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General Education Subject Areas 1. English 2. Filipino 3. Mathematics 4. Science 5. Social Studies 6. !" !otal No.

of Units 15 9 6 6 24 3 "# units Percentage Equivalent based on the no. of units 24% 14% 10% 10% 37% 5% $%%% % based on the no. of units and Emphases 20% 15% 20% 20% 20% 5% $%%% No. of tems 20 items 15 items 20 items 20 items 20 items 5 items $%% items

Note& 1. "#S is $!%"S&%ased 'ith competencies ancho(ed on speci)ic domains and st(ands 'he(e applica*le. 1. "he "#S&conside(ed !M# 59+ s. 1996 )o( the ,en Ed as (e)e((ed to *- !M# 30+ sec. 9 o) the $e' "eache( Education !u((iculum. 2. "he dist(i*ution o) the 'eights is *ased on the num*e( o) units+ the impo(tance o) the cou(ses .is&/&.is the cu((ent th(ust in the 0hilippine Education 'hich a(e English+ Math and Science. 3. Science !ompetencies 'e(e )ocused on in1ui(- and p(ocess s2ills 'ith the content as a conte3t )o( the de.elopment o) the items.

N!EG'A! (N and )A* +A! (N of the N,-!S. -ASE+ !(S for *E! *egenda /otel0 Subic0 (longapo ,it1 2ebruar1 3.$$0 4%%3 General Education& English N,-!S 1. 44 54.16 47 57.16 2. 44 54.16 1. 44 54.16 2. 42 52.46 1. 44 54.46 2. 44 54.46 42 52.36 1. 44+ 47 2. 44 54.26 42 52.36 3. 44 54.16 1. 44 54.16 SU-5E,! English Stud- and "hin2ing S2ills English 2 7(iting in the 4iscipline English 3 Speech and #(al !ommunication 8ite(atu(e 0hilippine 8ite(atu(e ,(6PE!EN,7 1. 9se English language co((ectl- and app(op(iatel-. 2. !omp(ehend '(itten te3t. 1. 4emonst(ate accu(ac- in using discou(se signals in '(iting .a(ious te3t t-pes. 2. !ommunicate in '(itten English e))ecti.el-. 1. :ppl- p(inciples and theo(ies in deli.e(ing in)o(mation o(all-. 2. 4e.elop the a(t o) 1uestioning. 1. denti)- local lite(a(- pieces. 2. 4e.elop comp(ehension to e3t(act elements in ma;o( lite(a(- gen(es. 3. <elate insights to gi.en situations.


8ite(atu(e 2 1. :nal-=e+ inte(p(et+ s-nthesi=e and e.aluate maste( 'o(2s o) the 'o(ld. Maste( 7o(2s o) the 7o(ld

Note& !onside( list o) selections> antholog- o) 'o(2s as the conte3t o) the test items.

N!EG'A! (N and )A* +A! (N of the N,-!S. -ASE+ !(S for *E! *egenda /otel0 Subic0 (longapo ,it1 2ebruar1 3.$$0 4%%3 General Education& 2ilipino N,-!S 1. 44 54.16 SU-5E,! Filipino ?omuni2as-on sa :2ademi2ong Filipino Filipino 2 0ag*asa at 0agsulat tungo sa 0ananali2si2 Filipino 3 Masining na 0agpapaha-ag ,(6PE!EN,7 1. $agagamit nang ma- lalong mataas na antas ng 2asana-an at 2ahusa-an ang Filipino sa a2ademi2ong la(angan. 2. $a*a*asa nang ma- 'astong pag&una'a ang mga te2sto sa i*at&i*ang disiplina. 3. $agagamit nang ma- husa- ang Filipino sa pag*uo ng isang sulating pananali2si2. 4. $agagamit ang ang2op na (epe(t'al 5(epe(toi(e6 ng 'i2a sa pagpapaha-ag ng 2aalaman+ 2a(anasan at saloo*in. 5. 5add competenc- on lingg'isti2a6


2. 44 54.16

3. 44 54.26 4. 47 51.46

N!EG'A! (N and )A* +A! (N of the N,-!S. -ASE+ !(S for *E! *egenda /otel0 Subic0 (longapo ,it1 2ebruar1 3.$$0 4%%3 General Education& 6athematics N,-!S 1. 44 4.1 SU-5E,! Math Fundamentals o) Math ,(6PE!EN,7 1. 9se o) )ou( )undamental ope(ations in p(o*lem 1.1 ope(ations 'ith 'hole num*e(s+ decimals+ )(actions and intege(s 1.2 p(ime+ composite+ denominate num*e(s 1.3 p(ime )acto(i=ation 1.4 8!M+ ,!F 1.5 4i.isi*ilit- (ules 1.6 <atio and 0(opo(tion 1.7 0e(centage+ <ate and %ase 1.A Measu(ement and unit o) measu(e 1.A.1 0e(imete( 1.A.2 :(ea 1.A.3 Bolume 1.A.4 !apacit1.A.5 7eight 2. 0lane ,eomet(2.1 Sho' maste(- o) *asic te(ms and concepts in 0lane ,eomet(2.1.1 lines and cu(.es+ pe(pendicula( and pa(allel lines 2.1.2 angles+ angle p(ope(ties 2.1.3 special t(iangles and 1uad(ilate(als 2.1.4 pol-gons


2. 44 4.1

2.2 Sol.e p(o*lems *asic te(ms and concepts in plane geomet(3. 44 4.1 3. Elementa(- :lge*(a 3.1 Sho' maste(- o) *asic te(ms and concepts in Elementa(- :lge*(a 3.1.1 :lge*(aic e3p(essions 3.1.2 0ol-nomials 3.1.3 8inea( e1uations 3.1.4 8inea( ine1ualities 3.2 Sol.e+ e.aluate+ and manipulate s-m*olic and nume(ical p(o*lems in elementa(- alge*(a *- appl-ing )undamental (ules+ p(inciples and p(ocesses. Math 2 !ontempo(a(- Math 4. Statistics and 0(o*a*ilit4.1 Sho' maste(- and 2no'ledge o) *asic te(ms and concepts in statistics and p(o*a*ilit4.1.1 counting techni1ues 4.1.2 p(o*a*ilit- o) an e.ent 4.1.3 measu(e o) cent(al tendenc4.1.4 measu(es o) .a(ia*ilit4.2 Sol.e+ e.aluate+ manipulate s-m*olic and nume(ical p(o*lems in statistics and p(o*a*ilit- *- appl-ing )undamental (ules+ p(inciples and p(ocesses.

44 4.1 4. 44 4.1


N!EG'A! (N and )A* +A! (N of the N,-!S. -ASE+ !(S for *E! *egenda /otel0 Subic0 (longapo ,it1 2ebruar1 3.$$0 4%%3 General Education& Science N,-!S 1. 41+ 47 7.1 2. 41+ 44+ 47 1.2+ 4.1+ 7.2 3. 41+ 42+ 44 1.2+ 2.3.2+ 4.1 4. 44 4.1 5. 44+ 46+ 41 4.7+ 6.1+ 1.2 4.4 6. 44 4.1 0h-sical Science 5Ea(th Science6 SU-5E,! %iological Science 5,ene(al %iolog-6 ,(6PE!EN,7 1. denti)- scienti)ic t(aits and attitudes e3hi*ited in .a(ious situations. 2. 9se scienti)ic in1ui(- to in.estigate mate(ials+ e.ents and phenomena in the natu(al 'o(ld 5designing e3pe(iments+ collecting o(gani=ing+ anal-=ing and inte(p(eting+ data+ ma2ing conclusions+ and communicating (esults. 3. 9se scienti)ic 2no'ledge to e3plain natu(al phenomena and p(otect ea(thCs (esou(ces. 4. :nal-=e ad.antages and disad.antages o) di))e(ent solutions to pa(ticula( p(o*lems. 5. :nal-=e the impact o) technolog- on and non& things.


6. !on.e(t units in the met(ic s-stem. Note: "he conte3t o) the items 'ill use *iological and ph-sical phenomena.

N!EG'A! (N and )A* +A! (N of the N,-!S. -ASE+ !(S for *E! *egenda /otel0 Subic0 (longapo ,it1 2ebruar1 3.$$0 4%%3 General Education& Social Science 4%% N,-!S 4.1 4.1 4.1 3.1.6 4.1 6.1 4.1 6.1 4.1 6.1 4.1 6.1 3.1 5.1 4.1 6.1 7.1 5.3 1.2 SU-5E,! 1. 0hilippine ,o.e(nment $e' !ontent 'ith Duman <ights 2. 0hilippine Disto(,(6PE!EN,7 1. Familia(i=e 'ith the .a(ious )o(ms o) go.e(nment )(om the %a(anga- to the p(esent s-stem. 2. E3plain the natu(e and p(o.ision o) the p(esent constitution to ad.antages and disad.antages o.e( the othe( in the past in its )unction as )undamental la' o) the state. 1. "(ace the histo(- o) the 0hilippines )(om p(e&colonial to contempo(a(- pe(iods. 2. 4(a' the implications o) the histo(ical e.olution o) the 0hilippines to the p(esent socio&political conditions. 1. %e )amilia( 'ith the 0hilippine economic conditions 'ith (espect to ta3ation+ land (e)o(m and coope(ati.e as 'ell as to the g(o'th o) g(oss national p(oduct. 2. :ppl- the )undamental economic p(inciples to cu((ent economic conditions o) the 0hilippines+ 1. !omp(ehend the *asic concepts+ theo(ies and pe( 'hich (elate to societ-+ cultu(e and )amil- planning 2. <ecogni=e cultu(al elements that a(e distinctl- Filipino. 1. Familia(i=e <i=al and his 'o(2. 2. E.aluate the cont(i*ution o) othe( 0hilippine he(oes and he(oines.



3. Economics+ "a3ation+ 8and <e)o(m and !oope(ati.e 4. Societ- and !ultu(e 'ith Famil- 0lanning 5. <i=al and othe( De(oes




4.1 6.1 3.1 1.1 2.1 6.1 4.1 1.2 7.1 1.2 7.1 3.1 2.5 4.1 2.1 2.4 2.5 7.1

6. 0hilisoph-

1. Mani)est 2no'ledge and unde(standing o) the natu(e o) a Filipino+ the Filipino societ- and the eme(ging Filipino philosoph-.


2. Mani)est a c(itical and anal-tical attitude to'a(d speci)ic issues and p(o*lems in dail- li)e. 7. :(t :pp(eciation 1. <e)lect on the totalit- o) human e3pe(iences in )o(mulating a human pe(specti.e that integ(ates all a(eas o) 2no'ledge. 2. nteg(ate the a(eas o) humanities in di))e(ent human e3pe(iences. A. 0s-cholog1. 4esc(i*e the * o) the indi.idual in (elation to his ph-sical and social en.i(onment. 2. E3plain the *asic concepts and theo(ies in unde(standing human * 2% 2%

N!EG'A! (N and )A* +A! (N of the N,-!S. -ASE+ !(S for *E! *egenda /otel0 Subic0 (longapo ,it1 2ebruar1 3.$$0 4%%3 General Education& ,! N,-!S 1. 44 4.1 2. 44+ 46 4.4+ 6.1 3. 42+ 44+ 46 2.5+ 4.7 SU-5E,! nt(oduction to !ompute( ,(6PE!EN,7 1. Mani)est maste(- o) )undamental concepts+ p(inciples and ope(ations o) in)o(mation and communication technolog- 5 !"6. 2. denti)- .a(ied and app(op(iate use o) technolog-. 3. :nal-=e the e))ect> impact o) !" on the en.i(onment.


,onsolidated b1& 4(. Bilma 4. :ndo4(. 0u(ita 0. %il*ao 4(. Bi(ginia De(nande=

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