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Online Indian legal format of General Power of Attorney for a property drafted by our online Indian legal advisor BE KNOWN TO A B! T"E#E P$E#ENT# T"AT I%&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& '(ereinafter )alled t(e E*E+,TANT-% do (ereby appoint% nominate% aut(ori.e and )onstitute &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&as my true legal and lawful General Attorney in respe)t of my property bearing number&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& wit( t(e free (old rig(ts of t(e land under t(e said flat/ I (ereby empower my above named attorney to do t(e following a)ts% deeds and t(ings in my name and on my be(alf0& 1/ To 2anage% +ontrol and supervise t(e aforesaid flat in all respe)t% to sign t(e #ale 3eed and to get t(e same registered wit( t(e $egistration Aut(orities/ #(e )an sign all 4inds of forms5affidavit5underta4ings do)uments et)/ w(i)( are ne)essary on my be(alf/ #(e )an also obtain supplemental re)tifi)ation 3eed for t(is flat in due )ourse/ To enter into sale agreement% to re)eive earnest money% part payment if any and to e7e)ute t(e said sale agreement and re)eive final )onsideration amount in (is own name/ To e7e)ute t(e #ale 3eed% sign% verify and present t(e same for registration in t(e offi)e of t(e #ub $egistrar% 3el(i to admit its e7e)ution% to re)eive t(e sale )onsideration% give statements and do all ot(er a)ts deeds and t(ings w(i)( are ne)essary for t(e same/
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To apply and obtain t(e ne)essary sale permission t(roug( t(e NO OB:E+TION +E$TI;I+ATE from t(e )on)erned departments/ To enter into $ent Agreement in respe)t of t(e aforesaid flat or its part% to e7e)ute $ent Agreement% to re)eive advan)e% to re)eive se)urity% to issue rent re)eipt% to deliver possession to get t(e tenant evi)ted t(roug( t(e pro)ess of law or by negotiation% to ta4e ba)4 possession of t(e aforesaid flat/ To obtain permission for selling t(is flat from t(e )ompetent Aut(ority in (is favour or (is nominee and fulfill ne)essary formalities in t(is regard/ To sign all 4inds of pres)ribed forms5affidavit5underta4ing5 do)ument on my be(alf/ To get t(e aforesaid flat transferred and mutated in t(e re)ord of t(e )on)erned aut(ority/ To e7e)ute a WI regarding t(is flat in favour of any person of (is )(oi)e/ In t(at t(e WI e7e)uted by me regarding t(is very flat s(all be deemed to (ave been )an)elled5wit(drawn/ To submit a building plan for additional and alterations on t(e said flat and to submit ne)essary estimates et)/ for t(e purpose/ To deposit "ouse Ta7% Ele)tri)ity and Water +(arges or any ot(er dues and demands to t(e )on)erned aut(ority/ ;or any of t(e aforesaid purposes% to do t(e following a)ts deeds and t(ings under (is own signatures0& To reply to t(e letters and noti)es% to ma4e )orresponden)e% to ma4e representations% to ma4e petitions/ to sign% e7e)ute submit and present forms et)/ to sign% submit and e7e)ute affidavits de)larations% indemnity Bonds% #urety% Bonds% underta4ings% No obBe)tion et)/ To produ)e do)uments and to give statements/
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To e7e)ute% sign and present all 4inds of suits% plaints )omplaints% Appeals% $evision% #tatement% Appli)ations% in )onne)tion wit( t(e aforesaid flat and its management/ To pro)eed wit( t(e )ondu)t of all )ourt pro)eedings for t(is flat and its management and appoint an advo)ate for t(e purpose/ To )ompromise )ompound or wit(draw )ourt )ases% to appoint ar)(ite)tures to pro)eed wit( arbitration pro)eedings% to engage lawyers% to deposit and wit(draw money% to e7e)ute de)ree% to re)eive and re)over t(e de)rial amount% issue re)eipts and to ta4e ne)essary steps for t(e purpose/ To appoint anyone else as furt(er General Attorney wit( su)( power as are )onsidered ne)essary by (is for t(is flat and to delegate all t(ese powers on t(e said attorney/ I admit t(at t(is General Power of Attorney s(all remain irrevo)able under all )ir)umstan)es/ I% t(e E7e)utant (ave also e7e)uted an Agreement to sell in respe)t of t(e said flat and on t(e reCuest of t(e said pur)(aser/ I (ave e7e)uted a General Power of Attorney in favour of t(e said &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&so as to )on)lude t(e sale after t(e registration of +onveyan)e 3eed of t(e said flat in (is favour or in favour of (is nominees and I also (ereby ratify and )onfirm t(at all a)ts% deeds and t(ings done by t(e said Attorney for t(is flat s(all be binding on me in all respe)ts/

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IN WITNE## W"E$E O; I (ave e7e)uted t(is General Power of Attorney at New 3el(i on t(is&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&day of &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&in t(e presen)e of t(e following witnesses/ WITNE 1/ E*E+,TANT
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