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Brasilia, DF

February 1, 1989

Dear Brothers in Christ:


We began with victories, then came a "falling away" in

the Brasilia Church like the swarming of a new swarm of bees. Nevertheless, it made for some upsetting experiences and a break down of L. David's health. He cancelled his second semester of pastoral oversight of this age group.
With rest and renewal, this new year of 1989 begins

teaching at the College and limited his ministry to visitation and the beginning of the "Golden-Age"Sunday School class with

with new plans and participatio^n in several activities.

continue active in pastoral oversight and Sunday School teacher of the "Golden-Age" group of the Brasilia Church. L. David will

We will

continue as Dean and supervising internships of student ministries

of the College. He will also teach a class of "Counseling" at the College. Ruth will teach English at the College three times a week. We both will participate in Project -Life (Ministering to the WholeMan) and in the administration of missionary and evangelistic acti vity of the national mission. We still help finance three evange lists and keep on hand Bible leaflets and Bibles for distribution. This year,we will be receiving Social Security for our living expenses, BUT WE NEED CONTINUED FUNDS FOR TRAVEL, EVANGELISM,
COLLEGE AND PROJECTS. We Still need our full budget and ask your prayers for filling our needs.'

Starla Joy and Luiz Carlos are getting readjusted to the work after their nearly eight months in the States. New plans are

being laid for all activities...the project - "homes", the health

trailer, milk distribution and itinerantes.


We were happy to have two families of visitors from the States in January. This is vacation from school and College and we were able to spend some time in fellowship and in seeing the churches and various projects being carried on. Ruth's niece, Kala Barnett
and her husband, Mac and two sons were with us about 10 days and then

Ralph and Ruth Culler, ministers at Sunset Hills Christian Church in Kansas City were with us for a couple of weeks. It was a time of
As we re-evaluate all aspects of our ministry here in

blessing for us here.'

Brazil, we seek the Lord's strength and direction and your continued
prayer and support.'

As we join hands and hearts for His Glory,


Lloyd David &Ruth Seders




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Spring Issue - 1989

No. 1


Technical production and mailing by: The Logan Republican Address Correction Requested; Logan Republican - BCM, Box 97, Logan, KS 67646

Victories In Church Growth

You have read the reports throughout these now 41 years of the establishing of churches in Brazil. Lloyd David and Ruth Sanders have labored along with the mlsslonartes who have shared In the extension of the church in many locations. In more recent years, the national staff of laborers have caused the extension to multiply into other areas and other states. In fact, volunteers appear regularly to open op new works . . . many of which it has been impossible to accept because of lack of finances. American mission funds now join with the Brazilian mission which has organized as an evangelistic commission to help weak
churches and start new churches. Each member (volunteer

IXoyd David and Ruth Sanders plan to take a furlough in 1990. Send them word if you would like them to visit your church.

preachers and elders) will share monthly to establish a fund for the purpose of calling an evangelist and support him while establishing a new work. Each church can affiliate by sharing in
like manner and the missionaries will also share in this

Mixed Blessings
Starla Joy, Loiz Carlos and family are happy to be back on the field! After nearly eight months in the States, there was some readjustment to be made ... getting used to warmer weather and the rains ... coming back to an almost empty house ... (they had sold most of their furniture and their car before going to the States) . . . thus, they were also without transportation. The children had to get their American school reports translated
to get back into school here ... Luiz Carlos discovered he was on

sj)onsorship. The first efforts wfll be to help a young "tent-maker" evangelist to go 800 miles to work in a new city and area where relatives have already moved on ahead. The second effort is to open a new church In the new capital of
the new state call Tocantins . . . some 800 miles north of Brasilia.

Watch and Pray for Reports of This Progrcssl

the verge of diabetes ... Kyula had to undergo an endoscopy with the result of showing a hernia on her esophagus. Starla is re'Organizing the For-Llfe [Ministry to the Whole>Maii Project} as its new president. The group has been meeting weekly to evaluate all activity and plans for the future. Even before this, there were documents to prepare and turn over to the Government to confirm that the farm land we were leasing was being used as proposed so that a new contract could be signed. This is the land where the camp grounds and the "homes" for the
elderly are located. There are now three elderly living on the land, besides the local

director and his family. Selection is being made for the next needy occupants. Transportation is a Necessl^!

The Azevedo's depend upon God and His people to supply their
spiritual and material needs. They need $1000 for Monthly Living link! They need $1000 for Monthly Service Link! Your personal commitment and generosity to them and the

work for which they are responsible, will make a big difference in carrying out their own commitment to Christ and His ministry to the "whole-man." Designate and send your gift to:
The Azevedos

Brazil Christian Mission Box 17067

Wichita, KS 67217

Keep them In your prayers!

[Sitting] Luiz Carlos Pinto de Azevedo, Starla Joy Sanders de Azevedo and Kevan Andrew Sanders de Azevedo. [Standing] are Kaliula Joy, Kalinka Jean and Kyula Jane.

Training and Serving

David Sanders with the "Golden Age Class" of the Brasilia Church. All are widows in this group!

The Brasilia Church and the Christian College, as wellas the National Mission and For-Life [Ministry to the Whole-Man\ are housed in the Brasilia Church building.

Christian College student, Evaldo de Souza Femandes, repainting the hallways of the area where the Christian College functions. Reception of new members in the last six months of 1988 of the Brasilia Church. A fellowship dinner wa5 held in their honor following the morning services.

Osorio Gonsalves Rodrigues is professor

David Sanders with four of his students in Pastoral Counseling.


of History of the Church [y4cW^ History of Christianity I, and Doctrines of the


Kyula Jane Sanders de Azevedo teaching first year English to Christian College students in the college Library.

College student, Vilma da Silva Lima receives a work scholarship and helps in the mission office and in records of church-work internships of students.

Iran Bernardes de Costa is rector of the Christian College and professor of Hermeneutics and Administration of the

College student, Neusa Alves Neto is

administrative secretary of the college during the day and studies at night.

Ministering to the Whole Man

Eighty-fouryear old Cirilio and

wife, Divina, pose in front of the "home for the elderly"

established in the rural area

Expedite and wife, Neide, are the local directors of "homes for the elderly" and general directors of the community development program for the "For-Life"
area. With them are their two children
and two nieces.

{near the camp grounds] where the project Pw- Vida [For Life] has built six duplex units for the elderly. They were the first
couple to come and have

Consuelita Maria de Jesus, at 70 years of age, has found peace and contentment in her new home in the "For Life" community. She is learning painting and decorating, as well as planting a garden for her personal use.

already planted garden crops

and some fruit trees.

Joao Branco Rodrigues and family at their home near the camp grounds. He has been the local caretaker for a number ofyears. Because of health, he has been retired, but is continuing temporarily in his responsibilities along with his wife, Edithe, who
oversees the cooking for camps.

Starla and Luiz Carlos registering medicines and supplies at the

"For Life" deposit.

Camp Grounds Remodeled

After nearly a year of not being usable, the Camp Grounds are being remodeled by the local churches of the area! Definite plans are being laid to make a new emphasis to have Sunday School and preaching services for the "homes for the elderly" community as
well as for the local rural area.

Transportation Needed Now I

Homes for the elderly has developed faster than we have been able to meet the needs. Although local buses pass within a half mile, it is impossible to meet emergencies in
transportation of food stuffs and medical needs. WE MAKE AN URGENT APPEAL FOR $6,000 FOR
A USED VOLKSWAGON MINI-BUS to meet this need.

The Camp Ground dining hall will be used temporarily or until

a small chapel and class rooms can be built to accommodate the

new work. Youth from the various churches in the area gave a day

and a half of work to help get the grounds ready for a special camp
in April. Pray for a Solution to This Need!

Visitors Bring Encouragement

Ralph and Ruth Culler, minis ters of the Sunset Hills
Christian Church in Kansas

City have supported the Brazil Christian Mission in many wuvs through the years. A fellow
classmate at Johnson Bible

College, they studied together also at Phillips University. Ralph and Ruth have provided hospitality and cars for use on different furlough periods as well as supporting the mission annually. In the fall of 1988, they furnished a house and

Mac and Kala Bamett have been active in friendship in Brazilfor many years. Kala is the niece of Ruth Sanders. Through Ruth, they invited the two daughters of Adeil Fonseca [Pastoral leader of the Pinheiro Church of Christ in Sao Paulo and sister-in-law to Starla Joy] each for a year's study in the States, living in their
home. Adeil, in turn, invited Mac and Kala and their two sons,

close fellowship for Starla and Luiz Carlos and their family. For several years, they have wanted to come and visit the work in Brazil. In January 1989, this opportunity arrived and we welcomed them into our home for their short stay. They visited Brasilia, spoke in some of the churches in central Brazil and got acquainted with the project "For Life" [Ministering to the Whole Man\ We were encouraged and up-lifted with their visit!

Mac and Marc, to come to Brazil and spend Christmas with them in Sao Paulo. In January, they visited the Sanders in Brasilia and visited some of the churches and the social service project of the "homes for the elderly" and the area for children's homes. In seeing the homes and the Camp Grounds, they felt challenged to help in raising funds for farm equipment for the proposed plan of self-support. Mac and Kala are personally challenging churches in Western Kansas to raise $15,000. Living in Healy, Kansas, the family are all members of the Dighton Christian Church.

In Appreciation and Apology !

On page 18, of our "Forty Years in Brazil" Pictorial

Review, we made mention of some "Who had given of life, substance, time and varied gifts for the Kingdom in Brazil," especially in a close fellowship on the board or as Trustees.
We would like to apologize to five men who were inadvertantly left off that list.

Thus we now say "Thank You!" to: Tom Hawks, minister at Wichita, Kansas; Lanis Kineman, minister at

Anderson, Indiana; John Schnelle, minister at Anthony,

Westward Ho!
Forty-oneyears ago wetalked about going "Westward" into the State of Goiasand toward where the new federal capital would be built. Jose Alves, now ministering to the Nova Gloria, Goias congregation, some 200 miles from Brasilia, proposes resigning to
travel to the new growing State of Rondonia, over 800 miles
northwest of Brasilia.

Kansas; Paul Enabnit, Sr., then minister at Enid, Oklahoma; and posthumously to Larry Schroeder, then minister at Harper, Kansas.

Editor - L. David Sanders


L. David and Ruth Sanders

There, he expects to establish a home for his family of four children, support himself by establishing a work center as a technician for electrical domestic equipment, and "Preach the Gospel and Establish a New Church. Relatives and friends have already moved to this new State! We hope to help in this transition and with transportation and
expense funds from three to six months. Pray for this Venture of Faith!

Starla Joy Sanders de Azevedo Mailing Address:

Caixa Postal 07 - 0862

70.359 Brasilia, D.F., Brazil Pray

Send all contributions and

questions to: Joe Means, Agent

Brazil Christian Mission Box 17067


Wichita, KS 67217

The neighbor church at Ceres, Goias with pastor Joel Moreira,

will oversee the church of 35 members at Nova Gloria until the

pastor can be replaced. Pray for This Need Also!


Please help keep our records straight by designating your of ferings for missionary or project.
Please do not send checks or bills to
the field.

The Brasilia Church, in cooperation with the Christian College, is planning to open three new locations for student preaching points and new churches this year.
Pray for This Expansion!

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to: The Logan Republican BCM

Box 97

Logan, KS 67646

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PAID Permit No. 8

Logan, KS 67646


Fall Issue 1989

Technical production and mailing by: The Logan Republican Address Correction Requested: Logan Republican BCM, Box 97, Logan, KS 67646

Recycling Of Riches

V T h r o u g h the years, practical development of the Ministry to the Whole-man has taken on various aspects.


Evangelism is increasingly a local church program in

churches have been planted in Central Brazil. Every church is

cooperation with the missionaries. In less than five years, nearly 40

growing in her involvement with the training of the ministry on
various levels and in various social services. While various divisions

have taken place, a growing unity is developing! Wc Thank You, One And All, For Prayers And Sustenance In This Expanding Work. This is the Kingdom and the family of God


.sharing in reaching all people. Continue Your Prayers!

The article on Missions (page 4) is a growing part of this expansion through the local church, the national mission affiliation and the Christian College.

Lloyd David and Ruth are honored Golden Agers the recent ers at the "Day of the Elderly" celebration. Ahuilda Oliveira, representing ?ira, representing "Integrated-Life. "presented them with an orchid because of their i becauseof cooperation and interest in Integrated-Life project.
.9 Making Furlough Time Count! L/OUnt*

The Recycling of Riches Program fits into this over-all picture. We SeekRenewed Prayers For This Program For The Elderly - jhc Homeless Children and The Wayfaring Ones!
Already 12 units for 24 needy elderly have been construcud through sharing here in Brazil. A growing list is being prepared lot filling the homes. We arc awniiing funds for a unit for 10


Furlough begins hi Februarj', 1990. Lloyd David and Ruth ittend the Alumni Sanders will be in Eastern Tennessee in time to attend the Alumni schedule calls for Reunion of Johnson Bible College. Their present schedule id then visit their them to be in Canton, Ohio, on February 20 and 'arolina. son, Daryl, and family in Charleston, South Carolina. Uabama, Texas, From there, they will travel through Alabama, Oklahoma and Kansas in March; Indiana, Ohio and and Pennsylvania

In the present area, reforestation has begun with fruit trees and ^ central park. Those elderly already living in the homes arc planting gardens. We are guiding tlicm in the use of natural "compost." The Project Of Bees is growing and honey is being processed in a reformed area nearby for use and sale. We are increasing hives as

)regon and Idaho in April and the first part of May; California, Oregon the last of May; Kansas and Nebraska in June,, attending North
y in American Christian Convention in Kansas City in July. July.

)le for teaching teaching in L. Davidplans to return to Brazil to be availablefor itcs until Christian Collegeand Ruth will remain in the States until after the 1 October. Missionary Convention in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in id has been to the In 1990, it will be over four years since L. David ivid will be 72 and States and three years since Ruth has been. L. David leir last last full full effort Ruth 65 and it is quite possible that this will be their effort id they they would like like among the churches, in personalvisitation ... and
to make it count!

as funds will allow. The "Rabbit" Family has begun slowly but is Rapidly increasing in production and prcjiaraliun is being made for first sales. P""" general planting. A New "Irrigalioir' Frojcct is being installed for jMiar^niiccing production.
Wc Ilasc Uc<i ivcd Sonic Offcringii For Milk Cows, but wc need .S2,()00 ($2(li) a iK ud) inr )0 lierid n( young slock. Wc Wilt Need A Barn And Corial (o piulcct Micni, (spcci.illy al night ,i.s'm' 'kivu growing connmmily in the area and tiiieves aie an .reiciiMnii problem. These buildings would be another $2,000. (his possible! Write to us about individual projects, BIBLES Bible distribution continues to be one of our regular daily projects, both in the local area and in local outreach, as well as to foreign countries, such as Angola.

This Is On Our Priority List For 1990! Your prayers can make

y might visit visit and They have a three-fold purpose: (1) that they ears have have given given of report to those churches who throughout these years to encourage and their time, their prayers and their sustenance to I challengefor challenge for the the support them in Brazil (2)that they might leavea . in education and future of the Kingdom's work here in evangelism, rla Joy Joy and and Luiz Luiz in the Ministry to the Whole-man under Starla dsit their families Carlos' supervision . . . and (3) that they might visit families and have a short period of rest and renewal. int through your You can help them make this furlough count


Activities in cooperation with the local church and "Intigrated Life" (Ministry totheWhole-man) not mentioned on thefollowing
pages, include milk distribution to over 300 families, a hot lunch

diately if Mission. Box 17067, Wichita, KS 67217 immediately if you you arc arc
interested in having them visit in your area!

prayers! Write them in care of Joe Means, Brazil Brazil Christian

Elderly (not the Integrated Life homes). There is also distribution of food, clotlnng and special needs for those who are
"passing through."

taken out once a month to two orphanages and one Institute for

Stateside Contact Couple

A Special Campaign (Stateside] Is In Process For Raising Funds For Much Needed Farm Equipment: Ruth Sanders' niece, Kala Barnett and her husband, Mac, are the

Mission's Stateside Contact Couple for this campaign. Having visited the Brazil Christian Mission missionaries in Brasilia, Brazil, last December and January, they saw
the great need of the mission in its Ministry To The Whole Man.

They felt the call of the Lord to help raise the needed funds for basic farming
equipment. While in Brazil, they researched the following equipment and costs: (in the
order of greatest need) 1. Tractor 2. Brush Hog
3. Disk

$9,850.00 1,500.00

4. Planter


5. Wagon 6. Blade And Plow [estimated]

375.00 615.00

$15,000.00 If The Lord Speaks To Your Heart to help out in this urgent need, funds can be sent direct to Brazil Christian Mission Contact Couple, c/o Mac and Kala Barnett, P.O. Box
144, Healy, Kansas 67850. You can call them for more information: (316) 398-2471.

Mac and Kala Barnett

Ministering To The Golden Agers

(Strong and full of Life to announce the Good News...

Psalms 92; 13-14)

On September 28, 1989. . . once again, Integrated-Life Ministry, invited the "Golden Agers" of the community to visit the homes for the elderly .... Two bus loads of over 100 elderly arrived.

In order to accommodatethe large group, the special meeting was

held in the dining hall of the Camp Grounds, located in the same

area a little distance from the homes. Here some of the Golden Agers are waiting for the celebration to begin.

Lloyd David visits with Consuelita, who already has her home with "Integrated-Life, " and Clementina, who is asking for reservation for 1990.

Special Prayer Requests

1. Funds for the "Integrated Life" (Ministry to the Whole-man) project for: Telephone for the homes Transportation for the homes
Medical Clinic

Ruth Viana [on the left\ wife of retired congressman, rehearses an impromptu drama with Feli Braga and Eunice Testa [all Golden Agers] for the visiting group. Ruth Viana is also helping every Wednesday afternoon in the Brasilia church, with a meeting of Golden Agers. Many "Silver Agers" are also attending.

Prayer Chapel

One 10 unit apartment block for single elderly 2. Additional support monthly for Starla Joy and Luiz Carlos in this ministry. The need is $600.00 monthly. 3. For the 8 new Golden Agers who are being interviewed for
entrance into the homes.

Luiz Carlos Azevedo holds microphone for the "drama" presentation . . . One who is depressed, ill, thinks life is over, . . [Feli Braga]. .. the other, though also with pain and problems, is happy in the Lord [Eunice Testa\ Ruth Viana is the interviewer.

Operation - It Is Always Christmas!

read and cared for. In a recent bulletin to the church, these women

"It is necessary that we go out of the comfortableness of our

church and home, to stop fattening ourselves spiritually, while

lives die without any spiritual food. They live without love, and

in ignorance. Theyare suffocated and oppressed. They do not know the Lord and because of this, they go from bad to worse. "Children become dangerous adults and strong candidates

for hell. They take lives, steal, rape and fall into drugs. They
destroy themselves, their families and all of us. "You and me, all of us who are saved by grace, are responsi
ble to take these lives to Christ. 'Let him know that he which

converteth the sinner from the error of his way, shall save a soul
from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.' James 5:20.

Lunch break at the monthly "It is Always Christmas" Operation with the "street children." Starla Joy in background with other
women and youth of the local church who help out.

"We must leave the walls of our church and of our homes.

The local Brasilia Church, under the supervision of two of the church ladies, Wanda Bastos and Dalva Rodrigues, has gone out into the hi-ways and bi-ways to bring in "street children" in an
operation called "It is Always Christmas"! Some 75 to 100 of
these children come once a month to the Church annex for a

What is your position? What is your preocupation concerning lives that are perishing? "Join us in thinking positively, with the Word of Truth, holding high the banner of faith, of service and of love! Make yours the words of Paul in I Corinthians 10:33, 'Even as I please all men in all things, not seeking mine own profit, but the profit of many, that they may be saved.' "Contribute clothing, used or new, and food of any kind.
Cooperate faithfully with our 'Christmas baskets,' for the
'street children' will benefit as well!"

program of Bible stories and orientation, for lunch and clothing. Bibles and special booklets are given out where they are sure to be

Starla Joy and Luiz Carlos welcomed the visitors and told them of the Integrated-Life Project. Some of the visiting children helped in
a drawing for Bibles and inspirational booklets. Ahuilda Oliveira

A delicious lunch of cake and "vegetable pie" with Guarana juice was served. Kalinka [Starla's daughter] mixing the juice. Ahuilda preparing to serve.

of the Intregraied-Life Project and Luiz Carlos direct the drawing. Ahuilda's son. Luiz Henrique is filming the group.

Golden Agers In Local Church

There were 24 present at the first "Golden Ager's meeting on
Wednesday afternoon in the annex of the local Brasilia Church. It

is held each week and it is a time of getting together in praise and inspiration, in learning about their bodies, their minds and their souls in relationship to the Kingdom's outreach. The Church in Brazil is becoming aware of the need to nurture, encourage and strengthen those of the Golden Age (50 and above) that they might continue to have useful, ful-filling lives. Some of these are already involved in the ministry among the street children . . . others with orphans . . . and all have shown a great interest in the elderly of
"Integrated Life" (Ministry to the Whole-man) in their homes and personal needs. A work room has been set aside in the church for sewing for the needy. The need for this age group to have a place where they can relax, meet with others, learn, and give and receive comfort and strength, a place where they can know joy and After his message, Geraldo Borges, pastor, who worked several years with the "Integrated-Life" Project in the care of the elderly, leads in a happy chorus, with the help of Ruth Viana.

fulfillment... is being met through the local church. As fruit of this ministry, one lady has placed her membership in the local church and another was recently baptized.

Mission Emphasis
"Needy Fields of the World" and "Cross-Cultural Fields" were the points of emphasis during the week of missions studies (Oct. 16-22) promoted by the Bible College and Brasilia Church. Missionaries Gerald Holmquist and Earl Haubner brought challenges on the practical aspects of being a missionary in Cross-Cultural fields. Brasilia Church sponsored missionaries, Benedito and Isaura, brought studies and a report on their work in Beio Horizonte. At the concluding session, there were sixteen decisions for missionary service and a $200.00 monthly Faith-Promise pledge was received in the Brasilia church. A special report of the week from Wycliff Summer School of Linguistics and their mission association of national ministry [Alera-"Beyond"). . . was that Brazil has 230 Indian tribes with IBS languages spoken. Only 28 of these have the New Testament in their language and there are still approximately 90 to 100 tribes who do not have any "Word of God" in their language. Wycliff "Beyond" has annual classes in Brasilia for training translators.

Mac and Kala Barnett are urgently trying to raise funds for farm equipment for Brazil Christian Missions. A tractor is the most needed. The one above can be purchased in Brazil for $9,850. A grandiotal of $15,000, it is believed, will purchase the necessary
farm equipment. See story page two.

The Christian Church In Central Brazil And Its Penetration Into Other States
{Approximately Seventy Churches!]

The Lloyd David Sanders family was the first to establish work for the Christian Churches in Brazil, arriving in 1948. Other families soon followed and centers for evangelism were begun in
Goiania, Brasilia and Belem.

As Brazilian leadership began to gather force, more and more churches were established. With several voluntary associations and a strong emphasis on new church evagelism, we will see further
expansion in all directions.

Maria Paniagv [second from left, with daughter, Eunice] at her 80th birthday worship service in her home . . . Present were her family, Bruce and June Colson and L. David and Ruth Sanders [at the keyboard^


Editor - L. David Sanders


L. David and Ruth Sanders

Starla Joy Sanders de Azevedo Mailing Address:

Caixa Postal 07 - 0862

tA^TO &R0$iO
. ca

70.359 Brasilia. D.F., Brazil Send ail contributions and


questions to: Joe Means, Agent

Brazil Christian Mission Box 17067


. PesJtrqal

. Sar>

Wichita. KS 67217


Please help keep our records straight by designating your of ferings for missionary or project.
Please do not send checks or bills to
the field.


Address corrections shonld be sent

to; The Logan Republican BCM

SAO PfluLo

Box 97

Logan, KS 67646

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