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YOGA - The spiritual light A thought of yogic importance: by Shri.Harish Kashyap

Greetings! Hari om. I have seen this peculiar behavior, going to yoga, exercising only when joint pains, thyroid issues, and searching Jotishis only when people have issues at home and work. This tendency is Indian by nature, but was not as Bharatiya. Because the olden Bharatiya used to live in nature and live with nature. Indians today live in concrete and live with petroleum. Unless the thinking changes, Spirit won't arise. Yoga is popular worldwide today, and in practice more abroad than in the Origin...! I have heard to such extent... that foreigners have patented YOGA!! I do not understand why post independence governments including MK Gandhi failed to understand the core thing of Bharatiyata, in order to form the education system. Our country's basic instincts has God & Nature embedded with Ayurved & Ashtanga Yoga. Prakritim purusham tamm vande thus says our ancient scripts Vedas. Behavior sciences, personnel health, nature cure, devotional values, psychology and philosophy are the fundamentals of a cultured society which are to be practiced through basic education system. All these are Thy branches and Fruits of Bharatiyata, which subjects in this country are "optional"....!! Look at our youngsters today....! they feel great about learning Arabic or Spanish...and feel awkward about their own motherly languages....isn't it awkwardly strange?!

Indians do not follow any of such prophecies, instead they look at other countries learning their behavior patterns....!! As a result our such great knowledge are been propagated elsewhere and today, so called Indians are neither ancestral nor contemporaries at par. They are being used to work like high paid slaves, nothing more. Development of a society must be based on the ancient values, not mere copy cat solutions in the name of science and technology. Today in this country what is happening, everyone wants to work in a corporate office right from a security guard to managers level, none wants to continue working in farms & fields, arts and art crafts, own language skills, true historian skills, classical arts, national security(army), politics etc., which is seriously damaging our daily lives. Modern education system post independence is all about killing people from their blood fundamentals. I am not telling here to go back to 100 years and live in huts and bullock carts, please do not take me wrong. Yoga means to bridge up, to cultivate ethical values with modern socialites. But here this bridging is disappeared...! If we can give an education system to our future, teaching people from class 1 till class 12 with the above said fundamentals of Bharatiyata then I guarantee none can match with this country with respect to health, knowledge, power and wealth. Off course, modern education like languages, mathematics, science etc...are always welcome in a proper order and well planned manner. Now let's look into few important classifications of Yoga Sadhan. ****************************************************** Which gives us the knowledge of connection between Spirit and Matter, psychology and philosophy is YOGA. Its not about only aasanas, the postural exercises. The Spirit which we call as Me'(Aham) is the aatman, (energy) is always an inseparable part of Matter, the Body. Both has different qualities by nature. One runs restlessly and the latter lies down!! In order to bring peaceful co-existence, YOGA came into light. The restlessness of the Self, and the lethargy of Matter both need a dose for acting together as one cannot perform duties without another. This is the actual meaning of "bandhana", bonded state. The continuous energy of Self run all over the Body all the time, and the body resists this and help working in a moderate state. The speed of Self cannot be held by the body as it is. This is a beautiful science of energy and matter. In such to bring peace and harmony between the two in order to perform daily routines and duties, YOGA path came into practices through great efforts in ancient India. Matter is the means to get fruits of Karma(action) performed by Self. Hence to determine what is the Fruit, is nothing but Happiness, Ananda. Each and every action of living being is to get happiness. Getting happiness is mere animal, and being happy is Human in true sense. So YOGA teachers elaborated this science of duality and constructively taught how to sit, stand, speak, look at, hear, touch, respire, eat, bow, greet, behold situations, to say here only a few. Every action YOGA has a role to play. Even how to leave this matterly body, not to call it die, Yoga has its way. If one learns up to highest standards of Yogic living, he/she can even decide when to leave this body, and when to gain one more body for future karmas...! Hence YOGA is solace for restless mind, for sick it is boon. For a common man it is the fashion of the day to keep up handsome! Yoga also elevates power of memory, intelligence and creativity. Alas...such multifold advantages is not a part of our daily education syllabus.

What is not Yoga?>>> When you look at a person on a vertical rope walking on that with a long stick effortlessly and salute the audience, is not Yoga. Magic, siddhis, mantra-tantra for livelihood to attract people cannot be termed as Yoga, as many people associate such actions. Common people when suffer from desires, they see at such hippy babas to get some relief or fortune and get fooled. Looking at television, hearing from someone about yoga and doing aasanas are also NOT Yoga. Should be learnt from a professional trainer as like any other sciences. Meaning>>>>The term YOGA is rooted from sanskrit YUJ, means to join. Yujyate anena iti yogah. Yog is that which joins the individual self(aatma) with universal self (paramatma). It is an expansion of the narrow constricted, egoistic personality to an all pervasive, eternal & blissful state of Reality. In a preliminary stage Yoga is a co-ordination of body & mind. Few more definitions to Yoga, great sage Shri. Patanjali compiled the essential features and principles of Yoga in the form of Sutras(aphorisms) which is famed as Patanjali yoga Sutras. His era was somewhere before Buddha, and Jesus. As per sutras, Yoga is a conscious process of gaining mastery over mind( pragnapurvaka karma adeshah). Yogah chitta vritti nirodhah, to control the forces of nature in mind, such as greed, lust. Yoga vasishta, another sage's work says manah prashamano_paayah yoga ityabhidhiyate, skillfully calm down the mind. Bhagavatgita says, yoga karma sukaushalam, Yoga is a learn how to perform actions skillfully. Relaxed action is the process, efficiency in action is an outcome. For example, hearing to one's speech, to understand the version not merely to answer back...! this is ...sukaushalam. Benefits:>>> Practicing surya namaskara aasanas & breathing exercises, prana_yaama shall immensely help the flow of energy in veins and blood vessels to its complete levels, so the required oxygen reaches proper areas of six/6 energy points such as mula adhara. This process of cleansing which results in proper eating & working, aahara-vihaara. hita bhuk, mita bhuk, kaal bhuk is the one line essential to keep a balanced body & mind. Timely, proper & healthy food(diet) cannot be performed because body within is not clean. And this cleansing is possible properly through Yoga & Prana yaama. Such process offers us a conscious to solve the issues causes unhappiness, restlessness and emotional imbalances. The hidden potentials to do good and to get good comes from the way of Yogic living. Modern life styles are hectic and hap-hazard by ill nature to kill the peace and harmony between the body and soul, person and relationships. Mere technology and loads of printed cash if it is not keeping the people and nature healthy by over 30% of the world, then there must be some serious illness man going through today. According to WHO agencies today there are many un-natural diseases, death and suffering than the yester years where technology was not there.

>> Deep relaxation of muscular level>>slowing down the restless heart vibes, control over breath>>increasing positive thinking & will power>> overall strength>>sharpening the intellect>>calmness at emotional levels>>improvement in personnel and working relationships & manifesting the innate divinity. Are the gracious benefits from Yogic living. Such Yoga life further elevates us to greater standards of Yogas, namely Gnana Yog, Raja Yog, karma Yog & Bhakti Yog. Disciplines of Sage Patanjali: 1. Yama - way of life or general discipline. 2. Niyama - Self control over desires. 3. Aasana - Postures 4. Praana yaama - control of breathing functions. 5. Pratyaahaara - Withdrawal of senses from wandering or detachment. 6. Dhaarana - Concentration. 7. Dhyana - Meditation. 8. Samaadhi - Super consciousness. Difference between YOGA & Physical exercises(gym): >>Yoga postures are static type of exercise <> Vigorous & repetitive typed. >>There is a minimum expense of energy<> consume lot of energy. >>Maximum benefits<> Minimum benefits, with more dangers of aggression. >>Emphasizes on the inner vital organs<>Works on muscular organs. >>Contributes maximum flexibility<> Ceases the organs if not cycled. >>Is individual cherisher<>Involves groups and noisiness. >>Competition to none<>Encourages competition. As a moderate thinking, I suggest work more on Yogic practices along with muscular buildups to energize the new thinking and flow. Most importantly, the food habits. This should be on par with quality, freshness and homely. There is no use of any kind of exercises without a proper diet. Morning 8 till evening 8 is the proper timing to have 2 good snack and one sumptuous lunch or dinner depending upon one's life going. Such practices shall bring great changes to our society followed by religious practices like worship & devotion to lovable deities and spiritual masters. I thank one and all to spend time to read this work which are written out of my speeches given at various levels. yogeshvarah akhila guroh namaste. Harish Kashyap. Daivagna. For Krishna Bhakti Sadhana Parishat.

Surya Namaskara

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