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INTRODUCTION During the Design Committee meeting held on 13 April 2004 for discussing the justification Report (Rev. 2 for Delma !sland "#$ % $hase !!& #he "tudies and Design Committee& instructed '()*+,( to change the aeration s-stem in the ne. e/pansion project from mechanical aeration to diffused aeration. #he purpose of this document is to highlight the comparison 0et.een the mechanical surface aerators and the proposed diffused air s-stem and provide cost estimates and recommendations. TECHNICAL BACKGROUND #he .aste.ater treatment process at the Delma "e.age #reatment $lant passes through three main stages1 1. 2. 3. $rimar- #reatment "econdar- #reatment #ertiar- #reatment

#he core of the process is the second stage& the secondar- treatment& .here aeration introduces air into the se.age& providing an aero0ic environment for micro0ial degradation of organic matter. #he purpose of aeration is to provide the follo.ing1 a. 0. "uppl- the re2uired o/-gen to the meta0oli3ing microorganisms. $rovide mi/ing so that the microorganisms come into intimate contact .ith the dissolved and suspended organic matter.

!n se.age treatment processes the t.o most common aeration s-stems are surface or su0surface. !n surface s-stem the mechanical surface aerator agitates the se.age 0- various means in order to increase the surface area in contact .ith air& propellers& 0lades or 0rushes could 0e used for this s-stem. !n su0surface s-stem& air is introduced 0- 0lo.ers to the diffusers or other devices su0merged in the se.age. As the aeration s-stems for conventional .aste.ater activated sludge plants t-picall- account for 445 to 605 of the treatment facilities total energ- use& this major item should 0e considered in selecting the aeration s-stems for the cost impact on the operation and maintenance costs of the treatment plants.

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DIFFUSERS 8arious diffusion devices have 0een classified in the past 0ased on their o/-gen transfer efficienc- ()#( as either fine 0u00le or coarse 0u00le. "ince it is difficult to clearl- define 0et.een fine and coarse 0u00le& diffused aeration s-stem have 0een classified 0ased on the ph-sical characteristics of the e2uipment& these are9 1. 2. 3. $orous (fine 0u00le diffusers. :onporous (coarse 0u00le diffusers. )ther diffusion devices such as aspirators& ; tu0es and jet aerators.

BASIS OF COMPARISON: #he main elements to focus in on& .hen comparing a mechanical aeration s-stem to a diffused aeration s-stem are as follo.s9 1. 2. 3. 4. 4. 6. =. >. 7. 10. (fficienc- * $erformance Capital Cost !mplication (lectrical (nerg- Cost Applica0ilit- to process "election (nvironmental !mpact "ervice <ife )peration and +aintenance Control "-stem Relia0ilitAdvantages and Disadvantages

#a0le :o. 1 has 0een developed using the listed point& in order to clearlidentif- the direct comparison 0et.een the s-stems. TABLE NO. 1
N . B!"#" $ C %&!'#" ( M)*+!(#*!, S-'$!*) A)'!. '" D#$$-")/ A#'

1 2 3 4 4 6 = > 7

(fficienc-*$erformance Cost implication (lectrical (nerg- Cost Applica0ilit(nvironment !mpact "ervice <ife ),+ Control "-stem Relia0ilit-

(fficient and performs .ell.

+ore efficient and perform .ells .hen it is .ell maintained. <ess capital cost +ore capital cost <ess ),+ Cost. +ore ),+ Cost. +ore cost. <ess cost. ?ood. ?ood. @as some negative impact <ess negative impact on on environment. environment. <onger service life. "horter service life. <ess ),+ needs. +ore ),+ needs. (as- to control the s-stem. +ore control re2uired. ?ood. ?ood.

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N .

B!"#" $ C %&!'#" (

M)*+!(#*!, S-'$!*) A)'!. '"

D#$$-")/ A#'



:eed less cleaning. :o chemical attacA to the s-stem <ess effort in preventive

(/hi0it high aeration efficiencies. Result 8.).C emissions. <ess shear damage for concrete structure <ess noise :eed more cleaning for the diffusers and filters. Diffusers are su0ject to chemical attacA. :eed more effort in preventive maintenance.



(/hi0it less aeration efficiencies. Result higher volatile organic compound emissions. @igh shear damage for concrete structure maintenance. +ore noise.

RECOMMENDED SYSTEM the instructions from the "tudies and Design Committee and 0ased on the information contained .ithin this report& '()*+,( recommended the diffused aeration s-stem 0e implemented in the $haseC!! development of Delma "e.age #reatment $lant9 A. Dlo.ers*Dlo.ers Duilding $ositive displacement t-pe to 0e supplied complete& erected inside the Dlo.erEs Duilding and connected to the air pipes. )ne shall 0e on dut- and one as standC0-. Air $ipes "tainless steel pipe and fittings for process air to diffused aeration s-stem shall 0e used as complete s-stem. Diffusers Bine 0u00le air diffusers shall 0e mounted or scre.ed into the diffuser header pipe (air manifold that run along the length or .idth of the aeration tanAs. #he fine 0u00le diffusers are usuall- made from either ceramic& plastics or mem0ranes. #he ceramic media diffusers shall 0e used for the advantages of chemicals resistance and dura0ilit-.



#he implementation of the diffused aeration .ill liAel- cost appro/imatel- A(D 1.=0 +illion more than surface aeration. #he major increases in cost are a direct result of the ne. 0uilding to house the 0lo.ers and stainless steel process piping for suppl-ing air to the tanAs. A cost comparison and process estimates are attached on the pages.

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C %&!'#" ( 0).1))( .+) * ". $ D),%! STP 1#.+ M)*+!(#*!, "-'$!*) A)'!. '" !(/ D#$$-")/ A#' S2".)% C ". E".#%!.) $ ' C319/319M (3444%3//) 1#.+ M)*+!(#*!, S-'$!*) A)'!. '"

D)"*'#&.# ( !nlet @ead.orAs Aeration Aerators Clarifiers Bilters (ffluent "torage #anA Administration Duilding RA" $ump "tation "ludge Dr-ing Deds "ite ForAs #anAs (+.".

U(#. :o. :o. :o. :o.C :o. :o. :o. :o. <ump "um

5-!(.#.2 1 2 2 4 1 1 1 10 C

U(#. P'#*) (D+") 601&400 2&004&000 1&246&340 122&400 3&>04&400 3&444&700 360&000 343&4=4 4&000&000

T .!, C ". (D+") 601&400 4&010&000 2&472&=00 4>7&600 3&>04&400 3&444&700 360&000 3&434&=40 4&000&000 6378397934 6&342&044 4&=26&646

T .!, C ". $ STP !rrigation Reservoir !rrigation <ines T .!, C ". $ I''#:!.# ( T .!, C ". $ P' <)*.

1674;97814 3=79187==4

C 317*317+

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C ". E".#%!.) $ ' C319/319M (3444%3//) 1#.+ D#$$-")/ A#' S2".)%

D)"*'#&.# ( !nlet @ead.orAs Aeration "-stem Clarifiers Bilters (ffluent "torage #anA Administration Duilding RA" $ump "tation * D. Duilding "ludge Dr-ing Deds "ite ForAs #anAs (D.A

U(#. :o. :o. :o. :o.C :o. :o. :o. :o. :o. <ump "um

5-!(.#.2 1 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 10 C

U(#. P'#*) (D+") 601&400 2&404&000 1&246&340 122&400 3&>04&400 3&444&700 360&000 700&000 343&4=4 4&000&000

T .!, C ". (D+") 601&400 4&>10&000 2&472&=00 4>7&600 3&>04&400 3&444&700 360&000 700&000 3&434&=40 4&000&000 6=73397934 6&342&044 4&=26&646

T .!, C ". $ STP !rrigation Reservoir !rrigation <ines T .!, C ". $ I''#:!.# ( T .!, C ". $ P' <)*.

1674;97814 387=187==4

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