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Namaskarams to all our readers! This is my last write-up in this Title.

Thanks for all of you for having been patient with me all these times. I started my write-up on this subject on 06/18/2008. I know it has been a long time to complete it; I was unable to complete due to work. Also, I took a very long break for about 3 months, somewhere in between. But, finally it is just about complete. I have only started to write. Please do not mind my TYPOGRAPHICAL errors, poor LANGUAGE QUALITY etc. I think it is gods grace that the write-up has lasted exactly 18 Parts. All of our members will know the importance of the number 18. There are 18 Puranas, 18 chapters in Bhagavad-Geetha, Kurukshethra war lasted 18 years, Shabarimala has 18 steps and so on. I am not here to give details about the holiness of the number 18. It may be gods grace but may also be a co-incidence as well. But, the difference between fact and co-incidence rests on the belief of the individual and I believe in the former. Having said that I want to thank everyone who gave me positive feedbacks and asked for more clarifications. There are some who gave not so positive feedbacks due to factual errors; I heartily beg your pardon. I shall incorporate all your suggestions in my future writings. Any more suggestions (for future writings-off course!) and critics are welcome. Now I move to the concluding part of the write-up. GAYATHRI MAHIMA AND AIHIKA PHALAM(as told by Maharshis and some texts): MANU:"TribhyaevathuVedebyhahpadampadamaduduham". It means that each pada of Gayathri is taken from one of the three Vedas. Bhagavan created the Gayathri by selecting three Padams from each of the three Vedas

(Rigveda, Yajurveda and Sama Veda. Atharvana Veda has its own Gayathri. It is the ThureeyaGayathri that I had mentioned earlier in the write-up. To receive instruction in it, you must have a second upanayana). Anybody who chants the Gayathri will get the benefit of having chanted the Vedas. The sin of having skipped any type of Nithya Karma will be washed away if one chants 1000 Gayathris (now we know why we SHOULD do 1000 Gayathris on the next day of AvaniAvittam. If you skip GayathriJapam on the GayathriJapam day i.e., next day of AvaniAvittam, god save you).Gayathri is greater than SAMADHI which paves way for Moksham. Since, there is OM karam; this itself is Dhyanam, Samadhi etc. There is nothing greater than this. YAMA: Once, Brahma placed Samhithai, Shaakhai, Padam, Kramam, Jatam and Ghanam (the various units/phases in studying the Vedas) along with the four Vedas on one side of the weighing instrument and Gayathri on the other side and found that both match exactly equal. So, chanting Gayathri is equal to chanting the Vedas. SHRI SHANKARA: Among SnaanaManthrams, Aghamarshanam is the greatest; among HomaManthrams, Vyaahruthi is the greatest and among Mantra JapamGayathri is the greatest. BRAHMA: There is no JapamManthram better than Gayathri. There is no better penance than Gayathri. There is no HomaManthram better than Gayathri. There is no object more suitable for Dhyanam than Gayathri. VYAASA: Chanting Gayathri 10 times will relieve sins made for 3 days. 100 times Gayathrijapam will relieve all the sins ever made. 1000 times GayathriJapam will relieve all Upa-Paathakas. 1 crore times GayathriJapam will result in achieving anything one ever wanted. One can become a king. One can even become GOD.

SAMVARTHA: The most suitable Manthram that is capable of washing away all sins is Gayathri. It will give benefit only if discipline is consumption of food and Acharam is followed strictly. Doing 1 lakh GayathriJapam will relieve one from all sins. One who has had inacceptable food (eating food made by anybody other than a Brahmin, meat etc,) will become pure only if he chants 100 times Gayathri. VISHWAMITHRA: There shall be no fear in the mind of the one who chants Gayathri. There is no Manthram than can match the Gayathri in all four Vedas put together. Vedam, Yaagam, Daanam, Thapas etc., will not match to even one in a hundredth of Gayathris greatness. Leave what you may; but do not leave the Gayathri. YOGA YAAGNAVALKYA: Observing fasting the previous day and chanting 1000 Gayathris the next day will relieve all sins except Brahma-Hathya. If one chants Gayathri regularly one will not have to bear the sin of having taken PaapaDaanam (in shardham, kaaryam, chaayadaanametc). Taking bath after chanting 100 Gayathri, Chanting 100 Gayathri submersed in water, drinking water after chanting 100 Gayathris will all relieve one from all sins. Doing GayathriThilaHomam (homam with Gingely seeds) along with ghee will relieve one from all sins. MAARKANDEYA: Even if one happens to do all types of sins known to exist, chanting 10,000 Gayathri will dissolve all those sins. It will also give long life. CHATHURVIMSHATHI MATHAM: 1 croreGayathriJapam will relieve

Brahma Hathya; 80 lakhs GayathriJapam will relieve sin of having drunk alcohol; 70 lakhs GayathriJapam will relieve the sin of having stolen gold; 60 lakhs GayathriJapam will relieve the sin of having slept with Gurus wife; 80,000 GayathriJapam done in the morning will relieve all sins.

YAAGNAVALKYA:GayathriThilahomam will relieve all sins. VASISHTA: Any type of sins will be washed away by doing GayathriJapam or GayathriThilahomam. SMRUTHI RATHNAM: Any one charges who money and teaches Gayathri will become a Chandaala immediately (Chandaala is the lowest of castes known to exist. He is a one who burns bodies in a Cremation ground). GayathriJapam: Immediately after AvaniAvittam it has been laid down in Sasthras to chant 1000 Gayathris. It is stated as the Praayaschitha Karma so as to not to become a Paapi by having committed sins knowingly or unknowingly. For eating Braahmanaardham, the Praayaschitham is 100 Gayathri. For having eaten for Maasyam, Shodha-kumbham, Aabdhikam, Sapindeekaranam, the Praayaschitham is 1008 Gayathris. After doing the regular Sandhyavandanam, after 08:30 AM one has to start such PraayaschithaJapams including GayathriJapam related to AvaniAvittam. If one happens to pass urine or motion without making the Poonal in the form of a garland and keep it secured by keeping the Poonal circled in your ears, one has to immediately remove that Poonal, wear a new Poonal and do 108 GayathriJapam. For all other Vedic mistakes Gayathri is stated as the curse-breaker. If one skips Sandhyavandanam continuously for 3 days he loosesBrahmanyam and is born a dog. Devi Bhagavatham states in detail about Gayathri from 11thSkandam 1st chapter to 7th chapter. Every Aksharam has Rishi, Chandas, Devatha, Thathvam, Mudra, Shakthi,Varnam etc. must be learnt through a suitable Guru. These will give special results. Interested people can also chant, GayathriKavacham, GayathriSahasraNaamam, GayathriShaapaVimochanaManthram get the blessings of the divine mother.

Conclusion: The following has been extracted from (Said by Paramacharyal, H.H. Sri ChandrashekharendraSaraswathiSwamigal): If the Gayathri mantra is learned in childhood itself it would be retained like a nail driven into a tender tree. Gayathri imparts in great measure mental strength, luster and health. It will increase the child's power of concentration, sharpen his intelligence, and make him physically strong. Later in life, when he feels the urge of Kama, Gayathri will prevent him from being dragged downward and be a protective shield for his body and intelligence. When one learns to meditate on the Gayathri in childhood itself, it would be a great help, as one grows up, in not wasting one's seed, in acquiring Brahmic luster and qualities like studiousness, humility, devotion to God and interest in matters of the Self. While speaking about this mantra the Vedas use these words:

"GayathrimChandasam Mata". Here, "Chandas" means the Vedas. So Gayathri is the mother of all Vedic mantras (i.e., the Vedas proclaim them so). If the Gayathri has not been chanted for three generations in the family of a Brahmin, its members lose caste (they cease to be Brahmins). The quarter where such Brahmins live cannot be called an "Agrahara". It is perhaps not yet three generations since Brahmins gave up the Gayathri. So they still may be called Brahmins. This mantra is to be repeated only by men. Women benefit from the men performing the japa. Similarly when the three varnas practice GayathriJapa, all other castes enjoy the benefit flowing from it. We may cease to perform a rite if the fruits yielded by them are enjoyed exclusively by us. But we cannot do so if others also share in them. Those entitled to Gayathri mantra are to regard themselves as trustees who have to mutter it on behalf of

others like women and the fourth Varna who are not entitled to it. If they fail in their duty of trustees, it means they are committing an irremediable offence. At least on Sundays, all those who wear the sacred thread must do Gayathrijapa a thousand times. They must not eat unclean food, go to unclean places and must atone for lapses in ritual observances and in maintaining ritual purity. Henceforth, they must take every care to see that their body is kept chaste and fit for it to absorb mantric power. Today, the fire of mantric power has been put out (or it is perhaps like dying embers). The body of Brahmin has been subjected to undesirable changes and impure substances have found a place in it. But may be a spark of the old fire still gives off a dim light. It must be made to burn brighter. One day it may become a blaze. This spark is Gayathri. It has been handed down to us through the ages. Let us all pray to God that he will have mercy upon us so that the fire of mantras is never extinguished in us and that it will keep burning brighter and brighter.


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