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$/#0%,( 10*+$2#2#0% 3#4#5#0% 1


/012+31# 4"&+,#5 4"&&-# 2"# &)# *)-6#$ 2"*2 7#-2 *)-6#$- 2"# 80#-2+&) &$ ,&%31#2#- 2"# -2*2#%#)2

1. A balloon is filleu with colu aii anu placeu in a waim ioom. The balloon is N0T in theimal equilibiium with
the aii in the ioom until:
a. It sinks to the flooi
b. It stops expanuing
c. It staits to contiact
u. It iises to the ceiling
e. None of these

2. The zeioth law of theimouynamics allows us to uefine
a. Piessuie
b. Inteinal eneigy
c. Tempeiatuie
u. Theimal equilibiium
e. Woik

S. When a ceitain constant volume gas theimometei is in theimal contact with watei at its tiiple point
(27S.16 K) the piessuie is !!!" ! !"
!". Foi this theimometei a kelvin coiiesponus to a change in
piessuie of about:
a. !!!" ! !"
b. !!!" ! !"
c. !!!" ! !"
u. !!!" ! !"
e. !!!" ! !"

4. It is moie uifficult to measuie the coefficient of expansion of a liquiu than that of a soliu because:
a. A liquiu tenus to evapoiate
b. A liquiu expanus too little when heateu
c. A liquiu expanus too much when heateu
u. The containing vessel also expanus
e. No ielation exists between lineai anu volume expansion coefficients

S. The uiagiam shows foui iectangulai plates anu theii uimensions. All aie maue of the same mateiial. The
tempeiatuie of the plates is incieaseu.

a. The veitical uimension of plate 2 incieases the most anu the aiea of plate 4 incieases the most.
b. The veitical uimension of plate 4 incieases the most anu the aiea of plate 4 incieases the most.
c. The veitical uimension of plate 4 incieases the most anu the aiea of plate S incieases the most.
u. The veitical uimension of plate S inciease the most anu the aiea of plate 1 incieases the most.
e. The veitical uimension of plate 1 incieases the most anu that aiea of plate 1 incieases the most.

Virginia Science Olympiad 2012 Thermodynamics C Exam
- Please do not reuse for other tournaments!

Note: This is just one example of information that may be included on an exam. Information on future exams is not limited to the scope or topics covered here.
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6. Beat is:
a. Eneigy content of an object
b. A piopeity objects have by viitue of theii tempeiatuies
c. A tempeiatuie uiffeience
u. Eneigy tiansfeiieu by viitue of a tempeiatuie uiffeience
e. Eneigy tiansfeiieu by macioscopic woik

7. The same eneigy Q enteis five uiffeient substances as heat.
The tempeiatuie of Sg of substance A is iaiseu by 1uK
The tempeiatuie of 4g of substance B is iaiseu by 4K
The tempeiatuie of 6g of substance C is iaiseu by 1SK
The tempeiatuie of 8g of substance B is iaiseu by SK
The tempeiatuie of 1ug of substance E is iaiseu by 1uK

Which of these has the gieatest specific heat.
a. Substance A
b. Substance B
c. Substance C
u. Substance B
e. Substance E

8. A cube of aluminum is 2ucm on euge. Aluminum has a uensity 2.7 times that of watei !!
! anu a specific
heat u.217 times that of watei !!
!. The heat in caloiies neeueu to iaise the tempeiatuie of the cube
fiom 2u C to Su C is about:
a. 27 cal
b. S7 cal
c. 47 cal
u. 27uuu cal
e. 47uuu cal

9. An aii bubbles uoubles in volume as it iises fiom the bottom of a lake !
! !"""
. Ignoiing any
tempeiatuie changes, the uepth of the lake is:
a. 1um
b. 21m
c. 4.9m
u. u.99m
e. u.76m

1u. An iueal gas unueigoes an isotheimal piocess staiting with a piessuie of ! ! !"
!" anu a volume of ! !"
Which of the following might be the piessuie anu volume of the final state.
a. ! ! !"
!" anu ! !"

b. ! ! !"
!" anu ! !"

c. ! ! !"
!" anu ! !"

u. ! ! !"
!" anu !" !"

e. ! ! !"
!" anu ! !"

Virginia Science Olympiad 2012 Thermodynamics C Exam
- Please do not reuse for other tournaments!

Note: This is just one example of information that may be included on an exam. Information on future exams is not limited to the scope or topics covered here.
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11. An auiabatic piocess foi an iueal gas is iepiesenteu on a +67 uiagiam by:
a. A hypeibola
b. A ciicle
c. A hoiizontal line
u. A veitical line
e. None of these

12. A ieal gas is slowly changeu fiom state #1 to state #2. Buiing this piocess no woik is uone on oi by the
gas. This piocess must be:
a. A closeu cycle with a point #1 coinciuing with point #2
b. Isobaiic
c. Isotheimal
u. Auiabatic
e. Isovolumetiic

1S. Eviuence that molecules of a gas aie in constant motion is:
a. Two gases inteiuiffuse quickly
b. Eneigy as heat is neeueu to vapoiize a liquiu
c. uases aie easily compiesseu
u. Winus exeit piessuie
e. Waim aii iises

14. The !"#$%#&'( *+ ,-.#&/"0#0#*$ *+ ,$("12 states that inteinal eneigy of a gas is shaieu equally:
a. Between tianslational anu vibiational kinetic eneigy
b. Among the ielevant uegiees of fieeuom
c. Between tempeiatuie anu piessuie
u. Among the molecules
e. Between kinetic anu potential eneigy

1S. The uiagiam shows five theimouynamic piocesses caiiieu out on an iueal gas. Foi which of these
piocesses is the change in inteinal eneigy of the gas the gieatest.

a. I
b. II
c. III
u. Iv
e. v

Virginia Science Olympiad 2012 Thermodynamics C Exam
- Please do not reuse for other tournaments!

Note: This is just one example of information that may be included on an exam. Information on future exams is not limited to the scope or topics covered here.
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16. The tempeiatuie of $ moles of an iueal monatomic gas is incieaseu by !! at constant piessuie. The eneigy
3 absoibeu as heat, change in !!
in inteinal eneigy, anu woik 4 uone by the enviionment aie given by:
a. ! !
!"#$5 !!
!"!!, ! ! !
b. ! !
!"#$5 !!
!"!!, ! ! !
c. ! !
!"#$5 !!
! !, ! ! !!"!!
u. ! !
!"#$5 !!
!"!!, ! ! !!"!!
e. ! !
!"#$5 !!
! !, ! ! !!"!!

17. The uiffeience in entiopy !! ! !
! !
foi two states A anu B of a system can be computeu by !! !

a. A anu B aie on the same auiabat
b. The eneigy absoibeu as heat by the system is fiist computeu
c. A ieveisible path is useu foi the integial
u. A anu B have the same tempeiatuie
e. The woik uone on the system is fiist computeu

18. Accoiuing to the Naxwellian speeu uistiibution, as the tempeiatuie incieases the numbei of molecules
with speeus within a small inteival neai the most piobable speeu:
a. Becieases at high tempeiatuies anu incieases at low
b. Incieases at high tempeiatuies anu uecieases at low
c. Incieases
u. Stays the same
e. Becieases

19. 0ne mole of an iueal gas expanus slowly anu isotheimally at tempeiatuie 6 until its volume is uoubleu. The
change of entiopy of this gas foi this piocess is:
a. !!" !!!!
b. !!
c. Zeio
u. ! !" !
e. !" !" !

2u. Consiuei the following piocesses: The tempeiatuies of two iuentical gases aie incieaseu fiom the same
initial tempeiatuie to the same final tempeiatuie. Reveisible piocesses aie useu in both cases. Foi gas A,
the piocess is caiiieu out at constant volume while foi gas B it is caiiieu out at constant piessuie. The
change in entiopy:
a. Is gieatei foi B
b. Is gieatei foi A
c. Is the same foi A anu B
u. Is gieatei foi A only if the initial tempeiatuie is high
e. Is gieatei foi A only if the initial tempeiatuie is low

21. A Cainot cycle:
a. Is bounueu by two isotheims anu two auiabats on a + 8 7 giaph
b. Consist of two isotheimal anu two constant volume piocesses
c. Bas an efficiency equal to the encloseu aiea on a + 8 7 uiagiam
u. Is any foui siueu piocess on a + 8 7 giaph
e. 0nly exists foi an iueal gas

Virginia Science Olympiad 2012 Thermodynamics C Exam
- Please do not reuse for other tournaments!

Note: This is just one example of information that may be included on an exam. Information on future exams is not limited to the scope or topics covered here.
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22. Twenty-five iuentical molecules aie in a box. Iuentifying the molecules in the left anu iight halves of the
box uesignates miciostates. The Boltzmann constant is !!!" ! !"
. The entiopy associateu with the
configuiation foi which 1S molecules aie in the left half anu 1u molecules aie in the iight half is:
a. !!!! !!"

b. !!!" !!"

c. !!!" !!"

u. !!!" !!"

e. !!!! !!"

9"&$2 :)-6#$5 :)-6#$ #*," 80#-2+&) +) 2"# -3*,# 3$&;+'#' &) (&0$ *)-6#$ -"##2< =&0$
*)-6#$ 6+11 7# 2"# &)1( 3*$2 &> 2"# 80#-2+&) -,&$#'< !"#$# +- $&&% >&$ (&0$ 6&$? &) 2"#
*)-6#$ -"##2<

2S. Lemonaue has been sitting on the picnic table all uay at !!". You poui u.24 kg into a Styiofoam cup anu
auu 2 ice cubes (each u.u2S kg at !"). Assuming no heat lost to the suiiounuings, what is the final
tempeiatuie of the lemonaue.

The specific heat of Lemonaue is !!!"
!" !
, anu the latent heat of fusion is !!!!!

24. 1 kg of watei at tempeiatuie !
! !"! is mixeu with 2 kg of watei at !
! !!! in a caloiimetei of
negligible heat capacity at constant piessuie of 1 atm. Finu the change in entiopy of the system.

2S. Piopane, 789:, is a common fuel gas. 0se the following to calculate the k} of heat piouuceu when 99.uu
giams of piopane ieact with 288.u giams of oxygen gas.

! ! ! !
! ! ! !!
! ! !!
! !!! !! ! !!"#$ !"

Virginia Science Olympiad 2012 Thermodynamics C Exam
- Please do not reuse for other tournaments!

Note: This is just one example of information that may be included on an exam. Information on future exams is not limited to the scope or topics covered here.
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;<=4,> =9,,6

School Name: ______________________________________ Team Numbei: ________

1. _____
2. _____
S. _____
4. _____
S. _____
6. _____
7. _____
8. _____
9. _____
1u. _____
11. _____
12. _____
1S. _____
14. _____
1S. _____
16. _____
17. _____
18. _____
19. _____
2u. _____
21. _____
22. _____
9"&$2 :)-6#$ @0#-2+&)-


Virginia Science Olympiad 2012 Thermodynamics C Exam
- Please do not reuse for other tournaments!

Note: This is just one example of information that may be included on an exam. Information on future exams is not limited to the scope or topics covered here.
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Virginia Science Olympiad 2012 Thermodynamics C Exam
- Please do not reuse for other tournaments!

Note: This is just one example of information that may be included on an exam. Information on future exams is not limited to the scope or topics covered here.
!"#$%"$ '()*+#,- .$/#0%,( 10*+$2#2#0% 3#4#5#0% 1


1. __B___
2. __C___
S. __A___
4. __B___
S. __C___
6. __B___
7. __B___
8. __E___
9. __A___
1u. __C___
11. __E___
12. __E___
1S. __A___
14. __B___
1S. __B___
16. __B___
17. __C___
18. __E___
19. __B___
2u. __A___
21. __A___
22. __C___

9"&$2 :)-6#$ @0#-2+&)-
! !
! !!!" ! !!!!

! !
! !
! !"!!!" !

! !

!!!" ! !!!!
! !"!!!" !

! !"!! !

Virginia Science Olympiad 2012 Thermodynamics C Exam
- Please do not reuse for other tournaments!

Note: This is just one example of information that may be included on an exam. Information on future exams is not limited to the scope or topics covered here.
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! !

! !

! !

! !"!!"! ! !
!!"!!"! !
! !"! !

! !!!"#

! !!!!"!

ANSWER !! ! !!!!""

If 789: is limiting ieactant:

!!!! ! ! ! !"# !
!! ! ! !"#$
!"# !
! !"#$ !" !"#"$%"&

If ?C is the limiting ieactant:

!""!! ! ! ! !"# !
!" ! ! !"#$
! !"# !
! !"## !" !"#"$%"&

ANSWER !! ! !!"## !"

Virginia Science Olympiad 2012 Thermodynamics C Exam
- Please do not reuse for other tournaments!

Note: This is just one example of information that may be included on an exam. Information on future exams is not limited to the scope or topics covered here.

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