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VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group or!

This list must be used to meet study design requirements for the following: VCE Music Performance Units 3 and 4 Students who elect to complete the Performance examination for Music Performance Units 3 and 4 as a member of a group must perform two wor s from this list in their performance examination program to meet the study design requirements! VCE Music Investigation Units 3 and 4 Students who elect to complete the Performance examination for Music "n#estigation Units 3 and 4 must select a wor from either this list or the rele#ant instrument list in the Prescribed list of notated solo works. The Prescribed list of group works must be used in con$unction with information in the VCE Music tud! "esign #$%%#$%&% and current information about the performance examinations% including: &riteria for 'ward of (rades and )xamination &onditions% pro#ided on the *&'' website: Music "n#estigation: http:++www!#caa!#ic!edu!au+,ocuments+exams+music+mus-in#est-specs-crit-w!pdf Music Performance: http:++www!#caa!#ic!edu!au+,ocuments+exams+music+musicperfspecs-crit-w!pdf Updated information pro#ided through .otices to Schools at: www!#caa!#ic!edu!au+Pages+correspondence+index!aspx or the VC'' (ulletin VCE) VC'* and VE+: www!#caa!#ic!edu!au+Pages+correspondence+index!aspx 'ssessment report published annually and pro#ided on the *&'' website: www!#caa!#ic!edu!au+Pages+#ce+studies+music+musicindex!aspx

Students may not perform the same wor in more than one examination across *&) Music Performance% *&) Music "n#estigation and+or *&) *)T Music! This rule applies for studies underta en in the same and+or subsequent years!

2014 update
The /a00 category in Section ' includes significant changes for 1234! Teachers and students are ad#ised to read the introduction carefully and use the information as well as the rele#ant performance examination assessment criteria 4either Music Performance or Music "n#estigation5 when planning performance programs!

6or s for deletion in 1237 are listed in red! .ew wor s are listed in green!
The Prescribed list of group wor s is re#iewed annually! Teachers and students should refer only to the list for the current year when selecting wor s for performance! Suggestions of wor s for inclusion or deletion should be sent to curriculum!#caa8edumail!#ic!go#!au with the sub$ect line 9'ttention Performing 'rts Manager% (roup list:! ;or suggestions of wor s to be included on the list please include the name% composer+performer and reference recording or score 4as appropriate5 "ndicate which category the wor should be listed in

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 1 of (2

<riefly describe why the wor should be included on the list



Students who wish to select wor s other than those listed as the 9prescribed wor +s: for the examination program should submit an application to the *&'' on the official form for indi#idual appro#al! 'pplications should only be made where there is no equi#alent+appropriate wor +s on the list! The form can be downloaded from www!#caa!#ic!edu!au! "n requesting permission to perform an alternati#e arrangement% applicants will need to: pro#ide details of the 'lternati#e wor ) through a recording of the wor and+or sheet music or chart as appropriate outline grounds for the application! Suitable grounds may include repertoire not included in either Section ' or Section <% for example a wor for tai o ensemble!

"nformation about 'lternati#e wor s and the application forms are accessible from the Music Performance and Music "n#estigation study pages! .ote% the forms for each study are different! "n 1233% the closing date for 'lternati#e wor s applications is ;riday 3 March 1233! The completed application form must be submitted to the *&'' before the closing date in the year the student is completing Units 3 and 4 Music (roup Performance or Music "n#estigation! Proposals for alternati#e wor s must be made annually! 'cceptance of any particular wor in one year does not ensure automatic acceptance of the same wor in future years!

*tud$ design re+uirements

VCE Music Investigation Students must select a wor from either the Prescribed list of group works or a rele#ant instrument list in the Prescribed list of notated solo works as the basis of study in their ;ocus 'rea! This wor must be included in the student:s performance program for Unit 3 =utcome 3 and in their end-of-year performance examination program!
,otes 3! The examination program must include at least four contrasting wor s that relate to the ;ocus 'rea! See page >4 of the study design for further details! 1! Students may transpose and+or change instrumentation for wor s selected from Section ' and Section < of this list! 3! 6or s selected from Section < must be performed as notated% that is% all lines+parts must be performed as notated! Parts may not be simplified!

VCE Music Performance Students who elect to complete the performance examination as a member of a group must perform two contrasting wor s from this list! ,etails of this requirement are described on pages 47)4? of the VCE Music tud! "esign #$%%#$%&!

User ,uide
ection ' 'rrangements in Section ' are listed by performer! ;ollowing each title% details of reference recordings are pro#ided as a guide to performers in determining the form and style of their performance! Section ' is di#ided into six categories! 6ithin each category are wor s in a range of music styles!

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 2 of (2

6hen performing wor s selected from Section '% students+groups may 3! de#elop their own interpretation of the two wor s they select from the list within the con#entions of rele#ant styles! "nformation about reference recordings is pro#ided to assist students in this process! 1! use notated sources such as transcriptions or lead sheets to prepare their interpretation and performance ! 's the notation for many contemporary wor s is lac ing in detail% and in many cases does not accurately reflect the style of the wor % it is recommended that groups use notated sources in con$unction with the reference recordings! 3! Transpose wor s from the original eys! 4! &hange instrumentation from the original and+or reference recordings! ection ( Section < is di#ided into eight categories based on instrument groupings and wor s are listed by composer and+or arranger! ;ollowing the title of each wor % publication details are pro#ided! Students who select a wor +s from Section < of the list are required to pro#ide a copy of the score to the assessors at the commencement of the performance examination! 'lterations% instrumentation or dynamics% for example% may be indicated on the copy of the score pro#ided to the assessors! This requirement applies for Music Performance and Music "n#estigation!

3! The wor s must be performed as notated! &hanges to mar ings rele#ant to expressi#e elements such as tempo% dynamics% articulations and+or ornamentation are acceptable! @epeats are optional! 1! The original instrumentation may be altered as required% for example% a wor for flute quartet may be performed by two flutes and two clarinets with appropriate transposition! 'll parts in the published wor must be realised in the performance! 3! Some notated wor s are published by different publishers and editions should be chec ed to ensure that they are the same as those listed here! "f a different edition is being used% the two editions should be compared to ensure that they are of an equal degree of difficulty! 6here the wor s are published both as single-title sheet music and as part of an album% either #ersion may be used! 6here no publication details are pro#ided% any recognised edition is acceptable!

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 3 of (2

Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group or!s
*ection & 1. Rock/Pop
*ong title 9' Thousand Miles: 9Ta e Me =ut: 9<ro en: 9Cysteria: 9,anni &alifornia: 9Cere &omes Dour Man: 9Schism: 9/ust: 9@uby: 9Sunday Morning: 9,a ota: 9The Pretender: 9Soon 6e:ll <e ;ound: 9(ossip: 9Plans: 9Po erface: Performer-composer-arranger *anessa &arlton ;ran0 ;erdinand Seether featuring 'my Bee Muse @ed Cot &hili Peppers Pixies Tool @adiohead Eaiser &hiefs Maroon 7 Stereophonics ;oo ;ighters Sia Cea#y &ross <irds of To yo Bady (aga .eference recording (e ,ot ,obod!% Uni#ersal+'AM -ran. -erdinand or &, single% Sony "isclaimer # or &, single% Sony 'bsolution% 6arner% 1224 &, single% <M( &, single% )le tra+6)' /nima% *olcano &, single% )M" "nternational &, single% Um#d% 122F &, single% <M(% 1224 &, single% *1 Music &, single% @oswell @ecords Single% Mon ey Pu00le Single% Sony Music )ntertainment ;rom (irds of +ok!o) <irds of To yo Bimited +0e -ame) "nterscope @ecords

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 4 of (2

*ong title 9'nything &an Cappen: 9Mary: 9Miss .othing: 9@olling in the ,eep: 9Ceatwa#e: 9Settle ,own: 9(old on the &eiling: 96edding &a e "sland: 9=rdinary People: 9Times Bi e These: 9Cold =n: 9Bet Cer (o:

Performer-composer-arranger ;inn <rothers Spar adia The Pretty @ec less 'dele The Bi#ing )nd Eimbra The <lac Eeys Midnight =il /ohn Begend ;oo ;ighters 'labama Sha es Passenger

.eference recording Ever!one is 1ere) )M" +0e 2reat Impression) "#y Beague @ecords *ig0t Me Up) "nterscope @ecords #%) GB +0e Ending is 3ust t0e (eginning 4epeating) ,ew Process+Uni#ersal Music 'ustralia Vows) ;orum 7 6arner <ros Single% .onesuch @ecords (ird ,oises) Sprint Music+&<S% remastered Sony+<M( 2et *ifted) (etting =ut =ur ,reams and Sony Music )ntertainment% 1224 -oo -ig0ters 2reatest 1its) @oswell @ecords% 122> &, single% @ough Trade% 1231 'll t0e *ittle *ig0ts) <lac &row @ecords% 1231 +0e 5atie Melua Collection) ,ramatico )ntertainment! .ote this wor was in the /a00 category!

9&rawling Up a Cill:

Eatie Melua

2. Jazz The /a00 section of this list comprises wor s drawn from a #ariety of $a00 styles! These wor s ha#e been presented within fi#e categories! /erminolog$
;or the purposes of the prescribed list% 9/a00 Standards: refers to instrumental tunes composed by $a00 artists+performers! 's a point of difference% 9*ocal Standards: are songs commonly composed for <roadway% film or Tin Pan 'lley! The performance of these songs% within authentic $a00 settings% typically became commonplace after popularity was first achie#ed in mainstream settings 4film% pop% <roadway etc!5!

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 0 of (2

Students are ad#ised that non-#ocalists are welcome to perform a *ocal Standard 4as is common within the $a00 tradition5! )qually% #ocalists can perform instrumental tunes! This is common in $a00 where #ocalists use techniques such as Scat or *ocalise 4lyrics composed to an existing instrumental melody line5! Students enrolled in Music "n#estigation are ad#ised to select wor s based on their determination to explore% in depth% performance techniques that are central to $a00 performance! They might include a range of authentic impro#isation techniques% the use of $a00 #oicings and comping 4piano and guitar5% the construction of bass lines% $a00 drumming techniques etc! 't the core of $a00 performance is the effecti#e use of #ariation and spontaneity in terms of both rhythmic and melodic choices made within the stylistic con#entions of the wor being performed! @eference recordings ha#e been purposely omitted from this section of the list! Students 4and teachers5 are ad#ised to source a range of recordings 4from leading authentic $a00 performers5 when underta ing research into wor s being prepared for performance! These recordings 4plural5 should be #iewed as influences for the student as they de#elop their own interpretation of the wor ! Jazz Standards *ong title 9Spirit Song: 9,igger:s @est: 9,oxy: 9;our: 9' .ight in Tunisia: 9"n 6al ed <ud: 9Spain: 9" @emember &lifford: 9=n (reen ,olphin Street: Performer-composer-arranger <ernie Mc(ann <ryan <rown Sonny @ollins )ddie *inson+Miles ,a#is ,i00y (illespie Thelonius Mon &hic &orea <enny (olson <ronislaw Eaper Performer-composer-arranger Byrics by Ceyman% Sour% )yton% music by (reen Music by Paul (rabows y% lyrics by Philip Car#ey 'ustralian 6or 1otes 1otes 'ustralian 6or 'ustralian 6or

ocal Standards
*ong title 9<ody and Soul: 9&ome <ac to Me:

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page ( of (2

*ong title 9Ca#e Dou Met Miss /ones: 9"ntersection: 9Bullaby of the Bea#es: 9.ature <oy: 9Some ,ay My Prince 6ill &ome: 9Summertime: from Porg! and (ess 9Desterdays: Softly% 's in a Morning Sunrise

Performer-composer-arranger Music by @ichard @ogers% lyrics by Boren0 Cart Music by <ob Sedergreen% lyrics by /udy /acques Music by <ernice Pet ere% lyrics by /oe Doung )den 'hbe0 Music by ;ran &hurchill! lyrics by Barry Morey (eorge (ershwin Music by /erome Eern% lyrics by =tto Carbach Sigmund @omberg and =scar Cammerstein

1otes 'ustralian 6or

*ong title 9Slightly <lue: 96indows of 'rques: 9'll <lues: 9<lue Train: 9Mamacita: 9=ne for ,addy-=: 9Stolen Moments: Performer-composer-arranger ,on <urrows <ryce @hode Miles ,a#is /ohn &oltrane /oe Cenderson .at 'dderley =li#er .elson 1otes 'ustralian 6or 'ustralian 6or

*ong title 9*isby: 9)pic: Performer-composer-arranger ,ale <arlow /onathan Hwart0 1otes 'ustralian 6or 'ustralian 6or

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 2 of (2

*ong title 9Bittle Sunflower: 9So 6hat: 9)ighty =ne: 9Maiden *oyage:

Performer-composer-arranger ;reddie Cubbard Miles ,a#is @on &arter Cerbie Cancoc


*ong title 9@e#elation: 9Song for <obby: 9'nthem: 9;reedom /a00 ,ance: 9&antaloupe "sland: 9The &hic en: 9@io ;un : Performer-composer-arranger Dellow$ac ets Pyramid Paul 6illiamson )ddie Carris Cerbie Cancoc 'lfred )llis Bee @itenour 'ustralian 6or 'ustralian 6or 1otes

'orks for deletion in 201(

*ong title 9,on:t Enow 6hy: 9Song ;or My ;ather: 9My Bittle Suede Shoes: 9My <aby /ust &ares for Me: 9)lm: 9<ernie:s Tune: Performer-composer-arranger .ora /ones Corace Sil#er &harlie Par er .ina Simone @ichie <eirach (erry Mulligan 1otes

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 3 of (2

9)#erything Cappens to Me: 9Things 'in:t 6hat They Used To <e: 96atch 6hat Cappens: 9Bisten Cere:

<illie Coliday ,u e )llington *ince /ones )ddie Carris

). !lues/R*&t*% +n+ !lues/Roots

*ong title 9Two 6rongs: 9The Thrill is (one: 9Bo#e Me Bi e a Man: 9Still (ot the <lues: 9&ra0y: 9Shelter: 9@ehab: 9Son of a Preacher Man: 96ater: 9.othing 'gainst Dou: 9<ust Dour 6indows: 9Bet:s Stay Together: 9Thin ing 9<out Dou: Performer-composer-arranger 6yclef /ean << Eing <onnie @aitt (ary Moore (narls <ar ley Ga#ier @udd 'my 6inehouse ,usty Springfield <lue Eing <rown @obert &ray /a0mine Sulli#an 'l (reen ;ran =cean .eference recording Mas6uerade% &olumbia +0e "efinitive 2reatest 1its% M&'% M&,33>13% 3>>> 2ive it Up% 6)'+ 6arner <ros till 2ot t0e (lues% )M,% *irgin% 3>>2 &, single% 6arner <rothers @ecords olace% Saltx &, Single% "sland% 122? "ust! in Memp0is% 'tlantic% 3>?> tand Up% @oots Be#el @ecords% 122? weet Potato Pie) "sland+Mercury -earless) /-@ecords &, single% &ode >2 C0annel 7range) ;ran =cean% The "sland ,ef /am Music (roup% 1-31

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 4 of (2

4. #unk/Soul/Reggae
*ong /itle 9&huc ):s in Bo#e: 9The ;a#ourite: 9Mama:s Trippin: 9Underneath "t 'll: 9Dou:#e @eally (ot a Cold on Me: 9Master <laster: 9"s This Bo#e: 9Bo#e @ears "ts Ugly Cead: 9'eroplane: 9;ell "n Bo#e 6ith ' <oy: 9":m Dours: 9Mercy: 9Bi e "t Bi e That: 9Put Dour @ecords =n: 9Bittle <irdy: 9Tightrope: 9&ount Dour <lessings: 932+32: Performer-composer-arranger @ic ie Bee /ones ,"( <en Carper .o ,oubt Smo ey @obinson and the Miracles Ste#ie 6onder <ob Marley Bi#ing &olour @ed Cot &hili Peppers /oss Stone /ason Mra0 ,uffy (uy Sebastian &orinne <ailey @ae Bittle <irdy /anelle MonJe ,amian Marley and .as Paolo .utini .eference recording 4ickie *ee 3ones% 6arner <ros% 31>?1% 3>F> "ig "eeper8 "irections in 2roove% id+Phonogram% 73I?2>1 +0e 9ill to *ive% *irgin% F143I-443FI1?% 3>>F 4ock tead!% self-titled album or &, single% "nterscope @ecords Ultimate Collection% U."+Motown &, single% Tamla &, single% "sland +ime:s Up% )pic% 4??>12->% 3>>2 7ne 1ot Minute) 6)' "nternational +0e oul essions) )M" &, single% 'tlantic Merc! )P% Polydor *ike It *ike +0at) Sony Music )ntertainment Corrine (aile! 4ae ummari.e) )P Metropolis) <ad <oy @ecords "istant 4elatives) Uni#ersal @epublic @ecords unn! ide Up) Uni#ersal Music UE

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 10 of (2

*ong /itle 9<lac bird: 9,on:t Bet (o: 9322 ,ays% 322 .ights: 9@escue Me:

Performer-composer-arranger The <eautiful (irls Spawnbree0ie Sharon /ones and the ,ap Eings ;ontella <ass 4often accredited to 'retha ;ran lin5

.eference recording *earn ;ourself) The <eautiful (irls "ear (ill!) "-Taun @ecords <%$$ "a!s) %$$ ,ig0ts:) Sharon /ones and the ,ap Eings% ,aptone @ecords% 122F oul 4compilation box set5% Spectrum Music% 1221

4. $ountr&/$ountr& Rock/#olk
*ong /itle 9&ra0y: 96ay =ut 6est: 9Cey (ood Boo in: 96al ing 'fter Midnight: 9(reen#ille: 9" &an:t Tell Dou 6hy: 9.ot @eady to Ma e .ice: 9Bighthouse: 9@attlin: <ones: 9The ;ox: 9The Bighthouse Song: 9Dou:re My <etter Calf: Performer-composer-arranger 6illie .elson The ,ingoes Can 6illiams Patsy &line Bucinda 6illiams )agles The ,ixie &hic s The 6aifs Easey &hambers and Shane .icholson .ic el &ree /osh Py e Eeith Urban .eference recording 2reatest ongs% 6)'+'tlantic+&U@< +0e "ingoes% Mushroom% ,-3>4?3% 3>F4 1ank 9illiams 2reatest 1its% Mercury% I131>3% 3>F? Pats! Cline Collection Car 90eels on a 2ravel 4oad% U."+Mercury+Polygram% 3>>I +0e *ong 4un% 6)' "nternational +aking t0e *ong 9a!) Sony% 122? *ig0t0ouse% /arrah @ecords% 1223 4attlin: (ones) Biberation Music ,ickel Creek) Sugarhill &ountry C0imne!:s 'fire) "#y Beague (e 1ere% &apitol

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 11 of (2

96inter 6inds: 9Miss =hio: 9That:s 6hat Dou (et:

Mumford A Sons (illian 6elch Banie Bane

)P Mumford A Sons oul 3ourne!) 'cony @ecords +o t0e 1orses) Mushroom

(. !allad
*ong /itle 9"f " &ould Start Today 'gain: 9Too Soon to Tell: "t:s a Man:s 6orld: 9Unforgettable: 9The Two of Us: 9;ragile: 9't Bast: 9Time is a Cealer: 9<ric : 9Speeding &ars: 9'll " 6ant: 9' Piece of My Ceart: Performer-composer-arranger Paul Eelly <onnie @aitt @enee (eyer .at Eing &ole The <eatles Sting )tta /ames )#a &assidy <en ;olds ;i#e "mogen Ceap Sarah <las o )rma ;ran lin .eference recording ,ot0ing (ut a "ream% )M" or *i a and Binda% +wo 9ings% Mushroom ,ick of +ime% &apital @ecords% &,PF>31?I1% 3>I> -aves% Mushroom Mid-Price Masters% ,-3>14F% 3>>3 2reatest 1its% ,&& (old ,is % 3>44 *et It (e) &apitol -ields of 2old) 'AM records% 3>>4 't *ast% &hess% 3>?3% &, 3>>> ongbird% <lix Street @ecords 90atever and Ever 'men) Sony <M( 2oodnig0t = 2o) &, single% <M( 's "a! -ollow ,ig0t) ,ew Process+Uni#ersal Music *egac!:s 40!t0m and oul 4eview) Sony

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 12 of (2

*ection 5 1. 'oodwind ense%bles including duets, trios, -uartets, -uintet, like.instru%ent ense%bles, %i/ed instru%ent ense%bles 0uos ,ote8 wor s for recorder are listed following wor s for other instruments!
Composer-arrangement <arto % <ela% arr! (erhard <raun <eetho#en% B #an% arr! Eraber% ( <ennett% @@% ed! Thompson Poulenc% ; 6or! 93I ,uos for Two ;lutes: from 44 Violin "uos +rio op! IF% any one or two mo#ements Crosstalk onata% any one mo#ement Publication Uni#ersal )dition% U)3F1II "M& 433F?5 Uni#ersal )dition% U)34127 &hester+.o#ello 1otes including instrumentation 'ny one or two duos to count as one wor 3: flute% 1: oboe+flute% 3: < flat clarinet Two clarinets &larinet and piano .ote: may be performed by a soloist for Music "n#estigation 'lternati#e instrumentation: 3 K xylophone% 1 K marimba May be performed by a soloist for Music "n#estigation ,uration: 4!77% clarinet and piano or alto-saxophone and piano

Spiewa % T Starer% @ Tetihw% D

=ne of Clarinet "uets no! 3) 1 or 3 "ialogues for 1arp and -lute "ance of t0e even>legged 7ctopus

'ustralian Music &entre Southern Music &ompany SU3FF Middle & 'ssociates middlec7pipeline%com% au

6or!s for recorder duos

Composer-arrangement 'lemann% )duardo 6or! %# (reves op! FI no! 3! @oman0a and .o! 4! "mitaciones or no! 32 Scher0o and no! 31 )legia Publication <arry% <uenos 'ires 1otes including instrumentation SS 12th-century South 'merica '#ailable at *ictorian @ecorder (uild

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 13 of (2

=riental *alentine% @obert i? onatas for # treble recorders) any two contrasting mo#ements from one sonata +0ree onatas) any two contrasting mo#ements from one sonata @obert Bienau% <erlin

Bibrary '' 3F12 '#ailable at *ictorian @ecorder (uild Bibrary '' L <& Bate 3?>2s '#ailable at *ictorian @ecorder (uild Bibrary '' <aroque '#ailable at *ictorian @ecorder (uild Bibrary SS or TT or ST 3FI1 '#ailable at *ictorian @ecorder (uild Bibrary SS 3>?? '#ailable at *ictorian @ecorder (uild Bibrary SS 3F273FI1 '#ailable at *ictorian @ecorder (uild Bibrary '' 37I3 '#ailable at *ictorian @ecorder (uild

6illiams 6% arr! ( <eechey

Schott ), 31327

Purcell% , and 6illiams 6

@wei "uos alter englis0er Meister) 'ny two contrasting mo#ements from one sonata ec0s 2alante "uos) any two contrasting mo#ements from any one (alante 'u Clair de la *une8 %$ variations) 9'u &lair de la Bune:

Schott =;< 12

&hede#ille% )P

Cortus Musicus I3 Printed 3>7F

,ebussy% & arr! ,exter

Cinrichsen .o 34>I

&hed#ille% .! arr! &asteuble% (

'musements C0ampetres "eu?ieme uite) any two contrasting mo#ements +0e "uo Collection8 3& Pieces for # treble recorders) ;antasia

)ditions /M ;u0eau S!' <p?F>442 &ourlay ;rance @ef 24!3F!2> ,olce ,=B32>

(ibbons% ed! <ernstein

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 14 of (2

Bibrary (iamberti% (% ed! <ernstein +0e "uo Collection8 3& Pieces for # treble recorders) any two of <allo di MantuaM *illan de SpagnaM Solfeggiamento +0e "uo Collection8 3& Pieces for # treble recorders) any two contrasting mo#ements from 9' .ew Sonata for Two ;lutes: +0e "uo Collection8 3& Pieces for # treble recorders) Presto ,olce ,=B32> '' 3?223??1 '#ailable at *ictorian @ecorder (uild Bibrary '' 3?733F33 '#ailable at *ictorian @ecorder (uild Bibrary '' 3?I33F?F '#ailable at *ictorian @ecorder (uild Bibrary 3>>4 '' 12th century

&orelli% ed! <ernstein

,olce ,=B32>

Telemann% (% ed! <ernstein

,olce ,=B32>

Marillier% &( @anft% (

+0ree 0ort Movements for 4ecorder "uo) any two pieces 4ecorders at *arge) #ol! 1% 9Schnic Schnac :

6estron 6ynde Music (ala Productions 66MF &urrency Press Sydney

1rios .ote: wor s for recorder are listed following wor s for other instruments!
Composer-arrangement 'lston% 'ndrew 6or! 'ny one of a?op0one +rios% scored for two )b 'ltos and one <b Tenor +wo in t0e 2rove) either or both mo#ements 3 and 1 and mo#ement 3 ": (aeta Publication ;lindwind Music% distributed by )ncore Music ;lindwind Music% distributed by )ncore Music 1otes including instrumentation 'lternate parts% soprano 4part 35% tenor 4part 15 and baritone 4part 35 Mo#ement 3 must be performed!

'lston% 'ndrew

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 10 of (2


6or! "": Ealamata """: Man0anilla


1otes including instrumentation

<ach% /S% arr! 'lston% 'ndrew <ach% /% ed! Schmi0t% M and Schneider% CP <occherini% B% ed! 6aln% ( &imarosa% , ed! @ampal% /P ,e#ienne% ; ,oppler% ; ed! @ampal% / P Candel% (; arr! 'lston% '

96e Casten 6ith ;eeble Det )ager ;ootsteps: Trio Sonata% any one or two mo#ements% <6* 323> Ter0etto &oncerto in ( ma$or% any one mo#ement Trio in <-flat% op! ?3 no! 7 =ne mo#ement from 'ndante et 4ondo op! 17 'ma.:d to find t0e foe so near

;lindwind Music% distributed by )ncore Music Cenle% C. 31> .eil ' E$os Music &ompany "nternational Music 43I445 Musica @ara "nternational Music &o% .ew Dor 1?42 ;lindwind Music% distributed by )ncore Music Middle & 'ssociates Pty! Btd www!middlec!com!au <roe man #an Poppel% <*P 374F 'madeus <P1234 Peters .=323?

Scored for mixed wind trio! 'lso a#ailable for clarinet trio or saxophone trio! ;or two flutes and basso continuo ;lute% oboe and clarinet or flute and two clarinets ;or two flutes and piano 3: flute% 1: clarinet% 3: bassoon Two flutes and piano

;lute or oboeM <-flat clarinet or soprano saxophone or alto saxophoneM bassoon or tenor saxophone or baritone saxophone or bass clarinet &larinets and+or saxophones )ight player parts pro#ided to enable numerous trio combinations! for three flutes 'lto recorder 4flute5% oboe 4flute% #iolin5% piano 4cembalo5 4#ioloncello ad lib5 ;or flute% oboe and piano

/ohnson% )laine

+0ree *ittle Magpies

Eummer% E Boeillet% / < ed! )rmeler @ Boeillet% / <

+rois 7riginale% op! F7% mo#ement .o! 3 Trio Sonata in ;% op! 1% no! 1% any one mo#ement Sonata in , minor% any one mo#ement

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 1( of (2

Composer-arrangement Mendelssohn% ;

6or! Piano Trio in , minor% op! 4>% 1nd mo#ement% from Piano +rios Complete 'llegro (rillante% or one of ,i#ertimento .o! 7% E43>b 4'nh!11>5 arr! Eraber 433F75 or ,i#ertimento .o! 4 E43>d% arr! ,orian 41I>75 Paris %ABC% any one or two mo#ements 'ny mo#ement from Suite for 6oodwind Trio% op! 4? 'ny one trio from +welve for +0ree Trio for ;lute% *iolin and <assoon

Publication San 'ntonio: Southern Music &ompany 4STF375 Southern Music 4STF375

1otes including instrumentation *iolin+#iola+piano

Mo0art% 6 '

3: flute% 1: oboe% 3: bass clarinetM or 3: flute% 1: oboe% 3: bassoon

Sung% S Uber% , #an Slyc % . *i#aldi% ' arr! 'lston% '

Southern Music STF37 Eendor Music 3??32 Southern Music ST37? ;lindwind Music alston8bold!net!au

3: flute% 1: clarinet% 3: bassoon 3: flute% 1: oboe% 3: clarinet &larinet trio Parts a#ailable for flute or oboeM <-flat clarinet or soprano saxophone or alto saxophoneM bassoon or tenor saxophone or baritone saxophone or bass clarinet


+0eme and Variants for -lute) Cello and 1arp

Southern Music ST>FI

6or!s for recorder trios

Composer-arrangement Purcell% C arr! <ergmann 6or! Purcell 'lbum) any two contrasting pieces Publication Schott 3231> 1otes including instrumentation S'T L piano <aroque '#ailable at *ictorian @ecorder (uild Bibrary

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 12 of (2

Composer-arrangement Purcell% C arr! Sal eld% @

6or! ,ine Pieces) any two contrasting pieces Music of t0e 1ebrew People) any two contrasting pieces 'frikanisc0e uite ,o. #) any mo#ement Symphony .o! 4% any two contrasting mo#ements Possum Polka

Publication Schott 322>I

1otes including instrumentation S'T L piano <aroque '#ailable at *ictorian @ecorder (uild Bibrary SopS'T% depending on piece S'T L piano '#ailable at *ictorian @ecorder (uild Bibrary 'T< 3>>7 '#ailable at *ictorian @ecorder (uild Bibrary 'T< L eyboard 3F17 'T< 122? '#ailable at *ictorian @ecorder (uild Bibrary SS' L gloc L untuned percussion L piano '#ailable at *ictorian @ecorder (uild Bibrary S'T <aroque '#ailable at *ictorian @ecorder (uild Bibrary S'T 12th century ''' 3F42 'T<

Eolins i% M

Cargail Music Press C313

Sieg% S

Moec 37F2

Sammartini% ( Eliendeinst

&heap Trills =rpheus D&S237

'rr! <onsor *i#aldi% '! arr Eolins i

+wo -renc0 +unes) ,o. #) 9Tambourin: &oncerto Mo#ements for @ecorder Trio% finale% concerto in ( minor +rinkets) any two contrasting pieces @wei onaten) any two contrasting mo#ements from any one sonata Trio in , minor% any two

Scott 32>37 Cargail Music Press

Short% M Scherer% /

Studio Music Bondon Schott =;<I4

Marillier% &(

6estron 6ynde Music (ala

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 13 of (2

Composer-arrangement Moore% T Candel% (; arr! McBeish (ilmour

6or! contrasting mo#ements Suite in (% any two contrasting mo#ements -ug0etta in 4ecorders at *arge Vol. #) 9)ntr:acte:

Publication Productions 66M> =riel Bibrary =B373 =xford Uni#ersity Press &urrency Press% Sydney

1otes including instrumentation 3>I> S'T <aroque S'T <aroque S'T 12th century

2uartets .ote: wor s for recorder are listed following wor s for other instruments!
Composer-arrangement 'lston% ' <i0et% ( <rahms% / arr &opping% < <orcam% SC( <o00a% ) 6or! usse? treet 9Prelude: from *:'rlesienne uite .o!3 1ungarian "ance% .o!7 Vectorial 3ourd <ete Montagne% any one or more mo#ements +rois Pieces pour une Musi6ue de ,uit% any one% two or three pieces <rubec % , arr! Stir0a er% T +ake & Publication ;lindwind Music alston8bold!net!au U) 3>>2F )m ay Music Middle & 'ssociates %middlec%com%au )ditions 'lphonse Beduc 2F23243FI3 )ditions Musicale 'lphonse Beduc terryandsusie8optusnet!co 1otes including instrumentation Saxophone Nuartet% S'T<+''T< with reference &, 6oodwind quartet ;lute or clarinet! 'lternate instrumentation: saxophone quartet ;or wind quintet or woodwind ensemble featuring numerous quintet combinations ;lute quartet ;lute% oboe% clarinet% bassoon

&larinet quartet

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 14 of (2



Publication m!au

1otes including instrumentation

,ebussy% & arr! Thurston% @ ) ,ebussy% & arr! <radt% (

*a -ille au C0evau? de *in +0e *ittle ,egro

Southern Music SU3>I 272 &omus )ditions

Mixed clarinet quartets &larinet quartet: 3 <-flat clarinets and bass clarinet! 'lternati#e 4th part for <-flat clarinet ;our clarinets <assoon and strings ;our clarinets Saxophone quartet% 3: <-flat soprano saxophone% 1: )-flat alto saxophone% 3: <-flat tenor saxophone% 4: )-flat baritone% duration: 1!72 &larinet quartet or flute quartet or saxophone quartet

,esportes% D ,e#ienne% ;% ed! *oxman% C

9Sarabande: from -renc0 uite Nuartet in ;% op! F3 no!1% Mo#ement no! 3 uite Italienne% any mo#ement+s

Southern Music SS1I3 Musica @ara Southern Music% ST4>> Eendor Music "nc! 3?117

;rac enpohl% '

a? *i?

(ossec% ;/% arr &opping% < (rundman% &

+ambourin Caprice for Clarinets% or (agatelle for Clarinet Duartet 9'rri#al of the Nueen of Sheba: Carrington +0ree Moravian "ances% mo#ements 1 and 3 Maple *eaf 4ag

Schott <oosey and Caw es

Candel% ( ; arr! 6alton% 6 Cen0gen% < /anace % Beos /oplin% S arr! Mcleod

'6MP &l 322? Middle & 'ssociates www!middlec!com!au "M&% "M 1FII Eendor Music "nc! 3?2>7

<-flat clarinet quartet Nuintet for brass ;lute% oboe% clarinet% bassoon Saxophone quartet

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 20 of (2

Composer-arrangement Bewin% (ordon Bennon% / A Mc&artney% P arr! @ic er% @

6or! out0 to t0e un 96hen ":m Sixty-four:

Publication Car#est of @eeds Eendor Music "nc! 3?432

1otes including instrumentation &larinet quartet ,uration: 1!32% 3: <-flat soprano saxophone or )-flat alto saxophone% 1: )-flat alto saxophone% 3: <-flat tenor saxophone% 4: )-flat baritone saxophone Saxophone quartet also arranged for brass quintet

Mancini% C arr! ;rac enpohl% ' Mo0art% 6 '

Pink Pant0er =boe Nuartet% Mo#ement .o! 3% E!3F2 ,i#ertimento) 5 #&% <Magic -lute: K Six Pieces for ;our &larinets) one or two pieces should be performed +0ree 0ades of (lue 9,an0a: from C0orale and "an.a

Eendor Music "nc! 3?3F2 <aerenreiter-'usgaben 4<'!<'4I?F5 <elwin Mills <arenreiter Eassel

;lute% oboe% clarinet% bassoon ;our clarinets

Mo0art% 6 arr! ;ran0 Bot0

.agle% P .elybel

Musicians Publications SN321 Southern Music ST434

Saxophone quartet &larinet choir &ombining the bass and contrabass parts is recommended! The 'lto clarinet part may be transposed for <-flat clarinet! ,uration: 4!32% 3: <-flat soprano saxophone or )-flat alto saxophone% 1: )-flat alto saxophone% 3: <-flat tenor saxophone% 4: )-flat baritone saxophone 3: flute% 1: clarinet% 3: horn% 4: bassoon

@ic er% @

*ariations on a Theme b! weelinck

Eendor Music "nc! 3?3>2

@ossini% ( arr! Hachert

i? Duartets) any mo#ement

Schott )ditions ),33?4

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 21 of (2

Composer-arrangement Shosta o#ich% , arr! Stir0a er% T Spiewa % T

6or! <Pol a: from +0e 'ge of 2old 'ny two of the following: Une Petite Polonaise) ,o. E) ong for t0e 2u!s) ong for t0e 2als) C0ildrens: 2ossips) 7dd 40!t0m 3o! 'ny one of the following: Matilda variations 1ava ,agila) Clarinet polka Two 3?th-century ;rench chansons 49"l est bel et bon:% 9/e ne l:ose dire:5 +urke! in t0e traw

Publication terryandsusie8optusnet!co m!au 'ustralian Music &entre: www!australianmusiccentre !com!au

1otes including instrumentation &larinet quartet 4)-flat% two <-flat% bass5 Saxophone quartet

'rr! Stir0a er% T

terryandsusie8optusnet!co m!au

6alt0ing Matilda: clarinet 4three <-flat and bass5 or flute quartet Ca#a .agila: clarinet quartet 4three <-flat% bass5 &larinet pol a: clarinet quartet ;rench &hansons: for clarinet quartet 4three <-flat% bass5 or bassoon quartet ,uration: 3!22% 3: flute or <-flat clarinet% 1: flute or oboe or <-flat clarinet% 3: <-flat clarinet or )-flat alto-saxophone% 4: <-flat clarinet or <-flat tenor saxophone or <flat bass clarinet or bassoon Saxophone quartet or clarinet choir ;lute% oboe% clarinet

Traditional arr! ;arnon% ,O

Eendor% Southern Music

,el <orgo% )% arr! /anace % B

Iris0 uite Mo#ements 1 and 3 from +0ree Moravian "ances

Eendor Music 43?2775 <assoon "nternational

6or!s for recorder +uartets

&hede#ille% . Duatrieme uite) any two contrasting mo#ements &happell ,olmetsch S'T< 3F27K3FI1 '#ailable at *ictorian @ecorder (uild Bibrary

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 22 of (2

,ebussy% & arr! 6inters

*e Petit ,egre

.o#a Music

S'T< 12th century '#ailable at *ictorian @ecorder (uild Bibrary S'T< L guitar and percussion '#ailable at *ictorian @ecorder (uild Bibrary ''T< or S'T< <aroque '#ailable at *ictorian @ecorder (uild Bibrary ''T< or S'T< 37?4K3?1I '#ailable at *ictorian @ecorder (uild Bibrary S'T< 3>I> '#ailable at *ictorian @ecorder (uild Bibrary S'T< 3?1? '#ailable at *ictorian @ecorder (uild Bibrary S'T< 12th century '#ailable at *ictorian @ecorder (uild Bibrary ''T< Pre-<aroque '#ailable at *ictorian @ecorder (uild Bibrary ''T< <aroque SS'T

'rr! Schneider

"ances and ongs from out0 'merica) any two contrasting pieces Encore Movements for 4ecorder Duartet) any one mo#ement +0ree 4icecars) any one

Moec 7>2+7>3

*arious arr! <ornmann

Musi #erlag =rnmann Schonaich M*< F4 (alaxy Music &orporation

'ichinger% (

&harlton% '

Id!llwild uite) any two contrasting mo#ements +occata for 4 recorders) Toccata 4,etta B Bicina5 +rains) any one piece

Pro#incetown <oo shop )ditions 3F ,olce ,=B321

&a#accio arr! Thomas


;entone Music ;3?1

'nerio% (;

(aillarde G" from # 2aillarde)

Bondon Pro Musica )MB33?

*i#aldi% '% arr! ,rie#er% '< Marillier &(

&oncerto in & ma$or% any one mo#ement Caedmon uite) all 3 mo#ements

Moec 1I23 6estron 6ynde Music (ala

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 23 of (2

Productions 66M3> 3>>3 Boc e% T arr! 6yatt Consort uites % ,o % and ,o &) any two contrasting mo#ements from any one suit +0e 3erome Collection) Prelude and @ondo &oncerto) any two contrasting mo#ements +0e 3erome Collection) 'llegro from &oncerto (rosso op ? no 1 'llegro from &oncerto (rosso op 3 .o! 4 Ba Paix and @e$oussance from Music for t0e 4o!al -ireworks Enigmas) Canons and -ugues) &anon a quarto or ;ugue in ( ma$or with &horale ;ugoslavian "ance uite) no! 3 or nos! 1 and 3 or nos! 4 and 7 =riel Bibrary =B3>4 S'T< Pre <aroque S'T< 3>>3 S'T< <aroque SS '+T < <aroque S'T< <aroque S'T< <aroque S'T< 3F3?K3I2> 12th century

Thompson Candel% (; &orelli% '

=riel Bibrary /&131 =riel Bibrary =B33? =riel Bibrary /&121

Candel (;% arr Eelly% E Candel (;% arr! Eelly% E 'lbechtsberger% arr! =wen 6erdin

Peacoc Press P31 Peacoc Press P31 'nfor Music

Moec 723+724

2uintets .ote: wor s for recorder are listed following wor s for other instruments!
Composer-arrangement 6or! 'rnold% M +0ree 0anties for 9ind Duintet% Mo#ement% no! 3 Publication Paterson:s Publication% 3>71 1otes including instrumentation

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 24 of (2

Composer-arrangement 6or! ,an0i% ;ran0 Duintet for 9ind Instruments in ( flat maFor% op! 7? no! 3% 3st mo#ement uite ,o. % for 9ind Duintet% any one or more mo#ements Earl! 1ungarian "ances from t0e %Ct0 Centur!% any one or two dances I 2ot 40!t0m 9Cornpipe: from 9ater Music 5leine 5ammermusik for 9ind Duintet% 3rd mo#ement 9(i#e and Ta e:

Publication ;)& Beuc art

1otes including instrumentation

,ebussy% & arr! Callam% . ;ar as% ;erenc

)merson )M<

(ershwin% arr! Shiron% ' Candel% (; arr! &hristensen% / Cindemith% P

&amden Music Eendor Music "nc!3?>22 Schott Schott Eendor Music

6ind quintet ,uration: 3!31% 3: flute% 1: oboe% 3: <-flat clarinet% 4: horn in ;% 7: bassoon

Ereisler% ;% ;arr% <irtel% 6 *iebesfreud>*iebesleid .iehaus% B

;lute% oboe% clarinet% horn% bassoon Saxophone quintet

6or!s for recorder +uintets (rainger% P arr! <onsor% < Schiedt% S 9Shepherd:s Cey: 9<ergamasca: Schott 32II? =riel Bibrary SS'T L piano SS'T<

Se/tets, septets and octets

Composer-arrangemen t /anace % B Purcell% C 6or! ;out0 Mladi uite for wind sextet @ondo from ' Publication "M& <onsor prints 323 1otes including instrumentation ;lute% piccolo% oboe% clarinet% horn% bassoon% bass clarinet SS''T recorders L piano L percussion 4can

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 20 of (2

Composer-arrangemen t Schic hardt% ed! Enab



1otes including instrumentation be performed by eight players5

&oncerto in & ma$or% first mo#ement

Cortus Musicus 3>1

'''' recorders L piano L basso continuo

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 2( of (2

2. !rass ense%bles including duets, trios, -uartets, -uintets, se/tets, septets, like instru%ent ense%bles, %i/ed instru%ent ense%bles 0uos
Composer-arrangemen t Uber 6or! Eig0t 0ort "uos% any one or two Publication Southern Music ST17F 1otes including instrumentation Trumpet and trombone

Composer-arrangemen t <ar er% 6 <arnes &orelli% trans! (abrielle 6o$ci ,ec er% @ 6or! -anfare) 2igue = Marc0 "uo Concertante onata da C0iesa% op! 3% no!333 =ne of Englis0 Madrigal uite: 9Though Philomela Bost Cer Bo#e:% 9&ease Sorrows .ow:% 9Bate in my @ash 'ccounting: P0il0armonic -anfare +0ree *ittle Magpies Publication Eendor Music "nc! 43I3F25 SU321 .eil ' E$os Music &ompany 4)33315 Eendor Music "nc!43I3?25 1otes including instrumentation ,uration: 3!72% 3: <-flat trumpet% 1: horn in ;% 3: trombone or baritone horn% bass clef Trumpet% euphonium and piano <rass trio ,uration: 4!42% 3: <-flat trumpet% 1: horn in ;% 3: trombone or hornM bass clef% baritone

)wa0en% ' /ohnson% )laine

Southern Music SU4FF Middle & 'ssociates Pty! Btd www!middlec!com!au Eendor Music "nc! 43F1475 &hester Music% &C 77333

<rass trio 3 trumpets I player parts pro#ided to enable numerous trio combinations! ,uration: 1!72% 3 trumpets in <-flat 3: trumpet% 1: horn% 3: trombone

McBeod% / Poulenc% ;

+rumpet Carousel Sonata for <rass% one or two mo#ements% /ust <rass no!

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 22 of (2

1> Uber Trio Southern Music ST132 Trumpet% horn and trombone

Composer-arrangemen t <rahms% /% arr! &opping% < (ossec% ;/% arr &opping% < Coffman% ) /oplin% S% arr! McBeod% / 6or! 1ungarian "ances% no!7 +ambourin ,apoli 4evisited =ne of 9<lac and 6hite @ag:% 9)ntertainer: or 9Maple Beaf @ag: Capriccio =ne of: +wo Ceremonial Classics: 9Trumpet *oluntary:% 9Trumpet Tune: Nuartet 3a.. Preludes% any one +rumpet fanfare for t0ree trumpets and timpani ;iesta Publication )m ay Music )m ay Music Southern Music ST?I3 Eendor Music "nc! 'lso arranged for saxophone% 37>11 or <-flat clarinet quartet% 372F7 Corn% two trumpets% trombone ,uration: 1!47% trumpet parts in <-flat or &% also arranged for trumpet duet with piano or trumpet quartet 4arr! &ampbell5 1otes including instrumentation Trumpet% 3% 1% trombone+;rench horn% tuba Trumpet 3% 1% trombone+;rench horn% tuba

Mussorgs y% M% ed! =strander% ' Purcell% C% arr! /ar#is% /

"M& 14?3 Eendor Music "nc! 43F3475

Schumann% @! arr! ;it0gerald <@ Short% M Spiewa % T

Southern Music ST373 <oosey and Caw es <CM2?22F47I7 'ustralian Music &entre http:++australianmusiccentre! com!au+ Southern Music ST313 <rass quartet Nuartet


VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 23 of (2

Composer-arrangemen t <rahms% /! arr! &opping% < &hopin% ; arr! ;rac enpohl% ' ,utton < ;rac enpohl% '

6or! 1ungarian "ance% no!7 C0opin uite% any one of 9Minute 6alt0:% 9Prelude in & minor:% 9Military Polonaise: 7n a "arkling Plain 4Musings before 'rmageddon5 'dirondack (rass 4ag

Publication )m ay Music Eendor Music "nc! 3IF32

1otes including instrumentation Trumpet% 3% 1% trombone+;rench horn% tuba 3: <-flat trumpet% 1: <-flat trumpet% 3: horn in ;% 4: trombone or euphoniumM bass clef% 7: tuba Trumpets% 3 A 1% horn% trombone% tuba ,uration: 1!72% 3: <-flat trumpet% 1: <-flat trumpet% 3: horn in ;% 4: trombone or euphoniumM bass clef% 7: tuba ,uration: 4!22% 3: <-flat trumpet% 1: <-flat trumpet% 3: horn in ; or% 1: <-flat horn in )-flat% 4: tromboneM bass clef% 7: tuba or )-flat bass ,uration: ?!32% 3: <-flat trumpet% 1: <-flat trumpet% 3: horn in ; or )-flat% 4: trombone or euphoniumM bass clef% 7: tuba or )-flat bass ,uration: 3!32% 33 published parts <rass quintet ,uration: 3!22% 3: <-flat trumpet% 1: <-flat trumpet% 3: horn in ;% 4: trombone or euphoniumM bass clef% 7: tuba% also arranged for flute quartet or clarinet choir

E$os% .eil Eendor Music "nc! 43I?F35

(rainger% P

0ep0erd:s 1e!

&hester Music &C 77I33

Cowarth% ) 4arr!5O

=ne of -our wiss +unes: 9<asle March:% 9The &uc oo:% 9The =ld &astle:% 9Hurich March: 2alliard Perc! 2rainger uite Mississippi 4ag

&hester Music &C 77237

Eing Ereines Erell% 6C% arr! ;rac enpohl% '

Middle & 'ssociates www!middlec!com!au Southern Music% ST3>1 Eendor Music "nc! 43I>325


Popular uite for (rass Duintet) any one or two mo#ements

Southern Music% ST13?

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 24 of (2

Praetorius% M% arr! Eramer% EO

=ne of "ance from +erpsic0ore: 9<allet des &oqs:% 9<allet des <accanales:% 9&ourante: or 9*olta: =ne of Meet t0e (rass Duintet: 9March of the @oyal Bion:% 9;ossiles: or 9)lephant: +0e Cat:s -ugue =ne of +0reepenn! 7pera uite: 9=#erture:% 9"nstead of Song:% 9&annon Song: 'ny one of (rass 2rooves: 9Senior Salsa:% 9<alloon @ide:% 9.ext Stop ;un s#ille:% 9<asically <asie:% 9Surfside:% 9Swingtime:% 9Ceartland:% 9*ictory March:% 9Ba0y ,ay:% 9.ext ,ance:% 9;ly with Me:% 9Mo#in: =n:% 9The Matador:% 9<oogie <lues:

Eendor Music 43IF475

,uration: F!37% 3: <-flat trumpet% 1: <-flat trumpet% 3: horn in ;% 4: trombone or euphoniumM bass clef% 7: tuba 3: <-flat trumpet% 1: <-flat trumpet% 3: horn in ;% 4: trombone or euphoniumM bass clef% 7: tuba <rass quintet 3: <-flat trumpet% 1: <-flat trumpet% 3: horn in ;% 4: trombone or euphoniumM bass clef% 7: tuba =ptional drum parts

Saint-Saens% &% arr! Eramer

Eendor Music 43II>I5

Scarlatti% ,% Thurston% @ 6eill% E% arr! Eramer% E

Southern% SU3F? Eendor Music 43>2>15

6asson% /ohn

brassgroo#es8dallasbrass!c om

Composer-arrangement 6einer 6or! econd uite Publication Southern Music ST3F> 1otes including instrumentation

). $o%binations wit* r*&t*% section

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 30 of (2

Composer-arrangement &lar % ' and &lar % P

6or! Combo (ooks% any one of 9The .ew &hurch (ig:% 9The .ew ;irst (ig:% 9The .ext (ig% 9The <lues (ig:

Publication <arnhouse Publication

1otes including instrumentation )-flat% <-flat% bass clef% eyboards% & instruments% bass and drums boo and #ocal boo

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 31 of (2

Composer-arrangement )llington% ,% arr! Tomaro Mason% (rant

6or! 9"n a Sentimental Mood: 9.ot )#en:

Publication Cal Beonard CB2F2323F1 Middle & 'ssociates www!middlec!com!au

1otes including instrumentation /a00 ensemble The publication contains fi#e lead parts: & lead 4upper octa#e5% to suit flute or other higher pitched & instrumentsM & lead 4lower octa#e5% to suit #iolin or other lower pitched & instrumentsM )-flat lead to suit )-flat instruments such as alto sax% baritone saxM <-flat lead to suit <-flat instruments such as clarinet% tenor sax% trumpetM bass clef lead to suit instruments such as trombone and rhythm section parts for: piano% bass% drums 'rranged for combinations of four to 13 parts% with rhythmic section! Most include optional flute% clarinet and aux! percussion parts!

6ilson% )d

Mi? :n: Matc0 Combo (and eries 'ny one of: 9Ma in: 6hoopee:% 6PF22I: 9=h 6hat a .ight:% 6PF272: 9;e#er: 6PF247% 9,ancing in the Street: 6PF24>: 96a e Me Up <efore Dou (o-(o: 6PF233 Pmale and femaleQ (ig (and Vocal eries% any one of: 9Dou are the Sunshine of My Bife:% 6PI3F Pmale #oiceQ% 9This Madness &alled Bo#e:% 6PM?224 Pfemale alto rangeQ 9'mber Moment: or 9@ush Cour <lues: or

6ilson Publishing% P= <ox 7F>% Terrigal% .S6% 11?2% Ph: 3I22 ?II 3>2

Mustafa% /ames

http:++www!$amesmustafa$a0 0orchestra!com+home!ht ml

;or further information email: sheetmusic8$amesmustafa$a00orchestra!co m

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 32 of (2


6or! 9Ministry:


1otes including instrumentation

4. Percussion ense%bles including duets, trios, -uartets, -uintets, like instru%ent ense%bles, %i/ed instru%ent ense%bles
Composer-arrangement '@&C"<'B,% <ruce <ach% /S% arr! Schinstine% 6/ <arto % <% arr! (olo o#% S 6or! 9,$olt: ;antasia in & minor 9Scher0o: from Microcosmos Publication Middle & 'ssociates Pty! Btd www!middlec!com!au Southern Music ST 34 <lac eye Productions Music Publishing www!blac eyeproductions!com !au Middle & 'ssociates Pty! Btd www!middlec!com!au Six players% gloc enspiel% xylophone 4two players5% wood-bloc % triangle% tambourine% sleigh-bells% concert bass drum% two bongos =p! 32 .o! 3 Player 3: gloc enspiel% xylophone Player 1: xylophone Player 3: #ibraphone% cymbals% triangle Player 4: timpani K <b% &% ;% snare drum Six players% gloc enspiel% #ibraphone% xylophone% marimba% timpani ;i#e players 4gloc enspiel% xylophone or marimba5% two players 4#ibraphone played on eyboard or piano% triangle% two wood-bloc s5 1otes including instrumentation ,rum it% ,$embe and &ongas

&C=P".% ; arr! C).H().% &


)lgar% )% arr! Cughes% ( )lmenreich% '8 arr! (olo o#% S

9.imrod: from the Enigma Variations) op! 3? Spinning Song

@hythmscape Publishing www!rhythmscape!com!au <lac eye Productions Music Publishing www!blac eyeproductions!com !au

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 33 of (2

Composer-arrangement (olo# o% Sergei

6or! 'ny one or two of: 96itchhunt:% 9Uniform Shop:% 9Bunch-brea : 4for timpani solo with piano% drums and bass guitar5% or 9That:s @ight:% 9Minitude for Two:% 9Minitude for Three:% 9Minitude for ;our:% 9Minitude for Six:% 9Stress:% 9"mpulse:% or 9@ende0#ous:!

Publication <lac eye Productions Music Publishing www!blac eyeproductions!com !au

1otes including instrumentation 96itch-hunt:: multi-percussion duet 4player one% two bongos% splash cymbal% china cymbal% washboard or guiro% snare drum% temple-bloc M player two% three tom-toms% concert bass drum% flexatone5! 9Uniform Shop:: timpani solo with piano% drums and bass guitar! 9That:s @ight:: 4for percussion ensemble P#ibraphone% marimba or xylophone% congas% two bongos% suspended tambourine% cla#es% cow-bell% drum setQ and bass guitar5! 9Minitude for Two:: 4percussion duet K player one% snare drum% maracas% concert bass drum% china cymbal% templebloc or woodbloc % cow-bellM player two% snare drum% triangle% slap stic % two temple-bloc s% cowbell5M 9Minitude for Three:: four timpani% congas% snare drumM 9Minitude for ;our:: drum set% two metal rubbish bins% four timpani! 9Minitude for Six:: gloc enspiel% xylophone% four timpani% #ibraphone 4part can be played on electric eyboard5% marimba 4optional5% drum set% bass guitar or 4drum set Pleading partQ% two timpani% two tom-toms% two templebloc s or wood <-315 9Stress:: six players 4temple-bloc % two bongos% four bra e drums% six rubbish bins5 9"mpulse:: four players 4drum set Pleading partQ% three timpani and concert bass drum

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 34 of (2




1otes including instrumentation Pleading partQ% xylophone% conga drum% two temple-bloc s or wood-bloc s% guiro% cow-bell% suspended cymbal5 9@ende0#ous:: for percussion sextet K gloc enspiel% xylophone% #ibraphone% marimba 4split parts5% drum set% bass guitar and piano

Coullif% M Cughes% (

ultans of wat -irst +ransformation

Eendor Music "nc! 43>F>15 @hythmscape Publishing www!rhythmscape!com!au

,uration: 3!42% 3: snare drum% 1: tenor drum% 3: bass drum Se#en players 4note: ensemble must include one non-assessed performer5% concert toms% congas% tam-tam% timpani% #ibraphone% xylophone% marimba% chimes ;our players% xylophone% snare drumM bass drum% #ibraslapM tambourine% timpaniM whip% suspended cymbal% temple bloc s% triangle Se#en players 4note: ensemble must include one non-assessed performer5 ;i#e players% each part requires a high and low sound% parts 1% 3 and 7 require additional 9rim: sound% cues in part 7 are optional ,uration: 1!12% three snare drums ;i#e players% drum itM roto toms% tom% foot tambourineM roto toms% tom% small bass drum with footM congas% bongos% woodbloc with footM congas% bongos%

Cughes% (


@hythmscape Publishing www!rhythmscape!com!au

Cughes% (

!mp0on! of Palms

@hythmscape Publishing www!rhythmscape!com!au @hythmscape Publishing www!rhythmscape!com!au

/arrott% /

9&on#ersation in /un :

Befe#er% M .e#ille% P)

9Mancos: 9"nstruments of Mass ,eception:

Eendor Music "nc! 43>FF25 @hythmscape Publishing www!rhythmscape!com!au

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 30 of (2




1otes including instrumentation small bass drum with foot

@ossini% (% arr! Coullif Schumann% @% arr! Schinstine 6/ Schinstine% 6/ Schinstine% 6/ Shosta o#itch% ,% arr! (olo o#% S

9illiam +ell 7verture 9Traumerei: 9<last of &lass: 9<ossa .o#a: 9Pol a: from the ballet 2olden 'ge

Eendor Music 122F2 Southern Music ST 473 Southern Music ST3?F Eendor Music 123I2 <lac eye Productions Music Publishing% www!blac eyeproductions!com !au or percussion3338hotmail!com Middle & 'ssociates Pty! Btd www!middlec!com!au

Six players

6ithout instruments% body percussion ;i#e players% xylophone% marimba 4two players5% #ibraphone% untuned percussion 4two cow-bells% triangle% three templebloc s% suspended cymbal% snare drum% flexatone% ratchet% frusta or slapstic % concert bass drum5 Player 3: (loc enspiel Player 1: Marimba% xylophone Player 3: @ide cymbal% snare drum% 3 tom toms% bass drum Player 4: hand held pair of cymbals% maraca% ship:s bell% small triangle% suspended cymbal% tambourine% four temple bloc s% #ibra-slap Player 7: timpani K can be performed using a pair of timpani 4;-;5 but additional drums will assist execution Six players% xylophone and gloc enspiel

Traditional% arr! Cen0gen% &hris

9<ound for South 'ustralia:

Traditional% arr! Cughes% ( 6einer 6estla e% .igel

k!e "ance +0ree b! -our 7mp0alo Centriec *ecture

@hythmscape Publishing www!rhythmscape!com!au Southern Music SU3I7 'ustralian Music &entre

Percussion quartet

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 3( of (2



Publication http:++australianmusiccentre!co m!au

1otes including instrumentation

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 32 of (2

(. String 3nse%bles, including duets, trios, -uartets, -uintets4 ense%bles including piano 0uos
Composer-arrangemen t 'lbrechtsberg% /( <arto % <% arr! S0er#ans0 y <arto % <% arr! Eurt0 <iondi% ' 4ed!5 &annabich% /& (ome0 (ossec% ;/ % arr! &opping% < Eoch Beclair% /M% ed! Cermann 6or! =ne of i? "uos for Violin and Violoncello 44 duos for # Violins% boo 1% any two of nos!33% 3?% 3>% 43% 41 and 44 to count as one wor %B "uos for Celli% any two to count as one wor =ne of wing 3a.. "uets =ne of E "uets for violin Gor fluteH and viola Mandarin 90ispers +ambourin "uo for Violin and Viola 'ny two contrasting mo#ements from one of +0ree original sonatas for 1 #iolins% op! 3 no! 1% 4 and ? =ne of i? "uos for Violine = Violoncello% op! 4 uite op! 3?% 3st mo#ement Publication Eun0elman )dito Musica M2I22?774> 1otes including instrumentation

U)32471?% 1a Pacific: Mel <ay Publications "nc Masters Music Southern Music ST>24 )m ay Music Southern Music SU3?1 Peters 3: #iolin% 1: #iolin *olume 3: 3K3% #olume 1: 4K? *iolin and marimba

Pleyel% "/ Popper% ,

"M& 34>1 )M<

*olume 3: 3K3% #olume 1: 4K? Two celli

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 33 of (2

Composer-arrangemen t @adano#ics% M *ariousO 6einer

6or! =ne of 3a..! "uets 7ne of -iddling 'round% boo s 3K 4 -ive Episodes% any 3 or 1

Publication Bondon% Uni#ersal )dition US 3?73F <roadbent and ,unne Southern Music ST>F>

1otes including instrumentation 3: #iolin% 1: #iolin Two #iolins or #iolas *iolin duet

Composer-arrangement 6or! 'rens y% ' <eetho#en% B #an <eetho#en% B #an Piano Trio in , minor op! 31% any 3 or 1 mo#ements% any edition Trio for 3 cellos Trio for 1 #iolins and #iola Piano Trio op! 3% no! 3% any one mo#ement Piano Trio op! >F no! F% 9'rchdu e:% any mo#ement Piano Trio op! F2 no! 3 9(host:% any mo#ement <ridge% ; ,#ora % ' )lgar% ) (aubert% P% arr! &a#ally% Two contrasting mo#ements from Miniatures for piano trio 9,um y: Piano Trio op! >2% any 3 or 1 mo#ements alut d:amour 'utumn Evening Publication Peters 4337 Southern Music SU4>F Southern Music SU4>I Cenle% *ol! 3 C.14 Cenle% *ol!1 C. 1? Cenle% *ol!1 C. 1? Stainer <ell <arenreiter <roadbent A ,unne or .o#ello Southern Music ST?4I Piano trio ;lute% cello and piano Sets 3 4131>5% 1 413325 or 3 413335 1otes including instrumentation

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 34 of (2

Composer-arrangement 6or! @ Cahn% @% arr! &a#ally% @ Cahn% @% arr! &a#ally% @ Candel% (; erenade for ;lute% &ello and Piano 4omanes6ue for Piano Trio )ither mo#ements 3 and 1 or mo#ements 3 and 4 from Sonata in ( minor for two celli and piano% op! 1 no! I Piano Trios% any 3 or 1 mo#ements from a single trio String trio 9all:=ngarese:% one or two mo#ements% from String Trios% #ol! 1 +rio for Clarinet Gor ViolaH) Violin and Piano & Pieces (reves from String Trios) any one =ne of +0ree Eas! "uettos% op. # <Piano +rio in " min:) op! 4>% 1nd mo#ement% from Piano Trios &omplete uite) op! F3 ,i#ertimento in )-flat) 5&E3 +rio onata 9Twel#e for Three:

Publication Southern Music ST?4> Southern Music ST??I "M& 131>

1otes including instrumentation

Caydn! (; Caydn% /% ed! Mac"ntyre

Cenle ?32 Cenle% C. 417

Ehachaturian% ' Martinu% < Mason% @ Mendelssohn% ;

"nternational Music &o! >I2 Pno!3 SchottQ Eun0elmann (M 3??4 ,urand 43321I412275 3: #iolin% 1: #ioloncello or 1: #ioloncelli *iolin+#iola+piano

Mos0 ows i% M% ed! Byman Mo0art% 6' Tull% ; *an Slyc % .

"nternational Music &ompany >F> Peters% P343> Southern Music SU33? Southern Music SU37F

Two #iolins and piano 3: #iolin% 1: #iolin% 3: #ioloncello ;or #iolin% clarinet or cello and piano String trio

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 40 of (2

Composer-arrangement 6or! *eocsap *i#aldi% ' 9,ance of the &ompetiti#e Spirit: 'ny one of% mo#ement 3 or mo#ements 1 and 3 from &oncerto in (-minor no! 1 for &ello or any mo#ement+s from Concerto 2rosso% Two #iolins and Piano 9Theme and *ariants: 9Buna Trio:

Publication Middle & 'ssociates: www!middlec!com!au .ew Dor % "nternational Music% 3FI1% '6MP% 66?22>% or arrangement by 6illiam Hinn Southern Music ST>FI Southern Music SU111

1otes including instrumentation ,uration: 3!37% #iolin% #iola% piano Published for two celli and piano

6einer% B 6al er% ,

;lute% cello and harp Carp% flute and #iola

Composer-arrangement 6or! The ,oors% arr! 'ndrews <ach% /!S% arr Martelli <ellinati% Paulo <orodin% ' <ucalossi arr! ;raser% , ;aure% ( arr! @ose% M (ershwin% ( arr! Thorpe% < (rainger% P ;oote% ' 9Bight my ;ire: 96achet 'uf: 4Sleeper:s 'wa e5 from &antata <6*342 9' ;uriosa% for 4 guitars: 9.ottorno: from String Nuartet no! I 9The (rasshopper:s ,ance: Pavane op! 72 =ne of 9' ;oggy ,ay in Bondon Town: or 9S:wonderful: 9Molly on the Shore: 9.ight Piece% for ;lute% String Nuartet: Publication Mona Bisa Sound <roadbent A ,unn Btd)ngland% 32>31 Sao Paulo (uitar Publications% 3>>F "M&% "M&2732 ;entone ; ?F> .orthants% )ngland: ;entone Music ;?33 Bondon: <roadbent A ,unne Masters PublishersM M33?3 Southern Music &ompany% S=3? <ass optional *iolin "% #iolin ""% #iola% cello 1otes including instrumentation String quartet

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 41 of (2

Composer-arrangement 6or! Colst% ( Caydn% (; /agger% M and @ichards% E arr @eed /oplin% S arr! Hinn Pu$oh% Maximo ,% ed! Cenley Mo0art% 6' Mo0art% 6 ' Parry% C Porter% &ole% ed! Thorp Schumann% @ Shosta o#ich% , Si ors i The &ranberries arr! @eed 6esley% & arr! ;in0i 9Theme from the Planets: String Nuartets% op! F3% F4% F? or FF% any one mo#ement 9Paint it <lac :% for string quartet with added double bass or cello quartet 9(rises D Soles pour 4 (uitares: Eine 5leine ,ac0tmusik% any 3 or 1 mo#ements String Nuartet no! ?% E37>% any 3 or 1 mo#ements String Nuartet no! 3 9'nything (oes: from Duartet Cabaret % Piano Nuartet in ) flat% op! 4F) any one or more mo#ements String Nuartet no! I% op! 332% any mo#ement 9@omance: from +0e 2adfl! 9Hombie: Nuartet no! 7 in < flat

Publication ;entone Music% ;7>> Cenle Mona Bisa Sound

1otes including instrumentation 'rr! for string quartet op! F3 and F4% Cenle *ol! 133M op!F?% Cenle *ol! 134 and op!FF% *ol! 137

= =ne of C 4ags for tring Duartet

)xcelsior 3323I?>I77 Bemoine% 3>>3 F722> any edition any edition ;entone Music% ;?11' <oosey A Caw es M=?22II27? Cenle ,resden 1342 ;entone ;41F Mona Bisa Sound Ceinrichson edition% no! 437 I3 *iolin 3% #iolin 1% #iola% cello String quartet with added double bass or cello quartet

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 42 of (2

Composer-arrangement 6or! Schumann% @ Urquhart-/ones% , Piano Nuintet in )-flat) op! 44% any one or two mo#ements =ne of 9&eltic Suite:% a Scottish dance for string quintet% or 9;ugality:% a piece in &oncerto (rosso style Publication Bondon% Peters% P 13 ,ee-/ay Music 1otes including instrumentation

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 43 of (2

ocal ense%bles, including "usic 1*eatre, 5rt "usic, Jazz and Popular Song, #olksong and 'orld "usic, Spirituals and 6ospel, Sacred and 7ratorio .otes: This list contains a mixture of original #ersions of songs% and arrangementsM in the Music Theatre section there are sometimes options pro#ided for performing either the original #ersion or an arrangement! 'bbre#iations: S 4soprano5 ' 4alto5 T 4tenor5 < 4bass5 Some wor s are for a cappella #oices% intended by composer or arranger to be performed without accompaniment! These wor s should be performed a cappella! 'rrangements can be sung in ensembles ranging from duos to larger #ocal ensembles% with doubling of parts as appropriate! =riginal scenes from music theatre 4or oratorio5 should be sung as they appear in the original #ocal score% with #oice-types appropriate to each role% and by indi#idual #oices 4unless specified as chorus or ensemble #oices5! Publisher details and editions for some wor s on the 1231 list ha#e been updated to reflect current a#ailabilityM it is also acceptable to use the pre#iously listed editions! Many wor s can be obtained second-hand% or #ia digital download!

"usic 1*eatre
Composer-arranger 'ndersson% <% Ul#aeus% <% arr! Purifoy% / 'ndersson% <% Ul#aeus% <% and 'ndersson% S% arr! Sharon% , <art% B 6or! 9'nthem: from C0ess 9,ancing Nueen: from Mamma MiaI Publication Cal Beonard Cal Beonard 2IF4F273 1otes including instrumentation S'<% SS'% S'T< SS''% a cappella

9":d do anything: from 7liverI 'rtful ,odger% .ancy% =li#er% ;agin% boys 96ho will buy: from 7liverI

Piano-#ocal score 4original5 Cal Beonard 4arrangement5 Piano-#ocal score 4original5


<art% B

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 44 of (2


6or! =li#er% street sellers

Publication Cal Beonard 4arrangement5 Piano-#ocal score Piano-#ocal score 4original5 Cal Beonard 4arrangement5 Piano-#ocal score 4original5 Cal Beonard 4arrangement5 Piano-#ocal score 4original5 Cal Beonard 4arrangement5 Piano-#ocal score Cal Beonard Cal Beonard ,un#agen Music Publishing www!chesterno#ello!com www!musicroom!com Popular Voiceworks #% =xford Uni#ersity Press Piano-#ocal score 4original5 Cal Beonard 4arrangement5 Cal Beonard Piano-#ocal score

1otes including instrumentation S'T< 43FI>335% SS' 43FI>315 ST S'T soloists% T< chorus S'T< 44722445% SS' 44?22475 S' soloists% chorus S'<% S'T< SS' SS' '<% chorus SS'% S'<% S'T< SS'% S'<% S'T< S'T<% SS'% some a cappella% some with #iolin% organ S'T< S< S'<% S'T< <<<

<ernstein% B <ernstein% B

9=h happy we: from CandideJ &unegonde% &andide 9Tonight: quintet 4finale 'ct "5 9est ide tor!J 'nita% Maria% Tony% /ets% Shar s 96rong .ote @ag: from 9onderful +ownJ @uth% )ileen% chorus 9Matchma er: from -iddler on t0e 4oofJ &ha#a% Codel% T0eitl 9Sabbath Prayer: from -iddler on t0e 4oofJ Te#ye% (olde% chorus 9@hythm of Bife: from weet C0arit! 9The &olors of my Bife: from (arnum 9Enee Play 3-7: 4any of these5 from Einstein on t0e (eac0 9Cere:s where " stand: from Camp 9'll " as of you: from P0antom of t0e 7peraJ &hristine% Phantom 9;or .ow: from 'venue D 9;ugue for Tinhorns: from 2u!s and

<ernstein% B% arr! Bo$es i% ) <oc % /% arr! <rymer% M <oc % / &oleman% & arr! )merson% @ &oleman% &% arr! Bea#itte% / (lass% P

(ore% M% arr! <eale% & and Milloy% S Bloyd 6ebber% ' Bope0% @% arr! Cuff% M Boesser% ;

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 40 of (2


6or! "ollsJ 3 punters


1otes including instrumentation

Boesser% ; Menc en% ' =:Eeefe% B% <en$amin% .% arr! Cuff% M Porter% P% arr! (ilpin% ( @odgers% @% arr! Purifoy% / @owe% ,

9Sit down you:re roc in: the boat: from 2u!s and "olls 9Prologue: from *ittle 0op of 1orrorsJ &hiffon% @onette% &rystal 9So much better: from *egall! (londe 9<low% (abriel% blow: from 'n!t0ing 2oes 9"t might as well be Spring: from tate -air )ither: 9" wish " may: from +0e 9itc0es of EastwickJ 'lexandra% /ane% Su ie =r: 9Ma e him mine: from +0e 9itc0es of EastwickJ 'lexandra% /ane% Su ie 9Something: from +0e 9itc0es of EastwickJ Michael% /ennifer 9The 6i0ard and ": from 9icked 9Cairspray 4medley5: 9&ome to my (arden: from +0e ecret 2arden 9' *ery .ice Prince: 4optional K

Cal Beonard Piano-#ocal score Cal Beonard 6arner <rothers Cal Beonard Piano-#ocal score

S'T< SS' SS'% S'<% S'T< 1-part% S'<% S'T<% with rhythm section SS'% S'T< SS'

@owe% , Schwart0% S% arr! Bo$es i% ) Shaiman% M% arr! Cuff% M Simon% B% arr! Bea#itt% / Sondheim% S

Piano-#ocal score Cal Beonard Cal Beonard <roadway &horal 'lfred Piano-#ocal score

ST SS'% S'<% S'T< S'T< SS'% S'T< S'

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 4( of (2


6or! continue into 9;irst Midnight: with added #oices5 from Into t0e 9oodsJ &inderella% <a er:s 6ife


1otes including instrumentation

Sondheim% S

9'gony: from Into t0e 9oodsJ @apun0el:s Prince% &inderella:s Prince 9Perpetual 'nticipation: from ' *ittle ,ig0t MusicJ Mrs .ordstrom% Mrs 'nderson% Mrs Segstrom 9Sunday: 'ct 3 4or 15 ;inale from unda! in t0e Park wit0 2eorgeJ whole cast 9Dou could dri#e a person cra0y: from Compan!J 'pril% &athy% Marta 9"n a contemplati#e fashion: from +0e 2ondoliersJ Tessa% (ianetta% (iuseppe% Marco 9.e#er mind the why and wherefore: from 1M PinaforeJ /osephine% &aptain &orcoran% Sir /oseph 9Cere:s a how-de-do: from +0e MikadoJ Dum-Dum% .an i-Poo% EoEo 9Three little maids from school: from +0e Mikado) Dum-Dum% Pitti-Sing% Peep-<o% female chorus

Piano-#ocal score


Sondheim% S

Piano-#ocal score% @e#elation Music Publishing &orp! Piano-#ocal score 4original5 Cal Beonard 4arrangement5 Piano-#ocal score Piano-#ocal score


Sondheim% S

S'T< SS'

Sondheim% S Sulli#an% '


Sulli#an% '

Piano-#ocal score


Sulli#an% '

Piano-#ocal score


Sulli#an% '

Piano-#ocal score


VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 42 of (2

Composer-arranger Sulli#an% '


Publication 'T<

1otes including instrumentation

9'way% away% my heart:s on fire: Piano-#ocal score from +0e Pirates of Pen.anceJ @uth% ;rederic% Pirate Eing 9" am a maiden cold and stately: from Princess IdaJ &yril% Cilarion% ;lorian 9Madrigal 4when the buds are blossoming5: from 4uddigoreJ 9Strange 'd#enture: from +0e ;eoman of t0e 2uardJ Eate% ,ame &arruthers% &olonel ;airfax% Sergeant Meryll 9/ersey <oys K &horal Cighlights: medley including: 9&an:t Ta e My )yes =ff =f Dou:% 9,ecember 3>?3:% 9Bet:s Cang =n:% 9Stay:% 96ho Bo#es Dou: and 96or ing My 6ay <ac to Dou: 9,isney &lassics 4medley5: 9<elie#e: from +0e carlet PimpernelJ Percy% Marguerite Piano-#ocal score

Sulli#an% '


Sulli#an% ' Sulli#an% '

Piano-#ocal score Piano-#ocal score

S'T< soloists% and chorus S'T<

*alli% ;% arr! <rymer% M

Cal Beonard

S'T< I?134?1% S'< I?134?3% TT< I?134?3 "nstrumental Pa 4parts for trumpet 3 A 1% tenor sax% baritone sax% trombone% synthesiser% bass and drums5% I minutes% one or more sections may be performed% accompaniment may be performed with fewer instruments! S'< '<

*arious% arr! <illingsley% ' 6ildhorn% ; 5rt "usic Composer-arranger 'non

Cal Beonard Piano *ocal score

6or! 9Trubte # trRbu:43?th-century &0ech5 from Voiceworks #

Publication =xford Uni#ersity Press

1otes including instrumentation S'T< a cappella

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 43 of (2

Composer-arranger <rahms% / <utler% ) Eeil% E Bee % S Bee % S Morley% T =rlo#ich% M

6or! 9;our Songs: =p! 3F % any one in (erman or )nglish 9=n the <each at .ight 'lone: 9;ugues are ;unS: 9.gana: 9@iawanna K circles: 9.ow is the Month of Maying: 9Tides of =cean:

Publication )dition Peters Ceritage Music Press Thomas Couse Publications Morton Music Morton Music Cal Beonard Musical @esources% or Morton Music 6arner <ros B(S3217 'lfred <oosey and Caw es <oosey and Caw es @eed Music Stainer and <ell

1otes including instrumentation SS'4'5 two ;rench horns% harpM or piano SS' S'< S'T< a cappella 'ny combination of #oices TT<% or three-part mixed% a cappella S'T< a cappella &omposer website: www!mattheworlo#ich!com S'T< a cappella S' SS'' a cappella two-part a cappella 4optional winds5 S'T< a cappella S'< a cappella

des Pre0% / Purcell% C% ed! )rb% / Sadler% E Schubert% ;% arr! @ao% , Spiewa % T *arious% ed! ,art% T

9)l (rillo: 9Sound the Trumpet: 9B'6' 4Bo#e% 'rt% 6isdom% 'd#enture5: 9May Song: 9*ocal ;anfare: 'ny one or two wor s from Invitation to Madrigals) (ook %) 17 madrigals by <ateson% <yrd% &ampion% )ast% ;ord% Cilton% Colborne% Morley% Mundy% Tom ins% 6ard% 6eel es% 6ilbye% Doull 'ny one or two wor s from <+welve Madrigals for 'G'H: by )dwards% des Pre0%;armer%

*arious composers and arrangers


SS' 4'5 a cappella

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 44 of (2


6or! Morley% Palestrina% Passereau% 6heel es% 6ilbye


1otes including instrumentation

6hitacre% ) 6hitacre% )

9The Seal Bullaby: 9Sleep:

Shadow 6ater Music ,igital download: www!sheetmusicdirect!com

SS' S'T< a cappella

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 00 of (2

Jazz and Popular Song Composer-arranger

'd ins% '% 6ilson% ,% Tedder% @% arr! <rymer% M% 'nders% '% 'strom% P <all% )% <rennan% /E% arr! )mbury% P <eale% & <eale% & <eale% & <er owit0% S <erlin% " arr! 6arnich+Mc&arthy ,arin% <% arr! Cuff% M ,elaney-<rown% T ,ra e% M% =a land% arr! Shaw% E ;oster% ,% <ayer-Seger% & (abriel% &% Martin% (%

9@umour has it+Someone li e you: choral mash-up from 2lee

Uni#ersal Music Publishing #ia www!musicnotes!com

1otes including instrumentation


9Bet the @est of the 6orld (o <y: 9;ly: from Popular Voiceworks # 9(onna ma e a wish: from Popular Voiceworks # 9(uiding Bight: from Popular Voiceworks # 9'dd a riff: 96hite &hristmas: 9,ream Bo#er: 4as sung by Manhattan Transfer5 9@achel: 4as sung by The "dea of .orth5 9/a#a /i#e: 4as sung by Manhattan Transfer5 9The Promise: from film Duest for Camelot 9Cis eye on the sparrow: 4as sung by

"MP 'rchi#e www!prestoclassical!co!u =xford Uni#ersity Press =xford Uni#ersity Press =xford Uni#ersity Press &oronet Press Cal Beonard 74F3% 74F1 Cal Beonard digital download from www!idea!com!au Cal Beonard I???222 www!sheetmusicplus!com ,igital download: www!musicnotes!com ,igital download:

S'T< S'T< Bead #ocal and bac ing #ocals S'T< S'T< optional piano% drum it% bass SS' S'T< S'T< 4soprano lead5 a cappella S'T< ,uet male+female S'T< a cappella

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 01 of (2

arr! &rellin% . (lo#er-Eind% /% arr! &arter% ' (raham% <% Bo#land% @ Camilton% .% Bewis% M% arr! Hegree% S Caw ins% )% ,ash% /% /ohnson% 6% arr! .o#a /oel% < arr! Shaw% E /oel% <% arr! )merson% @ /ones% "% arr! Hegree% S or @obinson% @ Bennon% /% Mc&artney% P% arr! <irchall% / et al Bennon% /% Mc&artney% P% arr! <rymer Bennon% /% Mc&artney% P% arr! )merson% @ Mercury% ;% arr! <artlett% & Piper% '

The "dea of .orth5 9" do li e to be beside the seaside: 9Dou @aise Me Up: 9Cow Cigh the Moon: 4as sung by Manhattan Transfer5 9Tuxedo /unction: 4as sung by Manhattan Transfer5 9'nd So it (oes: 9Bongest Time: 9"t Cad to <e Dou:% from film 90en 1arr! Met all! +0e (eatles C0oral Programme% any one song 9<lac bird: 9"n My Bife: 9Seaside @ende0#ous: from +0e 5ing:s ingers Ensemble inging Collection 9Singin: ' &appella: as sung by The

www!idea!com!au =xford Uni#ersity Press Cal Beonard or .o#ello Cal Beonard 2F37F?7> Cal Beonard Cal Beonard 44317277M I122F7>M I122F?2 Cal Beonard 4231?3?? 6arner <ros "nc! *S734I 'lfred .o#ello .=>3??3

1otes including instrumentation

S'T< a cappella S'T<% S'< SS' S'T< S'< or S'T< S'T<% SS''% TT<< TT<< a cappella S'<% S'T< S'T<% S'<

Cal Beonard IF4>434 Cal Beonard Cal Beonard

S'<% S'T<% S'T< a cappella S'T< a cappella S'T< a cappella

,igital download:

S'T< a cappella

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 02 of (2

"dea of .orth @aye% ,% Prince% C @odgers% @% arr! ;un % / Ste#enson% 6% (aye% M% Cunter% "% arr! <eale% & *arious% ed! <lac well% ,% &arter% ' *arious% arr! Sharon% ,% @augh% '

9<oogie-woogie <ugle <oy: 9<lue Moon: 9,ancing in the Streets: from Popular Voiceworks 4*olume 35 In t0e Mood K Popular Classics for C0oir 4any of these5M composers include 6aller% (ershwin% Eern 0>boom K ' Contemporar! a cappella Collection) Volume #) songs from the 3>72s% any of these

www!idea!com!au digital download from www!musicnotes!com 6arner <ros Music &,M232I4 =xford Uni#ersity Press

1otes including instrumentation

SS' SS'% TT<% S'T<% S'< 4optional accompaniment5 S'T<

=xford Uni#ersity Press

S'T< 4some a cappella% some with piano5

Cal Beonard

TT<< a cappella

#olksong and 'orld "usic Songs in this section are generally arrangements of traditional songsM arrangers are listed in the first column Composer-arranger
<ennett% B <ertaux% < <rewer% M <usto% /

9"nanay: 4'boriginal5 9":ll (i#e My Bo#e an 'pple: 4UE5 1amba *ulu K -ive 'frican ongs 4any one of these5 9=i <ethleemS: 4<asque carol5 from 9orld Carols for C0oirs K #A

Doung *oices of Melbourne D*M242 <oosey and Caw es M=734?3F2 ;aber Music 27F312IIG =xford Uni#ersity Press

1otes including instrumentation

SS' a cappella with clap stic s Three parts% treble or mixed #oices S'T< optional percussion SS' a cappella

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 03 of (2

&hilcott% < (ill% @ Catfield% S Catfield% S Bee % S Mence% S

Carols for Upper Voices -urusato K & arrangements of 3apanese songs% any one 9Poor 6ayfarin: Stranger: 4US'5 9/abula /esu: 4Hulu5 9Bas 'marillas: 4Mexico5 9Trade 6inds: 4islands north of 'ustralia5 from Island ongs 9SubradiTa lietiTU li$a: 4Bat#ian carol5 from 9orld Carols for C0oirs K #A Carols for Upper Voices +0ree Mountain (allads 4UE and US'5 4any one of these5 'ny one or two wor s from -reedom Is Coming K songs of protest and praise from out0 'frica 9;reedom =n The 6allaby: 4'ustralia5 9(abi% (abi: 4South 'frica5 9S ye <oat Song: 4Scotland5

=xford Uni#ersity Press Santa <arbara Music &ompany <oosey and Caw es% M=734?F137 <oosey and Caw es Morton Music =xford Uni#ersity Press

1otes including instrumentation

S'T< S'T< Tenor and Soprano Soli with SS'T< )nsemble SS' a cappella with body percussion S' with pianoM S'% SS'% S'T< a cappella SS' a cappella

.elson% @ .yberg% '

Theodore Presser &ompany 6alton Music &orporation

SS'% S'T<% optional string bass S'T< a cappella

=:Beary% M Powell% 6 @odgers% T

Mar =:Beary Music Publishing Cal Beonard Shawnee Press% "nc

SS' a cappella S'T<% SS''% TT<<% S'< a cappella S'<% S'T<

Spirituals and 6ospel

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 04 of (2

<ac house% T

Move 7n Up K 'n ' Cappella 2ospel ongbook for C0oirs and Duartets) any one of these 9Dou are the .ew ,ay: 9Dou:re gonna be lifted upS: 9,idn:t it rain: 9/acob:s Badder: 9;reedom is &oming:

Vcole de ;romage www!tonybac house!com!au Cal Beonard 'lfred Cal Beonard% 2IF423I3 Cal Beonard% IF2314> Cal Beonard

1otes including instrumentation

S'T< a cappella

,a#id% /% arr! Enight% P% Bawson% P )stes% / Traditional% arr! &roc er% ) Traditional% arr! Morrow% , Traditional% arr! Bec % C

SS' a cappella IF42431% S'T<% a cappella% I?2133? Two-part 4with descant5% S'< 1 part S'T< di#isi% TT<<% a cappella S'<% SS' a cappella

Sacred and 7ratorio Composer-arranger


9= *irgo Splendens:% Medie#al canon 4each #oice enters at sign after 9#irgo: at sign at end of first phrase5 from Blibre *ermell de Montserrat 9'#e Maria: 9,uet and &horal from &antata .o! >3:% )nglish or (erman 9,omine ,eus: from Mass in 2 MaFor <6* 13?:

Petrucci Music Bibrary www!imslp!org

1otes including instrumentation

Three-part a cappella

'rcadelt% /% arr! @obinson% @ <ach% /S% ed! @ao% , <ach% /S% ed! @ao% ,

<elwyn <oosey and Caw es <oosey and Caw es

SS' a cappella S'% optional strings S'% optional #iolins

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 00 of (2

<ernstein% B &hilcott% < Caydn% / Bea#itt% / Mo0art% 6 ' 4arr! #arious5 Palestrina% (% arr! @obinson% @ Palestrina% ( Puddy% ( M and ' P @utter% / @utter% / Schubert% ;% arr! Telfer% . Shaw% E *aughan 6illiams% @ *i#aldi% '

9(loria Tibi: from Mass ' *ittle 3a.. Mass 4any mo#ement5 9'gnus ,ei: from ,elson Mass 9;esti#al Sanctus: 9'#e *erum: E*?3I 9'doramus Te: from +wo 4enaissance C0orals for 9omen 9'doramus Te: 9(loria in )xcelsis: 9The Bord bless you and eep you: 9To e#erything there is a season: 9<enedictus: from Mass in 2 9&antate ,omino: 9= Taste and See: 9Baudamus Te: from 2loria

<oosey and Caw es =xford Uni#ersity Press .o#ello piano #ocal score 6arner <rothers *arious: www!cpdl!org www!free-scores!com <elwyn

1otes including instrumentation

S' chorus% T solo% bongo S'T<% optional drum it and bass S'T< soloists S'% TT<% S'T<% optional percussion =riginal #ersion S'T< with organ% or% SS' a cappella% or other arrangements SS' a cappella

'ny edition Morton Music #ia Cal Beonard =xford Uni#ersity Press =xford Uni#ersity Press .eil '! E$os Music &ompany Cal Beonard =xford Uni#ersity Press Ealmus piano #ocal score

SS' a cappella SS and descant S'T<% organ S'T< Two-part S'< SS' or S'T< SS soloists

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 0( of (2

8. 3nse%bles including piano 9works %arked wit* an : are also listed in ot*er categories; Composer-arrangement
'rens y% '

Piano Trio in , minor op! 31) any 3 or 1 mo#ements% any edition Trio Sonata for two flutes and basso continuo) <6* 323>% any one or two mo#ements ,uo &oncertante &ello Sonata .o! 3 in ' ma$or% op! ?F Piano Trio op! 3% no! 3% any one mo#ement% 1enle) *ol! 3 Piano Trio op! >F no! F% 9'rchdu e:% any mo#ement Piano Trio op! F2 no! 3% 9(host:% any mo#ement

Peters 4337O

1otes including instrumentation

(ac0) 3 ed. c0mi.t) M and c0neider) 1P

Cenle% C. 31>O

<arnes <eetho#en% B

SU321O "M& OO C.14O

;or trumpet% euphonium and piano &ello+piano duo

Cenle *ol! 1% C. 1?O Cenle *ol! 1% C. 1?O Scott 32>37 ;aber Music% 27F373424> OO )ncore Music ,istributors% MMP I2>7 Stainer <ellO SS' L gloc L untuned percussion L piano '#ailable at *ictorian @ecorder (uild Bibrary ;lute and piano Two pianos Sets 3 4131>5% 1 413325 or 3 413335

'rr! <onsor <oyd% ' <randman% M <ridge% ;

+wo -renc0 +unes) .o! 1 9Tambourin: 9&loudy Mountain: 9Spirit *isions: Two contrasting mo#ements from Miniatures for Piano

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 02 of (2

<ritten% <en$amin &armichael% /ohn &imarosa% , ed! @ampal% / P

+rio 2emini Variations) any one or more mo#ements 9<ahama @umba: &oncerto in ( ma$or for two flutes and piano) any one mo#ement Piano +rio) any one or more mo#ements% any edition =ne mo#ement from 'ndante et @ondo% op! 17 ,um y Piano Trio op! >2% any 3 or 1 mo#ements 9Salut d:amour:% Piano Trio 9'utumn )#ening: 9@ende0#ous:

'ny edition 4'lfred5 'M& Bibrary% FI7!?131+&ar!3 "nternational Music 43I445O

1otes including instrumentation

;lute+#iolin+piano ;or two pianos

,ebussy% &laude ,oppler% ; ed! @ampal% / P ,#ora % 'nton )lgar% ) (aubert% P arr! &a#ally% @ (olo# o% S

"nternational Music &o% .ew Dor 1?42O <arenreiterO <roadbent A ,unn% Bondon or .o#elloO Southern Music &ompany% ST?4IO <lac eye Productions Music Publishing www!blac eyeproductions!co m!au Schott 32II? 'ny edition Southern Music &ompany%

Two flutes and piano

)P% F41> A )P F3F2 ;lute% cello and piano Percussion sextet L bass guitar and piano

(rainger% P arr! <onsor% < (ranados% arr! &hallenger Cahn% @% arr! &a#ally% @

9Shepherd:s Cey: 9'ndalu0a:O 9Serenade:

SS'T L piano *iolin% cello and piano ;lute% cello and piano

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 03 of (2



ST?4>O Southern Music &ompany% ST??IO "M& 131>O

1otes including instrumentation

Piano trio Two celli and piano

Candel% (;

)ither mo#ements 3 and 1 or mo#ements 3 and 4 from Sonata in (-minor op! 1% no! I Piano Trios% any one or two mo#ements% Piano Trio no! 7% finale mo#ement or Piano Trio no! ?% first mo#ement

Caydn% (;

Cenle ?32O 'ugener:s )d!

Caydn Colland% ,ulcie Ehachaturian% ' Eolins i

9,i#ertimento il Maestro e lo Scolare: 9&radle Song for a Special &hild: Trio for clarinet 4#iola5% #iolin and piano Music of t0e 1ebrew People) any two contrasting pieces 9Biebesfreud-Biebesleid: Trio Sonata in ; =p! 1% no! 1% one mo#ement

( Cenle Sydney: 'ustralian Music &entre "nternational Music &o! >I2O Cargail Music Press C313

Piano duet *iolin% cello and piano

SopS'T% depending on piece '#ailable at *ictorian @ecorder (uild Bibrary Piano% #iolin% cello 'lto recorder 4flute5% oboe 4flute% #iolin5% piano 4cembalo5 4#ioloncello ad lib5

Ereisler% ;% arr! <irtel% 6 Boeillet% /% ed! )rmeler

Schott Music 'madeus <P1234O

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page 04 of (2


Sonata in , minor% any one mo#ement

Peters .=323?O Stainer and <ell% C134O ,urand 43321I412275%

1otes including instrumentation

;lute% oboe and piano *iolin% cello% piano *iolin+#iola+piano ;lute+cello+piano% Himmermann 4HM314?25O Two pianos% four hands Two #iolins and piano

Martin% Peter Mendelssohn% ;

9Miniature Trio-@umba: Piano Trio in , minor% op! 4>% 1nd% mo#ement% from Piano +rios Complete 'ny one or two mo#ements from Carnival a la ,ovelle uite% op! F3 Piano Trio in ) flat% E 4>I% mo#ement no! 1 Music for Clarinet) Violin and Piano 9'melitango+Tango+<ailando a ,os: 9'nything (oes: from Duartet Cabaret % Sonata for ;lute and Piano% any one mo#ement% 3>7I 9Sonate: from Piano sonata for four 0ands Purcell 'lbum) any two contrasting pieces

Milhaud% ,arius Mos0 ows i% M ed! Byman Mo0art% 6 ' Patterson Pia0olla% ' Porter% &ole Poulenc% ; ed! Schmidt

6arner <ros! 312>2? "nternational Music &ompany >F>O Cenle% C.344 Eun0elmann )dition Southern Music &ompany SUI Uni#ersal% U)33F>1 Cal Beonard% M=?22II27? Bondon: &hester% &C21>2F

;lute% #iola and guitar

Poulenc% ;
Purcell% C% arr! <ergmann

&hester% &C23?27
Schott 3231> S'T L piano <aroque

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page (0 of (2

Purcell% C Purcell% C arr! Sal eld

@ondo from ' ,ine Pieces) any two contrasting pieces 9Cip-Cip-<aroque: or 9@eel Time:% music in &eltic or 9' ;airy Tale: or 9&hili with a ,ash of Swing:% or 9<erceuse:% Trio in & 9Ma MWre B:=ye:% any mo#ement+s from Mot0er 2oose uite "uet &oncerto in & ma$or% first mo#ement Piano Trio .o! 1 in ) minor op! ?F% any one mo#ement Sonata for &ello and Piano% op! 42

<onsor prints 323 Schott 322>I

1otes including instrumentation

'#ailable at *ictorian @ecorder (uild Bibrary SS''T L piano L percussion 4requires nonassessed performers5 S'T L piano <aroque '#ailable at *ictorian @ecorder (uild Bibrary 9Cip-Cip-<aroque:: clarinet% flute and eyboardM 9@eel Time:: flute% oboe+clarinet% eyboard% bass and drumsM 9' ;airy Tale:: for piano% flute and bassM 9&hili with a ,ash of Swing:: flute% eyboard and electric bassM 9<erceuse:: Trio in & for flute% clarinet and piano =ne piano% four hands

Urquhart-/ones% ,a#id

,ee-/ay Music Publishing

@a#el% M ed! 6in ler

'lfred Publishing 11774

Schic hardt% ed! Enab Shosta o#ich% ,

Cortus Musicus 3>1 Peters 4F44 or Si ors i 1133 Peters P4F4I Musica @ara% Bondon% 3>F2

'''' L piano L basso continuo


&oncerto in , ma$or 4;% G33% 435 first mo#ement

Piano% flute% #iolin

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page (1 of (2

Tetihw Tull *eocsap% S *eocsap% S *i#aldi% '

9,ance of the Se#en-legged =ctopus: 9Trio Sonata for *iolin% &larinet! or &ello and Piano: 9,ance of the &ompetiti#e Spirit: 9<ra#ura: 'ny one of% either first mo#ement or mo#ements 1 and 3 from &oncerto in (minor no! 1 for cello 4published for two celli and piano5% or any mo#ement+s from &oncerto (rosso% Two #iolins and piano

Middle & 'ssociates: www!middlec!com!au Southern Music &ompany% SU33?O Middle & 'ssociates: www!middlec!com!au Middle & 'ssociates: www!middlec!com!au .ew Dor % "nternational Music% 3FI1 '6MP% 66?22>% or arrangement by 6illiam Hi

1otes including instrumentation

,uration: 4!77% clarinet and piano or altosaxophone and piano

,uration: 3!37% #iolin% #iola% piano Trio #ersion% Soli ' A <% piano

VCE Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation 2014 Prescribed list of group works "or use from 1 #anuar$ 2014% &nnual updates are publis'ed at %vcaa%vic%edu%au Page (2 of (2

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