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STUDENT: _____________________________
GRADE: 1 _______
Verb To Be - Present

is he?
is she?
is it?
are we?
are you?
are they?


Am I being inopportune?
O verbo to be significa ser ou estar em Ingls. um dos
primeiros verbos que aprendemos pois precisamos dele em
grande parte das frases. Entretanto, um verbo muito
simples que no precisa de nenhum auxiliar para ficar nas
formas negativas ou interrogativas, observe logo abaixo as
formas do verbo to be no presente simples.

Is he praying in his bedroom?

Is she a journalist?

Na 1 coluna encontra-se a forma sem contrao e na 2,

mostramos a forma contrada. A forma interrogativa no
possui contrao:



As respostas curtas com verbo to be, so relativamente

simples, so respostas dadas de acordo com a pessoa
usada para perguntar:

Forma cheia
I am
You are
He is
She is
It is
We are
You are
They are

Forma Contrada

Respostas curtas

Pergunta: Is she at home? (Ela est em casa?)
Resposta: Yes, she is. (Sim, ela est)
Acima vimos respostas afirmativas, agora veja exemplos
com respostas curtas negativas:
Is she at home?

I'm a waiter.

No, she isnt.

They are friends of mine.


She is in the kitchen.

1. Complete the sentences with AM, IS, or ARE.

We are having fun in this party.

a) I ____________ a student.


b) My parents ___________ great people.

Forma cheia
I am not
You are not
He is not
She is not
It is not
We are not
You are not
They are not

Forma Contrada
Im not
You aren't
He isn't
She isn't
It isn't
We aren't
You aren't
They aren't

c) My sister ____________ very pretty.

d) Her cousins ___________ musicians.
e) His uncle ____________ at the movies.
f) My sister and I ___________ best friends.
g) Kara ___________ Kelly's sister-in-law.
h) My cat ___________ lazy.

Mary is not happy.

i) Our aunt ____________ a French teacher.

It is not correct.

j) You ___________ really tall!

2. Rewrite the sentences using the interrogative and
negative forms.


a) I am an English student.
I- ______________________________________________
N- ______________________________________________

Forma cheia
am I?
are you?

Forma Contrada

b) She is a good friend.

I- _____________________________________________

To Love (Amar)

N- ____________________________________________

c) They are soccer players.

I love (eu amo)

I- _____________________________________________
N- ____________________________________________

3- Choose the correct answer (negative or affirmative form of

to be):

You love (tu amas / voc ama)

He/She/It loveS (ele / ela ama)

A.Is Julia Robert French? No, she _______ French.

B. What about Robert de Nero? Is he an American actor?

We love (ns amamos)

Yes, he_______ .
C. Are New York and Los Angeles Spanish Cities? No, they
_____ Spanish cities.
D. Is Big Ben in Paris? No, it ______ in Paris.

You love (vs amais)

They love (eles / elas amam)

E. Is Mount Everest in Africa? No, it _______ in Africa. It is

in Asia.
4-Fill in the blanks with the right subject / personal pronouns
A. Angelina Joli is American. ______ isn't French.
B. Brad Pitt is American, too. ________ isn't German.

Notas Importantes:
01 - Com exceo dos verbos auxiliares (To Be e To Have)
e poucos outros, que veremos mais adiante, os verbos na 3
pessoa do singular (ou seja, He/She/It) levam -S .
02 - Dependendo do verbo conjugado no Presente Simples,

C. Brad and Angelina aren't French. ______ are American.

ele pode ser acrescido de -S, -Es ou -IES, na 3 pessoa do

D. My friend and I are high school students. ______ aren't

primary school students.

singular (He/She/It); ento, fique atento, ok?!

E. The Statue of Liberty is in New York. _______ isn't in


acrescenta-se -ES na 3 pessoa do singular.

O presente simples um dos primeiros tempos verbais que
aprendemos num curso de ingls, isso porque ele usado
para descrever fatos e rotinas que fazem parte da vida de
cada pessoa, e essa justamente uma das funes bsicas
da comunicao em um segundo idioma: dizer quem somos.
Usos:. Descrever aes de rotina, ou seja, aes repetidas
com freqncia (pode ser um hbito, um hobby, uma mania,
uma situao cotidiana)
Ex: I go to the gym on Mondays and Wednesdays.
2. Descrever situaes/sentimentos ou preferncias.
Ex: I believe in God.

03 - verbo que terminam em -CH, -O, -S, -SH, -SS, -X ou -Z,

Ex.: verbo ir (to go) - It goes; verbo pegar (to catch) - It

catches, e assim, sucessivamente.
DICA: Difcil de memorizar? Esta frase pode ajudar:
O seu shampoo cheiroso da Xuxa estragou.
04 - Verbos que terminam com -Y precedido de consoante,
troca-se o y por -IES.
Ex.: verbo tentar, experimentar (to try) - It tries; verbo
estudar (to study) - It studies, etc.
Observao: Quando o verbo termina em -Y precedido de
vogal, apenas o "-S" acrescentado. Ex.: verbo jogar (to
play) - It plays.

My mother loves cats.

3. Descrever situaes agendadas para acontecer num
futuro prximo ou detalhes de um cronograma.
Ex: My plane takes off next Saturday at 5pm.
My English classes start at 9:40am.

Odo e o does so os dois auxiliares do presente simples,

e eles sempre devem ser usados em frases negativas e
interrogativas, conforme a tabela abaixo:



I do not / I dont

Do I ?

You do not / you dont

Do you ?

He does not / he doesnt

Does he.?

She does not / she doesnt

Does she?

It does not / it doesnt

Does it?

1. brush
3. do
5. eat
7. go
9. leave
11. put on
13. try
15. wash
17. dress
19. teach

We do not / we dont

Do we?

03- Make negative sentences.

You do not/ you dont

Do you ?

They do not / they dont

Do they...?

Ex.:I dont have to work today. (Eu no tenho que trabalhar

She doesnt have to wash the dishes. (Ela no tem que lavar
a loua).
They dont go to school on the weekends. (Eles no vo
escola nos finais de semana).
Do you generally wake up at seven? (Voc geralmente
acorda s 7h?).
Does the dog bark a lot during the night? (O co late muito
durante a noite?).
Does he work as a waiter at that new restaurant? (Ele
trabalha como garom naquele novo restaurante?).
No necessrio o uso dos auxiliares do e does nas
frases afirmativas, no entanto, os verbos sofrem algumas
alteraes nas terceiras pessoas do singular (he, she, it).
Como regra geral, deve-se acrescentar um s no verbo para
essas pessoas.
01- Fill in the correct from of the verbs in blackets.
1. Jack is a truck driver. He _______ (drive) hundreds of
kilometers every day. He ________ (love) his work. When
he_________ (drive) he _________ (listen) to the radio.
2. Tom and Rom __________ (like) to read books. Rom
__________ (like) historical novels, but Tom (prefer)
__________science fiction. They never_________ (go) to
the same movies either. Rom __________ (insist) on love
stories and she always___________ (enjoy) them, but her
brother____________ (find) them boring.
3. Sharon _________ (study) medicine at the university.
4. Kim always __________ (do) her homework.
5. They rarely ___________ (drink) coffee before they go to
6. Roni and Vika __________ (have) a dog.
02- Write the third person singular of the following verbs.

2. come
4. drink
6. get up
8. have
10. play
12. read
14. walk
16. watch
18. smile

A. My father makes breakfast.

B.They are eleven.
C. She writes a letter.
D. I speak Italian.
E. Danny phones his father on Sundays.
04- Make questions. / to speak / English
B.when / he / to go / home
C.they / to clean / the bathroom
D.where / she / to ride / her bike
E. Billy / to work / in the supermarket

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