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Digital Electronics and Com !ters

Note" No eras!re and !se #o!r Mongol $ Time %rame" &"'( )"*( 1. Convert 8.5016 - _____8 a+ '(+$, b. 8.5 c. 1.5 d. 8. 24 2. What is the product of multipl in! 101 to 100" a. 101002 -+ '('(( c. 11000 d. 110002 #. What is the $%s complement of 10#5$" a. 6$42$ b. 56#1$ c+ ./*$0 d. 6$4#$ 4. With re!ards to the postulates of &oolean 'l!ebra( )hat is the e*uivalent of +,1" a. + -+ ' c. 0 d. 1 5. &inar 111111 is e*uivalent toa. 64 -+ /* c. 128 d. 12$ 6. &oolean al!ebra is a set of elements( operations and unproved a+ioms or postulates is essentiall based ona. numbers b. truth c+ logic d. s mbols $. .n a di!ital s stem( the number level isa+ $ b. 1 c. # d. 4 8. .n a pro!ression of 0( 1( 10( 11/.)hat comes ne+t after 11" a. 12 b. 120 c. 110 d+ '((

0. What is the main reason )h di!ital computers uses complementar subtraction" a. it has ver simple process b. it can handle ne!ative number easil c. ver eas to manipulate d+ it re2!ires sim le circ!itr# 10. ' lo!ic !ate is an electronic circuit )hich _____. a. )or1s on binar al!ebra -+ ma3es logical decision c. alternates bet)een 1 and 0 d. allo) the flo) of current in a sin!le direction 11. 'n 234 produces an output onl inputs are______. a. same -+ di%%erent c. hi!h d. lo) 12.What is the basic 567 confi!uration" a. 34 !ate b. 834 !ate c. '85 !ate d+ N4ND gate 1#. 667 circuit confi!uration resembles )hat t pe of !ate" a. 34 !ate b. 834 !ate c. '85 !ate d+ N4ND gate 1#. ' di!ital counter has four flip flops then it can count up to decimal______. a. 4 b. 9 c. 8 d+ '. 14. :mitter Coupled 7o!ic ;:C7< has a ver fast s)itchin! speed as compared to the rest of lo!ic families( )hat is then its t pical s)itchin! time" a. 5 sec b. 5 millisec c. 5 microsec d+ . nanosec 15. ' !ate in )hich all inputs must be lo) to !et a hi!h output is called a. '85 !ate b. 8'85 !ate c. 34 !ate d+ NOR gate )hen the


Digital Electronics and Com !ters

16. ______flip flop is used as latch. a. 6 b. 5 c. => d+ RS 1$.7o!ic circuits can be se*uential or combinational( )hat is the output of a se*uential circuit" a. present input states b. past input states c. future input states d+ ast and t5e resent in !t states 18. Which of the follo)in! circuits e+hibits memor " a. 34 b. 8'85 c+ 6ista-le d. 'stable 1$. 9or a 667 !ate( the recommended and standard fan out is _____. a. 5 -+ '( c. 15 d. 20 18. 8'85 !ates can be used as ______!ates. a. '85 b. 34 c. 836 d+ all o% t5e a-o7e 10. ?hanastron is a ________. a. speed circuit b. to!!le circuit c. data circuit d+ dela# circ!it 20. 6o represent number 44 in binar ( )hat is the number of bits re*uired" a. 4 b. 5 c+ / d. $ 21.Which of the follo)in! devices has several inputs and transmit it into a sin!le output" a. counter b. decoder c. demultiple+er d+ m!lti le1er 22.________can be used as parallel to series converter. a. counter b. decoder

c. demultiple+er d+ m!lti le1er 2#.6he s*uare of octal number 2# is_______8. a. 520 -+ ..' c. 650 d. 450 24. .n a s stem )ith @3A devices( the main bus loadin! factor is li1el to bea. resistive b. current c+ ca aciti7e d. inductive 25. When a lo!ic circuit reBects an un)anted si!nal( this is termed as______. a. lo!ic levels -+ noise margin c. po)er consumption d. propa!ation dela 26. What is a multi-)ire connection bet)een di!ital circuits" a+ -!s b. )ire )rap c. multiple+ed cable d. cable ribbon 2$. ' circuit that converts its input to its complement. a. inverter b. 834 !ate )ith inputs tied to!ether c. 8'85 !ate )ith inputs tied to!ether d+ all o% t5e a-o7e 28. Co) man 8'85 !ates are needed to form an '85 !ate" a. 1 -+ $ c. # d. 4 20. ' memor circuit has 8 address inputs has ho) man stora!e locations" a. 255 -+ $./ c. 512 d. 511 #0. What is the memor element that is used in cloc1 se*uential circuit" a. !ates b. flip flop c. static 4'@

MITRC REFRESHER COURSE (ELECTRONICS) d. read-onl memor #1. 5etermine )hich of the follo)in! is a stora!e device" a+ card readers b. C5-43@ c. dis1ettes d. ma!netic tape #2.________is a device that sta s on once tri!!ered and store one or t)o conditions as a di!ital circuit. a. !ate -+ latc5 c. inte!rator d. oscillator ##._____is a se!ment re!ister )hich normall access variables in the pro!ram. a. e+tra -+ stac3 c. data d. code #4._______is a 1ind of memor )here onl manufacturer can store pro!ram and has a !roup of memor locations each permanentl storin! a )ord. a. 43@ b. A3A memor c. 4'@ d. Card memor #5. ' d namic memor )ill store information a. as lon! as po)er is applied to the memor -+ as long as o8er is a lied and t5e memor# is re%res5ed eriodicall# c. even )hen po)er is not applied to the memor d. )hen po)er is applied at re!ular interval #6. ' flipflop )hose output is the same as its input. 6his is sometimes used as a dela element. a. 4A flipflop -+ D %li %lo c. 6 flipflop d. => flipflop #$. @emor )hose contents are lost )hen electrical po)er is removed. a. non volatile -+ 7olatile c. d namic d. static #8. Ae*uential access di!ital memor stora!e circuit" a. parallel re!ister -+ s5i%t register c. d namic 4'@ uses )hat d. ::?43@

Digital Electronics and Com !ters

#0. ' variation of ?43@ )herein its stored data can be erased b electrical si!nals instead of ultraviolet li!ht. a+ EE9ROM b. d namic 4'@ c. 4'@ d. :?43@ 40. 5ia!ram sho)in! procedures that are follo)ed and actions are ta1en is called. a. schematic dia!ram b. functional bloc1 dia!ram c+ %lo8 c5art d. functional bloc1 dia!ram 41. What is this communication medium )herein pro!rams are )ritten in mnemonics" a. hi!h level lan!ua!e b. lo) level lan!ua!e c+ assem-l# lang!age d. machine lan!ua!e 42. 'mon! the follo)in! computer lan!ua!es( )hat are hi!h level lan!ua!es" 1. 93464'8 2. C3&37 #. &'A.C 4. ?ascal a. 1 and 2 onl b. 1 ( 2 and # onl c. 1( 2 and 4 onl d+ ': $: * and , 4#. _______is a soft)are that converts a hi!h level lan!ua!e pro!ram into machine or assembl lan!ua!e. a. '7D b. Cross assembler c+ Com iler d. C?D 44. What is the main purpose of the fetch c cle in a computer" a+ o-tain instr!ction b. obtain input data c. obtain memor data d. implement a specific operation 45 'n instruction that causes a pro!ram to !o to another tas1. a. 9lip b. Aub c+ ;!m d. @ove


Digital Electronics and Com !ters

46. 'n instruction that can move data from memor to the accumulator. a. 9etch b. @ove c( Atore d+ Load 4$. 'n instruction that can move data from accumulator to memor . a. 9etch b. @ove c: Store d. 7oad 48. 6he instructions and data in a computer s stem is referred to asa. hard)are -+ so%t8are c. pro!ram d. C?D 40. ' device that enables users to transmit computer data and fa+ messa!es alon! telephone lines. a. converter b. facsimile c. demodulator d+ modem 50. .n an :-mail communication( files are sent throu!h_______. a. dis1 b. mailbo+ c+ attac5ments d. cables 51. @icrosoft )as founded b ________. a. 'llen ?aul - +9a!l 4llen c .Eeor!e 4obert d. 4obert Eeor!e &ill Eates and

54. . .t is the fastest nd the most e+pensive printer available a+ laser rinter b. band printer c. in1 Bet printer d. dais )heel printer 55. Wichester drives are also 1no)n as________ a. flopp dis1 drive b. fi+ed dis1 drive c+ 5ard dis3 dri7e d. C543@ 56. 6he computer )orm that infected computer s stems
)orld-)ide in 10 minutes( ma1in! it the fastest computer ever 1no)n is called _____. a. Cla) hammer -+ Sledge 5ammer c. A7G hammer d. 7ove virus

5$. ' pro!ram that has the abilit to replicate itself to our s stem and send out hundred or thousands of copies of itself )ithout attachments leavin! a devastatin! effect a. computer virus b. bacteria c+ 8orm d. 6roBan Corse 58. .t is a pro!ram that attached itself to other pro!rams or files spreadin! from one computer to another leavin! infections as it travels. a+ com !ter 7ir!s b. bacteria c. )orm d. 6roBan Corse 50. _______are also 1no)n to create a bac1door on our computer that !ives malicious users access to our s stem( possibl allo)in! confidential or personal information to be compromised. .t appears to be a useful soft)are but )hen activated the results var . a. :arth)orm b. Eallup virus c+ Tro=an Horse d. &laster Worm 60. .t is a virus that spreads in some t pes of @@A enabled phones throu!h &luetooth and @@A messa!es. .t is a !lobal phenomenon that affects all phones in the A mbian 3peratin! A stem Aeries 60. a. Commvirus -+ Comm8arrior c. Commcell

52. Who is the #1 st emplo ee of 'pple Computer and is consider the father of @acintosh a+Ste7e ;o-s b. &ill Eates c. >unichiro 3iFumi d. ?eter Acout 5#. ?ascal( a hi!h level lan!ua!e )as developed b " a. &laise ?ascal -+ Nic3la!s <irt5 c. >ris 7a)rence d. Clifford &err

MITRC REFRESHER COURSE (ELECTRONICS) d. 7ove &u! 61. ;.nformative *uestion< .f our phone is affected b the no. 60 *uestion virus( reformat our phone b 1e in!a. HI06I b. HI0000I c+ >?0*0(? d. HI$245I 62. .t is a 1no)n computer virus that is characteriFed b havin! our 200 @& hard drive shrin1s do)n to 80 @& and slo)l e+pandin! a!ain to 200 @&. a. 'rnold Ach)arFenne!er virus -+ O ra5 <in%re# 7ir!s c. &ill Clinton virus d. 8i1e virus 6#. What do ou call the filter bet)een a corporate net)or1 and the internet that 1eeps the corporate net)or1 secure from the intruders )hile !ivin! corporate users unlimited access to the internet a.bandstop b. bandpass c+ %ire8all d. firestorm 64. When )as the ver Computer developed" a. 1006 b. 1005 c+ '))0 d. 1008 first &eboputer Jirtual

Digital Electronics and Com !ters 68. 6he processor is an e+ample of ___________. a. soft)are -+ 5ard8are c. a pro!ram d. an output unit 60. 'dditional data and pro!rams not bein! used b the processor is stored ina+ secondar# storage b. output units c. input units d. the C?D $0. Which is not a professional computer Bob" a. s stem anal st b. data entr operator c+ !ser d. pro!rammer $1. ' s stem )hereb computers and data stora!e are placed in dispersed locations is 1no)n asa. centraliFed processin! -+ distri-!ted data rocessing c. summariFin! d. pac1a!e soft)are $2. 'nother name for available-for Lpurchase soft)are. a. secondar soft)are -+ ac3aged so%t8are c. s stem soft)are d. peripheral soft)are $#. 'n input device that translates motions of a ball rolled on a flat surface to the screen is the______. a. )and reader b. bar code reader c. 1e board d+ mo!se $4. When all access and processin! is done in one location( a computer s stem is said to bea. net)or1ed -+ centraliAed c. distributed d. lin1ed $5. 6he most are___________. a. superminis b. supermainframes c. supermicros d+ s! ercom !ters po)erful computers

65. .t is the lar!est internet search en!ine )ith over three billion pa!es and founded b 7arr ?a!e and Aer!e &rin. a. Kahoo -+ @oogle c. Kehe d. msn 66. .t is the lar!est )ireless .nternet provider in the )orld. a. ?&C3@ b. Jodafone c+ NTT DoCoMo d. Ciena 6elecoms 6$.World Wide Web;)))< )as made available in the internet in the summer of 1001 and )as developed b a. 6im &erners 7ee b. =et 7ee c. &ill Eates d+ Ra# Tomlinson

MITRC REFRESHER COURSE (ELECTRONICS) $6. ' bus line consists of________. a. re!isters b. accumulators c+ arallel data at5s d. machine c cles $$. 'nother name for a lo!ic chip. a. ?43@ b. microprocessor c. memor d. 43@ $8. 'n emer!in! technolo! volatile memor chip is. a+ %las5 memor# b. C@3A c. ?43@ d. C.AC that provides non-

Digital Electronics and Com !ters

85. ' )a of ph sicall or!aniFin! data on a dis1 pac1 to minimiFe to minimiFe see1 time uses_____. a. se*uential file -+ c#linder met5od c. removable hard dis1 cartrid!e d. Winchester technolo! 86. &efore a se*uential file can be updated the transactions must first be________. a. numbered -+ sorted c. labeled d. updated 8$. 'nother name of operatin! environment is ______. a. pa!e -+ s5ell c. la er d. supervisor 88.. 'ssi!nin! more sectors to outer dis1 trac1s is called. a+ Aone recording b. data transfer c. randomiFin! d. sectorin! 80. ?rocessin! transactions in !roups is called. a. data transfer b. transaction processin! c. head s)itchin! d+ -atc5 rocessing 00. .t is the mechanism for readin! or )ritin! data on a dis1 is called a;n< a. trac1 b. )orm c. 1e d+ access arm 01. 5urin! the development of a pro!ram( dra)in! a flo) chart is a means to. a+ lan t5e sol!tion b. define the problem c. code the pro!ram d. anal Fe the problem 02. 6he process of detectin!( locatin! and correctin! lo!ic errors is called_________. a. des1 chec1in! -+ de-!gging c. translatin! d. documentin!

$0. ' pictorial screen s mbol that represents a computer activit is_____. a. pointer -+ icon c. touch screen d. @.C4 80. 6he rate of screen refreshment is called. a. pi+el speed b. bit map speed c. raster rate d+ scan rate 81. .ma!in! uses )hat device to input data. a+ scanner b. bar code reader c. microphone d. 1e board 82. ' printer that forms characters from a series of dots is called______. a+ dotBmatri1 b. @.C4 c. scanner d. laser printer 8#. 6he densit of data stored on ma!netic tape is e+pressed as a. units per inch b. trac1s per inch c. pac1s per inch d+ -#tes er inc5 84. ' dis1 pac1 )ithin a sealed data module. a. bac1-up unit b. Caloster c+ <inc5ester d. C5-43@


Digital Electronics and Com !ters

0#. ' C3&37 pro!ram has ho) man divisions. a+ %o!r b. five c. si+ d. seven 04.What is the ver introduced" a. C3&37 d+ FORTR4N c. ?ascal d. 'da first hi!h level lan!ua!e

05. ' fourth !eneration lan!ua!e used for database retrieval. a. hi!h level lan!ua!e -+ 2!er# lang!age c. assembl lan!ua!e d. procedural lan!ua!e 06.6he lan!ua!e Amalltal1 is a. procedural oriented b. problem oriented c. document oriented d. obBect oriented 0$. 7oadin! the operatin! s stem into a personal computer is called. a+ -ooting b. interruptin! c. promptin! d. pa!in! 08. 6he process of allocatin! main memor to pro!rams and 1eepin! the pro!rams in memor separate from each other is called. a. memor protection b. virtual stora!e c+ memor# management d. utilit pro!ram 00. 6he computer that pioneered simple operatin! s stem interfaces. a. apple b. @icrosoft c+ Macintos5 d. .&@ 100. @icrosoft%s operatin! environment is called. a. Dni+ -+ <indo8s c. 7inu+ d. @A 53A

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