to a22ly this 3nowle"ge for literally anything you "esire5 'hen you 1e ome a very a"van e" human 1eing6 your tele2athi mo"e will 1e ome that of intuitional tele2athy5 This is when you are re e2tive an" a1le to ommuni ate with higher things an" for higher 2ur2oses5 This style of min" wor3 auses your non2hysi al ommuni ations to 1e re eive" from area 1etween your eye1rows an" sent out from your throat area5 Yogis all this area 1etween the eye1row area the A>na Jenter5 It isn9t really some har" to un"erstan" mysti al on e2t when you 3now the stuff I 3now6 the same that I want to tea h you5 It has to "o with sa re" geometry an" how the ;sha2e< of thoughts an" energies move an" eE2an"5

'hen I refer to Ahigher thingsA I am tal3ing a1out things that are at a higher level than se"u ingsomeone or higher than using min" 2ower to get a raise in salary at wor35 I have a quire" a "ee2 un"erstan"ing of an ient te hnologies5 Jommuni ating with the Farth6 higher life forms6 "imensional 1eings an" non2hysi al thought forms are all ty2es of higher ommuni ation5 'hen 2eo2le 2ray to ;Go"<6 they are attem2ting a form of intuitional tele2athy 1ut their thoughts are usually solar 2leEus 1ase" an" have little effe t5 The 2raying is more out of instin t rather than intuitive ommuni ation with their higher self5 Two of the strongest ways of "efeating your tele2athi a1ility are an overly strong "esire to a hieve su essful results6 an" the fear of failure5 'hen you are "oing a"van e" min" 2ower wor36 you must have an attitu"e li3e ;I "on9t are< an" non-o1sessiveness5 $o your te hniques 1ut "on9t 2ut a huge amount of your energy into worrying a1out failure or su ess5 'hen your attitu"e to yourself is that of 1MMN 2ure onfi"en e an" assuran e6 you9ll "o your te hniques an" then hange your fo us or attention on something else5 You will B1low it offB 1e ause you 3now that your te hniques an" s3ill A%'AY( wor3 an" will sooner or later get you what you want5 'hen you are trying to ma3e a mental thought 1ase" onne tion with someone6 you are reating a non2hysi al lin3 1etween yourself an" that 2erson5 'hen you arry a loa" of emotion into that lin36 it reates energy that re2ulses the original thought wor35 If you are worrie" a1out failure or not getting su ess6 these 2owerful emotions a t li3e a 1oomerang an" return 1a 3 to you 1e ause there is more of an energy lin3 on your si"e an" less on the other 2erson9s si"e5 ?f ourse6 you will 1e a little unsure of yourself at first5 Cust relaE6 1e onfi"ent an" "o th te hniques5 An" when you are "one6 move on to something else 3nowing that your te hniques are ta3ing effe t an" wor3ing their magi on the 2erson you want5 I9m also not trying to say"on9t thin3 a1out it when you are not "oing the te hniques5 You an thin3 a1out it "uring the "ay if you want5 After all6 it9s eE iting 3nowing that you are learning an" using your min" for se"u tion 2ur2oses5 Cust let them 1e onfi"ent ;yeah6 everything is going my way< ty2e of thoughts rather than ;what if it "oesn9t wor3< or ;I have to su ee" so 1a"<5 You 'I%% su ee" if you have the 3nowle"ge6 use it orre tly an" then let the 2ower of your min" go to wor35 This is im2ortant an" on e you see that you an get any1o"y you "esire6 you will have in re"i1le onfi"en e within yourself that goes into effe t e en before you start the te hniques5 +y min" is so "evelo2e" that >ust my intent at using min" 2ower te hniques starts the 1all rolling5 'hen I say to myself that I9m going to "o a half-hour of te hniques when I get home6 my min" starts the 2ro ess 1e ause it 3nows what I9m going "o an" 3nows how I9m going to "o it an" it 3nows that I never fail at it5 Then often my goals are a hieve" even 1efore I 2ra ti e my te hniques4 This is how 2owerful your min" will 1e ome5 The 1etter an" 1etter you 1e ome at this an" the more 2ra ti e you "o6 the easier an" easier it 1e omes5 (o to en" u2 this 2aragra2h6 I suggest to you that you "eta h your intense "esire when using these te hniques an" you will fin" qui 3er results5 This i"ea of non-atta hment is foun" when you stu"y an ient hermeti 2rin i2les5 I will mention these 2rin i2les later in the 1oo35 'hen you are "oing min" 2ower 1ase" se"u tion te hniques6 your thoughts have an effe t on your sym2atheti nervous system5 Your min" a tually 2ro"u es a"renaline-li3e om2oun"s within your sym2atheti nervous system5 The sym2atheti nervous system is usually relate" to

the ;flight< or ;fight< emotional res2onses that surroun" a threat 7 risis tele2athy85 Crisis tele2athy eEists on a mu h more B"angerB level an" is the result of tremen"ous a"renalineli3e om2oun"s 1eing manufa ture" with the 2erson in "anger5 Jrisis tele2athy is "ifferent than the ;mother- hil"< sym2atheti tele2athy in that the tele2athi onne tion in a risis situation rea hes strangers an" 2eo2le not normally onne te" to you in life5 +any 2eo2le have eE2erien e" the feeling to loo3 1ehin" them while wal3ing "own a street5 The se on" after they "o6 they witness a terri1le ar a i"ent 5 It is risis tele2athy o urring where the 2erson who is eE2erien ing a ma>or trauma is sen"ing out strong signals to the 2eo2le in the surroun"ing area5 Your sym2atheti nervous system will 2ro"u e the same om2oun"s of hemi als that are 2ro"u e" "uring risis tele2athy eE e2t in your ase 7if using min" 2ower se"u tion te hniques86 the a"renaline-li3e om2oun"s will 1e the result of %ove=seEual 1ase" intuition an" mental stimulus 7rather than fear or risis 1ase" intuition=mental stimulus85 'hen you are fully wor3ing with these m2s te hniques6 these natural hemi als 2ro"u e" in your 1rain an give you a great rush an" will surely ma3e your min" 2ower se"u tion wor3 more en>oya1le5 IBll save you the 2ain of my going into all the theories of >ust how tele2athy wor3s on a 2hysi al level5 The non-ver1al ommuni ation lin3 has many "ifferent an" varie" o2inions5 There are some on rete answers 1ut these shoul" 1e limite" so we an get loser to how to ma3e 2eo2le fall in love with you5 I will reveal to you the eEa t6 in my o2inion6 way that your thought ; omes to min"< in the 2erson you are wanting to se"u e5 It9s in the neEt ha2ter5

Brain Frequencies & Brain Inducers

Your 1rain is li3e a ra"io 555 it an re eive an" emit ele tri al frequen ies5 Frequen ies are the intervals in whi h ele tri al a tivity is measure" an" harte"5 The A+ "ial of your ra"io overs a ertain 3HG range5 This is the range that the A+ signal is 1roa" aste" from a ra"io tower an" then re eive" 1y your ra"io antenna5 The F+ "ial on your ra"io overs 2art of the +HG range 7+ega HertG85 This is the range that the F+ signal is 1roa" aste" from a tower an" then re eive" 1y your ra"io antenna5 Fverything aroun" you emits some sort of ele tri al interval that an 1e measure" an" harte"5 Fverything from a hug to a lightening stormD from a laser 1eam to mi rowave" foo"5 From olors to soun"5 From the rhythms of living organisms to the "ifferent layers of the Farth9s atmos2here5 .esear her $an 'inter has even 1een a1le to "etermine the frequen y of a 2erson feeling an" eE2ressing the emotion of love5 %ove6 has its own frequen y range an" geometry5 (ome of these frequen ies an easily 1e measure" su h as E-rays an" ra"ioa tive rays 1ut things su h as thought waves an" emotional waves are still 1eing resear he"5 (in e everything is emitting frequen ies of some sort6 these frequen ies are all aroun" you an" are even 2enetrating your 1o"y5 From the ele tri al 2ulse of a om2uter to the frequen y waves of a 2orta1le tele2honeD these unseen frequen ies all 2ass through you5 The Farth also has its own assortment of frequen ies5 The ionos2here is a layer of ele tri ally harge" 2arti les that surroun"s the 2lanet5 This layer a1sor1s ra"io waves thus ma3ing it a harge" layer5 It eEten"s a1out -M miles from the surfa e of the Farth an" it forms a a2a itor with the earth 7meaning it is a1le to store an ele tri al harge6 li3e a 1attery85 The great inventor6 0i3ola Tesla6 3new all a1out this stuff5 Fverytime you

2lug something into an ele tri al outlet you are getting a 2ie e of Tesla9s reation into your life5 He also invente" ra"ar an" was the true inventor of the ra"io 7not +ar oni85 He was very 3nowle"gea1le a1out the ele tri al harge of the earth9s ionos2here5 'ith the hel2 of a s2e ial 1roa" ast tower ontaining his famous Tesla Joil6 he oul" 2ower all the light 1ul1s in an entire ity from a far "istan e away using this ;1roa" aste"< ele tri al energy5 If this oil=tower setu2 1e ame a fully harnesse" metho" of eEtra ting ele tri al energy from the Farth6 you woul" nee" to >ust sti 3 a steel 2ole into the groun" along with a s2e ial hea2 setu2 to 2ower everything in your house5 $oesnBt matter what 2art of the worl" you live in5 From the remote 0orth Pole to the metro2olis of 0ew Yor35 .emem1er6 this is free-energy that the earth naturally 2ro"u es in unlimite" amounts 7unli3e oil6 gas energy whi h "e2letes natural resour es85 For those who are intereste"6 Tesla9s Bfree energy systemB was 1um2e" out 1y the in"ustrialists of that time5 After all6 how oul" you meter free energy5 These "ays6 we are for e" to 2ay monthly to 2ower things in our house 555 when Telsa 2rove" free energy oul" 1e a reality for the worl"5 0ow this might seem a waste of time for you to 3now this 1ut get this 555 'hen your 1o"y moves6 those movements are transmitte" to the earthBs environment aroun" you5 The ionos2here layer 7also alle" the ionos2heri avity8 has a frequen y of a1out /5) 2s 7 y les 2er se on" - was aroun" ,5) 1ut now it is in reasing qui 3ly85 Your 1o"y is vi1rating 1etween *5- to /5) HG5 Your s3eleton an" all your internal organs moves in ste2 with ea h other oherently8 at aroun" - - / 2s5 This sim2ly means that your 1o"y an" the ionos2here avity aroun" the earth are in total syn together5 You an" the 2lanet resonate with ea h other an" share energy 1etween ea h other5 Cust how far an you share or transfer your energy to the earth9s ele tromagneti avity: A1out &M6MMM 3m6 or >ust a1out the entire 2erimeter of the 2lanet5 In other wor"s6 the signals generate" from your min" an" 1o"y will travel all the way aroun" the 2lanet in a1out one seventh of a se on" through this ionos2here avity5 You 3now that the farther you get away from a ra"io station6 the worse the re e2tion 1e omes5 'ell6 the movements of your 1o"y s2rea"ing aroun" the 2lanet "oesn9t har"ly loose its strength5 This frequen y lin3 1etween human 1o"ies an" the environment is why there is a relationshi2 1etween solar=lunar=thun"erstorm a tivity an" human 1ehavior hanges 7i5e5 Amoon ma"nessA85 There is even a similar relationshi2 7if you harte" it8 to the hange in solar 7sun8 ra"iation an" sto 3 2ri es5 0ot only "o we affe t our environment 1ut the environment affe ts us 1e ause we 1oth vi1rate at the same frequen y 7, - /5) 2s85 ?r rather6 a 1etter way to 2ut it6 we an" the 2lanet are hanging in frequen y 1oth the same5 'hen you 1egin to a22ly your min" 2ower se"u tion te hniques on the 2erson you are trying towin6 your thoughts are not >ust Bwhims in the mistBD they are on rete an" real an" are a tually having an effe t in the environment 7mentione" a1ove85 'hen you un"erstan" a1out the frequen ies of the min"6 you9ll see how other 2eo2leBs thoughtwaves an easily get in syn with yours5 An" your environment will assist in this 2ro ess5 As the 2lanetary frequen y in reases6 so too your 2ersonal frequen y5 Thus you will fin" your 2ower to manifest will ha22en easier an" qui 3er5 But this is a whole other story5 It has to "o with the "e reasing frequen y of the 2lanet an" the in reasing frequen y 555 thus 2rovi"ing little A1ufferA 1etween this #r" "imensional worl" an" the higher levels5 You shoul" 3now that this is the 2erfe t time in our mo"ern 2lanetary

history to 1e learning to "evelo2 your mental s3ills5 Have you ever seen or rea" a1out those slee2 resear h la1s that hoo3 u2 a 2erson to equi2ment in or"er to measure their 1rainwave a tivity while they slee2: These FFG ma hines an show the resear hers all ty2es of things6 su h as when the 2erson is having a nightmare or when the 2ersonis in a very "ee2 slee25 Besi"es the fa t the 2erson 1eing stu"ie" u2on usually is 2ai" for slee2ing 7an" may1e 2aying their way through university8 another 1enefit resulte" from the resear h5 It is very im2ortant to your min" 2ower se"u tion te hniques5 It is firmly esta1lishe" from eEtensive resear h that the human 1rain has ertain frequen ies "e2en"ing u2on what the min" is "oing5 FFG results show that when a 2erson is wi"e awa3e6 the frequen y range of the 1rain=min" is 1& - #M 2s 7 y les 2er se on" or hertG85 This has 1een given the name of BBetaB5 !"TA# 1$ % &' cps - when the min" is engage" in 2hysi al a tivity an" is alert5 A()HA# * % 1& cps - li3e when you are "ay "reaming or in a me"itative state5 TH"TA# &.+ % * cps - the eEa t moment when you fall aslee25 ,"(TA# '.+ % &.+ cps - when you are ol" out Gon3e" 7very "ee2 slee285 O0oti e the frequen y hange from Theta to Al2ha to Beta5 (ee how it in reases: As I sai" earlier6 the frequen y of the 2lanet is also in reasing5 Joul" this mean the 2lanet is starting to wa3e u2: An interesting thought when you onsi"er the times we are in4P You a ess all of these "ifferent states throughout your full 2& hour "ay 7unless you9re an insomnia 85 'hen you have a highly "evelo2e" min"6 you an a ess or get into any of these states at will5 This is what I ho2e you will "evelo2 when you 1egin to 2ut this 1oo3 into use5 These states sort of merge together so that you an have high an" lows of ea h 1rain state5 If your 1rainwaves are at , 2s6 it oul" 1e onsi"ere" low al2ha or very high theta5 If your 1rainwave state is * 2s6 it oul" 1e onsi"ere" very low al2ha or high theta5 'hen your 1rain gets into these "ifferent states6 you eE2erien e things "ifferently an" your thoughts have "ifferent effe ts on you an" your environment5 You will 1e wor3ing with all these states when using min" 2ower se"u tion te hniques5 However the Al2ha an" Theta state will 1e foun" to 1e 2arti ularly useful an" these two 1rain states will 1e a esse" the most5 The lower the state6 the more relaEe" your 1rain is5 Imagine a 1i y le tire on a moving 1i3e5 %et the tire re2resent the 1rainwave6 let the rotation or movement of the tire re2resent the frequen y6 an" let the 2erson ri"ing the 1i3e re2resent the 1rain5 'hen the 1i3e is going at a mo"erate=me"ium s2ee" 7fast enough to get where you want 1ut not fast nough to 1uil" a sweat86 the tire might s2in aroun" one om2lete turn #M times in one minute5 If the 2erson starte" 2e""ling faster6 the tire might go aroun" *M times in a minute5 At this 2oint6 the 2erson is 1uil"ing u2 a sweat an" of ourse the 2erson is not too relaEe" 555 they are wor3ing full for e5 'hen the 2erson slows "own their 2e""ling6 the tire might s2in aroun" 1M times in one minute5 ?1viously6 the frequen y of the tire is mu h slower than the fastest s2ee" an" o1viously the 2erson ri"ing the 1i3e 7the 1rain8 is very mu h relaEe"5 The slower your 1rainwave6 the more relaEe" your min"=1rain=1o"y is5 There are five main reasons why you nee" to hange your 1rainwave y le when you want to seEually arouse someone >ust with your min"L 18 Your 1rainwaves will 1e ome loser to the natural frequen y of the ionos2here5 If you have 1een un"erstan"ing everything I9ve written so far you will see why this is ne essary 555 namely you will have an easier time mani2ulating an" effe ting your

environment5 'e are not tal3ing the lou"s6 groun" an" trees6 et 555 1ut your s2a e aroun" you within whi h you live i5e5 energy=time=s2a e5 It9s li3e "riving your ar at night time5 $uring the nighttime itBs o1viously "ar3 555 (o to move aroun" easier you nee" to turn your ar lights on5 'hen you lower your 1rainwave y le to a y le that9s loser to the ionos2here you are sort of Bturning your lights onB in the ionos2here6 so your min" will 1e a1le to move aroun" easierD your min" will have easier a ess to mani2ulate your surroun"ings 7energy=time=s2a e85 28 Your awareness an" your a1ility to use your min" will 1e ome easier an" stronger5 This will effe t all your min" 2ower wor35 You will 1e a1le to a ess "ifferent states of awareness an" "ifferent levels of ons iousness 73in" of li3e getting high 1ut without "rugs an" their "estru tive si"e-effe ts85 #8 Your heart rate will slow "own an" your 1o"ily fun tions will relaE5 .emem1er in the intro"u tion 7unless you "i"n9t rea" it8 how I remin"e" you that your BunawareB 2art of your min" ta3es are of all your inner 1o"ily fun tions: Your min" has to ta3e are of a lot of stuff6 from ell "evelo2ment6 to 1loo" 2um2ing6 to analyGing nerve stimulus6 to a essing memory6 to "igestion6 to 1alan e an" tons more5 Your min" is o1viously 1usy an" all this ha22ens while you "o other thingsD you "on9t have to thin3 a1out it5 (in e you are not thin3ing a1out these things "uring you "aily life6 these 2ro esses are governe" 1y your unaware min" 7some 2eo2le all it the su1 ons ious6 1ut its name "oesn9t matter85 Basi ally6 when your 1rainwaves are slower an" thus your min" is more relaEe" 555 your 1o"y will 1e more relaEe" an" then your min" s2en"s less time 3ee2ing the 1o"y going5 Your unaware min" will have more time6 so-to-s2ea36 to wor3 with your te hniques5 'hen less 1loo" nee"s to 1e 2um2e" to your 1o"y fun tions6 then more 1loo" will 1e 2um2e" to your 1rain when you are using min" 2ower te hniques5 Your 1rain will 1e more nourishe" when your 1o"y is relaEe"5 I "on9t want you to thin3 that when you are very 1usy that your unaware min" will 2ut your se"u tion te hniques on hol" till your 1o"y is relaEe"5 Having a relaEe" 1o"y is >ust a way to hel2 yourself with the te hniques5 (lower 1o"ily fun tions is very im2ortant when it omes to stoma h "igestion5 $igestion uses a lot of energy5 $igestion will qui 3en when your 1o"y is relaEe" an" when less energy is s2ent trying to "igest that foo"6 then more energy an 1e 2ut to use with your se"u tion te hniques5 If you want to ma3e things really on"u ive an" easy on your energy level6 then try to "o the te hniques on an em2ty stoma h 7not starving6 >ust em2ty85 You will noti e a "ifferen e an" your stoma h ma3ing those "igesting noises won9t 1ring you out of your relaEe" 1rain state5 This "oesn9t mean that you have to have an em2ty stoma h if you are 2ra ti ing your te hniques in a 2u1li 2la e5 I9m >ust suggesting away to ease your 1o"y u2 "uring the times when you are "oing a"van e" min" 2ower te hniques when you are in a "ee2 Kme"itative9 state5 ?ther things an effe t your energy level an" I9ll get to these later un"er the Bin reasing 2owerB ha2ter5 &8 You an 1e ome more fo use" when your 1rainwaves are slower5 It9s har" to fo us on stu"ying when you a sitting 1esi"e a onstru tion site with 1M >a 3hammers 1lasting5 I 2ro1a1ly oul" get fo use" 1e ause my min" is very highly traine" 7with 2ra ti e86 an" yours will too if not alrea"y5 But if you were stu"ying for eEams while in a relaEe" state 7even with the TH on in the 1a 3groun"8 you will have an easier time fo using5 'hen everything is "ea"ly quiet aroun" you an" you are very relaEe"6 your min" will fo us even 1etter an" your min" will a1sor1 the info easier 7unless you get 1ore" an" fall aslee285

)8 You are a essing "ifferent 2arts an" fun tions of your 1rain so you 1asi ally have the a"vantage over others who are not traine" in this5 0ow some 2eo2le might thin3 that getting into these 1rain states is a very "iffi ult thing to "o5 There are a great amount of ma hines that you an 1uy to hel2 get your 1rain into these states5 I have seen an" use" a great amount of these ma hines throughout my life an" I foun" that only a han"ful were effe tive an" 1enefi ial5 If you an get into these 1rain states with your own mental a2a ity6 you will 1e 1etter off in the long run5 You will 1e "evelo2ing the art of Binternal te hnologyB instea" of relying on eEternal te hnology5 If the whole worl" went om2letely wa 3o to"ay 72erha2s it alrea"y is8 or 'orl" 'ar III hit tomorrow6 then your a ess to outwar" ele troni te hnology might 1e limite" 7es2e ially if something ha22ene" to main ele tri al 2ower sour es85 Fverything you nee" to 1e ome a very a"van e" human is within you alrea"y5 +astering the art of internal te hnology is the 1iggest suggestion I oul" ever im2ose on you 7yes 555 more im2ortant than min" 2ower se"u tion metho"s85 You9ll see what I mean as the years go 1y5 If you "o wish to 2ur hase a ommer ial unit to effe tuate your 1rainwaves6 "o your sho22ing5 'hatever you "o6 "on9t 1e ome "e2en"ent u2on the instrument5 'hen you rea" the ha2ter on ra"ioni s6 you will learn how sim2le ra"ioni ma hines an assist you in getting into various 1rain states 7all without the use of ele troni s85 An im2ortant thing to remem1er is that 1rainwave ma hines an" the li3e is a growing 1usiness5 This 1oo3 you are rea"ing for un"er Q&M will 1e more 1enefi ial to you than any Q16MMM 1rainwave unit5 ?2t for the internal te hnology within you as o22ose" to the eEternal te hnologies aroun" you5 You will see >ust how im2ortant this is in the very near future6 as I have sai"5 Along the same line as K1rainwave syn hroniGers9 are au"io ta2esD from hy2nosis to su1liminals to new age musi 5 0one of these are ne essary 1ut if you fin" you an relaE 1etter with them6 then use them5 Hy2nosis ta2es seem to 1e "ifferent variations on the same theme5 There are thousan"s of ways to ;go un"er< >ust as there are thousan"s of ways to me"itate5 The se ret I fin" is to >ust fin" your own way 555 an" that will 1e the orre t way5 The way you use your min" 2ower will 1e as unique to you as your finger2rints4 This 1oo3 will give you great te hniques6 1ut you will fin" you own variations over timeD an" I re ommen" this5 In fa t6 if you are not fin"ing your own variations6 then you are limiting your reativity5 Gui"e" me"itation ta2es are too ri"ge" for me5 If the te hnique on a ta2e "oesn9t feel omforta1le to you6 then you are stu 3 with it if you want to 3ee2 on using the ta2e5 +usi is another thing however5 +usi is a great tool for me5 It 1egan when I was a teenager5 I sim2ly got 1ore" sometimes when I was "oing my min" 2ower wor3 7remem1er I was learning from s rat h with no one to tea h me85 'hen I got 1ore"6 I sim2ly 2ut on some hea"2hones an" ran3e" the tunes5 This 3e2t my min" alert yet I oul" get my 1rain into very "ee2 states5 The musi a tually enhan e" my wor3 an" 3e2t me om2any "uring the en"less nights staying awa3e 2ra ti ing general min" 2ower te hniques5 It really 3i 3e" in when J$9s ame out5 I oul" 2ut a few songs on re2eat an" never 1e interru2te" for hoursD reating a very 2owerful

musi =tran e state5 I foun" this to 1e a great way to leave my 1o"y 7yeah6 I "o that too85 I really "on9t li3e new age musi 7li3e Yanni6 In"ian flutes6 et 85 You an 3ee2 it5 I want to mention one very im2ortant ta2e that woul" 1enefit you greatly5 I woul" highly re ommen" it for min" 2ower se"u tion wor35 It is eEtremely 2owerful an" an a ess un1elieva1le 1rain states5 A'ave FormA is a very 2owerful ta2e5 It9s not a ta2e of musi 1ut rather tones an" vi1rations of the Theta frequen y range5 It is reate" through the use of a s2e ial ;tonal matriE< in whi h a Perfe t Harmoni Fifth is the fo al 2oint for various musi al an" tonal 2atterns5 In musi theory6 the Perfe t Harmoni Fifth is 1asi ally the thir" note in a ma>or hor" or tria"5 For instan e6 in a J hor"6 the Perfe t Harmoni fifth is G5 The Perfe t Harmoni Fifth has long 1een asso iate" with healing an" altere" states6 an" listening to this interval gives most 2eo2le a sense of om2leteness an" resolution5 This re or"ing is the result of Tom IenyonBs wor35 Hery fine stuff5 If you want to get into the geometry of harmoni fifth6 rea" the 1oo3 AGeo+usi A 1y Cames Furia5 A'ave FormA om1ines this 2rin i2le of the Perfe t Harmoni Fifth with a stereo 2anning te hnique in whi h 2ortions of the musi an" soun" 2atterning are sent to the left ear while the rest of it is sent to the right ear5 The effe t is a "ee2ly relaEing an" 2leasant massage-li3e feeling in the enter of the 1rain5 It is not un ommon for 2eo2le to have highly unusual eE2erien es with this ta2e su h as out of 1o"y FE2erien es 7?BF9s8 or onta t with inner realities5 All sort sorts of altere" states an 1e a esse" with this ta2e if you wor3 with it5 It an greatly enhan e your min" 2ower se"u tion wor35 If you use hea"2hones with it 7as is re ommen"e"86 it an ta3e you out of your urrent awareness an" into a "ee2er level 2retty qui 3ly5 It an even get you lose to a Theta level of 1rainwave a tivity 1e ause its frequen y is in the Theta range5 This ta2e is availa1le through (our e Boo3s an" osts aroun" Q1/5 You an onta t (our e Boo3s at 1--MM-*#,-)2225 If you are intereste" in 2ur hasing the assette6 1e sure it is A'ave Form 1A as there are two5 I "o not re ommen" the se on"6 only the first in the series5 'hen you get goo" at a essing "ifferent 1rain states6 you an a22ly a te hnique that is

often use" in 0%P5 0%P is short for Bneuro-linguisti -2rogrammingB5 It9s a s2e ial way of 2rogramming your min"5 There is a ha2ter oming u2 on one of these te hniques that you will fin" 1enefi ial5 'hen you are using min" 2ower se"u tion te hniques6 you will 1e "oing a set of te hniques when you are alone an" a "ifferent set of te hniques when you are in front of the 2erson5 You an miE an" mat h these to your 2leasing5 'hen you are alone6 you have more time to "evelo2 the art of slowing "own your 1rainwaves5 'hen you are out in 2u1li 6 you o1viously an9t get into "ee2 states as easyD there is >ust too mu h stimulus5 To get through this 1arrier there is a te hnique that an 2ut your 1rain into 2re-2rogramme" 1rain states 7even when you are in a very 2u1li situation85 It has often 1een alle" Aan horingA or A3eyingA5 You9ve eE2erien e" this when you9ve hear" a song that you haven9t hear" in years 555 an" that song totally ma3es you remem1er or feel that time in the 2ast5 The musi an hore" you to that time5 'hen you a22ly min" 2ower se"u tion te hniques6 you an a22ly an an hor for a 2arti ular 1rain state so you will get into that 1rain state instantly an" qui 3ly >ust li3e in the eEam2le when you re alle" an ol" memory=feeling from listening to a song5 The two most im2ortant 1rain states that you will 1e using for min" 2ower se"u tion are the Al2ha range 7, - 1# 2s8 an" the Theta range 7#5) - , 2s85 You will first "evelo2 your s3ill in the Al2ha range5 'hen your 1rain state is at this rate6 you will 1e in a relaEe"6 "ay"ream li3e state5 This is the first 3ey 1rainwave state for influen ing5 'hen you are in this state6 your thoughts 1rea3 from the 1arrier of time an" s2a e5 You an sen" your thoughts aroun" the glo1e an" they will get there an" your thoughts will have har"ly any 1arriers in their way5 This means that your thoughts will have the a1ility to get into the thoughts of someone else5 You will 1e a1le to 2rogram the 2erson in this state5 Getting your 1rain into the Al2ha state is the first 3ey to min" mani2ulation an" influen e5

Higher Dimensional Levels

@n"erstan"ing the on e2t of "imensions is very im2ortant for these ty2e9s of stu"ies5 To the general 2o2ulation of the worl"6 A>ust what are

"imensionsA is a question that is "iffi ult for them to answer5 ( ientist9s have their own o2inion 1ut it usually is >ust theory5 Fastern religions have a great i"ea 1ut it an 1e har" to figure it out from their writings or a"van e" tea hings if you "onBt have the time to stu"y it5 'hen you "o ome a ross the truths of "imensions6 it is often 1lurre" in fan y language or har" to un"erstan" images with a vast terminology5 0ow6 IBm not that effi ient to 2resent this whole i"ea to you in an easy to un"erstan" way5 This is a "ee2 on e2t that an go way 1eyon" hun"re"s of 2ages5 I will try to give you a rough i"ea of >ust what "imensions are an" why this 3nowle"ge is im2ortant for min" 2ower se"u tion 7not to mention for your awareness of >ust what is out there85 The first thing you shoul" realiGe is that all higher "imensional levels are all merge" together5 'hen someone tal3s a1out moving u2 to another "imension 7an" not too many 2eo2le tal3 a1out this86 the moving u2 i"ea "oes not mean going u2 as in verti al u25 0or "oes it mean an u2war" hange of awareness5 Higher "imensions are u26 1elow6 aroun"6 insi"e6 an" every whi h way aroun" an" within you5 They are all merge" together li3e the ingre"ients in a 2ie are all miEe" together5 This of ourse means that you yourself are within higher "imensions other than this #r" "imensional worl" aroun" you5 At this moment6 you are within the 1Mth "imension as well as the #r" "imension5 The wor" B"imensionB is >ust a name given to the on e2t of reality levels5 A#"A is >ust a name given to "es ri1e or re2resent your urrent worl" aroun" you5 You are tune" to a # "imensional worl"5 Hirtual reality vi"eo games are games that are trying to give you the feeling of this #r" "imensional worl" within a om2uter simulate" s ene5 But as I sai" a moment ago6 not only are you in the #r" "imension now6 1ut you are also in the 1Mth6 &th6 or whatever "imension at the same time5 (o if you are within all higher "imensions now6 then why anBt you see or eE2erien e them:You sim2ly anBt see or eE2erien e other "imensions 1e ause you are not tune" to them5 ItBs >ustli3e a television5 You anBt see or eE2erien e hannel 11 when you are tune" to hannel &5 Thesame with a ra"io5 You anBt listen to 1M15) F+ when you are tune" to 1M*5) F+5 Ta3e a loo3 at your F+ ra"io "ial sometime5 0oti e it shows the frequen ies in +HG 7mega-hertG85 1M15) +HG is in one 2la e an" 1M*5) +HG is in another 2la e5 If you are listening to 1M15) F+ an" you want to listen to the other6 you have to hange the frequen y5 FE2erien ing other "imensions wor3s in eEa tly the same way5 You have to hange the

wavelength of what you are now to where you want to 1e5 In sim2ler wor"s6 the "ifferen e 1etween "imensional worl"s is their wavelength5 This #r" "imensional worl" has a ertain wavelength an" you are tune" into it5 If you tune" into the wavelength of another "imension6 you woul" eE2erien e an" see this "ifferent worl" in the eEa t 2la e where you are now4 'avelength is the 3ey an" this is very rare 3nowle"ge5 Cust li3e tuning into "ifferent hannels on a TH you an tune into "ifferent "imensions if you 3now how5 If you measure" all the o1>e ts in this #r" "imensional worl" aroun" you6 the average wavelength woul" 1e ,52# entimeters5 In quantum 2hysi s6 every o1>e t onsists of 2arti les or waves 7soun"87wavelength85 It has its own sine-wave AsignatureA that an 1e measure"5 This is what is average" an" this is the wavelength of our #r" "imension universe we are tune" to 7,52# entimeters85 In Ti1etan or Hin"u tea hings6 this is the soun" ?+ 5 If you hange" your ons iousness into another wavelength6 the things you see aroun" you woul" hange a or"ing to the wavelength of that new worl"5 %ife is "ifferent on these "ifferent "imensions "e2en"ing on where you are an" what wavelength you are tune" in to5 Cust li3e there are 2eo2le on this #r" "imension6 there is an a1un"an e of life an" intelligen e on higher wavelengths5 I really "onBt want to get into whatBs Aout thereA 1ut I "o want to mention the following things that an ma3e you loo3 at things in a new way5 If you remem1er from your elementary s hool s ien e lass6 all our 2lanets in our solar system are 2retty mu h "ea" 7meaning that they annot su22ort human or organismi life85 Henus has 1een "es ri1e" as a ol" an" 1arren 2lanet5 (ure some of the 2lanets have a1un"an e of gases an" hemi al 2arti les 1ut there is no AlifeA5 'hat you have to realiGe is that s ientists who stu"y these things are loo3ing at these 2lanets from a #r" "imensional wavelength5 They live in this #r" "imensional worl" an" use #r" "imensional tools su h as teles o2es6 om2uters6 ra"ar6 ra"io re eivers6 lasers an" a whole ton of other instruments to stu"y 2lanets an" our solar system5 'hat they annot "o though is tune into another wavelength an" then stu"y the 2lanets from that

"ifferent wavelength5 If they were to "o this6 what they woul" fin" woul" 1e mu h "ifferent than A ol" an" 1arrenA5 Ar heologists have this same limitation as well5 If they oul" ma2 out an an ient site 7for eEam2le8 not >ust from this ,52# wavelength 1ut from a "ifferent wavelength 555 what they woul" fin" woul" 1e mu h "ifferent than whatBs hi""en in the "irt 1elow their feet5 (tonehenge loo3s li3e a ni e arrangement of 1ig 1oul"ers when you are tune" into this #r" "imensional worl" 1ut when you tune your awareness to another wavelength 555 you see something mu h "ifferent5 The 2yrami"s in Fgy2t loo3 li3e a great feat of onstru tion=engineering=art from this #r" "imensional wavelength5 But when you hange your awareness to a "ifferent wavelength6 the 2yrami"s are not only intri ately 1uilt 1ut you see something om2letely "ifferent5 In 1etween ea h "imensions are 12 harmoni levels5 If you loo3 at 2iano 3eys6 the 3eys from one BJ B to the neEt BJB are five 1la 3 3eys an" eight white 3eys ma3ing a total of 1# 3eys in 1etween the J o tave5 $imensions are eEa tly li3e this5 The 3eys in 1etween the o tave 7) 1la 36 white8 are alle" BovertonesB5 The 2oints 1etween "ifferent "imensions are also onsi"ere" overtones5 'hen someone A"iesA they go to a level aroun" the #r" overtone of the &th "imension5 The Bastral 2laneB 7as some all it86 is foun" on the 1st or 2n" overtones of the &th "imension5 .ight now6 we are sitting on the #r" "imensional level5 ?ur worl" is hanging to something very new5 Peo2le have "es ri1e" this hange in a host of "ifferent ways5 .eligions have a vast amount of "ifferent "es ri2tions of what is ha22ening an" what will 1e ha22ening to the worl"5 If you are slightly lue" into what life is li3e in the /MBs6 you 2ro1a1ly have some hun h that something is u2 or that we are all moving to something in the future5 Fven if you "onBt feel that something A osmi A li3e is ha22ening as "es ri1e" 1y every religion5 You an 2ro1a1ly sense that environmentally the Farth is hanging from all the humanBs "amage to it5 (omething has to ha22en from this 2oint of view 1e ause natural resour es6 oGone layer6 rainforests6 hemi als6 "iseases6 2o2ulation in reases are all getting in worse sha2e5 This is o1vious5 If you "o sense that something may1e on a s2iritual si"e or a

negative si"e is a22roa hing6 then you 2ro1a1ly have your own variation of o2inions of 1oth these si"es5 If you really "onBt are then s3i2 this neEt 2aragra2h5 'hat is ha22ening is that this worl" is tuning into a higher wavelength5 'e are literally moving into another "imension5 The ,52# entimeter wavelength is slowly fa"ing out an" a new wavelength is moving in5 ?ur awareness of the 2lanet an" all life is moving to a new wavelength5 'eBre a1out to move into an area 1etween the 1Mth an" 12th overtones of the &th "imension an" this is "es ri1e" in a vast amount of ways 1y "ifferent religious6 2hiloso2hi al an" Bso ietalB thought5 The 1Mth to the 12th overtone of the &th "imension is also 3nown as BJhrist Jons iousnessB5 Peo2le sometimes "es ri1e this worl"ly hange as the return of Jhrist 1ut it really means this shift in wavelength to this 2arti ular level5 'e are eventually going 1eyon" this level of Jhrist Jons iousness whi h a unique eE2erien e that will effe t all life everywhere5 Be ause of this6 Ball eyes are on usB wat hing an" waiting5 Beings from higher "imensional levels are wat hing an" o1serving 7without interferen e85 You annot see them 1e ause they remain sta1le in one or more overtones higher than our own #r" "imensional wavelength5 If you were to tune into the neEt ou2le overtones an" loo3 u2 into the s3y6 the s3y woul" loo3 li3e a 2ar3ing lot at the 'orl" (eries 555 >am 2a 3e"5 I wonBt give you "ates when this series of events will o ur 1e ause you 2ro1a1ly alrea"y thin3 IBm off my ro 3er5 Perha2s you are won"ering how you an hange your wavelength to see higher or "ifferent "imensions5 IBll give you a hint of this later 1ut this is not the 2ur2ose of this 1oo35 The reason why I have in lu"e" this ha2ter is to start to alter your awareness of things an" to intro"u e you to a "ifferent way of loo3ing at your thoughts5 In the 2revious ha2ter6 you learne" a1out 1rain waves or 1rain frequen ies5 'hen you hange your 1rain waves6 you are starting to hange your Bwavelength awarenessB5 You are starting to tune into "ifferent wavelengths5 Jhanging your 1rainwaves is not the way to fully tune in another "imensionD you have to "o more for this to o ur5 But you are hanging your awareness slightly when you alter your 1rain wave5 ItBs li3e ri"ing a 1i3e5 You are not really ri"ing it until you are moving 1ut 2ushing one

foot "own forwar" on one of the 2e"als is the start of the 2ro ess5 Your hange of awareness starts as your 1rainwaves hange5 'ith regar"s to tuning into other "imensions6 you "o not nee" to wor3 on hanging your 1rainwaves5 This is a natural rea tion to "imensional awareness te hniques 7hinte" on later85 But as your awareness hanges 1y ons iously hanging your 1rainwaves6 your thoughts have an easier time getting to the 2erson you want to se"u e 1e ause you are slightly tuning into a "ifferent wavelength 7not enough to go to a full "imension85 (ome of the gar1age or the AnoiseA that may 1e in the way lears away when you an use your min" 2ower from a slightly "ifferent view2oint than whatBs aroun" you5 Your thought waves are eEisting an" travelling in higher "imensions 7remem1er all "imensions are merge" together with your min"=1o"y now85 The #r" "imensional fog lears a 1it when you hange your 1rain waves an" the &th "imension an Bs2ar3B through a little5 ?ne neat thing a1out "imensions an" wavelength is that when you are fully tune" into higher wavelengths6 your thoughts manifest imme"iately5 If you are tune" into the &th "imensional wavelength an" you are a1le to remain sta1le there 7>ust li3e you are sta1le in the #r" "imension86 you woul" >ust have to thin3 something an" your thoughts woul" reate it instantly5 If you thought of a 1anana to 1e in your han" 555 it woul" a22ear an" you oul" 2eel it an" eat it4 How this ha22ens is a whole other 1oo3 1ut whatBs im2ortant now is that when you alter your awareness a little6 your thoughts will have a little qui 3er effe t in your worl"5

What You See Is What You


HisualiGing is in fa t the se ret5 $on9t let the i"ea of visualiGing frea3 you out5 I9m not going to give you some far out Bs2a eyB metho"s li3e visualiGing rystals while you 1urn in ense5 The te hniques are easy an" very 2owerful5 HisualiGing is ne essary 1e ause that is what using your min" 2ower is5 If you 3now the orre t way of seeing something in your min" then it will manifest in the worl" aroun"5 'hen you are in a higher "imension as mentione" earlier6 it is your thoughts or the images that you reate in your min" that manifest aroun" you instantly5 The same too within this #r" "imension 7eE e2t that it o urs slower85 The i"ea of visualiGing 2uts 2eo2le off an" so iety gives the same on e2t two

"ifferent o2inions "e2en"ing on what ma3es sense to them5 For eEam2leL If a "rafts2erson is "esigning a house an" they have to visualiGe what they want the house to loo3 li3e6 then this ty2e of visualiGation isnBt onsi"ere" Besoteri B5 If you visualiGe in the orre t way to get someone to fall in love with you6 then most 2eo2le thin3 you are involve" in some sort of o ult 2ra ti es5 ItBs funny how an artist uses visualiGing to mol" their artwor3 into what they see an" feel in their min" an" is sometimes referre" to as a Bgift from Go"B5 ?n the other han"6 when someone uses visualiGing to mol" their reality into what they see an" feel in their min" 555 they are often alle" o ultist6 wit hes or "evil worshi2ers5 ItBs all how you loo3 at it5 This ty2e of 3nowle"ge is my life an" it has nothing to "o with B"evilB ty2es of things5 +y on lusion after "ealing with 2eo2leBs view2oints regar"ing visualiGing an" the li3e6 is that if it is nonthreatening to their egos 555 then it is onsi"ere" goo"5 If it threatens their egos an" ma3es them realiGe that there are other 2eo2le out there who an reate their own realities while their own lives remain messe" u2 555 this 3nowle"ge is onsi"ere" negative5 I remem1er my youth when I ha" to go to (un"ay ( hool from time to time5 Imagining 7visualiGing8 Go" an" angels an" stuff was onsi"ere" goo" 7I woul" assume8 sin e they were "es ri1e" mu hD an" to "es ri1e something to someone requires the 2erson re eiving the info to use their imagination to 2ut together the "es ri2tion5 'e were often tol" of 1i1le tea hings with the use of strong images an" I remem1er 1eing tol" to imagine this or that a1out Cesus5 'hen I mentione" any ty2e of visualiGing on e2ts to my tea her 7trying to fin" answers as a 3i"8 555 I was 2rom2tly tol" that I was "oing something in the B"evilBs leagueB5 It was aroun" that time that I learne" that if visualiGing is use" to assist in your reality 7e5g5 artist6 1uil"er6 om2uter "esigner6 om2oser8 then it is a e2te"5 If visualiGing is use" to reate your reality then it is not a e2te"5 .emem1er that you visualiGe all the timeD everything you "o an" ma3e first starts in your thoughts6 so this is how you are going to use min" 2ower se"u tion5 Your min" will o1ey your thoughts an" "o your 1i""ing5 That same 2art of your min" that ta3es

are of all your 1o"ily fun tions 3nows how to intera t with the osmos an" energy realms aroun" you5 If you see something in your min"9s eye 7your imagination8 your higher self will go a1out an" manifest it for you5 If you hol" the thought that you are always in a1usive relationshi2s6 then your higher self will manifest it for you an" you will ontinue to 1e in a1usive relationshi2s5 If you are always hol"ing in your thought that you are eEhauste"6 then your higher self will ensure that you are always B1urnt outB5 If you hol" in your thought that you always get lost when you are "riving6 then your higher self will ma3e it ha22en5 These ty2es of min" 2ower influen es ome a1out in strange ways5 It9s not so "ire t 1e ause you are not a tually using s2e ifi te hniques to ma3e it ha22en5 Your min" will reate your thoughts aroun" you "e2en"ing on what you hol" in your min"Bs eye5 This "oesnBt mean that your life will 1e ome totally 2erfe t in every single way5 There still an 1e some glit hes an" set1a 3s an" 2ro1lems5 They all an 1e solve" with visualiGing 1ut you will fin" that you will want to use your s3ill for only ertain as2e ts of your lifeD meaning that you will only hannel it to ertain things5 In my life6 I use these s3ills for ertain things6 eEtremely im2ortant things6 an" I let other areas go Bas the win"B5 I >ust "onBt fin" it a goo" use of time to visualiGe getting all the green lights while "riving 7no matter how mu h I get annoye" 1y re" lights every on e in a while85 I "onBt use visualiGing to ma3e a store always have sales on my favorite foo"s 555 itBs not that im2ortant5 I even "onBt use visualiGing to totally eliminate the >er3s in my life5 IBve got some real selfish 2eo2le in my life 1ut I s2en" my visualiGing time on more im2ortant things5 This is what you must "o 555 hoose what is im2ortant an" 2ut this 3nowle"ge into that5 The reason why I mention this 2oint is that I have 1een tol" 1y 2eo2le - if your so goo" at all this stuff then why havenBt you won the lottery or gotten out of a ertain negative situation5 You might get this also if you let 2eo2le in on this ty2e of 3nowle"ge5 ItBs >ust what you hoose to use your mental 2owers for >ust li3e this 1oo3 is geare" for min" 2ower se"u tion an" not min" 2ower tele2ortation5 The te hniques in this 1oo3 an only 1e arrie" out 1y you5 (ome try to get others to "o the

metho"s for them 1ut the attem2t will fail5 +in" 2ower se"u tion te hniques wor3 only for the 2erson who is "oing them5 The 2erson you are wor3ing on might get a little turne" on for you 1ut in time the 2erson that your are wanting to se"u e will go for the other 2erson an" not you4 You have to 1e a 2art of the 2ro e"ure 1e ause you will have the greatest mental lin3 to that 2erson 7you9ve 1een noti ing them6 you9ve 1een raving for them6 you want to have a relationshi2 with them "ee2ly on whatever level85 This 2assion reates a very 2owerful lin3 or onne tion an" others annot reate this for you5 Your "rive towar"s that 2erson or your "rive to want to have them ome to you an reate 2owerful energy 1etween you an" the other 2erson5 It is 1est to fo us on one 2erson until you get goo" at the te hniques5 ?n e you have 2ra ti e" a 1it6 you an easily influen e many "ifferent 2eo2le5 Cust 3ee2 tra 3 of your wor35 You an use your mental se"u tion a1ility for whatever your BloveB goals are5 You might want to narrow in on one 2erson in or"er to get a stea"y relationshi2 or you might want to have many "ifferent 2eo2le5 ?f ourse6 there are some ommon sense ris3s with the later5 If you use the 3nowle"ge in this 1oo3 to get yourself the 2erfe t mate that you an have a great loving6 hot relationshi2 with 555 then you9ll 1e all set for life if you want5 If you use the 3nowle"ge in this 1oo3 to get yourself many 2artners an" 1e ome a Blove guruB6 then I an9t sto2 you5 There are 2ros an" ons for 1oth5 Try at first to Gero in on one 2erson5 This may 1e a 2erson that you 3now fully an" ommuni ate with or this may1e a om2lete stranger5 'hether you 3now the 2erson very well6 or they are an a quaintan e6 or they are a om2lete stranger 555 s2en" a few "ays 2lanning what to "o5 A goo" 2lan is a great a"vantage5 $on9t 1e so eager to rush into it5 You will get that 2erson6 so a few "ays 2lanning won9t 1e wasting time5 In fa t it will 1e using your time wisely5 There is no nee" to worry 1e ause these te hniques in this 1oo3 wor3 if you >ust 2ra ti e an" use them5 Also s2en"ing a few "ays or even a wee3 2lanning your mental strategy tells yourself that you are very a2a1le an" very intelligent when it omes to harnessing your min" 2ower5

Iee2 a list of where you9ve seen them the most6 their most noti ea1le features6 the lothes they9ve worn that you en>oye"6 how they tal36 eE2ressions that they use the most6 how they hol" themselves6 how they s2ea3 an" what their s3in loo3s li3e5 All of this will ome in han"y5 I mean it6 ma3e a note on 2a2er of the things a1ove5 You "on9t nee" "etaile" 2ages 1ut >ust enough of the things that you noti e5 'at h them an" stu"y them5 $on9t follow them or stal3 them5 You "on9t want info on their every move5 'hat you want is to ma3e note of the most noti ea1le things so when you "o your min" 2ower wor3 you will have an easier time visualiGing them5 You want the stuff that stri3es you an" the stuff a1out their 1o"y 7hair6 s2ee h6 features6 et 8 only44 If they are goo" with hil"ren or li3e to wat h television 555 this is not im2ortant5 'hen you start to use the s2e ifi visualiGing te hniques6 you will want to see them as learly as you an in your min"D as if they were in front of you5 You might thin3 that you an remem1er these noti ea1le features6 1ut when you get "own to the wor36 you will noti e that your a1ility to visualiGe will 1e limite" until you 2ra ti e5 It might 1e har" for you to visualiGe the soun" of their voi e 1ut it might 1e easy to you to visualiGe the way they "o their hair5 That is why it is goo" to have a whole 1un h of hara teristi s rea"y5 As you 2ra ti e6 you will get 1etter at visualiGing the 2erson5 The reason that you note the 2la e where you see them the most is that if your visualiGe" image of them starts to fa"e an" you an9t seem to hol" what they loo3 li3e in your min" 555 you an sim2ly imagine the 2la e where you see them the most an" then re reate their image 1efore you ta3e them 1a 3 to your inner worl"5 This will all ma3e sense when you start5 .emem1er6 this is only 2art of your 2lan5 It woul" 1e a goo" i"ea to 2lan your time an" >ust when you will use the te hniques5 You6 of ourse6 want to 1e s2ontaneous to your heartBs "esires 1ut there are other times that you nee" to ma3e note of5 +a3e a little 2lan of the time that you have availa1le for min" 2ower wor3 an" sti 3 to that s he"ule5

If you are using the te hniques on a ran"om 2erson who ha22ens to at h your eye6 of ourse you annot ma3e a 2lan5 The same if you are at a 1ar or in a 2u1li 2la e5 If you use some of the in front of the 2erson te hniques on someone who at hes your eye at ran"om6 you will have less of an effe t on them until you "evelo2 your s3ill away from the 2erson5 @sing te hniques in the mi""le of the night while a 2erson slee2s will o1viously 1e more effe tive than on a 2erson in a su2ermar3et line5 As you 1uil" more an" more s3ill6 then the effe t on the 2erson in the su2ermar3et line will 1e more effe tive5 'hen you use my te hniques on a 2erson6 they will feel li3e it is their own i"ea5 You9ve 1een in a 2u1li 2la e an" ha" the i"ea that someone was very attra tive to you6 you felt "rawn to them 555 1ut that "i"n9t ma3e you go for them5 +ay1e you ha" to go6 may1e they were in the neEt ar going the o22osite way "own the street5 +ay1e they were in a row" an" "i"n9t even see you5 You still felt "rawn to them 1ut you "i"n9t go u2 to them5 It was your own i"ea 1ut you "i"n9t a22roa h them5 'hen you are in a row"e" 2la e 7for eEam2le8 an" you use min" se"u tion te hniques on a 2erson6 they might not "ro2 everything an" ome running to you5 They still might feel attra te" to you 1ut may1e they have to go6 or may1e they are going the o22osite way5 Be ause you "i"n9t get them "oes not mean that you were unsu essful 555 it9s >ust the reality of the situation5 0ot every1o"y is going to ome running to you if you are 1oth >ust B2asser1yersB5 Cust li3e in the same way that you "on9t go running to every 2erson you are attra te" to throughout the "ay5 There is a little more a"vantage if you are in a 2la e where you have an o22ortunity to meet this stranger or if you 3now you might see them some2la e again5 These are the o22ortunities5 Fven >ust seeing a 2erson on e6 if you 3now you will see them again6 2ut your te hniques to full for e5 They will thin3 a1out that first moment seeing you an" then things will start to "evelo2 as they see you here an" there again5 A goo" eEam2le of this is if you are in s hool or at wor35 There are all sorts of o22ortunities to see a 2arti ular 2erson again an" again5 Their thoughts 7your influen e8 will 1egin to "evelo2 an"

then in rease5 If you intera t with them every on e in a while then things will "evelo2 qui 3er5 If you never tal3 to them 1ut >ust see them frequently6 they will still "evelo2 strong feelings for you 1ut a ste2 will have to ha22en to 1ring you two to start tal3ing or something5 If they are a stranger that you see often6 you oul" 1e totally influen ing them for wee3s an" they still might not have enough guts to ome an" tal3 to you 7even though they feel eEtremely "rawn to you85 There are some signs that you will noti e 7a later ha2ter8 to show that your influen e is ta3ing effe t6 1ut you might have to ma3e the first move5 I "on9t mean B oming onB to them if they are a strangerD in fa t you "on9t nee" to ome on to them at all5 If they are shy6 >ust say BHiB to them or ma3e a onne tion or small tal3 while you ontinue your "aily min" 2ower influen e5 Then the neEt time you see them6 you an have a qui 3 hat again5 As you say your hellos to them the o"" time you see them6 "on9t show any sign of attra tion to them5 %et the feelings 3ee2 "evelo2 within them an" let them ome to you5 It will ha22en on its own as you ontinue the influen e5 If you two are strangers an" you are influen ing them6 there is also a goo" han e that they might not 1e so shy an" that they will a22roa h you will a little BHiB or something5 Iee2 remem1ering 7an" I9ll 3ee2 telling you8 that they will feel "rawn to you un"er their own a or"5 This is the most natural 2ro ess of these se"u tion te hniques 1e ause the 2erson will feel li3e it is their own i"ea an" they won9t feel li3e any1o"y is ontrolling or swaying them5 'hen it is natural li3e this it is more effe tive6 longer lasting6 an" highly reative5 If you are on a 1us an" you use these te hniques on someone6 they won9t turn aroun" an" ma3e love to you right there5 But if you let it "evelo2 naturally it will "evelo2 qui 3ly an" it will ha22en5 If you are 2ra ti ing the te hniques 7whi h I am slowly revealing8 on a 2erson that you 3now quite well6 you will see results mu h qui 3er5 You will have more o22ortunity to see the signs6 more o22ortunity to influen e them "ire tly in front of them6 an" you will have more o22ortunity to let them ome to you5 IBm >ust trying to give you a rough i"ea on what to eE2e t 1ut of ourse you will ome a ross every variation yourself5 An" of ourse6 the more s3ille" you get at

it6 the 1etter the results5 If your s3ill is very fine tune"6 you an have every 2erson you frequently or asually intera t with 555 2lus om2lete strangers may a22roa h you the moment they see you4 .ea h for this goal if you want5 It ta3es time to get this goo" 1ut it an ha22en with 2ra ti e6 "etermination6 reativity an" 2atien e5 To effe tively visualiGe6 you must have a quiet 2la e to "o this5 Your surroun"ings have to 1e quiet5 It is 1est to 1egin to learn to visualiGe with the lights out5 There is no nee" to fo us on a an"le or 2ra ti e mantras or whatever else you might of hear" 1efore5 Cust losing your eyes is all you nee" to "o at first5 Fventually6 you an 3ee2 your eyes o2en 7in 2u1li 2la es8 an" your visualiGing s3ill will 1e "evelo2e" enough to "o in the 1roa" "aylight5 Your surroun"ings must 1e free of "rafts6 1lowing air6 lou" noises an" other "istra tions5 0othing is more annoying when you are in a "ee2 1rain state an" the tele2hone rings or you hear the neigh1ors ma3ing noise5 ?1viously itBs not 2ossi1le to get ri" of all the noise 1ut "o your 1est to lose yourself away from most noise5 If you live with 2eo2le6 tell them you have a hea"a he or something so you an have some 2ea e for your wor35 If you annot avoi" noise in your surroun"ings then you an 2ut on some hea"2hones an" 1lo 3 out the outsi"e noise with musi noise5 .emem1er that this ha2ter on visualiGing is starting you on your way to min" 2ower se"u tion5 I will tea h you te hniques that you an 2ut to use when you are out in a 2u1li 2la e6 1ut all this lea"s u2 to an" a22lies to it5 You shoul" ma3e a goal to 2ra ti e your visualiGing wor3 at least three times a "ay for 1) minutes ea h time5 Iee2 tra 3 of what you "o no matter how it goes5 It is 1etter to "o the visualiGing while you are sitting5 ?ften when you are lying "own you get too relaEe" an" you fall aslee25 Also6 at first it is easier to visualiGe your inner reality when your hea" is in the same verti al 2osition that it is throughout your "aily life 7unless you live your life in 1e" all "ay85 That is why sitting is goo"5 You an either 1e sitting in a hair or 1e sitting on the floor5 If you sit on the floor6 there is no nee" to sit in some yogi 2osture with your legs wra22e" aroun" your ne 3 with your arms in 2rayer 2osition5 Cust sit "own an" 2erha2s lean against the 1e" or

a wall or whatever5 (ometimes 2utting a 2illow un"er your 1utt or lower 1a 3 hel2s if you are not use" to it5 The 2oint is to get in a omforta1le 2osition so you an on entrate on your mental se"u tion wor3 instea" shifting frequently to get omforta1le5 You are going to 1e visualiGing the 2erson that youBve ha" your eye onD the 2erson you want5 The 3ey to visualiGing is to see something in your min" as if it is really ha22ening5 This will 1e "iffi ult at first 1ut it will still have an effe t on the 2erson so you must not forget this5 +y s3ill at visualiGing is so a"van e" that I an see things in my min" 7even with my eyes o2en8 >ust as real as the things aroun" me in this #r" "imensional worl"5 As a hil"6 my imagination was so "evelo2e" that I woul" have fun reating my own images in this worl" that others oul"nBt see 1ut only I oul" see5 I never reveale" this 1efore until I wrote this 1oo35 I "i"nBt 3now then that I oul" use this to mol" my life5 It was more li3e an entertainment s3ill rather than a selfim2rovement s3ill5 It was when I starte" to in or2orate visualiGing with 2eo2le that I 1egan to learn that my visualiGing was a tually effe ting the worl" aroun" me5 Things hange" for me at this 2oint5 To see something in your min" as if it is a tually ha22ening >ust ta3es 2ra ti e with some onsi"eration to the following 2oints5 'hen you visualiGe6 always 2ut yourself in the B2i tureB as if you were living it5 $o not see yourself from a "istan e li3e you were wat hing a movie of yourself or something5 In your visualiGing6 you "o not see your fa e unless you visualiGe loo3ing into a mirror5 +ost tea hing on visualiGing tells you to 2ut yourself in a movie-li3e image so you an see yourself se2arately5 ItBs har" for 2eo2le to se2arate themselves li3e this an" thatBs why this ty2e of te hnique is slow an" rarely effe tive5 You must 1e in your imagination as you are in your "aily life5 If you visualiGe yourself wal3ing "own the street6 you wonBt 1e a1le to see your fa e6 to2 of your hea" an" 1a 3 555 youBll 1e a1le to loo3 "own an" see your legs6 arms6 hest >ust li3e your BrealB life5 If you are a 1eginner to visualiGing6 you must first 2ra ti e a little at first5 HereBs some ti2s for general 2ra ti e sessions5

To first start getting use" to visualiGing6 >ust let your min" remem1er some event5 This isnBt a "iffi ult thing to "o5 Jlose your eyes an" imagine a memory that you ha" in the 2ast5 $onBt worry a1out the "etails5 They always lear u2 with 2ra ti e5 Also try visualiGing "ifferent 2la es that you go to in your 2resent5 If you wor3 somewhere6 imagine that you are at wor35 If you are a stu"ent6 imagine sitting in your seat listening to a le ture5 At first you "onBt really see the image with your 2hysi al eyes5 ItBs in your min"6 your imagination5 That is why you an 1e visualiGing a 2la e an" yet your 2hysi al eyes >ust see the B1la 3B of the insi"es of your eye li"s5 Your a1ility to visualiGe gets 1etter with 2ra ti e so "onBt try to rush it5 You an still influen e eroti ally without 1MMN 2erfe t inner vision4 You >ust have to 1e ome reative in your wor35 If you have a har" time imagining something on a seeing level6 then try to fo us in on one o1>e t instea" of in a 1ig surroun"ing li3e an offi e environment or at a 1all game5 ItBs im2ortant to remem1er that you want to a hieve the feeling li3e it is really ha22ening5 You wonBt 1e goo" at this at first 1ut you an tri 3 your min" to 1elieve this though5 HereBs how to 1e ome reative to ma3e u2 for la 3 of eE2erien e5 A tually6 when you get eE2erien e" at this you in rease the following te hniques to 1e ome more reative than what I mention here5 Tri 3 your min" 1y 3ee2ing a slight little grin on your fa e an" the thought in your hea" that this s3ill is so easy to "o an" that what you are imagining is as real as your outsi"e worl"5 'hen you get goo" at this stuff an" your 2owers to influen e have 1een "evelo2e"6 this grin will ha22en naturally 1e ause you will 1e so ha22y that you have this great a1ility5 You an also tri 3 your min" 1y in or2orating the use of your other senses li3e smell6 tou h6 taste an" emotion5 If you imagine that you are in a 1eautiful 2la e6 "onBt >ust see it 555 smell it6 tou h it6 taste it 7if you want86 hear it an" feel it emotionally5 It wonBt 1e 1MMN vivi"6 1ut the min" will have enough to wor3 with5 If you imagine that you are at wor36 feel your wor32la e 7wall6 "es36 "oors6 et 86 smell the air 72hoto o2ier solution6 smelly o-wor3er6 et 8 an" imagine the emotion or the feeling that you have at wor35 By reating in your min"Bs eye the feeling of a tually "oing

or 1eing somewhere6 your unaware min" goes to wor3 an" mol"s this reality in your life5 If you see in your min" that your 1oss fire" you6 you wonBt get fire" the neEt "ay5 If you 3e2t u2 with it though6 sooner or later you woul" get anne"5 Pra ti e li3e raGy with this visualiGing an" you will get the hang of it in a ou2le wee3s5 ?f ourse after years of "oing this6 your s3ill will 1e mu h "ifferent than now6 1ut you only nee" a ou2le of wee3s to get omforta1le with this an" use" to the i"ea of a""ing this as2e t of visualiGing to your life5 Your mental wor3 will go to wor3 imme"iately at your first time visualiGing 1ut getting into a new ha1it is something that nee"s at least a wee3 to im2lement5 ItBs li3e eEer ising5 Your first time 2ro"u es resultsD your 1o"y is getting a wor3out or your mus les are wor3ing5 But after "oing eEer ises for a ou2le wee3s6 you will have gotten into the ha1it of "oing it5 You will 1e getting use" to it5 ?n e you allow yourself to get use" to "oing min" 2ower wor3 7no matter how 1asi at first8 you will 1e ome more involve" in it an" more motivate" to "o it5 How many times have you set a goal for yourself an" then after a month goes 1y you say to yourself Bloo3 what I oul" have gotten a om2lishe" if I "i" a little 1it every"ay5B: $onBt 2ut this min" 2ower wor3 asi"e for a A1etter timeA5 After 2 wee3s of 2ra ti ing youBll 1e more ahea" than now an" after 2 months youBll 1e way ahea" from now5 If you anBt motivate yourself then you are out of lu 3 an" you will let this s3ill to the other 2eo2le who rea" this 1oo35 I suggest that you "o at least # times a "ay for 1) minutes ea h of visualiGing5 If you want to "o more6 then you will "evelo2 more qui 3ly5 If you want to "o less6 then you will "evelo2 slowly5 HereBs what I want you to "o 71ut of ourse you an "o what you want85 (2en" the first ) minutes of your visualiGing getting yourself use" to the visualiGing BsessionB an" then the rest of the time "oing the min" 2ower se"u tion5 This initial 2ra ti e time is when you imagine yourself somewhere where you are use" to or remem1ering some event in the 2ast5 ?r this is where you an imagine fo using on an o1>e t an" imagining it with all your senses5 You an imagine may1e a "og sitting 1esi"e you5 You rea h out an" feel its fur as you 2et it5 You smell its fur an" won"er why "ogs always have that wet "og smell5 $onBt taste the "og 1ut feel with all

your senses the "og 1eing 1esi"e you5 You oul" even imagine wal3ing the "og5 +ay1e you want to imagine an orange on a ta1le in front of you5 You 2i 3 it u2 an" 2eel it5 It squirts its >ui e in your fa e an" then you eat it on e itBs 2eele" 7"onBt forget to imagine s2itting out the see"s85 Then imagine letting a at smell the orange 2eel an" run away with a sour fa e5 You an even imagine this 1oo3 in your min"5 Put it on your min" reate" ta1le an" feel yourself 2i 3 it u2 an" fli2 through it5 The sym1ol on the outsi"e of the 1oo3 is a ra"ioni transfer sym1ols harge" with a ertain 2ur2ose 7we9ll mention ra"ioni s later85 If you in or2orate this 1oo3 into your visualiGing6 the sym1ols on the outsi"e will 1e hel2ing you4 ItBs really u2 to you what you visualiGe "uring this first ) minute 2erio"5 If you set asi"e 1=2 hour6 # times a "ay then s2en" the first little while "oing this visualiGing training an" "evelo2ment5 ?f ourse to 1e ome a master at any artform6 you nee" to 2ra ti e5 Pra ti e is what 2eo2le li3e to "o the most5 That is why there are so few +asters out there an" tons of average fol3s without great mental s3ills5 'hen you get a 1etter feeling for this 2ra ti e visualiGing you an 1e ome more a tive in your visualiGing rather than >ust imagining something more 2assively5 +a3e something ha22en5 If you remem1er something in the 2ast6 ma3e something ha22en li3e a ar oming through the 1uil"ing you are in5 Imagine the lights going out or imagine the 2eo2le aroun" you are instantly wearing the same olor lothing5 If you are 2ra ti ing with o1>e ts6 gra1 an o1>e t an" ta3e it with you somewhere5 Bring an o1>e t into a 2ast memory or a 2resent 2la e5 If you use" the orange6 then throw one of those orange 2eels at the 1la 31oar" in your lass or imagine 2utting the whole un2eele" orange un"er a ar tire wat hing it go s2lat4 In your min"Bs eye6 1e ome more reative ea h time5 Jreativity is the 1est an" most im2ortant way to get really goo" at this stuff5 You may "evelo2 a great s3ill at seeing something as if it was real6 1ut if you are not reative then you wonBt 1e a1le to eE2an" your visualiGing5 Get as reative as you an 1e 1ut im2lement this after a1out a wee3 of sim2le 2ra ti ing5 The main reason why most 2eo2le anBt get the hang of it is that they give themselves too

little time5 1) minutes # times a "ay is >ust a minimal gui"eline5 ?f ourse6 when you get goo" you an throw this out the "oor5 Then you an "o how mu h6 however long6 whenever you want6 1e ause your min" is traine"5 But for starters6 sti 3 to this minimal 7an" you might fin" that this is not long enough85 It might >ust ta3e you 1) minutes to get your min" an" 1o"y relaEe" enough so your imagination an get in gear5 # times a "ay is more im2ortant than 1) minutes ea h time5 If you "o 1) minutes the first 2 times an" then &) minute the thir" 72ro1a1ly in the evening8 then that might 1e 1etter suite" for you5 This is what the first ou2le wee3s 2ra ti e ta3es are ofD getting you in a omforta1le routine until you get s3ille" enough to "o it whenever you want5 ?ne of my rea"ers 2ra ti es this stuff as often as she an5 (he ta3es 1) minutes after 1rea3fast6 a few minutes in the shower6 more time on the 1us 72ra ti ing with eyes o2en8 an" then throughout the "ay6 even if itBs >ust for ou2le minutes5 In the evening she says she "oes at least an hour6 sometimes more5 (he totals anywhere from 2 - & hours a "ay5 Her s3ill6 of ourse6 is great an" she oul" 2ro1a1ly turn any of you on with >ust your 2i ture5 (he fin"s that the 1etter she gets at it6 the more she 2ra ti esL AIt really gets in my system es2e ially when I a22ly this 3nowle"ge to other areas in my lifeA5 I 3now this to 1e true an" I "o my min" 2ower wor3 for often hours on en"5 +y wor3 is eEtremely mu h more a"van e" than se"u tion visualiGing 7as youBll rea" later8 1ut I an s2en" - 1M hours a "ay "oing it if I wante" to5 +y frien"s aroun" me 3now that I am usually s2en"ing a least a few hours a night "oing my Bweir" stuffB 7as they >o3e85 %ittle "o they 3now that I an easily out of 1o"y travel an" easily lu i" "ream so my nightly life when I am Bslee2ingB is very a tive an" alive an" not limite" to >ust a few hours of 1asi mental wor35 I even "o most of visualiGing while stan"ing an" with my eyes o2en5 Pretty strange sight for someone who ste2s into the room where I am in a "ee2 tran e yet stan"ing5 You shoul" try to 3ee2 goo" tra 3 of what you are visualiGing an" your 2ra ti e sessions5 +a3e a

list of what you an 2ra ti e while you visualiGe5 Iee2 a""ing to this list "aily5 An un ommon event li3e turning on your television with a remote an 1e ome a reative visualiGing 2ra ti e session5 Ta3e that remote in your imagination an" see it an" feel it5 (ee a 1utton an" remem1er whatBs written on it5 Then 1e ome a tive an" hange the image5 +a3e the wor"s a22ear "ifferent on the 1utton5 Instea" of Bvolume RB imagine the volume u2 1utton now rea"s Bre" wallsB an" when you 2ush it 555 the walls aroun" you 1e ome re" 7getting reative85 Go 1a 3 to visualiGing the remote an" what it feels li3e an" then hange another 1utton li3e B hannel RB to Bhan" uffsA5 'hen you 2ush it6 you an imagine that you are now wearing han" uffs5 'hen you 2ush another 1utton on the remote6 the han" uffs fall off an" you then gra1 7feel8 them an" throw them at the TH with a rash of the television s reen 7hearing85 Go raGy with this stuff 1e ause the more reative with your visualiGing the 1etter6 qui 3er an" easier you will "evelo2 a"van e" min" 2ower s3ills5 Iee2 tra 3 of this too5 It ma3es you more a tive in the whole training=learning 2ro ess5 (o this is the stuff for to "o for the first little 1it of your visualiGing session5 The neEt half of ea h session gets into the goo" stuff - the min" 2ower se"u tion visualiGing4

What You See Is What You

et Part !

.emem1er the information in the ha2ter a1out 1rain waves: I mentione" that it is im2ortant that you 1e in a 2arti ular 1rain state in or"er for these te hniques to 1e effe tive5 You an get su ess with your 1rain in an or"inary wa3ing state 1ut your mani2ulation of the reality aroun" you 1e omes more 2ronoun e" when you are a1le to lower your 1rain state5 If you forgot6 your wa3ing state is the Beta state5 This is when your 1rain is emitting frequen ies in the 1& - #M HG 7hertG8 range5 'hen you are in a relaEe" state with your eyes lose" an" imagining6 you are in an Al2ha state 7, - 1# 2s85 This Al2ha state is the 3ey state for your se"u tion wor35 'hen you are in this state6 the effe t will 1e the most 2ronoun e" u2on the min" of the 2erson you are wanting to influen e5 Your thoughts will 1e a1le to get to them more learly with more 2ower5 Being in a Theta state is also very 2owerful as well6 1ut it is very "iffi ult for the average 2erson to a hieve5 (ome 2eo2le ta3e years to a hieve a ons ious Theta state an" some an never a hieve this5

.emem1er your 1rain is in this Theta state at the 2oint >ust 2rior to slee2 555 the instant 1efore5 Jan you ever remem1er this eEa t moment: You an often remem1er starting to fall aslee2D may1e ran"om images flash or musi in your room seems to go on for a long time while only a minute has 2asse"5 This is when you are in a very "ee2 Al2haD >ust a22roa hing Theta5 But the a tual moment of Theta is the Point of Amnesia5 This is rarely remem1ere" 1y most humans on the 2lanet5 @sually they >ust wa3e u2 an" never re all the eEa t se on" that their ons iousness fell into un ons ious slee25 ?ut of 1o"y travelling o urs most 2rominently "uring the $elta state with eEiting an" entry in the Theta state5 You leave your 1o"y every night that you lay "own to slee25 Your astral 1o"y6 soul 1o"y6 etheri 1o"y 7whatever you want to all it8 BliftsB an" Bse2aratesB from your 2hysi al 1o"y5 It is usually slightly "is2la e" an" hovers an in h or two a1ove your 2hysi al 1o"y5 You never remem1er this 1e ause you B"eta hB from your 2hysi al 1o"y an" BreturnB to your 2hysi al 1o"y at time when your 1rain is in a Theta state5 This Point of Amnesia is very "iffi ult to ontrol 1ut I will give a te hnique later 1e ause I am very a"e2t at this level of min" ontrol5 This Point of Amnesia also o urs when you are 1orn into your 2hysi al 1o"y5 This 3in" of B2ointB is alle" something else an" is mu h 1igger in s ale6 1ut it is the 2artial reason why you annot remem1er your 2revious life 1efore you ame into this 1o"y for this lifetime5 'hen you start ontrolling this Theta state6 you an start to remem1er all sorts of things from 2revious lives5 But the "raw 1a 3 is that your thoughts in Theta are instantly manifeste" an" therefore la 3 of ontrol an 1e ause 2ro1lems if you annot remain sta1le in this state5 To give you an i"ea of the "ifferen e 1etween "oing min" 2ower arousal wor3 in an Al2ha state versus the Theta state 555 if you were visualiGing your fingers tou hing someone in an eroti way while you were in an Al2ha state6 the 2erson woul" feel a slight tingling or warm eroti sensation followe" 1y thoughts of you5 ItBs su1tle 1ut it wor3s5 If you were in a ontrolle" Theta state an"

you imagine the tou h of your fingers on someone in an eroti fashion6 the 2erson woul" a tually feel the tou h as if your 2hysi al han" was a tually tou hing them in 2erson4 That is how real it will feel for them4 (o you an see6 Theta state visualiGations are a great goal to wor3 u2 to5 HereBs eEa tly how your thought waves get into the min" of another 2erson 7if you an un"erstan" it85 Your thought waves 7either Al2ha or Theta8 arrive outsi"e of the s3ull of the 2erson you are using min" 2ower mani2ulation te hniques on5 From the outsi"e of their s3ull6 this in oming wavefront sets u2 a resonan e or a vi1ration in the ) se tions of their ranial 1one5 (etting u2 a resonan e of these ) se tions o urs when the wavefront A1oun esA aroun" equally to all the ) se tions5 If you ma"e a ross se tion of the s3ull as this event o urre" an" if you oul" see the resonan e 1eing esta1lishe"6 the wavefront vi1rations woul" form a 2entagram within the s3ull with ea h 2oint of the 2entagram tou hing one of the ) ranial se tions5 This 2attern is alle" a Afivefol" stan"ing waveA 2attern of Ta hyons lowere" to the vi1rational rate 7Al2ha or Theta85 These Ta hyons intera t with the liqui" rystal stru ture of that 2ersonBs 1rain stru ture5 The Ta hyons 2rovi"e $eltons 1e ause they enfol" energy5 This in turn reates antematter an" matter at the eEa t same time5 'hen this "ual a tion ha22ens6 ele trons are forme" an" an ele tri 2ulse flows to the 2art of the 1rain that turns ele tri al im2ulses into thought 555 thus thought is 2er eive" 1y the 2erson you are influen ing5 The rystalline stru ture is foun" in the al ium 1one in the ranium 7a layer aroun" the insi"e of the s3ull85 All this gets into tensor fiel"s6 mi ro-unifie" fiel"s6 ele tron shells6 2hase s2a e6 an" Fourier translations so I will s3i2 the heavy stuff5 0ow this 3nowle"ge is out there 1ut I "ou1t you will rea" the a1ove un"erstan"ing in any 1oo3 in a 1oo3store5 This is great 3nowle"ge for mass min" ontrol through F%F=@%F mo"ulate" .F or mi rowave non-hertGian wavefronts5 Jontrolling 2eo2leBs thought from eEtremely low frequen y waves that 1oun e off your hy"ro wires isnBt something that ertain fa tions "onBt want 3nown5

The "agic Touch

The most im2ortant as2e t to your se"u tion wor3 is the on e2t of tou h5 You must "evelo2 this feeling of tou hing more strongly than your a1ility to see while visualiGing5 'hen the 2erson is firmly in your visualiGe" 2la e 7as 1est as you an get86 imagine that they are na3e"5 Your neEt ste2 is to rea h your han" out an" tou h them5 @se your visualiGe" sense of tou h to eroti ally aress them with your han"5 If you loose the entire image of the 2erson that is alright5 Cust on entrate on the area of their 1o"y that you are tou hing5 If you anBt imagine what a ertain 2art of their 1o"y loo3s li3e6 ma3e it u2 7it will still wor385 @sing tou h in your visualiGing is the most im2ortant as2e t to arousal an" se"u ing4 This s3ill must 1e "evelo2e" an" you shoul" 2ra ti e tou hing things in your min" so you an Bfeel itB with your min"5 You "onBt want to see yourself tou hing as mu h as you want to a tually feel the tou h5 In your 2ra ti e session6 imagine tou hing things li3e a soft at6 i e u1es6 shar2 o1>e ts6 rough o1>e ts6 things with varie" tem2erature 555 anything6 so you an fine tune your sense of tou h within your min"5 Also6 throughout your "aily life6 tou h things as mu h as you an an" learn to enhan e your feelings through your fingers5 'hen you tou h someone in your visualiGing you are reating a tremen"ous 2owerful lin3 to that 2erson5 It is this Bmagi tou hB that will "rive them into a frenGy an" eventually "raw them to you5 FE2lore them with your fingers6 2alms6 han"s an" ta3e your time5 %et your imagination eE2lore every sensation of tou h on the 2erson5 If you are tou hing their genital area then eE2lore their 2u1i hair6 wetness6 harness6 ten"erness6 softness6 warmness6 hotness6 quiverness6 et 5 You reate in your min" what you are "oing to them an" what they are eE2erien ing5 %et your fingers an" han"s eE2lore "ifferent areas of their 1o"y su h as their ni22les6 mouth6 ears6 inner thighs6 hair6 3nees6 et 5 0o other te hnique in your mental a1ility an om2are to this use of tou h an" there is no way for the 2erson to avoi" it5 If you "o it for only a1out ) minutes6 you will reate effe ts that may last several hours5 The 2erson will 1egin to feel warmth6 tingling6 har"ness6 wetness an" a turne" on feeling5 The longer you use this magi tou h the eE itement that will 1uil" u2 in the 2erson will 1e har" to resist an" they will have a strong attra tion towar"s you 7even if they "onBt 3now

who you are85 They wonBt even 1e a1le to fight these feelings 1e ause they are oming from "ee2 insi"e of them Bon their ownB5 .emem1er this will ta3e a little 2ra ti e 1ut it will hit them even on the first trials no matter how slight5 .emem1er also to really FFF% the tou h even if you annot see it5 Imagine it as if you were "oing it right now5 (oon I will get to how you an a22ly this te hnique to 2eo2le throughout your "aily life without having to go into a "ee2 Al2ha state 1ut you shoul" in lu"e "ee2 visualiGing of this 3in" in your wor3 every"ay5 In my inner eye6 I an totally FFF% the sensation of tou h as if I were really "oing it5 I li3e to eE2lore the 2ersonBs 1o"y in so many ways5 (ometimes I an feel myself aressing their ears with one han" an" aressing their litoris with my other 7sin e IBm a man attra te" to women85 'omen who "o these te hniques an get the man they are wanting into a great 2assion 1y imagining the tou h of their own han" stimulating the manBs 2enis5 'omen shoul" feel the har"ness6 2ulsating6 2u1i hair6 testi le movements6 leg mus le ontra tions of the man they are visualiGing 7if you are gay man then you woul" "o the same to the man you want85 +y a1ility at this is so "evelo2e" that I an s2en" a ou2le hours mentally aressing the 2erson I want5 The 2erson is in a om2letely "ifferent min" set the neEt time I see or tal3 to them5 Fs2e ially when you in or2orate visualiGing s enarios along with your A2sy hi A tou hing5 HisualiGing s enarios is the se on" 2art of this magi tou h5 It shoul" ome only after you have mentally tou he" the 2erson5 It an 1e a ou2le minutes after or longer5 'hat it is6 is the eEtension of your wor35 If you are mentally tou hing someone in their genital area6 start to visualiGe the 2ersons rea tion5 %oo3 u2 at their fa e an" see their rea tion 7of ourse you ontrol what ha22ens85 'at h an" ma3e their 1o"y move an" quiver un"er your tou h5 Begin to visualiGe them in the way that you want to see them rea ting to your tou h all the while still feeling the aressing as if it was ha22ening5 By 1ringing in rea tions6 you are starting to reate an entire s enario of 2assion an" lust5 Bring in to your newly "evelo2e" sense of hearing an" tasting an" tal3ing within your min"5 Hear the 2ersonBs moans along with your tou h5 Hear their voi e5 Begin to ma3e things get 2assionate 1ut try to "o more of the giving than to visualiGe them "oing

the giving5 You want to 3ee2 the >o1 of arousing them an" not letting your visualiGing 1e ome a fantasy eE2erien e for your own 2leasure5 You might get arouse" 1y this 1y try to stay in ontrol an" ma3e sure you "o most all of the giving5 'hen you 1egin to a"" full visualiGing to your mental tou hing6 you an see the 1a 3 that you are tou hing6 you an see those 1reasts that you are stimulating6 you an see those thighs that you are aressing5 +a3e sure that the 2erson 1e omes very arouse" 1y this in your min" an" es2e ially ma3e sure that they rave you an" want you to "o more an" more4 Try to avoi" getting too fast with all of this5 The slower you "o your visualiGing s enario an" your visualiGing tou hing6 the more eroti it will 1e for them5 'hen I "o it6 I sometimes s2en" a lengthy time on one 2art of their 1o"y until I move somewhere else or in or2orate something else5 This reates a "ee2 2assion within the real 2erson an" it ontinually for es me to on entrate an" "evelo2 an" remain sta1le with my sense of visualiGe" tou h for long 2erio"s of time5 If you a"" to your visualiGing oral movements on the 2erson6 you also reate stronger feelings within the real 2erson5 .emem1er that you are "oing the stuff to them an" they are getting horny 1y it in your min"5 YouBre not trying to get off on this5 If you "o6 your heart will start to 1eat faster an" youBll start to ome out of your Al2ha state5 ?f ourse6 you nee" to feel some of it as you visualiGe 1e ause you want it to 1e5 If you get turne" on while "oing these visualiGations6 then 3ee2 ontrol an" 3ee2 your eyes lose" an" hannel this seEual energy into your visualiGing5 'hen you "e i"e youBve ha" enough of your session5 Iee2 your eyes lose" an" return your min" to your imaginary 2la e5 You an still see that the 2erson is lying "own or won"ering why you sto22e"6 1ut try to eE2lore your B2la eB again 1efore you o2en your eyes5 This only ta3es a minute so "onBt give it anymore time5 Then o2en your eyes an" go 1a 3 to your wa3ing life5 'hen you "o this ty2e of min" 2ower wor3 on someone6 the influen e on them is instant an" 2hysi al no matter how far away they are5 IBll get to the signs that shows their rea tion to this wor3 soon5 If youBve un"erstoo" anything that IBve taught you earlier you might thin3 that it is

ne essary to visualiGe the 2erson in the s enario that you wish to ha22en in real life5 The s enario that you visualiGe shoul" 1e only to arouse them an" not how you want things in real life5 Yes6 it9s true that what you see is what you get 1ut if you are visualiGing them getting horny un"er your tou h an" yet you insist on visualiGing them in a situation that you insist must ha22en in your real life6 then your min" has to "o more5 It has to turn the 2erson on an" set u2 the events to manifest the eEa t s enario that you are insisting on5 Your results will 1e slower this way5 (o >ust on entrate all your um2h into getting the 2erson in re"i1ly turne" on 1y you an" it will ha22en in your real life at the 1est suita1le 2la e6 time an" way5 $own the roa"6 on e you have a goo" lo 3 on the 2erson6 you an in or2orate s2e ifi visualiGe" s enarios an" they will ome to 2ass in your real life5 But itBs 1etter to start an" wait till you start "ating them so things will 1lossom more o2enly an" freely at first5 ?n e you have the 2erson6 then use your visualiGation to ma3e the ty2e of relationshi2 you want5 If you want a lot of intima y an" frien"shi26 then visualiGe this with your se"u tion stuff5 If you want them to go "own on you a lot then6 3ee2 u2 this visualiGing on e you are "ating them5 'hatever you use your visualiGing for6 ma3e the 2erson rea t the way you want them to rea t an" this will manifest in the real #r" "imensional worl"5 Your 2owers of your min" an 1e so "evelo2e" for what ever you want5 Cust as a hy2otheti al eEam2le6 if you wante" someone to get turne" on 1y you whenever they ha" a shower 1y themselves6 then visualiGe this "aily an" sure enough they will 1e thin3ing of you when they shower5 You reate the reality an" the relationshi2 you want as it "evelo2s5 ?r you an let it go its own way 7if it fiGGles an" you "onBt are6 them move on to someone else85 ?f ourse you wonBt have to ontinually visualiGe them 1eing arouse" 1y you6 on e it 1e omes your reality are having a relationshi2 then the 2assion will "evelo2 2hysi ally an" you shoul" sto2 your seEual influen e unless for enhan ement 2ur2oses5 You an visualiGe to enhan e the situation or relationshi2 1ut this is not a thing that you have to "o forever5

These feelings they have for you will 1e as if they were reate" 1y themselves so they wonBt feel unattra te" to you unless you start 1e oming a >er36 "onBt 3now how to maintain a goo" frien"shi2 or heat li3e raGy5 Then naturally they will loose interest in you even though there oul" 1e a strong 2hysi al attra tion5 ?f ourse you an still 1e a >er3 an" ontinue having them lust after you 7with your visualiGing8 1ut this will soon 1e unrewar"ing to you as o22ose" to "evelo2ing other as2e ts of your relationshi2 li3e frien"shi26 honestly6 intima y 7nonseEual86 2layfulness an" roman e5 If you om1ine all these later qualities with hot eroti min" 2ower se"u tion6 then you an un"erstan" how your a1ilities to se"u e will 1e ome astronomi al4 'hen you are "oing this visualiGe" Amagi tou hA an" seeing the 2erson you want getting hot an" 1othere" for you6 your thoughts are travelling through ionos2here an" rea hing that 2erson imme"iately5 If you are in a goo" Al2ha state6 you are more onne te" with the ionos2here an" your thoughts will travel easier an" qui 3er5 'hat ha22ens to the 2erson is thisL First the 2hysi al sensation hits them without any awareness5 Then they 1e ome aware that they are getting a little turne" on5 An" then thoughts of you ome into their min"5 These thoughts may 1e very o1vious to them an" they will ons iously feel attra te" to you or these thoughts will 1e a little more "ee2er an" their unaware min" will ma3e more of the onne tion5 The later is not a 1a" thing 1e ause it is 1etter to esta1lish a "ee2 foun"ation within the 2ersonBs 2sy he5 ?ften you might get a little turne" on 1ut "onBt really thin3 a1out any1o"y s2e ifi ally5 Your unaware min" has often ha" some lin3s to ertain 2eo2le an" then when you see those 2eo2le in your "aily life you will 1e ome more aware of your attra tion to them5 As this in reases6 the times when you get a little arouse" the thoughts of a ertain 2erson will ome into your ons ious awareness5 This is how it might ha22en in the 2erson you are wor3ing on5 They might not instantly thin3 hot thoughts a1out you 1ut their su1 ons ious min" will 1e asso iating these arousal feeling to you an" then it will manifest as the 2erson 1e omes more attra te" to you5 (o if you "onBt see any

instant rea tions6 "onBt worry 1e ause their su1 ons ious min" will 1e 2rogramming their ons ious min" to 1e "rawn to you5 Their su1 ons ious min" will see3 you out only an" will not thin3 that these arousal feelings are oming from someone else5 Allow this to ha22en an" youBll see that the 2erson will ome to you eventually5 This wonBt ta3e long5 .emem1er6 sin e this is a natural feeling that will 1e "evelo2ing insi"e of them 7as if it was their un"er their own a or"86 you 2ro1a1ly will go through the usually motions li3e "ating6 getting to 3now ea h other an" all that sort of stuff5 But "onBt worry6 you will 1e ontinually im1e""ing "ee2 2assionate feelings within them an" they will manifest qui 3er than if you went through the usually motions without using min" 2ower te hniques5 These feelings that you are visualiGing u2on them will last forever5 I "onBt mean that they will feel turne" on till the en" of time 1ut they will feel attra te" to you in the same way you an 1e attra te" to someone over "e a"es5 If you are "oing these te hniques while the 2erson is slee2ing then they will "ream a1out you 7they might forget the "ream as most 2eo2le "o 1ut it will still ha22en85 (ome BeE2ertsB might say that influen ing while the 2erson is aslee2 is more effe tive than if the 2erson is awa3e5 Both are >ust as effe tive an" 1oth shoul" 1e 2ra ti e"5 The 2ersonBs Bguar"B or something isnBt "own when they are aslee2 1e ause your thoughts get to them 0? +ATTF. 'HAT6 0? +ATTF. 'HF05 (o all this stuff is very effe tive when the 2erson you want is a1sent an" away from you5 But what a1out when the 2erson is in front of you an" you anBt lose your eyes an" visualiGe in Al2ha an" >ust what are the rea tions that an 1e seen: 0ow for the te hniques that an 1e 2ut to use when you are near the 2erson or are tal3ing to the 2erson5 You still nee" to "o the same Amagi tou hA 1ut you "onBt have to lose your eyes to "o it5 If you 2ro2erly 2ra ti e the tou h sensations you "onBt nee" to visualiGe anything eE e2t the imaginary sensation of tou h5 %etBs say the 2erson is near you 1ut they are not loo3ing at you5 Cust eE2erien e the tou h sensation in your min" li3e in the visualiGing Al2ha wor3 earlier5 Your

1rain will still 2ro"u e Al2ha waves 1e ause you are harnessing your imagination an" it will 1e asso iate" with your Al2ha visualiGing when you are alone5 Cust feel your han" go u2 their "ress or "own their 2ants in a gentle eroti manner5 In your min"6 "o the same finger aresses an" eroti tou hing that I mentione" earlier5 Yeah6 itBs a little har"er with your eyes o2en 1ut it >ust ta3es a little more 2ra ti e5 As you are "oing whatever you are "oing 2hysi ally 7wor3ing6 waiting in line6 sitting in lass6 sitting in a 1us8 3ee2 your mental thoughts on your tou hing an" aressing of that 2erson 1ut "o an a""e" te hniqueL remove their lothes in your min" an" try to imagine them 1ehaving in your min" li3e you want them to 1e 72refera1ly 1e oming turne" on 1y your tou hing an" aressing85 At first6 until you get goo" at AliveA mental se"u tion6 you an sti 3 to >ust the tou hing sensation5 In time it will 1e easier for you to visualiGe na3e"ness an" eroti ism while your eyes are o2en5 The more your min" is mentally wor3ing on this the more Al2ha waves you will 1e 2ro"u ing an" the more of an effe t this will have5 +y s3ill is so goo" that I an 1e in a 2u1li 2la e with my eyes totally o2en yet I an visualiGe something in su h "etail that I loose om2lete fo us of the #r" "imensional worl" aroun" me 7 still I am totally aware of it 1e ause my eyes are still o2en an" moving aroun"85 You will get this goo" too an" then you will 1e 2ro"u ing "ee2 Al2ha waves an" strong visualiGations even when you arry on a onversation with someone4 This is how goo" you will get5 @ntil that time6 "onBt forget the most im2ortant thingL the FFF%I0G ?F T?@JH A( IF Y?@ 'F.F AJT@A%%Y T?@JHI0G THF+5 This is the most im2ortant thing even as your other s3ills 1e ome slowly "evelo2e"5 This is where //5/N of your on entration shoul" go5 By the way6 sin e I mentione" the wor" on entration you shoul" never for e any of these te hniques5 Your 1rain shoul" remain relaEe" an" not in a intense will 2ower ty2e of on entration5 .elaEe"6 feeling 1MMN tou h sensation 2lus the a""e" onfi"en e will ma3e your a1ility in re"i1le without ever having to muster u2 any will 2ower5 $oing se"u tion te hniques when you are near the 2erson or "oing se"u tion te hniques

when the 2erson you want is not near your are two "ifferent s3ills that you have to "evelo25 There are a"vantages an" "isa"vantages of 1oth5 If the 2erson is near you6 you will a1le to see the effe ts5 If the 2erson is not in your 2resen e 7li3e a night when they are slee2ing86 you wonBt 1e a1le to noti e ertain signs until you see them 71ut at least youBll have more time to use min" 2ower se"u tion te hniques on them85 Fven though you will have less time to em2loy te hniques if the 2erson is in your sight6 at least it will 1e easier to imagine tou hing them sin e that 2erson is really near you5 Get goo" at 1oth areas of min" 2ower se"u tion an" learn an" "evelo2 from 1oth5 'hen you "o this6 your "ifferent s3ills will ross overD you will 1e a1le to 2i ture them 1etter when you are not near them an" you will 1e a1le to 1etter visualiGe seEually when you are near them5 'hen you are tou hing someone seEually with your min" 2ower fingers6 you will see many "ifferent things o urring5 At first 2ra ti e 7an" "uring your 1eginning s3ill8 the 2erson 1eing influen e" will start to get turne" on 1ut might not ons iously asso iate it with you an" will 2ro1a1ly try to hi"e it 71e ause they are in 2u1li 85 Fventually if you 3ee2 u2 the wor3 on them6 they will 1e "rawn to you as their "aily 7or whenever8 arousal 3ee2s in reasing5 They will 2ro1a1ly still hi"e it in 2u1li to an eEtent5 If in a 1ar or in a relaEe" 2la e6 they will 2ro1a1ly flirt or un ons iously flirt5 If in a 2la e li3e a wor32la e6 or s hool they will 2ro1a1ly 3ee2 hi"ing it5 ?f ourse6 it will get to them sooner or later an" they will want to get to 3now you in whatever way they feel omforta1le5 If you have 1een wor3ing on them for a ou2le of wee3s an" you 3now that they must 1e feeling some sort of "ee2 attra tion to you6 they still might 1e a little shy to a22roa h you 7es2e ially if they "onBt 3now you85 If this is the ase6 you shoul" try an" ease them through these new feelings 1y saying the first BHiB6 or aim to 1e near them alone for a few minutes5 This is will get a han e for a meeting to ta3e 2la e whi h will in rease the

attra tion 1e ause now the i e has 1ro3en5 'hen the 2erson is within your sight6 you will 1e a1le to see the effe ts of your min" ontrol5 ItBs very im2ortant for your "evelo2ment that you noti e these signs5 The signs show you >ust how you are 2rogressing5 The 1etter you get6 the more of a rea tion you get5 If you "onBt see a rea tion at first6 "onBt "es2air5 It >ust ta3es a little 2ra ti e an" 2retty soon you will 1e seeing results5 ?n e this o urs6 you will 1e ome more an" more motivate" to "o this wor35 As you mentally aress them 7es2e ially in the genital area8 you will noti e some of the followingL Tou hing in the area you are influen ing6 s rat hing in "ifferent areas6 heat=wetness=ere tion 2ro"u e"6 worrie" or 2uGGle" eE2ressions6 shifting 2osition6 rossing=un rossing their legs6 tou hing their hair6 arranging lothing6 lighting u2 a igarette6 eating6 laughing an" any movement that seems to 1e a rea tion or over-u2 from your influen e5 (ometimes the 2erson will feel so turne" on that they freeGe u2 an" try to leave the room "ue to the strong eE itement fa tor5 (ometimes they will feel "rawn to loo3 aroun" an" ma3e eye onta t 7even if they are not ons iously turning to loo3 at you85 5 If you are "oing this while s2ea3ing to the 2erson on the 2hone6 you might hear 1reathe hanges6 shifting noises6 oughing6 hange in voi e6 hanging to2i s an" may1e even flirting5 You6 of ourse6 will 0FHF. let them in on your se ret 555 0FHF.5 If you "o6 then their BwallsB might 1e too strong for you to 1rea3 if you are ineE2erien e"5 .eally ta3e areful noti e of the rea tions an" write them "own for your stu"y if you wish5 If you are in a lassroom or wor32la e6 then you have a longer o22ortunity to "o these te hniques5 If you are in a line in the su2ermar3et6 then you will have less time to "o this an" might see less rea tion5 But always remem1er that the effe t is ta3ing 2la e5 ?ne of the 1est things you an "o is to 2ra ti e li3e raGy everywhere you an5 An" you an even 2ra ti e on the same seE 7even if you are not gay85 If you are >ust 2ra ti ing6 then you are not trying to ne essarily get someone turne" on to you 1ut rather you are trying to fine tune your s3ills an" get rea tions5 You an sometimes get a great rea tions 1y "oing mental tou hing te hniques on any1o"y you see5 If you

2ra ti e everywhere you an6 you will eE2erien e the "ifferent time lengths you have to wor3 with 7someone in line om2are" to someone sitting in front of you in lass85 +y s3ill is so goo" that I even 2ra ti e on live television 1roa" asts5 The signs are mu h more hi""en sin e the 2erson "oing the live 1roa" ast has 1een traine" to Bstan" stillB5 (in e television usually shows the re2orter from the hest u26 I an stu"y minute "etails in the fa e6 eyes6 ears et 5 I "onBt want to loo3 for the signs too mu h in this 2ra ti e s enario 1e ause I am 2utting most of my thought into my 2sy hi eroti tou h5 You have to 1e well 2ra ti e" to see results 7rea tions8 in live television5 I get goo" rea tions in this ase when I mentally insert my fingers into the re2orter9s mouth 555 sometimes they 1lun"er their s2ee h5 In a 2u1li 2la e6 you an "o these te hniques without even loo3ing "ire tly at the 2erson5 Glan ing is normal in so ial situations 1ut staring too may ma3e the 2erson un omforta1le5 Jhe 3 them out for a moment then loo3 away an" "o your Btou hesB5 .emem1er you want these te hniques to 1e as se ret as 2ossi1le6 so you never hol" yourself li3e you are some go" with in re"i1le 2owers emanating from your eyes5 'hen you get goo"6 you an "o other things while you are "oing your te hniques so you 1len" in om2letely with the humans aroun" you5 If you are 1ehin" the 2erson at any "istant6 you an loo3 at them 1ut you shoul" 1e smart when you have eye onta t with them5 Fventually you an mentally tou h them even while you are tal3ing to the 2erson5 You arry on a onversation 7not seEual in nature8 1ut you inner eye is feeling with 1MMN tou h whatever 2art of their 1o"y you want5 The less you "o flirty ty2e a tions or onversations while you are "oing min" 2ower te hniques6 the more they will feel "rawn to you on their own 7sin e they thin3 you are not 2rovo3ing or trying to stimulate them with flirting85 Iee2 the ma ho tal3 for the 2eo2le who "onBt 3now these se rets5 +a3e sure your onversations are fun6 at ease an" ta3e an interest in them without any sign of "ire t flirting5 This wonBt ause any 1lo 3ages in the other 2erson as your min" se"u tion 2owers hit their min" through the 1a 3

"oor5 At first the 2erson will 1e ome ni er to you an" will 1e ome more tal3ativeD you 3now6 more frien"ly5 .e>e tion will also "e rease after a ou2le wee3s if they have ever onsi"ere" you Bnot their ty2eB5 This attitu"e is hanging5 0ear the en"6 the 2erson will 2ro1a1ly feel "rowsy a lot an" 1e very affe tionate towar"s you5 If you are 2rone to "oing long intense visualiGing sessions6 the 2erson will have a 1rightness in their eyes an" will also eE2erien e tire"ness or insomnia5 %oo3 for all these lues 1e ause they show you that things are hanging5 Cust 1e ause you might not see a lot of noti ea1le rea tions "oes not mean that you are ineffe tive with your metho"s5 Fvery 2erson is "ifferent an" every 2erson ta3es their own time5 Cust 3ee2 u2 with it an" you will get that 2erson sooner or later4 Besi"es 2hysi al rea tions that you an noti e6 there will 1e a host of 1ehavioral or overall rea tions to wat h for5 These are the signs of a 2ersonBs hanging attitu"e5 These will 1egin from a few "ays after you start your wor3 on them to when you finally get them 7romanti ally6 seEually or 1oth85 'hen this ha22ens6 you shoul" ease your min" 2ower se"u tion an" wor3 on "evelo2ing the relationshi25 If you 3ee2 "oing it onstantly6 your min" will never learn that it was finally su essful an" thus an relaE an" en>oy the rewar"s5 At first the 2erson will 1e ome ni er to you an" will 1e ome more tal3ativeD you 3now6 more frien"ly5 If you are 2rone to "oing long intense visualiGing sessions6 the 2erson will have a 1rightness in their eyes an" will also eE2erien e tire"ness or insomnia5 .e>e tion will also "e rease after a ou2le wee3s if they have ever onsi"ere" you Bnot their ty2eB5 This attitu"e is hanging5 0ear the en"6 the 2erson will 2ro1a1ly feel "rowsy a lot an" 1e very affe tionate towar"s you5 %oo3 for all these lues 1e ause they show you that things are hanging5 Cust 1e ause you might not see a lot of noti ea1le rea tions "oes not mean that you are ineffe tive with your metho"s5 Fvery 2erson is "ifferent an" every 2erson ta3es their own time5 Cust 3ee2 u2 with it an" you will get that 2erson sooner or later4

Increasing The Force

As you 1egin to un"erstan" an" use these te hniques in your life6 you an move 1eyon" their 1asi metho"s an" eE2an" them to generate more

2ower5 Any 1oo3s you an get on min" 2ower or 2sy hi te hniques an 1e useful an" you an gra1 1its an" 2ie es from these "ifferent sour es for your 1enefit5 To 1e honest6 I have given you enough foun"ation of how your min" an influen e aroun" you so that you an even go to a 1oo3 store or li1rary an" >ot "own some 2oints from various 1oo3s5 ?1viously6 the more you stu"y things that are onsi"ere" Bo ultB the more things you an fin"5 Fvery1o"y fin"s their own ways of in reasing their 2ower to influen e5 (ome 2ra ti e Yoga6 some "o Tai-Jhi6 some im2lement Iarate training6 some "o Pranayama 7yogi 1reathing86 some get into rystals an" stuff6 some use su1liminal ta2es an" self hy2nosis te hniques6 some try magi 36 some try Tantri (eEual Yoga6 some use 1rainwave in"u ing "evi es an" the list goes on5 The reason why I am not going to "is uss some of these things mentione" a1ove is 1e ause I "onBt want you to thin3 that you have to "o a lot of other Bholisti B training to use min" 2ower se"u tion te hniques5 You an if you wish6 an" it will in rease your 2ower6 1ut you get involve" into what you want if you want5 I woul" rather tea h you more rare 3nowle"ge 1e ause all the a1ove interests are rea"ily availa1le 7eE e2t may1e Pranayama8 if you see3 them out in your ity5 .a"ioni s=2sy hotroni s=Psioni s are very rare5 Have you ever hear" of them: These are great tools for your "evelo2ment an" min" 2ower se"u tion a1ilities5 They allow you to in rease your 2ower 1y far without having to get into a Bnew ageB life-style5 The information of ra"ioni s an" the li3e will 1e in the neEt ha2ter5 For this ha2ter I will give you some general information whi h will in rease your 2ower to influen e5 IBm sure that you will fin" it a great asset to your min" 2ower se"u tion wor35 These 2ointers an" a""itions will 1e 1rief 1ut ho2efully they will get you on you own 2ath of eE2loring other ways to enhan e your 2ower5 I will first start with how to a22roa h the Theta level of 1rainwave a tivity for min" 2ower se"u tion usage5 (in e full ons ious Theta mani2ulation is a very a"van e" su1>e t an" is only a om2lishe" 1y a han"ful of 2eo2le 555 I will not go into "etail in this 1oo35 Besi"es6 when you are a1le to remain ons ious while in a Theta state6 you wonBt want to 1e s2en"ing your time on min" 2ower se"u ing or arousing5 As mentione" in a 2revious ha2ter6 your 1rainwaves emit a Theta frequen y at the moment >ust 1efore slee25 To in or2orate mental 1ase" se"u tion

te hniques with this Theta 1rain state is very easy to "o in 2ra ti e5 This shoul" never 1e ome your hoi e of te hniques sin e it is only an enhan er to your Al2ha wor3 7a goo" enhan er that is85 The 2ro e"ure is to "o your usual Al2ha visualiGing 1ut instea" of "oing it "uring the "ay or in an evening session6 you want to "o it when you are in 1e" an" rea"y for slee25 +a3e sure you are rea"y for slee2 an" you wonBt nee" to get u2 an" set the alarm or whatever5 ItBs very sim2le 555 >ust 3ee2 u2 your visualiGing as long as 2ossi1le as you "rift into a slee25 As state" in the earlier ha2ter6 you wonBt 1e a1le to remem1er the eEa t moment that you fall aslee26 1ut let your visualiGing 1e the last thing in your thoughts5 ?f ourse6 you annot for e this a tion an" eE2e t to ons iously noti e something5 Cust "o your visualiGing an" soon youBll 1e aslee25 The moment you "o fall aslee26 your Theta 1rainwaves will 2ass through those thoughts or visualiGations an" give them a great 1urst of energy5 'hat usually ha22ens in most situations is that >ust a few minutes or so 1efore you are a1out to fall aslee26 you hange 1o"y 2osition an" sto2 what you are "oing 7thin3ing6 listen to musi 6 et 85 You usually "onBt remem1er when this ha22ens so itBs har" to sto2 this5 However with 2ra ti e an" self-2rogramming6 you will remain visualiGing until you rea h the Theta state5 After that6 you will sto2 visualiGing 71e ause you are now aslee28 1ut all you nee" is that qui 3 moment of Theta5 .emem1er when I mentione" that if you are in a Theta state the 2erson you are wor3ing on will a tually feel your mental tou hes as if a han" was really there: 'ell this will ha22en at that moment if your visualiGation remains sta1le u2 to this 2oint5 It will 1e qui 3 an" instantaneous6 1ut it will have a great effe t es2e ially sin e you will 1e "oing Al2ha wor3 7"ee2 Al2ha8 as you slowly "rift into slee25 ItBs li3e giving your visualiGing a shot of ele tri ity at this moment of Theta5 It is im2ortant that you give some time to "evelo2 your own self 1y using your min" 2ower s3ill5 I s2en" equal time using min" 2ower te hniques to a om2lish any goal an" equal time using

min" 2ower te hniques to "evelo2 myself5 An" yes6 I mean equal5 This way no only "oes your s3ill "evelo2 for mental 2ersuasion 1ut yourself as a 2erson "evelo2s too5 This will give you greater 2ower in the long run5 ItBs u2 to you what you want to "evelo2 within yourself other than mental a1ilities at se"u tion 1ut you an use min" 2ower to "o it5 (2en" some time visualiGing other things to enhan e your life 7>o16 money6 frien"s6 3nowle"ge6 memory6 et 85 (in e you are in an Al2ha state when you visualiGe6 you will 1e in the 2erfe t state to influen e your own min" an" hen e your own reality with other as2e ts of im2ortant things5 Cust visualiGe yourself as if you were all rea"y the way you want to 1e 7e5g5 555 with a 2romotion6 with a new ar6 getting the au"ition6 2eo2le treating you with res2e t6 im2rove" health6 et 585 ?ne of the 1est things you an "o that relates to min" 2ower se"u tion is to s2en" time visualiGing yourself with tremen"ous 2owers of se"u tion5 (ee yourself having easy su ess at it6 see yourself influen ing 2eo2le easily6 see other 2eo2le 1eing >ealous of you 1e ause the o22osite seE always falls for you6 see yourself in the way that you want yourself to 1e after 2ra ti ing mental se"u tion for a year6 see yourself always with a grin 3nowing that you always get any 2erson you want6 or whatever5 If you "o this6 it will qui 3en the results of your min" 2ower se"u tion wor3 1e ause you are literally mol"ing yourself into 1e oming 2owerful at it as you "o 1e ome 2owerful at it5 Your "iet an greatly affe t your mental 2owers5 Jonsuming a great amount of >un3 foo" an" meat 2uts more wor3 into your 1o"yD energy that oul" 1etter 1e s2ent on min" "evelo2ment5 IBm not going to 2rea h "iet stuff on you thatBs why IBll 3ee2 this short5 If you hange your "iet to that of a no meat6 no >un3 foo" "iet6 it wonBt 1e too long 1efore your visualiGations 1e ome learer an" easier sin e your 1o"y is leaning toEins an" hemi al a""itive out of your system5 Your 1loo" will 1e leaner an" this will nourish your 1rain an" soul5 I never really un"erstoo" this till I 1egan stu"ying yogi Pranayama an" the geometry 1ehin" hemi als5 ItBs really 1eyon" the s o2e of this 1oo3 to give you Bs2iritualB as2e ts of a goo" "iet5 All you nee" to 3now is

that it is very im2ortant sin e the 1o"y uses mu h energy for "igestion5 The toEins in meat an" hemi al reate" foo"s "o ta3e their toll even though you 2ro1a1ly wonBt want to a"mit it5 (ome of the hemi als are "eli1erately a""e" to foo" for 2sy hologi al mani2ulation 71ut thatBs a whole other story85 Cust try to eat healthy5 An" of ourse6 eEer ise hel2s tremen"ously5 You will gain more self- onfi"en e6 en"uran e6 "is i2line an" a healthy heart an" min"5 Avoi" "rugs when "oing min" 2ower wor35 You might thin3 that it will enhan e your wor35 But the BenlightenmentB you thin3 you eE2erien e when you are high is hemi al in"u e" as o22ose" to the enlightenment you will eE2erien e from a "evelo2e"6 traine" an" 2ra ti e" min"5 The later ty2e of a high you wonBt loose 555 as your awareness grows an" hanges your life "oes5 ?ften with "rugs6 you eE2erien e false awareness9 that go away as you ome "own or wa3e u2 the neEt morning5 Jom1ining "rugs an" min" 2ower will ensure that your 1rain an" min" never "evelo2s naturally an" you will usually get aught in the Btri2B rather than fo using on the se"u tion5 Besi"es6 if you ever learn to use your min" to literally ta3e yourself into higher "imensions with the +er3a1a fiel" mentione" in a later ha2ter 555 your eE2erien e will 1e 1etter than any "rug4 Any min" 2ower wor3 that you "o whether itBs se"u ing 2eo2le6 travelling to other "imensions6 out of 1o"y travelling to the 2ast or whatever - you must have a little un"erstan"ing of Hermeti Philoso2hy5 This 2hiloso2hy em1o"ies the following 2rin i2lesL 18 Fvery human is a transmitter an" re eiver of im2ulses that eEist an" live within a s2e ifi wavelength5 28 These im2ulses an 1e "ete te" 1y a traine" min"5 #8 A human in"ivi"ualBs su1 ons ious min" is inter onne te" with the BuniversalB su1 ons ious5 'ithin all in"ivi"uals is the hologra2hi "u2li ate of then entire universe5 &8 Intuition is the what you use to 1e ome re e2tive on this level5 )8 The Afeeling of 3nowingA transmits li3e a ra"io with this wavelength5 0ow these ) 2rin i2les might not 1e too lear to you on first sight an" this stuff an get very in"e2th 7li3e any 2hiloso2hy8 555 so here is the 1asi gust that will a22ly to your mental 2owers5 To a ess the universal matriE 7Go"6 sour e of all ons iousness86 you are require" to "o

things that seem B ounter o22ositeB to what you normally "o5 If you ho2e for things you are im2lying an un ertainty an" a "esire in the future whi h has yet to 1e fulfille"5 If you imagine for things6 you are anti i2ating the future an" are not un ertain5 This there is a fine line 1etween the i"ea of ho2ing om2are" to imagining 7or reating85 Here it is in even lear terms5 Hermeti 2rin i2les only o2erate in the 2resent5 If you want something in this material #r" "imensional worl"6 an" it an 1e reasona1ly availa1le to you6 all you have to "o is transmit that want to your su1 ons ious min"5 Your su1 ons ious min" will reate your wishes only if the "esire is transmitte" 2ro2erly to it from your ons ious min"5 0ow hereBs that fine line 555 to ma3e your "esire su essfully rea h your su1 ons ious min" 7 onne te" with the universe86 your ons ious min" must ease to eEer ise the "esire5 As long as the ons ious min" wants something6 the very a t of wanting im2lies a future tense in regar" to fulfillment5 (in e your su1 ons ious only "eals with the 2resent moment6 any i"ea that is offere" to it that is not in onteEt with the 2resent moment6 that i"ea will 1e ignore"5 (o the way that you a22ly this to your min" 2ower se"u tion wor3 is that you must BseeB your "esire as if alrea"y satisfie"D as if you were "oing it in the 2resent5 This highlights what IBve state" many timesL that when you "o your 2sy hi tou hes you must feel it 1MMN an" feel it as if it was ha22ening in the 2resent5 The same goes for when you are "oing se"u tion Bs enarioB visualiGing5 You must see an" feel 7with visualiGing8 the s enario as if it is ha22ening in the 2resent5 ?f ourse6 you "o this to the 1est of your a1ility an" you will still get results even if you annot feel the total 2resent tense in your visualiGing5 The more you feel an" eE2erien e your visualiGation wor3 as if it were in the 2resent moment6 the qui 3er your results5 %et me tell you a ti2 that IBve "is overe" - you an tri 3 your su1 ons ious min" if you an a t or 2reten"5 If you have a har" time feeling the B2resentnessB6 you an 2reten" to feel it until it starts to feel real5 If you hol" yourself as if it is ha22ening in the 2resent moment 7even though you are

a ting8 you will fin" that real feeling of 2resent awareness with your visualiGation will ome to you easier5 A tors an" a tresses an "o this very easily5 They an feel a situation as if it were really ha22ening in the 2resent even though they are 2reten"ing to 1e someone else in someone elseBs situation5 ?n e the 2erforman e is "one though6 they go 1a 3 to their lives5 You an "o the same 1ut "onBt sto2 the feeling 555 ontinue it until your visualiGing 1e omes real5 An" "onBt >ust feel 7or 2reten" to feel8 the 2resent tense in your visualiGing5 'hen you are "one6 hol" yourself or feel yourself as if you a tually ha" tou he" or eE2erien e" something with that 2erson5 If you ha" a tually ha" a se"u tion en ounter with someone for real6 you woul" 1e thin3ing a1out it an" remem1er it later woul"nBt you: $o the same after your visualiGing even if it is >ust a little 1it5 Iee2 a inner smile on your fa e 1e ause you got to aress an" se"u e the 2erson that you "esire5 You are training yourself to not only visualiGe the eE2erien e as if it was ha22ening 1ut you are training yourself to live the eE2erien e as if it was a 2art of your life5 This Hermeti 2ro ess is "iffi ult for most 1eginners to a22ly5 It requires you to 1elieve that a "esire" on"ition eEists 1efore it an 1e manifeste" in the 2hysi al worl"5 If you 'I(H for a "esire" state6 or H?PF that it will ome to 2ass6 you are automati ally thin3ing in the F@T@.F tense5 As long as you want something6 an" the want remains unfulfille" 7on this #r" "imension86 your as2irations are entere" in the future an" annot 1e transmitte" to the eternal now of the su1 ons ious5 Hen e6 A"esire nothing an" there is nothing you shall not realiGe5A $onBt ho2e for your "esire 1ut live them an" eE2erien e them as if they were ha22ening5 $o this with your visualiGations an" into the way you arry yourself an" feel your thoughts throughout the "ay5 Your su1 ons ious is a for e that awaits a tivation an" res2onse through 3nowingness an" ertainty - thus ABlin" TrustA5 The min" is not a2a1le of 1ringing anything to 2ass eE e2t when it is a om2lishe" 1y the emotional ounter2art of the i"ea5 Feeling is the se ret5 You o1tain your "esire 1y feeling as if

you alrea"y ha" what you want5 I will finish this ha2ter with some te hniques for "ealing with resistan e5 $onBt let the mention of resistan e worry you5 The min" 2ower se"u tion te hniques I have given you in this 1oo3 are not "ire t "omination ty2e5 Your are not for ing the feelings in the 2erson5 You are reating the feelings in the 2erson an" they will manifest in their own min" as if it was their own i"ea5 They will always feel turne" on 1y you or attra te" to you with these te hniques 1ut they might resist it for many reasons5 Perha2s they are marrie" or live far away from you an" they are avoi"ing thin3ing a1out you in these new ways5 Perha2s you were not normally their ty2e an" they are now onfuse" as to why they fin" you attra tive5 ?r 2erha2s they have mu h 2eer 2ressure on what a lover shoul" 1e or loo3 li3e an" showing u2 with you might ma3e they Aloo3 1a"A to their frien"s5 If this last one is the ase6 they are 2ro1a1ly not mature enough to want to have a relationshi2 with you anyway5 Perha2s the 2erson is normally very religious or have a very religious family 555 that 2erson will 2ro1a1ly su22ress that they want to ma3e love to you or avoi" you 1e ause you ome from a "ifferent religious 1a 3groun"5 A lot of things might ause resistan e an" the 2erson you are wor3ing on will try to su22ress these new love thoughts of you5 If they are resisting6 they may show fear6 with"rawal or 1egin to re>e t you5 (igns of resistan e are things that you shoul" noti e an" write "own as with all noti ea1le rea tions5 By noti ing rea tions 7goo" or 1a"8 you will get a 1etter i"ea of how to 1est a22roa h your s2e ifi min" 2ower te hniques5 I really shoul"nBt say Agoo" or 1a"A 1e ause any 1a" sign is a goo" sign5 (igns of resistan e show you that things are starting to wor35 All it means is that it will ta3e longer for the 2rogramming to wor35 It "oes not mean that your efforts will not wor35 (o hereBs how to "eal with resistan e om2letely whi h will further guarantee your su ess5 18 You an a22ly more intense an" longer visualiGing until the 2ersonBs resistan e 1rea3s "own5 This will 1oost your 2ower even if the 2erson is su22ressing their feelings or ignoring you5 They will learn that resisting you will ause more visualiGing on your 2art 7of ourse6 this is

all on an un ons ious level sin e they "onBt ons iously 3now that you are using min" 2ower te hniques on them85 28 You an ma3e a @-turn an" visualiGe them very mu h wanting to a hieve your goal yet at the same time in your visualiGing6 you give them the ol" shoul"er5 'hile you visualiGe6 ma3e them want you an" 1e so eager to 2lease you yet you 1low them off an" re>e t them5 This an also 1rea3 the 2ersonBs resistan e om2letely 1e ause their min" annot un"erstan" this influen e or how to solve it an" therefore the 2erson is without "efense5 #8 You shoul" ease "oing your min" 2ower te hniques for a few "ays an" then start again with more for e5 Jontinue this sto2 an" starting if the 2erson still resists5 These 2auses an 1e very effe tive 1e ause when you are hol"ing off on your te hniques for a few "ays6 the unaware min" of the 2erson feels that the 2ressure is off an" the 2erson 1egins to let "own their "efenses5 'hen the "efenses go "own6 all your visualiGing 1egins to ree2s into the 2ersonBs min"5 'hen your mental images are 1lo 3e"6 they "onBt fa"e away5 They >ust Bhan" aroun"B until an o2en is ma"e into the 2ersonBs min"5 If the 2erson is resisting6 the visualiGing you have "one >ust waits an" a umulates until there is a lear o2ening into the min" 7su h as when their "efenses are "own85 &8 If the 2erson is showing signs of 1eing fearful a1out the new horny feelings you are reating in them6 use your visualiGing to slow "own the 2assion5 A gentle tou h is often nee"e" an" then you an slowly 1uil" u2 the visualiGing to eroti 6 intense levels5 HisualiGe 1eing frien"s at first an" "oing frien" things 7non-threatening8 an" then wor3 u2 to lustful things after a few wee3s5 This te hnique is im2ortant if you are trying to get a 2erson to fall in love with you5 You first visualiGe 1eing ha22y an" omforta1le with youD may1e laughing an" 2laying an" then 2ut in the seEual s enarios when you have fully instille" the BsafeB s enarios5 )8 If their un ons ious min" anBt han"le the loa" of your influen e6 the 2erson may even try getting away from you5 This an o ur even if they "onBt even 3now you 1ut they are resisting un ons iously5 It "oesnBt matter how far the "istan e 7the farther the 1etter8 sin e their "efenses will go "own an" you an ontinue to "o your wor3 an" your influen e will gain entry into their min" mu h easier5 The only 2ro1lem is that you wonBt 1e a1le to monitor their rea tions or signs of hange" 1ehavior6 1ut thatBs ?I 1e ause s2ar3s shoul" fly the

neEt time they see you5 An" if you 3ee2 u2 with it "uring after they move6 they will 1egin to miss you li3e raGy5 If the 2erson you are wor3ing is resisting to some eEtent6 then wor3 with one or all of these te hniques5 Be very alert of their signs so you an use the 1est te hnique5 (ome 2eo2le get ill from energy=strength loss when trying to wrestle against your influen e5 (ooner or later6 their su1 ons ious min" will give u2 if you 3ee2 u2 the wor35 They will 1e ome yours5 Fvery 2erson is "ifferent an" every situation is "ifferent so en>oy this "iversity 1e ause it will fine tune your mental a1ilities an" give you great eE2erien e at this ty2e of wor3 for future efforts5 The neEt two ha2ters will give you some I$FA( on some more ways to in rease your 2ower5 ?ne is on ra"ioni s 7as mentione" earlier8 an" in the other one I tal3 a1out neurologi al triggers an" an hors5

#adionics$ Psionics$ Sacred


There are many te hnologies that are 3e2t hi""en from the average 2erson5 The reason for this is that the 2otential that an 1e a quire" with these te hnologies is unlimite" 555 a1solutely unlimite"4 'hen I refer to the wor" ;te hnologies<6 I am not referring to massive ele troni s6 har"ware6 om2uters or 1illion "ollar ma hines5 These are not that ty2e of te hnologies5 But rather they are min"-1ase"6 etheri onne ting re2resentations an" onne tors5 This 2ro1a1ly "oesn9t ma3e mu h sense at this 2oint 1ut it soon will5 In or"er to un"erstan" these te hnologies6 I will refresh you on the 1asi sL The worl" aroun" you an" all the things in it are more than what you see5 Your 2hysi al eyes an only see things whi h you onsi"er 2hysi al 1e ause of limitations im2ose" u2on all humans eons ago5 That means that if you remove" your limitations on what your eyes an see6 then you will see many other things other than the 2hysi al surroun"ings5 +ost 2eo2le woul" thin3 ;'ell what else is there to see:< +y res2onse is 555 ;lots4< The things you see aroun" you 7in lu"ing 2eo2le an" es2e ially 2eo2le8 are not >ust 2hysi al in nature5 They all have 2hysi al qualities 1ut they also have other qualities as well5 They eEist on other levels5 ?ne level of eEisten e is on this 2hysi al worl" or more 2ro2erly terme" with the limitations of 2hysi al language 555 the thir" "imensional level5 There are more levels than this thir"

"imension5 Too many6 in fa t6 to ount5 ?ne thing a1out these levels is that they all oin i"e or merge together li3e all the ingre"ients to ma3e a 2ie merge together to form the om2lete" 2ie5 'ith regar"s to ra"ioni s an" other si"e-te hnologies of the same family6 the other level we are intereste" in is what is ommonly alle" the ;etheri < level5 In a tuality it is not alle" this6 1ut this is an Fnglish worl" asso iate" with this level an" so it has stu 35 Another level that you might hear" of has 1een alle" the ;astral< level5 There are twelve overtones 1etween levels 7or "imensions or o taves85 As state" 1efore6 the 2hysi al worl" is on the thir" "imensional level5 The astral level eEists on the first an" se on" overtones of the &th "imension5 This ;astral 2lane< is where you first go to when you leave your 2hysi al 1o"y5 The ;etheri 2lane< is lower than this astral level 1eing more near an" onne te" with the #r" "imension5 Fverything you see aroun" you o u2ies higher levels other than this 2hysi al 2lane5 To get to the 2oint6 all 2hysi al o1>e ts an" stru tures 7in lu"ing 2eo2le8 have an etheri stru ture5 Your 2hysi al 1o"y is not the only thing moving an" fun tioning5 You also have an etheri 1o"yD an invisi1le 1o"y that an 1een seen when you move u2 to higher levels or train yourself to see this level with your 2hysi al eyes5 All o1>e ts have an etheri 1o"y as well as a 2hysi al 1o"y5 Jars6 trees6 1oo3s6 foo" an" even things that you an9t see with your eyes su h as musi vi1rations6 smells an" 555 thoughts4 Thoughts eEist on higher levels su h as the ;etheri < or ;astral< an" an a tually 1e seen when you a ess these levels5 'ith s3ill6 2ra ti e an" 3nowle"ge your thoughts an 1e seen on this 2hysi al worl" so you an ma3e an image of something a22ear in front of 2eo2le if you ha" the 3now how5 This might soun" 1iGarre6 1ut you an" everyone aroun" you a tually "oes this alrea"y in a slightly "ifferent way5 .emem1er 555 Fvery human-ma"e thing you see aroun" you on e 1egan as a thought5 Ta3e a T-shirt for eEam2le5 The "esign for the shirt 1egan in someone9s thoughts5 The hemistry of the in3s or fi1er stru ture in the shirt on e 1egan an" was reate" 1y someone thin3ing a1out itD using their thoughts to "esign it5 The ma hines that ma"e the shirt first ha" to 1e thought of 1y someone

72ro1a1ly an engineer8 who transferre" their thoughts onto 2a2er or om2uter as a new "esign5 'hen you loo3 at this on e2t of ma3ing your thoughts a22ear in front of 2eo2le in this sense6 it won9t seem so far fet he" an" this is the first ste2 for 1rea3ing "own the limitations in your min" that you annot ;manifest things out of the 1lue<5 The musi a musi ian reates first 1egins in their thoughts5 'hether it9s the thought of how they want it to soun" eEa tly or the thought of may1e ;I shoul" try this to see how this soun"s<5 ?n e the J$ is 2resse"6 you have a 2hysi al o1>e t that on e 1egan as thoughtL from the musi 6 to the artisti "esigns on the J$6 to the a tual ma hinery "esigne" to ma3e the J$ 555 all om2onents from thoughts5 This etheri level an 1e a esse" in many ways from this 2hysi al level5 ?ne way to "o this is through ra"ioni s5 .a"ioni s ma3e the onne tion or the lin3 from the etheri 2lane to the 2hysi al 2lane an" visa versa5 A ra"ioni ma hine an ma3e a onne tion to the etheri 1o"y of a tree or to the thoughts 7etheri level8 of a 2erson5 An" sin e you an" your min" eEist on all these levels at on e6 the ra"ioni ma hine is really only hel2ing your min" an" awareness to ma3e the onne tion5 It is really your min" that is "oing the wor3 1ut with the hel2 of the ra"ioni ;ma hine< to ma3e the onne tion 1etween the non2hysi al worl" an" the 2hysi al worl"5 Jom2are it to rea"ing a ma25 Your min" is really "oing the wor3 1ut it gets is 1earings with the hel2 of the ma25 The ma2 is only hel2ing your min" to sort an" arrange information in the orre t way to get your 1earings an" give you "ire tion5 The same a22lies with the ra"ioni ma hine5 It is only hel2ing your min" to sort an" arrange information in the orre t way to get your goal wor3ing in the right "ire tion an" the 1est way5 (in e ra"ioni ma hines are only min"=etheri onne ting tools6 they "o not have to 1e full of om2li ate" 2hysi al om2onents5 That is why this 3nowle"ge is 3e2t hi""en from 2eo2le5 .a"ioni s wor3s with settings that ma3es lin3s 1etween thoughtwaves to events=goals5 Your mental lin3 in a 2art of the ma hine often alle" the AwellA allows the flow of Prana6 Jhi6 life for e from the ra"ioni "evi e to rea h your target or goal5 The setting 7;rate<8 that you esta1lish

with the Asti 3 2a"A in reases the energy towar"s a s2e ifi a tion 7your goal85 The rate is a re2resentation of a s2e ifi a tion that you wish to arry out5 'hen you use ra"ioni a22li ations for the 1etterment of humans an" the 2lanet 7su h as fin"ing missing hil"ren6 2reventing earthqua3es6 ma3ing soil fertile in "ry Thir" 'orl" ountries8 then the full truth of ra"ioni s omes to you in time 7as a rewar" from higher sour es8 as it "i" for me5 The highest form of ra"ioni s require the use of no 2hysi al instruments or things at all 7internal ra"ioni s85 It is >ust "one 1y thoughts alone4 This is my s2e ialty an" requires very se ret 3nowle"ge5 (in e your thoughts are real on a higher level an" not >ust some invisi1le wis2 in your 1rain 555 you an reate ra"ioni ma hines that eEist6 run an" are 2owere" from a higher level all om2letely invisi1le from this 2hysi al worl"4 There are many a"vantages to thisD some 1eing that you are not limite" to siGe6 they are invisi1le to 2ra ti ally everyone on this 2lanet an" they an 1e eEtremely om2li ate" without having to for3 out any money to ma3e the things5 An" sin e all levels are eEisting together6 someone in the 2hysi al worl" oul" 2ass through a om2onent of an etheri ra"ioni ma hine an" never see or feel a thing4 If I 2ulle" you out of your 1o"y to the etheri 2lane or taught you how to a ess this 2lane on your own6 you woul" 1e a1solutely stunne" at the massive6 om2li ate"6 huge ra"ioni setu2 that hovers a1ove6 1len"s with6 an" goes "ee2 1eneath my ity5 'ith the fli 3 of my thoughts6 I an instantly ; all u2< other ra"ioni ma hines in the same 2la e where the other one was or I an hoo3 them all together 7another a"vantage of ;internal ra"ioni s<85 The se ret 3nowle"ge of ;Psioni s< is use" to hel2 with ra"ioni s5 Psioni s have many "ifferent "es ri2tions5 For the s o2e of this 1oo36 I will mention that Psioni s are ways to am2lify an" tra2 energy 1y using on"u ive 2atterns5 A sim2le ir le an 1e onsi"ere" 2sioni in nature 1e ause the ir le emits ertain vi1rations5 A olle tion of ir les reates even more energy an" more 2ower5 All sorts of "esigns an "o this if you 3now whi h "esigns5 The a"vantage is that you an use these energies for your own goals5 The ir ular 2atterns 1elow generate a lot of energy an" you an A hargeA you goals in the

enter5 I have a large free 2attern at my we1site that is 2sioni in nature5 (in e ra"ioni s are tools an" ma hines for your min"=etheri fun tioning6 the 2ossi1ilities of uses are unlimite" to what you an imagine5 A list oul" 1e en"less in ra"ioni a22li ations 1ut here is a list of >ust some of the things you an "o with a ra"ioni ma hine5 After you rea" this you9ll see why ra"ioni s is so se ret5 This list "oes not ne essarily re2resent my 2ersonal uses for ra"ioni s sin e many are highly immoral an" ra"ioni s is only one 1ran h of my wor35 Jonsi"er this a generi list of 2ossi1le usesL - Healing yourself or others of illness6 "isease6 et 5 - .emoving 2ests from your home without hemi als5 - .emoving 2ests from ro2s without hemi als5 - Tele2ortation 7moving your 1o"y aroun" the glo1e with your thoughts alone85 - %evitation 7raising 2hysi al o1>e ts into the air e5g5 555 2yrami" stones85 - Assisting with reative artisti en"eavors5 - Personal 2rote tion5 - Psy hi warfare if you are un"er atta 35 - .emoval of alien im2lants in your 1o"y5 - A essing other "imensions an" realities5 - Gaining se ret 3nowle"ge5 - .ea"ing the min" of others5 - .emote viewing 7invisi1le ameras insi"e 2la es of your hoi e85 - Tele2athi ommuni ation 1etween in"ivi"uals5 - 'ireless6 invisi1le tele2honi transmission 7say goo"-1ye to high 2hone 1ills an" great if a "isaster hits an" all the 2hone lines are "own85 - As an F+ stereo5 - +ilitary a22li ations5 - .emoval of harmful F%F6 ele tromagneti frequen ies surroun"ing you5 - Broa" asting musi or images 7my s2e ialty85 - Ta22ing into satellite systems5 - .emote viewing 1eyon" the 2lanet to other 2lanets5 - Inter"imensional warehouse onstru tion5 - +a3ing water taste 1etter5 - Programming water to have 2arti ular qualities to enhan e 2ersonal "evelo2ment5 - Invo3ing the %ight5 - (2rea"ing %ove more reatively to anyone or anything5 - 'inning the lottery5 - $ematerialiGation of 2hysi al stru tures5 - Brea3ing "own time=s2a e gri"s aroun" your house for truly multi"imensional living5 - A essing higher levels of ons iousness an" hel2 from higher sour es5 - In"u ing 1rainstates an" altere" states5 - Programming s2e ifi energy 2atterns into anything5

- Transferring the energy of an ient 2ower sour es into 2sioni 6 ra"ioni "evi es5 The list oul" go on an" on5 As you see6 the question of morals omes u2 with many a22li ations that are within your rea h with ra"ioni s5 You will fin" that any 3nowle"ge that omes to you on a higher level has to go through your ons ious morals5 +ost 2eo2le thin3 that 1e ause it is Ahigher 3nowle"geA an" awareness6 it is always on the 2ositive si"e5 This is not so5 Higher 3nowle"ge an 1e use" for 1oth goo" an" 1a" "e2en"ing u2on your hoi e5 You an go to higher levels of awarenesses an" "imensions an" 1e a totally BevilB 2erson5 The ontrol stru tures on this 2lanet have 1een set u2 an" im2lemente" 1y negative 1eings on resi"e on higher "imensions5 A rule to follow is to 3ee2 your ra"ioni wor3 entere" aroun" %ove always6 with no eE e2tions5 For eEam2le6 use your ra"ioni ma hine for remote viewing to fin" missing hil"ren 1ut "on9t use it to wat h your favorite a tor=a tress ta3e a shower5 I often noti e most after someone rea"s this 1oo3 is that they want more information on ra"ioni s5 The su1>e t qui 3ly 1e omes tem2ting5 This is our natural ten"en y to see3 2ower in eEternal "evi es5 %et me state learly that all of the a1ove a22li ations an 1e a om2lishe" with the min" aloneD for the ra"ioni unit is not a tually "oing the 2ower or wor3 555 it is your min"5 The "evi es only to hel2 fo us the intent5 'ith a highly traine" an" 2ra ti e" min"6 you nee" no ma hine to "o this for you5 .a"ioni s is a 1ran h of Psioni s whi h uses instruments to analyGe an" transmit information a1out an" to etheri fiel"s5 The main 3ey in ra"ioni wor3 is what is 3nown as the ;rate<5 The rate is nothing more than a language for translating 2sy hi 7mental8 im2ressions into num1ers5 Fverything in eEisten e an 1e onverte" into numeri al form5 This is very om2leE to get into so I9ll 3ee2 it sim2le5 Thin3 1a 3 to your high s hool mathemati s a1out the mathemati al sym1ol alle" ;2i<5 If you remem1er6 this 2i notation starts with #51&1* 555 an" ontinues to infinityD it never en"s5 'hat your math tea her "i"n9t mention 71e ause they "on9t 3now this8 is that everything in eEisten e is ontaine" numeri ally within the "e imal 2la es of ;2i<5 If you

were to onvert your name into num1ers6 it woul" 1e foun" somewhere in 2i5 If you were to onvert your 1o"ily ellular stru ture into numeri al notations6 it woul" 1e foun" somewhere in 2i5 Your ar9s li ense 2late oul" 1e foun" in 2ie5 The time an" "ate of your 2hysi al "eath is within 2i5 The memory an" eE2erien e or a hil"hoo" trauma is within the 2i notation somewhere5 Feelings6 thoughts6 emotions6 memories6 goals6 "reams6 2ur2oses6 whatever6 an 1e onverte" to a numeri al form an" foun" somewhere in 2i5 The amount of atoms that you have 1reathe" in your life so far an 1e foun" in 2i5 The amount of atoms you will 1reath for the rest of your life an 1e foun" in 2i5 A ra"ioni visualiGation an 1e onverte" into num1ers an" 1e foun" somewhere in 2i5 You name it6 it is somewhere in 2i5 That is why 2i is su h a sa re" mathemati al notation an" the 2yrami"s are all 1uilt from this notational formula5 'hen you ta3e a ;rate< in ra"ioni s6 what you are really "oing is a essing this 2i notation 7an" other things8 on a higher levelD your min" is onverting your thoughts or etheri stru tures into a numeri al form5 You "on9t nee" a al ulator to "o this5 Your min" "oes it all sin e you are onne te" to all things on an un ons ious level5 There are many "ifferent ty2es of rates "e2en"ing u2on your ra"ioni use5 If you were to ta3e a ; onta t< rate of a 2erson for healing 2ur2oses6 then this rate or series of num1ers 2la es you in onta t with the 2erson9s etheri 1o"y5 If you were to ta3e a onta t rate for a 2o2ulation of 2eo2le6 then this rate or series of num1ers 2la es you in onta t with all the 2eo2le9s etheri 1o"ies5 If you were to ta3e a onta t rate for a television satellite in or1it aroun" the earth6 then this rate or series of num1ers 2la es you in onta t with the satellite9s etheri 1o"y5 The onta t will 1e maintaine" until you 1rea3 it6 something li3e an o2en 2hone line5 Jonta t rates hange ea h time you wish to get in tou h with the stru ture6 so there is no 2oint in re or"ing them for future use5 If you are trying to ma3e a onne tion with something6 then you woul" ta3e a onta t rate5 A rate is "one with the "ials on the ra"ioni ma hine5 ;Analysis< rates are use" when you want to analyGe something or to ta3e a rate for something

that will not hange5 This rate never hanges an" an 1e re or"e" an" use" for future use5 ?ther ty2es of rates are 2attern rates6 1roa" ast rates6 1alan e rates6 light rates6 ?rgone rates6 tele2athi rates6 >ust to name a few out of hun"re"s5 .emem1er that I9m trying to intro"u e you to something very a"van e"6 re2resse" an" 2owerful so I am >ust revealing the 1asi 5 The more rates you ta3e with your ra"ioni use6 the more intri ate of a onne tion you will ma3e to the etheri energy an" more su ess you will get with your ra"ioni ma hine5 Fventually6 when you get very s3ille" at internal ra"ioni s6 rates an 1e ta3en in the thousan"s >ust 1y your thoughts alone an" onne tions will 1e ma"e without you having to "eal with any num1ers5 How oul" you 2ossi1ly "o something li3e this automati ally: It9s sim2le 555 ma3e a ra"ioni ma hine that will "o it for you an" ta2 into it whenever you nee" to "eal with massive amounts of rates 71eing reative84 A rate an 1e ta3en with your ra"ioni ma hine very sim2lyD almost too sim2ly to 1elieve that it wor3s5 It9s "one with the use of what is 3nown as a ;sti 3 2a"<5 A 2en"ulum an also 1e use" after some 2reliminary 2ra ti e 1ut the sti 3 2a" is >ust as goo"5 This 2a" an 1e ma"e from anything flat an" smooth5 Fven though 2lasti an" ru11er are not natural6 they wor3 eEtremely well an" that9s why the to2 of a offee an is suffi ient5 Jo22er an" gol" are the 1est5 The 2ro e"ure is to 2ass or ru1 or stro3e your right thum1 on the flat surfa e with >ust enough 2ressure to move smoothly 1ut with some fri tion5 'hen you ma3e the numeri al onne tion your thum1 will seem to sti 3 or sto2 on the 2a"5 A ;sti 3< is har" to "es ri1e 1ut you will 3now it when you feel itD it9s "ifferent for ea h in"ivi"ual5 Fssentially6 the 2a" seems to ;gra1< the thum1 an" sto2 it5 This is the onne tion5 'hat is really ha22ening is that you are ons iously as3ing your su1 ons ious min" to a ess the 2i notation 1y giving a sam2le num1er to try5 As you stro3e the 2a"6 your su1 ons ious min" is "etermining if the num1er that you have as3e" to a ess is the orre t num1er to use5 If it is not the orre t num1er6 your thum1 will ontinue to 2ass over the 2a" as you stro3e it5 If it is the orre t num1er6 your su1 ons ious min" res2on"s 1y releasing minute amounts of etheri energy

from your thum1 to ;gra1< the etheri 2arti les of the 2a"5 You "on9t worry a1out the te hni alities of this5 Your min" ta3es are of it all5 Cust the a tion of you ru11ing the 2a" slowly an" as3ing your min" if it is the orre t num1er6 an" 3nowing that your thum1 will sti 3 if it is the orre t num1er6 is all you have to "o5 Your su1 ons ious min" ta3es are of the rest5 You 3now that when you eat something6 the foo" will get "igeste" in your stoma h an" 2ass into your 1o"y 1ut you "on9t have to thin3 a1out all the hemi al6 1iologi al6 neurologi al6 2hysiologi al res2onses an" me hanisms within your 1o"y to ma3e this ha22en5 You >ust eat an" your su1 ons ious min" ta3es are of the "etails5 If your ons ious min" says that is how you will ta3e a rate for the num1ers an" what will ha22en if the orre t num1er is foun"6 then leave it u2 to your su1 ons ious min" to ma3e it ha22en5 Cust ru1 the 2a" an" your thum1 will sti 3 for you at the orre t moment5 .a"ioni s were one of the ty2e of te hnologies that was use" in an ient iviliGations6 eE e2t they were far more a"van e" than ours5 The min"=ma hines were mu h "ifferent than urrent ra"ioni ma hines5 +ost were 2owere" 1y natural earth gri" energies an" earth sour e energies foun" in rystals6 stones6 et 5 They were also 2owere" 1y thought6 sa re" geometry6 soun"s an" more5 .a"ioni s have hange" form an" use throughout the ages5 +e"ieval times reveale" "ifferent ty2es as well as some native a1original rituals 7"an ing6 art6 hanting6 et 8 were ra"ioni in nature 7mu h "ifferent than mo"ern ra"ioni s85 .a"ioni s is li3e languages6 there are so many "ifferent ty2es6 variations6 1ran hes6 levels an" uses5 I 3now some 2eo2le that an move stone with >ust their voi es5 IBve seen it many times5 They have a great 3nowle"ge of soun" an" harmoni s 1ut also they use the Farth as a ty2e of ra"ioni ma hine an" "an e a ertain way whi h is their ArateA5 Their 1eats an" ste2s u2on the groun" give them the Anum1ersA to ma3e the onne tion 1etween their min"6 voi es an" their intent5 Their movement u2on the groun" refle ts sa re" geometry ena1ling them to generate even more 2ower5 This stuff an get very heavy "uty an" that is why it is rarely 3nown an" why you 2ro1a1ly wonBt even 1elieve this ha2ter5 If all

this seems 2retty far fet he"6 thatBs ?I5 This is natureBs way of ensuring only ertain 2eo2le get this 3nowle"ge5 But "es2ite the rarity of this 3nowle"ge6 you will 1e sur2rise" at >ust how many 2eo2le are involve" in ra"ioni resear h5 I myself am a ra"ioni resear her an" my a22li ations of my ra"ioni te hnology are very vast5 I am wor3ing on the 1roa" ast of soun"s6 tones6 harmoni s an" frequen ies worl"wi"e without using any ele troni s5 This might seem strange 1ut woul"nBt it 1e neat if your ity was engulfe" with musi : +usi that seeme" to ome from nowhere 555 musi that 2enetrate" all 2hysi al stru ture 555 musi that heale" an" got ri" of "isease6 fear an" lower awareness levels5 +y 2eo2le are wor3ing on this right now worl"wi"e5 Imagine 1eing awa3en in the mi""le of the night to amaGing musi that fille" the s3ies an" then "ays later the 2eo2le in your ity 1egan 2hysi al an" mental healing 2ro esses5 Imagine #r" worl" ountries 1eing engulfe" with musi an" then "ays later6 the Farth woul" 1egin to give foo" an" growth in vegetation5 Imagine images 1eing A1roa" astA into television sets all over the ountry that interru2te" all hannels an" reveale" the truth a1out things 7via ra"ioni live ameras into the 2ast85 'a 3o stuff eh: (2ea3ing of ra"ioni ameras6 I have a full we12age "evote" to $r5 .uth $rown9s ra"ioni amera of the 1/)M9s5 'ell itBs all 2ossi1le if you 3now how with ra"ioni s an" sa re" geometry5 All this wonBt soun" so strange when you hear musi rain "own from the s3ies in your ity5 'hen the timing is right an" the 1alan e is entere" 555 it will ha22en an" it will start to 1ring 2eo2le into new awarenesses an" a new worl" in a 2ositive way as o22ose" to the negative fearful ways 7"ooms"ay6 Armage""on6 aliens oming to get you6 et 85 (o whatBs the "eal with sa re" geometry: IBve mentione" it enough times an" I thought that it woul" 1e ni e to give you a little hint of it 7I stress little85 Yeah6 you oul" use ra"ioni s for min" 2ower se"u tion 1ut IBve in lu"e" this ha2ter to s2ar3 your awareness to new levels 555 to give you a little taste of thereBs-more-out-there-than-you-3now5 'hen your min" is raise" to new levels6 your thoughts an" use of your thoughts gain more 2ower5 (a re" geometry is the language of everything5 You 2ro1a1ly remem1er learning a1out

geometry in s hool 7or are urrently learning85 B(a re"B geometry is a little "ifferent than the stuff they tea h you in s hool5 This ty2e of geometry has to "o with sha2es an" mathemati s 1ut more on a B osmi B level5 The 2rominent as2e t of sa re" geometry is that everything 7FHF.YTHI0G8 is a 1y-2ro"u t of geometry an" everything 7FHF.YTHI0G8 is onne te" 1y geometry5 Geometry an 1e "es ri1e" mathemati ally 7this is not hi""en8 so there is mathemati s 7sa re" mathemati s8 in all things 555 from the 2yrami"s to your eye sight5 Geometry an 1e foun" in everything in the universe an" un"erstan"ing of sa re" geometry an give you the 3nowle"ge of all the universe5 ?1viously this an ta3e 1oo3s an" 1oo3s to 1egin to "es ri1e so this 3nowle"ge that youBll fin" here is >ust a slight taste5 'hen you un"erstan" the geometry in everything6 you an 1egin to un"erstan" how life wor3s an" how we all fit together in the osmos5 Fverything is reate" in a ertain geometri way an" has geometri 2ro2erties 555 from $0A6 to 1o"ily ells6 to trees6 to "imensions6 to language6 to viruses6 to musi 6 to om2uters6 to hemi als6 to atoms5 Here are the 1asi geometri sha2es5 They are often alle" the Platoni (oli"s5 These are the om2onents of so many things in the universe6 from the energy fiel"s aroun" the 2lanet to the energy fiel"s aroun" your 1o"y5 They an even "es ri1e your ellular stru ture an" your $0A if you 3now how to 2ut them together5 They even show eEa tly how the universe was reate" if you 3now how to un"erstan" them5 The most im2ortant image of sa re" geometry is the Flower of %ife 1e ause within it ontains all of reation5 Fverything is reate" using this geometri 2atternD everything from musi 6 to language6 to nature5 This will not 1e rea"ily seen to you if you have never seen or stu"ie" sa re" geometry5 .emem1er that sa re" geometry is not >ust ni e images on 2a2er5 These are motions an" formations in multi2le "imensions5 For eEam2le6 the Flower of %ife is ma"e u2 of a olle tion of s2heres that are interlo 3e"5 'hen they move in a ertain way they an hange form an" reate what is alle" a Tu1e Torus5 This is the sha2e of our universe 7in #" of ourse "e2i te" in a 2" way on 2a2er85 There is so mu h ontaine" in this image that woul" ta3e

a 1oo3 to really "es ri1e5 ?ne of the things that I fin" most interesting is that all al2ha1ets of all languages an 1e foun" in this image 7see $an 'inter9s wor385 ItBs all a matter of how you view it an" what you view5 If you 2i 3e" a ertain se tion of this tu1e an" rotate" it aroun"6 you oul" learly see ea h letter of the Fnglish al2ha1et or even the He1rew al2ha1et5 'hen you onvert the Bi1le in itBs original He1rew teEt into this image6 the Bi1le an literally ta3e sha2e in sa re" geometry5 This Tu1e Torus also shows the gravitational for e of the magneti om2onents of this 2lanet5 Fven all the an ient sites are lai" out on one of the line s2irals 7 alle" the Fi1ona i s2iral85 This is a mathemati al s2iral that omes from a ertain relationshi2 of num1ers "e2i ting organi growth5 If you stu"y the layout an" 2la ement of all the an ient tem2les an" stru tures6 they all lay on this Fi1ona i s2iral an" stem from one 2arti ular 2oint in Fgy2t5 The Fi1ona i s2iral an 1e seen all throughout nature 7rams horn6 nautilus shell6 sunflower "ou1le s2iral8 an" is the onne tion 1etween musi an" the worl" aroun" us if you stu"y it5 These Ksym1ols9 o ur everywhere in the universe5 You annot un"erstan" why all this has 1een hi""en from you 1e ause full 3nowle"ge of this is an ma3e you a very 2owerful an" enlightene" human5 The Farth has energy fiel"s surroun"ing it alle" gri"s5 There are many "ifferent ty2es of gri"s aroun" the 2lanet an" they have many "ifferent geometri sha2e5 An ient 2eo2le 3new a1out these gri"s lines or ley lines as sometimes alle"5 This is a free sour e of natural 2ower if you an ta2 into the gri"s5 0i3ola Tesla 7the inventor of the ra"io8 3new all a1out this stuff an" "esigne" some amaGing things 7most of whi h you will never rea" a1out85 ?n e of his 1iggest a om2lishments that wasnBt hi""en from the 2u1li was his a1ility to 1roa" ast ele tri ity anywhere on the 2lanet5 'ith - s2e ial BgeneratorsB 7Tesla Joils8 2la e" in ertain 2ositions on the 2lanet 555 he oul" ta2 into these gri" energies an" the result woul" 1e om2lete ele tri al 2ower for the entire worl"5 ItBs interesting that these BtowersB woul" have to 1e 2la e" at ertain gri" 2oints oin i"ing with sa re" geometri energy 2oints5 He 3new something 1ig 1ut little 1e ame of this

invention 7yet485 0i3ola "i" leave a 1ig im2ression on the worl" though5 Fverytime you 2lug something into your *MHG outlet in the wall6 you are using his invention 7AJ urrent85 A little 1it of Tesla is everywhere 555 in every home an" every 1usiness5 He was always one of my i"ols sin e hil"hoo" 1e ause of his se ret te hnology that I am mastering an" 1e ause he was a1le to see every invention in his min" 2erfe tly even 1efore he 2ut it on 2a2er5 ThatBs why he got it right the very first time when manufa turing a 2rototy2e5 He was a genius at visualiGation6 an" he a22lie" this for the goo" of all with his inventions5 However the 1est of his wor3 has 1een arefully hi""en from the 2u1li 5 (o >ust how im2ortant is this information: 'ell sa re" geometry an give you eEtraor"inary a1ilities an" an even give you the vehi le for moving into other "imensions4 Aroun" your 1o"y is an energy fiel" that onsists of two interlo 3ing tetrahe"rons5 This image on a flat s ale is also 3nown as the (tar of $avi" 7however the true 3nowle"ge of this image is still 2retty mu h se ret85 ?n a full # "imensional s ale6 this image is a fiel" of energy in the sha2e of two interlo 3ing tetrahe"rons alle" a +er3a1a or +er3a1ah5 You have this fiel" aroun" you however itBs 2ro1a1ly not a tivate" 7only a1out #6MMM 2eo2le on this 2lanet have a full a tive +er3a1a fiel"s85 You an a tivate it though with very hi""en te hniques5 This energy fiel" is your own Bvehi leB for moving into higher "imensions5 'ithout giving away the se ret6 what you "o is you get this fiel" s2inning aroun" you at a ertain ration 7Fi1ona i ratio85 'hen it hits a ertain s2ee" 7M5/ s2ee" of light86 it 1ulges out li3e a "is3 an" thus 1e omes your own ons iousness "riven vehi le for inter"imensional travel4 @F?s are the same thing eE e2t they are reate" with ele troni s 7eEternal +er3a1a85 The one I "es ri1e" a1ove is an Ainternal +er3a1aA an" "oes not use ele troni s 1ut rather ertain 1reathing te hniques6 ertain visualiGation te hniques an" a %ove for all life everywhere5 'hen you get this fiel" s2inning6 it 1ulges out to )) feet5 This +er3a1ah fiel" is onne te" to your energy= ha3ra 2oints5 If you loo3 at any yogi or eastern ha3ra hart6 you will see the geometry of the "ou1le tetrahe"ron lo ate" at the BHeartB Jha3ra5 I "i" not go into full "etail here a1out the usage an" metho"s of ra"ioni s5 If you are intereste" in

this fiel"6 then I an assume that it is alrea"y 2ulling on you use it for min" 2ower se"u tion5 If you "o feel 2ulle"6 then something within you is see3ing to fin" answers using outsi"e te hnologies5 Fverything you nee" for a"van e" mental 2owers is insi"e you5 If you give u2 your 2ower to outsi"e te hnologies 7even alternative ones86 then your min" will 1e less "evelo2e" an" you will 1e nee"ing to rely on these "evi es5 This is not a 2ara"igm to move towar"s as it is very im2ortant to 1rea3 out of the worl" min"-set that te hnologies are ne essary5 The 2ara"igm you want to see3 towar"s is the 2ara"igm of om2lete internal te hnology5 But when you are suffi iently "evelo2e" with your inner s3ills6 then I have lots of information an" tools availa1le at my we1site for you to learn from an" use5

&eurological Triggers
These te hniques go 1a 3 hun"re"s of years an" an give you very shar2 ! lear inner vision5 All ty2es of information is store" in your 1rain an" these te hniques will 1ring this information instantly into your min"5 Give them 2lenty of 2ra ti e an" you will see what I mean5 The 2i tures in your min" have to 1e very lear an" 2owerful in or"er for your min" 2ower to 1e effe tive5 The learer the 2i ture6 the easier it will 1e for you to feel as if you are a tually eE2erien ing your visualiGe" goal5 This first metho" will enhan e your general larity of your inner eye5 Go outsi"e "uring the "ay when the sun is shining 1rightly5 'ith your eyes lose"6 loo3 "ire tly at the sun5 Fver hear" of Afull s2e trum lightsA: You an use these if you "on9t live in a sunny 2la e5 (tare at the sun with your eyes lose" for a1out 1) - #M se on"s5 'ith you eyes still lose" an" loo3ing at the sun6 massage your eyes for the same amount of time 71) - #M se on"s85 This will 2ro"u e lots of olors within your sight5 Try to 3ee2 the olors fo use" in your min" an" awareness as the olors a22ear5 As you hol" these olors in your min" an" you an ;see< them with your eyes lose"6 move your hea" away an" 1a 3 towar"s the sun a few times5 $o this movement for a1out half a minute5 Pause for a little an" re2eat the entire 2ro e"ure a few times5 Be areful not to ru1 your eyes too mu hD >ust a gentle massage5 If you an hol" the olors in your min" for more than #M se on"s6 then ontinue to "o so5 The 3ey is not to try an" see the olors for a long time5 The 3ey is larity in retaining what olors you see an" the movement to an" away from the sun5

'hat you are "oing is stimulating the ones of your eyes whi h effe ts the "ire t intera tion of information going to your 1rain - thus giving you a more learer visualiGation a1ility5 'hen I was a young 1oy6 I remem1er ru11ing my eyes 7usually 1efore 1e"85 If it was "ar3 in my room6 ru11ing my eyes for a1out /M se on"s ause me to see all sorts of olors an" olore" "ots that loo3e" li3e" stars in the s3y 7at least I use" to 2reten" these little "ots were stars85 If I 3e2t my eyes lose" for a moment after my ru11ing6 I trie" to ounts the lum2s or see learly the in"ivi"ual "ots of olors5 Fven though I thin3 I ru11e" my eyes too long 7sin e they got sore86 little "i" I 3now that I was im2roving my 2owers of visualiGation in an un2lanne" way5 This6 an" the metho"s to follow6 might seem very 1asi 1ut you shoul" not un"erestimate the 2ower that they have5 You >ust nee" to wor3 with them to see for yourself5 18 This is an eEer ise for the lens of your eyes6 whi h will 3ee2 them fleEi1le an" will in turn enhan e your 2owers of visualiGation5 (tart 1y loo3ing at a 1oo3 2la e" at a "istan e of * in hes away from you5 Then loo3 an" fo us on something far away 7a1out * feet85 If you wear glasses6 "onBt use them for these eEer ises5 Iee2 this fo using u2 1a 3 an" forth without straining5 This will give you great strength in the lenses of your eyes whi h will ma3e it 1etter to visualiGe5 .emem1er6 when you visualiGe you are still using your eyes 7>ust in a "ifferent way8 om1ine" with your imagination5 28 Pla e something that you an rea" on a wall at the same height as your eyes5 This an 1e a 2age of news2a2er or magaGine or whatever5 (tan" as lose as you nee" to in or"er to rea" the teEt5 0eEt6 ste2 1a 3 a little an" try to rea" the teEt5 Pra ti e this every"ay going >ust a ta" farther 1a 3 ea h time5 You only nee" to 2ra ti e a1out a few minutes a "ay an" remem1er with all these eEer ises 555 $? 0?T (T.AI0 Y?@. FYF(5 You must remain relaEe"5 #8 In this eEer ise you 2la e a 1oo3 as lose to your fa e as 2ossi1le 1ut you an still 1e a1le to rea" it5 .ea" for a few se on"s5 Pra ti e "aily for a few minutes5 The eye 2ositions given now will o2en u2 hi""en information in your 1rain as well as strengthen your memory6 fo us an" learning a2a ity5 These are natural neurologi al triggers that stimulate ertain 2arts of your 1rainBs ele tri al im2ulses whi h an then reate s2e ifi results5 18 To re all visual memories6 loo3 straight ahea" an" then u2 to the left5 Hol" your eyes here

for 2) se on"s5 This 2ro ess for es your min" to re all visual memories when you are wanting to remem1er them5 It will also strengthen your visual memory 7visualiGation85 28 To a ess hearing or soun" memory you nee" to loo3 "own an" to the left5 You must "o this when you are visualiGing something that has soun"5 %oo3 "own an" to the left in your visualiGing an" your inner hearing will 1e more "evelo2e"5 This an 1e im2ortant 1e ause a""ing soun" to your visualiGing an in rease your influen e5 If you are in that Al2ha 2la e of yours6 may1e visualiGe a J$ 2layer at the 1ottom left orner of your sight5 %oo3 to that lo ation in your visualiGing an" turn on the J$5 %istening to musi while you "o Al2ha wor3 an 1ring total larity in your visualiGing over time5 If your min" starts to tune into the 2hysi al musi rather than the musi in your visualiGing6 >ust "o this trigger5 #8 To re all or enhan e your tou h memory or tou h visualiGing6 2ra ti e loo3ing "own to the right5 Pra ti e these triggers in your "aily life while you remem1er the a22ro2riate memory 7tou h85 'hen you visualiGe6 "o these triggers in your min"Bs eye an" enhan e the a22ro2riate sensation5 &8 %oo3ing u2 to the right is a very im2ortant trigger5 'hile visualiGing6 this trigger an a ess new visual formations5 For eEam2le6 when you have reate" your imaginary Al2ha room for se"u tion6 lo 3 it into this trigger 1y loo3ing u2 to the right an" telling yourself that your 1rain has now ma"e a trigger onne tion with your Al2ha 2la e5 ?ver time6 it will 1e ome easier to a ess this Al2ha s enario when you start to visualiGe an" loo3 u2 to the right to 1ring this 2la e into your imagination5 Pra ti e in the "ay for 1 minute loo3ing u2 to the right an" reate new visual images5 )8 Taste an" smell an 1e a esse" 1y loo3ing straight "own5 *8 To a ess new soun" forms6 loo3 straight an" to the right5 If you 2ra ti e this an" use it in your visualiGing6 you will o2en yourself u2 to all sorts of new soun"s5 ,8 To re all au"itory memory6 loo3 straight an" to the left5 The 3ey is this 555 after you 2ra ti e these eEer ises an" re all the a22ro2riate trigger 7taste6 tou h6 et 86 "o all the movements in the or"er shown for a1out 2M se on"s ea h5 This will o2en u2 your Athir" eyeA an" it will ma3e your visualiGation 2enetrate the "ee2 "e2ths of your min" 7the su1 ons ious85 This whole 2ro e"ure an ta3e only ) minutes 1ut will greatly enhan e your visualiGation s3ill an" reativity5 You an "o this Bgoing aroun" the lo 3B 2ro e"ure

1efore you start your visualiGing5 These 1rain triggers might seem li3e a mystery to you5 They have also 1een alle" an hors or lin3s5 They are >ust 2hysi al movements or stimulus that reates a lin3 to a s2e ifi 2sy hologi al 2ro ess6 feeling or eE2erien e5 Have you ever listene" to a song that you havenBt hear" in years an" when you listen to the song you an remem1er the time in your life when that song was 2rominent5 You might not remem1er a s2e ifi moment 1ut the song might 1e lin3e" with a Agreat summerA or an ol" lover5 Fven listening to a song years later still 1rings u2 the ol" memories or feelings you felt then5 This is >ust a trigger that has 1een ma"e 1etween the 2hysi al hearing of a song to a 2arti ular time in your 2ast5 If youBve never eE2erien e" this then you are 2ro1a1ly not ol" enough yet5 The most 2rominent triggers of this sort are lin3e" to your high s hool years sin e this is the flowering of emotional awareness om1ine" with listen to a lot of musi 7as most youth "o85 +y first eE2erien e with this ty2e of triggering was when I was a young 1oy5 I use" to 2lay in a youth military 1an" an" for one summer we travele" all aroun" southern ?ntario in Jana"a6 2erforming in 2ara"es an" events5 ?ne time we were 2laye" in a Bol"-ageB retirement home for ''I an" ''II veterans5 'e were to wal3 7or mar h8 through this home where all the 1e"ri""en men were sitting in their wheel hairs or hos2ital 1e"s5 As a1out 2) of us young 1oys an" girls 2laye" 7a om2anie" with a1out 1M "rummers86 the ( ottish war songs fille" the air in this retirement home5 @sually when we 2laye" in front of 2eo2le6 the 2eo2le were always smiling 7whether en>oying the musi or laughing at us8 or ta22ing their feet or la22ing or whatever5 But at this 2la e6 I noti e" something that sho 3e" me an" my awareness 555 As we mar he" through the 1uil"ing6 most of the el"erly men were in tears5 0ot >ust rying with a gentle so1 1ut rather letting out all emotions with mouths hanging wi"e o2en an" tears flowing li3e raGy5 I oul"nBt hear their ries 1e ause the musi was very lou"6 yet I realiGe" at that moment what was ha22ening5 ?ur musi was triggering all memories or feelings that these men ha" "uring their

fighting "ays5 Fs2e ially sin e most of these veterans were in regiments or militia units that ha" eE2erien e when 2i2e 1an"s an" 1rass 1an"s use to literally 2lay in the fiel" along si"e the sol"iers5 It was at that moment that I realiGe" the 2ower of what the musi that I was 2laying oul" "o on 2eo2le5 The 2oint is that musi an reate a great trigger within 2eo2le 1ut musi is not the only trigger5 If you have a 1a" eE2erien e while in a high 2la e 7BheightB not "rug8 you will asso iate those negative feelings with a high elevation an" thus - fear of heights5 The same sort of trigger has 1een reate" with all sorts of things in 2eo2leBs lives whether fearing the 1oogie man un"er the 1e" to a "isli3e of a 2arti ular foo" that gave you a 1a" eE2erien e5 (eEual triggers are also very 2owerful an" the most ommon triggers o ur when loo3ing a 2hotogra2h an" you remem1er or feel a 2ast event5 You an use triggers to your a"vantage 1y reating your own neurologi al lin3s with ertain eE2erien es or feelings5 If every time when you felt very onfi"ent an" in re"i1ly ha22y you gently squeeGe" one of your ear lo1es6 you woul" 1e reating a trigger5 The effe t wonBt ha22en right away 1ut if you 3ee2 u2 with the trigger for a few wee3s or months6 all you have to "o is to "o the eEa t same squeeGe an" the same onfi"ent feelings will ome u25 'hen you are in the height of your visualiGing se"u tion s enario6 may1e tou h a ertain two fingers together at this moment5 If you 3ee2 this u2 ea h time6 when you aroun" the 2erson you an "o this trigger that you have reate" an" your min" will emit all those vi1rations an" feelings that you were eE2erien ing at the moment you 2rogramme" them into your trigger5 Fven your 1asi Al2ha state an 1e triggere" to a "is rete onne tion you ma3e with your fingers6 han"s6 ear lo1es6 or whatever5 If you a22ly the eEa t same trigger every time you are in an Al2ha state6 then it wonBt 1e long when you an in"u e these Al2ha waves >ust 1y a22lying the trigger5 This is great if you are in 2u1li 2la es an" you wish to in"u e Al2ha 1rainwaves when you are a tive5 You an also reate triggers with 2hysi al o1>e ts5 You >ust lin3 them with your eE2erien e over an" over an" soon you an >ust a22ly the trigger to get into that

eE2erien e5 Triggers are only limite" to your reativity5 HereBs one reative trigger5 'hile you are visualiGing your 2sy hi tou hing6 visualiGe yourself rea hing u2 to the shoul"er of the 2erson you are wor3ing on5 Pla e your han" on their shoul"er gently for a qui 3 se on" an" then go 1a 3 to your seEual visualiGing5 If you re2eat this for a few wee3s in your visualiGing6 wait till the 2erson is in front of you an" then qui 3ly 2la e your real han" in the eEa t same qui 3 way on their shoul"er 7as you "i" in your visualiGing85 You will 1e a tivating a "ou1le trigger here 555 your mental se"u tion Al2ha influen e an" the 2erson will qui 3ly 1e ome turne" on 1e ause you have in"u e" this trigger to 1e asso iate" with an eroti eE2erien e5 You an tou h their shoul"er qui 3ly in an nonintru"ing way if itBs a qui 3 Breassuran eB ty2e of tou h or if you want to 2ull u2 your so 3 or something an" you nee" someone to lean on for a se on"5 ItBs u2 to you to get reative with the art of triggering an" u2 to you to figure out reative "is rete ways to im2lement these5 Cust ma3e sure that your trigger is the eEa t same when you are 2rogramming it an" then a22lying it5 IB" love to hear of your reative uses for triggers as you "evelo2 s3ill at this5 Also6 let me 3now an" write me a1out your su ess with the te hniques in this 1oo34 (ee you on the internet list an" mem1ersB area5 TH' S'&S(TI)& )F T)*+H IS TH' ")ST I"P)#T(&T$ ")#' TH(& ( +L'(# ,IS*(L I"( 'F''L IT (S IF IT W(S H(PP'&I& I& TH' P#'S'&T ")"'&T$ &)T WISHI& IT F)# ( F*T*#' TI"'&','# T'LL (&Y)&' TH(T Y)* (#' *SI& "I&D P)W'# S'D*+TI)& T'+H&I.*'S )& TH'"- /''P Y)*# P)W'#S T) Y)*#S'LF*S' Y)*# P)W'#S T) D','L)P Y)*#S'LF (T TH' S("' TI"'- *S' I& )TH'# (#'(S )F Y)*# LIF'T#Y T) B'+)"' ")#' (&D ")#' +#'(TI,' B'+(*S' Y)*# +#'(TI,ITY WILL T(/' Y)* B'Y)&D THIS B))/P*T Y)*# ID'(S D)W& )& P(P'# S) Y)* W)&0T F)# 'T TH'"- ( S'+#'T

1)*#&(L W)*LD B' ))D)&LY *S' TH'S' S/ILLS F)# ))D I&T'&T- Y)* (#' TH' "(ST'# )F Y)*# ")#(LS$ &)T "'Y)* WILL 'T TH' P'#S)& Y)* W(&T$ S) D)&0T I,' *P D*#I& Y)*# B' I&&'# ST( 'S- /''P PL* I& (W(Y WITH T)T(L +)&FID'&+'just good things to remember (ometimes a few wor"s an say a lot5 The har"est 2art of +in" Power (e"u tion is getting off oneBs 1utt an" a22lying the te hniques5 L8 'e are all 2rone to laGiness an" 2ro rastination5 But if you are serious a1out "evelo2ing this unique an" 2owerful s3ill555 you must 2ra ti e6 2ra ti e an" 2ra ti e5 That is how you will 1e ome a master at it5 At the en" of the +in" Power (e"u tion +anual6 I offere" some things to remem1er5 Below are some a""itional 2ointers an" goo" things to 3ee2 in min"5 'hen the mental image is om2lete6 it an 1e su2erim2ose" u2on reality5 Your min" an then mani2ulate the image an" thus mani2ulate the reality5 'hen reality 1e omes 2rivate for you6 you are outsi"e of the 2er e2tual fiel"s of any other lifeform whose sensory en"owments are similar to your own5 Then you have the o22ortunity for me"itation6 eEem2t from the theoreti al 1on"age of sharing anotherBs 2er e2tual fiel"5 'ithin this worl" of 2olarity6 hoi e an" free will6 you have an o22ortunity to realiGe your full 2otential to 1e ome a B osmi reatorB5 As we all near the lose of a great 2lanetary y le6 more than ever6 it 1e omes in reasingly im2ortant that your 1eliefs not 1e limite" 1y what you have 1een taught via your ortho"oE e"u ation5 You have to learn trust yourself6 your feelings an" the 2ro ess of your life5 +a3e the most of yourself6 for that is all there is for you Persisten e is the har" wor3 you "o after youBve finishe" "oing the har" wor3 you alrea"y "i" There are those who see an o22ortunity an" then there are those who (FISF an o22ortunity4 %oo3 at these worl"s s2inning out of nothingness5 That is within your 2ower +otivation is when your "reams 2ut on wor3 lothes5

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