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[] March 26, 2014 .:. KZ Konnect Small Groups Pathways Church Ch l!ren"s M n stry # M !wee$ %lementary

This ,ee-'s Scope

Bible Story: Blinded by the Plank (plank and speck principle) Matthew 7:1-5 Bottom Line: Be careful not to judge others, because youve been rong too! Memory Verse: "#orgive the things you are holding against one another! #orgive, just as the $ord forgave you!% Colossians 3:13, NIrV Life App: #orgiveness&deciding that so'eone ho has ronged you doesnt have to pay! Basic Truth: ( need to 'ake the ise choice! (n this eeks Bible story, )esus is teaching his follo ers about the best ay to live their lives (Matthew 7:1- !" *ne of the principles +e teaches is about judging! )esus uses the e,a'ple of so'eone ho should clear the plank of ood out of his o n eye before trying to clear sa dust out of his friends eye! *ur Botto' $ine is- Be careful not to #u$%e others& because you'(e been wron% too" .e have all done things rong throughout our lives, so e should be careful not to judge others for even tiny things they are doing rong! /onsider your o n rong before pointing out other peoples 'istakes! .e can learn to assu'e the best in other people! 0he 'onthly 'e'ory verse is- )*or%i(e the thin%s you are hol$in% a%ainst one another" *or%i(e& #ust as the Lor$ for%a(e you"+ Colossians 3:13, NIrV 1 forgiving spirit helps us see others the ay 2od sees the'! 2ods love for us gives us the benefit of the doubt and ants to see us do better! .e need to approach others the sa'e ay! This ,ee-.s Memory Verse- "(f you judge so'eone else, you have no e,cuse for it! .hen you judge another person, you are judging yourself! 3ou do the sa'e things you bla'e others for doing!% 4o'ans 5-6, 7(r8 /e0t ,ee-.s Memory Verse- "9o ad'it to one another that you have sinned! Pray for one another so that you 'ight be healed! 0he prayer of a godly person is po erful! (t 'akes things happen!% )a'es :-6;, 7(r8

Small 4roup: ,elcome

2ather your children in a circle and take attendance! 1s you ask the' their na'e, if they brought their Bible, if they re'e'bered their 'e'ory verse and if they brought a friend to church to also ask about their eek! .hat e,citing things they did< =ids ill earn =/ash points as follo s:pts > 1ttendance 6?pts > Brought their Bible 6:pts > @e'oriAed their 'e'ory verse! :?pts > Brought a friend 1lease remember to turn in your atten$ance sheet before %oin% to your first rotation" =/ash store points! ill be open follo ing service ho ever the kids 'ust have their parents ith the' to clai' their

56 Small 4roup Sche$ule Time ;-B? C ;-D? ;-D? C E-?? E-?? C E-6: E-6: C E-B? E-B? C E-D: E-:? C I-?? 5 7 8n$ 4ra$e 9r$ : ;th 4ra$e 9'all 2roup- .elco'e $arge 2roup Praise F .orship in 9tadiu' Bible 9tory G =H /lubhouse 1ctivity C 9tadiu'G*utside /raft C $ion 4oo' /raftC $ion 4oo' Bible 9tory G =H /lubhouse 1ctivity C 9tadiu'G*utside 9'all 2roup- 4ecapGPrayer 1ctivity C 9tadiu'G*utside /raft C $ion 4oo' Bible 9tory G =H /lubhouse <0tra =otation

3iscplinary 1roce$ure #irst *ffense- /hild is infor'ed that hat they are doing is unacceptable and to stop! 9econd *ffense- /hild 'oved a ay fro' the situation! (ie 'oved to a different spot in the circle or roo') 0hird *ffense- Pastor /hris or 7ate is 'ade a are of the issue and they ill speak ith the parent!

2raft 7 Lion =oom

> 9" 1lan-s to =emember (memory verse activity) ,hat ?ou /ee$: Paint sticks, "@e'ory 8erse 9ticker 9trips% (1ctivity Page), foa' stickers, 'arkers ,hat ?ou 3o: 2ive each kid a paint stick and a 'e'ory verse label, and help the' stick the label on the "plank!% 9ay the 'e'ory verse together as a group and then let kids decorate their planks ith foa' stickers! @ake sure to rite everyones na'e (or help the' rite their o n na'es) on the back of their plank! ,hat ?ou Say: "0his plank ill re'ind us of our story today and help us [Impress] be careful not to #u$%e others& because you'(e been wron% too" [Apply] /ot #u$%in% others is a way to show for%i(eness& li-e our (erse says"+

Acti(ity - Sta$ium
8" @ Au$%e ?ou& ?ou Au$%e Me (application activity / great for active learners) ,hat ?ou /ee$: 1 ball ,hat ?ou 3o: 2uide the kids to stand in a circle and toss the ball around! 1fter they have thro n it around a fe ti'es, have the' close one of their eyes! 1s soon as so'eone 'isses the ball, they are out! Play until the final t o kids re'ain! Play again, having the' catch it as they ju'p up and do n andGor hile standing on one foot! ,hat ?ou Say: "9o'eti'es it see's so easy to judge other people and think they should have done so'ething or not done so'ething else! .e 'ight have thought the ball so'eone else 'issed ould have been easy to catch! But, e dont al ays kno hat so'eone else is going through! .e have our o n proble's to take care of and e should [Impress] be careful not to #u$%e someone else& because you'(e been wron% too! [Apply] This wee-& remember that you ha(e been wron%& so you shoul$n't #u$%e others"+

Small 4roup: 1rayer

1ray an$ 3ismiss 7 As- for prayer reBuests" This is a %reat time to %et to -now your -i$s"

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