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i"an #uru Kam$us Tuan"u Bainun COURSEWORK



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WAJ %&'% Eng(is) Language ro*icienc+ ,

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ISM -Jan ,'&% Inta"e.


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COURSEWORK ASSESSMENT A certain level of English Language proficiency is vital in tertiary education. Through the coursework, continuous support and guidance could be given to the students to develop new learning experiences, language skills, and learning how to learn skills. Course Learning Outcomes: 1. . ". %. '. Listen critically and respond appropriately to various stimuli. !ead for meaning and understanding of a variety of texts and give personal response. #rite well$reasoned and coherent paragraphs in different types of writing and academic papers. &ommunicate fluently, correctly and confidently in a variety of situations. Assess own language progress through reflections()ournals. + " and '.

This coursework addresses Learning *utcomes COURSEWORK OBJECTIVES: To enable students to 1. . ".

read texts and identify &on)uctions, ,repositions and -nter)ections and )ustify their relevance of in the texts listen to a song with moral value, describe the song and express appreciation use correct and appropriate language structures in writing description and reflection

In this assignment, students are required to carry out the following tasks individually: TASK & 0 Rea!ing an! ana(+sing !i**erent te1t t+$es -2'3. 1. a 3elect " different text types such as !eport, -nformal Letter and Academic #riting in the -nternet, 4ooks, /aga5ines, 1ewspapers, 6ournals or etc containing &on)unctions, ,repositions and -nter)ections. -identify . b. -dentify % !i**erent t+$es of Con4unctions5 re$ositions and Inter4ections used in the texts c. Transfer the identified ,arts of 3peech into a form of a Table. . Explain the functions of the " different types of &on)uctions, ,repositions and -nter)ections identified in the selected texts. TASK ,6 Listening an! ana(+sing a song -%'3. 1. &hoose an English song you en)oy listening to and . a. 7isplay the lyrics b. 7escribe the song c. Explain why you like the song and in what way it has affected you d. Explain whether you would recommend others to listen to the song8 To whom8 #hy8 TASK % 6 . #riting of reflection 6 -&'3. #rite reflection on all the tasks done in this coursework.

#OO/ ASSI#NMENT S7OUL/ S7OW 1. a good understanding of the task . originality and creativity ". appropriate language use /ETAILE/ RE8UIREMENTS 9OR COURSEWORK

1. . ". %. '.

&ite the source of the text and any references you used, using the A,A format. No !u$(ication o* assignments *rom ot)er course:or" is a((o:e!; ,lagiarism is strictly prohibited. 9our work should be typewritten with double spacing and font Arial, si5e 1 . The cover page should have the following information0
a. b. c. d. e. 1ame -ndex number and -7 &lass( .roup Title of pro)ect Lecturer:s name

;. 9ou should adhere to the deadline. #ithout an approved extension of time, late submission will be dealt with severely.

MARKIN# CRITERIA The coursework will be marked against the marking criteria set for this coursework

,repared by

&hecked by

&-< =A/-7A= 4T 3A/327-1 &ourse &oodinator

T1 =6 A472L LAT-> 4 /23TA1277-1 3ub)ect /atter Expert

?erified by

E1 A@-@A1 4-1 A!->>-1 =ead of Language 7epartment

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