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IBM Placement Papers: Aptitude 1. Speed of boat in still water is 10kmph..if it travels !

km downstream"1#km upstream in the same amount of time"what is the speed of the stream$ %a&'kmph %b&'.(kmph %c& kmph %d&... . A cube of ' units is painted on all sides.If this cube is divided into cubes of 1 unit"how man) cube have none of their faces painted$ %a&... %b& %c&1 % d&0 %e&none of these '. If a person sells a product for rs1!1*+ he suffers a loss of #,.if he has to have a profit of 10," at what price should he sell it$ %a& %b&rs.1-( %c&.. %d&rs.1#( %i think"check& !. A ball falls from a of /ft "bounces back to half the distance 0 continues till it comes to rest. what is the total distance travelled b) the ball$ %a& !ft %b&... %c&infinite %d&cannot be determined ans:%a& (. 1hich of the followin. is the sum of ' consecutive prime nos$ %a&!2 %b&(2 %c&both a 0b %d&.... ans:c #. If the area of a s3uare has increased b) #2,"b) what , has its side increased$ -. In a class the avera.e a.e is 1#)rs.if the teacher who is !0 )rs of a.e is also included "the avera.e becomes 1-)rs"how man) students were there$

/. If ' houses are to be painted"mr A can paint a house in # da)s%nos are not same& B can do the same in / da)s...0 mr.4 in 1 da)s.if mr A does the work for / da)s 0 leaves for vacation" 0 mr B continues the work for the ne5t # da)s" for how man) da)s should mr.4 work$ ans:11 da)s%check& 2. ! thieves rob a baker) of the breadone after the other.each thief takes half of what is present "0 half a bread...if at the end ' bread remains"what is the no of bread that was present initialll)$ ans:#'%check& 10. If the 1rst da) of 1222 is a sunda)"what is the last da)$ %a&sunda) %b&monda) %c&.... %d&cannot be determined. 11. If A driver drives a car four times a lap 10" 0 '0"#0 kmph what is his avera.e speed. ans: 0kmph In a .roup there are two kinds of people t)pe A 0 t)pe B.t)pe A people answer for an) 3uestion as 67S 0 that of t)pe B as 89.if the) can not answer to these 3uestion then the) remain silent. the ma)or asks 3uestion to them as follows........ 1 . If he asks a person are u t)pe A a.67S b.89 c. Silent d.4an not be determined 1'. :e asks two persons ; 06simultaneousl) whether u of same t)pe a. 67S b. 89 c.67S or 89 d. Silent e. can not be determined 1!. Pointin. to a person ; he asks 6 what is his t)pe a. 67S b. 8o c. Silent d can not be determined

1(. Pointin. to a person ; he asks 6 if I ask him whether r u t)pe A "will he answer 67S.6 sa)s 89 .what t)pe of B is a. 67S b. 89 . c. Silent d. can not be determined 1#. Si5 s3uares of same dimension are kept side b) side to make a rectan.le with a perimeter of 1/ cm. what is the perimeter of each s3uare. ans& ( . 1-. 9ne student takes 0 mins to reach school if he .oes at a speed of 1(kmph .At what speed should he .o to reach in 1( mins % nos are not same& ans: 1#kmph% check& 1/. :ow man) rational numbers are there between 0 0 ( ans:infinite 12. A certain number of bullets were shared b) ' people e3uall).7ach of them fired ! bullets and the sum of the remainin. bullets was e3ual to the initial share each had .ot.what was the initial number of bullets$ ans:1/..% 1/*'<#= #+!< "#+!< "#+!< = > > <#<ans& ?echnical: 0. A is %a& a statement ..start of database.. %b&statements that r e5ecuted as a side effect to the modification to the database %c&... %d&... ans %b& 1. 1hat does the followin. statement mean$ int %@a&A!B %a&CaC is a pointer to an arra) of ! inte.ers %b&CaC is an arra) of pointers to %c&CaC is a pointer to function returnin. an %d&... ans:a . Best method to find out whether a .iven arra) alread) sorted"is sorted or not in min. time ans. insertion sort %check& '. A primar) ke) in one table also present in some other table is called %a&forei.n ke) %b&secondar) ke) %c&subordinate ke) %d&...

ans. forei.n ke) !. 1hich of the followin. is a real time s)stem$ %a&robotics control %b&airline ticket reservation%ans& %c& %d&... (. A 3uestion to convert a bi. no in decimal to octal%check onl) for the last nos in ans is sufficient& #. 1hich of the followin. is an e5ample of a spoolin. device$ %a&.. %b&line printer.. %c& %d& %e&... -. If in a table:account no"account holders name"account t)pe ".....%somethin. else was .iven&are the fields"which of them could be the primar) ke)$ %a&account no%ans& %b&account holders name %c&account t)pe %d&.. /. If a file is opened in Dr>D mode%in 4&"it means %a& write %b&read %c&... %d&..... 2. 1hat is the difference between 1 ' and 01 ' in c$ %a&1 0 %b&!0 %c&0 %d&... ans:!0 '0. Software 4onfi.uration Mana.ement process is E %a&developin. 0 software for %b&developin. 0 hardware %c&... %d&..

'1. Fata Inte.rit) constraint is %a&to ensure the presence of primar) ke) %b&... %c&... %d&... ' . 1hich of the followin. uses the minimum of cable$ %a&rin. %b&star %c&mesh %d&bus %e&all of the above '1. :ow can u append the ls and who to certain e5istin. file %like that&%i.e.listin. 0 output of who is to be directed to a file %a&ls=whoGfilename %b&ls=whoGGfilename %c&%ls=who&GGfilename %d&who=lsHfilename %e&... '!. Suppose u have a network .users complain of slow ....u suspect a problem in network adapter once u find that the data is continuous and erroneous.what device do u use$ %a&volt+ohmmeter %b&S8MP %c&protocol... checkin. %d&all of the above '(. 1hat is vector processin.$ '#. 5+<)>1 is e3uivalent to what$ %a&5<5+)>1 %b&... %c&5<5+)+1 %d&... ans:%c& '-. In a student form what is the relationship b*w student and course %a&one to one %b&man) to one %c&one to man) %d&man) to man) '/. I9M is %a&volatile

%b&permanent 0 fast %c&device containi. boot up pro.ram 0 is not accessible %d&...

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