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LegalCrystal - Indian Law Search Engine - Prof. Yashpal and Anr. Vs. State of Chhattisgarh and Ors.

Court :Supreme Citations :AIR2005SC202 ! 2005"2#$SC%2&! '(2005"2#SC% 5! "2005#5SCC)20 'udge : R.C. *ahoti+ C.'.+! ,.P. -athur and! P... /alasu0raman1an+ ''. 2e3ided On :20054024%% Appellant :Prof. Yashpal and Anr. Respondent : State of Chhattisgarh and Ors. 'udgement: ,.P. -athur+ '. %. Professor Yashpal+ an eminent S3ientist and former Chairman of 5ni6ersit1 ,rants Commission+ has filed 7rit Petition 8o.%& of 200) under Arti3le 92 of the Constitution 01 :a1 of pu0li3 interest litigation for de3laring 3ertain pro6isions of (he Chhattisgarh 8i;i .shetra Vish:a6id1ala1a "Sthapana Aur Vini1aman# Adhini1am+ 2002 as ultra 6ires and for <uashing of the notifi3ations issued 01 State of Chhattisgarh in the purported e=er3ise of po:er 3onferred 01 Se3tion 5 of the said Adhini1am for esta0lishing 6arious uni6ersities.. (he other petitioner :ho has ;oined in the petition+ is a resident of Chhattisgarh and is 3on3erned :ith the <ualit1 of edu3ation in his State. (he respondent no.% to the petition is the State of Chhattisgarh+ respondent no.2 is the 5ni6ersit1 ,rants Commission and respondent nos.9 to &) are the pri6ate uni6ersities :hi3h ha6e 0een esta0lished 01 the State of Chhattisgarh under the aforesaid Adhini1am. 2. (he Chhattisgarh *egislature ena3ted the Chhattisgarh 8i;i .shetra Vish:a6id1ala1a "Sthapana Aur Vini1aman# Adhini1am+ 2002 "for short >the A3t># :hi3h :as pu0lished in the ,a?ette on ).2.2002 to esta0lish self4 finan3ed pri6ate uni6ersities for higher edu3ation. 5nder Se3tion 5 of the A3t the State has 0een empo:ered to in3orporate and esta0lish a uni6ersit1 01 issuing a notifi3ation in the ,a?ette and Se3tion permits su3h uni6ersit1 to affiliate an1 3ollege or other institution or to set up more than one 3ampus :ith the prior appro6al of the State ,o6ernment. (he main a6erments in the petition are that after 3oming into for3e of the A3t+ the State ,o6ernment has 0een+ simpl1 01 issuing notifi3ations in the ,a?ette+ esta0lishing uni6ersities in an indis3riminate and me3hani3al manner :ithout ha6ing slightest regard to the a6aila0ilit1 of an1 infrastru3ture+ tea3hing fa3ilit1 or their finan3ial resour3es. In a short span of a0out one 1ear as man1 as %%2 uni6ersities :ere esta0lished and man1 of them had a0solutel1 no 0uildings or 3ampus and :ere running from one room tenements. (here :as a0solutel1 no regulation or super6ision o6er them. (he legislation has 0een ena3ted in a manner :hi3h has 3ompletel1 done a:a1 :ith an1 @ind of 3ontrol of 5ni6ersit1 ,rants Commission "for short >5,C># o6er these pri6ate uni6ersities. (he guidelines issued 01 5,C on the 3ourses 0eing taught and a:ard of a3ademi3 degrees has 0een gi6en a 3omplete go401. (he uni6ersities issued 0ro3hures for a:ard of all @inds of degrees li@e >-em0er of the International Institute of -edi3al S3ien3es>+ >Aello: of the International Institute of -edi3al S3ien3es> and man1 other similar degrees. (he uni6ersities are :holl1 in3apa0le of imparting an1 edu3ation mu3h less a <ualit1 edu3ation in a0sen3e of 0asi3 infrastru3ture li@e 3lassrooms+ li0raries+ la0oratories or 3ampus. 8e6ertheless 01 3onferment of a legal status of a uni6ersit1+ the1 ha6e 0een empo:ered to a:ard degrees. (he pri6ate uni6ersities are running professional 3ourses :ithout ta@ing prior permission from regulator1 0odies su3h as All India Coun3il of (e3hni3al $du3ation "AIC($#+ -edi3al Coun3il of India "-CI#+ 2ental Coun3il of India "2CI#+ et3. (he re<uirement of o0taining prior permission from the regulator1 0odies has not 0een follo:ed and the uni6ersities are not under the 3ontrol of an1 authorit1 and are at li0ert1 to grant degrees+ diplomas and 3ertifi3ates to gulli0le students. (he

State ,o6ernment has not done an1 6erifi3ation or 3he3@ing of uni6ersities after issuan3e of notifi3ation in the ,a?ette+ :hether the1 fulfill an1 norms laid do:n 01 the statutor1 0odies+ :hi3h is essential for re3ognition of the degrees+ diplomas and 3ertifi3ates a:arded 01 su3h uni6ersities. In a0sen3e of re<uisite permission from the statutor1 0odies+ the degrees and 3ertifi3ates a:arded 01 su3h uni6ersities :ould not 0e re3ogni?ed 01 the professional organi?ations+ as a result :hereof the students stud1ing in su3h uni6ersities and o0taining the degrees therefrom :ould suffer immense loss+ 0oth in terms of mone1 and also the time spent in 3ompleting the 3ourses. It is further a6erred that the 5ni6ersit1 ,rants Commission A3t is made nugator1 as pri6ate uni6ersities are offering 3ourses :ithout su0s3ri0ing to the standards laid do:n 01 the 5,C and there 0eing no homogeneit1 of the 3ourse 3ontent+ the degree a:arded ma1 not 0e of an1 6alue. (he pri6ate uni6ersities are offering unheard of 3ourses and degrees :hi3h are not part of s3hedule to the 5,C A3t+ :hi3h is in 3lear 6iolation of Se3tion 22 of the aforesaid A3t and the S3hedule appended thereto. (he minimum re<uirement of tea3hing staff as laid do:n in the guidelines of 5,C had also 0een gi6en a 3omplete go401. Young students are 0eing misled in enrolling themsel6es in 3ourses :hi3h do not ha6e an1 su0stanti6e 3ontent and the degrees offered 01 su3h pri6ate uni6ersities :ould affe3t the standard of edu3ation at large :hi3h in turn :ill ;eopardi?e the edu3ational s1stem of the :hole 3ountr1 and not that of State of Chhattisgarh alone. 9. Some photographs ha6e also 0een filed :hi3h sho: that a sign0oard mentioning the name of the 5ni6ersit1 is put o6er small room or shop on first or se3ond floor in some 3ongested mar@et area. (hat the1 are fun3tioning from small premises :hi3h are sometimes a single small room in a 3ommer3ial 3omple= or a small tenement on the first or se3ond floor of a 0uilding or an ordinar1 flat or -I, house is e6ident from their address and a fe: of them are 0eing reprodu3ed 0elo: 01 :a1 of illustration : Respondent 8o.9 : (hamath 5ni6ersit1+ RaipurRoom 8o.20%+ IInd AloorRaipur Commer3ial Comple='airam Comple=+ Raipur.Respondent 8o. %9 : I.I.*.-. 5ni6ersit1-ishr /ha:an+ %st Aloor(at1apara+ Raipur.Respondent 8o. 9 : Supreme 5ni6ersit1-.I.,. + Se3tor 9Shan@ar 8agar+ Raipur.Respondent 8o. 9B : $.-.P.I. 5ni6ersit1C4&4%2+ %st Aloor$@atam PrisharRa;0andha -aidan+ Raipur.Respondent 8o. )2 : 'aipuria 5ni6ersit1+ Raipur%st Aloor+ -ishr /ha:an+ Raipur. Se6eral su3h uni6ersities are fun3tioning outside the State of Chhattisgarh+ and their addresses as gi6en 0elo: demonstrate the said fa3t : Respondent 8o. B : 8.I.I.*.-. 5ni6ersit1%%C + Shershah Suri -arg-ohan Co4operati6e Industrial $state+8e: 2elhi.Respondent 8o. & : *o6el1 5ni6ersit1*o6el1 Auto Comple=2r. Am0ed@ar Cho:@'alandhar Cit1.Respondent 8o. %0 : /a0u /anarasi 2ass 5ni6ersit1/a0u /anarasi 2ass 8orthern Indian Aoundation5pper ,round Aloor+ 99D49D)+ S4 /lo3@8e: Ra;inder 8agar+ 8e: 2elhi.Respondent 8o. %2 : 2r. Ea@ir Fussain 8ational 5ni6ersit15nop3hari@ a6 An6rat Shi@shan SansthanSatellite 3enter+ /alle1 RoadPatna.Respondent 8o. )5 : /io4Informati3s+ /io4(e3h. and *ife S3ien3e 5ni6ersit1+ Raipur/io4Informati3s Institute of India/45+ Se3tor 98oida.Respondent 8o. ) : Institute of /usiness Administration"8.C.2. Offi3e# ,round Aloor$49D2+ ,reater .ailash Part II8e: 2elhi.Respondent 8o. 59 : Adarsh 5ni6ersit1 of S3ien3e G (e3hnolog1+ Chhattisgarh+ 8.I.C.I. So3iet1+ 5)+ (odarmal Road/engali -ar@et8e: 2elhi. ). 7rit Petition "Ci6il# 8o. 5 5 of 2009 has 0een filed 01 ,opal 'i Agar:al :ith the same pra1er+ namel1+ that the Chhattisgarh 8i;i .shetra Vish:a6id1ala1a "Sthapana Aur Vini1aman# Adhini1am 2002 0e de3lared as ultra 6ires 0eing 6iolati6e of Constitution of India+ and also 3ontrar1 to the pro6isions of 5ni6ersit1 ,rants Commission A3t+ %&5 + Indian -edi3al Coun3il A3t+ %&5 + All India Coun3il for (e3hni3al $du3ation A3t+ %&DB and /ar Coun3il of India A3t+ %&5 . A further pra1er has 0een made that a :rit of prohi0ition ma1 0e issued restraining the pri6ate uni6ersities in3orporated under the aforesaid A3t from imparting an1 edu3ation and 3onferring an1 degrees or diplomas. (he a6erments made in the :rit petition are su0stantiall1 the same as made in the :rit petition filed 01 Prof. Yash Pal+ that a large num0er of uni6ersities ha6e 0een in3orporated 01 merel1 issuing ga?ette notifi3ations though the1 do not ha6e an1 @ind of infrastru3ture or tea3hing fa3ilit1 and are fun3tioning from one room tenement in a se3ond or third floor in a residential or 3ommer3ial 0uilding and :ithout an1 tea3hing staff. (he uni6ersities ha6e 0een esta0lished merel1 to 3onfer degrees and the1 ha6e on their o:n 3reated a large num0er of degrees and diplomas :hi3h are totall1 unheard of. (he uni6ersities had issued ad6ertisements for opening up

stud1 3enters in different parts of the 3ountr1 for a:ard of an1 num0er of degrees and diplomas. /1 :a1 of illustration+ 3opies of ad6ertisements issued 01 some of the uni6ersities ha6e 0een filed. One of su3h uni6ersit1+ namel1+ the Indian 5ni6ersit1+ issued an ad6ertisement in6iting appli3ations for 8odal Ser6i3e 3entersC5ni6ersit1 3enters for a:arding the follo:ing @ind of degrees and diplomas: . -aster of /iote3hnolog1 Administration "-/A# 4 2 Yrs.. -aster of Insuran3e -anagement "-I-# 4 2 Yrs.. -. (e3h in /io4Informati3s 4 2 Yrs.. -. (e3h V*SI "Ver1 *arge S3ale Intg. Cir3uits# 4 2 Yrs.. -. (e3h $le3t. -e3hani3s G Po:er SemiCondu3tor 2ri6e 4 2 Yrs.. -. (e3h $nerg1 -anagement S1stems 4 2 Yrs.. -.S3. Chem4Informati3s "Intg#C/io4Informati3s"Intg# 4 5 Yrs.. -.S3. /iote3hnolog1 "Intg.# 4 5 Yrs.. -.S3. /io4Informati3sC/iote3hnolog1 4 2 Yrs.. /.S3. :ith /io4Informati3sC-i3ro0iolog1C/iote3hnolog1 4 9 Yrs.. /.S3. :ith Automo0iles S3ien3e 4 9 Yrs.. P,2 in /iote3h -ar@eting 4 % Yr.. P,2 in Imaging "C( S3an# G "-RI# 4 2 Yrs.. P,2 in /io4Informati3s 4 %.5 Yrs.. P, 2iploma in Chem4Informati3s 4 % Yr.. P, 2iploma in -o0ile (e3hnolog1 4 % Yr.. P, 2iploma in $nerg1 Audit and Conser6ation 4 % Yr.. P, 2iploma in A3tuarialCS3ien3es in /io4Informati3s 4 % Yr. (he :rit petitioner+ not @no:ing the 3orre3t fa3ts+ responded for opening up a stud1 3enter and he :as as@ed to deposit Rs. 50+000C4 :hi3h he did 01 t:o 2emand 2rafts. On en<uir1 regarding prior permission from -edi3al Coun3il of India+ the Registrar of the Indian 5ni6ersit1 issued a 3ertifi3ate :hi3h reads as under: > Certified that follo:ing PARA -$2ICA* CO5RS$S are appro6ed 01 I82IA8 58IV$RSI(Y+ RAIP5R. %# / P ( 4 2 Year 2# /a3helor of Ophthalmolog1 4 2 Year 9# / - * ( 4 ) Year )# P, 2iploma in Imaging "-RI# 4 % Year It is further 3ertified that for Para -edi3al Course -CI appro6al is not re<uired and it is not 3o6ered 01 -CI also.> It is further a6erred that the Indian 5ni6ersit1+ Raipur also issued an ad6ertisement in6iting appli3ations for admission to 3ertain t1pes of te3hni3al 3ourses in its alleged 3ampus at ,raduate S3hool of /usiness G Administration+ ,reater 8oida+ :hi3h is in the distri3t of ,autam /udh 8agar+ in the State of 5P and it :as mentioned therein that the 3andidates ma1 appl1 to the Registrar 01 sending a /an@ 2raft of Rs. D00C4. A photo3op1 of the ad6ertisement has 0een filed. It has thus 0een su0mitted that though the pri6ate uni6ersities ha6e no infrastru3ture for imparting an1 @ind of edu3ation+ the1 :ere alluring people all o6er the 3ountr1 to open stud1 3enters for :hi3h the1 :ere 3harging huge amount and also 0efooling students to appl1 for admission to :holl1 un@no:n and unheard of te3hni3al+ medi3al and other professional 3ourses :hi3h are not re3ogni?ed 01 an1 statutor1 authorit1+ and there01 a su0stantial amount of mone1 has 0een 3olle3ted. 5. In a stereot1ped manner ,a?ette notifi3ations :ere issued notif1ing a 5ni6ersit1 and 01 :a1 of illustration one su3h notifi3ation is 0eing reprodu3ed 0elo: : >Raipur+ the %%th O3to0er+ 2002 8o. A. B&C............C02. 4In e=er3ise of the po:ers 3onferred 01 su04Se3tion "%# of Se3tion 5 of the Chhattisgarh 8i;i .shetra Vish:a6id1ala1a "Sthapana Aur Vini1aman#+ Adhini1am+ 2002 "8o. 2 of 2002# for e=tension of FigherC(e3hni3al $du3ation in Chhattisgarh+ here01+ esta0lishes a 5ni6ersit1 @no:n as >Indian 5ni6ersit1+ Raipur> :ith effe3t from the date of pu0li3ation of this notifi3ation in the Chhattisgarh ,a?ette and the ;urisdi3tion of the 5ni6ersit1 shall e=tend o6er :hole of Chhattisgarh.

2. (he Fead Offi3e of the 5ni6ersit1 shall 0e at Raipur. 9. (he State ,o6ernment+ here01 authori?es >Indian 5ni6ersit1+ Raipur> to 3ondu3t the s1lla0us and to grant degree or diplomas for :hi3h it shall 0e re3ogni?ed or authori?ed as ma1 0e re<uired under an1 other la: for the time 0eing in for3e.> . Se6eral legal issues ha6e also 0een raised in the :rit petitions and the prin3ipal 0eing that the manner in :hi3h these pri6ate uni6ersities are fun3tioning :ould result in 3reating a 3omplete 3haos in the s1stem of higher edu3ation in the 3ountr1 and the e=pert 0odies 3reated 01 the Central ,o6ernment li@e+ 5ni6ersit1 ,rants Commission+ -edi3al Coun3il of India+ All India Coun3il for (e3hni3al $du3ation et3. for 3oordination and determination of standards in their o:n respe3ti6e fields :ould not 0e a0le to perform their statutor1 dut1 and :ould ma@e their fun3tioning not onl1 diffi3ult 0ut almost impossi0le. B. (he State of Chhattisgarh has filed 0rief 0ut almost identi3al 3ounter affida6its in 0oth the :rit petitions. (he main plea ta@en therein is that in 6ie: of $ntr1 92 *ist II of Se6enth S3hedule to the Constitution+ the State has the legislati6e 3ompeten3e to ma@e an ena3tment regarding in3orporation of a 5ni6ersit1. (he impugned A3t had 0een passed to fa3ilitate esta0lishment of pri6ate 5ni6ersities :ith a 6ie: to 3reate supplementar1 resour3es for assisting the State ,o6ernment in pro6iding <ualit1 higher edu3ation. (he notifi3ations esta0lishing the 5ni6ersities :ere issued on the 0asis of the representations made 01 the sponsoring 0odies as set out in their pro;e3t reports. (he State ,o6ernment e=pe3ted that the 5ni6ersities :ould ma@e the re<uisite infrastru3ture in3luding 3ampus+ 0uilding+ et3. and re3ruit <ualified staff so as to pro6ide higher edu3ation in order to a3hie6e the o0;e3t for :hi3h the 5ni6ersities :ere esta0lished. Fo:e6er+ the fun3tioning of the 5ni6ersities post notifi3ation :as dismal and 3ompletel1 0elied the e=pe3tations :hi3h the State ,o6ernment had in that 0ehalf+ raising serious 3on3ern a0out the a3ademi3 interests of the students see@ing admission therein. (he State *egislature+ a33ordingl1+ ena3ted the Chhattisgarh 8i;i .shetra Vish:a6id1ala1a "Sthapana Aur Vini1aman# Sansodhan Adhini1am+ 200). After e=pir1 of the time limit fi=ed in the aforesaid amending A3t+ 5& 5ni6ersities :ere de4 notified on a33ount of their failure to 3ompl1 :ith the amended pro6isions. It is further a6erred that after the A3t had 0een amended in the 1ear 200)+ the petitioners> grie6an3e has 0een 3ompletel1 met and 3onse<uentl1 the :rit petitions deser6e to 0e dismissed. D. /efore :e ad6ert to the prin3ipal su0mission of learned 3ounsel for the parties regarding the 6ires of Se3tion 5 and of the A3t+ it is ne3essar1 to ta@e note of the rele6ant 3onstitutional pro6isions dealing :ith edu3ation and 5ni6ersities+ 0oth under ,o6ernment of India A3t+ %&95+ and the Constitution. S$V$8(F SCF$25*$ OA ,OV$R8-$8( OA I82IA AC(+ %&95 *IS( % 4 A$2$RA* *$,IS*A(IV$ *IS( %2. Aederal agen3ies and institutes for the follo:ing purposes+ that is to sa1+ for resear3h+ for professional or te3hni3al training+ or for the promotion of spe3ial studies. %9. (he /anaras Findu 5ni6ersit1 and the Aligarh -uslim 5ni6ersit1. *IS( II 4 PROVI8CIA* *$,IS*A(IV$ *IS( %B. $du3ation in3luding 5ni6ersities other than spe3ified in paragraph %9 of *ist I. 99. (he in3orporation+ regulation+ and :inding up 3orporations "not 0eing Corporations spe3ified in *ist I or 5ni6ersities#! unin3orporated trading+ literar1+ s3ientifi3+ religious and other so3ieties and asso3iations! 3o4operati6e so3ieties. S$V$8(F SCF$25*$ (O (F$ CO8S(I(5(IO8 OA I82IA *IS( I 4 58IO8 *IS(

9. (he institutions @no:n at the 3ommen3ement of this Constitution as the /anaras Findu 5ni6ersit1+ the Aligarh -uslim 5ni6ersit1 and the 2elhi 5ni6ersit1! the 5ni6ersit1 esta0lished in pursuan3e of arti3le 9B%$! an1 other institution de3lared 01 Parliament 01 la: to 0e an institution of national importan3e. ). Institutions for s3ientifi3 or te3hni3al edu3ation finan3ed 01 the ,o6ernment of India :holl1 or in part and de3lared 01 Parliament 01 la: to 0e institutions of national importan3e. 5. 5nion agen3ies and institutions for 4 "a# professional+ 6o3ational or te3hni3al training+ in3luding the training of poli3e offi3ers! or "0# the promotion of spe3ial studies or resear3h! or "3# s3ientifi3 or te3hni3al assistan3e in the in6estigation or dete3tion of 3rime. . Co4ordination and determination of standards in institutions for higher edu3ation or resear3h and s3ientifi3 and te3hni3al edu3ation. *IS( II 4 S(A($ *IS( %%. $du3ation in3luding uni6ersities+ su0;e3t to the pro6isions of $ntries 9+ )+ 5 and $ntr1 25 of *ist III. "(his $ntr1 :as deleted 01 Aort14se3ond Amendment A3t# 92. In3orporation+ regulation and :inding up of 3orporation+ other than those spe3ified in *ist I+ and uni6ersities! unin3orporated trading+ literar1+ s3ientifi3+ religious and other so3ieties and asso3iations! 3o4operati6e so3ieties. *IS( III 4 CO8C5RR$8( *IS( 25. $du3ation+ in3luding te3hni3al edu3ation+ medi3al edu3ation and uni6ersities+ su0;e3t to the pro6isions of entries 9+ )+ 5 and of *ist I! 6o3ational and te3hni3al training of la0our. (he Constitution "Aort14se3ond Amendment# A3t+ %&B :hi3h 3ame into for3e on 9.%.%&BB omitted $ntr1 %% from *ist II and transferred that su0;e3t to 0e 3om0ined :ith $ntr1 25 of *ist III. &. (he foundation for a federal set up for the nation :as laid in the ,o6ernment of India A3t+ %&95. (hough in e6er1 respe3t the distri0ution of legislati6e po:er 0et:een the 5nion and the States as en6isaged in the %&95 A3t has not 0een adopted in the Constitution 0ut the 0asi3 frame:or@ is same. It :ill 0e seen that $ntr1 %B in *ist II of Se6enth S3hedule in ,o6ernment of India A3t spe3ifi3all1 pro6ided for 5ni6ersities and the same is no: part of $ntr1 92 in *ist II of the Se6enth S3hedule of the Constitution. $ntries %B and 99 of *ist II of ,o6ernment of India A3t ha6e 0een 3om0ined and made one 3omposite entr1 "$ntr1 92# in *ist II of the Se6enth S3hedule of the Constitution. %0. Fo: the :ord >5ni6ersities> o33urring as a legislati6e head in the Se6enth S3hedule should 0e interpreted+ one has to loo@ to the legislati6e pra3ti3e regarding interpretation of Constitutional entries. Aor this purpose+ it :ill 0e useful to refer to some :ell4@no:n de3isions. In South Carolina 6. 5nited States+ "%&05# %&& 5S )9B+ the prin3iple :as stated as under : >(o determine the e=tent of the grants of po:er+ :e must+ therefore+ pla3e oursel6es in the position of the men :ho framed and adopted the Constitution+ and in<uire :hat the1 must ha6e understood to 0e the meaning and s3ope of those grants.> of *ist I and

In $= parte ,rossman+ "%&25# 2 B 5S DB+ the 5.S. Supreme Court o0ser6ed that the language of the Constitution 3annot 0e interpreted safel1 e=3ept 01 referen3e to the 3ommon la: and to /ritish institutions as the1 :ere :hen the instrument :as framed and adopted. In Croft 6. 2unph1+ %&99 AC %5 + it :as held as under : >7hen a po:er is 3onferred to legislate on a parti3ular topi3 it is important+ in determining the s3ope of the po:er+ to ha6e regard to :hat is ordinaril1 treated as em0ra3ed :ithin that topi3 in legislati6e pra3ti3e and parti3ularl1 in the legislati6e pra3ti3e of the State :hi3h has 3onferred the po:er. (hus in 3onsidering :hat might 0e appropriatel1 and legitimatel1 ena3ted in relation to >0an@rupt31 and insol6en31> it :as 3onsidered rele6ant to dis3uss the usual 3ontents of 0an@rupt31 statutes.> Similarl1+ in 7alla3e /rothers and Co. *td. 6. Commissioner of In3ome4ta=+ /om0a1+ + the 'udi3ial Committee o0ser6ed that :here Parliament has 3onferred a po:er to legislate on a parti3ular topi3 it is permissi0le and important in determining the s3ope and meaning of the po:er to ha6e regard to :hat is ordinaril1 treated as em0ra3ed :ithin that topi3 in the legislati6e pra3ti3e of the 5nited .ingdom. (he o0;e3t is to as3ertain the general 3on3eption in6ol6ed in the :ords in the ena0ling A3t. %%. In Constitutional *a: of India 01 Seer6ai+ the learned author has said in para 2.%2 "9rd ed.# that the golden rule of interpretation is that :ords should 0e read in their ordinar1+ natural and grammati3al meaning su0;e3t to the rider that in 3onstruing :ords in a Constitution 3onferring legislati6e po:er the most li0eral 3onstru3tion should 0e put upon the :ords so that the1 ma1 ha6e effe3t in their :idest amplitude. (his is su0;e3t to 3ertain e=3eptions and a restri3ted meaning ma1 0e gi6en to :ords if it is ne3essar1 to pre6ent a 3onfli3t 0et:een t:o e=3lusi6e entries. %2. (he framers of the Constitution ha6ing adopted ":ith some modifi3ation# the legislati6e entries on 5ni6ersities from the ,o6ernment of India A3t+ %&95 made 01 the /ritish Parliament+ the full 3ontent and amplitude of the entr1 3an 0e 3omprehended 01 e=amining ho: a 5ni6ersit1 is understood and :hat is its 3on3ept in 5... and 5.S.A. :hose pattern :as follo:ed in se6eral matters and :hi3h the founding fathers had in their mind. %9. In Volume %5 Fals0ur1>s *a:s of $ngland "Aourth ed. Reissue# :hat is a 5ni6ersit1 and ho: it is in3orporated is des3ri0ed as under : Para 25 . ,eneral. A uni6ersit1 is the :hole 0od1 of tea3hers and s3holars engaged+ at a parti3ular pla3e+ in gi6ing and re3ei6ing instru3tion in the higher 0ran3hes of learning! su3h persons asso3iated together as a so3iet1 or 3orporate 0od1+ :ith definite organi?ation and a3@no:ledged po:ers and pri6ileges "espe3iall1 that of 3onferring degrees#+ and forming an institution for the promotion of edu3ation in the higher or more important 0ran3hes of learning! also+ the 3olleges+ 0uildings and other propert1 0elonging to su3h a 0od1. Although the institutions to :hi3h it refers are readil1 identifia0le+ pre3ise and a33urate definition is diffi3ult. (he essential feature of a uni6ersit1 seems to 0e that it :as in3orporated as su3h 01 the so6ereign po:er. Other attri0utes of a uni6ersit1 appear to 0e the admission of students from all parts of the :orld+ a pluralit1 of masters+ the tea3hing of one at least of the higher fa3ulties+ namel1 theolog1+ la: or philosoph1 ":hi3h in some definitions are regarded as identi3al# and medi3ine+ pro6ision for residen3e and the right to 3onfer degrees+ 0ut possession of these attri0utes :ill not ma@e an institution a uni6ersit1 in the a0sen3e of an1 e=press intention of the so6ereign po:er to ma@e it one. A uni6ersit1 in6ol6es the relation of tutor and pupil! it is 3harged :ith the super6ision and up0ringing of the pupil under tuition. In3orporation :as an3ientl1 effe3ted 01 papal grant or 3harter+ and later 01 ro1al 3harter or A3t of Parliament. (he pra3ti3e adopted in the 3ase of the most re3ent foundations is to in3orporate the uni6ersit1 01 ro1al 3harter+ to :hi3h there is anne=ed a s3hedule 3ontaining the original statutes of the uni6ersit1+ and thereafter to o0tain the passing of a lo3al A3t of Parliament 6esting in the uni6ersit1 the propert1 and lia0ilities of an1 institution :hi3h it repla3es and ma@ing other ne3essar1 pro6isions.

A 3op1 of an1 appli3ation for a 3harter for the foundation of an1 3ollege or uni6ersit1 :hi3h is referred 01 the Hueen in Coun3il for the report of a 3ommittee of the Pri61 Coun3il must 0e laid 0efore Parliament+ together :ith a 3op1 of the draft 3harter+ for not less than 90 da1s 0efore the 3ommittee reports upon it. In %5A Ameri3an 'urispruden3e 2d >5ni6ersit1> has 0een defined as under : Para %. 2efinitions. Properl1 spea@ing+ a >uni6ersit1> is an aggregation or union of 3olleges. It is an institution in :hi3h the edu3ation imparted is uni6ersal+ em0ra3ing man1 0ran3hes+ su3h as the arts+ s3ien3es+ and all manner of higher learning+ and :hi3h possesses the po:er to 3onfer degrees indi3ating profi3ien31 in the 0ran3hes taught. (he :ord >3ollege> has 0een said to 0e emplo1ed in the 5nited States to indi3ate an institution of learning+ ha6ing 3orporate po:ers+ and possessing the right to 3onfer degrees+ and :hi3h+ :ith referen3e to its edu3ational :or@+ 3onsists of the trustees+ tea3hers+ and s3holars+ all of :hom ma@e up the mem0ership of the 3ollege and represent its a3ti6e :or@. (he term >3ollege> ma1 also 0e used to indi3ate a 0uilding+ or group of 0uildings+ in :hi3h s3holars are housed+ fed+ instru3ted+ and go6erned :hile <ualif1ing for uni6ersit1 degrees+ :hether the uni6ersit1 in3ludes a num0er of 3olleges or a single 3ollege. In a 0road sense+ the terms >3ollege> and >uni6ersit1> 3on6e1 the same idea+ differing onl1 in grade+ :ith ea3h indi3ating an institution of learning 3onsisting of trustees+ tea3hers+ and s3holars as ma@ing up its mem0ership and representing its a3ti6e :or@+ or an institution engaged in imparting @no:ledge to resident students and possessing the right to 3onfer degrees. In the footnote to this paragraph referen3e is made to a de3ision :hi3h has some @ind of similarit1 :ith the 3ase in hand and the footnote reads as under : A s3hool offering 3orresponden3e 3ourses in professional and other edu3ational su0;e3ts+ sending students te=t0oo@s and lessons to stud1+ gi6ing e=aminations 0ased thereon+ and a:arding diplomas or degrees+ 0ut ha6ing no entran3e re<uirements+ resident students+ li0rar1+ la0orator1+ or fa3ult1+ is not a uni6ersit1. /ran3h 6. Aederal (rade Com.+ "CAB# %)% A2d 9%# In the 8e: $n313lopedia /ritanni3a "%5th ed# >5ni6ersit1> has 0een des3ri0ed as under : "Page % 5# 5ni6ersit1+ institution of higher edu3ation+ usuall1 3omprising a li0eral arts and s3ien3es 3ollege and graduate and professional s3hools and ha6ing the authorit1 to 3onfer degrees in 6arious fields of stud1................................................................................................................................................................. ............... "Page %D # 5ni6ersities and students loo@ed to:ard :a1s of 3reating opportunities for a satisf1ing 3areer outside traditional roles for graduates in s3holarship+ tea3hing+ and the professions. (he uni6ersit1>s 0asi3 traditional fun3tions remain un3hanged 4 ena0ling students to learn from their 3ultural heritage+ helping them to reali?e their intelle3tual and 3reati6e a0ilities+ and en3ouraging them to 0e3ome humane and responsi0le people. (he uni6ersit1 e=pands @no:ledge a3ross the entire spe3trum of dis3iplines+ and it 3an add to the understanding and en;o1ment of life. It 3ontinues to 0e needed for imaginati6e solutions to the pro0lems of so3iet1. %). Shortl1 after independen3e on ).%%.%&)D the ,o6ernment of India 3onstituted a Commission @no:n as >5ni6ersit1 $du3ation Commission> of :hi3h 2r. S. Radha@rishnan :as the Chairman. 2r. (ara Chand+ former Vi3e4Chan3ellor+ Allaha0ad 5ni6ersit1+ 2r. Ea@ir Fussain+ Vi3e4Chan3ellor+ Aligarh -uslim 5ni6ersit1+ 2r. A. *a@shmanas:ami -udaliar+ Vi3e4 Chan3ellor+ -adras 5ni6ersit1+ 2r. -eghnad Saha+ 2ean+ Aa3ult1 of S3ien3e+ Cal3utta 5ni6ersit1 and 5 other eminent personalities in the field of edu3ation :ere its mem0ers. (he Commission ga6e a 6er1 long and e=hausti6e report. Chapter II of the report deals :ith the aims of 5ni6ersit1 edu3ation and Para 2 of Part I is illustrati6e and the same is 0eing reprodu3ed 0elo: :

>2. 5ni6ersities as the Organs of Ci6ili?ation 4 Fe indeed must 0e 0lind :ho does not see that+ might1 as are the politi3al 3hanges+ far deeper are the fundamental <uestions :hi3h :ill 0e de3ided 01 :hat happens in the uni6ersities. $6er1thing is 0eing 0rought to the test of reason+ 6enera0le theologies+ an3ient politi3al institutions+ time4honoured so3ial arrangements+ a thousand things :hi3h a generation ago loo@ed as fi=ed as the hills. If India is to 3onfront the 3onfusion of our time+ she must turn for guidan3e+ not to those :ho are lost in the mere e=igen3ies of the passing hour+ 0ut to her men of letters+ and men of s3ien3e+ to her poets and artists+ to her dis3o6erers and in6entors. (hese intelle3tual pioneers of 3i6ili?ation are to 0e found and trained in the uni6ersities+ :hi3h are the san3tuaries of the inner life of the nation.> In the introdu3tor1 paragraph of Chapter IV dealing :ith standards of tea3hing+ the Commission re3orded its 6ie:s in the follo:ing :ords : (he need for Figh Standards. Introdu3tion 4 It is the primar1 dut1 of a uni6ersit1 to maintain the highest standards of its tea3hing and e=aminations. A uni6ersit1 is a pla3e of higher edu3ation :here the personalit1 and 3apa3ities of the students are de6eloped to the utmost 01 tea3hers :ho should themsel6es 0e at :or@ at the frontiers of @no:ledge in their respe3ti6e fields. (he su33ess of a uni6ersit1 is to 0e ;udged as mu3h 01 the t1pe of graduate it turns out as 01 the amount and <ualit1 of resear3h 3ontri0uted 01 its tea3hers and resear3h students. It must 0e 3learl1 re3ogni?ed that there is no 3onfli3t in6ol6ed 0et:een the t:ofold fun3tion of a uni6ersit1 to edu3ate its mem0ers and to ad6an3e the frontiers of @no:ledge 4 the t:o fun3tions are+ in fa3t+ 3omplementar1. 5nless high standards of tea3hing and e=aminations are maintained+ resear3h :ill suffer+ sin3e resear3h 3an 3ontinue uninterruptedl1 onl1 if there is a regular suppl1 of graduates :ell prepared 01 general edu3ation for spe3iali?ed resear3h :or@. On the other hand+ if resear3h is negle3ted 01 tea3hers+ their tea3hing :ill la3@ 6italit1 and :ill rapidl1 0e3ome stale. A degree must al:a1s 0e :hat a uni6ersit1 ma@es it 01 the @ind of tea3hing it imparts and the t1pe of intelle3tual and so3ial life it pro6ides for its mem0ers. If our uni6ersities are to 0e the ma@ers of future leaders of thought and a3tion in the 3ountr1+ as the1 should 0e+ our degrees must 3onnote a high standard of s3holarl1 a3hie6ement in our graduates. (he Commission noted that man1 of the 5ni6ersities did not 3ompare fa6oura0l1 :ith the 0est of /ritish and Ameri3an uni6ersities in respe3t of their tea3hing and e=amination standards. 5nless highest standards of tea3hing in the 5ni6ersities are ensured+ the degree gi6en 01 them :ill not 3ommand re3ognition and respe3t. (he Commission o0ser6ed : >..........Our uni6ersities should maintain the a3ademi3 3hara3ter of their :or@ on a le6el re3ogni?ed as ade<uate 01 the uni6ersities of other 3ountries. 5ni6ersities are our national institutions+ and to @eep up our national prestige+ our degrees must 0e su3h as to 3ommand international re3ognition.........> %5. (he ,o6ernment of India 3onstituted a Committee in 2e3em0er+ %& % to 3onsider 0roadl1 the organi?ational stru3ture of the 5ni6ersities in India and to prepare the outline of a >-odel A3t> suited to their role and fun3tions of :hi3h 2r. 2.S. .othari+ Chairman+ 5,C :as the Chairman and se6eral other persons :ho :ere either Vi3e4Chan3ellors of 5ni6ersities or :ere 3onne3ted :ith the field of edu3ation :ere mem0ers. In the 3on3luding part of the Airst Chapter+ the Committee noted as under : >.......(he fun3tion of the uni6ersit1 is not onl1 to preser6e+ disseminate and ad6an3e @no:ledge 0ut also to furnish intelle3tual leadership and moral tone to so3iet1. 8o less important is the role of uni6ersities in promoting national integration and a 3ommon 3ulture+ and in 0ringing a0out the so3ial transformation that is desired. Ainall1+ uni6ersities ha6e also to pro6ide trained personnel to ad6an3e the 3ountr1>s prosperit1 01 ma@ing full use of modern @no:ledge. (he organi?ational pattern must ena0le the uni6ersities to a3hie6e these o0;e3ti6es.> (hese reports prepared 01 most learned and eminent edu3ationists in post independen3e era highlight the primar1 fun3tion of the 5ni6ersities 6i?. tea3hing and resear3h and to pro6ide trained and <ualified personnel for the progress of the nation.

% . (hough in3orporation of a 5ni6ersit1 as a legislati6e head is a State su0;e3t "$ntr1 92 *ist II# 0ut 0asi3all1 5ni6ersit1 is an institution for higher edu3ation and resear3h. $ntr1 of *ist I is 3oordination and determination of standards in institutions for higher edu3ation or resear3h and s3ientifi3 and te3hni3al institutions. (here 3an thus 0e a 3lash 0et:een the po:ers of the State and that of the 5nion. (he interpla1 of 6arious entries in this regard in the three lists of the Se6enth S3hedule and the real import of $ntr1 of *ist I ha6e 0een e=amined in se6eral de3isions of this Court. In ,u;arat 5ni6ersit1 6. Shri .rishna : AIR%& 9SCB09 + a de3ision 01 a Constitution /en3h rendered prior to Aort14se3ond Amendment :hen $ntr1 %% of *ist II :as in e=isten3e+ it :as held that Item 8o. 9 to of *ist I are 3ar6ed out of the su0;e3t of edu3ation and in respe3t of these items the po:er to legislate is 6ested e=3lusi6el1 in the Parliament. (he use of the e=pression >su0;e3t to> in item %% of *ist II of the Se6enth S3hedule 3learl1 indi3ates that the legislation in respe3t of e=3luded matters 3annot 0e underta@en 01 the State *egislatures. In para 29+ the Court held as under : >.....................................Po:er of the State to legislate in respe3t of edu3ation in3luding 5ni6ersities must to the e=tent to :hi3h it is entrusted to the 5nion Parliament+ :hether su3h po:er is e=er3ised or not+ 0e deemed to 0e restri3ted. If a su0;e3t of legislation is 3o6ered 01 items 9 to e6en if it other:ise falls :ithin the larger field of >edu3ation in3luding 5ni6ersities> po:er to legislate on that su0;e3t must lie :ith the Parliament................................................................... Item %% of *ist II and item of *ist I must 0e harmoniousl1 3onstrued. (he t:o entries undou0tedl1 o6erlap! 0ut to the e=tent of o6erlapping+ the po:er 3onferred 01 item *ist I must pre6ail o6er the po:er of the State under item %% of *ist II. It is manifest that the e=3luded heads deal primaril1 :ith edu3ation in institutions of national or spe3ial importan3e and institutions of higher edu3ation in3luding resear3h+ s3ien3es+ te3hnolog1 and 6o3ational training of la0our. (he follo:ing o0ser6ations in paras 2) and 25 highlight the suprema31 of legislation made 01 the Parliament :ith referen3e to $ntr1 : >2) ...................... (he 6alidit1 of the State legislation on 5ni6ersit1 edu3ation and as regards the edu3ation in te3hni3al and s3ientifi3 institutions not falling :ithin $ntr1 ) of *ist I :ould ha6e to 0e ;udged ha6ing regard to :hether it impinges on the field reser6ed for the 5nion under $ntr1 . In other :ords+ the 6alidit1 of State legislation :ould depend upon :hether it pre;udi3iall1 affe3ts 3o4ordination and determination of standards+ 0ut not upon the e=isten3e of some definite 5nion legislation dire3ted to a3hie6e that purpose. If there 0e 5nion legislation in respe3t of 3o4ordination and determination of standards+ that :ould ha6e paramount31 o6er the State la: 01 6irtue of the first part of Ar. 25)"%#! e6en if that po:er 0e not e=er3ised 01 the 5nion Parliament the rele6ant legislati6e entries 0eing in the e=3lusi6e lists+ a State la: tren3hing upon the 5nion field :ould still 0e in6alid. 25 ...................... Item 8o. is a legislati6e head and in interpreting it+ unless it is e=pressl1 or of ne3essit1 found 3onditioned 01 the :ords used therein+ a narro: or restri3ted interpretation :ill not 0e put upon the generalit1 of the :ords. Po:er to legislate on a su0;e3t should normall1 0e held to e=tend to all an3illar1 or su0sidiar1 matters :hi3h 3an fairl1 and reasona0l1 0e said to 0e 3omprehended in that su0;e3t. Again there is nothing either in item or else:here in the Constitution :hi3h supports the su0mission >that the e=pression >3o4ordination> must mean in the 3onte=t in :hi3h it is used merel1 e6aluation+ 3o4ordination in its normal 3onnotation means harmonising or 0ringing into proper relation in :hi3h all the things 3o4ordinated parti3ipate in a 3ommon pattern of a3tion. (he po:er to 3o4ordinate+ therefore+ is not merel1 po:er to e6aluate+ it is a po:er to harmonise or se3ure relationship for 3on3erted a3tion. (he po:er 3onferred 01 item *ist I is not 3onditioned 01 the e=isten3e of a state of emergen31 or une<ual standards 3alling for the e=er3ise of the po:er.> %B. (he same <uestion :as also e=amined in 3onsidera0le detail in State of (amil 8adu and Anr. 6. Adhi1aman $du3ational and Resear3h Institute : "%&&5#)SCC%0) and the 3on3lusions dra:n :ere summari?ed in para )% of the reports and su04paras "i# and "ii# thereof are 0eing reprodu3ed 0elo: : "i# (he e=pression >3oordination> used in $ntr1 of the 5nion *ist of the Se6enth S3hedule to the Constitution does not merel1 mean e6aluation. It means harmonisation :ith a 6ie: to forge a uniform pattern for a 3on3erted a3tion a33ording to a 3ertain design+ s3heme or plan of de6elopment. It+ therefore+ in3ludes a3tion not onl1 for remo6al of disparities in standards 0ut also for pre6enting the o33urren3e of

su3h disparities. It :ould+ therefore+ also in3lude po:er to do all things :hi3h are ne3essar1 to pre6ent :hat :ould ma@e >3oordination> either impossi0le or diffi3ult. (his po:er is a0solute and un3onditional and in the a0sen3e of the 6alid 3ompelling reasons+ it must 0e gi6en its full effe3t a33ording to its plain and e=press intention. "ii# (o the e=tent that the State legislation is in 3onfli3t :ith the Central legislation though the former is purported to ha6e 0een made under $ntr1 25 of the Con3urrent *ist 0ut in effe3t en3roa3hes upon legislation in3luding su0ordinate legislation made 01 the 3enter under $ntr1 25 of the Con3urrent *ist or to gi6e effe3t to $ntr1 of the 5nion *ist+ it :ould 0e 6oid and inoperati6e. %D. In Osmania 5ni6ersit1 (ea3hers Asso3iation 6. State of Andhra Pradesh and Anr. : I%&DBJ9SCR&)& + the Court reiterated that it :as the e=3lusi6e responsi0ilit1 of the Central ,o6ernment to determine the standards for higher edu3ation and the same should not 0e lo:ered at the hands of an1 parti3ular State as it :as of great importan3e to national progress. After referring to the Constitution /en3h de3ision in .erala State $le3tri3it1 /oard 6. Indian Aluminium Co. : I%&B J%SCR552 + :here it :as held that :hen an entr1 is in general terms in *ist II and part of that entr1 is in spe3ifi3 terms in *ist I+ the entr1 in *ist I ta@es effe3t not:ithstanding the entr1 in *ist II+ the Court held as under in para %) of the reports : >%). $ntr1 25 *ist III relating to edu3ation in3luding te3hni3al edu3ation+ medi3al edu3ation and uni6ersities has 0een made su0;e3t to the po:er of Parliament to legislate under $ntries 9 to of *ist I. $ntr1 *ist I and $ntr1 25 *ist III should+ therefore+ 0e read together. $ntr1 gi6es po:er to 5nion to see that a re<uired standard of higher edu3ation in the 3ountr1 is maintained. (he standard of Figher $du3ation in3luding s3ientifi3 and te3hni3al should not 0e lo:ered at the hands of an1 parti3ular State or States. Se3ondl1+ it is the e=3lusi6e responsi0ilit1 of the Central ,o6ernment to 3oordinate and determine the standards for higher edu3ation. (hat po:er in3ludes the po:er to e6aluate+ harmonise and se3ure proper relationship to an1 pro;e3t of national importan3e. It is needless to state that su3h a 3o4ordinate a3tion in higher edu3ation :ith proper standards+ is of paramount importan3e to national progress. It is in this national interest+ the legislati6e field in regard to >edu3ation> has 0een distri0uted 0et:een *ist I and *ist III of the Se6enth S3hedule.> %&. (he interpla1 of $ntr1 *ist I and $ntr1 25 *ist III :as again e=amined 01 a Constitution /en3h in 2r. Preeti Sri6asta6a and Anr. 6. State of -.P. and Ors. : AIR%&&&SC2D&) in the 3onte=t of lo:ering of standards 01 the State for admission to a Post ,raduate 3ourse in a -edi3al College and it :as held that the State 3annot :hile 3ontrolling edu3ation in the State impinge on standards in institutions for higher edu3ation 0e3ause this is e=3lusi6el1 :ithin the pur6ie: of the 5nion ,o6ernment. 7hile 3onsidering the <uestion :hether norms for admission ha6e an1 3onne3tion :ith the standards of edu3ation and that the1 are onl1 3o6ered 01 $ntr1 25 of *ist III+ it :as o0ser6ed that an1 lo:ering of the norms of admission does ha6e an ad6erse effe3t on the standards of edu3ation in the institutions of higher edu3ation. (he standard of edu3ation in an institution depends on 6arious fa3tors li@e+ "i# the 3ali0er of tea3hing staff! "ii# a proper s1lla0us designed to a3hie6e high le6el of edu3ation in a gi6en span of time! "iii# the student4tea3her ratio! "i6# e<uipment and la0orator1 fa3ilities! "6# 3ali0er of the students admitted! "6i# ade<uate a33ommodation in the institution! "6ii# the standard of e=aminations held in3luding the manner in :hi3h the papers are set and e=amined! and "6iii# the e6aluation of pra3ti3al e=aminations done. It :as pointed out that edu3ation in6ol6es a 3ontinuous intera3tion 0et:een the tea3hers and the students. (he 0ase of tea3hing+ the le6el to :hi3h tea3hing 3an rise and the 0enefit :hi3h the students ultimatel1 re3ei6e depends as mu3h on the 3ali0er of the students as on the 3ali0er of the tea3hers and the a6aila0ilit1 of ade<uate infrastru3tural fa3ilities. 20. (he 3onsistent and settled 6ie: of this Court+ therefore+ is that in spite of in3orporation of 5ni6ersities as a legislati6e head 0eing in the State *ist+ the :hole gamut of the 5ni6ersit1 :hi3h :ill in3lude tea3hing+ <ualit1 of edu3ation 0eing imparted+ 3urri3ulum+ standard of e=amination and e6aluation and also resear3h a3ti6it1 0eing 3arried on :ill not 3ome :ithin the pur6ie: of the State legislature on a33ount of a spe3ifi3 $ntr1 on 3o4 ordination and determination of standards in institutions for higher edu3ation or resear3h and s3ientifi3 and te3hni3al edu3ation 0eing in the 5nion *ist for :hi3h the Parliament alone is 3ompetent. It is the responsi0ilit1 of the Parliament to ensure that proper standards are maintained in institutions for higher edu3ation or resear3h throughout the 3ountr1 and also uniformit1 in

standards is maintained. 2%. In order to a3hie6e the aforesaid purpose+ the Parliament has ena3ted the 5ni6ersit1 ,rants Commission A3t. Airst para of the Statement of O0;e3ts and Reasons of the 5ni6ersit1 ,rants Commission A3t+ %&5 "for short >5,C A3t># is illustrati6e and 3onse<uentl1 it is 0eing reprodu3ed 0elo: : >(he Constitution of India 6ests Parliament :ith e=3lusi6e authorit1 in regard to >3o4ordination and determination of standards in institutions for higher edu3ation or resear3h and s3ientifi3 and te3hni3al institutions>. It is o06ious that neither 3o4ordination nor determination of standards is possi0le unless the Central ,o6ernment has some 6oi3e in the determination of standards of tea3hing and e=amination in 5ni6ersities+ 0oth old and ne:. It is also ne3essar1 to ensure that the a6aila0le resour3es are utili?ed to the 0est possi0le effe3t. (he pro0lem has 0e3ome more a3ute re3entl1 on a33ount of the tenden31 to multipl1 5ni6ersities. (he need for a properl1 3onstituted Commission for determining and allo3ating to 5ni6ersities funds made a6aila0le 01 the Central ,o6ernment has also 0e3ome more urgent on this a33ount. In the se3ond para it is said that the Commission :ill also ha6e the po:er to re3ommend to an1 5ni6ersit1 the measures ne3essar1 for the reform and impro6ement of 5ni6ersit1 edu3ation and to ad6ise the 5ni6ersit1 3on3erned upon the a3tion to 0e ta@en for the purpose of implementing su3h re3ommendation. (he Commission :ill a3t as an e=pert 0od1 to ad6ise the Central ,o6ernment on pro0lems 3onne3ted :ith the 3o4 ordination of fa3ilities and maintenan3e of standards in 5ni6ersities. 22. (he pream0le of the 5,C A3t sa1s 4 an A3t to ma@e pro6ision for the 3oordination and determination of standards in 5ni6ersities and for that purpose to esta0lish a 5ni6ersit1 ,rants Commission. Se3tion 2"f# of this A3t defines a 5ni6ersit1 and it means a 5ni6ersit1 esta0lished or in3orporated 01 or under a Central A3t+ a Pro6in3ial A3t or a State A3t+ and in3ludes an1 su3h institution as ma1+ in 3onsultation :ith the 5ni6ersit1 3on3erned+ 0e re3ogni?ed 01 the Commission in a33ordan3e :ith the regulations made in this 0ehalf under this A3t. Clause %2 pro6ides that it shall 0e the general dut1 of the Commission to ta@e+ in 3onsultation :ith the 5ni6ersities or other 0odies 3on3erned+ all su3h steps as it ma1 thin@ fit for the promotion and 3o4ordination of 5ni6ersit1 edu3ation and determination and maintenan3e of standards of tea3hing+ e=amination and resear3h in 5ni6ersities+ and for the purpose of its fun3tions under the A3t+ the Commission ma1 do all su3h a3ts enumerated in su04se3tions "a# to ";# thereof. Se3tions 22 and 29 are important and are 0eing reprodu3ed 0elo: : 22. Right to 3onfer degrees 4 "%# (he right of 3onferring or granting degree shall 0e e=er3ised onl1 01 a 5ni6ersit1 esta0lished or in3orporated 01 or under a Central A3t+ a Pro6in3ial A3t or a State A3t or an institution deemed to 0e a 5ni6ersit1 under se3tion 9 or an institution spe3iall1 empo:ered 01 an A3t of Parliament to 3onfer or grant degrees. "2# Sa6e as pro6ided in su04se3tion "%#+ no person or authorit1 shall 3onfer+ or grant+ or hold himself or itself out as entitled to 3onfer or grant an1 degree. "9# Aor the purpose of this se3tion+ >degree> means an1 su3h degree as ma1+ :ith the pre6ious appro6al of the Central ,o6ernment+ 0e spe3ified in this 0ehalf 01 the Commission 01 notifi3ation in the Offi3ial ,a?ette.> 29. Prohi0ition of the use of the :ord >5ni6ersit1> in 3ertain 3ases. 4 8o institution+ :hether a 3orporate 0od1 or not+ other than a 5ni6ersit1 esta0lished or in3orporated 01 or under a Central A3t+ a Pro6in3ial A3t or a State A3t shall 0e entitled to ha6e the :ord >5ni6ersit1> asso3iated :ith its name in an1 manner :hatsoe6er:Pro6ided that nothing in this se3tion shall+ for a period of t:o 1ears from the 3ommen3ement of this A3t+ appl1 to an institution :hi3h immediatel1 0efore su3h 3ommen3ement+ had the :ord >5ni6ersit1> asso3iated :ith its name. 29. It is important to note that in 6ie: of Se3tion 22 of 5,C A3t+ the right of 3onferring or granting degree 3an 0e e=er3ised onl1 01 5ni6ersit1 or an institution deemed to 0e 5ni6ersit1 under Se3tion 9 of

the aforesaid A3t or institution espe3iall1 empo:ered 01 an A3t of Parliament to 3onfer or grant degrees. 7hat is a >degree> and :hat it 3onnotes is not gi6en in the 5,C A3t 0ut the meaning of the :ord as gi6en in di3tionaries and standard 0oo@s is as under : 7e0ster>s (hird 8e: : A title 3onferred upon students 01 a 3ollege+International 2i3tionar1 uni6ersit1+ or professional s3hool upon3ompletion of a unified programme ofstud1 3arr1ing a spe3ified minimum of3redits+ passing of 3ertain e=aminations+and often 3ompletion of a thesis or otherindependent resear3h pro;e3t.2. A grade or 3lass of mem0ership attained ina ritualisti3 order or so3iet1 denoting astage of profi3ien31 often after a set ordealor e=amination.7harton>s *a: *e=i3on : (he state of a person+ as to 0e a 0arrister4at4la:+or to 0e a /a3helor or -aster of Arts of a5ni6ersit1.Cham0ers>s (:entieth : A mar@ of distin3tion 3onferred 01 uni6ersities+Centur1 2i3tionar1 :hether earned 01 e=amination or granted as amar@ of honour.P. Ramanatha Ai1ar : A mar@ of distin3tion 3onferred upon a student*a: *e=i3on "2nd $d# for profi3ien31 in some art or s3ien3e! 5ni6ersit1diploma of spe3ified profi3ien31.$n313lopedia Ameri3ana >2$,R$$> 4 the title 3onferred 01 a 3ollege or uni6ersit1+ signif1ing that a 3ertain step or grade has 0een attained in an area of learning. (he a:ard of a diploma 3onferring the 0a3helor>s degree mar@s 3ompletion of undergraduate stud1. (he master>s and do3tor>s degrees re:ard graduate stud1. Other degrees 3onstitute e6iden3e of preparation for professional :or@ 4 the -.2. "do3tor of medi3ine# for e=ample. In the 20th 3entur1+ ho:e6er+ the -.A. is granted in Ameri3an uni6ersities and in those of $ngland and the Common:ealth of 8ations "apart from O=ford and Cam0ridge# on the 0asis of stud1 0e1ond the /.A. and the presentation "usuall1# of a thesis. An e=3eption is S3otland+ :here the -.A. has 0een the first degree 3onferred in all si= uni6ersities e6er sin3e their founding. (he 0a3helor of philosoph1 and 0a3helor of letters degrees are gi6en for :or@ 0e1ond the -.A. (he 8e: $n313lopedia /ritanni3a >2egree> 4 in edu3ation+ an1 of se6eral titles 3onferred 01 3olleges and uni6ersities to indi3ate the e=tent of a3ademi3 a3hie6ement. (he hierar3h1 of degrees+ dating from the %9th 3entur1+ on3e resem0led the medie6al guild s1stem. In the 5nited States and ,reat /ritain+ the modern gradation of a3ademi3 degrees is usuall1 0a3helor "or 0a33alaureate#+ master+ and do3tor. 7ith some e=3eptions+ intermediate degrees+ su3h as those of 0a3helor and master+ ha6e 0een a0andoned in the uni6ersities of 3ontinental $urope. A degree 3onferred 01 a 5ni6ersit1 is a proof of the fa3t that a person has studied a 3ourse of a parti3ular higher le6el and has su33essfull1 passed the e=amination 3ertif1ing his profi3ien31 in the said su0;e3t of stud1 to su3h le6el. In the 3ase of a 2o3torate degree+ it 3ertifies that the holder of the degree has attained a high le6el of @no:ledge and stud1 in the 3on3erned su0;e3t 01 doing some original resear3h :or@. A 5ni6ersit1 degree 3onfers a @ind of a status upon a person li@e a graduate or a post4graduate. (hose :ho ha6e done resear3h :or@ and ha6e o0tained a Ph.2.+ 2.*it.+ or 2.S3. degree 0e3ome entitled to :rite the :ord >2o3tor> 0efore their name and 3ommand 3ertain amount of respe3t in so3iet1 as edu3ated and @no:ledgea0le persons. (hat apart the prin3ipal ad6antage of holding a 5ni6ersit1 degree is in the matter of emplo1ment+ :here a minimum <ualifi3ation li@e a graduate+ post4graduate or a professional degree from a re3ogni?ed institute is pres3ri0ed. $6en for those :ho do not :ant to ta@e up a ;o0 and :ant to remain in pri6ate profession li@e a do3tor or la:1er+ registration :ith -edi3al Coun3il or /ar Coun3il is ne3essar1 for :hi3h purpose a degree in medi3ine or la:+ as the 3ase ma1 0e+ from an institution re3ogni?ed 01 the said 0odies is essential. An a3ademi3 degree is+ therefore+ of great signifi3an3e and 6alue for the holder thereof and goes a long :a1 in shaping his future. (he interest of so3iet1 also re<uires that the holder of an a3ademi3 degree must possess the re<uisite profi3ien31 and e=pertise in the su0;e3t :hi3h the degree 3ertifies. 2). -ere 3onferment of degree is not enough. 7hat is ne3essar1 is that the degree should 0e re3ogni?ed. It is for this purpose that the right to 3onfer degree has 0een gi6en under Se3tion 22 of 5,C A3t onl1 to a 5ni6ersit1 esta0lished or in3orporated 01 or under a Central A3t+ Pro6in3ial A3t or State A3t or an institution deemed to 0e a 5ni6ersit1 under Se3tion 9 or an institution spe3iall1 empo:ered 01 an A3t of Parliament to 3onfer or grant degrees. Su04se3tion "9# of this Se3tion pro6ides that >degree> means an1 su3h degree as ma1+ :ith the pre6ious appro6al of the Central ,o6ernment+ 0e spe3ified in this 0ehalf 01

the Commission 01 notifi3ation in the Offi3ial ,a?ette. (he 6alue and importan3e of su3h degrees :hi3h are re3ogni?ed 01 ,o6ernment :as pointed out 01 a Constitution /en3h in A?ee? /asha 6. 5nion of India : I%& DJ%SCRD99 . 25. Fa6ing seen :hat is the 3on3ept of a 5ni6ersit1 and :hat is the 6alue of a degree a:arded 01 it+ the S3heme and the pro6isions of the impugned A3t ma1 no: 0e e=amined. (he Pream0le of the A3t sa1s that it is an A3t to pro6ide for esta0lishment of self finan3ed pri6ate 5ni6ersities for imparting Figher $du3ation and to regulate their fun3tions and for matters 3onne3ted there:ith or in3idental thereto. Some of the pro6isions of the A3t :hi3h ha6e a 0earing on the 3ontro6ers1 in6ol6ed are 0eing reprodu3ed 0elo: : Se3tion 2. In this Adhini1am+ unless the 3onte=t other:ise re<uires 4 "a# >Ordinan3e> means an Ordinan3e of the 5ni6ersit1! "0# >Sponsoring /od1> in relation to a 5ni6ersit1 means4 "i# a So3iet1 registered under the -adh1a Pradesh So3ieties Registri@aran Adhini1am+ %&B9 "8o. )) of %&B9# "ii# an1 Pu0li3 (rust! or "iii# a Compan1 registered under Se3tion 25 of the Companies A3t+ %&5 "8o. % of %&5 #! "3# >Statute> means a Statute of the 5ni6ersit1! "d# >5ni6ersit1> means a 5ni6ersit1 esta0lished under su04 se3tion "%# of Se3tion 5. 9. (he o0;e3ts of the 5ni6ersit1 shall 0e 4 %. to pro6ide instru3tions+ tea3hing and training in Figher $du3ation and ma@e pro6isions for resear3h+ ad6an3ement and dissemination of @no:ledge! 2. to 3reate higher le6els of intelle3tual a0ilities! 9. to esta0lish state of the art fa3ilities for edu3ation and training! ). to 3arr1 out tea3hing and resear3h and offer 3ontinuing edu3ation programmes! 5. to 3reate 3enters of e=3ellen3e for resear3h and de6elopment and for sharing @no:ledge and its appli3ation! . to pro6ide 3onsultan31 to the industr1 and pu0li3 organi?ations! B. to esta0lish main 3ampus in Chhattisgarh and to ha6e stud1 3enters at different pla3es in India and other 3ountries! D. to esta0lish e=amination 3enters! &. to institute degrees+ diplomas+ 3ertifi3ates and other a3ademi3 distin3tions on the 0asis of e=amination+ or an1 other method of e6aluation! %0. to pursue an1 other o0;e3ti6e as ma1 0e appro6ed 01 the State ,o6ernment! %%. to ensure that the standard of the degrees+ diplomas+ 3ertifi3ates and other a3ademi3 distin3tions are not lo:er than those laid do:n 01 AIC($C8C($C5,CC-CI and Pharma31 Coun3il et3!

). "%# An appli3ation 3ontaining the Pro;e3t Report to esta0lish A 5ni6ersit1 for 3arr1ing out an1 or all of the o0;e3ts enumerated in se3tion 9 of this Adhini1am shall 0e made to the State ,o6ernment 01 the Sponsoring /od1 along :ith su3h fee as ma1 0e pres3ri0ed. "2# (he Pro;e3t Report shall 3ontain the follo:ing parti3ulars+ namel1 44 "a# the o0;e3ts of the 5ni6ersit1 along :ith the details of the Sponsoring /od1! "0# the e=tent and the status of the 5ni6ersit1 and the a6aila0ilit1 of land! "3# the nature and the t1pe of programmes of stud1 and resear3h to 0e underta@en in the 5ni6ersit1 during a period not less than the ne=t fi6e 1ears! "d# the nature of fa3ulties+ 3ourses of stud1 and resear3h proposed to 0e started! "e# the 3ampus de6elopment su3h as 0uilding+ e<uipment and stru3tural amenities! "f# the phased outla1s of 3apital e=penditure for a period not less than the ne=t fi6e 1ears! "g# the item4:ise re3urring e=penditure+ sour3es of finan3e and estimated e=penditure for ea3h student! "h# the s3heme for mo0ili?ing resour3es and the 3ost of 3apital thereto and the manner of repa1ments to the Sponsoring /od1 and other sour3es! "i# the s3heme for the generation of funds internall1 through the re3o6er1 of fee from students+ re6enues anti3ipated from 3onsultan31 and other a3ti6ities relating to the o0;e3ts of the 5ni6ersit1+ and other anti3ipated in3omes! ";# the details of e=penditure on unit 3ost and the e=tent of 3on3essions or re0ates in fee or free ship and s3holarship for students 0elonging to the S3heduled (ri0es and S3heduled Castes+ 0elonging to e3onomi3all1 :ea@er se3tions+ in lieu of land grants if an1+ from the State ,o6ernment+ su0;e3t to the 3ondition that the num0er of students getting 3on3essions and freeships or s3holarships shall not 0e less than t:ent1 t:o and one half per3ent of the total num0er of seats. (he proposed fee stru3ture shall also indi3ate the rationale for the 6ar1ing rates of fee that :ould 0e le6ied on non resident Indians and students of other nationalities! "@# the 1ears of e=perien3e and e=pertise in the 3on3erned dis3iplines at the 3ommand of the Sponsoring /od1 as :ell as the finan3ial resour3es! "l# the s1stem to sele3t students for admission to the 3ourses of stud1 at the 5ni6ersit1! "m# su3h other details as ma1 0e pres3ri0ed 01 rules framed under this Adhini1am. "9# (he State ,o6ernment+ on re3eipt of the Pro;e3t Report shall ma@e su3h en<uir1 as it ma1 deem ne3essar1 :ithin fort1 fi6e da1s from the date of su0mission of the Pro;e3t Report. ")# If the State ,o6ernment is satisfied :ith the proposal to esta0lish the 5ni6ersit1+ it ma1+ su0;e3t to su3h 3onditions as ma1 0e spe3ified+ a33ord the san3tion for the same. 5. "%# (he State ,o6ernment ma1 01 notifi3ation in the ,a?ette esta0lish a 5ni6ersit1 01 su3h name and :ith su3h ;urisdi3tion and lo3ation of 3ampus as ma1 0e spe3ified therein ha6ing regard to 4 "a# the desira0ilit1 to esta0lish a 5ni6ersit1! "0# re3ognition or authori?ation as ma1 0e re<uired under an1 other la: for the time 0eing in for3e to 3ondu3t the s1lla0us and to grant degrees or diplomas or a:ards.

"2# $6er1 notifi3ation issued under su04se3tion "%# shall 0e laid on the ta0le of the *egislati6e Assem0l1. . "%# $6er1 5ni6ersit1 esta0lished under su04se3tion "%# of se3tion 5 shall 0e a 0od1 3orporate 01 the name notified under the said se3tion ha6ing perpetual su33ession and a 3ommon seal+ and ma1 sue and 0e sued 01 the said name. "2# the 5ni6ersit1 esta0lished under su04se3tion "%# of se3tion 5 ma1+ :ith the prior appro6al of the State ,o6ernment+ affiliate an1 College or other institution or set up more than one 3ampus.> Se3tion & pro6ides that the 5ni6ersit1 shall not 0e entitled to re3ei6e an1 grant or other finan3ial assistan3e from the Central ,o6ernment+ State ,o6ernment or an1 other authorit1 e=3ept for meeting an1 amount to:ards the fee pa1a0le 01 students 0elonging to so3iall1 disad6antaged or :ea@er se3tions of so3iet1 or for 3ondu3ting an1 stud1 for resear3h purposes+ et3. 2 . Se3tion 9 of the A3t enumerates the o0;e3ts of the 5ni6ersit1. Su04 se3tion "%# of Se3tion ) pro6ides that an appli3ation 3ontaining the Pro;e3t Report to esta0lish a 5ni6ersit1 for 3arr1ing out an1 or all of the o0;e3ts enumerated in Se3tion 9 of the A3t shall 0e made to the State ,o6ernment 01 the sponsoring 0od1. Su04se3tion "2# of Se3tion ) pro6ides that the Pro;e3t Report shall 3ontain the parti3ulars :hi3h ha6e 0een enumerated from 3lauses "a# to "m# in the said Su04se3tion. (he Pro;e3t Report is to merel1 indi3ate the a6aila0ilit1 of the land and also the details of the S3heme for mo0ili?ation of resour3es and generation of funds. (he Pro;e3t Report is in the nature of a proposal :here some details ha6e to 0e furnished regarding the t1pe of 3ourses of stud1 and resear3h to 0e underta@en in the 5ni6ersit1 during the period not less than ne=t fi6e 1ears+ the nature of fa3ult1 and 3ourses of stud1 proposed to 0e started+ the 3ampus de6elopment su3h as 0uilding+ e<uipment and stru3tural amenities proposed to 0e made and phased outla1s of the 3apital e=penditure for a period not less than ne=t fi6e 1ears. Su04se3tion "9# sa1s that the State ,o6ernment on re3eipt of the Pro;e3t Report shall ma@e su3h en<uir1 as it ma1 deem ne3essar1 :ithin )5 da1s from the date of su0mission of the Pro;e3t Report. Su04se3tion ")# sa1s that if the State ,o6ernment is satisfied :ith the proposal to esta0lish the 5ni6ersit1+ it ma1+ su0;e3t to su3h 3onditions as ma1 0e spe3ified+ a33ord san3tion for the same. (herefore+ the re<uirement of Se3tion ) is su0mission of an appli3ation 3ontaining Pro;e3t Report :hi3h :ill merel1 indi3ate a6aila0ilit1 of land and some proposals and s3hemes for generation of funds and mo0ili?ation of resour3es and also proposal for de6elopment of 0uilding et3. and 3ourses of stud1 proposed to 0e started. It is this Pro;e3t Report :hi3h merel1 3ontains some proposals and s3hemes for future implementation :hi3h is a33orded san3tion 01 the State ,o6ernment. (hereafter 3omes Se3tion 5 :hi3h sa1s that the State ,o6ernment ma1 01 notifi3ation in the ,a?ette esta0lish a 5ni6ersit1 01 su3h name and :ith su3h ;urisdi3tion and lo3ation of 3ampus+ as ma1 0e spe3ified therein ha6ing regard to the desira0ilit1 to esta0lish a 5ni6ersit1. (he effe3t of these pro6isions is that a Pro;e3t Report on paper onl1+ :hi3h :ill merel1 0e a proposal or a s3heme for doing something in future+ :ill 0e notified as a 5ni6ersit1 01 issuing a notifi3ation to that effe3t in the ,a?ette. Su04 se3tion "%# of Se3tion 3onfers some @ind of a ;uristi3 personalit1 on the 5ni6ersit1 so 3reated 01 notifi3ation in the ,a?ette :hi3h in su0stan3e and realit1 is a Pro;e3t Report 01 sa1ing that the 5ni6ersit1 so esta0lished shall 0e a 0od1 3orporate 01 the name notified ha6ing perpetual su33ession and a 3ommon seal and ma1 sue and 0e sued 01 the said name. Su04se3tion "2# of Se3tion 3onfers a 6er1 :ide po:er on the 5ni6ersit1 so 3reated to affiliate an1 3ollege or other institutions or set up more than one 3ampus :ith the appro6al of the State ,o6ernment. 2B. (he State *egislature is undou0tedl1 empo:ered to legislate and ma@e an ena3tment for in3orporation and esta0lishment of 5ni6ersities in 6ie: of $ntr1 92 of *ist II and $ntr1 25 of *ist III. (he >5ni6ersit1> as a topi3 of legislation has not 0een introdu3ed for the first time in the Se6enth S3hedule of the Constitution 0ut :as alread1 there in the ,o6ernment of India A3t+ :here $ntr1 %9 of *ist I related to /anaras Findu 5ni6ersit1 and Aligarh -uslim 5ni6ersit1 and $ntr1 %B of *ist II :as edu3ation in3luding 5ni6ersities other than those spe3ified in $ntr1 %9 of *ist I. (he framers of the Constitution had the same 3on3ept of >5ni6ersit1> in their mind as :as there in the ,o6ernment of India A3t :hen the1 made the rele6ant entries in the Se6enth S3hedule of the Constitution. .eeping in 6ie: the prin3iples of legislati6e pra3ti3e+ the :ord >5ni6ersit1> should 0e gi6en the same meaning as it :as generall1 understood at the rele6ant time ha6ing due regard to :hat is ordinaril1 treated as em0ra3ed :ithin that topi3 or su0;e3t.

2D. As sho:n earlier+ 5ni6ersit1 is a :hole 0od1 of tea3hers and s3holars engaged at a parti3ular pla3e in gi6ing and re3ei6ing instru3tions in higher 0ran3hes of learning! and as su3h persons asso3iated together as a so3iet1 or 3orporate 0od1+ :ith definite organi?ation and a3@no:ledged po:ers and pri6ileges and forming an institution for promotion of edu3ation in higher or more important 0ran3hes of learning and also the 3olleges+ 0uilding and other propert1 0elonging to su3h 0od1. Other ne3essar1 attri0utes of 5ni6ersit1 are pluralit1 of tea3hers tea3hing more than one higher fa3ulties and other fa3ilities for imparting instru3tions and resear3h+ pro6ision for residen3e and must ha6e 3ertain standard of instru3tions pro6iding for graduate and post4graduate le6els of stud1. It pre4supposes e=isten3e of a 3ampus+ 3lassrooms+ le3ture theatres+ li0raries+ la0oratories+ offi3es+ 0esides some pla1grounds and also sport fa3ilit1 for o6erall de6elopment of personalit1 of the students. Fo:e6er+ under the pro6isions of the impugned A3t+ a proposal :hi3h is on paper and merel1 gi6es some @ind of a plan or s3heme to 0e done in future is notified as a 5ni6ersit1. 7hen the Constitution has 3onferred po:er on the State to legislate on in3orporation of 5ni6ersit1+ an1 A3t pro6iding for esta0lishment of the 5ni6ersit1 must ma@e su3h pro6isions that onl1 an institution in the sense of 5ni6ersit1 as it is generall1 understood :ith all the infrastru3tural fa3ilities+ :here tea3hing and resear3h on :ide range of su0;e3ts and of a parti3ular le6el are a3tuall1 done+ a3<uires the status of a 5ni6ersit1. (he impugned A3t does not at all esta0lish a 5ni6ersit1+ 1et 01 issuing a notifi3ation 3onferring the legal status of a 5ni6ersit1 to a Pro;e3t Report ":hi3h is on paper onl1# 0esto:s upon it a right to 3onfer a degree+ :hi3h right it gets 01 6irtue of Se3tion 22 of the 5,C A3t. (he manner in :hi3h a 5ni6ersit1 is notified 01 issuan3e of a ,a?ette notifi3ation under Se3tion 5 and 3onferment of a ;uristi3 personalit1 under Se3tion of the A3t is 3learl1 3ontrar1 to the 3onstitutional s3heme and is not 3ontemplated 01 Arti3le 2) of the Constitution. 2&. (he State *egislature 3an ma@e an ena3tment pro6iding for in3orporation of 5ni6ersities under $ntr1 92 of *ist II and also generall1 for 5ni6ersities under $ntr1 25 of *ist III. (he su0;e3t >5ni6ersit1> as a legislati6e head must 0e interpreted in the same manner as it is generall1 or 3ommonl1 understood+ namel1+ :ith proper fa3ilities for tea3hing of higher le6el and 3ontinuing resear3h a3ti6it1. An ena3tment :hi3h simpl1 3lothes a proposal su0mitted 01 a sponsoring 0od1 or the sponsoring 0od1 itself :ith the ;uristi3 personalit1 of a 5ni6ersit1 so as to ta@e ad6antage of Se3tion 22 of 5,C A3t and there01 a3<uires the right of 3onferring or granting a3ademi3 degrees 0ut :ithout ha6ing an1 infrastru3ture or tea3hing fa3ilit1 for higher studies or fa3ilit1 for resear3h is not 3ontemplated 01 either of these $ntries. Se3tions 5 and of the impugned ena3tment are+ therefore+ :holl1 ultra 6ires 0eing a fraud on the Constitution. 90. $ntr1 :hi3h deals :ith 3o4ordination and determination of standard in institutions for higher edu3ation or resear3h and s3ientifi3 and te3hni3al institutions is in 5nion *ist and the Parliament alone has the legislati6e 3ompeten3e to legislate on the said topi3. (he 5ni6ersit1 ,rants Commission A3t has 0een made :ith referen3e to $ntr1 "See Prem Chand 'ain 6. R... Chha0ra : %&D)Cri*' D and Osmania 5ni6ersit1 (ea3hers Asso3iation 6. State of Andhra Pradesh : I%&DBJ9SCR&)& #. (he A3t has 0een ena3ted to ensure that there is 3o4ordination and determination of standards in 5ni6ersities+ :hi3h are institutions of higher learning+ 01 a 0od1 3reated 01 the Central ,o6ernment. It is the dut1 and responsi0ilit1 of the 5ni6ersit1 ,rants Commission+ :hi3h is esta0lished 01 Se3tion ) of the 5,C A3t+ to determine and 3oordinate the standard of tea3hing 3urri3ulum and also le6el of e=amination in 6arious 5ni6ersities in the 3ountr1. In order to a3hie6e the aforesaid o0;e3ti6es+ the role of 5,C 3omes at the threshold. (he 3ourse of stud1+ its nature and 6olume+ has to 0e as3ertained and determined 0efore the 3ommen3ement of a3ademi3 session. Proper standard of tea3hing 3annot 0e a3hie6ed unless there are ade<uate infrastru3tural fa3ilities in the 3ampus li@e 3lassrooms+ li0raries+ la0oratories+ :ell4e<uipped tea3hing staff of re<uisite 3ali0er and a proper student4tea3her ratio. Aor this purpose+ the Central ,o6ernment has made a num0er of Rules in e=er3ise of po:ers 3onferred 01 Se3tion 25 of 5,C A3t and the Commission has also made Regulations in e=er3ise of po:er 3onferred 01 Se3tion 2 of the 5,C A3t and to mention a fe:+ 5,C Inspe3tion of 5ni6ersities Rules+ %& 0+ 5,C Regulations %&D5 regarding the -inimum Standards of Instru3tions for the ,rant of the Airst 2egree+ 5,C Regulations+ %&&% regarding -inimum Hualifi3ations for Appointment of (ea3hers in 5ni6ersities and Colleges+ et3. (he 5,C :ith the appro6al of the Central ,o6ernment and e=er3ising po:er under Se3tion 22"9# of the 5,C A3t has issued a s3hedule of degrees :hi3h ma1 0e a:arded 01 the 5ni6ersities. (he impugned A3t :hi3h ena0les a proposal on paper onl1 to 0e notified as a 5ni6ersit1 and there01 3onferring the po:er upon su3h 5ni6ersit1 under Se3tion 22 of the 5,C A3t to 3onfer degrees has the effe3t of 3ompletel1 stultif1ing the fun3tioning of the 5ni6ersit1 ,rants Commission in so far as these 5ni6ersities are

3on3erned. Su3h in3orporation of a 5ni6ersit1 ma@es it impossi0le for the 5,C to perform its duties and responsi0ilities of ensuring 3o4ordination and determination of standards. In a0sen3e of an1 3ampus and other infrastru3tural fa3ilities+ the 5,C 3annot ta@e an1 measures :hatsoe6er to ensure a proper s1lla0us+ le6el of tea3hing+ standard of e=amination and e6aluation of a3ademi3 a3hie6ement of the students or e6en to ensure that the students ha6e undergone the 3ourse of stud1 for the pres3ri0ed period 0efore the degree is a:arded to them. 9%. (he inter se e6aluation of merit of 3andidates is often re<uired to 0e done :hile ma@ing sele3tion for some higher or spe3iali?ed 3ourse of stud1 or in the matter of emplo1ment. One of the important fun3tions to 0e performed 01 the 5,C is 3o4ordination and determination of standards in institutions for higher edu3ation so that some @ind of uniformit1 is maintained in le6el of tea3hing and e=amination and also a:ard of degrees 01 6arious 5ni6ersities. (he impugned ena3tment+ ho:e6er+ ena0les a sponsoring 0od1+ :ithout ha6ing an1 @ind of tea3hing fa3ilit1 to a:ard degrees. In 6ie: of 3lauses "D# and "&# of Se3tion 9 of the A3t+ a 5ni6ersit1 3an 0e esta0lished onl1 to esta0lish e=amination 3enters or ;ust to institute degrees+ diplomas+ 3ertifi3ates and other a3ademi3 distin3tions on the 0asis of e=amination or an1 other method of e6aluation an1:here and :ithout an1 pre4determined standards. (he possi0ilit1 that su3h 5ni6ersities :hi3h a:ard degrees :ithout ha6ing an1 tea3hing fa3ilit1 and :ithout imparting an1 edu3ation :ill do so onl1 for the purpose of ma@ing mone1 is :rit large. (he fa3t that the amendments made in the A3t in 200) "referred to later in paragraph 9) of the ;udgment# ma@ing it mandator1 to 3reate an endo:ment fund of Rs.2 3rores and ha6ing pro6ision of %5 a3res of land ha6e 0een 3hallenged 01 man1 5ni6ersities spea@s 6olumes of their intention. Preparing a Pro;e3t Report on paper is not a diffi3ult ;o0 and an1 num0er of sponsoring 0odies 3an 0e 3reated or formed in order to ta@e ad6antage of the eas1 opportunit1 made a6aila0le 01 the impugned A3t. Persons :ith a0solutel1 no @no:ledge in the su0;e3t ma1 0e a:arded high degrees or other distin3tions li@e a Ph.2.+ 2.*it.+ or 2.S3. (his is 0ound to 3reate ha6o3 :ith the s1stem of higher edu3ation in the 3ountr1 and :ould result in nullif1ing the main o0;e3t for :hi3h 5ni6ersit1 ,rants Commission has 0een esta0lished and :ould render man1 pro6isions of the 5,C A3t un:or@a0le and otiose. 92. An1 State legislation :hi3h stultifies or sets at naught an ena3tment 6alidl1 made 01 Parliament :ould 0e :holl1 ultra 6ires. 7e are fortified in our 6ie: 01 a Constitution /en3h de3ision in R. Chitrale@ha 6. State of -1sore : I%& )J SCR9 D :here po:er of the State under $ntr1 %% *ist II "as it then e=isted#+ and $ntr1 25 *ist III <ua $ntr1 *ist I 3ame up for 3onsideration. Su00a Rao+ '. after <uoting the follo:ing passage from ,u;arat 5ni6ersit1 6. Shri .rishna : AIR%& 9SCB09 : >(he State has the po:er to pres3ri0e the s1lla0i and 3ourses of stud1 in the institutions named in $ntr1 "0ut not falling :ithin entries 9 to 5# and as an in3ident thereof it has the po:er to indi3ate the medium in :hi3h instru3tion should 0e imparted. /ut the 5nion Parliament has an o6erriding legislati6e po:er to ensure that the s1lla0i and 3ourses of stud1 pres3ri0ed and the medium sele3ted do not impair standards of edu3ation or render the 3oordination of su3h standards either on an All India or other 0asis impossi0le or e6en diffi3ult> enun3iated the follo:ing prin3iple defining the 3ontours of the legislati6e po:ers of States 6is446is 5nion so as to steer 3lear of an1 o6erlap or 3ollision: >(his and similar other passages indi3ate that if the la: made 01 the State 01 6irtue of entr1 %% of *ist II of the Se6enth S3hedule to the Constitution ma@es impossi0le or diffi3ult the e=er3ise of the legislati6e po:er of the Parliament under the entr1 >Co4ordination and determination of standards in institutions for higher edu3ation or resear3h and s3ientifi3 and te3hni3al institutions> reser6ed to the 5nion+ the State la: ma1 0e 0ad. (his 3annot o06iousl1 0e de3ided on spe3ulati6e and h1potheti3al reasoning. If the import of the State la: pro6iding for su3h standards on entr1 of *ist I is so hea61 or de6astating as to :ipe out or appre3ia0l1 a0ridge the 3entral field+ it ma1 0e stru3@ do:n. /ut that is a <uestion of fa3t to 0e as3ertained in ea3h 3ase...........> (he :hole s3heme of the impugned A3t+ espe3iall1 the effe3t of Se3tions )+ 5+ thereof and the result :hi3h it has led to in notif1ing as man1 as %%2 5ni6ersities :ithin a short span of one 1ear on the 0asis of proposals made on paper :ith man1 or most of them ha6ing almost ?ero infrastru3tural fa3ilities 3learl1

sho:s that the rele6ant pro6isions of the A3t ha6e 3ompletel1 stultified the po:er of the Parliament under $ntr1 to ma@e pro6ision for 3o4ordination and determination of standards in institutions for higher edu3ation li@e 5ni6ersities+ the pro6isions of the 5,C A3t and also the fun3tioning of 5ni6ersit1 ,rants Commission. Se3tions 5 and of the impugned A3t are+ therefore+ :holl1 ultra 6ires the Constitution of India and are lia0le to 0e stru3@ do:n. 99. 2r. 2ha:an+ learned senior 3ounsel for the petitioners in 7rit Petition 8o.%& of 200)+ has also pointed out 3ertain other infirmities in the impugned A3t. Se3tion ) pro6ides that a 5ni6ersit1 ma1 0e esta0lished for 3arr1ing out >an1 or all> of the o0;e3ti6es enumerated in Se3tion 9 of the Adhini1am. (he o0;e3ti6es mentioned in 3lauses "%# to "5# are the normal o0;e3ti6es of a 5ni6ersit1. Fo:e6er+ a 5ni6ersit1 3annot 0e esta0lished onl1 to pro6ide 3onsultan31 to the industr1 and pu0li3 organi?ations I3lause " #J or to esta0lish e=amination 3enters I3lause "D#J or to institute degrees+ diplomas+ 3ertifi3ates and other a3ademi3 distin3tions on the 0asis of e=amination or an1 other method of e6aluation I3lause "&#J. Sin3e su04se3tion "%# of Se3tion ) uses the e=pression >for 3arr1ing out an1 or all of the o0;e3ts>+ it is o06ious that a 5ni6ersit1 3an 0e esta0lished onl1 for an1 one of the aforesaid o0;e3ti6es. (his is 3learl1 a 3oloura0le pie3e of legislation 0eing 0e1ond the legislati6e 3ompeten3e of the State legislature as the rele6ant entries in *ist II and *ist III of Se6enth S3hedule of the Constitution do not 3ontemplate 3reation or esta0lishment of su3h @ind of a 5ni6ersit1. 9). (he A3t :as amended 01 the Chhattisgarh 8i;i .shetra Vish:a6id1ala1a "Sthapana Aur Vini1aman# Sansodhan Adhini1am+ 200) "hereinafter 3alled >the amending A3t>#+ :hi3h :as pu0lished in the ,a?ette on %B.9.200). /1 this amending A3t some pro6isions :ere su0stituted and some ne: pro6isions :ere added. Clauses "e# and ";# inserted in Se3tion 2 read as under : "e# >main 3ampus> means the 3ampus of the uni6ersit1 :here main offi3e of the uni6ersit1 is situated and :here the Vi3e4Chan3ellor and Registrar reside and :here not less than three 5ni6ersit1 (ea3hing 2epartmentsCS3hools of studies are lo3ated. ";# >Regulator1 Commission> means the Regulator1 Commission esta0lished under the Adhini1am.> Se3tions )+ 5+ & and %0 of the amending A3t read as under : >). Aor Su04se3tions "%0# and "%%# of Se3tion 9 of the Prin3ipal Adhini1am+ the follo:ing Su04se3tions shall 0e su0stituted! namel1:4 >"%0# (o ensure that the standard of degrees+ diplomas+ 3ertifi3ates and other a3ademi3 distin3tions are not lo:er than those laid do:n 01 AIC($+ 8C($+ 5,C+ -CI+ Pharma31 Coun3il+ and su3h agen31Cagen3ies esta0lished 01 the Central ,o6ernment for regulation of edu3ation and the Regulator1 Commission! and "%%# (o pursue an1 other o0;e3ti6e as ma1 0e appro6ed 01 the Regulator1 Commission.> 5. Aor Su04se3tion "%# of Se3tion ) of the Prin3ipal Adhini1am+ the follo:ing Su04se3tions shall 0e su0stituted! namel1 :4 >"%# "a# An appli3ation 3ontaining the Pro;e3t Report to esta0lish a uni6ersit1 for 3arr1ing out an1 or all the o0;e3ti6es enumerated in Se3tion 9 of the Adhini1am shall 0e made to the Regulator1 Commission 01 Sponsoring /od1 along:ith fee and su3h form as ma1 0e pres3ri0ed + at least one 1ear 0efore the date from :hi3h it intends to start the uni6ersit1. "0# (he Sponsoring /od1 shall su0mit along:ith its appli3ation as per "a# a0o6e+ "i# Proof of ha6ing esta0lished an $ndo:ment Aund of Rs.2 3rore! "ii# Proof of 0eing in possession of %5 a3res of land+ in 3ase the main 3ampus is proposed to 0e esta0lished :ithin the -uni3ipal Corporation *imits of Raipur! or 25 a3res of land in 3ase the main 3ampus is proposed to 0e esta0lished else:here in the State and in addition+ if the land has 0een o0tained on lease+

the period of lease should 0e at least 90 1ears. In 3ase+ the Sponsoring /od1 does not possess the re<uired land+ it shall furnish proof of ha6ing deposited an additional sum of Rs.2 3rore in the manner pres3ri0ed. 7ithdra:als out of this additional fund shall 0e permitted 01 the Regulator1 Commission for the pur3hase of land for the use of the 5ni6ersit1. Pro6ided that :here the main 3ampus of the 5ni6ersit1 is proposed to 0e esta0lished in a S3heduled Area of the State+ onl1 fift1 per3ent of the amounts in "i# and "ii# a0o6e need to 0e deposited. "3# (he $ndo:ment Aund shall 0e used as se3urit1 deposit to ensure that the 5ni6ersit1 3omplies :ith the pro6isions of the Adhini1am and fun3tions as per the pro6ision of the Adhini1am+ the Statues and the A3t. (he Regulator1 Commission shall ha6e the po:er to forfeit a part of :hole of the $ndo:ment Aund+ in 3ase of non43omplian3e in the manner as ma1 0e pres3ri0ed. "d# (he $ndo:ment Aund shall 0e in6ested in the manner as ma1 0e pres3ri0ed. "e# (he Sponsoring /od1 shall 0e permitted to use in3ome from the $ndo:ment Aund for the de6elopment of the 5ni6ersit1. "%4A# A 5ni6ersit1 alread1 esta0lished in the State under the pro6isions of the Adhini1am+ shall 3ompl1 :ith the pro6isions of 3lauses "0# to "e# of Su04se3tion "%# of Se3tion ) a0o6e 01 90th 'une+ 200) or else the 8otifi3ation issued 01 the ,o6ernment under Su04se3tion "%# of Se3tion 5 of the Adhini1am shall 0e lia0le to 0e 3an3elled on the re3ommendations of the Regulator1 Commission. In the e6ent of su3h de4notifi3ation of the 5ni6ersit1+ 3ompletion of 3ourses+ 3ondu3t of e=aminations+ a:ard of the degrees to the students of the 5ni6ersit1 ma1 0e assigned to another 5ni6ersit1 in su3h a manner that the interests of the students are not affe3ted. $=penditure made in this 0ehalf shall 0e made good from the ,eneral Aund of the 5ni6ersit1 3on3erned.> &. Aor Su04se3tion "%# of Se3tion 5 of the Prin3ipal Adhini1am+ the follo:ing shall 0e su0stituted! namel1 "%# "a# (he State ,o6ernment on re3eipt of the ad6i3e of the Regulator1 Commission under Su04se3tion ")# of Se3tion ) of the Adhini1am+ ma1 de3lare+ 01 notifi3ation in offi3ial ga?ette+ that the uni6ersit1 is esta0lished 01 su3h name and :ith su3h ;urisdi3tion and lo3ation of main 3ampus+ from su3h date as ma1 0e mentioned in the notifi3ation. "0# All su3h notifi3ation issued under Su04se3tion "%# of Se3tion 5 of the Adhini1am prior to 3oming into for3e of the Chhattisgarh 8i;i .shetra Vish:a6id1ala1a "Sthapana Aur Vini1aman# Sansodhan Adhini1am 200)+ shall 0e in3luded as S3hedule 4 I of the Adhini1am and hereafter+ notifi3ation issued regarding esta0lishment of a 5ni6ersit1 under the pro6isions of this Adhini1am + shall form part of the said S3hedule 4 I in 3hronologi3al order. "3# All the pro6isions of the Adhini1am shall appl1 to 5ni6ersities in3luded in S3hedule I. %0. After Su04se3tion "2# of Se3tion namel1:4 of the Prin3ipal Adhini1am+ the follo:ing shall 0e su0stituted!

>"2# On its notifi3ation under Su04se3tion "%# of Se3tion 5+ the 5ni6ersit1 shall esta0lish its main 3ampus in the State of Chhattisgarh on the land referred to in Su04se3tion "%# of Se3tion ) and for that purpose shall 3reate a 0uilt up area of at least 25+000 S<.ft. in the form of 0uildings and an3illar1 stru3tures :ithin a period of 2 1ears from the date of su3h notifi3ation. In the 3ase of 5ni6ersities :hi3h ha6e alread1 0een notified 0efore this Sansodhan Adhini1am+ the period of 2 1ears shall 0e re3@oned from the date of 3oming in for3e of this Sansodhan Adhini1am. "9# All disputes arising as a result of the pro6isions made in this Adhini1m shall 0e settled 01 a 3ourt of la: lo3ated in the State of Chhattisgarh.> Se3tion 2) of the prin3ipal A3t :as also su0stituted 01 a ne: pro6ision :hi3h pro6ides for setting up of a

Regulator1 Commission for the purpose of ensuring appropriate standards of tea3hing+ e=aminations+ resear3h+ prote3tion of the interests of the students and ensuring reasona0le ser6i3e 3onditions of emplo1ees :hile 5ni6ersit1 has full freedom to fun3tion. (he Regulator1 Commission shall fun3tion under the general 3ontrol of the Visitor and shall 3onsist of a Chairman+ t:o full time and not e=3eeding t:o part4time mem0ers to 0e appointed 01 the Visitor. Su04 se3tion "&# of Se3tion 2) pro6ides that it shall 0e the dut1 of the Regulator1 Commission to ta@e in 3onsultation :ith the 5ni6ersit1 and other 0odies 3on3erned :ith regulator1 fun3tions of the higher edu3ation s1stem in the 3ountr1 su3h as 5,C+ AIC($+ 8C($+ -CI+ Pharma31 Coun3il and su3h agen31Cagen3ies esta0lished 01 the Central ,o6ernment for regulation of edu3ation+ or su3h steps+ as it 3onsiders ne3essar1 for determination and maintenan3e of standards of tea3hing+ e=amination and resear3h in the 5ni6ersit1. 95. (he amending A3t of 200) does not ma@e an1 appre3ia0le 3hange in the matter of issuing a notifi3ation for esta0lishment of a 5ni6ersit1. 5nder the amending A3t+ Regulator1 Commission is to 0e esta0lished 01 the Visitor ",o6ernor#. (he appli3ation 3ontaining the Pro;e3t Report shall 0e made to the Regulator1 Commission one 1ear 0efore the date from :hi3h it intends to start the 5ni6ersit1 along :ith proof of ha6ing esta0lished an endo:ment fund of Rs.2 3rores :hi3h shall 0e used as se3urit1 deposit to ensure that the 5ni6ersit1 3omplies :ith the pro6isions and fun3tions as per the pro6isions of the A3t. In addition proof of 0eing in possession of %5 a3res of land in 3ase the main 3ampus is proposed to 0e esta0lished :ithin the muni3ipal 3orporation limits of Raipur other:ise 25 a3res of land has to 0e furnished. 7here the land has 0een o0tained on lease+ the period of lease should 0e at least 90 1ears. It further pro6ides that if the sponsoring 0od1 does not possess the re<uired land+ it shall furnish proof of ha6ing deposited an additional sum of Rs.2 3rores in the manner pres3ri0ed. (he Regulator1 Commission on re3eipt of the Pro;e3t Report+ proof of 3reation of the endo:ment fund and possession of land or in lieu thereof proof of deposit of additional fund and if satisfied :ith the proposal to esta0lish the 5ni6ersit1+ ma1 ad6ise the State ,o6ernment to issue a notifi3ation. Se3tion 5 pro6ides that the State ,o6ernment on re3eipt of the ad6i3e of the Regulator1 Commission ma1 de3lare 01 notifi3ation in Offi3ial ,a?ette that the 5ni6ersit1 is esta0lished. Fere again+ :ithout an1 infrastru3ture and :ithout the tea3hing fa3ilities ha6ing 0een pro6ided+ the proposal on paper is notified as a 5ni6ersit1. Se3tion )"%#"0#"ii# mentions >possession of land> and not >o:nership>. It is not diffi3ult to spe3ulate :hether the hea61 e=penditure in6ol6ed in ma@ing 3onstru3tion of 0uildings "3lassrooms+ le3ture halls+ offi3es and hostels+ et3.#+ li0raries and la0oratories :ould at all 0e underta@en on land :hi3h has 0een ta@en on lease for a short period of 90 1ears. (hus+ the amended Se3tions 5 and suffer from the same 6i3e as the unamended pro6isions and are lia0le to 0e stru3@ do:n as 0eing ultra 6ires. 9 . In e=er3ise of po:er 3onferred 01 Se3tion 2 of the 5,C A3t+ the 5ni6ersit1 ,rants Commission has made the 5,C "$sta0lishment of and -aintenan3e of Standards in Pri6ate 5ni6ersities# Regulations+ 2009. (he Regulations ha6e 0een made :ith the o0;e3t of pro6iding for a regulator1 me3hanism for esta0lishment and operation of pri6ate 5ni6ersities and for safeguarding the interests of the student 3ommunit1 :ith ade<uate emphasis on the <ualit1 of edu3ation and to a6oid 3ommer3iali?ation of higher edu3ation and also to maintain standards of tea3hing+ resear3h and e=amination. Regulation %.2 pro6ides that the same shall appl1 to e6er1 pri6ate 5ni6ersit1 esta0lished 01 or in3orporated under a State A3t+ 0efore or after the 3ommen3ement of these Regulations. Regulation %.5 pro6ides that an1 pri6ate 5ni6ersit1 :hi3h has started fun3tioning 0efore the 3ommen3ement of these Regulations shall ensure adheren3e to these Regulations :ithin a period of three months from the notifi3ation thereof and failure to 3ompl1 :ith this re<uirement shall render an1 degreeCdiploma a:arded 01 a pri6ate 5ni6ersit1 as unspe3ified in terms of Se3tion 22"9# of the 5,C A3t and shall in6ite penalt1 under Se3tion 2) of the said A3t. Regulations 9.%+ 9.2+ 9. and 9.B are important and the1 are 0eing reprodu3ed 0elo: : 9.% $a3h pri6ate 5ni6ersit1 shall 0e esta0lished 01 a separate State A3t and shall 3onform to the rele6ant pro6isions of the 5,C A3t+ %&5 + as amended from time to time. 9.2 A pri6ate uni6ersit1 shall 0e a unitar1 uni6ersit1 ha6ing ade<uate fa3ilities for tea3hing+ resear3h+ e=amination and e=tension ser6i3es. 9. (he programmes of stud1 leading to a degree andCor a post4graduate degreeCdiploma offered 01 a pri6ate uni6ersit1 shall 3onform to the rele6ant regulationsCnorms of the 5,C or the 3on3erned statutor1

0od1 as amended from time to time. 9.B A pri6ate uni6ersit1 shall pro6ide all the rele6ant information relating to the first degree and post4graduate degreeCdiploma programme"s# in3luding the 3urri3ulum stru3ture+ 3ontents + tea3hing and learning pro3ess+ e=amination and e6aluation s1stem and the eligi0ilit1 3riteria for admission of students+ to the 5,C on a proforma pres3ri0ed 01 the 5,C prior to starting of these programmes. 9B. Regulation 9.9 puts restri3tion on esta0lishment of a 5ni6ersit1 outside the State. Regulation 5 pro6ides 3onse<uen3es of 6iolation and la1s do:n that if the Commission is satisfied that a pri6ate 5ni6ersit1 has+ e6en after getting an opportunit1 to do so+ failed to 3ompl1 :ith the pro6isions of an1 of the Regulations+ the Commission ma1 pass orders prohi0iting the pri6ate 5ni6ersit1 from offering an1 3ourse for a:ard of the degree or diploma. Similarl1+ the 5,C is empo:ered to ta@e a3tion against a pri6ate 5ni6ersit1 a:arding first degree andCor a post4graduate degreeCdiploma+ :hi3h is not spe3ified 01 the 5,C and an1 pri6ate 5ni6ersit1 3ontinuing su3h programme and a:arding unspe3ified degree shall 0e lia0le for penalt1 under Se3tion 2) of the 5,C A3t. 9D. Shri Amarendra Sharan+ learned Additional Soli3itor ,eneral appearing for 5,C+ has su0mitted that Se3tion 5"%# of the impugned A3t :hi3h permits esta0lishment of a 5ni6ersit1 merel1 01 an e=e3uti6e a3tion of issuing a notifi3ation in the ,a?ette is illegal. (he 5ni6ersit1 ,rants Commission A3t+ a la: made 01 Parliament :ith referen3e to $ntr1 *ist I+ ha6ing empo:ered the 5,C to ma@e Regulations+ an1 pro6ision of an ena3tment made 01 the State *egislature 3on3erning higher edu3ation :hi3h is in 3onfli3t :ith the Regulations+ :ould 0e ultra 6ires+ as held in su04para "ii# of para )% of State of (amil 8adu 6. Adhi1aman $du3ational and Resear3h Institute "supra#. Fe has referred to Regulation 9.% of 5ni6ersit1 ,rants Commission "$sta0lishment of and -aintenan3e of Standards in Pri6ate 5ni6ersities# Regulation+ 2009 :hi3h la1s do:n that ea3h pri6ate 5ni6ersit1 shall 0e esta0lished 01 a separate State A3t and shall 3onform to the rele6ant pro6isions of the 5,C A3t+ %&5 as amended from time to time. Fe has also su0mitted that this Court had 3learl1 ruled in Prem Chand 'ain 6. R... Chha0ra : %&D)Cri*' D + that a 5ni6ersit1 esta0lished 01 spe3ial legislation alone 3an ha6e the right to 3onfer degrees+ :here :hile referring to Se3tion 2"f# and 29 of the 5,C A3t it :as said as under : >........... (he :ord >esta0lished> or >in3orporated> referred to A3ts under :hi3h uni6ersities are esta0lished or in3orporated. Se6eral uni6ersities in this 3ountr1 ha6e 0een either esta0lished or in3orporated under spe3ial statutes+ su3h as the 2elhi 5ni6ersit1 A3t+ the /anaras Findu 5ni6ersit1 A3t+ the Allaha0ad 5ni6ersit1 A3t et3. In these 3ases+ there is a spe3ial A3t either of the Central or the Pro6in3ial or the State legislature esta0lishing and in3orporating the parti3ular uni6ersities. (here is also another pattern 4 :here under one 3ompendious A3t se6eral uni6ersities are either esta0lished or in3orporated 4 for instan3e+ the -adh1a Pradesh 5ni6ersities A3t+ %&B9. (he definition of uni6ersit1 and pro6isions in S. 29 of the A3t refer to A3ts of the Central+ Pro6in3ial or the State legislatures 01 :hi3h one or more uni6ersities are esta0lished or in3orporated and not to institutions in3orporated under a general statute pro6iding for in3orporation. .................................................................................................................... >$du3ation in3luding uni6ersities> :as a State su0;e3t until 01 the )2nd Amendment of the Constitution in %&B + that entr1 :as omitted from the State list and+ :as ta@en into entr1 25 of the 3on3urrent list. /ut as alread1 pointed out the A3t essentiall1 intended to ma@e pro6isions for the 3oordination and determination of standards in uni6ersities and that+ as alread1 indi3ated+ is s<uarel1 3o6ered under entr1 of list I. 7hile legislating for a purpose germane to the su0;e3t 3o6ered 01 that entr1 and esta0lishing a 5ni6ersit1 ,rants Commission+ Parliament 3onsidered it ne3essar1+ as a regulator1 measure+ to prohi0it unauthori?ed 3onferment of degrees and diplomas as also use of the :ord >uni6ersit1> 01 institution :hi3h had not 0een either esta0lished or in3orporated 01 spe3ial legislation..........> In 6ie: of Regulation 9.%+ a pri6ate 5ni6ersit1 3an onl1 0e esta0lished either 01 a separate A3t or 01 one 3ompendious A3t :here the legislature spe3ifi3all1 pro6ides for esta0lishment of the said 5ni6ersit1. (hough an attempt has 0een made in Se3tion 5"%#"0# of the amended A3t in this regard+ 0ut the same does not 3onform to the Regulations inasmu3h as the initial notifi3ation notif1ing in the Offi3ial ,a?ette that the 5ni6ersit1 is esta0lished+ is done 01 the e=e3uti6e order and not 01 an1 A3t of legislature. 9&. Shri Ra@esh 2:i6edi+ learned senior 3ounsel+ :ho appeared ami3us 3uriae+ has rightl1 su0mitted that

though $ntr1 92 in *ist II is in general terms dealing :ith >in3orporation+ regulation and :inding up of 3orporations other than those spe3ified in *ist I and 5ni6ersities>+ 0ut in3orporation of a 3ompan1 is entirel1 different from in3orporation of a 5ni6ersit1 and the1 are 3on3eptuall1 different. Se3tions 9+ 9"%# "i#+ %2+ %9+ 2 + 99 and 9) of the Companies A3t relate to in3orporation of a Compan1. It need not ha6e a prior 0usiness and a mere statement of a la:ful purpose in the -emorandum of Asso3iation is enough. If a Compan1 is una0le to a3hie6e its o0;e3ti6e and is una0le to 3arr1 on 0usiness+ the shareholders ma1 suffer some finan3ial loss+ 0ut there is a0solutel1 no impa3t on so3iet1 at large. Fo:e6er+ a 5ni6ersit1 on3e in3orporated gets a right to 3onfer degrees. A 5ni6ersit1 ha6ing no infrastru3ture or tea3hing fa3ilit1 of an1 @ind :ould still 0e in a position to 3onfer degrees and there01 3reate a 3omplete 3haos in the matter of 3o4ordination and maintenan3e of standards in higher studies :hi3h :ould 0e highl1 detrimental for the :hole nation. A 5ni6ersit1 ma1+ therefore+ 0e esta0lished either 01 the State in e=er3ise of its so6ereign po:er :hi3h :ould o06iousl1 0e through a legislati6e ena3tment. In the 3ase of a pri6ate 5ni6ersit1 it is ne3essar1 that it should 0e a pre4esta0lished institution for higher edu3ation :ith all the infrastru3tural fa3ilities and <ualities :hi3h ma1 ;ustif1 its 3laim for 0eing 3onferred :ith the status of a 5ni6ersit1 and onl1 su3h an institution 3an 0e 3onferred the legal status and a ;uristi3 personalit1 of a 5ni6ersit1. )0. Shri Ra@esh 2:i6edi has also su0mitted that insofar as pri6ate 5ni6ersities are 3on3erned+ the :ord >or> o33urring in the e=pression >esta0lished or in3orporated> in Se3tions 2"f#+ 22 and 29 of the 5,C A3t should 0e read as >and>. Fe has su0mitted that the normal meaning of the :ord >esta0lished> is to 0ring into e=isten3e and in order to a6oid the situation :hi3h has 0een 3reated 01 the impugned ena3tment :here o6er %%2 5ni6ersities ha6e 3ome into e=isten3e :ithin a short period of one 1ear of :hi3h man1 do not ha6e an1 @ind of infrastru3ture or tea3hing fa3ilit1+ it :ill 0e in 3onsonan3e :ith the 3onstitutional s3heme that onl1 after esta0lishment of the 0asi3 re<uisites of a 5ni6ersit1 "3lassrooms+ li0rar1+ la0orator1+ offi3es and hostel fa3ilit1 et3.# that it should 0e in3orporated and 3onferred a ;uristi3 personalit1. (he :ord >or> is normall1 dis;un3ti6e and >and> is normall1 3on;un3ti6e 0ut at times the1 are read 6i3e46ersa to gi6e effe3t to the manifest intentions of the legislature+ as dis3losed from the 3onte=t. If literal reading of the :ord produ3es an unintelligi0le or a0surd result >and> ma1 0e read for >or> and >or> ma1 0e read for >and>. "See Prin3iples of Statutor1 Interpretation 01 ,.P. Singh Bth ed. Page 99&+ and also State of /om0a1 6. R-2 Chamar0aug:ala : I%&5BJ%SCRDB) and -a?agaon 2o3@ 6. CI( : I%&5DJ9)I(R9 D"SC# #. 7e are of the opinion that ha6ing regard to the Constitutional s3heme and in order to ensure that the ena3tment made 01 the Parliament+ namel1 5ni6ersit1 ,rants Commission A3t is a0le to a3hie6e the o0;e3ti6e for :hi3h it has 0een made and the 5,C is a0le to perform its duties and responsi0ilities+ and further that the State ena3tment does not 3ome in 3onfli3t :ith the 3entral legislation and 3reate an1 hindran3e or o0sta3le in the :or@ing of the later+ it is ne3essar1 to read the e=pression >esta0lished or in3orporated> as >esta0lished and in3orporated> insofar as the pri6ate 5ni6ersities are 3on3erned. )%. 2r. 2ha:an has also dra:n the attention of the Court to 3ertain other pro6isions of the A3t :hi3h ha6e effe3t outside the State of Chhattisgarh and there01 gi6e the State ena3tment an e=tra territorial operation. Se3tion 2"f# of the amended A3t defines >off43ampus 3enter> :hi3h means a 3enter of the 5ni6ersit1 esta0lished 01 it outside the main 3ampus ":ithin or outside the State# operated and maintained as its 3onstituent unit ha6ing the uni6ersit1>s 3omplement of fa3ilities+ fa3ult1 and staff. Se3tion 2"g# defines >off4shore 3ampus> and it means a 3ampus of the uni6ersit1 esta0lished 01 it outside the 3ountr1+ operated and maintained as its 3onstituent unit+ ha6ing the uni6ersit1>s 3omplement of fa3ilities+ fa3ult1 and staff. Se3tion 9"B# sa1s that the o0;e3t of the 5ni6ersit1 shall 0e to esta0lish main 3ampus in Chhattisgarh and to ha6e the stud1 3enters at different pla3es in India and other 3ountries. In 6ie: of Arti3le 2)5"%# of the Constitution+ Parliament alone is 3ompetent to ma@e la:s for the :hole or an1 part of the territor1 of India and the legislature of a State ma1 ma@e la:s for the :hole or an1 part of the State. (he impugned A3t :hi3h spe3ifi3all1 ma@es a pro6ision ena0ling a 5ni6ersit1 to ha6e an off43ampus 3enter outside the State is 3learl1 0e1ond the legislati6e 3ompeten3e of the Chhattisgarh legislature. )2. (he amending A3t of 200) 3ame into for3e on %B.9.200). Se3tion )"%4A# :hi3h :as inserted 01 this amendment pro6ided that a 5ni6ersit1 alread1 esta0lished in the State under the pro6isions of the Adhini1am shall 3ompl1 :ith the pro6isions of 3lauses "0# to "e# of su04se3tion "%# of Se3tion ) 01 90th

'une+ 200) or else the notifi3ation issued 01 the ,o6ernment under su04se3tion "%# of Se3tion 5 of the Adhini1am shall 0e lia0le to 0e 3an3elled on the re3ommendations of the Regulator1 Commission. (hese pro6isions related to 3reation of an endo:ment fund of Rs.2 3rores and re<uirement of land. It appears that as man1 as 5& 5ni6ersities :ere denotified as the1 did not 3ompl1 :ith the re<uirements of the aforesaid pro6ision. *earned State 3ounsel made a statement that one more 5ni6ersit1 :as proposed to 0e denotified 0ut the same 3ould not 0e done on a33ount of an interim order of Court. -an1 of the pri6ate 5ni6ersities ha6e filed :rit petitions in this Court and also in the Figh Court of Chhattisgarh ":hi3h :ere later on transferred to this Court# 3hallenging the pro6isions of the amending A3t. (he main 3hallenge is regarding proof of 0eing in possession of %5 a3res of land in 3ase the main 3ampus is proposed to 0e esta0lished :ithin the muni3ipal 3orporation limits of Raipur or other:ise 25 a3res of land and to the esta0lishment of an endo:ment fund of Rs.2 3rores. (he prin3ipal ground raised 01 Shri Ra6indra Sri6asta6a and other learned 3ounsel for the 5ni6ersities is that the pro6isions are ar0itrar1+ the 3onditions imposed therein are 6er1 onerous and further su3h 3onditions 3ould not 0e imposed on alread1 e=isting 5ni6ersities. It is also urged that the amending A3t has a retrospe3ti6e operation. In our opinion+ the 3hallenge raised has hardl1 an1 su0stan3e. In order to esta0lish a 5ni6ersit1+ there must 0e ade<uate land on :hi3h the 3ampus ma1 0e made and ne3essar1 infrastru3tural fa3ilities pro6ided. 8o 5ni6ersit1 3an 3ome into e=isten3e :ithout a proper 3ampus :hi3h re<uires land. Similarl1+ for those :ho :ant to esta0lish a 5ni6ersit1+ a sum of Rs.2 3rores is a 6er1 small amount. It :ill 0e seen that Se3tion )"%#"3# pro6ides that endo:ment fund shall 0e used as se3urit1 deposit to ensure that the 5ni6ersit1 3omplies :ith and fun3tions as per the A3t. In A?ee? /asha 6. 5nion of India "supra#+ the histor1 of esta0lishment of Aligarh -uslim 5ni6ersit1 has 0een gi6en. (hough in the 1ear %DBB the Vi3ero1 laid the foundation stone for the esta0lishment of -uhammadan Ango4Oriental College+ Aligarh+ :hi3h o6er a period of time 0e3ame a flourishing institution+ 1et+ :hen a demand :as made to esta0lish a 5ni6ersit1+ the ,o6ernment of India made a 3ondition that at least Rs.90 la@hs must 0e 3olle3ted and thereafter the 5ni6ersit1 :as esta0lished 01 the %&20 A3t. It is e=tremel1 diffi3ult to 6isuali?e the real 6alue and pur3hasing po:er of Rs.90 la@hs of the 1ear %&20 at the present ;un3ture. Aor those :ho :ant to esta0lish a 5ni6ersit1+ a sum of Rs.2 3rores is ;ust a pittan3e. (he fa3t that man1 of the pri6ate 5ni6ersities ha6e 3hallenged the pro6isions of the amending A3t itself sho:s their intention and purpose that the1 do not :ant to 3reate an1 infrastru3ture 0ut :ant to ha6e the right of 3onferring degrees and earn mone1 there01. Fo:e6er+ it is not ne3essar1 to e=amine the 3hallenge raised to the amending A3t in detail+ as :e ha6e alread1 held that Se3tions 5 and are :holl1 ultra 6ires and all notifi3ations issued thereunder notif1ing the 5ni6ersities 0eing in6alid are lia0le to 0e stru3@ do:n. )9. Shri Ra6i Shan@ar Prashad+ learned senior 3ounsel for the State of Chhattisgarh+ has su0mitted that the impugned A3t :as passed in order to attra3t pri6ate 3apital as the State does not ha6e enough funds to esta0lish edu3ational institutions and 5ni6ersities. (he Poli31 of ,o6ernment of India has undergone a 3hange sin3e %&&% and emphasis is on pri6ati?ation. (he A3t :as ena3ted so that fa3ilit1 for higher edu3ation in the State of Chhattisgarh ma1 0e impro6ed and a large 6olume of students ma1 get opportunit1 to pursue higher studies. Fe has also su0mitted that the 5,C itself has made regulations go6erning admission and fee in pri6ate non4aided professional institutions :hi3h ma@es referen3e to ;oint 6enture 0et:een a pri6ate trust or so3iet1 and the State ,o6ernment. (he ena3tment+ it has 0een urged+ is an e=periment in the 3hanging :orld s3enario :here the trend is to:ards glo0ali?ation. *earned 3ounsel has further su0mitted that the amending A3t ma@es it mandator1 that the main 3ampus of the 5ni6ersit1 should 0e situated in the State of Chhattisgarh and the Regulator1 Commission has 0een esta0lished :hi3h :ill ensure a foolproof monitoring of all the pri6ate 5ni6ersities. Fe has urged that Regulation 9.9.% of the 5,C Regulations :hi3h re<uires that off43ampus 3enters or stud1 3enters shall 0e set up :ith the prior appro6al of 5,C and that of the State ,o6ernment :here the 3enter is proposed to 0e opened+ is ultra 6ires. )). (here is hardl1 an1 merit in the su0mission raised. (he impugned A3t :hi3h ena0les onl1 a proposal of a sponsoring 0od1 to 0e notified as a 5ni6ersit1 is not li@el1 to attra3t pri6ate 3apital and a 5ni6ersit1 so notified 3annot pro6ide edu3ation of an1 @ind mu3h less of good <ualit1 to a large 0od1 of students. 7hat is ne3essar1 is a3tual esta0lishment of institutions ha6ing all the infrastru3tural fa3ilities and <ualified tea3hers to tea3h there. Onl1 su3h 3olleges or institutions :hi3h impart <ualit1 edu3ation allure the 0est students. 5ntil su3h institutions are esta0lished :hi3h pro6ide high le6el of tea3hing and other fa3ilities li@e :ell e<uipped li0raries and la0oratories and a good a3ademi3 atmosphere+ good students

:ould not 0e attra3ted. In the 3urrent s3enario+ students are prepared to go to an1 3orner of the 3ountr1 for getting good edu3ation. 7hat is ne3essar1 is a large num0er of good 3olleges and institutions and not 5ni6ersities :ithout an1 tea3hing fa3ilit1 0ut ha6ing the authorit1 to 3onfer degrees. If good institutions are esta0lished for pro6iding higher edu3ation+ the1 3an 0e 3onferred the status of a deemed 5ni6ersit1 01 the Central ,o6ernment in a33ordan3e :ith Se3tion 9 of 5,C A3t or the1 3an 0e affiliated to the alread1 e=isting 5ni6ersities. (he impugned A3t has neither a3hie6ed nor is 3apa0le of a3hie6ing the o0;e3t sought to 0e pro;e3ted 01 the learned 3ounsel as it ena0les a proposal alone 0eing notified as a 5ni6ersit1. )5. As a 3onse<uen3e of the dis3ussion made and the findings re3orded that the pro6isions of Se3tions 5 and of the A3t are ultra 6ires and the ,a?ette 8otifi3ations notif1ing the 5ni6ersities are lia0le to 0e <uashed+ all su3h 5ni6ersities shall 3ease to e=ist. Shri Amarendra Sharan+ learned Additional Soli3itor ,eneral has su0mitted that the 5,C had 3ondu3ted an in<uir1 and it :as found that most of the 5ni6ersities :ere non4e=istent+ 0ut the report :as not pla3ed 0efore the Court as the 3omplete e=er3ise had not 0een done. *earned 3ounsel for the 5ni6ersities ha6e seriousl1 disputed this fa3t and ha6e su0mitted that the 5ni6ersities are fun3tioning. 7e ha6e not gone into this <uestion as it is purel1 fa3tual. In order to prote3t the interests of the students :ho ma1 0e a3tuall1 stud1ing in the institutions esta0lished 01 su3h pri6ate 5ni6ersities+ it is dire3ted that the State ,o6ernment ma1 ta@e appropriate measures to ha6e su3h institutions affiliated to the alread1 e=isting State 5ni6ersities in Chhattisgarh. 7e are issuing this dire3tion @eeping in mind the interest of the students and also Se3tions 99 and 9) of the A3t+ :hi3h 3ontemplate dissolution of the sponsoring 0od1 and li<uidation of a 5ni6ersit1 :hereunder responsi0ilit1 has to 0e assumed 01 the State ,o6ernment. It is+ ho:e6er+ made 3lear that the 0enefit of affiliation of an institution shall 0e e=tended onl1 if it fulfills the re<uisite norms and standards laid do:n for su3h purpose and not to e6er1 @ind of institution. Regarding te3hni3al+ medi3al or dental 3olleges+ et3. affiliation ma1 0e a33orded if the1 ha6e 0een esta0lished after fulfilling the pres3ri0ed 3riteria laid do:n 01 the All India Coun3il of (e3hni3al $du3ation+ -edi3al Coun3il of India+ 2ental Coun3il of India or an1 other statutor1 authorit1 and :ith their appro6al or san3tion as pres3ri0ed 01 la:. ) . In 6ie: of the dis3ussions made a0o6e+ 7rit Petition "C# 8o.%& of 200) "Prof. Yashpal and Ors. 6. State of Chhattisgarh and Ors.# and 7rit Petition "C# 8o.5 5 of 2009 ",opal;i Agar:al 6. 5nion of India and Ors.# are allo:ed and pro6isions of Se3tion 5 and of the Chhattisgarh 8i;i .shetra Vish:a6id1ala1a "Sthapana Aur Vini1aman# Adhini1am+ 2002 are de3lared to 0e ultra 6ires and are stru3@ do:n. As a 3onse<uen3e of su3h de3laration+ all notifi3ations issued 01 the State ,o6ernment in the ,a?ette in the purported e=er3ise of po:er under Se3tion 5 of the aforesaid A3t notif1ing the 5ni6ersities "in3luding respondent nos.9 to &)# are <uashed and su3h 5ni6ersities shall 3ease to e=ist. If an1 institutions ha6e 0een esta0lished 01 su3h 5ni6ersities+ steps ma1 0e ta@en for their affiliation to alread1 e=isting State 5ni6ersities in a33ordan3e :ith the dire3tion 3ontained in paragraph )5 a0o6e. Parties :ould 0e at li0ert1 to approa3h the Figh Court if an1 dispute arises in implementation of this dire3tion. All 7rit Petitions+ Ci6il Appeals and (ransferred Cases filed 01 the pri6ate 5ni6ersities are dismissed. )B. /efore parting :ith the 3ase+ :e :ould li@e to pla3e on re3ord our appre3iation of the 6alua0le assistan3e rendered 01 Shri Ra@esh 2:i6edi+ :ho appeared on the Court>s re<uest as an ami3us 3uriae. LegalCrystal - Indian Law Search Engine -

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