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Energy Work and Linear Momentum

Chamila Sumathiratna-FIVT

Energy and Work

Energy is the ability to do work Work is being done whenever some physical force is being used to move an object some distance

Forms of Energy
O Forms of Mechanical Energy
O Potential energy O Kinetic energy O Strain energy/elastic potential energy

Calculating Kinetic Energy

O Calculating kinetic energy.

If we know the mass of an object and its velocity we can determine the amount of kinetic energy possessed by using the following formula:
O kinetic energy = 1/2 (mass of

object)(velocity of object) 2 O or KE = 1/2 mV 2

Potential Energy
O The amount of

energy contained in an object at rest due to its height. O Potential Energy = (mass)(gravity)(heigh t) O PE= mgh

Elastic Potential Energy

O Force exerted on

a spring F=kx O Where k is spring constant O Work done or energy stored in the spring is the area under the curve in graph

Conservation of Energy
O When a closed

system is considered energy cannot be created or destroyed O Can only be transferred from one form to the other.


Work Done

O Definition of work

When an object undergoes a displacement with magnitude s along a straight line, while a constant force with magnitude F, making an angle with s acts on the object, the work done by the force on the object is

(F cos ) s

O A person pushes a car 19 m.

If he pushes with a constant force with magnitude 210 N, how much work does he do on the car O (a) if he pushes in the direction the car is heading and O (b) if he pushes at 30 to that direction?


Momentum= Mass x Velocity


Momentum is a vector quantity

Change of Momentum
O In order to stop

Take a long time to stop. How about the force required??

the vehicle, need to bring the momentum to zero. O Time taken to stop the vehicle may differ

Take a short time to stop How about the force required??

O Impulse is force

applied into time that the force is applied O Impulse = change in momentum


Same Impulse

O Impulse for all three situations are same.

Conservation of momentum

The law of conservation of linear momentum

Elastic and Inelastic Collisions

Elastic and Inelastic collisions

Kinetic energy is conserved Kinetic energy is NOT conserved

Application-perfectly elastic

There are two elastic balls green and red.The Green ball come at 3m/s and hit on red ball which is initially at rest. After collision green ball comes to rest and red ball travels at v m/s. find v.

Application-perfectly inelastic

Find the velocity of the two balls sticked together

Application-perfectly inelastic

Compartment A, mass mA = 10,000 kg, traveling at speed vA = 24 m/s strikes compartment B (same mass), initially at rest (vB = 0). both lock together after collision. Find speed v after collision. What is the loss of kinetic energy?

Angular Momentum
O Linear momentum=

mass x velocity O Angular momentum= Linear momentum x radius of rotation P=mv kgm/s L=rmv kgm 2/s

O What is the angular O L=rmv O Can be applied for a

momentum of a 100 g mass tied to the end of a 0.75 m long string and spun overhead once per second?

point mass

Rotational Inertia/moment of inertia

Moment of Inertia
O Which has more

rotational inertia? O If the mass is distributed further from axis of rotation, moment of inertia will be larger

Conservation of Angular Momentum vs conservation of linear momentum

O In the absence of O In the absence of

any net external torque, the total angular momentum of a closed system is conserved..

any net external force, the total linear momentum of a closed system is conserved..


Equation for Angular Momentum

O Linear momentum P=mv

kgm/s O Angular momentum L=rmv kgm 2/s O v=r O Again L=rm(r) L= mr 2 L= I I=moment of inertia Angular momentum=moment of inertia x angular velocity

O What is the moment of

inertia of the following point masses arranged in a square?

O a) about the x-axis? O b) about the y-axis? O c) about the z-axis?

O I door = Ms 2/3. O Find the angular

velocity of the compound unit O Find kinetic energy in two situations

An acrobat stands at the center of a turntable, holding his arms extended horizontally, with a 5.0 kg dumbbell in each hand in figure . He is set rotating about a vertical axis, making one revolution in 2.0 s. His moment of inertia (without the dumbbells) is 3.0 kg m2 when his arms are outstretched, and drops to 2.2 kg m2 when his arms are pulled in close to his chest. The dumbells are 1.0 m from the axis initially and 0.20 m from it at the end. O Find the acrobats new angular velocity if he pulls the dumbbells close to his chest, and O Compare the final total kinetic energy with the initial value.

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