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International Review of Chemical Engineering (I.RE.CH.E.), Vol. 3, N.

2 March 2011 Special Section on 2nd CEAM 2010 - Virtual Forum

Rheological Behaviour of Sour Guava Pulp (Psidium Araca) Variety Coronilla

Andrade R. D.1, Ortega F. A.2, Torres R.3
Abstract Understand the rheological behaviour of sour guava pulp it is important, especially
for processing and handling applications involving pumping and mixing. In this work the sour guava pulp (Psidium araca) was rheological characterized in the variety Coronilla cultivated in the department of Cordoba (Colombia); the pulp was obtained by refinery with mesh of 1.5mm; rheological properties were measured using Brookfield Viscometer (model DV-II+ Pro), spindle N 6. The sour guava pulp presented pH 2.89, Brix 10, acidity expressed as percentage of citric acid 6.04%; were adjusted appropriately to the power law (R2 = 0.993), behaving as a pseudoplastic fluid (n = 0.24) and presenting small thixotropy percentages of 2.52%. Copyright 2011 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved.

Keywords: Psidium Araca, Rheology, Apparent Viscosity, Ostwald De Waele Model,




Guava (Psidium guajava L.) is a member of the large Myrtaceae family. This fruit seems to be originally from Central America and the southern part of Mexico, and it is one of the most important commercial fruit crops in tropical and subtropical countries [1]. Due to its ability to grow in tropical and subtropical climates, the guava tree has been introduced to many countries; it is well adapted to a wide range of soils. Furthermore, the guava tree requires an annual water supply of 10002000 m3/hayear [2], [3]. The fruit has a considerable nutritional importance, since it is rich in vitamins C, A and riboflavin, as well as in proteins, fibers and mineral salts. The guava can be consumed fresh or processed into juices, pulps, jams, jellies or dehydrated products, as well as being used as an additive to other fruit juices or pulps [4]. The sour guava, a native fruit tree of South America, is one of the fruits more consumption in the department of Crdoba, however, in Colombia it is for many strangers and underemployed; it generally grows in homemade orchards and their consumption is generally given in fresh; the fruits are harvested from wildgrowing plants, with a few commercial orchards. Recent interest in the cultivation, was aroused by the good adaptation of the trees, the possibility of commercial use of the fruits by the small producer has brought the need to study its composition [5], [6]. Rheology is defined as the study of material deformation and flow [7], and includes what is termed small-strain testing and large-strain testing [8]. The consistency of a Newtonian fluid like water, milk or clear fruit juice can be characterized by the term viscosity.

Viscosity of non-Newtonian fluid however changes with changing rate of shear and hence should be characterized by more than one parameter [9]. Rheological properties are determined by measuring force and deformation as a function of time. Several methods have been used to describe the flow behaviour of foods, for example linear (Newtonian or Bingham), power law (Ostwald de-Waele), power law with yield stress (HerschelBulkey) and Casson models [10]. Power law model is the most widely employed model for nonnewtonian foods and is used extensively to describe their flow properties in practical engineering applications [11]. Rheological measurements have been considered as an analytical tool to provide fundamental insights on the structural organization of food and play an important role in heat transfer to fluid foods [12]. The present study investigated the flow behaviours of sour guava pulp variety Coronilla cultivated in the department of Cordoba (Colombia), applied power law model to obtain engineering parameters that will assist viscosity prediction and quality control.


Materials and Methods

II.1. Guava Pulp

Guava fruits were selected keeping in mind that they were free of external damages, with commercial maturity; they were washed and scalded at 90C for 5 minutes. A batch of guava pulp was prepared finisher and sieved through a 1.5 mm mesh, in the pilot plant of fruits and vegetables of the University of Crdoba, Colombia; they were packed in hermetic bags and later on, they were refrigerated.

Copyright 2011 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved


Andrade R. D., Ortega F. A., Torres R.

The samples of guava pulp were homogenized and they were carried out pH tests according to method of the AOAC10.041/84, Total soluble solids (TSS) content was measured using a hand refractrometer MISCO model mark 10431vp and expressed in Brix and acidity according to method AOAC 31.231 / 84 [13]. II.2. Rheological Measurements

Rheological properties were measured using Brookfield viscometer (Brookfield engineering laboratories: model DV-II+ Pro). A sample of 400 mL of guava pulp was used in a glass beaker of 600 mL size for all the experiments. The regulated temperature of sample was kept (20C) using a water bath. The measurement range of viscometer between 10% and 100% full scale torque was adjusted by selecting specific spindle and its rotational speed (0.5100 RPM). II.3. Data Analysis

sour guava pulp at concentration and temperature tested. It is consistent with earlier findings for other varieties of guava and pulps of fruits [16], [17], [18], [19], [20], [21]. In the figure 1 the rheogram of the sour guava pulp, in which one observes that the apparent viscosity diminishes when increasing the shear rate. The fact that viscosity decreases with an increase in the shear rate, behaviour observed in pseudoplastic materials, is due to the progressive increase in the shear velocity that breaks the arrangement of long chain molecules and helps to surpass the intermolecular resistance to the flow.

The power law model was used to describe the rheological properties of solutions. The flow behaviour index (n) and consistency index (K) values were obtained by fitting the power law model to the apparent viscosity versus shear rate:

a K n 1


Fig. 1. Rheogram for a sour guava pulp at 20C

where a is the apparent viscosity (Pa s), K is the consistency index (Pa sn), is the shear rate (s-1), n is the flow behaviour index (dimensionless). The equation of Mitschka was used (Eq. 2) to obtain the values of shear rate starting from the data of rotational speed [13] and to carry out the rheogram:
0 ,771 0 , 263( n ) N


where N is the rotational speed, RPM. The quantification of the thixotropy behaviour was determined by means of the measure of the area under the curve to the graphical the ascent data and descent of apparent viscosity against shear rate. Data were analyzed using power law model (Eq. 1) with the help of SAS 8.2 software [15].

Rheological characterization of flow time-dependent fluids is not easy. That their apparent viscosity does not depend only on shear rate but also on the time shear is applied. In general, two approaches are used to represent the thixotropy of a solution: the transient rheological approach and the hysteresis loop approach. Experimentally, the flow time dependence is clearly shown by running a hysteresis cycle. The hysteresis area will give an estimate of the magnitude of the product thixotropy [22]. When carrying out the ascent curves and descent it is presented a decrease of the apparent viscosity with regard to the time, which denotes the thixotropy presence (2.52%) that coincides with that reported for pulp of white guava type [23] that can be caused by the rupture of the structure of the pulp under the conditions of the experiment.

IV. III. Results and Discussions

TSS of the sour guava pulp was found to be 10 Brix, pH 2.89 and acidity (citric acid) 6.04%. The rheological behaviour of the sour guava pulp variety Coronilla was adjusted appropriately to power law model or Ostwald of Waele (R2=0.993), presenting values of flow behaviour index of 0.216 and consistency index of 283.81 The spindle used was N 6. The value of flow behaviour index was less than 1, indicating a shear thinning behaviour (pseudoplastic) of
Copyright 2011 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved


The steady shear flow pattern was well represented by the power law model. Apparent viscosity decreased as a function of ascending shear rate suggesting that sour guava pulp was pseudoplastic and they presented small thixotropy percentages.

The authors are thankful to the University of Crdoba, Colombia, for providing necessary facilities for the
International Review of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 3, N. 2 Special Section on 2nd CEAM 2010 - Virtual Forum


Andrade R. D., Ortega F. A., Torres R.


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Authors information
Ricardo David Andrade e-mails: Vitae: Chemical Engineer Specialist in Food science and technology, University of Magdalena, Colombia Doctoral student in food science and technology, University of Santiago of Chile. Professor Fluid mechanics (Food engineering program, University of Crdoba) Main research interests: Physical and rheological properties Edible coatings Food processing Spray Systems Website: Fabian Alberto Ortega e-mail: Vitae: Food engineer Professor Heat transfer (Food engineering program, University of Crdoba) Main research interests: Physical and rheological properties Food processing Ramiro Torres e-mail: Vitae: Chemical Engineer Professor Unit Operations (Food engineering program, University of Crdoba) Main research interests: Physical and rheological properties Food processing

[3] [4]

[5] [6]

[7] [8] [9] [10]

[11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16]



[19] [20] [21] [22]


Copyright 2011 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved

International Review of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 3, N. 2 Special Section on 2nd CEAM 2010 - Virtual Forum


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