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1LES100006-ZB rev.

Ventilation of transformer room


1 Description................................................................................................................................................... 2 2 1.1 Clearances from the transformer to the walls and cell of the room. ......................................................2 1.1.1 Transformer witho t enclos re. .................................................................................................... 2 1.1.2 Transformer with enclos re .......................................................................................................... ! 1.2 "at ral #entilation$ in% t E and o t% t S ventilation s rfaces in the room$ ...........................................! 1.! &orced ventilation in the room. ............................................................................................................. !

' Co%(ri)ht 200* +BB, +ll ri)hts reserved.

1 Description

-hen the transformer is mo nted inside a room, the ventilation of the room m st .e %ro%erl( ens red in order to evac ate the heat released .( the transformer. The followin) %oints sho ld .e ta/en into consideration$

1.1 Clearances from the transformer to the walls and cell of the room.

1.1.1 Transformer without enclosure. The minim m clearances from the 0# %hases 1resin isolated %arts2 to the walls will .e accordin) to the hi)hest volta)e of the e3 i%ment$

0i)hest volta)e, series 1/#2 12 26 !6

4m 50 120 200

The minim m clearances from the live %art 10#7L# connections or terminals2 to the walls and cell of the room will .e accordin) to the local installation re) lations. "evertheless we recommend the followin)$

0i)hest volta)e, series 1/#2 12 26 !6

4m 110 210 280

9oc ment Title

#entilation of transformer room

9oc ment "o. 9ate 7 :ev. ;nd. "o. of <a)es <a)e


1.1.2 Transformer with enclosure The minim m clearances from an( %art of the enclos re to the walls or cell of the room will .e !50 mm.

1.2 Natural Ventilation: input E and output S ventilation surfaces in the room: The minim m in% t E and o t% t S ventilation s rfaces will .e accordin) to the followin) form las e=%ressed in m2.


P 5,4 H

S =1,15E

-here$ <$ Total losses in /- 1no load losses > load losses2 0$ #ertical distance .etween the centers of the o%enin)s, e=%ressed in meters. The followin) sho ld .e avoided$ -The transformer sho ld not .e installed in small rooms with .linds or metallic walls e=%osed to direct s nli)ht. -The air for coolin) the transformer sho ld not .e as%ired or e=%elled in the same room in which it is installed. -The transformer sho ld not .e installed in %remises that are destined for other ses? in %artic lar in those in which there are machines that wor/ at hi)h tem%erat res$ .oilers, steam )enerators @ ;f the transformer cannot .e installed in %remises with s fficient nat ral ventilation, forced ventilation sho ld .e sed.


orced ventilation in the room. ;f the nat ral ventilation in the room is not eno )h, air e=tractors will .e installed ens rin) in )eneral the followin) flow$ !,5 m!Amin te each /- of total losses. E=am%le$

9oc ment Title

#entilation of transformer room

9oc ment "o. 9ate 7 :ev. ;nd. "o. of <a)es <a)e


Total losses 1no load > load losses2 B 12 /- BC &low re3 ired in the e=tractors 62 m!Amin teB 2520.

9oc ment Title

#entilation of transformer room

9oc ment "o. 9ate 7 :ev. ;nd. "o. of <a)es <a)e


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