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BASICS: Whats your name? My name is...(Maria) o! are you? Im fine, thank you. And you? o! o"# are you? Im(seven) years old. What month $s your %$rth#ay? My birthday is in ...(February) When $s your %$rth#ay? My birthday is the(twenty first)... !f("une) Where #o you &ome 'rom? Im from Italy Where #o you "$(e? I live in #atania HOUSE: )o you "$(e $n a house or $n a '"at? I live in a (flat) on the $st, %nd, &rd, 'th floor. Who "$(es $n your house !$th you? I live with my .. Is $t a %$* or sma"" house? Picture 1+,eo,"e $n a house-: o! many ,eo,"e are there $n the ,$&ture? (here are ... )eo)le in the )i*ture. Are they the same or #$''erent? (hey are What #oes th$s man "oo. "$.e? +e has ,ot (short, brown hair, blue eyes).+e is (tall-short, fat-)lum)-medium wei,ht-slim-thin) Where are they? (hey are in the.. Tell me about your house. o! many %athrooms are there? / %e#rooms/0 (here are ..(&). bedrooms What $s $n your %e#room? In my bedroom there is(a bed, a desk with a *hair, there are many-few toys,) Is there a !$n#o!? .es, there is-/o there isnt What &an you see out o' your !$n#o!? I *an see(a )ark, trees, sho)s,) Instructions What num%er $s th$s?1 An# th$s?1 An# th$s? (his is the number(thirteen) Po$nt to/ tou&h the #oor1 !$n#o!1 ta%"e1 ,en&$"10 SCHOOL: Are you a stu#ent? .es, I am-/o, Im not )o you to s&hoo" $n 2Le*anes3? .es, I do- /o I dont Is your house near your s&hoo"? .es, it is-/o, it isn0t. o! #o you *o 'rom your home to your s&hoo"? I usually walk ,o Tell me about your school . In my s*hool there is a (theatre, a library, a dinin, room,) Is there a s!$mm$n* ,oo"? .es, there is- /o there isnt o! many stu#ents are $n your &"ass? (here are(twenty five)students in my *lass. Who $s your 'a(our$te tea&her? My favourite tea*her is . What su%4e&t #oes he/she tea&h? +e -1he tea*hes What #oes he "oo. "$.e? +e has ,ot (lon, hair, blue eyes, he is tall-short,thin -fat..) Is he a *oo# tea&her? .es, he is-/o he isnt 2hat sub3e*ts do you study? Picture ! "#amily$: Is th$s a 'am$"y? .es, it is Who $s th$s? (his is the (mother) ho! many &h$"#ren are there? (here are (four) *hildren Is the mother s$tt$n* #o!n? .es, she is- /o she isnt Is her ha$r &ur"y or stra$*ht? +er hair is (*urly) Tell me about your #amily. a(e you *ot any %rothers or s$sters? Ive ,ot ...(one) brother Whats your %rothers/ mothers/ 'athers name? +is-her name is .. What &o"our $s h$s/her ha$r? +is-her hair is ..(blonde)

o! o"# $s he/she? +e-she is (seven)...years old. Is he a %$* %rother or a "$tt"e %rother? +e is a (bi,)brother. What does your father/mother do? +e-she is a (do*tor). Tell me about your "PET$. a(e you *ot any ,ets? .es, I have- /o, I havent a(e you *ot a #o* or a &at? .es, I have a .-/o, I havent any .. What &o"our $s your +#o*-? My (do,) is (brown). %rien& a(e you *ot a "ot o' 'r$en#s? .es, I have, /o,I havent Who $s your %est 'r$en#? My best friend is ..(Ana) What #o you "$.e to #o !$th your 'r$en#s? I like (ridin, a bike) with my friends. What #o you "$.e #o$n* $n your 'ree t$me? I like..(readin,, )layin, football,) in my free time. Picture '"(eo(le (layin) a s(ort$: !here $s the %a""? (he ball is (under the table) Are they ,"ay$n* 'oot%a""? .es, they are-/o, they arent Picture *"(erson eatin)$: Is he/she eat$n*? .es,he-she is- /o, he-she isnt What mea" $s he/she eat$n*? +e-1he is eatin, )o you "$.e ,$55a/#o$n* home!or./s!$mm$n*/runn$n*/maths0? .es, I do-/o, I dont What #$# you ha(e 'or %rea.'ast/"un&h/#$nner? I had(milk and *ookies)for breakfast-lun*h-dinner What t$me #o you *et u,/ha(e "un&h/ha(e #$nner/*o to %e#/*o to s&hoo"10? I (,et u)) at (half )ast seven). Picture +"(eo(le in action$: What are they #o$n*? (hey are (wat*hin, t.v.) . %,EE TI-E What #o you usua""y #o a'ter s&hoo"? I usually()lay football, do my homework) after s*hool. 2hat do you usually do in the evenin,s? I usually (,o to the )ark)in the evenin,s. )o you !at&h te"e($s$on $n the e(en$n*s? .es,I do-/o, I dont What .$n# o' ,ro*rams #o you "$.e? I like(*artoons). What $s your 'a(our$te &o"our/s,ort/'oo#/an$ma"10? My favourite(*olour) is .. Picture . "season$: Loo. at th$s ,$&ture6 Is $t !$nter/autumn1 summer/s,r$n*? Its(s)rin,) Whats the !eather "$.e to#ay? An# yester#ay?6 (oday it is(*loudy). .esterday it was (sunny). Is $t ra$n$n* no!? .es, it is-/o it isnt What $s the season? Its (summer). What #ay $s to#ay? An# the month?6 (oday is(Monday).-(he month is(May) What $s the #ate to#ay/yester#ay/tomorro!? (oday is the (eleventh )of ("une). Picture /"(erson$:$s th$s man ha,,y? .es, he is-/o, he isnt. Is he !ear$n* a 4um,er? .es, he is-/o, he isnt What am I !ear$n*? .oure wearin,( a blue t shirt, white trousers and red trainers) Im !ear$n* a sh$rt an# trousers6 What are you !ear$n*? Im wearin, (a )ink dress and bla*k boots). Buttons: 7an you *$(e me the %$* %utton? .es,I *an What &o"our $s $t? Its(,rey) Where $s the %utton? An# no!1 An# no!? Its(behind) the ()en*il *ase) ere are some %uttons6 7an you ta.e the ye""o! one? 7an you ,ut $t ne8t to/$n/on/un#er10 the re# one? 7an you ,ut the ye""o! one %et!een the re# one an# the %"a&. one? 7an you ,ut the %"ue one un#er the ye""o! one? Loo. at the ,ur,"e %utton6 Is $t %$*?6 .es, it is-/o it isnt

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