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THEORIES: 1. Freuds Psychosexual Development Theory STAGE 1.

Oral AGE Birth to 1 y/o CHARACTERISTICS Center of pleasure: mouth (major source of gratification & exploration) rimary nee!: "ecurity #ajor conflict: $eaning "ource of pleasure: anus & (la!!er (sensual satisfaction & self) control) #ajor conflict: toilet training Center of pleasure: chil!,s genital (mastur(ation) #ajor conflict: Oe!ipus & -lectra Complex -nergy !irecte! to physical & intellectual acti/ities "exual impulses represse! 0elationship (et$een peers of same sex -nergy !irecte! to$ar!s full sexual maturity & function & !e/elopment of s3ills to cope $ith the en/ironment

%. &nal

1 to ' y/o

'. hallic *. .atency

* to + y/o + y/o to pu(erty

1. 2enital

u(erty on$ar!s

2. Eriksons Stages o Psychosocial Development Theory "4&21. 9nfancy %. -arly chil!hoo! &2Birth)1: mos 1 to ' y/o C-540&. 4&"6 4rust /s #istrust &utonomy /s "hame & !ou(t (7) 0-"O.849O5 .earn to trust others "elf control $/o loss of self esteem &(ility of cooperate & express oneself '. .ate chil!hoo! ' to 1 y/o 9nitiati/e /s guilt .earns to (ecome asserti/e &(ility to e/aluate one,s o$n (eha/ior ()) 0-"O.849O5 #istrust; $ith!ra$al; estrangement Compulsi/e; self) restraint or compliance. <illfulness & !efiance. .ac3 of self) confi!ence. essimism; fear of $rong!oing. O/er)control & o/er) restriction. .oss of hope; sense of (eing me!iocre. <ith!ra$al from school & peers.

*. "chool &ge

+ to 1% y/o

9n!ustry /s 9nferiority

.earns to create; !e/elop & manipulate. =e/elop sense of competence & perse/erance.

1. &!olescence

1%>%? y/o

9!entity /s role confusion

Coherent sense of self. lans to actuali@e one,s a(ilities 9ntimate relationship $ith another person. Commitment to $or3 an! relationships.

+. Boung &!ulthoo!

1:)%1 y/o

9ntimacy /s isolation

Aeelings of confusion; in!ecisi/eness; & possi(le anti)social (eha/ior. 9mpersonal relationships. &/oi!ance of relationship; career or lifestyle commitments. "elf)in!ulgence; self) concern; lac3 of interests & commitments. "ense of loss; contempt for others.

C. &!ulthoo!

%1)+1 y/o

2enerati/ity /s stagnation

Creati/ity; pro!ucti/ity; concern for others.

:. #aturity

+1 y/o to !eath

9ntegrity /s !espair

&cceptance of $orth & uniDueness of one,s o$n life. &cceptance of !eath.

!. "avighursts Developmental Stage and Tasks DEVELOPMENTAL STAGE 1. 9nfancy & early chil!hoo! DEVELOPMENTAL TASK ) eat soli! foo!s ) $al3 ) tal3 ) control elimination of $astes ) relate emotionally to others ) !istinguish right from $rong through !e/elopment of a conscience ) learn sex !ifferences an! sexual mo!esty ) achie/e personal in!epen!ence ) form simple concepts of social & physical reality ) learn physical s3ills; reDuire! for games ) (uil! healthy attitu!es to$ar!s oneself ) learn to sociali@e $ith peers ) learn appropriate masculine or feminine role ) gain (asic rea!ing; $riting & mathematical s3ills

%. #i!!le chil!hoo!

) !e/elop concepts necessary for e/ery!ay li/ing ) formulate a conscience (ase! on a /alue system ) achie/e personal in!epen!ence ) !e/elop attitu!es to$ar! social groups & institutions ) esta(lish more mature relationships $ith same)age in!i/i!uals of (oth sexes ) achie/e a masculine or feminine social role ) accept o$n (o!y ) esta(lish emotional in!epen!ence from parents ) achie/e assurance of economic in!epen!ence ) prepare for an occupation ) prepare for marriage & esta(lishment of a family ) acDuire s3ills necessary to fulfill ci/ic responsi(ilities ) !e/elop a set of /alues that gui!es (eha/ior ) select a partner ) learn to li/e $ith a partner ) start a family ) manage a home ) esta(lish self in a career/occupation ) assume ci/ic responsi(ilities ) (ecome part of a social group ) fulfill ci/ic & social responsi(ilities ) maintain an economic stan!ar! of li/ing ) assist a!olescent chil!ren to (ecome responsi(le; happy a!ults ) relate one,s partner ) a!just to physiological changes ) a!just to aging parents

'. &!olescence

*. -arly &!ulthoo!

1. #i!!le &!ulthoo!

+. .ater #aturity

) a!just to physiological changes & alterations in health status ) a!just to retirement & altere! income ) a!just to !eath of spouse ) !e/elop affiliation $ith one,s age group ) meet ci/ic & social responsi(ilities ) esta(lish satisfactory li/ing arrangements

#. $evinsons Seasons o %dulthood AGE 1:)%? yrs %1)%C yrs %:)'% yrs '')'E yrs *1)+1 yrs SEASON -arly a!ult transition -ntrance into the a!ult $orl! 4ransition "ettling !o$n ay)off years CHARACTERISTICS "ee3s in!epen!ence (y separating from family -xperiments $ith !ifferent careers & lifestyles #a3es lifestyle a!justments -xperiences greater sta(ility 9s self)!irecte! & engages in self)e/aluation

#. Sullivans &nterpersonal 'odel o Personality Development STAGE 1. 9nfancy %. Chil!hoo! '. Fu/enile *. rea!olescence 1. -arly &!olescence +. .ate &!olescence AGE Birth to 1 yrs 1 to + yrs + to E yrs E to 1% yrs 1% to 1* yrs 1* to %1 yrs DESCRIPTION 9nfant learns to rely on caregi/ers to meet nee!s & !esires Chil! (egins learning to !elay imme!iate gratification of nee!s & !esires Chil! forms fulfilling peer relationships Chil! relates successfully to same)sex peers &!olescent learns to (e in!epen!ent & forms relationships $ith mem(ers of opposite sex erson esta(lishes an intimate; long)lasting relationship $ith someone of the opposite sex

(. Piagets Phases o )ognitive Development PHASE a. Sensorimotor "tage 1: 8se of reflexes "tage %: rimary circular reaction "tage ': "econ!ary circular reaction "tage *: Coor!ination of secon!ary schemata "tage 1: 4ertiary circular AGE *irth to 2 yrs Birth to 1 month 1)* months *): months :)1% months 1%)1: months DESCRIPTION Sensory organs + muscles ,ecome more unctional #o/ements are primarily reflexi/e erceptions center aroun! one,s (o!y. O(jects are percei/e! as extensions of the self. Becomes a$are of external en/ironment. 9nitiates acts to change the mo/ement. =ifferentiates goals an! goal)!irecte! acti/ities. -xperiments $ith metho!s to reach goals.

reaction "tage +: 9n/ention of ne$ means ,. Pre-operational re)conceptual stage 9ntuiti/e stage c. )oncrete /perations d. Formal /perations 1:)%* months 2-. years %)* year *)C years .-11 years 111 years =e/elops rituals that (ecome significant. 8ses mental imagery to un!erstan! the en/ironment. 8ses fantasy. Emerging a,ility to think 4hin3ing ten!s to (e egocentric. -xhi(its use of sym(olism. 8na(le to (rea3 !o$n a $hole into separate parts. &(le to classify o(jects accor!ing to one trait. $earns to reason a,out events in the here-and-no0. %,le to see relationships and to reason in the a,stract.

2. 3ohl,ergs Stages o 'oral Development LEVEL AND STAGE $E4E$ &5 Pre-conventional (Birth to E years) "tage 1: unishment & o(e!ience orientation "tage %: 9nstrumental)relati/ist orientation DESCRIPTION %uthority igures are o,eyed. #is(eha/ior is /ie$e! in terms of !amage !one. & !ee! is percei/e! as G$rongH if one is punishe!I the acti/ity is GrightH if one is not punishe!. G0ightH is !efine! as that $hich is accepta(le to & appro/e! (y the self. <hen actions satisfy one,s nee!s; they are Gright.H )ordial interpersonal relationships are maintained. &ppro/al of others is sought through one,s actions. &uthority is respecte!. 9n!i/i!ual feels G!uty (oun!H to maintain social or!er. Beha/ior is GrightH $hen it conforms to the rules. &ndividual understands the morality o having democratically esta,lished la0s. 9t is G$rongH to /iolate others, rights. 4he person un!erstan!s the principles of human rights & personal conscience. erson (elie/es that trust is (asis for relationships. .. 6illigans Theory o 'oral Development LEVEL 9. Orientation of 9n!i/i!ual "ur/i/al 4ransition CHARACTERISTICS Concentrates on $hat is (est for self. "elfish. =epen!ent on others. 0ecogni@es connections to others.

$E4E$ &&5 )onventional (E)1' years) "tage ': 9nterpersonal concor!ance "tage *: .a$ an! or!er orientation $E4E$ &&&5 Post-conventional (1'7 years) "tage 1: "ocial contract orientation "tage +: 8ni/ersal ethics orientation

4ransition 1: Arom "elfishness to

0esponsi(ility 99. 2oo!ness as "elf)sacrifice #a3es responsi(le choices in terms of self an! others. uts nee!s of others ahea! of o$n. Aeels responsi(le for others. 9s !epen!ent. #ay use guilt to manipulate others $hen attempting to Ghelp.H =ecisions (ase! on intentions & conseDuences; not on others, responses. Consi!ers nee!s of self an! others. <ants to help others $hile (eing responsi(le to self. 9ncrease! social participation. "ees self an! others as morally eDual &ssumes responsi(ilities for o$n !ecisions. Basic tenet to hurt no one inclu!ing self. Conflict (et$een selfishness an! selflessness. "elf)ju!gment is not !epen!ent on others, perceptions (ut rather on conseDuences & intentions of actions. 7. Fo0lers Stages o Faith STAGE re)stage: Undifferentiated faith "tage 1: Intuitiveprojective faith "tage %: Mythical-literal faith AGE 9nfant 4o!!ler)preschooler CHARACTERISTICS 4rust; hope an! lo/e compete $ith en/ironmental inconsistencies or threats if a(an!onment. 9mitates parental (eha/iors an! attitu!es a(out religion an! spirituality. Jas no real un!erstan!ing of spiritual concepts. &ccepts existence of a !eity. 0eligious & moral (eliefs are sym(oli@e! (y stories. &ppreciates others, /ie$points. &ccepts concept of reciprocal fairness. Kuestions /alues & religious (eliefs in an attempt to form o$n i!entity. &ssumes responsi(ility for o$n attitu!es & (eliefs.

4ransition %: Arom 2oo!ness to 4ruth

999. #orality of 5on/iolence

"chool)age! chil!

"tage ': Syntheticconventional faith "tage *: Individuativereflective faith

&!olescent .ate a!olescent & young a!ult

"tage 1: Conjunctive faith "tage +: Universalizing faith

&!ult &!ult

9ntegrates other perspecti/es a(out faith into o$n !efinition of truth. #a3es concepts of lo/e & justice tangi(le.

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