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Rhodesia, Africa

The Frasure's: Dr. Jim, Joyce, Michael, Kathy, Cindy,

and Beth Anne


January 1977

Dear Christian Friends,

.. .


By the time you receive this newsletter we will be back in Rhodesia, free from the winter of

the Midwest. As we enter the final hectic days of preparation to return to Chidainoyo the heavy snows press down upon us. Fortunately all of our reporting to you, our supporters, has been
done and only local travel is necessary to effect final details. Unfortunately some of these details require getting out in the weather and onto bad roads for such things as getting our crates to

the shipper's for shipment to Rhodesia, last-minute purchases of luggage, and the purchasing of some needed airplane and medical supplies. Lord willing it should all be done by the 19th of January in
anticipation of departure on the 20th.

We expect to be back in Rhodesia by^the 23rd of January which is summer in the southern part of Africa. Needless to say we are anxious to refiirn to our work and renew acqiiaintenances with old friends. The work at Chidamoyo carries on in our absence for which we are grateful. However Dr._Cobb is needing a reprieve after having the responsibility of the hospital since our leaving in
April '76.

Bill Harrison writes that a new airstrip has been opened at Jema in anticipation of an extension to our medical/church work. This trip, about 15 minutes flying time away from Chidamoyo, has been a long time in development but finally after some help from local government authorities the
strip has been graded and readied for use. This will give us an opportunity to further extend into an

adjacent area with the Word. Thanks for people like Bill Harrison and the African people who are
willing to work for such projects.

We do ask for your prayers of concern for us as we return to Rhodesia. Frequently we think of
prayer as a secondary activity when in fact it can activate the most powerful force, God's action and intervention, in the whole world. Rhodesia is a place of paUJueajUuirest at present, and we are returning in spite of some advice to the contrary. W-^helieve that God has a place for us there at

this time, and we are willing to do what He wills. The African people with whom we are working are still needingJesus and the time is-NOW to tell of Him. Hold us up in prayer as we return to carry
on the work at Chidamoyo. - ,

We rejoice at your continued faithfulness in stewardship. Our tickets are paid for and anticipated expenses when we return are provided for. Praise God for providing through you.
In His glad service,

James S. Frasure, M.D.

"and He sent them to preach the Kingdom of God, and to heal the sick." Luke 9:2

Field Address; Box 330, Karoi, Rhodesia

U.S. Address: 1601 Walnut St., Dover, Ohio 44622



Rhodesia, Africa

River in flood near Chidamoyo"

March 1977

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Dear Co-Workej^m Christ,

We have^ived_in Rhodesia and are settling into the routine,of work at Chidamoyo. Our arrival was greeted by mission friends when we got off the plane at Salisbury on January 23. It is ;
good to be back in Rhodesia after our nine month absence. _

The weather which greeted us was also a welcome relief from the cold of mid-America.
From sub-zero temperatures we were met with 80-90 temperatures during the day, accompanied by the ever present afternoon thundershower. Til trade snow for rain any day. Since we have returned to Chidamoyo the rains have continued and numerous rivers are in flood. The African people are not complaining, however, as the rains are much needed for the crops. Needless to say everything is looking green and luSh. Work at the hospital did not permit us to "ease" into the work as sick people were there to meet us the very first day. After being out of the operating room for over 10 months, I was thrust back into it in a hurry, with bowel obstructions, hernias, burns and other minor operations the order of the day. Dr. is glad to see us back to help out. Maryleah Fleener, who accompanied us to Chidamoyo from Indiana, is now working as our hospital secretary while Judy Picket returns for furlough in the USA. We are surely glad she is here and really getting into the work at the hospital. Clinic work continues to grow. Mr. Sithole and Bill Harrison have used the plane and

medicine as effective tools in encouraging church growth and helping people in this district. Five
more people were baptized at Tchoda jast week, which is further evidence of growth.

These are troubled times in Rhodesia. In spite ofrecent reports inthe newspaper about

missionaries being killed, our area is&ee from such activities, and we are free to visit
where we desire without fear. How Ipng this will last, only God knows. Hence, the necessity of

working now. Pray for us as we worl here; for strength, for courage, and for the church.
. In His Service,

Dr. James Frasure

"and He sent them to preach the Kingdom of God, and to heat the sick." Luke 9:2

Field Address: Box 330, Karoi, Rhodesia

U.S. Address: 1601 Walnut St., Dover, Ohio 44622


Rhodesia, Africa

'Baptism at Gwazi"

April 1977

Dear Co-Workers for Christ,

Greetings from Chidamoyo at this time of our Lord's Resurrection. We have reason for rejoicing as we have seen definite growth in some of our local churches. During the first part of this last month I was privileged to be at Gwazi where during one of their services sixteen adults were bap tized into Christ. This is representative of the growth this congregation has experienced in recent weeks. From an attendance of 20-25 per week, they have grown to 80-100 per week. A new church shelter is being erected by ttie local people, and Bible studies have been initiated. The interest of local church leaders at Chidamoyo and the help of the missionaries have really given these Christians a "shot in the arm." We rejoice with them in their growth and enthusiasm. We attended a recent medical conference at Bulawayo for four days. These times of "recharging
our batteries" medically are most important as it permits us to see new slants on medicine and especially how it is practiced in rural Rhodesia. The rather close relationship that exists among the medical profession in Rhodesia makes dissemination of information and medical care easier especially the care of African patients. We see enough strEinge diseases here that require the best of our ability that other opinions are appreciated. Fortunately we have had a good rainy season. In our last letter I mentioned that the rain was coming in "buckets". It has let up some now, but the ever present shower is still with us. The people are happy for the maize looks good, and starvation should not be a problem. The rain has caused a bit of havoc with our clinics however. On several occasions we have had to stay overnight at clinics because of rain. Sometimes a farm house is available, while at other times only the airplane or a smoky hut is the shelter. The mosquitos really do "eat you alive". Small wonder the people get malaria. Our family is doing well. The kids seem to thrive in the sunshine and freedom of play around the mission. They are looking fonvard to school being let out for the holidays. In Rhodesia there
are three vacation periods of 4 to 6 weeks, spaced throu^out the year. The first one of this year is coming up in April-May. This means they will be able to go to Salisbury and other places
with us and not miss school.

Continue to pray for us. These are still troubled times in Rhodesia, and patience is called for. Our finances are holding up well at the hospital. Unfortunately we have had some heavy personal expenses for car repairs and shipping costs which have not been met. We ask you to hold us up financially as well as spiritudly as we work here.
In His Service,

Dt. James Frasure

"and He sent them to preach the Kingdom of God, and to heat the sick." Luke 9:1

Field Address: Box 330, Karoi, Rhodesia

U.S. Address: 1601 Walnut St., Dover, Ohio 44622


Rhodesia, Africa

-J.'d'rf." 'Chidamoyo Hospital African Staff

October 1977 NEWSLETTER

Dear Christian Friends, The spring weather of south of the equator is descending upon us again. HOT, HOT! I with lots of dust and brown vegetation. There is no transition period between winter with its cool nights

and spring with its heat. Within two weeks in August we go from winter to spring-time heat. Fortunately we see a green tree here and there poking its leaves out letting us know that the green
of summer is not too far away and the rain that goes with it. These last several months have really been busy for us at Chidamoyo. Hospital load has increased with many patients with pneumonia and others with needed surgery. We operate 4-5 days a week anymore just to keep up. It seems that the word has gotten out that Chidamoyo is the center for hernia repairs and cataract extraction. The patients just keep coming in with these problems. Deliveries are up 25% over the first of the year which means more work and babies. More mothers are coming to the hospital for delivery instead of staying at home.

Since the Bill Harrision family returned to the USA the job of^t^ clinicsJ^s f^len to me.

WOW!! have I been busy. The clinics have grown under Bill's hand and Mr. Sithole's (ciinic nurse)
efforts and this has been good. But it means that I have to spread myself pretty thin sometimes to cover hospital and clinics. In order to "touch all bases" we have had to cut the clinic visits back

from weekly toi^weeklv. Hopefully this will still be of help to these people. The Churches at
th^clmics seem to be doing fairly well but constantly need encour^ement.

An addition to our staff at Chidamoyo has been the Hugh Fender family, Hugh and Betty (children
are grown) have been in Rhodesia for 5 years and have just recently moved to Chidamoyo to work in Church growth and Bible teaching. It means there is someone working fulltime with the local church and helping to coordinate our other church activities. Signs of activity among churches are already apparent. Hugh and Betty's Bible knowledge are real additions. For them we are grateful. The various news reports on Rhodesia are disturbing at times. However Chidamoyo has been
spared the unrest found elsewhere in the country. We are one of the few areas where there are

no restrictions on travel and work activities. We are sure the Lord is saying this time for us to get on with the work at hand. Your prayers are lu^ently needed for the African people and missionaries

Your continued support continues to sustain us. All bills are paid and credit is good. Without your

faithfulness this could not be possible, l^t us rejoice together for God's richest blessings now and
those promised. "
In His Service,

Dr. James Frasure

"and He sent them to preach the Kingdom of God, and to heal die sick." Luke 9:2

Field Address: Box 330, Karoi, Rhodesia

U.S. Address: 1601 Walnut St., Dover, Ohio 44622


, V.--


(Dr. Gj



Rhodesia, Africa

'Clinic Building at Gumunyu'

November 1977 NEWSLETTER

Dear Christian Friends,

Summer has descended upon us in a hurry. We are experiencing some of the hottest weather we have seen in a long time. Temperatures have been up to 110%. Everyone is lethargic. Even the refrigerators are unable to cope with the heat. We even enjoy going into the operating room because our only air conditioner is there are it does cool us down a bit. Hopefully this is a prelude to the rainy season to come soon. The ground is still very dry and brown but several trees are starting to sprout new leaves. Work at the hospital continues to be busy. This last month has seen our obstetric ward especially full and busy. We were doing a C-section on a mother about every other day for 2-3 weeks. That along with other general and other surgical cases keeps us "hopping". We are happy that we can help people here and trust that you receive a blessing from that knowledge also. In spite of unrest in the country, new life, disease, and death take no holidays. We recently had a successful men's meeting of local church leaders. Mr. Hugh Fender led a two day session on the responsibilities, qualifications, and needs of the elders, deacons, and ministers. During these times we believe it is imperative that local church men see their responsibilities and act accordingly. Within the next two weeks there is to be an election of new church officers here at Chidamoyo. We are encouraging the African Christians to act responsibly. One October weekend was a time of happiness and rejoicing. A young African woman who has lived with Miss Margaret Dennis for the last few years was married. It is always a big event to have a Church wedding. Lots of well-wishers as well as sightseers were present. The event is an all day affair with the wedding service in the morning, followed by eating of the noon meal which is provided by the bride and groom, and the giving of gifts in the afternoon. A very
stiring experience but one enjoyed by all. We ask you to continue to hold us up in prayer and financial support here at Chidamoyo.

These are trying times and require courage. It is difficult to plan ahead but we believe that the Lord is continuing to use us. We do appreciate the letters of encouragement which we have
received from many of you. In His Service,

Dr. James Erasure

"and He sent them to preach the Kingdom of God, and to heal the sick." Luke 9:2

Field Address; Box 330, Karoi, Rhodesia

U.S. Address: 1601 Walnut St., Dover, Ohio 44622

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