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Read the essay below and answer questions (1) to (30) on the separate answer sheet that is provided

after the questions. Please put a cross (X) to mar your answer. Every second, 1 hectare of the world's rainforest is destroyed. That's equivalent to two football fields. An area the size of New York ity is lost every day. !n a year, that adds u" to #1 $illion hectares %% $ore than the land area of &oland. This alar$in' rate of destruction has serious consequences for the environ$ent( scientists esti$ate, for e)a$"le, that 1#* s"ecies of "lant, insect or ani$al beco$e e)tinct every day due to lo''in'. !n +ritish olu$bia, where, since 1,,-, thirteen rainforest valleys have been clear%cut, 1./ s"ecies of sal$on have already beco$e e)tinct, and the habitats of 'rizzly bears, wolves and $any other creatures are threatened. 0o''in', that is, cuttin' down trees for co$$ercial "ur"oses however, "rovides 1obs, "rofits, ta)es for the 'overn$ent and chea" "roducts of all kinds for consu$ers, so the 'overn$ent is reluctant to restrict or control it. 2uch of anada's forestry "roduction 'oes towards $akin' "ul" and "a"er. Accordin' to the anadian &ul" and &a"er Association, anada su""lies #.3 of the world's wood "ul" and .,3 of its news"rint "a"er. !f these "a"er "roducts could be "roduced in so$e other way, anadian forests could be "reserved. 4ecently, a "ossible alternative way of "roducin' "a"er has been su''ested by a'riculturalists and environ$entalists5 a "lant called he$". 6e$" has been cultivated by $any cultures for thousands of years. !t "roduces fiber which can be $ade into "a"er, fuel, oils, te)tiles, food, and ro"e. 7or centuries, it was essential to the econo$ies of $any countries because it was used to $ake the ro"es and cables used on sailin' shi"s( colonial e)"ansion and the establish$ent of a world%wide tradin' network would not have been feasible without he$". Nowadays, shi"s' cables are usually $ade fro$ wire or synthetic fibers, but scientists are now su''estin' that the cultivation of he$" should be revived for the "roduction of "a"er and "ul". Accordin' to its "ro"onents, four ti$es as $uch "a"er can be "roduced fro$ land usin' he$" rather than trees, and $any environ$entalists believe that the lar'e%scale cultivation of he$" could reduce the "ressure on anada's forests. 6owever, there is a "roble$5 he$" is ille'al in $any countries of the world. This "lant, so useful for fiber, ro"e, oil, fuel and te)tiles, is a s"ecies of cannabis, related to the "lant fro$ which $ari1uana is "roduced. !n the late 1,#-s, a $ove$ent to ban the dru' $ari1uana be'an to 'ather force, resultin' in the eventual bannin' of the cultivation not only of the "lant used to

"roduce the dru', but also of the co$$ercial fiber%"roducin' he$" "lant. Althou'h both 8eor'e 9ashin'ton and Tho$as :efferson 'rew he$" in lar'e quantities on their own land, any A$erican 'rowin' the "lant today would soon find hi$self in "rison %% des"ite the fact that $ari1uana cannot be "roduced fro$ the he$" "lant, since it contains al$ost no T6 ;the active in'redient in the dru'<. !n recent years, two $a1or $ove$ents for le'alization have been 'atherin' stren'th. =ne 'rou" of activists believes that A00 cannabis should be le'al %% both the he$" "lant and the $ari1uana "lant %% and that the use of the dru' $ari1uana should not be an offense. They ar'ue that $ari1uana is not dan'erous or addictive, and that it is used by lar'e nu$bers of "eo"le who are not cri$inals but "roductive $e$bers of society. They also "oint out that $ari1uana is less to)ic than alcohol or tobacco. The other le'alization $ove$ent is concerned only with the he$" "lant used to "roduce fiber( this 'rou" wants to $ake it le'al to cultivate the "lant and sell the fiber for "a"er and "ul" "roduction. This second 'rou" has had a $a1or triu$"h recently5 in 1,,*, anada le'alized the far$in' of he$" for fiber. 7or the first ti$e since 1,#>, hundreds of far$ers are "lantin' this cro", and soon we can e)"ect to see "ul" and "a"er "roduced fro$ this new source.

(1) !ow many species of salmon have become e"tinct in #ritish $olumbia% A. /* +. #1 . 1#* ?. 1./ (&) !ow much of the world's newsprint paper is supplied by $anada% A. #13 +. .,3 . #.3 ?. 1,3 (3) (hat equipment on a ship was made from hemp% A. 4o"es +. 9ater"roof cloth

. En'ine fuel ?. life rafts ;boats< ()) (hat dru* can be obtained from a relative of hemp% A. ocaine +. 6eroin . A$"heta$ine ?. 2ari1uana (+) ,he main idea of para*raph one isA. @cientists are worried about New York ity +. 0o''in' is destroyin' the rainforests . 8overn$ents $ake $oney fro$ lo''in' ?. @al$on are an endan'ered s"ecies (.) (here was hemp farmin* recently le*ali/ed% A. The A@A +. anada . @in'a"ore ?. The Netherlands (0) !ow lon* does it ta e for 100 hectares of rainforest to be destroyed% A. 0ess than two $inutes +. About an hour . Two hours ?. A day (1) (hy was the plant hemp essential to world2wide trade in the past% A. @hi"s' ro"es were $ade fro$ it. +. 6e$" was a very "rofitable e)"ort. . 6e$" was used as fuel for shi"s. ?. 6e$" was used as food for sailors. (3) 4n para*raph four5 the author e"pressed thatA. 6e$" is used to "roduce dru's +. 2any fa$ous "eo"le used to 'row he$" . !t is ille'al to 'row he$" ?. 6e$" is useful for "roducin' $any thin's (10) (hy is pulp and paper production important to $anada%

A. anada needs to find a way to use all its s"are wood. +. anada "ublishes a lot of news"a"ers and books. . &ul" and "a"er e)"ort is a $a1or source of inco$e for anada. ?. &a"er is used to $ake handicrafts. (11) (ho is su**estin* that pulp and paper could be produced without cuttin* down trees% A. The lo''in' industry +. The 'overn$ent . The environ$ental lobby ?. The doctors of anada (1&) (hy do a*riculturalists thin that hemp would be better for paper production than trees% A. !t is chea"er to 'row he$" than to cut down trees. +. 2ore "a"er can be "roduced fro$ the sa$e area of land. . 6e$" $i)es well with different kinds of che$icals. ?. 6e$" "roduces hi'her quality "a"er. (13) (hen was hemp production banned in $anada% A. 1,#+. 1,B. 1,,B ?. 1,#> (1)) (hy was hemp banned% A. !t is related to the $ari1uana "lant. +. !t can be used to "roduce $ari1uana. . !t was no lon'er a useful cro". ?. !t was destructive to the land. (1+) (hat chemical in*redient of cannabis plants is a powerful dru*% A. 7iber +. 2ari1uana . T6 ?. 2ethane (1.) 67very second5 1 hectare of the world's rainforest is destroyed. ,hat's equivalent to two football fields.6

(hat does 6equivalent to6 mean% A. 2ore than +. 0ess than . The sa$e as ?. None of the above (10) 64n #ritish $olumbia5 where5 since 13305 thirteen rainforest valleys have been clearcut5 1)& species of salmon have already become e"tinct.6 (hat does 6clearcut6 mean% A. A few trees have been cut down. +. 2any trees have been cut down. . None of the trees have been cut down. ?. all the trees have been cut down. (11) 68o**in*5 however5 provides 9obs5 profits5 ta"es for the *ovenment and cheap products of all inds for consumers5 so the *overnment is reluctant to restrict or control it.6 (hat does 6reluctant6 mean% A. ?oesn't want to +. !s not allowed to . 9ould like to ?. !s not sure what to do (13) 64n the late 1330s5 a movement to ban the dru* mari9uana be*an to *ather force.6 (hat does 6*ather force6 mean% A. A""ear +. 8et stron'er . reate addiction ?. 8et weaker (&0) :any species of wildlife are becomin* e"tinct5 ;;;;;;;;;; the rainforests are bein* destroyed. A. Therefore +. @ince . @o ?. onsequently

(&1) C,he rainforests are quite simply the richest5 oldest5 most productive and most comple" ecosystems on 7arth.< (hose opinion is this% A. The forestry industry +. The environ$entalists . The he$" far$ers ?. The "eo"le who want to le'alize $ari1uana (&&) ;;;;;;;;;; lo**in* provides 9obs and profits5 the *overnment is reluctant to control it. A. @o +. onsequently . ?ue to ?. @ince A. @u""orted ;/B< +. Alive ;/D< . 0andless ;/.< ?. 2a1or ;/#<

A"art fro$ its direct i$"act, lo''in' "lays a EEEE (&3)EEEErole in deforestation throu'h the buildin' of roads which are subsequently used by EEEEE (&))EEEEE far$ers to 'ain access to rainforest areas. These dis"laced "eo"le then clear the forest by slashin' and burnin' to 'row enou'h food to kee" the$ and their fa$ilies EEEE (&+)EEEE, a "ractice which is called subsistence far$in'. This "roble$ is so wides"read that 4obert 4e"etto of the 9orld 4esources !nstitute ranks co$$ercial lo''in' as the bi''est a'ent of tro"ical deforestation. This view was EEEE(&.)EEEE by the 9orld 9ide 7und for Nature's 1,,B study, C+ad 6arvestFG which surveyed lo''in' in the world's tro"ical forests.

(&0) ,hese days5 many people are ;;;;;;;;;;;;; their voices a*ainst deforestation. A. 7i'htin' +. @houtin' . 4aisin'

?. 6earin' (&1) $uttin* down trees is profitable. ;;;;;;;;;;;;5 it is very dan*erous for the forest animals. A. Therefore +. 6owever . To'ether ?. 7inally (&3) Plastic can be used ;;;;;;;;;;; of wood to ma e furniture. A. ?es"ite +. Not . To'ether ?. !nstead (30) 4f we plant more trees than we cut5 ;;;;;;;;;;;; we can brin* deforestation down. A. 2ust +. Then . 6ence ?. Than

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