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surrealisms capacity to produce these images - organization of image - cognitively ! dependent on cinema and photography to develop - experience of cinema and ! ! irrationality of cinema - removing of narrative logic | when photographs took over as ! historic proof painting can just be painting - painting can explore itself on its own termS! 1. when painting is relieved from the responsibility of representation - it can then exist for itself as painting ! 2. surrealist photography depicts unrealistic - random - irrational - dreamlike scenarios ! 3. affect of tech development in one area doesn't necessarily always mean incorporating the medium, but it does ask us to reconsider the purpose and the place of specic genres of art such as painting! Kino-eye - un-staged cinema versus the human eye which isn't unwavering! 1. Un Chien Andalou - dream! 2. La Jetee - Memory - past consisting only of a series of images that have become ! autonomous - the inclusion of the past that lives on within the hero as an image! Benjamin = aura, reproducibility of the image, original - Aura is dissolved with ! ! mechanical reproduction - Quantity, or the amount of people who see/acknowledge an ! image is more valuable than the quality! the plasticity of the real"! 1. Mona Lisa - the icon - uncoupled by the signier and the signied / fragility in !! reproduction / what is qualitative about the image that is innitely reproducible"/ Social economy of the original! 2. Socialist realism - Manipulating the object - manipulate the world - edited out of ! reality"idealized and mass mediated images - identical images of mau's face - ! repeated until it itself becomes an icon! 3. Andy warhols soup paintings - iconic through quantity Losing its aura - gaining ! something else ! 4. Thomas Ruff - what do these images allow us to see in but his compression - !! compression & recompression - materiality of digital images! 5. Richard Prince - associations and structures of mass media with cultural presence ! 6. Google Glass - the ltering of reality through another image - -society of the ! ! spectacle - spectatorship - cultural literacy - audience a citizenship"! ! the interface is a diagram for which the loop of signication is returned. - the interface ! performs itself - in other words - the interface performs the thing that it represents ! -drones - ! 1. New aesthetic - tumblr blog - the machine vision - until we understand what kind of ! noise we can make with an instrument- we don't understand it! 2. database aesthetics - without narrative - reorganize reality and reconstruct - database ! 3. augmented reality - Matsuda"- gives the illusion of control and veracity -! ! the way information is organized or performed becomes the style ! empty diagram - the outcome ! parameters! chance operations- outcome is unknown! programming gesture- data is performed ! Process uncoding and recoding - process is the art! chance operations - diagrams - program vs unknowable result ! operations of calculations and folding!

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seattle public library - OMA - PARAMETRICS - the buildings architecture performs the ! data that makes it. - in other words - the design outcome is dictated by the data. Th! !

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