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Pioneer Programme - Highlight Report

The Highlight Report is used to keep the Senior Responsible Owner and the Programme Board (and all other interested parties) informed and involved. It provides summary information about the status of the project on a monthly basis. It is used to advise the Leadership Team of any potential problems or areas where they could help. PLEASE NOTE THAT IF THE PROJECT IS ON TARGET IN TERMS OF SAVINGS TARGET THEN YOU DO NOT NEED TO FILL OUT ANY PART OF THIS FORM BEYOND THE PROJECT RATING (RAG).

Cornwall Council, NHS Kernow and Age UK Pioneer programme

Senior Responsible Owner (SRO):
This will usually be a member of DLT

Paul Masters Joy Youart Tracey Roose Emma Rowse 24/2/2014

Project Manager:
This will be the person nominated by the Senior Responsible Owner to deliver the project

Emma Rowse/Ian Gulland Janet Popham Scott Bennett TBC 8/1/14 24/2/14

Report Completed By: Date & Version of this report: Summary

Lead Management Accountant: Reporting Period:

Please refer to the reporting timetable

Our shared vision People are able to live the lives they want to the best of their ability Our shared outcomes 1. 2. 3. Improved health and wellbeing Improved experience of care and support Reduced cost of care and support

The concept of better health, better care and lower per capita cost has become an emboldening principle of system improvement around the world (The Institute for Healthcare Improvement 2013). It is now internationally recognised that to achieve a sustainable health and social care system it is necessary to deliver on all three aims. WP Description: Putting people first As a result of this programme, the people of Cornwall will be able to say: 1. 2. 3. I only have to tell my story once You understand what is important to me I get the information I need at the right time to make the choices that are right for me 4. I am able to decide what help I need and know how to access it 5. I understand the costs of care, what money is available and how to make the best use of it 6. I am able to achieve my goals 7. I feel in control 8. Those around me and looking after me get help too 9. I know what to expect at any time 10. I can live the life I want

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Success Stories

January 2014 Risk stratification for secondary care agreed locally February 2013 - Minister for Health and Social Care, Norman Lamb visit Cornwall to celebrate the work of the Newquay pathfinder and understand our Pioneer journey to date February 2014 A narrative on the first year from Newquay Pathfinder shows measureable benefit across the three outcomes February 2014 Cabinet Office have agreed funding for Social Finance capacity to support Cornwalls Pioneer February 2014 - Risk stratification for primary care agreed locally February 2014 First draft performance metrics produced

Project Rating (RAG)

This month


Previous month


Green Under control and within tolerance Amber Out of tolerance and with a plan in place to bring back under control Red Out of tolerance with no current approved plan Direction of travel: <Better, Worse, Unchanged> The programme has moved forward during the period with the development of the Penwith locality team, outcomes/intelligence group, asset utilisation, stakeholder engagement and communications work Whole system mandate was withdrawn by Councils SRO pending review and updating during this period. Ian Gulland now taking ownership of this process with a view to representing mandate during March Pioneer stocktake with Department of Health was positive and has improved the support available for Cornwall


Top risks for the project likelihood x impact = total (5x5 corporate matrix) No Risk Description Likelihood Impact total Mitigating Action

Strategic risks 1 Culture of risk aversion and organisational protectionism will stop leaders taking brave and bold decisions and allowing practitioners to make and learn from mistakes The Health and Wellbeing Board does not provide required leadership and resource to the Pioneer programme 2 5 10 Leadership summit has signed up to programme and committed resource Financial modelling work commissioned Agreed that highlight reports will go to Board meeting Respond to peer challenge is addressing this risk Leadership Summit have agreed scope of the programme is whole population and population wellness Locality group is meeting regularly

2 5 10

Pioneer programme is seen as an older people/long-term conditions issue and therefore does not have organisational visibility or support within the council Our collective workforce does not commit to behavioural and cultural change



Delivery risks

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Top risks for the project likelihood x impact = total (5x5 corporate matrix) No 6 Risk Description Key staff leaving the Pioneer programme Likelihood 5 3 Impact 15 total Mitigating Action Suitable replacements required to be confirmed allowing time for a robust handover prior to departure Outcomes/Intelligence work-stream have identified draft measures and evaluation programme National stock-take with Jon Rouse on 27th Jan was positive and resulted in allocation of SRO from Monitor and possibility of funding to support specific asks CCG leading on development of locality model and knowledge transfer and identifying key individuals to lead specific pieces of work Resources discussion taking place at strategic steering group on 28 Febrary 2014

Need to ensure Penwith Pioneer is fully evaluated with whole system sign-up to metrics and financial modelling Need to be clear about national asks and end point for Pioneer draft agreed; need to clarify how we influence on this nationally and that we have bottom line position nailed


Communication and knowledge transfer required to be developed between Pioneer team and business as usual system



Agree capacity for individuals across system to be part of this programme


Project dependencies Project dependent on Savings programme in ACHW Description of connection Making sure we dont withdraw or reduce services which are required in the future to deliver integrated services The Pioneer programme will require an IT interoperability solution to facilitate effective information sharing Mitigation Date

Interoperability project

Progress Since Last Report

Accomplished in this period:

Setting the environment: Presented update to Leadership Summit Briefed Cornwalls MPs Presented to Voluntary Sector Commissioning Board Led ministerial visit from Norman Lamb Pioneer national: Attended national Pioneer measurement and evaluation workshop Attended national Pioneer change management workshop Conference call with Department of Health Intelligence team about developing people experience survey

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Conference call with Public Health England to understand their support offer

Pioneer local: Understanding and communicating Newquay results and evidence Supporting Volunteer Cornwall to develop Big Lottery Fulfilling Lives submission and making the links to Pioneer Exploring membership programme, metrics and marking of international programmes in Alaska and San Diego and learning from Cornwall Pioneer Integrating commissioning Work Stream Agreed workshop design with Leadership Summit Produced scoping document for financial modelling work The Strategic Commissioning Group met on 31st January Outcomes and intelligence work stream The group had a scoping workshop and agreed terms of reference on 17 January Second meeting of the group on 19 February, supported by Social Finance produced first draft of the performance metrics Evaluation and research pieces are being coordinated Practices have received their Risk Stratification Lists Information governance and technology work stream The group has scoped out the data flows to enable risk stratification at primary care level Scope the information requirements for Penwith Scope and Objectives of this work programme The group is merging with the countywide IG group chaired by Barbara Gregory Workforce development work stream The operational locality team has met regularly and have planned a reflective workshop between Newquay and Penwith practitioners for 25 February Series of 10 workshops for wider practitioner team scheduled for March/April 2014 People and Stakeholder Engagement Work Stream. The coms team has developed a range of publications and a rolling video booth so that people can describe their experiences and we have approved a core script for Pioneer Local community conversations being planned with groups in Penwith Met with a collaboration of Housing providers to see how they can support Pioneer and integrating them into Pioneer Asset Utilisation Work Stream The group met on 12th February and are further exploring plans for colocation
Not accomplished & why: Deliverables for next period:


Tasks to be completed for reporting period from: 24 February 2014 to 31 March 2014 Setting the Environment Preparing for Select Committee submission Development of financial modelling work as requested by Leadership Summit National Pioneer National Pioneer Senior Responsible Officer allocated as Catherine Pollard

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Director of Monitor National workshop on Information Governance attended on 28 February Organising to support Kent/Medway Pioneer site for a conference being organised in May 2014 Agreed date for Health and Wellbeing Board conference in June Agreed to host colleagues from integrated care system in New Zealand

Penwith Pioneer Locality workshop and development of series of workshops Drawing down additional funding to support capacity building in VCS activities Integrating commissioning Work Stream Develop first workshop for group Outcomes and intelligence work stream Finalise metrics against the triple aim for Penwith Finalise evaluation and research options facilitated by Public Health England Information governance and technology work stream Attend information governance workshop to understand learning from other Pioneer sites Set up first meeting and agree objectives of this work programme Workforce development work stream Strategic workforce group being planned for March People and Stakeholder Engagement Work Stream. Planning a series of engagement events across Penwith with town and parish councils to be led by Cornwall Council elected members Run community asset speed dating event Develop user and carer involvement in co-production of the service A values mapping exercise is being planned, this will identify the values of the people of Cornwall and the values of the people working in Health, Social Care and the VCS Asset Utilisation Work Stream Identify funding for potential shared office

Progress Reporting CURRENT Plan

Workstream / Project Development of Pioneer Review of resource to manage Pioneer Creation and delivery of Penwith Pioneer Integrated commissioning Shared outcomes & metrics Jan 14 Jan 14 Ongoing April 14 March/ April 14 Workshop planned for later March Metrics continue to be developed during March Ongoing discussion with academic health network through public health and Nuffield. Decisions by end March 2014 Jan 14 Feb 14 Feb 14 March 14 Discussion at strategic steering group Feb 2014 Planned Start Planned Finish Revised Start Revised Finish Actual Start Actual Finish

Evaluation and research

Dec 13

March 14

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Information governance and technology Stakeholder engagement Communications Workforce

Jan 14


Ongoing review as part of strategic group

March 14 Jan 14 Dec 14

Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Dec 14 Materials being produced and communication tools explored Ongoing locality meetings in Penwith with strategic worksforce group to be started in March 14 Ongoing discussion in Penwith locality about co-location of multidisciplinary team

Asset Utilisation

Feb 14


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