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The 28th Sunday

in Ordinary Time
11 October 2009

Saint Andrew & Saint William

Catholic Churches in Verona, Wisconsin

“Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” (Mark 10:17b).

There are so many elements in this question and in the ensuing exchange be-
tween the young man and Jesus that challenge our own priorities in life. For
example, it is reasonable to infer that the man is a young and eager person,
running up to Jesus and kneeling down before Him (Mk. 10:17a). The young
man also exhibits a refreshing piety and spirituality that reflects a rightly
ordered life. By identifying Jesus as “the Good Teacher” we know that the
man probably considers himself a disciple of Jesus, a student in the spiritual
life--as we all are.
When the young man goes on to ask Jesus about inheriting eternal life,
we have no doubt that his priorities were in proper order. Especially in our
own contemporary society, the prevailing question among young people
tends to focus on professional advancements in careers, or acceptance into
the right schools, or seeking the high-paying jobs. While these endeavors are
good--since they reflect our human dignity and capacity to work--they are
not our ultimate purpose in life: which is heaven. With this in mind, we can
celebrate the young man’s apparent desire for spiritual growth and maturity.
In quick response to the young man’s question, the Lord reminds him of the
Ten Commandments, which are God’s Law inscribed on the hearts of all hu-
man persons. When we hear that the young man confirms his observance of
the Commandments we likewise celebrate this laudable knowledge of these
foundational elements for living a basic spiritual life. One of the beautiful
parts of this passage is Jesus’ reaction: He “looked at him, and loved him...”
(v. 21). As we later hear, Jesus gave the young man--and all of us--a challeng-
ing instruction to live in radical and deep devotion to the Gospel, namely, to
love Jesus and the Kingdom of God more than material possessions. May we
have such love for Jesus and His Kingdom and not turn away as the man did.

Hymn at the Procession - 401
Lord, You Give the Great Commission Tune: ABBOT’S LEIGH

Penitential Rite

Priest All
          
Lord, have mer - cy. Lord, have mer - cy.

            
Christ, have mer - cy. Christ, have mer - cy.

          
Lord, have mer - cy. Lord, have mer - cy.
 
For you a-lone are the Ho - ly One, you a -
For you a-lone are the Ho - ly One, you a -
  on G 
     Mass
Gloria in excelsis

      Calvin M. Bower
 ALL: 
you a - lone are the Most High,

you a - lone are the Most High,

Je -
Je -
     
            

           
Glo - ry to God in the high - est and peace to hispeo -ple  on earth.
 Ho - ly Spi - rit in the glo - ry of God the
Ho - ly Spi - rit in the glo - ry of God the
                   

            
Lord God, heav'n -ly King, al - might- y God and Fa- ther,
  we
         A A -

    
           

  
ALL: - ship you, we give you thanks, we praise you for your glo - ry.
   alone:
 ALL:
      A  -   -  -  men.
A - - -
 

 Jesus
Lord GloChrist,     ALL:
-ryto God  and  tohispeo     
in the high - est
ALL:  peace
-ple on earth.
only Son of the Father,
    
LordGod, God,are the Ho
Lamba-oflone - ly  One,  
      Lord, 
 take
For you
  the     you a - lone arethe
 
sins of the world: 
you away
  mer 
- cy on us.

 Lord  God, heav'n   -ly King, al - might- y God and Fa- ther,
have mer - cy on us.
 we 

 ALL:

 
you 
Cantor/Choir alone:

-    
lone are the   High,
     Je - sus
  with
 

You 
 
are seated at the
  
 wor    re- ceive our  prayer. for your glo - ry.
- ship you, we give you thanks,
right hand of the Father:
re - ceive
we praise ouryou prayer.

Ho - ly Spi - rit in the glo - ry of God the
 
Fa - ther.
               
               
For you a-lone are the Ho - ly One, you a - lone arethe Lord,
A -


 
A -
 

         
    
you a - lone are the Most High, Je - sus Christ, with the
     
- - - men.
  
 ALL:    
 
 Ho  -rit in the glo - ry of God the Fa - ther.
 - ly Spi

 mer- cy on
 have  us.          
A - - men. A - - men.
       
      
re - ceive our prayer.
A - - - men.

Opening Collect
      
The priest prays the collect. All respond Amen.

have mer - cy on us.

ALL: 
     
re - ceive our prayer.
Reading I Wisdom 7:7-11

I deem riches nothing in comparison to wisdom.

Responsorial Psalm Psalm 90

Michel Guimont
 
      
        
Fill us with Your love, O Lord, and we will sing for joy!

Reading II Hebrews 4:12-13

The word of God is able to judge

the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

Gospel Acclamation A. Gregory Murray

Blessed are the poor in spirit,

for theirs is the kingdom of God.

Gospel Reading Mark 10:17-30

Go and sell all you possess,

and come, follow me.

Homily Rev. William F. Vernon


General Intercessions
Preparation of the Altar and Gifts

Anthem at the Offertory (10:30am Sunday)

As Longs the Deer Robert Edward Smith

As longs the deer for cooling streams in parched and barren ways,
so longs my soul, O God, for thee and thy refreshing grace. For thee,
my God, the living God, my thirsty soul doth pine: O when shall I be-
hold thy face, thou Majesty divine? Why restless, why cast down, my
soul? Hope still, and thou shalt sing the praise of him who is thy God,
thy health’s eternal spring. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, the God
whom we adore, be glory, as it was, is now, and shall be ever more.

Hymn at the Offertory - 656 (5pm Saturday & 8am Sunday)

Christ, Be Our Light Tune: Bernadette Farrell

Sanctus et benedictus Mass for the City

Richard Proulx

                
 
Ho - ly, ho - ly, ho - ly Lord, God of pow - er and might.
  
              

         
Hea - ven and earth are full of your glo - ry. Ho -

  
    
     

               
san - na, ho - san - na, ho - san -na in the high - est. Bless -ed is
 
    

    2.
he who comes in the name of the Lord. Ho - san na, ho -

      
 1.
      
san - na, ho - san -na in the high - est. Ho - high - est.

Memorial Acclamation Mass for the City

Richard Proulx
  

       
    

   
Dy - ing you des - troyed our death, ris - ing you re -

   

  

  
stored our life. Lord Je - sus, come in

   

    
  
glo - ry, Lord Je - sus, come in glo - ry.
Great Amen Mass for the City

  
Richard Proulx
            
A - men, a - men, a - - men!

The Lord’s Prayer traditional chant

Agnus Dei Richard Proulx

 
                
Lamb of God, you take a-way the sins of the world: have

           
  
   
mer - cy on us. Lamb of God, you take a- way the

               

sins of the world: grant us peace, grant us peace.


Antiphon at the Communion

Psalm 63: My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord Richard Proulx
  
          
  

My soul is thirst - ing for you, O

 
         
Lord, thirst - ing for you my God.

Anthem at the Communion (10:30am Sunday) Saint Andew Choristers

Magnificat Jacques Berthier

Magnificat anima mea Dominum. My soul magnifies the Lord.

Hymn of Thanksgiving
Go, Make of All Disciples Tune: ELLACOMBE
         
   
1. "Go make of all dis - ci - ples": We hear the
2. "Go make of all dis - ci - ples": Bap - tiz - ing
3. "Go make of all dis - ci - ples": We at Your
4. "Go make of all dis - ci - ples": We wel - come
   
     
  
call, O Lord, That comes from You, our Fa - ther,
in the name Of Fa - ther, Son, and Spir - it,
feet would stay Un - til each life's vo - ca - tion
Your com- mand; "Lo, I am with you al - ways":
 
            
In Your e - ter - nal Word. In - spire our ways of
from age to age the same. We call each new dis -
Ac - cents Your ho - ly way. We cul - ti - vate the
We take Your guid- ing hand. The task looms large be -

 
            
learn - ing Through earn- est, fer - vent prayer, And let our
ci - ple To fol -low You, O Lord, Re - deem- ing
na - ture God plants in ev - 'ry heart, Re - veal - ing
fore us; We fol -low with -out fear. In heav'n and
        
   
dai - ly liv - ing Re - veal You ev - 'ry - where.
soul and bod - y By wa - ter and the Word.
in our wit - ness The Mas - ter Teach - er's art.
earth Your pow - er Shall bring God's king - dom here.

Prayer after Communion

Final Blessing and Dismissal

Organ Postlude

Permissions: Glory to God music by Calvin M. Bower. All rights reserved, reprinted with permission of the composer. Psalm 90:
Fill us with your love, O Lord music by Michel Guimont © GIA Publication, Inc. All rights reserved, reprinted with permission un-
der #A-715895. Gospel Acclamation music by A. Gregory Murray © GIA Publication, Inc. All rights reserved, re-
printed with permission under #A-715895. Sanctus, Memorial Acclamation, and Great Amen from Mass for the City.
Music by Richard Proulx © GIA Publication, Inc. All rights reserved, reprinted with permission under #A-715895.
Lamb of God music by Richard Proulx © GIA Publication, Inc. All rights reserved, reprinted with permission under Onelicense.
net #A-715895. Psalm 63: My soul is thirsting for the Lord music by Richard Proulx © GIA Publication, Inc. All rights reserved,
reprinted with permission under #A-715895. Go, Make of all Disciples words by Leon M. Adkins © Abingdon
Press. All rights reserved, reprinted with permission under #A-715895. All other selections in the public domain.

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