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STAY POSITIVE Positive people are way healthier and are less likely to stress out.

Avoid focusing on worrisome thoughts. Look for the silver lining in negative situations. Think about happy memories and write about your great future life. Smile. Be grateful. DRINK WATER Water is the great panacea. Drinking 8 10 glasses daily flushes down the toxins of the body, boosts the immune system and reduces health risks. Drink a glass of water first thing in the morning. Carry a small bottle around to remind you to drink more. And augment your water intake by eating water-rich foods such as watermelon, lettuce, cucumber and carrots. LAUGH OFTEN Laughter is the best medicine. It not only triggers healthy changes in the body, it is also a great antidote to stress, pain and conflict. Laugh more and often. Develop a sense of humor, take yourself less seriously. It is fun, free and easy to use. PROTECT YOUR SKIN Avoid being under the sun, especially between 10 am and 4 pm. Wear protective clothing and use a sunscreen 30 minutes before going out and every 2 hours thereafter, or after heavy sweating or after being in the water. BE KIND TO YOUR EYES Your windows to the soul deserve your loving care. Give them a break from all the computer or PDA strain by following the 20-20-20 rule: for every 20 minutes of screen time, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds. Keep your eyes moist by directing air vents away from you. Wear UV-protective sunglasses when outdoors. Make sure your reading or working light is bright enough to prevent eye strain or glare. Eat carrots, dark leafy greens and omega 3-rich foods to nourish your eyes. And dont forget to have regular eye check-ups. With proper care, your eyes will see you through your golden years! TAKE A VACATION A good vacation can help you reconnect with yourself and get back to feeling your best. You will be less likely to burn out and be more creative, productive and healthier. It can also strengthen your relationships, improve your job performance and relieve stress in lasting ways. LIMIT EATING OUT You do not know what goes into your food a huge chunk of butter could likely be thrown into your favorite food. Pack your lunch. Limit your food trips and choose wisely where to eat healthy food.

GET ENOUGH SLEEP Look fresh and healthy by getting 8 hours of sleep every night. You need this time to produce and regenerate many essential body substances and to recharge your body. Lack of sleep can make you irritable and moody. It can also affect your memory and emotional response and lessen your ability to innovate, multi-task or make good decisions. PROTECT YOUR HAIR Use warm or cool not hot water on your hair. Dont just use any shampoo; match your shampoo to your hair type. Get a regular haircut to get rid of dull ends and prevent drying of hair. Avoid excessive use of hair products and give your hair a break in between hair treatments. FEED YOUR MIND Read more. Learn new things. Watch less TV. Surround yourself with friends and colleagues who can stimulate your mind. Engage in healthy arguments. Listen to good relaxing music. Reflect on lessons learned. Meditate. Work puzzles. By educating yourself frequently, you will find that you will feel much more alive. KEEP YOUR BLOOD FLOWING Crossing your legs cuts blood circulation to your lower extremities. To keep the blood flowing, simply place both legs together on the floor. Change position by moving both legs together to one side or crossing your legs loosely at the ankles. EAT FRUITS BEFORE MEALS The best time to eat fruits is when your stomach is empty or before a meal. Fruits digest fast and are ready to go straight through the stomach into the intestines very quickly. If you eat them after a meal, you make them sit on your eaten food, letting the entire mass of food ferment, producing gas and causing discomfort. PURIFY THE AIR AROUND YOU Take control of the air you breathe and spare yourself the risk of getting sick. Get rid of dust mites by frequent washing of bed linens and vacuuming of carpets and furniture. Fix leaking pipes to prevent moist air and molds. Open a window when cooking. Store trash properly. Eat only in one place. Make the air around you at home or at work fresher and purer by putting plants around you they can filter the air better than a machine. Stop smoking to help purify the air. EXERCISE Dont wait for a heart attack to strike. Make the change today. Walking briskly for half an hour 3 -4 times a week will make a world of difference to your health.

LIVE YOUR 24 HOURS SENSIBLY You have only 24 hours daily. Use your time wisely to keep your body and mind healthy and fresh. Heres a simple guide on how to divide your 24 hours: 8 hours for sleep; 8 hours for work, study or preoccupation; 1 hour for exercise; 1-2 hours for 3 big and 2 small meals; and 5-6 hours of personal time for relaxation, hygiene and relationship-building. FLOSS ONCE A DAY Remove food debris and plaque in between teeth at least once a day to prevent plaque build-up. Plaque causes tooth decay which can lead to gum disease. Recent studies have shown that clot-forming bacteria from gum disease can enter the bloodstream and increase the risk for heart attack or stroke. LOVE YOUR SKIN Treat your skin gently. Avoid hot and long showers or baths. Limit your showers to one 10-minute shower a day. Avoid harsh or strong soaps. Pat your body dry instead of rubbing off vigorously with a towel after baths or washing. Moisturize. HAVE A HEARTY BREAKFAST You need to feed yourself to prepare for the busy day ahead. Remember, it would have been 10-12 hours since your last meal and your body needs food in the morning more than at any other time. SQUEEZE IN HEALTHY HABITS DAILY Do a little something every day to cut your risk of disease. Walk a little. Cut down on sugar. Eat fruit or a green salad instead of candy or cake. Bend your knees to pick something up. Lift your foot a little off the ground when standing in line; repeat with the other foot. Hug someone. Have a good cry. Eat walnuts before sleeping. Get a new pillow. FEEL GOOD ABOUT YOURSELF Everyone is beautiful in his or her own way. Celebrate. Pamper yourself. Wear clothes that make you feel good. Believe in yourself and believe that you can do whatever task is at hand. Do something good for someone. A general feeling of goodness is great for your well-being.

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