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Mayoneza Ingrediente:

3 galbenusuri, 300 g ulei, 1 lingurita zeama de lamaie sau otet, sare

Mod de preparare: Se pun galbenusurile intr-un castron, cu zeama de lamaie si un praf de sare. Se freaca cu

o lingura de lemn sau se bat cu telul pana ce galbenusurile sunt bine amestecate, apoi se adauga uleiul picatura cu picatura. Se freaca mereu, punand din cand in cand si putina lamaie. Cand maioneza incepe sa se ingroase, se poate adauga si cate o lingurita de ulei odata, dar nu mai mult. Daca se intampla ca maioneza sa se taie in cursul pregatirii, se pune un galbenus de ou in alt castron, se amesteca cu o lingura de lemn apoi, cu o lingurita, se adauga putin cate putin din maioneza care s-a taiat, pana se amesteca toata. Una din cauzele pentru care uneori maioneza se taie este intrebuintarea uleiului prea rece. De aceea iarna se recomanda ca uleiul sa fie putin incalzit inainte de intrebuintare. Daca maioneza este reusita, dar prea groasa, se poate subtia cu putina apa. Three rules to remember ome-made mayo is an easy s!ill to master. Ta!e your time and follo" these simple rules: Use fresh eggs at room temperature Use very clean, dry equipment Add your oil really slo ly, a drop at a time to begin ith, his!ing all the time until an emulsion forms Troubleshooting To rescue split mayonnaise " hich results from adding the oil too quic!ly, not beating hard enough or using cold ingredients#, slo ly beat the mi$ture into a ne egg yol! until smooth, then add the remaining oil. #fter refrigeration, your mayo may be too thic!, "ith an oily surface. $ring it bac! up to room temperature, then beat %igorously "ith a little "ater, or, if you li!e it a little sharper, lemon %uice or %inegar, to taste. &sing a food processor To speed things up, use a food processor. 'ut the egg yol!s, mustard po"der, %inegar, salt and lemon (uice in the bo"l, then "hizz to combine. )eep on "hizzing, "hile %ery slo"ly drizzling the oil through the funnel. #dd a little "ater through the funnel if it is

too thic!. *ou could also ma!e your mayo as in the master recipe, but using a hand-held electric "his!. Storing your mayonnaise Spoon the freshly made mayonnaise into a %ery clean bo"l and co%er "ith cling film. *our home&made mayo ill !eep in the fridge for up to ' days. #dding fla%ours Its simple fla%our ma!es mayo an ideal base for adding stronger fla%ourings such as capers, gher!ins, lemon and lime, mustard, "asabi, fresh herbs, fla%oured oils, shallots or garlic.

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