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Begin with a square piece of paper.

Fold the opposite corners of the
square together in turn to mark the
diagonal fold lines, with the coloured
side on top and then open up again.
Fold the right and left hand cor-
ners to meet in the middle.
Turn the paper over. Fold the sides over to
meet the middle allowing the corners from
underneath to ip up.
Fold the paper in half
from top to bottom.
Pull the right and left hand points
up as far as the paper will allow.
Fold the bottom points up and down
again to make the nose.
Turn the square around to
look like a diamond. Fold it in
half from bottom to top.
Once the paper has been folded
into a triangular shape fold from the
bottom left hand point. This should
meet the opposite side.
Fold from the bottom right hand point
over to meet the opposite side.
Fold the top point (first
piece) downwards. Leaving
the second still upwards.
Fold the remaining top point
To complete the cup slightly
open the paper out along its
top edge.
To begin, fold a square piece
of paper in half.
Made to hold green tea without
handles, warms the hands and body.
Turn the square paper around to look
like a diamond. Fold and unfold the
paper from bottom to top.
From the right hand corner fold the sloping
edges over so they lie along the middle fold
line. Press them at.
Fold the kite shape in half from
right to left.
From the left hand corner fold and
unfold the sloping edges.
Along the existing fold lines pull the top and
bottom aps of paper over to the right making
their sloping edges come to lie along the centre.
Fold the kite shape in half
from bottom to top.
Treat the left hand side as one and push this
upwards. The inner points should be pushed
downwards to create the tail...
Fold the right hand point over to
make a front n. Repeat behind.
Fold the right hand layer of
the paper over on a slant.
Repeat behind.
Flapping Bird
1. Following steps 1 - 10 from the crane
instructions you will have a bird base.
2. Inside reverse fold the bottom left point
to create the birds neck.
3. To create the beak, fold the points tip
in upon itself.
4. To make the tail, inside reverse the
bottom right point untill it is similiar to the
diagram below.
5. Fold the birds wings outwards to
complete the bird. By holding the birds
nook and pulling tno tail, your happing
bird will hap. Flap.
Crane Continued
9. Fold up and away from yourself until
both vertical edges meet in the middle.
10. It will now appear you have a
diamond resting on a square, turn over
and repeat stages 8 and 9. You will now
have a bird base.
11. Now with a complete diamond, fold
the bottom edges of the top layer into the
central fold. Turn over and repeat.
12. Pinch the bottom left edge and fold to
the left until it is inbetween the two layers.
13. Repeat this to the right hand side
and and inside reverse fold to create the
14. You now have an origami crane.
1. To begin with, rotate your square to
resemble a diamond. Fold into 4 equal
triangles and then unfold to leave the
2. Fold the diamond in half from top to
3. Fold the upside down triangle in half
from right to left, and then fold in half
again to leave a crease and then unfold.
4. lift the top layer of paper from the
centred crease and fold to the right until
a square is apparent.
5. Turn the paper over.
6. Repeat step 4, this time lifting from
the centre of the right hand side triangle.
You should now have a smaller square
7. Fold and unfold the two bottom edges
until they meet the vertical central line.
After this, fold the top of the square
towards you so that the horizontal fold
line meets the previous sloping fold
8. Pinch the front edge of the top layer of
paper and begin to lift up and away from
yourself. The triangle fold at the top of the
square will act as a hinge.
1. Fold your square into 4 equal triangles.
2. Fold the top points of the triangle
towards you two thirds of the way down.
3. Fold tno top hap up |ust as snown.
4. Fold the paper in half from right to left.
5. To create the beak, push the point of
the triangle to the left and fold.
6. Fold the top wing to the right, turn your
dove over and fold the unfolded wing to
the left.
7. Open the wings slightly and you now
have an origami dove.
Flapping Bird
1. Following steps 1 - 10 from the crane
instructions you will have a bird base.
2. Inside reverse fold the bottom left point
to create the birds neck.
3. To create the beak, fold the points tip
in upon itself.
4. To make the tail, inside reverse the
bottom right point untill it is similiar to the
diagram below.
5. Fold the birds wings outwards to
complete the bird. By holding the birds
nook and pulling tno tail, your happing
bird will hap. Flap.
Crane Continued
9. Fold up and away from yourself until
both vertical edges meet in the middle.
10. It will now appear you have a
diamond resting on a square, turn over
and repeat stages 8 and 9. You will now
have a bird base.
11. Now with a complete diamond, fold
the bottom edges of the top layer into the
central fold. Turn over and repeat.
12. Pinch the bottom left edge and fold to
the left until it is inbetween the two layers.
13. Repeat this to the right hand side
and and inside reverse fold to create the
14. You now have an origami crane.
1. To begin with, rotate your square to
resemble a diamond. Fold into 4 equal
triangles and then unfold to leave the
2. Fold the diamond in half from top to
3. Fold the upside down triangle in half
from right to left, and then fold in half
again to leave a crease and then unfold.
4. lift the top layer of paper from the
centred crease and fold to the right until
a square is apparent.
5. Turn the paper over.
6. Repeat step 4, this time lifting from
the centre of the right hand side triangle.
You should now have a smaller square
7. Fold and unfold the two bottom edges
until they meet the vertical central line.
After this, fold the top of the square
towards you so that the horizontal fold
line meets the previous sloping fold
8. Pinch the front edge of the top layer of
paper and begin to lift up and away from
yourself. The triangle fold at the top of the
square will act as a hinge.
1. Fold your square into 4 equal triangles.
2. Fold the top points of the triangle
towards you two thirds of the way down.
3. Fold tno top hap up |ust as snown.
4. Fold the paper in half from right to left.
5. To create the beak, push the point of
the triangle to the left and fold.
6. Fold the top wing to the right, turn your
dove over and fold the unfolded wing to
the left.
7. Open the wings slightly and you now
have an origami dove.
1. To bogin witn, rotato your squaro to
rosomblo a diamond. Fold into 4 oqual
trianglos and tnon unold to loavo tno
2. Fold tno diamond in nal rom top to
3. Fold tno upsido down trianglo in nal
rom rignt to lot, and tnon old in nal
again to loavo a oroaso and tnon unold.
4. lit tno top layor o papor rom tno
oontrod oroaso and old to tno rignt until
a squaro is apparont.
5. Turn tno papor ovor.
6. Popoat stop 4, tnis timo liting rom
tno oontro o tno rignt nand sido trianglo.
You snould now navo a smallor squaro
7. Fold and unold tno two bottom odgos
until tnoy moot tno vortioal oontral lino.
Ator tnis, old tno top o tno squaro
towards you so tnat tno norizontal old
lino moots tno provious sloping old
8. Pinon tno ront odgo o tno top layor o
papor and bogin to lit up and away rom
yoursol. Tno trianglo old at tno top o tno
squaro will aot as a ningo.
1. Fold your squaro into 4 oqual trianglos.
2. Fold tno top points o tno trianglo
towards you two tnirds o tno way down.
3. Fold tno top hap up |ust as snown.
4. Fold tno papor in nal rom rignt to lot.
5. To oroato tno boak, pusn tno point o
tno trianglo to tno lot and old.
6. Fold tno top wing to tno rignt, turn your
dovo ovor and old tno unoldod wing to
tno lot.
7. Opon tno wings sligntly and you now
navo an origami dovo.
Flapping Bird
1. Following stops 1 - 10 rom tno orano
instruotions you will navo a bird baso.
2. nsido rovorso old tno bottom lot point
to oroato tno birds nook.
3. To oroato tno boak, old tno points tip
in upon itsol.
4. To mako tno tail, insido rovorso tno
bottom rignt point untill it is similiar to tno
diagram bolow.
5. Fold tno bird's wings outwards to
oomploto tno bird. By nolding tno birds
nook and pulling tno tail, your happing
bird will hap. Flap.
Crane Continued
9. Fold up and away rom yoursol until
botn vortioal odgos moot in tno middlo.
10. t will now appoar you navo a
diamond rosting on a squaro, turn ovor
and ropoat stagos 8 and 9. You will now
navo a bird baso.
11. Now witn a oomploto diamond, old
tno bottom odgos o tno top layor into tno
oontral old. Turn ovor and ropoat.
12. Pinon tno bottom lot odgo and old to
tno lot until it is inbotwoon tno two layors.
13. Popoat tnis to tno rignt nand sido
and and insido rovorso old to oroato tno
14. You now navo an origami orano.
1. To bogin witn, rotato your squaro to
rosomblo a diamond. Fold into 4 oqual
trianglos and tnon unold to loavo tno
2. Fold tno diamond in nal rom top to
3. Fold tno upsido down trianglo in nal
rom rignt to lot, and tnon old in nal
again to loavo a oroaso and tnon unold.
4. lit tno top layor o papor rom tno
oontrod oroaso and old to tno rignt until
a squaro is apparont.
5. Turn tno papor ovor.
6. Popoat stop 4, tnis timo liting rom
tno oontro o tno rignt nand sido trianglo.
You snould now navo a smallor squaro
7. Fold and unold tno two bottom odgos
until tnoy moot tno vortioal oontral lino.
Ator tnis, old tno top o tno squaro
towards you so tnat tno norizontal old
lino moots tno provious sloping old
8. Pinon tno ront odgo o tno top layor o
papor and bogin to lit up and away rom
yoursol. Tno trianglo old at tno top o tno
squaro will aot as a ningo.
1. Fold your squaro into 4 oqual trianglos.
2. Fold tno top points o tno trianglo
towards you two tnirds o tno way down.
3. Fold tno top hap up |ust as snown.
4. Fold tno papor in nal rom rignt to lot.
5. To oroato tno boak, pusn tno point o
tno trianglo to tno lot and old.
6. Fold tno top wing to tno rignt, turn your
dovo ovor and old tno unoldod wing to
tno lot.
7. Opon tno wings sligntly and you now
navo an origami dovo.
Flapping Bird
1. Following stops 1 - 10 rom tno orano
instruotions you will navo a bird baso.
2. nsido rovorso old tno bottom lot point
to oroato tno birds nook.
3. To oroato tno boak, old tno points tip
in upon itsol.
4. To mako tno tail, insido rovorso tno
bottom rignt point untill it is similiar to tno
diagram bolow.
5. Fold tno bird's wings outwards to
oomploto tno bird. By nolding tno birds
nook and pulling tno tail, your happing
bird will hap. Flap.
Crane Continued
9. Fold up and away rom yoursol until
botn vortioal odgos moot in tno middlo.
10. t will now appoar you navo a
diamond rosting on a squaro, turn ovor
and ropoat stagos 8 and 9. You will now
navo a bird baso.
11. Now witn a oomploto diamond, old
tno bottom odgos o tno top layor into tno
oontral old. Turn ovor and ropoat.
12. Pinon tno bottom lot odgo and old to
tno lot until it is inbotwoon tno two layors.
13. Popoat tnis to tno rignt nand sido
and and insido rovorso old to oroato tno
14. You now navo an origami orano.

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