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365 Quick-N-Easy Health Tips for Everyday of the Year

Jill Frankel

Learn one simple health tip every day of the year.

365 Health Tips

Tips are categorized into subject areas so that you can choose the ones youd like for specific projects. The categories include: General Health Insomnia Exercise Managing Chronic Illness or Health Conditions Mental Health Skin Care Teeth Allergies Blood Pressure Tips First Aid Diet and Weight Loss Holiday Health Pet Health Workplace Health

General Health
1. Do everything in moderation and that includes eating, drinking, exercising and taking supplements and vitamins. 2. Drink 8-9 glasses of water a day if youre a woman; 12-13 if male. Water gets rid of toxins by flushing them through your kidneys. People age more quickly when chronically dehydrated which describes the average North American today. 3. Drink more water when exercising at least 1 cups. More if your exercise is aerobic. If you have diarrhea, be sure to keep up your water intake dehydration is the biggest danger (particularly with the elderly). Drink more in hot weather, too. 4. Drink more water if you are pregnant or nursing. (10 cups for pregnant women; 13 for nursing mothers.) 5. Eat raw leafy greens and fruits that have been thoroughly washed for maximum nutrition value. Heating destroys nutrients, so eat raw whenever possible except for meat. 6. Women should eat no more than 60g carbohydrate per day for optimal health. If you fall asleep after meals, its most likely carb overload but see your doctor to make sure its not diabetes. 7. Avoid processed foods they increase your risk of colon and bowel cancer, contribute to weight gain; plus they often contain dubious additives (and lots of sugar). 8. Shop from the outer produce and meat aisles in your grocery store. Youll be making the right choices and choosing lots of natural fiber, which your body needs for good colon health (and lower cholesterol). 9. Watch for unhealthy or empty additives like sugar or cornstarch in all the food you buy. Dont assume that something saying milk is 100% pure milk, or tha t herb teas contain only herbs. You may be shocked at how many additives you find in food you thought was pure. 10. Dont eat when watching TV or reading. People tend to bolt food down without paying attention when involved in these activities. Eating becomes emotional (connected with relaxation and reward) and this leads to comfort eating. 11. Eat slowly, take small mouthfuls and chew your food well. Concentrate on what youre eating. Not only will you enjoy your food more, youll be less likely to suffer heartburn or indigestion and less likely to overeat. 12. Buy organic fresh produce whenever you can. Produce that is not organic is often sprayed with pesticides, genetically modified, gas-ripened and coated with waxes. 13. Dont skip meals. It creates the illusion of dieting so that you tend to eat more later plus it lowers your resistance to temptation later, when you suddenly realize youre hungry.

14. Eat sufficient protein for the day. The average 140lb woman needs at least 52g; pregnant women always 10g more. There are many ways to calculate protein per body weight, but the easiest method is to multiply your actual weight by .37. 15. Dont decrease your protein when dieting! Instead, decrease fats OR carbs. Eat more leafy vegetables and low-carb fruits (berries, melon). If you are dropping your carbs, you should actually increase your protein. 16. Avoid extreme diets. The body needs fats, carbs and protein for optimal health. To short yourself out in any one area can be risky. 17. Be aware that your brain needs fats to function. Use good fat low in poly-unsaturates, such as olive oil. 18. Wash all fresh produce thoroughly. Be aware that nowadays a quick rinse under the tap may not be enough. 19. Do your best to get the proper amount of sleep (minimum 7 hours per night). Go to bed on time. Switch off the light. Get into the habit of doing this at the same time every night it can really help you avoid insomnia. 20. Drink Tart Cherry Juice. Did you know tart cherry juice reduces muscle soreness naturally? Add a glass of cherry juice to your workout routine.

21. Try a glass of hot milk with a small pinch of ground nutmeg if you cant sleep. The amino acids in the milk acts like a natural sedative. (Dont bring the milk to a boil; take it off the burner just as it starts to sizzle round the edges, if youre heating it on the stovetop.) 22. Try reading an old favorite before bed if you have insomnia not an exciting new book. Old favorites tend to relax us which can often put our nervous systems into the required parasympathetic state and send us to sleep. 23. Treat yourself to a massage, reflexology treatment, Reiki treatment or the like: This too will relax you and help you function better. 24. Add any form of exercise that calls for slow, rhythmic breathing to your daily routine. Not breathing deeply enough actually causes or aggravates many health conditions such as stress, digestive difficulties, depression and insomnia. 25. Take vitamin D supplements during the winter months, if you live in a colder climate. Our bodies naturally synthesize vitamin D from the sunlight, and during winter months we often go to work in the dark and come home in the dark. Take no more than 250 micrograms daily (10,000 IU). 26. Look into light therapy, if you suffer from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), depression or insomnia that is noticeably worse in the winter months. 27. Bananas are natural sedatives (perhaps because one banana contains 27g carbohydrates).

28. Exercise is vital to the proper functioning of all organs. 20 minutes of brisk walking per day should be your minimum. 29. Do a series of slow stretches before any cardio exercise and do them again at the end of your walk, run, treadmill session or rowing machine marathon. This will help avoid a buildup of lactic acid in your tissues. 30. Pay attention to breathing when you exercise. If you are lifting weights, exhale as you lift the weights, and inhale when you lower them. (Too many people do it the opposite way!) Doing it the wrong way can significantly raise your blood pressure. 31. If you have a problem exercise you find hard to do or a problem body area, do slow, extra stretches for that body area. Then try the exercise again. 32. Dont push yourself beyond your limit. Macho has no place in sports or exercise, and only leads to permanent injury. Your body is telling you something listen to it! 33. If your sport requires extreme effort, follow the advice of your coach and get injuries seen to immediately at a sports clinic rather than at your family doctors.

34. If you are overweight, check with your doctor to make sure you have no health conditions that might require you to make adjustments in your exercise regime. 35. There are many different types of gym for many different types of people. Often people who have bad gym experiences simply signed up for the wrong type of gym with the wrong type of crowd. 36. If you are new to exercising and gym workouts, resist the temptation to lose yourself in an impersonal mega-gym: Find a small gym that caters to all ages or to people in your age group and make sure they include a session with a personal trainer first, to work out the ideal routine for you. 37. Use Google+ Local to review local gyms. If any have problems, youll most likely hear about it there. 38. Everybody needs three basic types of exercise cardio, to raise your heart rate (the real fat burner); weight training, to build up muscle strength and endurance; and stretches, to condition the muscles before exercise and prevent the build-up of lactic acid afterwards. 39. Be aware that certain autoimmune conditions may make it impossible for you to lift weights. If you are having real problems, dont push it: Tell your gym professional and your doctor or sports clinician. 40. You dont need more than 45 minutes cardio, maximum, so resist the urge to push yourself past your limits or revel in endorphins. Overdoing it can cause muscle problems, shin splints and other injuries. 41. You need at least 20 minutes of cardio with the heart rate elevated for it to be effective but if you are overweight, have other health conditions or you are not used to exercise, it is not only okay but highly advisable for safety reasons to start with as little as five or ten minutes a session and build up to 20 minutes gradually. 42. Dont let anyone else push you into exceeding your exercise limits or stopping them unless you are a serious athlete and that person is your professional coach or health professional. 43. Learn about eating and drinking in relation to exercising. If you are going to eat carbs, the best time is before a workout. Make sure you are well-hydrated, too but dont eat or drink immediately before a workout. 44. Eat small meals before exercising even if you are weight training. Avoid high fats and processed food; and save most of your protein for later. 45. Dont assume all protein bars are okay to eat before exercising. Look for ones that are under 250 calories, dont exceed 8 grams of protein and are no more than 15-25% of carbohydrates. 46. Make it your business to learn about all the different types of exercise options out there and find one that is ideal for your health, body type, needs and interests.

47. Vary your workout activities. If you always use the rowing machine, for example, switch to a treadmill for a few weeks or sessions. This will help you avoid injury from over-using a particular muscle or muscle group.

Mental Health
48. Take ten minute nothing breaks, where all you do is sit and relax and focus on being in the moment. Have a cup of tea. Admire the sunlight pouring in through your window; the way it sparkles on drops of rain on your window pane. 49. Pay attention to your breathing. Take several slow, deep breaths whenever you think about it. This will help reduce stress and oxygenate your cells. 50. Go for a walk. It can be small, but make it a fast one. Getting out in the fresh air and oxygenating your cells will help boost your mood (particularly if you are depressed or prone to worrying or obsessing about details). 51. If you have problems with anxiety, save it all for a Worry Period every day. Take half-anhour, and during this half hour, do all your worrying. Really get into it. Catastrophize, even. But at the end of the half hour, table everything till tomorrows worry period. It might be hard to do at first but if you can learn this skill, you will find that worry no longer controls you. 52. Learn to say no. Some people are born caretakers and inevitably take on too much. If this is you, people are used to you taking on all their stuff. Practice saying: I cant do that right now, my plate is full. Dont explain, dont apologize. Just keep repeating it firmly. It will seem hard to do at first, and the people in your life will up the control and may even be angry at your selfishness but just stay firm. Theyll get over it when they finally see you mean it. 53. Take on a volunteer activity. It will help you get outside of your own head and focus on others for a while. Youll also interact, connect and knowing that you are making a difference to your community will boost your self-worth. 54. Take on a challenge. Learn a new skill. Take up a new hobby. Take a community college course. Our brains become stuck in old neural pathways: Making new pathways helps us stay alert, build confidence and keeps us feeling young. 55. Create mini-goals. Dont plan to climb Mount Everest, even if thats your ultimate goal: Plan to start with a 15-minute walk every day first. 56. Join a club. Commit to going to one meeting a month, even if you dont feel like it. This is a great way for people recovering from depression or agoraphobia in particular to reconnect with life. You are interacting for short periods of time under controlled conditions over a common interest you all enjoy. 57. Get help! If you know you have a problem such as anxiety or depression, consult a professional. Even if youre on a tight budget, there are most likely free counseling services in your area. Be proactive and find out. 58. Join a support group, if you have a particular problem. For example, if your depression is caused by fibromyalgia, find and join the nearest fibromyalgia support group. If your

problem is excess weight, join a weight loss group. If youre a trauma survivor , find a PTSD group. 59. If a support group doesnt exist locally for your particular challenge start one! (Book a room at your local library and ask the librarians for help in publicizing it.) 60. Make time every day for at least one activity you enjoy. Take a reading break for an hour or even half an hour every afternoon. If reading isnt your thing, crochet. If crocheting is not your main passion, bake cookies. Whatever it is you love to do, youll know it because you probably never have time to do it. So make time. Youll feel a lot better! 61. Find tools to make your everyday life easier. If you work at home, use timers (either online ones or even just your stove-top timer). Buy small appliances that help you simplify drudgery tasks. 62. Get rid of unnecessary tasks. Sometimes we think we have to do them and we dont. Hire a teen to cut your lawn, if it regularly breaks your back or puts your blood pressure up. Delegate the dishes to your spouse especially if you both work. Give up that volunteer job that is tiring you out and has become a total chore. 63. Consider getting a pet. They give back more than they demand, in most cases. If you are forced to be sedentary by disability or age, try a cat. If you are in normal health, a dog can provide you with companionship and a reason to get out of bed in the morning. (They do have to go outside; and youll get your daily walk!) 64. Make sure you are doing your part to maintain optimal physical health. Drink your 8 glasses of water a day. Take your short walk. Do your breathing exercises. Take up yoga or treat yourself to regular reflexology or Reiki treatments. Eat healthily! If we neglect our bodies, we cant expect our minds to be in perfect health. 65. If you suffer from depression, dress for success! One of the first things to go in depression is physical appearance. If you can face it, do your hair. Put on your makeup. Its admittedly an effort, but if you can get into the habit of dressing up a little, it will add to your well-being and self-respect. 66. Choose nice clothes when getting dressed. Resist the urge to hide by wearing baggy, shapeless clothing in dull, drab colors: It may feel safe to dress drably, but it wont boost your mood or your self-worth. 67. Use color as part of your therapy. Cheer yourself up by wearing your favorite pink shirt. Energize yourself with that magenta shawl. Put up colored fairy lights over your bed. Knit with rainbow-colored wool. 68. Make small mini-goals, when suffering from depression. Realize that on some days simply getting dressed is as great an achievement as going to the gym for the average person.

69. Take a class when youre ready to start socializing again. Classes are controllable in that they are short, structured and friendly without being personal. Its a great way to get used to being with people once more. 70. Dont beat yourself up if you suffer from depression. You will have good days and bad days. If getting out of bed and taking a shower is your only achievement that day, congratulate yourself and take a well-deserved rest. (Tomorrow will be better!)

Managing Chronic Illness or Health Conditions

71. Take your medication and take it at the same time, every day. (The doctors offices are filled with people complaining because their health conditions have flared up or gone out of control who turn out to be careless about taking their medication! 72. Use a dosette (a weekly pill organizer), if you have trouble remembering your daily pills. That way, you only have to glance at the chamber for that particular day to see if youve taken them or not. 73. If you need to use a dosette, make sure its a type that works best for you. If you need to take your medication once a day, a weekly dosette with one chamber per day will most likely be right for you. If you take pills multiple times per day, choose a dosette with the right number of chambers per day. 74. Push yourself out of your physical or mental envelope at least once a day but just in small ways. For example, if you dont do any exercises at all, try ten minutes of stretches even while seated in your chair (you can find plenty of examples online). But do learn to recognize the fine line between pushing yourself out of your envelope and over-doing it! 75. Make sure you get enough rest. Change any patterns that are unhealthy. Buy a new pillow. 76. Purchase aids from your nearest Home Health store, if you have particular health challenges. For example, if you have trouble unscrewing jars, buy a simple jar opening device. If you have trouble reaching up on the top shelf, by a reaching aid or pick up tool with an extended handle. 77. Replace any assistive devices that no longer work well for you. If your walker hurts your back, get a professional to help you choose a better one. If youve lost more feeling in your fingers, buy a different type of jar opener. Get a walker, if your cane no longer feels safe. 78. Remember that assistive devices are there to help you function as normally as possible so make use of them! They are your friends. Use your hearing aid. Get a telephone whose volume can be adjusted for the hard of hearing. Buy a jar opener, if you are reduced to tears of pain and frustration, every time you try to open a jar. 79. Drink at least one glass of water before and after taking your pills, if they give you indigestion or heartburn. If water makes it worse, try milk. (Check your medication bottle label first, to make sure this isnt contra-indicated.) 80. Dont define yourself by your illness. You are still you. Instead of saying my diabetes, say this diabetes, for example. (Many people have reported that this small change makes them feel more in control of their illness and more hopeful.) 81. Ask for help! If you have particular challenges, hire people to take over those tasks or assign them to family members.

82. Speak up and be assertive about your needs. It is easy for family members to grow used to our limitations and indeed we tend to do that, too. But if you can no longer manage a task or you find yourself in pain or over-tired after doing a particular chore, let people know clearly that you need help then enable them to assist you by telling them exactly how they can help. 83. Save your frustrations for your support group. We can become absorbed by our illnesses or health conditions particularly if we are in a lot of pain. Family members can become worn down or tune out if we talk endlessly about our frightening or unbearable symptoms. (And if you keep 90% of this talk for your support group or for your home care worker, you may be surprised to find yourself feeling more energized and better about yourself, too.) 84. Be appropriate. Remember that no one but your gastroenterologist wants to hear about your bowels. 85. Remember to say thank you to family members and caregivers. They are partners in your journey through your chronic condition. If they are helpful partners, let them know how much you appreciate them and dont take them for granted. 86. Fill your life with things (and people) that make you feel better about living. If fresh flowers cheer you up, treat yourself to a new bunch every week. If escaping into books really helps you manage a terminal illness, plan a library trip (or have someone fetch you library books) every week. 87. Make small goals and reward yourself when you achieve them (even if you only tell yourself you did well!) And it doesnt matter if the goal is as small as remembering to drink the daily orange juice you need to keep up your potassium levels. 88. Use humor to help you manage pain and debilitation. Its easy to become depressed when dealing with a chronic illness, but give your emotions a break (and a positive boost) by watching your favorite funny sit-com, re-reading your favorite funny books or re-watching your favorite funny movies. (Its true what they say: Laughter really IS the best medicine!) 89. Surround yourself with positive people and make sure you do your best to be one of them! 90. Make lists. Pain or illness tends to wear us down and fuzz-ify our brains. Using lists helps us keep track of important tasks. 91. Use your calendar. Dont miss appointments! 92. Be proactive about your condition. This does involve stretching out of comfort zones, but speak up! Dont let medical staff talk down to you, or brush of f your concerns. Ultimately, you are the one responsible for making sure you get the best care (and the best help).

Skin Care
93. No amount of skin cream in the world will do you much good if you neglect to take in the optimal amounts of water per day. 94. Start protecting your skin against aging early, using retinol-based skin creams well before you notice wrinkles. 95. Always wear a sunscreen product when planning to go outdoors for more than a few minutes. UV exposure has increased 25% since 1979, according to a 2010 edition of the Journal of Geophysical Research. 96. While artificial tanning or prolonged, unprotected periods in the sun can result in skin cancer, avoiding sunlight altogether is also harmful. We need sunlight to synthesize vitamin D in our systems. (A severe lack of vitamin D causes rickets, a disease which softens the bones). 97. If your eye cream leaves you with puffy morning eyes, its definitely too rich for your skin type no matter how old you are. Richer does not automatically mean better: Suit the richness of your cream to your particular skin type and condition. 98. Massaging an ice cube over your face can help hydrate your skin and reduce puffiness. 99. In summer, try placing slices of refrigerated cucumber on closed eyelids to gently soften skin and reduce puffiness. 100. If you suffer from dark circles under your eyes, try covering closed eyelids with slices of raw potato. In addition to being slightly astringent, potatoes contain an enzyme called catalase, which helps lighten dark skin. 101. Many cosmetic surgeons wont operate on a person who smokes, because smoking interferes with healing. 102. Smoking accelerates wrinkles and aging by causing your blood vessels and capillaries to shrink, leading to premature wrinkling not just in your face, but all over your body. 103. Regular sugar consumption also ages the skin through glycation, which changes sturdy type III collagen to delicate and easily-damaged type I. People who habitually eat sugar are known to suffer from over-large pores and dull skin. 104. Use egg white as a face mask. Its all natural, gentle and its natural collagen helps feed and tighten your pores. 105. If your hair is dull and limp, try adding an egg yolk to your shampoo. Leave on hair for 3 minutes; then rinse thoroughly. The yolks nutrients moisturize, restore protein, add vitamins and help your hair grow faster. 106. Vitamin B12 injections can sometimes help female alopecia (depending on the cause and a combination of other factors).

107. Realize that what you eat affects hair as well as skin. If your diet is protein- or vitamin-deficient, your hair will quickly suffer. 108. Dont assume that products boasting the word natural in their packaging are safe. Over 60% of brand-name lipsticks actually contain lead; and you should still look for giveaway words like parabens and petrolatum in skin product ingredient lists. 109. Throw away any skin lotion containing vitamin C that starts to discolor: It means oxidization has crept in, and it now may actually harm your skin through the higher levels of acid produced. 110. If you want to be sure your skin care products are safe, check them against

111. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush. You can injure your mouth with hard bristles; plus they dont do as good a job at removing trapped food particles between your teeth. 112. Brush for at least two minutes.

113. Dont brush too hard especially when using a battery or electric-powered toothbrush. Let the toothbrush do all the work (not your wrist). 114. Hold your toothbrush as if it was a pencil: You will get into difficult areas more easily and be less likely to brush too hard. 115. Dentists know all too well that cola is one of the biggest culprits in stripping enamel from teeth. If you must drink cola beverages, brush your teeth immediately afterwards. 116. If you have tooth pain, dont ignore it. Serious infections, such as septicemia, can result from infection getting into the sinuses and bloodstream, if your tooth is abscessed or the root is damaged. 117. Pull sideways rather than down when you floss: Youll do a better job of dislodging food particles and youll be less likely to cut your gums! 118. If you run out of toothpaste, you can use ordinary household salt sprinkled on your wet toothbrush. Not only will it do a great job of cleaning your teeth, it helps cut down on infection, too. 119. If you have bad breath, try brushing your tongue as well as your teeth. Then rinse both your toothbrush and your mouth with an antiseptic mouthwash.

120. Remember there are multiple causes for bad breath, including helicobacter pylori infections in the gut (something people with chronic reflux often suffer from) and an abnormally dry mouth. 121. If your mouth is chronically dry, there are two things you should do: Drink more water and get a mouthwash and toothpaste especially for people with dry mouth syndrome. (Biotene is a popular and inexpensive brand.) 122. Never ever use your teeth as a tool dont use them to open bobby pins, foil or plastic wrappers or bottle tops. Teeth are for chewing food (and that doesn t mean chomping ice cubes or cracking nuts). 123. Using a straw to sip coffee or tea is one way to keep your teeth whiter. (Make sure your chosen beverage is not scalding-hot, first!) Using a straw helps bypass and protect tooth enamel at the front of your mouth. 124. If you must home-whiten teeth use the strips not the trays. You cannot damage your gums or enamel with the strips, but the potential for acid damage exists with the tray-type whiteners. 125. If you have color-matched fillings in the front of teeth visible when you smile, avoid whitening. The fillings wont change color, and your filling will be visible after whitening, since your teeth will be noticeably brighter. 126. Realize that heredity can determine the color of your tooth enamel as well as what you habitually eat. Caffeine beverages and red wine all stain teeth and damage enamel but smoking is the worst culprit. (It damages your gum and mouth tissues, too, as well as causing mouth and throat cancers.) 127. Certain health conditions make your teeth and gums significantly more susceptible to infection and damage. Pay extra attention to your teeth if you have diabetes or anti-immune disorders like Sjgrens Syndrome. 128. Brush and floss at least twice a day. If you dont regularly brush your teeth, you risk letting over 500 types of bacteria into your bloodstream, increasing your risk for heart attack, atherosclerosis and neck artery infection, according to a new study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association. 129. Think twice before undergoing a tongue piercing. Tongue piercings are not simple cosmetic procedures and can seriously (and adversely) affect your health. Tongue piercing increases your risk of deep systemic infection, endocarditis, as well as hepatitis (A, B and C). In addition, it can leave you with a tendency to drool, altered

taste buds, indistinct speech, food trapped in your piercing, chipped teeth and there is, in addition, a risk of bleeding to death. 130. Never, ever get your tongue pierced at popular events such as rock concerts. Your risk of complication, uncontrolled bleeding and infection triples at such venues, due to the lack of control in hygiene and the risk of untrained personnel carrying out the piercing as well as the lack of follow-up care. 131. If you have allergies, avoid extreme piercings such as tongue piercing (as well as cosmetic surgery): Not only do you risk allergic reactions, but you may have scar adhesions (abnormal growth of scar tissue).

132. Be aware that one Epipen will likely not be enough in a case of extreme allergic reaction. It is not unheard of for the necessity to administer as many as four before emergency medical help arrives. 133. Always carry at least two Epipens if you have severe allergies and make sure they are up to date. (Discard Epipens past their expiry date.) 134. Be aware that Benadryl is better administered for mild allergies and Epipens for severe. Dont combine the two: If the reaction turns out to be serious, the Benadryl could hinder the effectiveness of the Epipen. 135. Always check labels for food allergy ingredients no matter how unlikely you think it that youll find an allergen. 136. Make an Allergy Survival Plan. If your allergies are seasonal, start antihistamines before you are exposed to the full brunt of pollens. Know your triggers, carry anti-allergy aids such as Benadryl, inhalers and/or Epipens and wear an allergy bracelet! 137. If you or your child is a member of a sports team, and have seasonal or severe allergies, alert the team coach. Supply him with an Epipen or two, if he doesnt already have one in his kit bag. Make sure he knows what to do (and is willing to do it) if an allergic reaction occurs. 138. Hot weather as well as allergens such as pollen can bring on severe attacks of allergy-related asthma particularly when playing sports such as soccer.

139. Cold compresses on the face and eyes can help reduce mild histamine reactions or at least bring some relief! 140. Be aware that hair products can cause pollens to stick to your hair during allergy season! Avoid them and wear a sunhat. 141. We all love the scent of sun-dried clothing, but dont dry your clothing outdoors on your clothes line during allergy season, if you or a family member suffers from seasonal allergies! 142. Even if you are 100% sure what is causing your allergies (or that it is pollen related get tested. Finding your specific allergens can increase your chances of successfully avoiding them. 143. If you have severe seasonal allergy symptoms, consider preventative allergy shots. (You will need to be tested first for these to be customized against your particular allergens.) 144. If youre allergic to one food or environmental or organic substances, chances are youll be allergic to more. In the case of foodstuffs, educate yourself about related substances. (For example, tomatoes, green peppers and potatoes are all part of the nightshade family: If you are allergic to one, you are most likely at least sensitive to other members of that family.) 145. Never, ever assume people are saying they have allergies to seek attention or that they have just a little allergy. A shocking number of people (especia lly children) have suffered severe anaphylactic reactions thanks to relatives, friends or parents of friends determined to prove they are not allergic, administering the forbidden substance in foods, sauces and medications. 146. Never, ever take anyones word for what is (or isnt) in a medication they are offering you, if you have severe allergies. That especially goes double for brand-name, over-the-counter or prescription medications that come in more than one version (e.g. Tylenol with codeine; Tylenol without.) By accepting their word (and the medication) you are taking your life into your hands (even if that migraine is severe!) 147. Celiac disease is not a gluten allergy it is an intolerance. A true gluten allergy is a tested, proven anaphylactic reaction to wheat. 148. Small children are at the greatest risk of severe anaphylactic reactions if they are exposed to allergens.

149. Preparing food on cutting boards that have been used for allergen-producing foods (such as almonds) can result in severe anaphylactic reactions for the person with the allergy even if you washed the cutting board. (Same goes for the knife or chopper you used on your almonds!) 150. It is your responsibility to insist on anti-allergen safety, if you are old enough to understand what you have. Dont put your life in the hands of other people by blithely trusting they understand your allergies even adults. 151. Realize that allergies can worsen. That mild reaction you had to almonds can be life-threatening, the next time you eat anything containing even a hint of that substance. 152. Bee-sting allergies usually manifest on the second sting.

153. Typical insect sting results include swelling, itchiness and redness, but are not necessarily allergies just reactions to the venom. However, do remove any rings, if stung on your fingers, since your hand can swell up uncomfortably. 154. Severe anaphylactic reactions to insect stings (as well as certain foods and medications) include: Difficulty breathing, vomiting, drowsiness, confusion, swelling of the mouth or throat, swelling of the face, rapid pulse, rapid blood pressure drop, difficulty swallowing. Learn these symptoms and know what to do (after immediately summoning professional emergency medical help), since anaphylactic reactions are often fatal within minutes. 155. Its a myth that severe allergies always result in immediate anaphylactic shock. Sometimes, this can be delayed. Dont die in your sleep because you assumed your reaction was mild this time. If you know you or the person affected has a severe allergy, seek emergency medical help straight away. 156. Never eat or even go near nuts and nut products if you are dating someone who is severely allergic to these. Its just not worth the risk: Even if you wash your hands and brush your teeth, you could precipitate life-threatening anaphylactic shock if you make physical contact. 157. Almost the only food substance you can never be allergic to is sodium chloride (salt). It is an essential element, needed by the body. However, additives such as dextrose as a preservative in the salt can trigger allergic reactions: and a severe salt shortage can trigger histamine release.

158. The main risk for some people who like to eat a lot of salt is blood pressure elevation. In fact, many people who swear they are allergic to salt experience unpleasant symptoms such as face flushing and chest tightness because they turn out to have hypertension (high blood pressure). 159. Before going to the hospital or to medical appointments, be sure to let staff and helpers know if you have an allergy to latex products. Rubber gloves and tape arent the only culprits in the medical world: Latex is widely used and found in other aids such as IV tubing, catheters, dental dams and tourniquets.

Blood Pressure Health

160. Exercise, healthy eating and adequate hydration constitute the best way to keep blood pressure low all your life: However, certain hereditary conditions predestine some people to suffer hypertension later in life. 161. There are two types of hypertension: Primary and secondary. Primary is caused directly by lifestyle choices and habits: Secondary hypertension is caused by other underlying health problems and conditions. 162. The biggest culprit in causing hypertension is obesity. The Framingham Heart Study proved this conclusively in 1948 and these results have never been overturned. 163. Smoking and excess alcohol consumption are also leading causes in primary hypertension. If you like a drink, your best bet is to stick to good red wines and drink no more than one glass at a sitting (minimum: 1 per day). 164. Other lesser-known causes of hypertension include sleep apnea, food additive sensitivity, processed white starchy foods, excess fat consumption, thyroid conditions, kidney disease, allergies, birth control medication, diabetes, and calcium, magnesium, potassium or vitamin D deficiency. 165. People with PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) often suffer from hypertension. Theories so far link this to constant, abnormal spikes in adrenal stress. 166. You may have read that hypertension is the silent killer and that there are no symptoms. This is not always the case. Symptoms of hypertension vary for different people and can include: Headaches, dizziness, vertigo, flushed face, shortness of breath, vision problems, irregular heartbeats, nausea and weakness. (Run to the doctor to have your blood pressure checked if this describes you: Symptoms such as these are usually experienced with sky-high blood pressure that is over tolerance levels.)

167. Yoga is effective in lowering blood pressure, if practiced regularly and consistently (especially if your hypertension is stress-related). 168. High blood pressure causes accelerated brain aging, according to a 2012 report in medical journal The Lancet. 169. The biggest problem in treating hypertension, according to many doctors, is non-compliance among patients. Anti-hypertensive medication can cause side effects, many of which are unpleasant but not as unpleasant as suffering a massive stroke or major heart attack! 170. Know your blood pressure medication and what to watch for. If you experience side effects such as uncontrollable coughing not related to other causes (such as smoking) and not present before starting the medication, call your health provider straight way (it could be the start of a serious reaction). 171. Processed foods (especially high consumption of processed meat, which contains raised levels of fats, additives and sodium) are major culprits (along with overeating) in primary hypertension.

First Aid and Injuries

172. Every parent, grandparent, teacher or babysitter should take a first aid course the Red Cross and Saint Johns Ambulance offer them in almost every North American community. No parent should ever have to realize in hindsight they did something with the best of intentions (or failed to do something) that cost their child his or her life. 173. Keep a first aid kit, blankets, and flares in your car at all times.

174. If you are in (or come across) a car crash, resist the urge to free people from the car and especially resist the urge to release seat belts: These can be compressing internal injuries and releasing the victim can trigger massive internal bleeding. 175. The rule of thumb, when treating an accident victim, is not to remove the victim from the spot you find him in unless the alternative is death. (For example, he is lying in front of an oncoming train.) 176. Make accident victims comfortable. Dont attempt to treat unless you are medically trained. Your role is to summon emergency professional help, keep the victim warm and reassure them until help arrives.

177. Breathe slowly and deeply when you come across a fresh accident scene. You are likely to be in a state of shock also particularly if you witnessed the actual accident. 178. Never promise distraught family members that their seriously injured relative is going to be okay. Instead, tell the truth in a tactful and empathetic manner: Say something like help will be here soon. Hang in there. 179. When assisting someone who has suffered a traumatic injury, realize that shock can kill. To prevent it, it is essential to keep the patient warm and reassure them with touch and voice. 180. When assisting someone stung by a bee, ascertain first of all if they suffer from allergies to bee venom and if this is their first bee sting. 181. Do not use tweezers and be careful not to squeeze the stinger when you remove it from a bee sting wound youll release more venom into the wound. Instead, gently scrape it out with the side of a needle or similar object that has first been sterilized with rubbing alcohol. 182. Clean the wound carefully after removing a stinger. Press an ice cube onto the sting site to help reduce pain and swelling. 183. Use calamine lotion on insect bites and stings to calm itching and soreness. With bee stings, if you dont have calamine lotion, try adding a few drops of water to about half a teaspoon of meat tenderizer or baking soda, and gently applying the paste to the sting site. 184. Some people swear by applying toothpaste to a bee sting site for effective relief.

185. When moving into a new area (especially a rural one), make it your business to find out if there are any indigenous insects or snakes you should learn about and watch out for. 186. A cup of cola or strong, black coffee can sometimes help relieve asthma, if the person does not have their inhaler with them. (Best used for milder attacks.) 187. If someone is having a severe asthma attack cant talk, face is blue, wheezing loudly and other similar symptoms first make sure it is an asthma attack (get them to nod their head if the answer is yes, or hold up a hand) then summon emergency help. Do your best to help them find and use their inhalers.

188. If someone suddenly exhibits signs of distress, especially leaping up, during a meal and cannot talk, dont assume they are having a heart attack: They may be choking. Learn the Heimlich maneuver (it will be taught during first aid classes). 189. If someone appears drunk, dont assume they are unless you can smell strong alcohol: They may be experiencing severe diabetic shock, caused by hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). Look for a medic alert bracelet and administer some easy form of sugar (for example, fruit juice) if you find one and the patient can confirm they are diabetic. (Call for medical assistance anyway.) 190. If you have any health condition such as diabetes or allergies, do everyone a favor (especially yourself) and wear a medic alert bracelet! 191. Parents should wash grazes and cuts with warm soapy water, pat dry gently with a clean towel (or air dry if bleeding stops) and cover with a gauze pad and bandage or band aid. Check the wound daily for any sign of infection (heat, redness, pus). 192. Once a graze or scrape has scabbed over, band aids should be removed.

193. If there is a minor infection in a finger with obvious pus below the surface and you cant get to medical help, soak it in water as hot as you can stand, laced with a couple of spoonfuls of table salt. Soak at least for 15-20 minutes. Repeat when the abscess bursts. Pat dry. Cover with antibiotic ointment such as Polysporin and a gauze pad until the exit wound scabs over or heals. 194. Serious bleeding is a life-threatening emergency and needs to be stopped straight away. Apply pressure; preferably using a pad of some sort. 195. If you are applying pressure via some sort of pad to a serious wound, resist the temptation to check and see if the bleeding has stopped. Keep pressure on the wound (and ask someone to put a blanket or coat around the victims shoulders) until medical help arrives. 196. Remember that bleeding can be internal, too. Call for an ambulance if there has been any sort of impact or crush injury even if the patient insists they are okay. 197. All burns that are more than minor cooking scalds should be treated immediately at a hospital or doctors office. 198. All animal bites or serious scratches should be treated at a doctors office or hospital emergency department. The risk of bacterial infection is great. (Clean immediately, if you can, with a first aid squeeze flush or soap and water.)

199. All head injuries in children including bumps should warrant an immediate visit to the emergency room. If the child becomes unconscious (even for a few seconds) or doesnt get up, cover and call an ambulance immediately. 200. Puncture wounds always need to be seen by medical professionals the more quickly, the better. The risk of infection cannot be underestimated particularly if the object was rusty or dirty. 201. If you have a baby in the house (or youre planning to babysit one), crawl around on your hands and knees and see from the childs level what tempting objects there may be to pull or poke. Youll be amazed at how many potential hazards you discov er! 202. Cover all electrical sockets with dummy plug covers, when you have small children or babies coming to visit. Remove ornaments or any heavy object toddlers can pull down on themselves. 203. If your child has a nosebleed, have her lean forward rather than backward. Give her a cloth or napkin and tell her to gently pinch her nose shut. 204. If your childs nosebleed is the result of a fall, quickly seek emergency medical help. 205. If a nosebleed persists or reoccurs after 10-20 minutes, seek emergency medical help. 206. If a nosebleed is accompanied by dizziness, faintness or was caused by any sort of bump to the head, seek emergency medical help. 207. Do not give aspirin to children who have a fever: They may run the risk of contracting a rare illness called Reyes Syndrome, which can be fatal! Ask your pediatrician or druggist for a better alternative, such as Childrens Tylenol, that is not acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) based. 208. When you take a first aid course, dont stop there: If it is not included, learn CPR (cardio-pulmonary resuscitation). 209. If you have to use CPR, do remember that adrenalin may make you unconsciously apply extra pressure. Remember to use less pressure on infants and seniors. 210. If you are trained in CPR, do carry a resuscitation mask in your purse or backpack, to help you guard yourself against bodily fluids that may contain infection.


Keep a well-stocked first aid kit in your home.

Travel Health
212. Check to see the world destination you are planning to visit, to see what health hazards exist there, or if it is undergoing any sort of epidemic. 213. When travelling to hot or developing countries, eat only fruits that can be peeled and foods that have been cooked. Drink only drinks from cans, wine and sealed bottles, and do not use ice cubes in your drinks. If you ignore these precautions, you run the risk of travelers diarrhea. 214. When travelling to hot or developing countries, brush your teeth using bottled water and make sure the bottle is sealed. 215. People taking anti-acid prescriptions run a greater risk of developing travelers diarrhea. The reason? Less stomach acid to protect them. 216. Travelers diarrhea is not actually one particular bug, but can be caused by a wide variety, including salmonella, rotavirus, E. coli, giardia and even the Norwalk virus. 217. If you are planning to travel to a destination more than 2,000 feet above sea level, be aware that you can suffer from ultraviolet exposure in the thinner air, as well as headaches, vomiting, shortness of breath, loss of appetite and an inability to sleep early indicators of altitude sickness. Make sure you have adequate medical insurance in case you need to be flown home quickly. 218. It takes 3-5 days for your body to acclimatize to higher altitudes. Plan for this in your trip and try to avoid flying directly to places that are more than 2,000 above sea level. 219. One of the biggest causes or hepatitis abroad is the needles used in tattoos.

220. Getting vaccinated for Hepatitis A is a routine precaution, when traveling to hot or tropical climates. But if you are planning to be there for periods past one month, you should also be vaccinated for Hepatitis B, too. 221. If you have become disabled but still want to travel, visit for invaluable tips and information.

222. Avoid wearing bright colors and cover your body from neck to wrist to ankle to avoid catching serious mosquito-borne diseases in Africa or the tropics. But its the carbon monoxide you exhale that attracts them the most. 223. If you want to repel mosquitoes naturally, use products made with soy or eucalyptus. (Citronella helps, too.)

Dieting and Weight Loss

224. Dont try to lose more than 2.5 lbs. per week. It can cause damage to your health, since your body may start to eat its own proteins (eat itself, in other words) instead of burning fat. 225. Join a Facebook group dedicated to your particular diet mode. Most of these are set to secret, and you will receive much encouragement and support from people on the same journey as well as great tips. (In addition, there wont be the emotional baggage we experience with family members.) 226. Doing cardio for periods well in excess of an hour can be an indicator of anorexia athletica compulsive exercising. It can go hand in hand with conditions such as depression, eating disorders and OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder). 227. It is true: Women do burn calories significantly more slowly than men but only by about 50 calories per day. 228. If you are planning to lose a significant amount of weight, your healthiest and best strategy is to start by insisting that your doctor refer you to a nutritionist. 229. Drink a glass of water if you are hungry. Sip, rather than gulp. When you are finished, you may find you are no longer hungry. 230. If water makes you gag, try a dash of lemon or lime juice; or a squirt of flavoring made for water. But do persevere, because the human body is just like a car battery: It needs water to properly conduct electrical impulses and keep cells healthy. 231. Find your trigger foods. These are not so much the ones we are addicted to, but instead think of them as the ones that keep us observing bad dietary habits. For example, if coffee with cream in the morning makes you crave sweet, sugary carbs to go with it, try switching to tea with lemon and honey; or to green tea.

232. There is no perfect diet that fits all. It is important to create a regime that suits your body type and genetics, your ability to exercise, your opportunity to exercise, your food tolerances and allergies and your likes and dislikes. 233. Dont think of dieting as deprivation: Think of it as creating a healthy new lifestyle that gives you incredible energy and well-being. 234. Carry a pocket daytimer and write down your carb count, protein count and fat count for every item you eat. If you prefer, do this with a food journal instead and write down types of foods and portion sizes. Review it once a week to alert yourself to patterns you need to change. 235. Dieting and over-eating often both have to do with guilt. Find out whose voice is churning out negative messages in your head, and talk back to them as if the person stood in the room with you. 236. Carry healthy emergency snacks to help you resist temptation when out and about. Keep them in your car, locker or office, as well as carrying a few in your purse. Make sure they are of good quality and dont forget to carry a bottle of water. 237. Make your own trail mix for emergency snacks, using lower fat, lower carb ingredients in proportions more diet-friendly. Instead of high-fat nuts, use pumpkin seeds. 238. Pork rinds are a great snack that satisfies the crunch instinct if you are on a low-carb diet. 14 grams of pork rinds contain 8 grams of protein, just 5 grams of fat and zero carbohydrates! But yes theres no getting around it: Pork rinds do consist of deep-fried pig skin. 239. Crushed pork rinds make great no-carb breading for fried or baked chicken.

240. Find someone to exercise with. You will both encourage and motivate each other and it makes exercising much more fun if youve never been used to exercising. 241. Find an accountability partner. The key, however, is for it to be a true partnership a two-way team. Check in with each other at least once a week and discuss what youve had problems with in your weight loss campaign. Brainstorm solutions together. 242. If you have problems with portion control, buy portion-controlled snacks in their own individual packages. And if you are an after-dinner muncher, allow yourself one of

these packs, instead of raiding the fridge or opening that family-sized bag of potato chips. 243. Love popcorn? Buy an air-popper (and butter-flavored popcorn) to reduce fats. But do be aware that although one cup of air-popped popcorn contains only 30 calories and 0 grams fat, it does give you almost 7 grams of carbs. 244. If you have trouble eating vegetables, include them as flavor ingredients in stews, soups, casseroles or carb dishes like potatoes and rice. 245. Be aware that apples, pears, bananas and pithy fruits have significantly higher carb counts than berries or melon, which are mostly water. 246. If you are dieting for health reasons such as diabetes or hyperglycemia, be aware that there is sugar in fresh fruits. (The least is in berries.) 247. If winter curtails your outdoor weight loss exercises, find creative alternates. Walk through the mall several times at a brisk pace (not stopping to browse); Invest in an exercise DVD and try a home exercise routine; Take an activity-based class line dancing, belly-dancing or ballroom dancing, for example. And join that gym! 248. Remember that a cool-down period is extra important, if you jog, power-walk outdoors or cross-country ski in winter weather. Resist the urge to rip off your hat and gloves. Slow down to a walk for ten minutes; then slow down even further for your final ten minutes. 249. Get the whole family involved in winter sports. Go to the ski hill. Rent snowshoes, if you dont like skiing. Make a snow fort and have a snowball war. 250. As winter exercise, shovel an elderly neighbors driveway (making sure you are fit enough to do so, minus any heart condition). 251. If you are dieting, make sure you get lots of rest and take care of any sleeping difficulties. Studies have proven that glucose stops metabolizing properly in the sleepdeprived, creating irresistible cravings for carbohydrates.

Pregnancy and Post-Partum

252. Dont sweat the small stuff, while pregnant. Do only what is essential and focus on alternately resting up and getting appropriate exercise as well as lots of sleep.

253. It is normal to feel abnormally tired during the first part of pregnancy. Go with the flow, and get as much rest as you can. 254. Do maintain exercise during pregnancy. A fifteen-minute walk a day is enough to make a significant difference to your oxygenation, cellular health and well-being and that means that baby benefits, too. 255. Its absolutely true. You shouldnt change cat lit ter, if you are pregnant. Pregnant women risk contracting toxoplasmosis from contact with cat litter. (Toxoplasmosis is a parasitic infection that can cause stillbirths, as well as physical or neurological impairment, when transmitted from mother to unborn child.) 256. If you develop acne during pregnancy, avoid products containing Accutane, which can be extremely harmful to your unborn child. 257. Be sure to drink extra water during pregnancy! It will help keep your digestion from becoming sluggish, hydrate your babys developing cells, flush out toxins and cut down on pregnancy acne. 258. If you suffer from morning sickness, beware of dehydration. Keep drinking small sips of water or whatever fluid you can tolerate. 259. Morning sickness is largely caused by changes in hormones, blood sugar and vitamin B6. Make sure you consult your obstetrician about taking B6 supplementation. Try plain crackers or fizzy soda (sipped). 260. Yes. Specific smells (and sometimes even colors and patterns) CAN trigger bouts of morning sickness. 261. If you suffer from pregnancy heartburn, combat this by eating small meals, eating slowly (and NEVER on the run), drinking your water and other beverages during rather than with meals, and never lying down after eating. 262. Your bedtime habits can play a big part in pregnancy heartburn: Dont eat late at night, and sleep with your head and shoulders raised, if you are having problems. 263. If you suffer from pregnancy heartburn, be proactive. Find out if specific foods trigger attacks: Then avoid them. (Common pregnancy heartburn triggers include caffeine, chocolate, fried foods, spicy foods and citrus fruits.) 264. Dont eat rare or raw meats while pregnant. You can contract toxoplasmosis from undercooked meat.

265. Its a grim fact that some men with abusive tendencies tend to e scalate the control during pregnancy, when you may feel more vulnerable and helpless. If this is happening to you, have an exit plan to keep you and your unborn child safe. 266. Make friends with your druggist during pregnancy, if you have to take a lot of medication. He is thoroughly trained in toxicology, and can tell you better than your doctor can which medications cross the placental barrier and which are safe to take. 267. Alas. Calcium supplements do not prevent swollen ankles during pregnancy, say experts. Your best bet is to avoid extended periods on your feet, wear comfortable shoes and clothing, and elevate your feet at every opportunity. 268. Be sure to mention any ankle or leg swelling to your midwife or doctor. Especially in the last trimester, it can be a symptom of high blood pressure or a dangerous condition called pre-eclampsia. 269. If you suffer from pregnancy anxiety, be proactive dont just suffer. Find the cause of your anxiety. Take up meditation. Join a pregnancy yoga class or support group. Get therapy, if your anxiety is severe. 270. If you become severely depressed during pregnancy, do seek medical help straight away. And dont worry about taking anti-depressants: Your psychiatrist will prescribe one that doesnt cross the placental barrier and affect your baby. (Check with your druggist, if youre not sure!) 271. It is pure myth that you shouldnt fly during the last trimester of pregnancy, unless you have some other health condition that contra-indicates changes in air pressure. The real truth is, air companies dont want the liability of a potential mid-flight birth! 272. Avoid really hot baths while pregnant. That goes for saunas and hot tubs, too. Keep your body surface temperature under 120. 273. Never, ever drink alcohol during pregnancy: Even a small amount can leave your baby with FAS (fetal alcohol syndrome), involving brain damage and a whole host of behavioral and functioning problems. 274. Its safe to engage in sexual relations during pregnancy but it may not be comfortable in the last trimester! Expect changes in libido, which can wax and wane at various stages during your pregnancy. And be aware of your partner: Some men have no problems with the idea of engaging with a pregnant partner. Others do. Talk it out, and find what works for you and your significant other.

275. It is a sad fact that babies born to mothers who smoke, or babies exposed to second-hand smoke, are at greater risk for unexplained crib death (SIDS), which most often occurs during the first 1-12 months of life. 276. Dont put your baby on his or her stomach or side to sleep. Always, always lay your baby on his or her back. 277. To reduce the risk of accidental suffocation, dont give small babies pillows or heavy blankets: Keep the temperature warm and comfortable and dress them in sleepers if its cold outside. 278. Stress can affect breast-milk production: However, this is usually a temporary problem. Drink lots of water. Try to remove the source of stress or remove yourself from its influence. 279. If you have real trouble producing breast milk, dont give up. Instead, contact a nursing coach (your obstetrician or doctor should be able to set this up or refer you to one). 280. Be careful of products you put on your nipples if they are sore. These products can sometimes irritate your baby, as well as your skin. (Cocoa butter is a big culprit!) 281. What you eat and drink affects your baby if you breast-feed, and can result in your baby having colic or stomach upset. Make a note of what you ate, whenever your breast-feeding baby is cranky you might start to see common patterns that will help you avoid trigger foods. 282. Tip: If you found certain foods caused violent nausea while you were pregnant, avoid them afterwards. You may be okay but there is a chance your baby is the intolerant one! 283. Check all materials in babys mattress, clothing, toys, pillows, curtains and the like. There is a higher likelihood youll find these contain toxic PBDE fire retardants. (Opt for plain cotton instead.)

Workplace Health
284. If you are an employer, start a wellness campaign at your workplace. Encourage employees with colds or bugs to stay home. If you cant afford to pay them to do this, at least provide masks and encourage them to use them. 285. Put a bottle of hand sanitizer at every desk when flu season starts.

286. Provide bottled water or a fountain for your employees. If you are an employee, bring water to work, if none is provided. 287. Start a wellness program at your company. Encourage your employer to provide healthier vending-machine snacks, bottled water, and exercise breaks. 288. One of the biggest causes of illness in the workplace is the changing times: Older people with health conditions are forced to go on working long past retirement age, most jobs no longer provide benefits allowing sick employees to stay home and many employees cant afford to stay home when sick. Be aware of this, and do what you can to help make sure you, your employees or fellow workers stay as well as possible. 289. Do your part in keeping workplace sickness down by getting your flu shots, if you have a healthy immune system and you are not allergic to eggs. (Many vaccines contain albumen, an egg product.) 290. Put everything back in its proper place the moment you are finished with tools, equipment or utensils even if you are planning to use them again later. 291. Clean up spills promptly.

292. According to the CDC, more construction workers die from falls than from any other on-the-job injury. Do your part by refusing to hire any contractor (or employee) who refuses to wear fall-arrest gear. 293. Always use the right tools and safety equipment. Standing on a rickety chair to reach a light bulb is creating an accident begging to happen. 294. Its your right to refuse to work in dangerous conditions! And your life is worth more than your job. Dont become a statistic: Tell your employer you will not perform a dangerous task until the hazard has been removed. 295. Bring a positive attitude to work. Thats the best way to manage workplace stress and the best part is, its catching!

Pet Health
296. Avoid air fresheners (particularly sprays) if you have pet birds. The latter are highly susceptible to chemicals and fumes. 297. Make sure your pet gets plenty of exercise. Just as humans who dont exercise develop and suffer a myriad of health complaints such as obesity, poor digestion and

depression so do pets. Buy your cat lots of toys and provide a cat tree for climbing. Take your dog for walks! And if you cant ride your horse, exercise it on a lunge line. 298. If you bring home new fish for your aquarium, dont release it into the tank immediately: Instead, let it sit in its plastic bag in the water, until the water inside the bag and outside have acclimatized to each other. (Youll reduce the risk of new fish death.) 299. If you are really into fish, have a hospital tank. Make sure you maintain it at the same temperature and with the same alkaline balance as your regular tank(s). Remove any fish showing symptoms of disease to the hospital tank immediately. 300. Never, EVER put two Beta fish into the same fishbowl or tank. They are called Siamese fighting fish for a reason and will literally fight to the death! 301. Teach your children to wash their hands after handling pets or pet utensils and no kissing the dog! 302. Realize that different breeds of dog are genetically pre-disposed towards different exercise needs and activities. And it is not related to size. (If you want an apartment dog that needs minimal exercise, get a Great Pyrenees Mountain dog: If you want a dog that will play with your hyperactive ten-year-old twins twenty-four hours a day, get a Golden retriever.) 303. Consider keeping your cat indoors. If you do, you should never have to worry about fleas or other parasites that outdoor cats regularly bring home. Youll never get that knock on the door (Is that your cat lying dead in the middle of the road?) and youll avoid abscesses and most injuries. (Just make sure you provide your cat with lots of attention, toys and brushing.) 304. Overfeeding kills more pets than any other cause and this is true from every type of pet from goldfish to dogs. Learn what your pets op timal food requirements are and supply them. 305. Dont give pets table scraps. It can upset their stomachs, cause them to nip or jump on people and make them fat! 306. Spay or neuter your cat or dog. It is actually cruel not to do so; then deny them the fulfillment of overwhelming reproductory urges. Not neutering is proven to create aggression in male dogs; and there are already too many unwanted animals overcrowding the shelters.

307. Take care of your pets teeth. If you have a cat or dog, provide them with hard kibble or dental treats. Brush their teeth, if theyll let you (start training them early!) Massage gums with rubber finger-mitts (you can get these at quality pet stores). And if you have a horse or pony, have the vet check their teeth at least a couple of times a year particularly if they start to headtoss when ridden. 308. Never, NEVER feed sugar (or anything containing sugar) to horses: Not only will it rot their teeth; it will almost certainly cause them to nip and trample. 309. When treating your horse, always cut or break large treats such as apples or carrots into smaller pieces, to prevent choking. And for your own safety, offer these in your horses feed tub or on the flat of your hand, to avoid getting your fingers accidentally nipped. 310. Always make sure your pet has an abundant supply of fresh water. If you have a cat or dog, keep toilet lids down (particularly if you use any sort of toilet cleaning tablet) and change any water contaminated with foodstuffs floating in it immediately. 311. A pet is not a toy even if you did get it for the children. Learn about your familys particular pet: Its needs, risks and habits. Think of your pet as an investment in your familys health and enjoyment. You will get back far more than you give, if you dont neglect or abuse your pet (or let your children do so either). 312. Think about your pet. A pet that is taken for granted or treated as a piece of property is an abused pet.

Holiday Health
313. Make sufficient allowance for properly defrosting your Christmas turkey. Consult a guide, well in advance, when doing your holiday planning. (A 20 lb. bird can take up to five days to thaw properly, if thawed in the refrigerator.) 314. Dont take on too much during the holiday season. Decide in advance what your priorities are going to be and learn to say no (even if youve never done this before). 315. Ask for help! If youre getting older and find putting on Holiday dinners harder than ever, or youve developed a change in your health, finances or life circumstances ; dont drown in a quicksand of stress. Instead, let your nearest and dearest know what they can do to help.

316. If you need to ask for help with Holiday food preparations, be specific. Assign tasks. Give people a choice between A or B. (You will get a better response than if you simply complain or speak in generalities.) 317. Take care of health problems! People tend to let things like blood tests or blood pressure checks slide when they are stressing over holiday preparations or focusing on holiday fun. But make sure you are well enough to enjoy the holidays by not ignoring health conditions or obligations. 318. Fireproof your home. Extinguish candles if you are leaving a room. Dont put flammable presents near heat sources. Have the chimney swept, if you only use your fireplace once a year. And create a fire emergency plan for your family. (Practice it at least twice!) 319. Keep an extra eye on children. Holiday excitement and new objects can expose them to risk particularly if there are other children present. 320. Never let anyone go boating, driving or use any other type of vehicle if they have been drinking. 321. Dont drink and drive. Even on a horse (or reindeer).

322. Wash your hands in between handling different types of foods. Do this for at least 20 seconds, and be thorough. 323. Avoid cross-contamination when preparing large amounts and varieties of foods. Wash cutting boards and utensils in between handling different food types. Keep a separate cutting board for fruits and vegetables, and a separate one for meats or fish and never, EVER cut raw produce like carrot and celery sticks with the same knife you used on the turkey! 324. You run more risk of contracting food poisoning from pre-stuffed birds than when you make and add the stuffing yourself. 325. Rinse out your holiday bird and salt the cavity well before stuffing. (The salt will help kill bacteria and shouldnt raise anyones blood pressure.) 326. Use a meat thermometer to make sure your Holiday bird is cooked to the correct minimum temperature. 327. Consider elderly relatives with potential tooth or digestive challenges, and make sure your dinner has soft, plain food items, as well as crunchy veggie sticks and spicy dips.


Put leftovers away as promptly as possible, to avoid food poisoning.

329. Have standard stomach remedies on hand for mild stomach complaints such as over-eating or indigestion. 330. Dont assume that any sort of chest pain during the holidays is indigestion especially if the sufferer is elderly. Instead, have it checked out at the hospital emergency department. (Not fun but better to be safe than sorry!) 331. Check your house for fire hazards such as objects moved near heat sources, lit candles (or even unattended cigarettes) before turning in for the night after a Holiday party.

332. Cracking your knuckles or other joints does not cause arthritis, according to an April, 2011 article detailing a study in the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 333. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition is a big fan of tea-drinking. They have produced over a dozen articles detailing the benefits of tea from improving your mood to assisting in weight loss. 334. Drinking green tea can help lower blood pressure in certain groups of hypertensive people but drinking too much can raise it again. 335. Repetitive grooming behavior can fall under the umbrella of mental illness, if carried to excess. Excessive pimple-squeezing is called dermatillomania. Chronic hair pulling is known as trichotillomania. Chronic, compulsive nail-biting is called onychophagia. Seeing a psychologist who specializes in behavioral therap y can help you stop these behaviors, which are often more shaming or embarrassing than harmful. 336. Dehydration is the biggest problem for those suffering from stomach bugs, vomiting or diarrhea. Electrolyte replacement through fluid intake is vital. 337. Dont give fruit juices, sodas, broths or even Jell-O to people suffering from stomach viruses involving diarrhea. The sugar content increases diarrhea. Use Gatorade; and for younger children, drugstore freezer popsicles. 338. 339. Ringworm is a fungus that can spread from animals to people. Pregnant women are more attractive to mosquitoes.

340. Eliminating your triggers is far more important in quitting smoking than finding a smoking substitute such as a nicotine patch, or nicotine gum. 341. Walking as soon as you can after surgery is a good idea because lying in bed leads to risks such as pneumonia, digestive trouble (including severe gas pains), blood clots and bed sores. 342. 343. 344. If you suffer from constipation, drink more water! Toenails grow almost 4 times more slowly than fingernails. The small intestine is larger than the large intestine.

345. Its a myth that it is perfectly hygienic for a dog to lick its owner on the mouth. Dogs can transmit worms, parasites, norovirus and rotavirus. 346. Sneezes travel faster than coughs. Sneezes explode out of the average person at 100 mph, whereas coughs only manage to get up to 60 mph. 347. The human bladder can hold up to 2 cups of water before pressure to void becomes urgent. 348. Feet can produce 2 cups of sweat daily. And its true: Mens feet do produce more foot-sweat than women. 349. Eating two sweet potatoes a week will help prevent mole-based skin cancer, according to 350. People have bad dreams in cold rooms more than in warm ones, say the scientists. The truth, however, is that any extreme of temperature is likely to cause bad dreams as your brain attempts to warn you about conditions. 351. Right-handed people tend to live longer than left-handed people. There is no scientific basis for this, however: Blame instead the fact that 90% of all tools, doors, vehicles and so forth are made for right-handers, making it more challenging for southpaws to operate things safely. 352. There are so many scent allergies nowadays you may wish to switch to unscented personal care products to do your bit for your neighbor. (Keep the scents for your home or visit an aromatherapist!) 353. Should you panic about growth hormones in milk? No. When you drink milk, these are broken down instantly by the digestive process and there is no risk to humans.

354. According to a Scottish study, more people die of heart attacks on Monday than on any other weekday. And according to many hospital nurses, patients tend to die more at six o clock in the morning than at any other time. 355. Not sleeping can affect your sanity and your health and indirectly be responsible for death. Cortisol levels and blood pressure rise, body temperatures drop, the immune system is suppressed and after 24-36 hours, people begin to suffer confusion and even hallucinations. 356. The higher your IQ, the more you dream, according to several studies: However, most of us cant remember our dreams, so there are many people with a high IQ who will never be able to prove this to themselves. 357. Human brain tissue is impervious to pain but there are plenty of nerves and capillaries that can swell or become irritated and give you a ferocious headache. 358. Anti-bacterial soaps contain Triclosan, an anti-bacterial agent currently under review by the FDA. There is no proven benefit for using anti-bacterial soaps over the traditional soap-and-water, it alters hormone regulation in rats; plus there are fears that over-use of Triclosan may lead to the development of anti-bacterial resistant fungus and bacteria. 359. We all know about A and B blood types and combinations, as well as O type blood the most common in the world. However, there is a group of less than 100 people who also has A-H type blood. 360. The protein in milk consists of whey and casein. Muscle-building supplements are made from it and they work. 361. Most Inuit people eat mostly meats and fat and yet are one of the healthiest groups of people on the planet (cancer is virtually unknown). Their traditional seal and whale-based diet is high in selenium, omega 3 oils and vitamins A, D and E and contains no sugar and barely any carbohydrates. 362. Ever complain that men have thicker hair than women? It may be true! Mens hairs average twice the thickness of womens hairs. 363. Buy fresh fruits and produce that is loose and not packaged. The latter have often been improperly or unsafely prepared and they have been sitting in plastic. (This is especially true of pre-washed fruits or vegetables: Always re-wash them yourself anyway.)

364. Cut down on stress by eliminating any unnecessary negatives from your life and that includes negative people. 365. All plastics are not created equal. Dont purchase hard plastic items marked with the Numbers 7 or 3; or stamped with PC or PVC. Scientists are just beginning to discover that plastics are not as harmless as previously thought! 366. Stainless steel and cast iron cookware are the safest types to use particularly when heating foods at higher levels. Avoid Teflon cookware (especially if you like to cook with high heats): You can subject your family and pets to toxins and Teflon flu, if your cookware becomes too hot.

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