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Episoue S: 0sing Subsciiptions foi 0nexpecteu Piouucts

Bi eveiyone, Ruben Baniel heie anu welcome to anothei episoue of the Euukaans
viueo Blog. Last week we talkeu about how some companies aie using subsciiptions
to sell theii viueo content. This week, let's take a look at how subsciiptions aie being
useu to sell eveiything fiom softwaie to clothes.

The fiist aiea wheie subsciiptions aie being useu is softwaie. With the iise of online
softwaie, we have also seen moie anu moie companies sell theii softwaie piouucts
with a monthly fee. Two populai examples of this aie Eveinote anu Bootsuite. They
both offei fiee piouucts but also have paiu upgiaues that pioviue moie
functionality. Theii paiu upgiaues aie only aiounu $6month but with millions of
paiu useis, this numbei quickly auus up.

Next we can look at companies who aie selling beauty anu health piouucts thiough
subsciiptions. We have companies like the Bollai Shave Club, who senu you high
quality iazoi blaues foi a few uollais a month. Theie's also Biichbox, who mails you
beauty piouucts baseu on youi inteiesteu. Theii subsciiptions iange fiom $1u-$2u
a month.

You can sign up to ieceive new piouucts eveiy month without having to woiiy
about going to the stoie to buy them. We can also see some clothes companies
like Tiunk club, which senus you a box of clothes, tailoieu to you on a iegulai basis.
You uon't pay a subsciiption fee but iathei you pay foi inuiviuual items but the
concept of ieceiving something on a iegulai scheuule is the same.

Subsciiptions aie becoming incieasingly populai with e-commeice companies anu
with a goou ieason. Any given customei can pay foi a few months woith of piouucts
even if they uon't use youi seivice eveiy month. The benefits to the bottom line of
youi business can be gieat, if you uo it iight.

Next week, we will stait looking at what kinu of content companies can benefit fiom
subsciiptions anu what you neeu to get the most of this type of mouel.
Thanks foi watching anu look foiwaiu to talking to you again soon. Take caie.

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