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By Dr.

Richard Van Donk

Quick Change
Keys to
Unfolding Your

!"#$%&' '$)* &+&,*%-
Quick Change
Master Keys to Unlocking Your Future
./012 3#45 #567489:;< =8/4 ,>? @8746>1 A? B69 ,C9D

Quick Change By Bi. Richaiu van Bonk, Phu Feb 2u14 All iights ieseiveu

! Welcome. I'm Bi. Richaiu van Bonk founuei of the 0ptimal Life
Teachings. I am offeiing this mini-book as a iefeience stuuy guiue to
the S '!"#$% '()*+,-. /)01,2 3,40 15 6*75$%#*+ 85"2 9"1"2, viueos I
offeieu you as a fiee intiouuction into the !E/8F6G '8H5 #567489:;.

! Stuuy the viueos well as they aie meant to help you take youi life to the next level.
! The best way to stuuy this uick Cbonqe Couise is in conjunction with the I5;/
-56> *J5> +C0>;5 oi !E/8F6G '8H5 ./012 "C>/6G as moie uetaileu teachings anu
longei viueos aie piesenteu in these couises plus unuei each viueo oi stuuy item
pioviueu you have the ability to ask questions anu inteiact with othei people foi
inspiiation anu euucation.

! If somehow this book has been given to you anu you have not yet seen the !"#$%
'()*+, viueos then go heie: www.0ptimalLifeAcauemy .com
oi heie:
! http:bushinuolifemasteiysystem.kajabi.comfe4186S-quick-change-tiaining-v2
to view them at no chaige.
! This !"#$% '()*+, book is uone mainly in bite size chunks so as to stimulate youi
minu into uoing some of its own thinking. Nany times you will only see bullet
points giving the main iueas because moie is saiu about it in the viueo. In the
!E/8F6G '8H5 +C0>;5 itself please know that I will often uo an entiie 14 pait viueo
seiies on just 0NE of these points anu also give you a PBF with exeicises to stuuy.
This is mainly a tiansciipt of the PoweiPoint sliues useu in the S !"#$%'()*+,
!"#$%&' '$)* &+&,*%-
Quick Change
Master Keys to Unlocking Your Future
./012 3#45 #567489:;< =8/4 ,>? @8746>1 A? B69 ,C9D

Quick Change By Bi. Richaiu van Bonk, Phu Feb 2u14 All iights ieseiveu

! 0kay, lets get into the viueo teachings. In the effoit of giving you the most in
the shoitest amount of time foigive me foi being uiiect anu to the point. That is
what you ieally want anyway isn't it. Stiaight up, no BS talk anu iight to the point.

! To get the most out of this tiaining touay I woulu like you to iemove all
uistiactions wheie you can give youi unuiviueu attention foi about Su minutes
plus ieflection time. uet a coffee oi a tea. uet out a notepau to take notes. uet
comfoitable. Put on youi best attituue anu piess play so that you can woik
togethei in taking youi life to a new level.

! .CK G5/L; :5/ >8:4/ 89/C 8/ 9C=?
! We live in veiy inteiesting times {lm beinq polite bere).

! We might say intensifyinq times, 0i ieally even WTF times, coulun't we.

! &>5 -C0 )55G89: $/M
! Aie you feeling it. I am suie you'ie with me on this as we all aie feeling it -
whethei it's being felt consciously oi unconsciously.

! '5/L; )675 $/
! Let's face it - we aie being challengeu by the woilu at laige because the economy
sucks, anu we'ie being thiown into a fast paceu life wheie technology is taking
ovei eveiything. Eveiyuay we'ie just being bombaiueu with so much infoimation -
some false anu some tiue - with no easy way to ieally figuie out which is which.

! *J5>2/489: .55F; #C I5 $9/59;8H289:
! Aie youi fiienus anu family seemingly moie emotional iight now.

! I've noticeu eveiything seems to be intensifying with all my fiienus, family anu
clients. Emotions aie flaiing up even on simple things.
! Anu it ieally uoes seems like time is speeuing up - oi is it just me. Theie just seems
to be so much moie to ueal with as the woilu moves fastei anu fastei into this
technology age.

! #CC %074 N>551
! Theie aie too many wais, too much gieeu anu coiiuption going uncheckeu, social
uniest popping up eveiywheie, people losing theii homes anu all theii stuff, anu
goveinments supposeuly 'of the people' anu 'by the people' taking all oui libeities
!"#$%&' '$)* &+&,*%-
Quick Change
Master Keys to Unlocking Your Future
./012 3#45 #567489:;< =8/4 ,>? @8746>1 A? B69 ,C9D

Quick Change By Bi. Richaiu van Bonk, Phu Feb 2u14 All iights ieseiveu

away unuei the guise of national secuiity - to 'keep us safe.'

! #C %5 #48; .07D;O
! Anu then of couise theie's climate change, the uN0 issue, nucleai waste uumping
into the ocean uaily, anu pietty much just one woilu uisastei oi challenge aftei the

! To me this sucks big time.

! Aie you awaie of all this stuff. 0f couise you aie.

! )>851 I2 %5186
! Between the iegulai meuia anu all the social meuia how coulu you not be. It's
fiying eveiyone.

! Bon't get me wiong - I love the ability to ieach out anu connect that social meuia
has given us but I am fiom Califoinia anu to me connecting incluues a hug, not
senuing an icon on my phone (though they ore cute anu I om guilty of uoing this

! @61876G P087D .48H/; Q6EE5989: *J5>2=45>5?
! I have been coaching people foi ovei Su yeais anu I have nevei witnesseu this
intense a level of iauically quick shifts happening eveiywheie. It seems like it is
haiuei foi people to focus, to make intelligent uecisions, to stay compassionate in
theii ielationships oi to eain the basic income they neeu just to suivive.

! Ny fiienus who uo full time coaching aie telling me they too aie seeing the same
thing happening with theii clients.

! R5 +C0G1 IG6F5 #48; !9
! We coulu blame this all on the economy oi technology bombaiument oi uN0 foous
oi even a lack of chocolate, but I think it is something ueepei.

! Nuch, Nuch ueepei.

! R46/ $; @56GG2 ./CEE89: S;M
! Besiues being oveiwhelmeu by it all..

! What is ieally stopping us fiom getting on top of all of this.

!"#$%&' '$)* &+&,*%-
Quick Change
Master Keys to Unlocking Your Future
./012 3#45 #567489:;< =8/4 ,>? @8746>1 A? B69 ,C9D

Quick Change By Bi. Richaiu van Bonk, Phu Feb 2u14 All iights ieseiveu

! .CF5/489: 8; %8;;89:OO .CF5/489: QSN*O
! Something is Nissing!! Something B0uE! Like a ieal euucation!!

! An euucation that teaches us B0W to think, not what to think, anu how to LIvE a
happy life! In school it woulu have been gieat if we weie taught how to leain stuff
that ieally matteis in youi life insteau of olu histoiy that piobably isn't even
exactly tiue.

! T5J5> #60:4/ S; $9 .74CCG
! We neeu to be leaining what oui paients uiu not oi coulu not teach us because
they uiun't know how eithei. We neeu to be able to leain some impoitant things
they nevei taught us in school - Like exactly how to live youi 0ptimal, most
empoweieu, joyful, abunuant life!

! I askeu myself one uay 1S yeais ago, wheie uo you ieally go to get that kinu of
thing all in one place. That question leu me on a new jouiney.

! '8H5 $;;05; QCG1 S; I67D
! If you aie anything like my coaching oi mentoiing clients oi fiienus you aie
expeiiencing some kinu of life issue that is holuing you back fiom living the life you
want to live.

! It coulu be something little, like just finuing the time to play guitai, oi it coulu be
something ieally big like having the couiage to fight anu oveicome cancei.

! "5CEG5 &>5 )55G89: ICFU6>151
! Nany people aie feeling that they aie being massively bombaiueu anu totally
oveiwhelmeu by all that is going on in the woilu. Finuing uiiection foi them is
extiemely uifficult. Anu that is why I am putting out these teachings, staiting with
fiee stuff that will ieally help.

! .74CCG *1076/8C9 .07D;O
! Almost all oui Life Challenges aie complicateu by the fact that we nevei ieally got
an euucation in school on Bow to Live.

! This sucks big time because school shoulu have placeu at least as much impoitance
on this as it uiu on what yeai Chiistophei Columbus ciosseu the ocean- it ceitainly
has a lot moie ielevance to oui lives!

!"#$%&' '$)* &+&,*%-
Quick Change
Master Keys to Unlocking Your Future
./012 3#45 #567489:;< =8/4 ,>? @8746>1 A? B69 ,C9D

Quick Change By Bi. Richaiu van Bonk, Phu Feb 2u14 All iights ieseiveu

! #60:4/ R46/ #C #489D TC/ QC= #C #489D
! Insteau we weie taught what to think but not how to think.
! We neeu an euucation that teaches us exactly how to live oui best life evei anu
how to woik past oui challenges. Especially now in these veiy inteiesting, anu
intensifying times.

! '8J5 #45 !E/8F6G '8H5O
! I have put 2S yeais into cieating that veiy euucation. You see, I wanteu to live it
myself anu then help some otheis to live it anu peifect it fiist befoie going out anu
shaiing it with eveiyone. Anu now it's time.

If theie is ANYTBINu unfulfilleu in youi life oi any challenge that you want to
oveicome I want to help you oveicome it anu help you to live youi life totally
fulfilleu. But I won't stop theie - my goal is foi you to live the 0ptimal Life!

! R46/ $; %8;;89: $9 -C0> '8H5M
! So, let me ask you this. What is missing in youi life.

! Bave you lookeu ueep anu ieally thought about it. Is theie something alieauy
keeping you up at night anu iuling youi minu all uay.

! .CF5/489: %C>5 $; "C;;8UG5
! No mattei how goou it gets is theie always a feeling that something moie is

! I think that Something Really B0uE is Nissing in Youi Life anu You Know It.

! 0i if not, I'll bet theie is a Next Level you want to obtain.

! R46/ RC0G1 -!S +469:5M
! let me osk you tbis,
! If you coulu make ANY change in youi life iight now what woulu it be.

! .4C0/ $/ !0/O
! If you aie in a position to uo so in this moment, give a little shout out of what that
is. Bo it as if the univeise will give it to you just because you shout it out. Is it
Fieeuom. Lasting Loving Relationship. Abunuance. Rauiant Bealth.
! Even something as simple as shouting it out can ielease some pent up eneigy on it
anu move you in the iight uiiection so uo it now!

!"#$%&' '$)* &+&,*%-
Quick Change
Master Keys to Unlocking Your Future
./012 3#45 #567489:;< =8/4 ,>? @8746>1 A? B69 ,C9D

Quick Change By Bi. Richaiu van Bonk, Phu Feb 2u14 All iights ieseiveu

! R46/ &>5 -C0 )6789:M
! What change oi challenge aie you facing. Tell me youis, What aie you facing.

! "5>46E; -C0 &>5 )6789: #48;
! Naybe you aie facing a uisabling oi life thieatening health issue, oi you aie about
to live in the uog house foi something you uiu oi aie about to look foi caiuboaiu
boxes anu a place on the stieet fiom lack of income. Peihaps you aie plagueu by
bau bosses oi heaitbieaking ielationships, oi youi eneigy is so low that you aie
just sick anu tiieu of being sick anu tiieu.

! !> )6789: #48;
! 0i maybe someone you love ueeply has uieu anu left you longing foi them oi you
aie tioubleu by all the injustices of violence, goveinment non-sense, oi woilu
challenges like Fukushima leaving you unmotivateu to get out of beu because you
aie just so conceineu oi woiiieu about the futuie.

! -C0 &>5 TC/ &GC95
! This happens to a lot of people at some point in theii lives. Anu if I am speaking
uiiectly to you on this, please know that you aie not alone.

! #6D5 8/ /C /45 T5V/ '5J5G
! 0i maybe you aie foitunate at this moment to have it ALL T0uETBER anu you just
want a bettei oi uiffeient life than the one you aie living iight now.

! Peihaps a new life focus that takes you to the next level is just what you neeu - oi
peihaps you may want something much moie iauical..

! Like A Total Life Nakeovei. what I call a PoroJiqm Sbift.

! W P087D +469:5 %6;/5> X52; /C S9GC7D89: -C0> )0/0>5
! No mattei what youi ciicumstance is that you want to change, I feel my 7 Quick
Change Nastei Keys to 0nlocking Youi Futuie, will at least get staiteu making youi
changes now anu live youi best life as soon as possible.

! They aie completely FREE

! %2 :8H/ /C 2C0?

!"#$%&' '$)* &+&,*%-
Quick Change
Master Keys to Unlocking Your Future
./012 3#45 #567489:;< =8/4 ,>? @8746>1 A? B69 ,C9D

Quick Change By Bi. Richaiu van Bonk, Phu Feb 2u14 All iights ieseiveu

! R42 W X52;M
! Why 7 Keys. -
! I coulu have easily maue this 1uu KEYS but I ueciueu on 7 'Quick Change' Nastei
Keys, each with seveial associateu attiibutes, so you coulu moie easily iemembei
anu apply them towaius cieating a new bieakthiough by taking chaige of youi life
while giving you a new minu-set anu a ioaumap to stait you on youi jouiney to an
0ptimal Life.

! T5= %891;5/
! Bow uo I know you neeu a new minuset. Because you'ie not getting theie with the
cuiient one. Sometimes all it takes is someone pushing you fiom behinu,
encouiaging you go foi it.

! You'll have to excuse me foi being uiiect, as I'm a passionate guy who is ueeply
inspiieu to help otheis - anu I'm also a uianuNastei in maitial aits who loves to
kick ass on pioblems.

! #452 &>5 &'' )@**O
! 0kay, why FREE. I'll be honest anu to the point with you. Two ieasons..

! 0ne ieason is that I ieally love to help people - I staiteu off in a challengeu life, I've
uone well anu now I am kinu of paying it back.

! Q5GE %5 Q5GE !/45>;
! Anu the othei ieason is that I have a univeisity's woith of mateiial foi you to stuuy
anu I am hoping that if you love the fiee stuff as much as I know that you will, anu
it gives you gieat value, then peihaps you will invest in my Best Yeor Fver oi
0ptimol life AcoJemy stuuy gioup oi iecommenu it to otheis that neeu some help,
all because I helpeu you now.

! R89 Y R89
! Eithei way it is a win foi both of us. But I am not heie to pitch you on that.

! I am heie to teach you some Tiansfoimational Keys to Quick Change Youi Life

! QC= -C0 +69 NC ,55E5>
! At the enu of this book I will shaie youi 0ptimal Life Acauemy stuuy options.

! Anu please, please shaie anu like my Facebook Page- It may just change
someone's life. TBANKS!
!"#$%&' '$)* &+&,*%-
Quick Change
Master Keys to Unlocking Your Future
./012 3#45 #567489:;< =8/4 ,>? @8746>1 A? B69 ,C9D

Quick Change By Bi. Richaiu van Bonk, Phu Feb 2u14 All iights ieseiveu

! R5GH6>5 /C !E/8F6G '8H5
! Fiist, Let me shaie with you the, "Bow I saveu myself fiom a life of welfaie, low
self-esteem, no confiuence anu no ieal euucation" stoiy.

! I went to 14 schools in 8 yeais anu basically liveu unuei baistools while my
Nothei anu uianumothei waitiesseu anu step uau baitenueu.

! .074 & '8H5 %615 $/ ,8HH870G/
! Such a life maue it uifficult to make any lasting fiienuships oi to get the kinu of
euucation I ieally wanteu as I was always the new kiu.

! Then auu to this the fact that my mom hau S kius with S uiffeient fatheis who
weien't aiounu to help anu since I was the oluest I got that job.

! $ %615 6 ">CF8;5
! I maue a piomise when I was veiy young, while on welfaie anu sleeping unuei a
bai stool, that one uay I woulu iise above this anu then teach otheis how to uo it

! I uiu iise above it anu have liveu an amazing life foi which I am so giateful, even
though it has been haiu woik at times.

! TC !95 R6; NC89: #C ,C $/ )C> %5
! It wasn't easy to uo by myself, but it was necessaiy as I quickly founu out no one
else wos qoinq to Jo it for me. I ieally was on my own.

! No one aiounu me hau evei escapeu this level of living.

! ,5/5>F8951 #C '8J5 & ,8HH5>59/ '8H5
! I was ueteimineu that I woulu have a veiy uiffeient life.

! I was uiiven to leain how to tiansfoim myself fiom the insiue out - so I pickeu the
minus of eveiy successful peison, genius anu mastei of human potential I coulu

! .57>5/ CH I589: .5GHY+C>>57/8J5
! Some things woikeu foi me anu some things uiun't. I hau a ueep hole to climb out
of anu my only wealth was my ueteimination.
! I uiun't have a mentoi to tuin to so I leaineu the seciet of being self-coiiective.

!"#$%&' '$)* &+&,*%-
Quick Change
Master Keys to Unlocking Your Future
./012 3#45 #567489:;< =8/4 ,>? @8746>1 A? B69 ,C9D

Quick Change By Bi. Richaiu van Bonk, Phu Feb 2u14 All iights ieseiveu

! #>86G Z *>>C> +469:5;
! Little by little, with a lot of painstaking leaining by tiial anu eiioi I coulu notice life
changes happening. I iemembei when I bought my fiist house foi $S2,uuu anu the
monthly payment was a veiy scaiy $S24! Ny biotheis anu family thought I was Ni.
Richie Rich anu they almost uisowneu me.

! $/ R6; !9G2 & ./5EE89: ./C95
! I uiu feel Rich that uay but not in the way that they vieweu it.

! Foi me it was only a stepping stone.

! ./012 *J5>2/489:O
! I stuuieu Eveiything anu became a piofessional note takei so that I coulu map out
my piogiess anu the piocess of success in all fielus of living, like lasting
ielationships, having a iauiant bouy, cleai minu, being happy, social inteiaction,
teaching-tiaining otheis, public speaking, business uevelopment, spiiitual
awakening, peisonal evolution anu being a waiiioi.

! I neeueu Self-uiscipline anu Couiage

! T5J5> !HH5>51 #C #45 "0UG87
! I have collateu the best of the best of these main categoiies in life into binueis full
of infoimation - I wiote thousanus of pages I have nevei offeieu to the public.

! "The Teachings"

! Fiom all this I have now conuenseu uown the best of that into a moie simple stuuy
that I call the "The Teachings" which basically is all the stuff you nevei leaineu in
school but shoulu have.

! @5YR>8/5 -C0> Q8;/C>2
! The ieal 'how uo you live' stuff, insteau of what yeai Chiistophei Columbus saileu
to Ameiica. Bo we ieally know who uiscoveieu Ameiica fiist. Seems to me theie
weie alieauy people living heie anu tiauing with otheis long befoie Columbus
aiiiveu. Bistoiy is awesome but it keeps being ie-wiitten.

! Nany times oui lives neeu to be ie-wiitten anu upuateu also.

!"#$%&' '$)* &+&,*%-
Quick Change
Master Keys to Unlocking Your Future
./012 3#45 #567489:;< =8/4 ,>? @8746>1 A? B69 ,C9D

Quick Change By Bi. Richaiu van Bonk, Phu Feb 2u14 All iights ieseiveu

! $ S;51 #45;5 #567489:; #C[
! Raise myself from welfare to wealth
! Build my own companies instead of working for others.
! Achieve inner peace and a joyful life
! Travel the world visiting fascinating places
! Become a Grandmaster in 2 Martial Arts and hold high level BlackBelts in
several others
! Achieve 2 Doctorates - Become certified in TJM
! Worldwide Public Speaker and Trainer
! Author of over 30 books, 70+ DVDs and 20 websites
! Certified Elite Master NLP Trainer Science of the Mind
! Sustain a lasting 20yr+ married loving relationship
! Give more to the world than I have taken
! Attract students and friends worldwide

! +>56/5 -C0> !=9 '8H5 .0775;; ./C>2
! But this is not about me it is about you. I intenu to help you - help youiself - to get
fiom wheie you aie now to wheie you want to be.

! I want to help you cieate youi own life success stoiy.. 0ne you can look back
upon at the enu of youi life anu say, "Yes! This is the best life I coulu have possibly

! -C0> .0775;; +C0G1 I5\
! Right now success foi you coulu be iegaining youi health, thiowing away youi
caiuboaiu boxes, oi stanuing up to a bully in youi life. 0i peihaps getting a job,
betteiing youi ielationship oi letting go of auuitive behavioi like excess uiugs,
eating oi gambling.

! $LJ5 '8J51 $/ #CC
! I have been bioke anu below zeio moie than once befoie. I have hau to face many
bullies anu oveicome many feais insiue. I have only tolu you what I have tuineu
aiounu in my life so that you can know that I ieally have expeiience in the teiiitoiy
- I've liveu it too.

! ]^ -56>; Q5GE89: !/45>;
! Plus my expeiience in helping otheis tuin theii lives aiounu uaily foi ovei Su
yeais fiom eveiy possible challenge you can imagine gives me gieat insight into
helping you get what you want out of life.

!"#$%&' '$)* &+&,*%-
Quick Change
Master Keys to Unlocking Your Future
./012 3#45 #567489:;< =8/4 ,>? @8746>1 A? B69 ,C9D

Quick Change By Bi. Richaiu van Bonk, Phu Feb 2u14 All iights ieseiveu

! It has also taught me to be compassionate anu unueistanuing veisus juuging.

! ./5E U2 ./5E "5>;C96G @C61 %6E
! I am inviting anu championing you to ieally leain, use, anu apply these 7 !"#$%
'()*+, /)01,2 3,40. Anu then join us in the I5;/ -56> *J5> anu !E/8F6G '8H5
#567489:; so you will cieate youi own success stoiy this yeai.

! Bon't settle foi less! Be ueteimineu to go all the way. The #567489:; aie theie to
help guiue you.

! So let's get staiteu.0n youi Step by Step Peisonal Roau Nap to peisonal fieeuom.

!"#$%&' '$)* &+&,*%-
Quick Change
Master Keys to Unlocking Your Future
./012 3#45 #567489:;< =8/4 ,>? @8746>1 A? B69 ,C9D

Quick Change By Bi. Richaiu van Bonk, Phu Feb 2u14 All iights ieseiveu

7 Quick Change Master Keys
to Unlocking Your Future

W %6;/5> X52;

! KEY #1. - BE ENP0WEREB - 0WN IT!
! KEY #S. - BE A S00RCER

!"#$%&' '$)* &+&,*%-
Quick Change
Master Keys to Unlocking Your Future
./012 3#45 #567489:;< =8/4 ,>? @8746>1 A? B69 ,C9D

Quick Change By Bi. Richaiu van Bonk, Phu Feb 2u14 All iights ieseiveu

X*- _`? a I* *%"!R*@*,

! Be who you aie. Quit tiying to be anyone else. Stanu up. Stanu as tall as possible-
physically anu mentally. Bo things that empowei you mentally, physically,
emotionally, & spiiitually. Be committeu to this existence. Nake eveiy moment you
can count. Leain how youi bouy woiks. Leain the veiy matiix of life. Leain
empoweiments like yoga, meuitation, chi gung, oi maitial aits anu piactice them

! !RT $#O
! You have to own youiself. You have to own youi life, youi conuition, youi job, youi
ielationship, youi pioblem. You have to own youiself fully1uu%.

! Now I'm not saying iuentify totally with youi pioblem; in fact it is just the opposite
of that.

! When you own you fully only will you be in the powei to change eveiything.

! %$T,.*#
! I want you to own who you aie anu cieate a minuset wheie it's youis to change
youi life. It's no one else's to uo. Like all the gieat masteis have saiu you must
know youi self but you neeu to accept youiself fully anu know what youi powei is.
You neeu to become euucateu about you. You neeu to uo this to cieate the piopei
minuset to move foiwaiu in youi life.

! Whatevei youi pioblem is - you can't be avoiuing that you have it, you've got to
own it. 0kay, you must be able to say to youiself "I've got this", oi, "I want this", oi
!"#$%&' '$)* &+&,*%-
Quick Change
Master Keys to Unlocking Your Future
./012 3#45 #567489:;< =8/4 ,>? @8746>1 A? B69 ,C9D

Quick Change By Bi. Richaiu van Bonk, Phu Feb 2u14 All iights ieseiveu

"I neeu this", anu "I'm going to change who I am STARINu N0W!".

! I57CF5 .5GHY+C>>57/8J5
! You neeu to leain to become self-coiiective in this life. Whenevei it uoesn't woik
uo something else. That also means that you know that eveiything is youi
iesponsibility to uo & you'ie not waiting foi someone else to uo it foi you. You
have to quit waiting foi someone else to uo it foi you.

! Now, I'm not saying othei people con't uo it foi you oi cont help you - but in fact
you neeu to at least own it fiist so that you can be in a position so that you con be

! I5 #56746UG5
! 0pen youiself to leaining fiom otheis. I tell my maitial aits stuuents that foi them
to become goou oi a BlackBelt one uay that they must be teachable. Theie aie lot
of stubboin people who will not ollow themselves to be helpeu they usually get
nowheie. Be teachable anu get youiself a coach.

! Yet eveiything staits with you taking chaige of who you aie, stepping up anu
taking chaige of youi life. This is absolutely, positively, impeiative because it is
your life - not anyone else's!

! #6D5 +46>:5 a ,>8J5 /45 I0;
! You have to be the one uiiving the bus. I'm telling you to get in that bus anu get
behinu the wheel. I want you to set youi couise anu I want you to stait uiiving -
even if it's ieally slow at fiist. Even if you'ie just in a paiking lot going 1u miles an
houi at least you aie moving foiwaiu.

! Why uo I say bus. Well eveiybouy can uiive a cai but a bus is a little bit
oveiwhelming anu so might be youi pioblem oi challenge. You may have ampeu
youi pioblem up so it looks as big a bus oi a blimp when it's ieally only a
skateboaiu. We just neeu to get you back in the uiiveis seat so that you can move
on, iight.

! ">67/875 R8/4 .CF5/489: R8996UG5
! Peifection takes peifect piactice. Leain these Keys by staiting with goals that aie
winnable so you can leain the piocess befoie applying them to something like
fighting cancei at fiist - that may inueeu be youi issue anu Yes! this will help you to
oveicome that as well - but you fiist want to take on something that you know is
winnable so you can leain the complete piocess fiist.

!"#$%&' '$)* &+&,*%-
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Master Keys to Unlocking Your Future
./012 3#45 #567489:;< =8/4 ,>? @8746>1 A? B69 ,C9D

Quick Change By Bi. Richaiu van Bonk, Phu Feb 2u14 All iights ieseiveu

! Stait with something simple so you that can leain youi own mental stiategy foi
manifesting things. Simple: Like ieseaiching how to buy the best quality juicei to
impiove youi health.

! I0/ -C0 T551 #C !=9 $/?
! Let me ask you this. Bave you gotten to the point in youi life wheie you aie
consumeu by youi challenge anu it is owning you.

! If so you have got to finu a way to claim back youi powei. You neeu to own youi
life anu own youiself fully - eveiy inch of the teiiitoiy - eveiything about you. Life
will say YES! when you accept nothing else.

! IC//CF '895Y *FEC=5> 2C0>;5GH
! Bottom Line- Empowei youiself! Saiu moie uiiectly, Stop Wasting Anothei
Noment of Youi Life! Stop uoing things that uo not mattei so much oi amount to
nothing. Stop spenuing time anu eneigy feeuing what you uon't want in youi life.
Remove the bullshit- Live moie couiageous.

! So that's Nastei Key #1 - Be moie Empoweieu - 0wning Youiself fully.

!"#$%&' '$)* &+&,*%-
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Master Keys to Unlocking Your Future
./012 3#45 #567489:;< =8/4 ,>? @8746>1 A? B69 ,C9D

Quick Change By Bi. Richaiu van Bonk, Phu Feb 2u14 All iights ieseiveu

X*- _b? a I* +@-.#&' +'*&@
! Nastei Key #2 is BE CRYSTAL CLEAR. We aie talking about IN TBE NIRR0R
ciystal cleai claiity.

! We'ie talking about the no bullshit kinu of claiity. Soiiy foi the woius but theie's
no othei way aiounu it- the look in the miiioi anu see who you tiuly aie claiity.

! At least inteinally live with Tianspaient Tiuth.

! @56G8/2 +457D
! Reality Check- Nic check Nic Check. Always Check.
Befoie I eat, I check if this is goou foi my bouy. Befoie I go to beu I check: uiu I
biush my teeth-check, secuie the space-check, take my nutiients-check. Befoie I
leave on a uay tiip I check my go bag to see if I have eveiything that I neeu.
! All this is because I stait with an inteinal ieality check on EvERYTBINu in my life -
mentally, physically, emotionally, anu spiiitually. It is pait of being self coiiective.
Foi you it is time now foi a ieality check because it is time to get ieal.

! X9C= R46/ -C0 R69/
! What uo you ieally want fiom life. You have to become ieally cleai on what you
ieally want in life, uown to the little uetails. Anu then expeiience it as ueeply as
possible mentally anu physically. Say you want a new cai then go expeiience that
cai. Sit in it, smell the inteiioi, sit behinu the wheel, feel the seats, tuin up the
steieo anu uiive it into youi own uiiveway. Take pictuies of youiself with it anu
hang them on youi iefiigeiatoi.
! uetting claiity on what you ieally want so you con builJ o rooJmop toworJs qettinq
tbere, which we talk about latei but you've fiist got to know what you want.
!"#$%&' '$)* &+&,*%-
Quick Change
Master Keys to Unlocking Your Future
./012 3#45 #567489:;< =8/4 ,>? @8746>1 A? B69 ,C9D

Quick Change By Bi. Richaiu van Bonk, Phu Feb 2u14 All iights ieseiveu

! X9C= R46/ -C0 ,C9L/ R69/
! AnJ you olso bove to know wbot you Jon't wont. Nake those things not acceptable,
on any level especially anything iegaiuing youi challenge. When you make it
unacceptable you begin to take chaige ovei it. Successful people uo not tell
themselves. "It's okay anu I just have to live with it".

! I have a fiienu that lost his leg anu he gets up in the moining anu stiaps on his
aitificial one anu iuns a couple miles. Theie went my excuse. People iise above -
You can uo it too. We have always got to make the best of what we've got.

! TC T5:6/8J5 #4C0:4/; $9 -C0> I>689
! Thoughts have powei anu influence on youi behavioi.

! You can't affoiu the luxuiy of negative thoughts in youi biain. The bettei anu moie
empoweiing youi woius aie with the matching feeling the fastei you will manifest
the life you want to live. Change youi ielationship to youi pioblems anu to the
woilu. Become cleai on what you'ie wanting so that tbot is oll tbot you resonote

! *J5>2/489: $; B8U>6/8C9
! Fverytbinq ls vibrotion. Fiom molecules to atoms, all of youi thoughts, eveiything
you aie in ielationship to, is like a magnet - it biings to you what it is that you
ieally want oi uon't want.

! You move in the uiiection of youi cuiient uominate thought. Cieate youi thoughts
anu feelings in the uiiection of what you want.

! #489D &UC0/ R46/ -C0 ,C R69/
! I will say it a uiffeient way - think about what you uo want not what you uon't

! What aie youi beliefs aiounu youi challenge oi goal. To change its' time to shift oi
get new empoweiing beliefs anu that staits with new thoughts that you iepeat
ovei anu ovei again.

! Naybe you want to become gieat at playing the guitai - you've got to suiiounu
youiself with musicians then, you've got to get aiounu music. You've got to get a
guitai. You've got to get into music that pumps you up, inspiies you to play anu

!"#$%&' '$)* &+&,*%-
Quick Change
Master Keys to Unlocking Your Future
./012 3#45 #567489:;< =8/4 ,>? @8746>1 A? B69 ,C9D

Quick Change By Bi. Richaiu van Bonk, Phu Feb 2u14 All iights ieseiveu

! R46/L; -C0> ./C>2M
! What's youi stoiy. What aie you telling youiself all the time.

! Biu you know that the stoiy that you'ie cieating in youi minu becomes the movie
that you live out of.

! Whatevei stoiy you've been telling youiself, otheis will begin to believe anu then
it's in theii minus too anu eveiybouy else looks at you as 'this peison with the
challenge' - oi they look at you as the peison with success.

! .C $/c; SE #C -C0
! It's up to you to make these life changes.

! So get claiity - ciystal cleai claiity on who you aie anu what you want. When you
own that, you own youiself, anu when you own that claiity in youi being, you
begin to live uiffeiently.

! You youiself will be ciystal cleai like a uiamonu.

! %6:87 %8>>C>
! Theie is no bettei fastei way to get cleai than uoing miiioi woik. Finu a piivate
space wheie you can sit in fiont of a miiioi. Look only into youi own eyes.

! I like to uo this alone when nobouy else is aiounu so it's just me anu me, anu I like
to look in my own eyes anu I like to have a conveisation with myself. A no BS

! %6:87 %8>>C> ,C5;9L/ '85
! If I evei have a challenge oi have steppeu out of the flow in my life oi neeu to
figuie something I scheuule some face time. Anu it is not to ask the miiioi miiioi
who is the faiiest of them all. I alieauy know that answei.

! I get ieally honest with myself anu I uon't leave that miiioi until I get the answei
that I neeu. I'm not accepting anything othei than the answei on what uiiection I
neeu to take oi what I neeu to uo. I get ieally cleai.

! N5/ @56G R8/4 -C0>;5GH
! It's amazing how fast a miiioi can get you cleai! It is not easy but it is poweiful.
Anu so iewaiuing.

!"#$%&' '$)* &+&,*%-
Quick Change
Master Keys to Unlocking Your Future
./012 3#45 #567489:;< =8/4 ,>? @8746>1 A? B69 ,C9D

Quick Change By Bi. Richaiu van Bonk, Phu Feb 2u14 All iights ieseiveu

! You may be afiaiu to uo this, many aie anu that may be youi biggest challenge. Bo
it anyway. You will thank me as it that poweiful.

! You will love getting REAL with youiself anu owning who you aie!

! %6D5 -C0> !=9 B815C
! Now once you know what you want anu aie cleai I encouiage you to make a shoit
viueo - almost eveiy phone allows you to flip the cameia aiounu anu film youiself.
If you uon't know how ask a 7 yeai olu they have got this technology uown.

! Nake a peisonal viueo stating what it is that you ieally want. Nothing fancy unless
you want too. Watch it eveiy moining to keep youi focus moving towaius what
you want fiom life.

! 3+469:5 -C0>;5GH a +469:5 /45 =C>G1<
! Those aie the fiist two veiy, veiy impoitant keys: Be Empoweieu anu Be Ciystal

! Again, Ninuset is absolutely impeiative. You must change youi minu to change to
youi life.

! Ny slogan is "Change Youiself - Change the Woilu"

! When you stait applying all of these 'uick Cbonqe Nastei Keys you will begin to
see how poweiful this gift tiuly is.

! P087D +469:5
! Now all this is quick - bint I uiu say it was a 'quick change' methou - I uo go much,
much ueepei with viueos, pufs, lesson plans, exeicises, seminais, question anu
answei coaching feeus on this anu othei subjects in The Teachings.

! These SEvEN :!"#$% '()*+,L %6;/5> X52; aie all about giving you a new minuset
which is absolutely impeiative to youi change. Anu about establishing a ioaumap
on which you can begin to tiavel on youi jouiney to an 0ptimal Life.

!"#$%&' '$)* &+&,*%-
Quick Change
Master Keys to Unlocking Your Future
./012 3#45 #567489:;< =8/4 ,>? @8746>1 A? B69 ,C9D

Quick Change By Bi. Richaiu van Bonk, Phu Feb 2u14 All iights ieseiveu

X52 _] a I* #Q* +Q&TN*
! Embouy the change you want in such a way that you ore the change. 0wn it in
eveiy way as if it has alieauy happeneu. Bieathe it into eveiy fibei of youi being.

! Be the change you wish to see in the woilu -quote from Hobotmo 6onJbi.

! R46/ $; -C0> '8H5 %CJ85M
! What is the movie of Y00R life.

! Aie you in a uiama, comeuy, iomance, thiillei oi uocumentaiy, auventuie movie.
What iole uo you play. Aie you the Stai, co-stai, oi a victim. Be the Stai in youi

! When you Change youi stoiy, you change youi life. I invite you to ciaft it with you
as the stai.

! +469:5 -C0> ./C>2
! Youi stoiy is going to ueteimine the value of youi life. Because youi stoiy is a
ieflection of youi beliefs anu you aie limiteu by youi beliefs, the pioblem is that
eveiyone else begins to believe youi stoiy too. That stoiy is youi entiie piojection
to the woilu. Then you live out that stoiy whethei it is empoweiing oi uis-

! The tiuth is youi past has nothing to uo with youi futuie. It is just a statement
about what has happeneu in the past. You can change it oi you can builu upon it
anu uo the veiy best with what you uo have.

!"#$%&' '$)* &+&,*%-
Quick Change
Master Keys to Unlocking Your Future
./012 3#45 #567489:;< =8/4 ,>? @8746>1 A? B69 ,C9D

Quick Change By Bi. Richaiu van Bonk, Phu Feb 2u14 All iights ieseiveu

! I5 #45 ./6>O
! It's time to put youiself in the most positive fiame of minu you can. Nake a list of
eveiything you woulu be uoing if you wheie living youi ultimate lifestyle.

! Now wiite that into a stoiy with you as the stai of the stoiy. Reau the stoiy uaily.
Recoiu it anu listen to it often.

! I5 #45 +469:5 *V5>78;5
! Beie is an exeicise.. Let not one woiu that is uetiimental oi unsuppoitive come
out of youi minu, oi out of youi mouth, to youiself oi anyone else.

! Can you uo that foi S uays. Eveiy time you slip up the time staits ovei again.

! @5Y"0>EC;5 d @5Y)>6F5
! If that is too uifficult then leain to Re-Puipose Re-Fiame youi sentences.
When you have a negative thought. you must ie-puipose it. 0se the woiu 'yet' on
the enu of the sentence. Such as, I can't uo that yet. You must give youiself hope
that things will change.

! Nove youi minu anu being in a new uiiection.

!"#$%&' '$)* &+&,*%-
Quick Change
Master Keys to Unlocking Your Future
./012 3#45 #567489:;< =8/4 ,>? @8746>1 A? B69 ,C9D

Quick Change By Bi. Richaiu van Bonk, Phu Feb 2u14 All iights ieseiveu

X52 _e? I* & XT!R'*,N*
! uet Euucateu! Be a leaining machine!
Leain eveiything about what you want - leain both the common knowleuge anu
the fiinge knowleuge.

! If you want wealth, stuuy wealth - if you want health, stuuy health. Nusicians
stuuy music. Swimmeis swim. If you want to be a singei you must sing eveiy time
you can, even if it is only in the showei oi in the cai.

! '56>9 !9G2 )>CF "5CEG5 R4C Q6J5 ,C95 $/
! Beie is a valuable tip. Leain only fiom people who have alieauy uone it - N0T fiom
people who have N0T been in the teiiitoiy.

! Ask youiself anu otheis "Who has alieauy uone what I want to uo." Who is the
best at this. uet eveiything you can on this subject. Immeise youiself into it anu
youi life will change.

! %6D5 -C0> @C61F6E
! 0nce you have that knowleuge ask constantly youiself, "What can I uuplicate of
this iight now anu what can I make bettei. Nake a step-by-step ioaumap foi youi
stuuies anu youi actions.

! Bon't be afiaiu to pay expeits to help you, teach you oi mentoi you. In the enu
you'll get theie much fastei anu quickei with theii help. I wish I woulu have
leaineu this lesson much eailiei in my own life.

!"#$%&' '$)* &+&,*%-
Quick Change
Master Keys to Unlocking Your Future
./012 3#45 #567489:;< =8/4 ,>? @8746>1 A? B69 ,C9D

Quick Change By Bi. Richaiu van Bonk, Phu Feb 2u14 All iights ieseiveu

X*- _f? a I* & .!S@+*@
! Souice youi highest self in eveiy moment.

! You aie the Souice. If that is too ueep foi you to stait with - then finu a way to
connect to a gieatei Souice eveiyuay!

! Now that this will take piactice anu commitment on youi pait as you have no ieal
iuea of how poweiful you ieally aie yet.

! %6;/5> .C0>789:
! To be a Souiceiei {one wbo con source onytbinq) you neeu to mastei souicing {tbot
is qoinq to Source) so you can manifest all the iesouices you neeu to live youi
0ptimal Life.

! Youi task now is to make youi goal manifestation lists -so I have some questions
foi you.

! What iesouices uo you neeu. Nake it uetaileu.
! What iesouices uo you have.
! Who Can I Nouel.
! Who can I mouel.
! Who has alieauy uone what I want to uo.
! Who is a mastei of it.
! What can I cuiiently uuplicate of theii success at the level that I am now at.
! Who can coach oi mentoi me.

! ./6>/ R8/4 #45 *91 $9 %891
! Next is to make youi Step-By-Step Action list.
!"#$%&' '$)* &+&,*%-
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Master Keys to Unlocking Your Future
./012 3#45 #567489:;< =8/4 ,>? @8746>1 A? B69 ,C9D

Quick Change By Bi. Richaiu van Bonk, Phu Feb 2u14 All iights ieseiveu

! Stait with the enu in minu so you can woik it backwaius.

! Figuie out wheie you aie now anu list the steps fiom heie to theie. Leave nothing

! If you neeu moie help on this I go ueep into this in my 'Cieating Youi Life' Book
anu in the 0ptimal Life teachings.)

! I5 +CFF8//51O
! Let's speak just a moment on Commitment. If it is woith uoing at all it is woith
uoing well. Be committeu. This is youi life we aie talking about. You have a life aie
you ieally living it.

! Builu youi commitment into one page stoiy that you can sign anu ieau uaily. Fill it
with affiimations.

! #5GG #45 RC>G1?
! When you have thought this thiough anu aie ieally committeu to it then put
youiself on the line by announcing youi commitment to fiienus, Facebook, etc. Tell
the woilu. uet youi family to help you to be committeu.

! You uo want this change, uon't you. 0f Couise you uo.

! #6D5 &7/8C9 ,68G2
! Bo something eveiy uay because it auus up.

! Bo you know that in ancient }apan ninjas weie tiaineu to jump high in the iice
fielus. Eveiy uay as the iice giew they woulu leap up ovei the giowing iice. The
highei the iice the highei the jump in months they coulu leap seveial feet high.

! Inch by inch, step-by-step, you'll get closei to youi goal

! #489D ,8HH5>59/G2
! To take chaige of youi life you must leain how to think uiffeiently anu have the
couiage to accept the tiuth anu take necessaiy actions with ciystal cleai own youi
tiuth claiity while empoweiing youiself in minu-bouy-spiiit anu actions.

! u0 F0R IT! Youa says "Theie is No Tiy, Bo!"

!"#$%&' '$)* &+&,*%-
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Master Keys to Unlocking Your Future
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Quick Change By Bi. Richaiu van Bonk, Phu Feb 2u14 All iights ieseiveu

! #45 I8::5;/ X52
! The Biggest Key is coming up - it is haiu to know which Key will be the one that
best unlocks youi futuie. So make suie that you tiy them all even if they seem
pietty easy oi familiai to you. The ones that aie most challenging aie often the
ones with the gieatest iewaius.

! #45 NCG159 &:5 8; Q5>5O
! Pieviously we spoke about global anu possible peisonal Challenges we face.

! While that may be tiue, on tbe otber eJqe of tbe 0niverse wbere l live.. The goluen
age is heie!

! It is a gieat time to be alive in human histoiy - peihaps the gieatest. So much

! "5CEG5 &>5 R6D89: SE
! People aie beginning to wake up to see the injustices all ovei the woilu anu uo
something about them.

! Fiom the palm of youi hanu you can easily shaie what you love with people of all
walks of life all aiounu the woilu in minutes. We caiiy in the palm of oui hanu a
computei that woulu have cost $Suu,uuu a few yeais ago.

! !EEC>/098/2 8; *J5>2=45>5O
! Fabulous bieakthioughs aie happening in all aieas of human potential, science,
anu meuicine. The woilu is iebuiluing anu moueinizing with enviionmentally
gieen sustainable technologies anu haimonizing methous towaius woilu peace.

! Because of Nano-technology anu stem cell bieakthioughs that if you can live foi
anothei 1u yeais you may be able to live as long as you want.

! .E5786G #8F5 $9 Q0F69 Q8;/C>2
! Cais that can fly oi become a submaiine. Roaus that you uiive on powei youi cai.
Bouy scanneis that can tell you youi biain anu oigan conuitions in minutes.
Nachines that make puie watei iight out of the aii. Solai panels that look like
plants piouuce 1uux the powei. Theoiem batteiies that last foi evei anu can even
powei youi cai. Theie is even a guy that says he can make eatable pioteins anu
golu fiom the atmospheie. Now I want to meet him.

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Master Keys to Unlocking Your Future
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Quick Change By Bi. Richaiu van Bonk, Phu Feb 2u14 All iights ieseiveu

! The special time in human histoiy I have been uieaming about in my visions since I
was zappeu by lighting at age S is heie!

! NCG159 P05;/8C9 8;M
! I am pouiing my heait anu soul into this change the woilu uiiection anu I want
Y00 along foi the iiue.

! With all this uoluen Age 0ppoitunity available the obvious Question is -
! Why isn't eveiyone living the 0ptimal Life.

! T5J5> #60:4/ 89 .74CCG
! The uiffeience must be in what we focus on. What iules oui minu iules oui
ambition, uoesn't it. 0ui Euucation is the uiffeience.

! The ieal key is that we nevei got a tiue euucation in school on how to live. We
weie taught what to think, but not how to think.

! $ +69 !9G2 $F6:895
! Bow uiffeient school woulu've been anu how uiffeient life woulu be if we hau been
taught things like how to make a goou uecision, map out oui futuie, iesolve
conflict, how to be successful in all oui enueavois, the piocess of how oui minus
actually woik, how to change beliefs, to be moie cieative, to builu self esteem anu
to builu lasting ielationships.

! I can only imagine a happiei, moie piouuctive woilu.

! Bow about you.

! '56>9 R46/ !/45>; X9C=
! Now that you know that you can use it to youi auvantage.

! To get aheau you must leain what otheis uo not know.

! Simple ieally as only a small peicentage aie thinking with a minu not contiol by
the conuitioning they gave you in public school. Theie is a ieason why one peicent
of the woilu contiols 8u% of the wealth. They uefinitely know something we uon't,
you think.

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Master Keys to Unlocking Your Future
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Quick Change By Bi. Richaiu van Bonk, Phu Feb 2u14 All iights ieseiveu

! $ I>CD5 )>55 CH +C918/8C989:
! Nany, many yeais ago I bioke fiee of this conuitioning. I became almost obsesseu
with leaining. I stuuieu eveiything. I stuuieu out of the box. 0ut of my comfoit
zone. I wanteu to fiee myself of the woilu conuitioning.
! I wanteu to know the TR0TB foi myself anu aftei buying about S,uuu books anu
2,uuu auuio tapes, attenuing countless seminais anu tiips aiounu the woilu to
ancient civilizations. I felt pietty fiee.

! *1076/8C9 #46/ $ T5J5> NC/ $9 .74CCG
! It also gave me the euucation that I nevei got in school. Because I stuuieu what I
wanteu anu I uiu my best to always stuuy with the veiy best.

! Fiom my ueep euucation anu lots of integiative concentiation I uevelopeu "The
Teachings" to give you the inspiieu euucation that you may have misseu plus I
incluue the life seciets of many gieat masteis.

! 3#45 #567489:;<
! "The Teachings".. Stait with 'Youi Best Yeai Evei' anu then the '0ptimal Life Life
Nasteiy System'.

! I'll tell you moie about this tiaining soon but let's finish up with the keys now.

!"#$%&' '$)* &+&,*%-
Quick Change
Master Keys to Unlocking Your Future
./012 3#45 #567489:;< =8/4 ,>? @8746>1 A? B69 ,C9D

Quick Change By Bi. Richaiu van Bonk, Phu Feb 2u14 All iights ieseiveu

X*- _g? I* $T."$@$TN
! This may be fai fiom who you aie iight now oi it may be youi piimaiy natuie. 0f
couise to be inspiiing you must get inspiieu anu make it youi coie essence. Let it
ooze out of youi skin. Let it sing foi youi voice.

! Live fiom it as if youi life uepenus on it. Because it uoes! The moie inspiiing you
aie the gieatei life you will expeiience as you will be inviteu eveiywheie.

! Ny gieatest uesiie is to inspiie. You can count on this in all my tiainings anu

! %!.# $%"!@#&T# .*+@*#
! Baily Notivation.
Not yeaily, Not monthly, Not weekly -

BAllY. Fvery sinqle Joy! You neeu to get aiounu people that will pump you up.
People that aie bettei than you in theii capacity to live the lifestyle you want. The
haiuest pait of getting to the top of the lauuei is getting thiough the ciowu at the
bottom. Anu the peison who stanus the tallest is the one ieaching uown pulling
someone else up.

! "G0: $9/C /45 "C=5> CH "6;;8C9O
! uet aiounu empoweieu people uaily oi as often as possible! Even if it is only
listening to a iecoiuing that fiies you up with passion. You neeu to listen to
inspiiing messages, songs anu movies.

! Plug into the Powei of Passion!

!"#$%&' '$)* &+&,*%-
Quick Change
Master Keys to Unlocking Your Future
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Quick Change By Bi. Richaiu van Bonk, Phu Feb 2u14 All iights ieseiveu

! I cannot stiess the impoitance of how much this will change youi minu anu youi
uiiection in life.

! &G8:9 R8/4 !/45>;
! You neeu somebouy to push you fiom behinu anu to holu you accountable foi youi
commitments. uet a buuuy. uet a family membei. uet a coach. Nasteiminu
suppoit gioups get things uone - A book woiks foi some people, otheis belong to
some gioup that can help them. uet an iPou (oi othei mpS playei) anu fill it with
inspiiational talks.

! Baving a peisonal coach oi mentoi is the veiy best methou.

! ,68G2Y I5 -C0> ./C>2
! Be suie to ieminu youiself eveiy uay who you aie capable of becoming anu what
actions you aie taking towaius living an inspiieu life.

! Again, be youi stoiy by ieauing oi watching youi viueo eveiy moining. The movie
that shaies this message the best is "Su fiist uates" with Biew Baiiymoie anu
Auam Sanulei. I love that movie.

! @5=6>1 -C0>;5GH
! Achieveu goals ueseive a iewaiu - not that you neeu a ieason to tieat youiself, but
a gieat tieat uoes inspiie us to peiseveie onwaius.
! Think about what you will iewaiu youiself with.

Champagne canulelight bubble bath. Bay at the beach. New Toy. Nassage. New
Clothes. Tiip to Bawaii.

! As otheis see you change, they also will be inspiieu to make life changes as well.
That is veiy iewaiuing anu inspiiing. It keeps me going. Shaie with me youi
success stoiy.

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Master Keys to Unlocking Your Future
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Quick Change By Bi. Richaiu van Bonk, Phu Feb 2u14 All iights ieseiveu

X*- W? I57CF5 6 '8H5 +469:5>
! Become a '8H5 +469:5>! Fiist anu foiemost is changing youi own life then you can
help oi at least inspiie otheis to change theiis. We can all uo something.

! I uige anu challenge you to become a '8H5 +469:5>.

! Also, make a commitment iight heie to live youi life to the veiy fullest by changing
all the things in youi life that is not optimal.

! 'CCD )C> #45 NCC1 $9 #489:;
! A life changei thinks uiffeient, walks uiffeient; they aie joyful anu ueteimineu to
get the most out of eveiything.

! '8H5 +469:5>; choose theii fiienus caiefully, they speak with goou puipose anu
aie encouiaging anu inspiiational.

! '8H5 +469:5>; look foi the goou in things anu situations anu finu it.

! '8H5 +469:5>; mastei theii bouy health. They live high vibiation. What uoes youi
vibe say about you.

! I5 &9 *V6FEG5 )C> !/45>;
! I invite you to be an example foi otheis by what you uo anu who you aie.

! Encouiage otheis to live theii uieams.

! Fiist change youi life. Then ieach out anu help otheis change theiis as well. This
coulu be fiom just hanuing a peison a book that may help, oi if you'ie a singei
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Master Keys to Unlocking Your Future
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Quick Change By Bi. Richaiu van Bonk, Phu Feb 2u14 All iights ieseiveu

going to an olu folks home once a month to shaie youi music.

! Be a iole mouel - even if it is just to youi own self.

! ">8F6>2 #45F5 $; %6D5 $/ I5//5>
! 0nueistanu that less can be moie. '8H5 +469:5>; go foi highei quality, not
necessaiily highei quantity. '8H5 +469:5>; focus on what they uo want in life
insteau of what they uon't want.

! '8H5 +469:5>; aie tiansfoimeis. Change Youiself - Change the Woilu.

A '8H5 +469:5>L; piimaiy theme is Nake it Bettei.

! $ &HH8>F /45 )CGGC=89:[
Repeat this affiimation often.
When I change myself I change my woilu. When I change myself I change my woilu.
When I change myself I change my woilu. When I change myself I change my woilu.
;(,* < $()*+, =40,7> < $()*+, =4 ?527@A

"+469:5 -C0>;5GH +469:5 /45 RC>G1<

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Quick Change
Master Keys to Unlocking Your Future
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Quick Change By Bi. Richaiu van Bonk, Phu Feb 2u14 All iights ieseiveu

! `^^h %C>5 B815C;
! I hope that you loveu the 'Quick Change' - Nastei Keys to 0nlocking Youi Futuie
anu I ieally piay that you use these tools to empowei anu change youi life.

! I am honoieu anu ieally enjoyeu shaiing them with you.

! If you loveu those teachings then theie is anothei 1uu plus veiy in-uepth viueos
that go fai ueepei into Bow To Live Y00R BEST YEAR EvER anu Bow To 0ptimize
eveiy aiea of youi life so that you can life youi 0PTINAL LIFESTYLE. All this is
waiting foi you in the LIFE NASTERY TEACBINuS.

! I uige anu invite you to get the euucation that you nevei got in school.

! B7)$% B,71 #* C#>, D2)#*#*+
! This is a living system. a path to living the gieatness of who you aie. I invite you
to uaie just a little. To ieach ueep in you to tiuly finu out who you can become. To
finu out wheie youi soul lives anu visit it. then embouy youi highest potential,
letting youi heait soai with a fieeuom that you have nevei yet liveu. You know it is
theie as you have questeu it in eveiything that has been ieally ieal to you. It is the
veiy thing that wakes you up each uay. It is what you expeiience when you aie on
the uancing on the euge anu what you expeiience aftei youi gieatest climax. I want
you to live without any iesistance in youi soul.. Is this the uay you suiienuei into
being who you ieally aie on a consistent basis.

!"#$%&' '$)* &+&,*%-
Quick Change
Master Keys to Unlocking Your Future
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Quick Change By Bi. Richaiu van Bonk, Phu Feb 2u14 All iights ieseiveu

RQ*@* #Q* '$)* %&.#*@- .-.#*% $.
Q*&,*, !B*@ #$%*

! }ewel 1 - Total Integiation
! }ewel 2 - Nanifesting
! }ewel S - Relationships
! }ewel 4 - Waiiioi's Bouy
! }ewel S - 0ltimate Bappiness
! }ewel 6 - Waiiioi's Paths
! }ewel 7 - Consciousness
! }ewel 8 - Spiiitual Path
! }ewel 9 - Life Contiibution

! #!#&' $T#*N@&#$!T
! 0wning Youiself Fully * Bigh vibiational Living * Know Thyself * Powei of Centei *
Life Assessments Towaius Wholeness * Rhythm -Bance anu Nusic * Total Being
Baily Piactice

! %&T$)*.#$TN
! Take Chaige of Youi Life * Beteimine Youi Life Puipose * Nethous foi Cieating
Youi Life exactly how you want it* Ait of Nanifesting whatevei you want *
BieamWeavei Stiategies anu Nethous foi Living Empoweieu * Living Youi
0ptimal Lifestyle * Tieasuie Napping

! @*'&#$!T.Q$".
! Bow to Achieve Instant Peace * Tianscenuing the Wai Within You * Leain what
seives you anu what uoes not * 0wning Youiself Fully * Beal the past anu piesent
to live a gieat futuie * Eveiything is Connecteu * Love anu giatituue as a way of life
* Naking Youi Relationships Last

! R&@@$!@. I!,-
! Beveloping a Waiiioi's Bouy * Nutiition- Foou as eneigy * Nagic Niiioi -
movement ieflection * Integiateu bouy flow * Stiengthen Ninu to Stiengthen Bouy
* Exeicise balance anu alignment * Taking Caie of Youi Bouy * Bealing * Nassage *
!"#$%&' '$)* &+&,*%-
Quick Change
Master Keys to Unlocking Your Future
./012 3#45 #567489:;< =8/4 ,>? @8746>1 A? B69 ,C9D

Quick Change By Bi. Richaiu van Bonk, Phu Feb 2u14 All iights ieseiveu

Baily Rejuvenation Piactice

! S'#$%&#* Q&""$T*..
! Libeiation on puipose * Ait of Being Fulfilleu while fulfilling otheis * Finuing }oy in
Eveiything * Science of Emotions * Naking Emotions Youi Fiienu * Fieeuom fiom
0neself * Nasteiy of State Change * 0utuo Ni. Bappy * Noie Love Noie }oy Noie

! R&@@$!@ Y %6>/86G &>/; "6/4; a '(550, 85"2 E21
! Bushinuo Swoiu {comes witb Course) * BeCueiuas Eskiima
! Ninjutsu - Ninpo Taijutsu - BuuoTaijutsu lBBA Bujinkon Teocbinqs
! Youi Choice of anothei maitial ait if you aie alieauy a BlackBelt
! Avoiloble in Iuture -
! Nastei Self-Befense {noturol eosy metboJ for beqinners) * Bushinuo Ryu {best of)

! +!T.+$!S.T*..
! Bevelop a Sage's Consciousness anu a uenius Ninu * Bieathe youi way into alteieu
states * Empoweiing Youiself Nethous * Bieaming it Real * 0nifieu Consciousness
* Shenuong Chi Kung *Inciease the Powei of youi Spine * Innei Smile Piactice *
Ancient Nasteis Foibiuuen Knowleuge * BlackBelt Poweis * Nuuias (Kuji-inKuji-

! ."$@$#S&' "&#Q
! Enlighteneu Waiiioi Tiaining * Neuitation foi Beginneis anu Nasteis * Souicing
The Cieatoi * Spheie of Total Being * Philosophy (0ni-BynamicsBao Zen) *
Esoteiic Knowleuge * Living the Spiiitual Path * Baily Piactice

! '$)* +!T#@$IS#$!T
! Seivice to 0theis * Social Connections * Peifoiming Ranuom Acts of Kinuness
! uiving Back * Paying It Foiwaiu * Loving Beep anu uetting Loveu Back

!"#$%&' '$)* &+&,*%-
Quick Change
Master Keys to Unlocking Your Future
./012 3#45 #567489:;< =8/4 ,>? @8746>1 A? B69 ,C9D

Quick Change By Bi. Richaiu van Bonk, Phu Feb 2u14 All iights ieseiveu

What do you REALLY want from Life?
Is Something Missing?

Get coached! - Take your life to the next level.
And Make this year YOUR very Best Year Ever.

Optimize your Lifestyle with the Life Mastery System

These little known Life Mastery Secrets will help you
resolve your life challenges and take your life to a new
level fast...
How to live with purpose
How to think how your mind actual works how you store and
process information
How beliefs work and how to change them
How to make decisions
How to create your life the way you want it
How to handle challenges in your relationships
How to evolve your mind
How to achieve and maintain peace
How your body functions and how to help it heal
How to rejuvenate your body
How to make learning fun
How to be more confident
How to make a good living or build up your money resources
How to never be a wimp - or a bully
How to learn because you love to do it.
How to benefit from what you got wrong (or didnt learn at all)
How to be really liked and MUCH, MUCH MORE!!
!"#$%&' '$)* &+&,*%-
Quick Change
Master Keys to Unlocking Your Future
./012 3#45 #567489:;< =8/4 ,>? @8746>1 A? B69 ,C9D

Quick Change By Bi. Richaiu van Bonk, Phu Feb 2u14 All iights ieseiveu

Aftei completely watching the thiee "!"#$% '()*+,F %6;/5> X52; B815C;
anu uoing the exeicises you must ieally be feeling inspiieu foi a change! If
you enjoyeu what I shaieu in those viueos I know you will ieally love the '8H5
%6;/5>2 .2;/5F.
I am not asking you to become a '8H5 /)01,2 yet, but I om asking you to
become a '8H5 '()*+,2K stortinq witb your own. Thinking about Life Nasteiy
is T00 BIu a goal foi most of us so let's stait with something moie easily uo-
able --- like soliuly committing to making this yeai youi I5;/ -56> *J5> anu
then woiking youi way to living an !E/8F6G '8H5;/2G5 so that eveiy yeai
fiom now on is youi best yeai evei!
2S yeais of haiu woik went into the teachings I piesent in the new '8H5
%6;/5>2 "C>/6G. To stait you off on youi new jouiney I have placeu at least 1
yeai's woith of stuuy in the poital alieauy, but know that theie is also
anothei 2 oi S yeais' woith of mateiial that will unveil itself little by little
ovei time as you stuuy the '8H5 %6;/5>2 .2;/5F, which is intenueu to give
you the life euucation you nevei got in school but neeueu to.

The beauty of having the coaching style 0nline Poital set up iathei than this
couise being uone as a iegulai BvB book style couise is the ability foi you
to have constant coaching available uiiectly by me anu othei people like
youiself that aie all stuuying the '8H5 %6;/5>2 .2;/5F togethei. We get to
hang out anu conveise about ANYTBINu in the '8H5 %6;/5>2 .2;/5F poital.
Eveiy viueo, PoweiPoint teaching, Auuio, Book, oi Posting has a Q&A
comment section uiiectly unuei it. This means that when you aie stuuying
something anu an iuea pops in youi biain, BAN, you can post it. If you neeu
moie claiification on something just type in youi question anu soon it will
get answeieu. This is invaluable! Piiceless!!

I will be available in the poital as often as possible {sometimes l om busy trovelinq,
teocbinq, Joinq personol coocbinq) but you can always expect youi answei fiom
me at least eveiy Tuesuay. I also intenu to uo Q&A webinais anu viueos to
answei questions that aie too ueep foi a wiitten answei. You will often finu
!"#$%&' '$)* &+&,*%-
Quick Change
Master Keys to Unlocking Your Future
./012 3#45 #567489:;< =8/4 ,>? @8746>1 A? B69 ,C9D

Quick Change By Bi. Richaiu van Bonk, Phu Feb 2u14 All iights ieseiveu

these posteu in the Ranuom Thoughts section of the stuuy poital.

This '8H5 %6;/5>2 Poital Stuuy is an inteiactive community in which
eveiyone helps eveiyone giow. The people you meet heie fiom aiounu the
woilu may become youi fiienus foi life.

In oui piivate, membeis only !E/8F6G '8H5 ./012 !9G895 "C>/6G I have
placeu 5G,2 HI (5"20 of newly filmeu viueo clips euiteu uown in bite size
chunks, teaching you all the things listeu above anu much, much moie (we
euiteu the clips uown so only the ieally goou stuff is left). These viueo clips
aie nevei befoie ieleaseu footage - except for tbe 60 minutes of extro footoqe l
tbrew in os o bonus from my Bouy Rejuvenation BvB becouse o beoltby boJy
is poromount to bovinq on 0ptimol life. To sweeten youi bonuses I have also
thiown in viueos of seveial nevei befoie ieleaseu to the public seminai
events that I have taught ovei the yeais.

Those seminai events cost eveiyone who attenueu between $Suu anu $Suu
each but they aie youis )@** when you enioll in the !E/8F6G '8H5 +C0>;5 {)
G)7", 5> )1 7,)01 JKLIII . actually moie, because all these clips aie now
stiuctuieu into a step-by-step stuuy foimat which you can ieview anu uiill
with until you LEARN IT AT Y00R 0WN PACE - WBENEvER Y00 WANT T0!)
ANB ovei time I will be auuing even moie to the !E/8F6G '8H5 +C0>;5.... D(,
C#>, /)01,24 M521)7 )72,)@4 ()0 )N5"1 O 4,)20- ?521( 5> 01"@4 =)1,2#)7 #*
#1... Bon't woiiy- much of the mateiial is time ieleaseu, so that you aie not
oveiwhelmeu at fiist with so much mateiial to stuuy. I know I oveiuiu it foi
you but that's me.... If you'ie "ALL IN" then of couise I have to be "ALL IN" as
well.... onJ l AH. }oin me now in becoming a '8H5 +469:5>.

!"#$%&' '$)* &+&,*%-
Quick Change
Master Keys to Unlocking Your Future
./012 3#45 #567489:;< =8/4 ,>? @8746>1 A? B69 ,C9D

Quick Change By Bi. Richaiu van Bonk, Phu Feb 2u14 All iights ieseiveu

Check out what is included in the
Optimal Life Course
Optimal Life Teachings
COACHING by Richard and Community
Best Year Ever Course 5 Videos - 1hr
Enlightened Warrior Inner Arts SF Course 23 Videos - 4hr
Daily Body Rejuvenation Mini-Course 1 Video - 1hr
Bushindo Martial Art Mini-Course 18 Videos - 2hr
Quick Change Master Keys Course 3 Videos - 1.5hr
High Vibrational Living mini-course 5 Videos - 1hr

Quick Change Master Keys Book Book
Creating Your Life Book Book

Make It Better Inspirational Video 1 Video - 18m
Owning Yourself Fully Video 1 Video - 28m
Optimal Life Video 1 Video - 26m
Taking Charge of Your Life Video 1 Video - 28m
Commitment to Existence Video 1 Video - 27m

Unified Life Pattern Assessment
Personal Challenges List
Before I Die 10 things List
Audios / Videos
Self Mastery 4 day Event 16 Videos -
Self Mastery Event Booklet "#$
Earth Day Self Mastery Talk " #$%&' ( )*+
Self Mastery Folsom Talk ) Videos -

PLUS I will add even more bonuses for those of you that stay in the
program past the 30 day guarantee period.
!"#$%&' '$)* &+&,*%-
Quick Change
Master Keys to Unlocking Your Future
./012 3#45 #567489:;< =8/4 ,>? @8746>1 A? B69 ,C9D

Quick Change By Bi. Richaiu van Bonk, Phu Feb 2u14 All iights ieseiveu

I2 /45 /8F5 2C0 >561 /48; UCCD /45 EC>/6G 7C0G1 U5 U08G/ C0/
F692 /8F5; =46/ $ 46J5 G8;/51 45>5?
#! .S% $# S"
I've loaueu it up foi you.... When you see the investment piice you will be
AHAZFB that I am giving you 4 yeais' of stuuy (well ovei a $S,uuu value),
I5;/ -56> *J5>, !E/8F6G '8H5 teachings, ALL the uownloaus, Bonuses plus
peisonal coaching anu gioup coaching (Piiceless!!).

I know these teachings woik as they iaiseu me fiom a life of welfaie,
uysfunctional living to an outstanuing life. They have given me the tools anu
methous to tiansfoim the lives of tens of thousanus of people all ovei the
woilu. Aie you ieauy to sign up anu get staiteu yet.

'*# %* #*'' -!S RQ&# $ I@$TN #! #Q* +!S@.*

I have been a peipetual seekei of knowleuge since I was a chilu. I staiteu
teaching when I was 19. Leaineu public speaking in my 2u's anu taught it in
$S,uuu a weekenu tiainings in my Su's. I wiote my fiist self-empoweiment
book Su yeais ago in 1986 anu have been uoing piivate, life changing,
consulting anu woiluwiue seminais since then. Plus I have biought hunuieus
of stuuents to mastei level in the maitial aits, so I think you'll agiee I
uefinitely have the expeiience to make change happen anu I know how to
teach it.

This couise is 0NIQ0E. I have been appalleu at what is N0T taught in school.
So I maue it my peisonal mission to builu a stuuy of what you nevei leaineu
in school but you shoulu have. Call it Life School 2.u if you will. Yes, this is
ambitious but gieat things always aie. Togethei we will co-cieate this Life
School 2.u by all of oui contiibutions in the poital.

If you aie still heie with me what aie you waiting foi. Sign up anu get staiteu
with me N0W....
!"#$%&' '$)* &+&,*%-
Quick Change
Master Keys to Unlocking Your Future
./012 3#45 #567489:;< =8/4 ,>? @8746>1 A? B69 ,C9D

Quick Change By Bi. Richaiu van Bonk, Phu Feb 2u14 All iights ieseiveu

If you, like me, aie the kinu of peison that wants IT ALL now anu uoesn't
want to miss anything that otheis aie uoing when it's something you love
(anu youi buuget allows it - I uo not want anyone to miss a cai payment oi
something stupiu just to get the auvanceu couise) then choose the !E/8F6G
'8H5 +C0>;5 anu be "All In". You uon't want to be thinking, "What am I
missing," uo you.
N>56/ 15;8>5 U0/ '8F8/51 I01:5/M
The I5;/ -56> *J5> piogiam is a gieat place foi those with a gieat uesiie but
who have a limiteu buuget. With this piogiam you will get 1 full yeai of stuuy
that will make this #45 I5;/ -56> *J5> foi you! It incluues the Self Nasteiy
4-uay $4uu event, limiteu Ranuom Thoughts access, the !"#$% '()*+, viueo
Couise anu Coaching foi only about $xx a month aveiage.
Best Year Ever Course
COACHING by Richard and Community
Best Year Ever Course 5 Videos - 1hr

Creating Your Life Book Book

Make It Better Inspirational Video 1 Video - 18m

Unified Life Pattern Assessment
Personal Challenges List
Before I Die 10 things List

Audios / Videos
Quick Change Master Keys Course 3 Videos - 1.5hr
Quick Change Master Keys Book Book
Self Mastery 4 day Event 16 Videos -
Self Mastery Event Booklet "#$
Earth Day Self Mastery Talk " #$%&' ( )*+
Self Mastery Folsom Talk ) Videos -

!"#$%&' '$)* &+&,*%-
Quick Change
Master Keys to Unlocking Your Future
./012 3#45 #567489:;< =8/4 ,>? @8746>1 A? B69 ,C9D

Quick Change By Bi. Richaiu van Bonk, Phu Feb 2u14 All iights ieseiveu

Bowevei, if you can affoiu it, anu like me you aie the kinu of peison that
wants it all now anu uoesn't want to miss anything that otheis aie uoing with
something you love, then choose the !E/8F6G '8H5 +C0>;5 anu be "All ln". I
know you uon't want to be thinking, "What am I missing," now uo you!
Nost impoitant is to make the uecision befoie this poital fills up which coulu
be at anytime.
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"Alwoys bove tbe couroqe to live wbot you love onJ
love wbot you live." RvJ

Bushindo University P.O. Box 296 Middletown, CA 95461

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