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CHAPTER 11:AGE OF FAITH Middle Ages or The Medieval Period > Refers to the thousand years between ancient times and modern era. > Period between the fall of Rome in A.D.476 and the discovery of America in 15th century. medius aevum > Latin word means middle. > Latin word means period or age. Division of European History: Constantinople > Ancient > capital city > Medieval > Modern Dark Ages the Christian church and feudalism > Fall of Rome > 2 institution filled in the void left by > refers to the 1st century after the fall of Roman Empire. Rome. cultural concept > An institution which is a functional configuration of cultural patterns, including actions, ideas, and attitudes, which possess a certain permanence and id intended to satisfy human needs. harmony decadent > Form of order > When the whole institutional setup is not harmonious. Barbaric The reasons why Barbaric tribes go to > uncivilized people Rome: > over population Art and Literature > climate > wiped out when Barbaric came. > outcast Characteristics of Barbaric: Germanic or Teutonic tribes > drunkard > Moved to Gaul, Spain and Italy, they > love to fight did not enslave or exterminate the people > gambler they found there instead they live with the people they found there. Teutons Goths > Indo-European peoples. They were > First barbarians to penetrate into the regarded as barbarians by Romans and Roman Empire. Greeks. > Occupied the valley of Danube and the northern shore of Black Sea. 2 branches of Goths: > the Visigoths (West Goths) > the Ostrogoths (East Goths) Northmen > tribes in the north. Teutonic Tribes: (V.F.L.A.B.S) > Vandals > Burgundians > Lombards > Franks > Angles > Saxons > Jutes Odin > the chief of their gods. Thor > god of thunder

Germanic tribes > rough and ignorant > lived in tribes under a chief > laws were mostly based on superstitious and tribal customs

> fierce and warlike > worshipped Scandinavian gods > few members could write or read 416 > Visigoths invaded Spain 480 > Franks set up kingdom in Gaul (now France and Belgium) Christian Church > Main civilizing force of the Middle Ages > The force that saved European civilization Clovis > Leader of Franks Charles Martel (a.k.a Charles the Hammer) > Appointed as mayor by Clovis > Lead the fight against Muslims this battle was called Battle of Tours that takes place in 732. Muslims lost Pepin the Short > Child of Charles Martel > called Pepin the short because of his height. Charle Magne > Son of Pepin the short > Emperor A.D 768.

A.D 400 > Germanic tribes began invading the Roman territories. 450 > Angles, Jutes and Saxons began to settle in Britain. 489 > Ostrogoths invaded Italy. Franks > Establish the Merovigian Dynasty

Cleotilde > Wife of Clovis 4 names called to the Muslims: > Mours > Moslim > Turks > Mohameddan Papal States > Donation of Pepin to the church.

Treaty of Verdun > Division of Rome to the 3 grandsons of Charle Magne. Mars and Jupiter > Official state gods. They no longer offer security and hope, people turned to other religions for comfort. One such religion was Christianity. Emperor Constantine > Christian leader > Under the leadership of this emperor Christianity finally won acceptance until it became the religion throughout the empire. Jesus Rulers of the Jews: > Christianity began with him > Babylonians > Born in Bethlehem in 4 B.C. > Assyrians > His message brought hope to the Jews. > Persians > He is the Messiah. > Romans Messiah Judaism > A Hebrew word means Lords annointed > Religion of the Jews. one. Pontius Pilate > Jews reported to him that Jesus was scheming to > The Roman governor of Judea. Become king of the Jews. Christianity Christ > became the almost universal religion of > means the anointed one or the Europe. Messiah. Pope -> Cardinals -> Archbishops -> Bishops -> Priests Pope Cardinals > head of the church > Together they are college of cardinals, they elect the next pope.

Pope Leo III > crowned Charle Magne as the 1st Emperor of Holy Roman Empire on Dec 25, 800 A.D. Grandsons of Charle Magne: > Lothair > Charles the Bald > Charles

Archbishops > In charge of several bishops. In 4th century A.D. the most important diocese are: > Rome > Constantinople > Alexandria > Antioch

Bishops > has own diocese or bishopric. Bishop of Rome (Pope) > emerge as the leader and heir to the authority of St. Peter. St. Peter > The chief of the apostles of Christ.

Jesus gave his mantle of authority to St. Peter and Said: Thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my church. A.D. 1100 Pope > Bishop of Rome exclusively takes the > A word derived from papas means title of Pope. father. th 5 century - A.D. 445 Church is like that an empire because it > a decree was issued declaring the has: Supremacy of the Bishop of Rome over > Its own system of laws > Its own taxes the whole church. > Its own courts ** collects 10% on all produce from land. Clergy Priest > exempted from paying. > Only people who did not pay taxes. Canon Law Patriarch > Law of the Church > Leading church official in Constantinople. Ecumenical Patriarch Catholic > Church leader of the world. > meaning universal. The Catholic Church The Greek Orthodox Church > The Christian church in the West. > The Christian church in the East. > headed by the pope > headed by the patriarch. Constantine Edict of Milan > His battle credited to Christianity. > issued by Constantine in A.D. 313, giving st > 1 Roman Emperor to officially Christianity a rank equal to that of any recognize Christianity. religion in the Roman Empire. Emperor Theodosius I 4 Factors explain why the church > He made Christianity the only religion attained a dominant position: of the empire. 1. It taught that salvation depended on its sacraments. 2. It had the only strong authority in the Church Sacraments: empire. > Baptism > Penance 3. It controlled education. > Confirmation > Extreme Unction 4. It controlled land ownership. > Holy Eucharist > Holy Orders > Marriage Extreme Unction Schools setup in: > a sacrament in which a priest prays for > Monasteries and touches with oil a person who is > Cathedrals dying or is in danger of death. > Parishes Churchmen Latin > Most of educated men in Europe. > The language of the church. Abbot Activities of those in monasteries: > Greek word means father. > Working > Praying > Sleeping Monks Writings of Cicero, Caesar and Ovid > Became great Christian teacher. > Copied by the monks in beautiful illuminated manuscripts. Monasticism Monasteries had first appeared in: > Way of life of the monks. > Egypt > Syria

St. Benedict > Italian monk > Organized a monastery and drew a set of rules to regulate the monks lives. Abbey Church > Center of each monastery, with a tall, massive tower rising behind it. Novices > Newly accepted members of monasteries. Large abbey > can accommodate 200 persons.

Regula > means one rule Benedictine Rule > Vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. Cloister > The main court is by this where monks walked and meditated. Infirmary > clinic/medical center Great Schism > splitting of Greek Orthodox Church and Catholic Church. **Many lords gave land to the church in hopes of increasing their chances of being spiritually saved. Truce with God > Sponsored reforms by the church states that the knights should not fight during Lent, Christmas, Easter, and from Wednesday evening to Monday evening each week.

Medieval Churches > acquired much land in Western Europe. Lombards > A Germanic tribe that settled in Po Valley in Italy and gave a strip of their land to the pope. In hoc signo vinces > By this sign you shall conquer. Excommunicate Tuesday Dungeon > Ultimate power of the church > Day of fighting > jail > To cut a man off from God and Loaf bread condemn his soul to eternal torment. > Use as plate in early times. Salt Pope Gregory VII > Use to preserve meats in early times. > He excommunicates King Henry IV. Henry IV > German king, Defied the Truce with God. > Walked barefoot to the popes place at Canossa in the Italian Alps, Dressed in humble garb, and ask Pope Gregorys forgiveness. 11th century Crusades > The Turks who were Muslims gained > A movement that organized by Pope control of the Eastern Mediterranean Urban II and the main goal is recover the including Jerusalem. Jerusalem from Turks. The people who joined this movement: Crusaders > Call to the people who join the crusade. > Knights > Monks > Children > Peasants > Women

1095 Rewards of Pope Urban II to the peasant > Pope Urban II called counsel at who will train to be a knight: Clermont, in France and argued the 1. The land you are tilting will be yours. people to take up arms to recover the 2. All your depth will be abolish. Holy Land from the 3. Economic Aid Turks. **The crusaders failed to recover the Holy Land. Literature, Religion and Art England London > Showed the influences of the church on > Country with many > This city alone had the lives of the people. churches. 120 churches. Churches 2 styles of the church: > The peoples expression of their > Romanesque devotion to God. > Gothic Romanesque Church > Adapted from the Roman architecture. > Characterized by solid structures, thick walls, and small arches.

Gothic Church **The Cathedrals had stained glass > Developed from the Romanesque style. windows which told stories about Jesus, > More delicate structure and had more Mary, and other holy personages. windows, giving plenty of light to the High Church Official church interiors. > Usually head of the university. > Had wing like bridges of stone called University flying buttresses, which connected to > comes from the Latin term universus. the walls to supports standing on the **All the university students wore black ground outside the church. gowns similar to those of the clergy. Black Gowns > Reminding us of the medieval practice in higher education. University of Paris Course offered in University of Paris: th > Founded during the 12 century (M.A.R.L.G.A.G) > Model of other universities > Logic > Arithmetic > Grammar > Geometry **The university students enrolled for > Rhetoric > Music 4 years and they graduated > Astrology Bachelor of Arts Degree > When they completed their course they will graduated with this degree. Philosophy of Scholasticism > Another contribution of the medieval church to civilization. > Combined reason and faith. Masters Degree > When they study for another six years at the school of theology, medicine or law and completed it they will obtained this degree. St. Thomas Aquinas > Was largely responsible for scholasticism. > He taught that Aristotelian logic could be used to help a person better understand his faith.

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