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Program Information

Associate De gre e of Nursing The Associate De gre e of Nursing Program at Dallas Nursing Institute (DNI) is a five -te rm program of study le ading to an Associate of Applie d Scie nce De gre e . This program pre pare s the graduate for the NCLEX-RN, the lice nsing e xam for re giste re d nurse s. The curriculum at DNI is de signe d following the block nursing format. Block format me ans that all of the conte nt for the spe cialty course s is pre se nte d in one course . The conte nt within e ach course is arrange d from the simple to the comple x. The program de sign focuse s on the following thre e role s of the nurse as de scribe d by the Te xas Board of Nursing: Provide r of Care , Coordinator of Care , and Me mbe r of the Profe ssion. He alth promotion, dise ase pre ve ntion, and dise ase manage me nt are major conce pts that are incorporate d into e ach course . A syste matic approach is the frame work that the nurse utilize s for asse ssme nt, planning, and e valuating the nursing care . The DNI nursing program facilitate s le arning in thre e domains: inte lle ctual, psychomotor, and affe ctive . The ory course s, skills labs, and the clinical se ttings provide a varie ty of e nvironme nts in which the stude nt can le arn and critically analyze e ach le arning e xpe rie nce . The Dallas Nursing Institute , as we ll as nurse s who work in the community, ope rate s within an e nvironme nt rich in dive rsity, and this is e xplore d in e ve ry le arning e xpe rie nce . Unde rstanding of and re spe ct for e ach individual is an e sse ntial characte ristic for the nurse . Upon comple tion of the program, the graduate will: Take the National Council Lice nsure Examination for Re giste re d Nurse s (NCLEX-RN). Utilize critical thinking to apply a syste matic approach using e vide nce d-base d data in the de live ry of compe te nt, culturally se nsitive , and de ve lopme ntally appropriate holistic care . Use analytical, logical re asoning for clinical judgme nt and nursing de cision-making. Assume accountability and re sponsibility for the quality of nursing care , upholding le gal and e thical standards, participating in life long le arning and profe ssional de ve lopme nt, and promoting the nursing profe ssion while participating as a citize n in socie ty. Collaborate e ffe ctive ly with individuals and groups using oral, writte n, non-ve rbal, and e le ctronic communications to e nhance the the rape utic proce ss and to maintain colle gial profe ssional re lationships. Coordinate human and mate rial re source s in providing compre he nsive , e fficie nt, and cost-e ffe ctive to pe rsons/clie nts.

Program Cost: $44,260 Program Disclosure s PDF

ADN Admission Policy

Any student enrolling in a program starting after 12/1/2011 will meet the following criteria:
Admission Statement
Guide d by the mission state me nt of the Dallas Nursing Institute , the Nursing Admission Committe e se le cts applicants for admission to the School who me e t the Spe cific Pre -admission Educational Re quire me nts.

General Pre-Admission Requirements

Applicants are admitte d to the school on a se me ste r basis. Ge ne ral re quire me nts include : 1. Comple te d application form. 2. Non-re fundable application fe e . 3. Official transcript of all high school cre dits, or, if applicable an official Ge ne ral Education Te st (G.E.D.) ce rtificate . 4. Official transcripts from all post-se condary schools atte nde d.

5. Be at le ast 17 ye ars of age . (In accordance with Te xas laws, if unde r 18, a pare nt or le gal guardian signature is re quire d prior to e nrollme nt).

Specific Pre-Admission Educational Requirements

A. Standardize d Te st Re quire me nts for Admission-All acce pte d applicants must achie ve pe rformance on one of the following: 1. An Ame rican Colle ge Te st (ACT) score within the last five ye ars with a composite score of 19 or above or 2. A Scholastic Aptitude Te st (SAT) score within the last five ye ars with a composite score of 1350 or above ; or 3. The RN Admission Asse ssme nt HESI A2 Exam composite of score of 80 or above within the last two ye ars with one re take atte mpt of any or all se ctions. 4. Comple tion with a minimum grade of 2.0 or C the following course s or the ir e quivale nt from an accre dite d institution: BIOL 2401, BIOL 2402, ENGL 1301, PSYC 2301, PSYC 2314. No stude nt will be admitte d to the ADN programs if he /she has faile d two atte mpts at BIOL 2401, BIOL 2402, BIOL 2420, HPRS 2300, HPRS 2301. B. Cumulative GPA for transfe rring cre dits of 3.0 or above on 4.0 scale . C. Two profe ssionals le tte r of re fe re nce s (non-family me mbe rs). D. Applicant e ssay score d by program dire ctor or de signe e . E. Applicant must pass a drug scre e n (Board of Nursing 213.29 Crite ria and Proce dure Re garding Inte mpe rate Use and Lack of Fitne ss in Eligibility and Disciplinary Matte rs). F. Applicant background che ck must me e t the Board of Nursing 213.28 crite ria re garding Lice nsure of Pe rson with Criminal Offe nse s. Minor criminal offe nse s (e .g., Class C misde me anor) will be re vie we d on a case -by-case basis. De cision of the ADN Program Dire ctor is final. G. Inte rvie w with ADN program dire ctor or de signe e . H. If all re quire me nts are me t, the n the comple te d admissions packe t will be forward to Nursing Admission Committe e for a pane l inte rvie w. The committe e is curre ntly comprise d of the ADN Program Dire ctor, RN, MSN; an ADN faculty me mbe r, RN, MSN; the LRC Manage r, MLIS; the Stude nt Se rvice s Manage r, MA; and the corporate Associate Vice Pre side nt of Accre ditation, RN, MS.

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