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PROGRAM Good evening ladies and gentlemen, especially to our young men and young women who are

present to celebrate this special day. I'm risha Ibarra and I'm !hristian "lait, and we are your hosts #or tonight. Patricia $ri%a is now a very #ine young lady as she turns &'. (riends, let us all welcome our debutante with a warm round o# applause. O# course, this )oyous a##air would not have been possible without the support o# her parents. *ithout them, her li#e would be empty and unhappy. "adies and gentelmen, it is our pleasure to introduce to you, ita $mma and ito Mario. "et us begin the celebration with a prayer to be led by Ms. +henna ,ate orres. May we all stand, bow down our heads and o##er our hearts to the lord. -.+henna's Prayer/ 0ow, to o##er a song to the debutante, here is her good #riend and my partner, !hristian Paul "lait. -.!hristian/ han% you #or that !hristian. At this point, we would li%e to announce that we will have our dinner. And while we are eating, let's watch some audio visual presentation made #or Pat. A#ter the dinner, the #amily would li%e to re1uest everybody to please remain #or a while #or the continuation o# our program. able & may now proceed to the bu##et table. han% you. -dinner .picture ta%ing/ -a#ter dinner .&' proper program/ "adies and gentelman, may we have your attention again please. "et us again welcome the debutante. 2o you guys %now that the word 3debutante3, as she is called, is a (rench word meaning a 3#emale beginner34 5es, a beginner as an adult, who is being prepared to be introduced into society and into a world o# civic responsibility and social awareness. As she turns into a young adult, here are &' girls to give her &' meaning#ul gi#ts.

hese girls have contributed so much in her li#e. +he #eels that they have been part o# what she is now and what she would become in the #uture. *hile presenting her the gi#t, you have to e6plain why you chose to give it to her. 5ou may also o##er her some inspirational messages. -&' Gi#ts he #irst girl is her cousin, Marcia who is in !anada. "et's watch her video message. Ate 7he .cousin/ ,aye .cousin/ Ate 5et 7enah +henna +arah !ha $ri%a Mads 8illary Gelou Maye 9yla rish 7" Pao ala

(or the &' special guys, she as%ed them to give her &' sweets. *e all %now that sweets are a tradional romantic gi#t that guys give to girls. +o #or the guys, as you give those sweets to her, you also have to e6plain why you chose those #or her.

he #irst one is Marc, his cousin. 8e is also in !anda. +o let's watch him. ,uya 7herwin .cousin/ Rome 7erico 7Ason 7ed Russel in 7ho ,enneth !hristian 7uly 7erome Ale6 ine :ly ian 0ors o render another song to our debutane, let's all give :lysses a round o# applause. At this moment, may we re1uest everyone to please stand and sing the traditional birthday song. -;irthday song, blowing o# candles, ca%e eating -,ayo na bahala mag intro ng deubutant speech di %o na maisip ts%a a%o naman yan. 8aha. han%s guys.-debutant speech -partyyyyyyyyy

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